COMMUNICATIONS: CROSS CURRENTS · May they hear it from us in our actions and words, and know the...


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COMMUNICATIONS: Pastor: Rev. Mark Wilms

Church Office: 712-933-2229

Pastor’s E-mail:

Pastor’s Cell Phone: 507-251-8993 home phone: 712-933-5545

Lynn Wilms' Cell Phone: 507-251-9242

Secretary’s (Cindy Buren) E-mail:

Secretary’s Office Hours: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


Kitchen and Hallway Phone: 712-933-2244



N ROYAL, IA 51357 T S


CROSS CURRENTS OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Bethlehem Lutheran Church is committed to making disciples for Jesus Christ through our thoughts, words and deeds.

VALUES STATEMENT: We are a discipleship driven ministry, inviting all people to become disciples for Jesus Christ, nurtured by scripture and prayer. We are a community of caring and forgiving people who create a nurturing and Christian environment where everyone feels welcomed.

Working cooperatively, we serve as a leader in partnering with families, businesses and other churches to maximize the outreach services available to the Christian community. We strive to serve as a cornerstone of the community.

September 2018

A Word or Two…by Pastor Mark

We have just gone through a lot of upset feelings here in Iowa concerning the Mollie Tibbetts

murder. First was the waiting, then the gruesome location of the body, followed right away

by announcement of the suspect, an undocumented farm worker from Mexico. Next morning

the guys at the café commented that they hoped Latino people wouldn’t be unfairly

condemned over this, since the majority are hard-working and law abiding. I was proud of

them for this sense of fairness, which you can exercise regardless of your position on

immigration policies. Besides, these developments came on the heels of that white U.S.

citizen accused of brutally murdering his family in Colorado.

But the real question being asked over and over was, “How can human beings kill innocents

like this? Who does that?” The answers are many, and complex: hatred of others, violent

narcissism, being abused oneself as a child, insanity, sexual deviancy, aimlessness combined

with a sociopathic personality, societal pressure or anxiety leading to a breaking point, drugs

… on and on. In each case likely a lethal combination of the above. In the end, we are

frustrated with the pure evil of it all. And just when we get to feeling better about the human

race, another murderous tragedy comes along, putting us back to square one, it seems.

Two things are helpful to keep in front of our minds as we continue to deal with the dark side

of human events. First, even though it seems like the world is getting worse every day, these

events have been around as long as the human race. There never was a golden age when it

was rare to have murder, rape, and so on. And the bloodbaths of history should remind us

that we are not experiencing something new. The Bible is very clear about how low human

beings can fall in their treatment of others, as story after story of brutal murders illustrate

God’s warning that “thou shall not kill.” The second thing to bear in mind is a ray of hope:

even though the battles may be won or lost in humanity’s trek through the centuries, the war

of love was won 2,000 years ago on the cross of Jesus Christ. Not only did His death and

resurrection seal our eternal life through faith in the face of all the evil the world can throw at

us, it also sent us out to work the exact opposite of hate in the world. Hate evil, yes. But

love humanity as Christ loves us: enough to use our lives to work the healing Spirit’s power

of grace. We fail, we experience setbacks and frustrations, we find it hard, even impossible

to forgive. But we pick up and go on, always trusting that God’s power of love is greater

than Satan’s dark power of evil.

Mollie Tibbetts has become another poster child for worry over the state of the nation. That

is actually okay – I would really be concerned if we got so used to murder that we no longer

were shaken by it. But the cross of Christ has stood much longer as the poster for the good

that can happen through trust in what God has done and will do to bring something much

better to this world, while we wait for the perfect world to come. Hold that in your heart and

mind, and be a part of making that better world a reality through the power of grace toward


Faith and Life Bible Study for September

Those who think the Old Testament is just a bunch of bloody battles ordered by a vengeful

God clearly haven’t read it. There is much of the love of God in it, amazingly relevant

advice, loves songs, poetry, stories of family dysfunction just like today, and much more.

However, battles there are and, yes, God gets pretty angry at sin. In September, as Faith and

Life Bible study resumes after the fair, we will follow the armed forces of the Israeli people

as they cross over the Jordan River to invade Palestine in the book of Joshua. Heated battle

leads to reverses, but eventually the people of God subdue some peoples who had been

engaging in idolatry, even child sacrifice, to set up a nation with the justice of God as its


Faith and Life Bible study meets Monday nights 6:30-8:00, and Wednesday mornings 9:30-

11 (choose either session), in the fellowship hall. (Please check the calendar for any

changes.) There are refreshments and coffee every week. You can share if you want, or just

listen. You can go every week or just when you feel like it. You can know a lot about the

Bible or nothing at all. It’s a no-pressure Bible study! Maybe it’s time you check it out.

