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This is the Official Company profile for Social Aves Private Limited

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Company Profile



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Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal



The definition of the term Social media continues to evolve and expand, and at the same time covers a

very broad scope in today's digital world. But, its essence remains the same-social media is a normal

society, only a virtual one created used virtual networks and internet. It is a two-way street that

gives you the ability to communicate too.

Social media includes various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily

via the internet to share information and resources. It can include text, audio, video, images,

podcasts, and other multimedia communications.

The leader of Social Media sites currently being Facebook, with more than 1.2 billion people around the

world having a presence in social media, it has become the number one activity on the web.

Marketing is all about informing the consumer about the businesses’ products or services in an

innovative, informative, and creative way. Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the same concept,

but it is done through the social media channels.

The virtual world today consists of a large population religiously participating in social

networking. SMM includes strategically placing your product or brand in front of such millions of

web users. This concept of marketing has changed the way people use the internet, and how

companies market themselves and serve customers.


What is Social Media Marketing?

Introduction to Social Media


Now the question arises why should businesses opt

for SMM? The major and winning advantages being

the ability to reach out to the widest ranges of

audiences effectively and efficiently in minimal time

with minimal expenses.

Regardless of the target market, SMM is a powerful

platform to create and spread social buzz about any

business. In addition to generating social buzz, SMM

is being widely used to increase web traffic by many


Research has shown participating customers on a firm's social media site contribute 5.6% more

revenue and visit the business about 5% more than non-participating customers. This

data makes it evident that marketing on social media gives the companies an edge over

competitors by giving a strong branding, promoting its internet presence which will boost

companies’ reputation in corporate world.

Why Social Media Marketing?

Study proves that building online

communities, personalizing messages and

encouraging contributions from online

members enhances the customer

experience as well as increases the

frequency of social media visits and

promotes sales overall.


Social media marketing during the last few years has exploded on to the scene. Recent research

has shown that social media produces almost double the marketing leads of trade shows,

telemarketing, direct mail, or PPC.

Statistically speaking, 74% of all marketers say Facebook is important to their lead generation

strategies; 52% of all marketers have found a customer via Facebook. Approximately 46% of

online users rely on social media while making a purchase decision. Presently, 92% of companies

in the U.S use social media in their marketing efforts.

This data proves that the world market is using social media to its highest advantage, and with

great results.

The diagram below reveals amount invested by companies in marketing through social media


SMM Scenario around the World


Nepal, like any other country around the world, is highly focused on Facebook when it comes to

Social Media Marketing. An estimated 9.1 million users are active in social media in Nepal.

But, most of the companies in Nepal are focused on paper and television advertisement only.

And a misconception of Social Media Marketing just being “Facebook Advertisements” might

have spread around. However, a few multinational companies as well as IT related businesses

such as DELL, Tata Motors, Bigmart Supermarket, to name a few, are realizing the potential of

SMM and have started engaging in it as well.

Grow your business with Social Media

Current Social Media Scenario in Nepal


Nepal is comparatively very new to the whole concept and dynamics of marketing through social

media. Only a few organizations have adopted this path.

This very reason opens up new and exciting avenues for marketing in the Nepali market. As SMM

is in its budding stage only, the firms engaging in it at this stage will definitely be foundation

stones of a new marketing strategy.

If able to use appropriate techniques to approach the large population on social media, maximum

benefit can be obtained from this combination of technology tools and marketing tools.

Basically, what Nepali market looks like, and how it can look like with the use of social media is

depicted below:

Present (without SMM) and possible future (with SMM) marketing scenario in Nepal

Scope of SMM in Nepal


Social Aves Pvt. Ltd. is a social media marketing agency for businesses and organizations located

in Kathmandu, Nepal. The company was founded in early 2012 by a group of IT enthusiasts who

were impressed by the power of social media and wanted to change the marketing scenario in

Nepal by creating a viral breakthrough.

The agency is the pioneer in providing marketing services via Facebook and other social

networking sites.

Social Aves specializes in designing, executing and managing various social media marketing

efforts of the companies/businesses. This helps in building companies’/businesses’ social identity

and leverage popular social networks to help them reach their target audience and connect with

them on a personal and unique manner.

The company works with all businesses to facilitate their growth, using social media platforms

(such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus etc.).

