Comparative Study of Motivation Aspect as Part of ... Study of Motivation Aspect as Part of...


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Comparative Study of Motivation Aspect as Part

of Productive Behavior on the Senior High

School and Boarding School Students in Cirebon

Hanny Hafiar

Communication Faculty

Padjadjaran University

Bandung Indonesia

Hery Wibowo

Social and Political Science Faculty

Padjadjaran University Bandung Indonesia

Diana Harding

Psychology Faculty

Padjadjaran University

Bandung Indonesia

Titin Nurhayati Ma’Mun

Cultural Science Faculty

Padjadjaran University Bandung Indonesia

Abstract—Every action is driven by a specific motive. The motive is also a catalyst for the growth of productive

behavior. Each student who attended various educational institutions eventually hopes to have a job as a handle for the

future, whether as an employee or entrepreneur. But without a good work ethic, it is difficult for individuals to have a

job and earn an income corresponding to the needs. It is therefore important for each student to have high motivation as

part of the work ethic to be competitive in obtaining employment. Therefore this study seeks to examine the motivations

of students who attended high school and boarding schools equal. The method used is descriptive study, with data

collection techniques using questionnaires, which are distributed to high school and boarding school students in Cirebon

taken purposively. As for the results show that there are some aspects of the indicators of motivation in where high school students are higher than boarding school students namely: can motivate themselves, persevering on a task to

complete, have a willingness to work hard, like a challenge. Nevertheless, there is still a motivation that is not optimal

among high school students. This is caused not only by the education system received but also due to the influence of

environmental factors, both family, and friends where they hang out. Therefore it needs to be done in the system status,

presumably learning so that students can have a high motivation in achieving a certain achievement.

Keywords: motivation, productive behavior, students, high school, boarding school


Teenagers are the younger generation who became the nation's assets. In the hands of this young

generation of the nation's future was at stake. Therefore,

it has become a shared obligation to prepare teenagers for

the younger generation in order to be ready to receive the

baton relay development. It refers to: "Teenagers have a

lot of options and interest in his life, one of them about

the future. Plan and determine the future requires students

to know their interests, abilities, good self-acceptance

that will become the benchmark for success " (Aisyah,


According to Freud (in Suryabrata, 1998) that

children up to the age of approximately five years through the phases of differentiated dynamically, then up

to the age of 12/13 years experienced latent phase, a

phase in which the dynamics become more stable. With

the advent of adolescence (puberty) the dynamics erupt

again, and the more tranquil when people got older. For

Sigmund Freud, a period until the age of 20 years

decisive for the formation of one's personality. It means

someone who can pass through adolescence with happy

will become an adult with personality and vice versa. (Azizah, 2013).

On average, they who are in this age range are

studying in senior high school. There are many activities

that are provided by the school as a place for teenagers to

increase the potential and competence. Most teens take

advantage of this opportunity well, but others do not have

an awareness to enhance the potential and competence. In

fact, though not felt, in a few years to come they should

start searching for jobs in an attempt to earn a living and

continue to the next life stage.

Unconsciousness from teenagers in preparing

for the future in order to be ready to compete in the world of work can not be separated from the motivation factor.

Motivation is also dealing with issues of interest.

According to Rokhimah (2015), interest is one factor that

will determine the success of a person both in terms of

studies, work or other activities (Nurrohmatulloh, 2016).

While the motivation which is derived from the word

112 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (

Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

4th Asia Pacific Education Conference (AECON 2017)Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 109

motive means encouragement, for reason or someone

does something (Rahmawati, 2013). As for the other

explanation regarding motivation, expressed as follows:

"Motivation is a factor that encourages someone to do a

particular activity. Motivation is one of the important and

influential factors to productivity "(Hamali, 2013).

According to the results of some research,

especially concerning human resources mentioned that

motivation has a significant influence towards increasing

work productivity. Employee achievements are the result

of work that can be accomplished by a person or group of people in an organization in accordance with the

authority and responsibilities of each, in order to achieve

the objectives of the organization (Rahmawati, 2013).

