Comparing SKF and Erbessd sen- sor integration for


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Linköpings universitetSE–581 83 Linköping+46 13 28 10 00 ,

Linköping University | Department of Computer and Information ScienceBachelor’s thesis, 16 ECTS | Computer Science

2021 | LIU-IDA/LITH-EX-G--2021/044--SE

Comparing SKF and Erbessd sen-sor integration for predictivemaintenanceJämför sensorintegration från SKF och Erbessd för prediktivt un-derhåll

William Sjöström

Supervisor : Erik BerglundExaminer : Anders Fröberg


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©William Sjöström

Comparing SKF and Erbessd sensor integration forpredictive maintenance

William Sjöströ

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this thesis was to compare two integration’sof sensors, into a system called Enlight, but could in theoryhave been integrated to most systems. As a pre-study, thespecifications and availability of five sensors were researched.From the pre-study, Smart Edge 4.0 and Phantom EPH-V11/10from Erbessd, were chosen and then integrated. Usability andperformance of the integrations were then compared usingcognitive dimensions and stopwatch. Phantom from Erbessdwas deemed to be more usable, and the integration of SmartEdge 4.0, had better performance.

INTRODUCTIONThe usage of predictive maintenance can have many benefitsfor a company in terms of both maintenance and costs.Predictive maintenance is the main term for work in thiscontext. SKF is a company that has big ambitions in predictivemaintenance, and is the company for which this project willbe done.

SKF have since 1907, made bearings for all types ofindustrial use, but have also, in more recent years, beenmaking software and hardware for predictive maintenance.SKF aims to widen their approach to predictive maintenanceby integrating the use of 3rd party sensors in their systemEnlight Centre. The purpose for integration with 3rd partysensors is to widen their market of obtainable customers. Thepurpose of predictive maintenance is to, at an earlier stage,detect deviating data which results in predicting the need formaintenance. An example would be, detecting the need forservice on a bearing in a wind turbine, using data vibrationand temperature data.

To achieve predictive maintenance, monitoring devicesare needed, which is usually done with sensors. Vibration,speed(rpm), temperature are some of the main points that,when monitored, enable the use of predictive maintenance,which in this case is the context of bearings. The sensorscommunicate with the outside world through gateways. Data


can then be transferred from a sensor to an interface throughthe gateway. The job of the interface is to make sure that thedata is formatted correctly and thereafter transferred to thecorrect database or system. This thesis, will in part look at theavailability for integrating third party sensors to systems.

PURPOSEThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate two different appli-cation programming interfaces(APIs), that will be used toimplement an interface that communicates with multiple sen-sors through a gateway. As a pre-study, five different sensorswill be evaluated based on performance and the availabilityof integration. Thereafter, two sensors will be chosen andintegrated to a system called enlight, but this could in theorybe replicated and integrated to any system. The integrationwill be performed with an interface, using an API, provided bythe manufacturer of each sensor. The APIs will be evaluatedon two factors: performance, and ease of use using cognitivedimensions.

RESEARCH QUESTIONSWhat is the difference in ease of use, between the gatewaycommunication API from SKF and the corresponding APIfrom Erbessd, in terms of cognitive dimensions?

What is the performance difference in terms of timebetween receiving and delivering a packet in SKF’s gatewaycommunication API and Erbessd’s corresponding API?


BackgroundThe sensors that will be researched and evaluated, are wirelessvibration sensors. Data is measured at the sensors, and thensent to a wireless gateway, that is mounted and connected toa sensor. Then the gateway sends the received data to theirrespective API. When the data is received by the API, it is thensent forward to the Enlight system through rest posts. Thedetails and specifications of each part will be described below.

EnlightThe system for which the sensors in this paper are to be in-tegrated, is called Enlight. The Enlight system receives anddisplays different types of measurements from sensors. In thecase of this paper, data from the two sensors will be sent totheir respective API’s. The API’s will then send their data tothe implemented interfaces. At the interface, the received datawill be reformatted to meet the post format required by theEnlight API.