The main goal of Social Aves is to help businesses create and maintain a presence through online

marketing, provide complete and smart technological marketing solutions to business

enterprises, which ultimately help them grow and expand.

Social Aves is a premium marketing firm; the services offered are amongst the best in the

industry. Social Aves is a young, passionate, dedicated and determined team operating in Nepal

which has always delivered excellent and timely services to its clients.

The Social Aves team is passionate about web developments and marketing and stays up -to-

date with the latest tools and trends by participating in various industry events. It offers non-stop

solution for branding on social media geared towards small, medium and large scale businesses.

About Social Aves




As a marketing agency, Social Aves ensures every step is taken to promote clients’

products/services to the fullest. This segment outlines Company’s services in terms of Social

Marketing. This will give a clear picture of how Social Aves makes use of the Social Marketing for

its clients’ benefits. All these facilities are provided for all social media platforms be it Facebook,

Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Youtube, etc.


Ads are the paid messages coming from businesses and they can include social context

about friends. Across the globe there are more than 1 billion active users and a majority

of these people log in several times per day and spend a lot of time on the network. For

someone planning to advertise on a social media platform, the situation couldn’t be


Placing ads alone does not guarantee results. Constant monitoring is required. This is

where Social Aves comes in.

Social Aves guides businesses through the types of ads that can be placed and also

suggests appropriate types of ad. Social networking sites have given the option to target

the selected audience. Moreover, the performance of the ad can be measured. These

require special attention and understanding of the market, which is the speciality of this


Snapshots of a few ads Social Aves has designed



The term “apps” is very popular these days. Apps are nothing but interactive software

developed to utilize the core technologies of the social media platform. Apps are

developed to commence a brand’s separate campaign or activity on the page. They may

also be developed to run different contests and activities on the page.

Users tend to use more apps which in return give more interaction on the page. No app

can be accessed without being a fan or follower of the page. In particular, conducting

any contest or campaign on the Facebook wall is not allowed by Facebook policy. So,

separate app must be created.

A brand can make an app to install its catalogue, fun games, to take users contact

information, glimpse of brands’ own website, etc. Social Aves team make custom

applications for each such activity. Contest apps, voting apps, games and entertainment

apps are a few examples.

Page Management

Creating a page on any social media is not enough. Special attention must be given to

every little detail that is presented upon it, as the entire reputation of the brand relies on

it. This is what Social Aves team specializes in, with seasoned designers, business experts,

creative content generators and active administrators.

Social Aves takes care of the client company’s and /or products’ image on the social media

market. It manages the fan base by posting relevant content on behalf of the brand on a

regular basis and replying to customer comments/queries promptly. The team also makes

sure offensive comments are removed from each respective account. The full

responsibility of making designs for clients’ respective page is also handled by the agency.


Campaign Management

An online campaign is one of the most important parts of a company's overall marketing

presence. The goal of an internet marketing campaign is to reach as many potential

customers as possible and maintain the existing client base while remaining within the

advertising budget.

Social Aves creates and conducts as many online campaigns for our clientele as required.

Such campaigns have been able to create a noticeable impact on online as well as offline


Social Aves also takes responsibility of designing, managing and monitoring campaigns,

and also makes custom applications for each campaign such as contest apps, voting

apps, games and entertainment apps.

One of the successful campaigns conducted by Social Aves


Our Technology

One of the most interesting services Social Aves has to offer is the “Tool”. This tool is specially

designed for Social Aves clientele and works as a common medium to manage all accounts on

different social media platforms. Both individual users as well as organizations can make use of


Individuals can use the tool to post into all their accounts on numerous social networking sites

such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+, etc. with just a single go.

The advantage is greater for firms having to spread messages on many pages, and/or accounts.

With the Social Aves tool, firms can not only post an update onto numerous accounts, but also

schedule posts. This way, the trouble of having to remember to post any content at a specific

time is removed.

Moreover, this tool is most useful during campaigns, as admins can get reports of many pages at

one spot and manage the campaign more efficiently.

Since the beginning of the company’s operations back in 2012, it has worked for various clients.

However, most of the clients are large scale and multinational organizations. But, the company

and its services are non-discriminating to any client based on its sales/reputation/growth or any

other factor. The services are available for any individual and/or firm interested in associating

with the company.

The clientele at present comprises of the following firms:

Our Technology