Motives that encourage teens to have a future

orientation tend still not strong, it is in line with the

characteristics of teenagers who are still in the stage of

emotionally unstable. This is in line with the statement

that: "Teenagers today have faced problems. Their

physical and mental maturity being offset by accelerating

the maturation of emotions and their freedom of

increasing cause problems experienced by adolescents become more complex "(Prihartini, Nuryoto, & Aviatin,


Some educational institutions have its own way

in preparing their students. The specificity of the

educational style depends on the vision and mission of

the institution that became the orientation of the

institution in the achievement of the expected output. But

in essence, every educational institution is aware that one

of their responsibilities is to prepare their students in

order to compete and compensate for the rapid

development of the times in which more and more weight in their demands. One of the demands of economic

competition today is the quality of human resources that

have the work ethic and productivity.

Mubyarto (1992) states: The word ethos comes

from the Greek that has a meaning of attitude,

personality, feature, character, as well as the belief in

something. This attitude is not only owned by

individuals, but also by groups of society (Kurniasih,

2013). Professional work ethic is a key route leading to

the road of success. Without the work ethic along with

full professionalism, we might easily slip into the ranks

of the losers. Without awareness to enhance the professionalism of the work ethic in all sports, we might

soon become beings who stutter with the changing

dynamics. Poor of achievement, and the absence of a

long journey towards productive human, noble and

dignified. One of the attitudes that support the high work

ethic is the discipline of work (Titisari, Warso, and

Haryono, 2016). A good work ethic can be shown

through the attitude of empathy and tolerance in the work

environment. If someone wants to love his job with

sincerity, then he would be a rich personal nature and

easy to serve others with happiness. Love at work is a way of life that will enrich a person's life in all aspects of

life (Probowati, 2008).

Work ethic is a soft skill that should be owned

by every individual. No matter how great the

achievements of students in the academic field, is not a

guarantee of ease in the future because academic

performance is only one of the prerequisites that are

usually used as a benchmark in the job application.

However, after the individuals directly involved in the

world of work, skills they have will be the determinant of

the brilliance of one's career.

In Indonesia, the institution of high education

senior high schools in Indonesia, consisting of several types, including general, vocational, or boarding school.

The specificity of the education system is certainly

related to the graduates produced. If vocational schools

do indeed have established areas of work that will be

entered by the prospective graduates, the different thing

with public senior high schools and boarding schools.

Most of the graduates it is prepared to continue to pursue

higher education studies, though not all of its graduates

willing and able to pursue higher education. In

connection with the college, said that:

"Act No. 12 of 2012 states that in order to enhance the nation's competitiveness in the face

of globalization in all areas, required higher

education are able to develop science and

technology and produce intellectuals, scientists,

and/or professional cultured and creative,

tolerant, democratic, strong character, and dare

to defend the truth for the sake of the nation.

This is exactly what reveals the demand for soft

skills training (characters) student "(Setuju,


In line with this statement, it is clear that the work ethic and productivity can determine the

competitiveness of nations. That is, the work ethic is a

competency that requires the support of motivation.

Therefore, this study intends to examine the motivation

of advanced middle school students and boarding school

as part of a work ethic that should be developed in the

human resources to be able to cope with global

competition. The study used the quantitative descriptive

method. The data obtained by collecting data based on

the answers to the questionnaire distributed to a number

of senior high school students and boarding school that

equivalent to senior high school level.



In principle, "Ways of addressing a member of

grammar rules and social norms, both written and

unwritten actually formed from cohesivity and

confidence levels of each of its members associated with

the overall goal of educational institutions. Not

surprisingly, a similar educational institution, which

draws inspiration from the same source, can be a very

noticeable difference in daily practices because the school culture is not formed. School culture is formed


Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 109

through a relational pattern among members when

responding to certain issues, or how schools take a stance

and decision against something real problem.