Figure 1. Smart Edge Workflow

Figure 2. Smart Edge 4.0 sensor

SensorsSmart edge 4.0The SKF smart edge 4.0 has a frequency range of up to 8 kHzon the y and x axis, and 5kHz on the z axis. It also has amaximum sampling rate of 25.6 kHz. Inside the sensor, thereis a semiconductor based temperature sensor with an operatingtemperature range of -40ºC to 120ºC. A microphone is alsointegrated inside that can accurately measure soundwaves be-tween 50 to 120 dB. The smart edge sensor is a triaxial sensor,meaning that it can measure vibration in three different direc-tions. One negative with the smart edge sensor, is that it uses apower cable, making it not fully wireless. Figure 1, shows theworkflow for the Smart Edge sensor. From figure1 it can beseen that there are two ways that the sensor can communicatewith its surroundings. A mobile App is used for configurationof the Sensor through bluetooth, and then data is sent from thesensor to SKF’s AWS service through an access point. Figure2 shows a picture of the Smart Edge 4.0 sensor.

Figure 3. EPH-V10 sensor

EPH-V10 and EPH-V11The EPH-V10 and EPH-V11 sensors are two very similarsensors within the Phantom line of Erbessd. As the focus ofthe paper is regarding integration, the EPH-V10 and -V11 willbe discussed in the same category, as integration for one ofthem will work for the other. Only the specifications for theEPH-V11 sensor will be listed, as it is newer and more modern.From now on, the EPH-V11 sensor will be referred to as the“Phantom Sensor” for ease of reading. The Phantom sensorhas a frequency range of up to 10 kHz on the x and y axis, andup to 5.1 kHz on the z axis. Just like the Smart edge sensor,the Phantom sensor is a triaxial sensor meaning measurementscan be made on three axles. The maximum sampling rate ofthe Phantom sensor is 25.6 kHz. There is an integrated lithiumbattery within the Phantom sensor, which has a battery lifeof roughly 100,000 measurements. This equates to about 2-4years, depending on capture frequency. The Phantom sensorcommunicates with its surroundings using a gateway, which inthe case of this paper, sends the data to an API. The EPH-V10sensor can be seen in figure 3 and EPH-v11 in figure 4. Thegateway with which the sensors communicate, can be seen infigure 7

Figure 4. EPH-V11 sensor

Figure 5. Phantom gateway

Languages used in integrationFor integration, two languages were used, C# and Golang.C# was needed to be used for integrating with the ErbessdPhantom API. Golang however, was chosen because most ofthe code written at SKF for sensors, is written in Golang.

Related WorkWireless Sensor Networking in Smart HomesIn 2008, a study regarding Wireless sensor networking insmart home environments was conducted by Dipak Surie,Oliver Laguionie, and Thomas Pederson[8]. The study issimilar in the sense that the setup for experiment, is verysimilar to the setup of the sensors discussed in this paper. Theauthors placed several types of wireless sensors within a home,which were connected to a gateway that communicated withan interface. The authors wrote their interface in c#, which isthe language that the API for the Phantom sensors is writtenin. The object manager interface used in the experiment, willbehave similarly to the API’s that will be implemented anddiscussed in this paper. The object manager interface, has fourresponsibilities, which can be summarized to initialize thesensors, and to provide information regarding the sensors toother interfaces. The authors stated that containing a real-timemodel of the sensors in the object manager, was of importancefor monitoring based on their previous work.[8][9][7]

IoT based Condition Monitoring of Generators and Predictive

MaintenanceA paper written by D.Swathi, Dr.T.Anil Kumar, MD.Yaseen,discusses how to conduct predictive maintenance on genera-tors[10]. The sensors used in the study were the ADXL345accelerometer, and an LM135 temperature sensor. TheADXL345, similarly to the Smart edge and Phantom sen-sor, is a triaxial vibration sensor. The environment for theauthors method, also used a gateway which then sent data toa cloud computing platfrom. The data was then computedusing several formulas and then displayed in a GUI, muchlike the Enlight system. The main findings of that the authorscould conclude, was the importance of real-time data regard-ing the states of the sensors to achieve sufficient conditionmonitoring.[10]

