Communist Attempts to Control Thought Chapter 13.4--Copy the outline


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Communist Attempts to Control Thought

Chapter 13.4--Copy the outline.

I. Propaganda

A. Stalin tried to boost faith in Communism--Godlike.

B. Radios/loudspeakers in factories and villages.

C. Movies/schools, public heard about Communist success.

D. Capitalism evil.

E. Billboards/posters urged workers to exceed production goals.

II. Censorship and the Arts

A. Government controlled music, books, and art.

B. Stalin required “socialist realism”--Soviet life in positive light.

C. Poet Osip Mendalstam imprisoned for satirizing Stalin.

III. Russification

A. Making the culture more Russian.

B. Russians appointed to high ranking positions.

C. Russian language to be used in schools/business.

IV. War on Religion

A. Atheism is state policy.

B. Religious leaders “purged”.

C. Communism replaced religion.

D. Writings of Marx/and Lenin replaced sacred texts.

E. Portraits of Stalin replaced religious icons.