One of the uniqueness and excellence of a

school is to have a solid school culture and still exist. A

school must have a mission to create a school culture that

is challenging and fun, fair, creative, integrative, and

dedicated towards achieving the vision, producing quality

graduates high in intellectual development and has the

character of piety, honest, creative, able to be exemplary,

hardworking, tolerant and proficient in the lead, and answer the challenge of the need for the development of

human resources that can contribute to the development

of science and technology and based on the IMTAQ ,"

(Supraptiningrum & Agustini, 2015)

Most graduates of senior high schools and

boarding schools aspire to work right after school. But

not all real graduates are ready to work. This refers to the

user's response stating that graduates now tend to not

have a soul of leadership, including to lead themselves to

be more productive. Leadership or leadership comes from

the leaders, the leader is an individual who leads, manage, motivate or inspire others. They are men or

women who influence others in an organization or a

particular community. Deborah J Barrett (2008) in his

book Leadership Communication says that leadership and

communication are the two things that related. Without

effective communication, the leader itself cannot achieve

its purpose well. Without effective communication, a

leader cannot be effective (Artawan, Shintadewi, &

Budiana, 2016).

Based on the results of questionnaires collected,

the data obtained as follows:

Figure 1 The desire to push themselves

to be able to do more

Based on the table, it appears that the desire to

push themselves to do more than usual to senior high

school students is higher than boarding school students. It

provides an understanding that the majority of senior

high school students have a certain mental attitude and

have the potential productivity to push themselves to do

with a better way. Work productivity includes the mental

attitude that always has a view of life on the

implementation of the production in a company where

the production is expected to be better than yesterday.

Everyone will always strive to make improvements in its

work so that the outcome for the better (Setiati, 2010).

The desire to push themselves to do better is an

important capital for a person to become a productive

individual. This is consistent with the suggestion that: "A

productive workforce is labor deft and produce goods and

services according to defined quality with less time or

when the workforce is capable of producing a product or

a greater output of other labor in a long time" (Pajar, 2008). Next up is the perseverance in the face of


Figure 2 Perseverance in the face of challenges

Perseverance is part of the human character.

This is because the basic human character consists of

trustworthy, caring, respect and caring, honesty,

responsibility, and citizenship, sincerity, brave, diligent,

disciplined, fair, and have integrity. (Burn, 2016).

According to Sinamo (2005), every human being has a

spirit/spirit of success, that is pure motivation to achieve

and enjoy success. This is the spirit that transformed into

typical behavior such as hard work, discipline,

conscientious, diligent, integrity, rational, responsible and

so on through the conviction, commitment and

appreciation of the specific work paradigm. Perseverance is also the important part which

must be owned by a person who is interested in becoming

entrepreneurs. According to Siagian & Asfahani (1996)

the entrepreneurial values include a strong willingness to

work and independent, able to make the right decision

and dare to take risks, creative and innovative, diligent

conscientious and productive, as well as working with the

spirit of togetherness and a healthy business ethics

(Hafiar & Sani, 2015). Thus, every entrepreneur is

required to have perseverance.

Still with regard to perseverance, Elliot & Dweck (in Pintrich & Schunk, 1996) states that a positive

character is a character who refers to himself, focusing on

the development of expertise and skills related to the

duties and performance of the past that can help develop

behavioral achievement more appropriate, such as


Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 109

developing options for a better challenge, positive

assumptions about the efforts and diligent and persistent

in the face of failure (Mayasari, 2011). Next, the data will

be presented about a willingness to work hard.

Figure 3 Strong will to work

The strong will to work is owned mostly senior

high school students is higher than boarding school

students. According to psychologists, there are some

character values include: love of God and His creation (nature with its contents), responsibility, honesty, respect

and courtesy, compassion, caring, cooperation,

confidence, creativity, hard work and perseverance,

justice and leadership, kind and humble, tolerant, peace-

loving, and love unity (Bakar, 2016). The Strong will to

work also includes a willingness to comply with the

norms and regulations, including norms in the form of

demands set out in the working environment. This is

consistent with the statement of Jerry Wyckoff and

Barbara C. Unel in Sudrajat, (2008: 2) states that labor

discipline is awareness, willingness and the willingness of the labor of others to be obedient and subject to all the

rules and norms (Titisari et al. , 2016).