Middle ware for Distributed Industrial Real-Time Systems on

ATM NetworksIn 1996, a paper was written by Ichiro Mizunumat, Chia Shed,and Morikazu Takegakil[4]. The paper discussed an approachfor middle ware in distributed industrial real-time system. Theauthors discuss their implementation of a condition monitoringservice called MidART, which operates on a local area net-work. Although their implementation and environment differspartially from this paper there are some key takeaways thatthe authors brought up in their paper. One important aspect ofhaving a real-time interface is the ease of use and predictabil-ity, which according to the authors is achieved by simplicityand consistency.[4]

METHODThe following steps were taken to accurately answer the tworesearch questions. During the beginning of this project, a pre-study was conducted. From the pre-study two sensors with

APIs were chosen based on their availability and specifica-tions. Thereafter, two separate implementations of interfaceswere made using the APIs supplied by the manufacturers ofthe sensors, which is SKF and Erbessd. The Implementedinterfaces were then evaluated based on their performance aswell as usability in terms of cognitive dimensions.

Pre-studyAs a first step, a pre-study was conducted where two sensorswere selected. The sensor selections was made based on twodifferent variables, availability and specifications. Five differ-ent sensors from SKF, Erbessd, Amazon AWS, Emerson andKCF were compared. Firstly the specifications of the sensorswere compared. The different values that were interesting tocompare were the following:

• Measuring range

• Frequency response

• Sampling frequency

• Battery lifetime

• Operating temperature

• Capture frequency

Thereafter, the availability of the sensors and their ability tobe integrated to other systems was researched. Informationregarding availability was gathered by contacting the compa-nies, as well as looking at their usage policies through theirwebsites. Availability played a bigger part when choosingsensors, and reaching out to the companies was done in theorder that the specification comparison generated.

ImplementationThe implementation of the interface using the API, had fourmain purposes.

• Receiving messages from the API

• Handling the various message types

• Constructing a data packet in Json for sending[5]

• Sending the data packet to the correct endpoint

Message receiving was handled by the API through predefinedfunctions. Data reformatting and data packet sending weredeveloped. As the authors of [4] stated, simplicity and consis-tency is key when designing middle ware in real time systems.Camel case notations will be used throughout developmentas according to it reduces mistakes and increases readabil-ity according to David W. Binkley, Marcia Davis, Dawn J.Lawrie, and Christopher Morrell[1]. For better comparisonsof usage and performance between the two implementations,the implementations were made to be as similar as possible.

EvaluationWhen the implementation phase was done, the implementa-tions were evaluated. The performance aspect of the researchquestions was answered using a method called stopwatch.Stop watch is according to David B. Stewart good for non

interactive programs[6]. The stopwatch was started when amessage containing a data point was received at the imple-mented interface, and stopped when the response from theenlight API was received. To get comparable run-times, fivemeasurements were be made for each integration and thencompared as average values.The usability aspect of the research question was answeredusing cognitive dimensions. The guide for using cognitivedimensions to measure API usability was the base for thiscomparison[2][3]. Usability was measured based on four dif-ferent cognitive dimensions.

• Total number lines

• Role-expressiveness

• Premature commitment

• Error-proneness

The two implementations were compared using the four cogni-tive dimensions, and give one point for each dimension whereone implementation was better than the other. Finally, theimplementation and API with the better usability were deter-mined based on their respective points.


pre-studyA pre-study was conducted, where five different sensors werecompared based on performance. The sensors that were com-pared were the following:

• Monitron, Amazon Web Services

• AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor, Emerson

• Smart Edge 4.0, SKF

• Smart Diagnostics Vibration Sensor Node (SD-VSN-3),KCF

• Phantom Atex EPH-V11, Erbessd

Looking at the specifications of each sensor in figure 2, wecan see that the AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor sensor fromEmerson is the most versatile. Unfortunately, Emerson wasas of writing not willing to give out their Software Develop-ment Kits(SDK). The sensors from Emerson could only beused with their own systems AMS device manager, and AMSmachine works. Erbessd however, supplied their customerswith an SDK upon purchasing their sensors, which enablesIntegrability to other systems. Monitron from Amazon WebServices was as of writing this paper, recently released. There-fore there are no public SDKs or APIs available yet, but thismight change in the future. Thereafter, the availability of SKFsAPIs were researched. As this paper is being conducted inpartnership with SKF, their APIs were available. Smart Edge4.0 is a newer sensor which as of writing has not been imple-mented into Enlight. Due to the specifications of Smart Edge4.0 and Phantom Atex being better than the Smart Diagnos-tics Vibration Sensor, the availability of KCFs APIs were notresearched. Therefore the sensors and APIs that were chosenare Phantom Atex Wireless Vibration Sensor, and SKF Smartedge 4.0.

Figure 6. Sensor comparison

IntegrationPhantomThe phantom sensors were integrated using their providedAPI, which can be obtained when purchasing sensors fromerbessd. The API is receives data from a gateway when bothare connected to the same network. The gateway automaticallydetects the API as a monitor when the API is started, whichcan be seen in figure 7. The API receives nine different typesof messages from the sensors.










From the list of message types, the type RE-CEIVED_PHANTOM_ACCEL_STATE was mainly used forintegration. The message contains the vibration values in theaxial, horizontal, and vertical orientation in mm/s, as well as atemperature measurement in centigrade. When an accelerationstate message (RECEIVED_PHANTOM_ACCEL_STATE) isreceived by the API, it is then reformatted into four different

Figure 7. Phantom gateway

Figure 8. Phantom sensors

json objects as a data point for each measurement point.Thereafter the data is sent to the enlight thorugh a http post.The Erbessd Phantom integration was implemented using c#.

Smart Edge 4.0Due to an unexpected peak of Covid-19 in India, shippingof the Smart Edge 4.0 sensor was postponed with a coupleof months, which meant that no sensors could be acquired inthe time span of this thesis. However, an API was given, thatretrieved data from several Smart Edge 4.0 sensors, which arecurrently set up in India. Fortunately, the integration processwould have been almost identical given that the sensors couldbe shipped. The Smart Edge 4.0 sensors are configured to sendit’s data directly to AWS (Amazon Web Services). The givenAPI retrieves data from AWS, and thereafter makes the dataavailable to be read on a get endpoint using an event stream.In the case of this thesis, data is continuously read from theevent stream get endpoint, reformatted, and finally sent toenlight through a http post. The Smart Edge 4.0 integrationwas implemented using golang.

StopwatchTo get as comparable times as possible, both integration’swere implemented as similarly as possible in terms of datareformatting, and data sending. In figure 9, it can clearlybe seen, that the the integration API of smart edge 4.0 ismore than twice as efficient as that of phantom. The phantomintegration has an average running time of 308 millisecondsfrom receival to delivery.This may be in large part due to thelanguages that the integration’s were implemented with, butthis will be discussed later.

UsabilityTotal number linesThe total number lines included all the number of lines neededto complete the integration. However, no empty lines usedfor readability were counted. As can be seen in figure 10, thephantom integration needed less lines to be completed, andtherefore gets one point. Out of the box, the Erbessd phantom

Figure 9. Erbessd Phantom vs. SKF Smart Edge 4.0 run time

Figure 10. Number of lines

API comes with many parts already optimally implemented,which lets the user quickly do what is desired. One exampleof this is the message queue with a switch case, that the userthen can implement functions for based on message type.