Success in the field of entrepreneurship can not

be separated from the hard work and high motivation.

This refers to the statement: "the necessary motivation in

running an online business so that the business be more

productive to increase their income and promote the

business being operated" (Yasundari, 2016). The next

item is the comparison of the preferences of the


Figure 4 Like challenge

Like challenges, attitude is an important gesture

that should be owned by every individual, because every

job has its own challenges that are dynamic. Dynamic

work will refrain from boring routine. It is filled to the statement that:

"The work ethic is the attitude, outlook, habits,

traits or the nature of how to work belonging to a person,

a group or a nation. A high work ethic certainly routines

will not make bored, even able to improve its

performance. The basis of the high work ethic in them the

desire to uphold the quality of the work, then the

individual has a high work ethic will participate and

provide inputs ideas in the workplace "(Dodi, Yusuf, and

Amri, 2013).

In principle, the challenges will make the

working environment becomes more dynamic. Working climate is also a part that can boost productivity can

develop optimally. According Sedarmayanti (2001: 12)

the various factors that affect work productivity among

other mental attitudes such as work motivation, work

discipline and work ethic, education, skills, management

of industrial relations Pancasila, the level of income and

health, social security, social environment and work

climate, production facilities, technology and

achievement opportunity (Purnama, 2003).

Therefore, a need to increase knowledge can

make the individual insights about the world of entrepreneurship can be expanded through a variety of

reading materials, we need information about the literacy

skills of entrepreneurs in order to foster entrepreneurship

motivation (Khadija, Fortune, Sukaesih, & Anwar, 2016).

The next discussion will be undertaken with regard to the

desire to make improvements continuously.


Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 109

Figure 5 Perform continuous improvement

In essence, Islam is a religion that upholds work

ethics as defined by the word of Allah in the Qur'an

Surah at-Taubah verse 105: "Do as you will. Allah, His

Rasul, and the believers will now keep a watch over your

conduct; then you shall be brought to His court Who

knows the hidden and the open, and He will inform you

of all that you have done." It can be interpreted that every

worker is mainly Muslim, should be able to grow in

Islamic work ethic, because the work that occupied valuable worship. The results of his work can also be

used for the purposes of worship, including supporting

the family. Therefore, the selection of employment foster

Islamic work ethic a must for all jobs (Mahmudah, 2015).

Therefore, the need of value investment in

educational institutions that raise awareness to always

make improvements over time. This kind of character

education requires a system of cultivation of character

values that include components of knowledge, awareness

or willpower, and measures to implement the great value

both to themselves and others. Character education in schools needs to involve all stakeholders components,

including an educational component itself such as

curriculum, learning and assessment, treatment or

management of the school, and work ethic throughout the

school environment (Zainuddin, 2015).


Based on the findings from the field data note

that aspects of motivation which is part of the student's

work ethic, which includes: The desire to push

themselves to do more, perseverance in the face of

challenges, strong will to work, Love a challenge, and doing continuous improvement of the senior high school

and boarding school student who are in Cirebon that have

more or less the same level and equal.

Even if there are differences, the rate differences

This is due to the education system that is applied in both

educational institutions of origin of respondents equally

apply educational system based on the development of

the characters, including characters that support the

strengthening of motivation and work ethic formation in

an effort to prepare students to become the successor to

the baton of the nation's economic development.

As for the recommendations that can be recommended include the need for the introduction of the

working world orientation exists for the students to get to

know the profession and job prospects of interest,

especially for students who plan to work after graduating

from senior high school. In addition, it also required

guidance and counselling for students who don't already

have a future orientation, so that when they leave school

no longer confused in determining future goals.


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