Role-expressivenessThe main point of interest in the aspect of Role-expressiveness,in this case is the format of the data packets that are given tothe user through the API. Data packets from Erbessd phan-tom were considerably easier to understand. This argumentis based on the fact that their packets contained understand-able names to their specific data points. For example, thetemperature data point was named "temperature", and theaxial vibration values were named rms1, rms2, and rms3 re-spectively to axial, vertical, and horizontal vibration. This,however, was not the case for Smart Edge 4.0. Their datapackets used numbers to represent the different measurements.For example, temperature was represented as "0005", axialvelocity as "0002", and so on. This made understanding thedata packets problematic. Therefore the Erbessd phantom APIwins in this regard, and gets another point.

Premature commitmentTo use the API from Smart Edge 4.0, a Server-Sent eventsconnection is needed, which is not clearly stated. The imple-menter needs to derive this information on their own, whichcan be deemed problematic. The Erbessd phantom API onthe other hand, has the queue that communicates to the APIimplemented when delivered. Therefore, it is deemed that anypremature commitments needed for the Erbessd phantom APIare already made, thus giving it another point.

Error-pronenessThere is a bothersome flaw with the Smart Edge 4.0 API,which causes the user to adapt, and can cause problems ifuncaught. Relatively frequently, the Smart Edge 4.0 API willsend same data packet twice. If uncaught by the user, thiscould lead to predictive maintenance formulas used by com-panies to give inaccurate calculations. However, the problemcan easily be solved by comparing the last received packet tothe incoming packet. The Erbessd phantom API on the otherhand, has not caused any visible error as of writing. Therefore,the Erbessd phantom gets another point.

Summary of evaluationIn the sections above, it has been derived that the Erbessdphantom is appeals more in terms of usability due to "winning"the cognitive dimensions analysis, as can be seen in figure 11.The Erbessd phantom API proved better in all four cognitivedimensions, and results in being better suited in terms ofusability.

Summary of resultsFrom the results above, it can be seen that the integration forSmart Edge 4.0 was more efficient than the integration forPhantom from Erbessd. It can also be seen that usability wasbetter with Phantom than with Smart Edge 4.0. The reason andmeaning behind the results will be discussed in the discussionsection.

Figure 11. Cognitive Dimensions Results

DISCUSSIONThere are several parts of this thesis that need to be discussed,in terms of both method and results. Firstly, the pre-studythat was conducted for this thesis was very heavily dependanton availability, which led to the specifications of the sensorsplaying no role when choosing. This was very unfortunate, asit would have been more interesting to test and integrate thebest available equipment on the market.

Secondly, as the API’s used for integration operated so dif-ferently, it was very challenging to compare them on bothusability and efficiency. Due to their differing means of opera-tion, the results in terms of efficiency will have less meaning.As a whole, the Erbessd Phantom API was more enjoyable tointegrate, as they are open to integration and offer a far morescale able platform. This is not the case with Smart Edge 4.0from SKF.

Thereafter, the results drawn in the usability chapter are en-tirely based om my experience when integrating the sensors.Therefore these answers are quite selective but hope to providean understanding of my experiences with these interfaces. Pre-dictive maintenance is a large part of the emerging takeoverof digitization 4.0 and movement of internet of things (IoT)within the industry environment. Therefore, this paper aims tohelp shed some light on the world of vibrations sensors.

The results for efficiency for the integrations, are affected bythe languages used. As different programming languages pos-sess varying performance and usages, the results for efficiencywould probably be different if other languages were to be used.Better results for comparison, would have been given if thesame language was used for both integrations.

Finally, due to the challenge of comparing two different API’sthat function quite differently, the cognitive dimensions chosenwere quite scarce. Due to lack of information provided aboutthe inner workings of each API, the cognitive dimensions thatI had the knowledge to answer, was quite limited. This leadsto the whole usability spectrum not being analyzed, but onlydiscussed from a user standpoint. However, for any other useraiming to accomplish sensor integration, the information aboutusability should be sufficient.

Further workFurther work in this area, would be to explore the availabil-ity of more sensors, and the specifications they contain. Thefourth industrial revolution is in full effect, which aims to fur-ther improve internet of things, connecting industrial machinesto the internet. Therefore i believe this paper is relevant forthe future, and more work in this area will be conducted.

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