Giving Minute

What do you really want out of life? To pay your bills? Retire comfortably? Avoid pain?

Nothing wrong with any of these, but they don't reach to the highest and best we can

experience. On the TV show The Bachelorette, a contestant was asked what she valued most

in a man. She said, "Somebody who will make me laugh." Really? So, faithfulness, being a

good parent, and many other things aren't as important as that? She could be in for a terrible

life with somebody who has a great sense of humor! The Bible invites us to receive the

greatest gift of all, better than riches, better even than being funny: a meaningful life

following Christ now, and eternal life when our earthly journey is done. But it only happens

by rising above all the other gifts the world has to offer, and trusting in what Jesus died and

rose to give you whether you have the others or not.


For victims of violence. May the injured find healing and

reconciliation, the grieving feel the nearness of God, and the guilty

hear the voice of the Spirit leading them to a new kind of heart.

For our farm workers as they prepare for harvest after this season of


For revival of faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ in our area, as people live without ultimate

meaning in a post-Christian world.


New Member Orientation

On Saturday morning, September 22, at 10AM, people interested in membership will

sit with pastor for an hour and a half to share their faith stories, hear the basics of the gospel

and the Lutheran expression of it, and some history about Bethlehem. Those ready to join

Bethlehem will pick a date to be received.

If you or someone you know is interested in membership, talk with Pastor Mark, even

if all you want is more information.

Now You Can Give Electronically!

People have been saying that they are using cash and checks less and less. In response, your

church council has contracted with Vanco Services of Bloomington, MN, to offer four ways

to give electronically:

1. Through your smartphone:

Download GivePlus Church for free from the App Store or Google Play. When you open the

GivePlus Church app for the first time, you will be prompted to enter the name of the church

you want to give to, finding it with the Find Churches Near Me feature. Then, you can easily

make donations directly from your smartphone using your debit/credit card or

checking/savings account. You can donate as a guest or set up an account that allows you to

securely and conveniently schedule one-time or recurring donations. You even have the

option to add an amount to cover what the church has to pay in processing fees, if you

choose. You can change your contribution setup or cancel any time. For a demo on

YouTube, go to 2. Give online through the church’s website:

Look for the contribution button on the home page and at several other places in our church’s

website ( You will be taken to our giving page,

where you can enter the same information as you would on your smartphone.

3. Look for our QR code in this newsletter every month, in the church bulletin Sunday

morning, or at other places around the church:

Just use your QR reader on your phone to scan it, and it will take you

right to the same giving page that is connected to Bethlehem’s website.

If you don’t have a QR reader on your phone, you can easily download

one for free by typing “QR reader” in your search box.

4. Get an authorization form from the church office to set up contributions directly

from your bank account, debit or credit card: You can make one-time or periodic donations, and raise, lower or cancel donations at any

time, just as in the smartphone app or website page. This form appeals to people who don’t

want to use their phone or a computer to contribute, but would like to have a convenient way

to make contributions. Cindy is in the office Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and will be

glad to give you a form and explain its use.

September Mission of the Month GRAND AVENUE FREE MEDICAL CLINIC We collect paper towels and antibacterial wipes for the clinic. Please consider this as you do your shopping this month. We would like to provide a generous donation to the clinic for the health of many people in need.


-Ethan Batschelet, Missionary--Siloam Girls’ School in India--Virginia Christensen--Doug Seavert (son of Donnabelle Seavert)--Heath Huberg (Heath is son of Gary Huberg)-- Roger Struve--Tami Mugge Diekmann--Jack Phillips--Briana Swanson--Butch Ball (father of Darcy Brugman)--Pastor David Nelson (former pastor of Bethlehem)--Bethany Huesman (friend of Gary Toft and Lux family)--family of Joyce Sabel (daughter of Roger &

Betty Kruse)--family of Kay Zieman (Please call the church office to add someone to the prayer list. Requests stay on the list for one month unless you instruct us to do otherwise.



Michael Haroldson, Matthew Christenson, Danny Seavert, Marcia Steffen, Zane Smoot, Ferne Toft, Laef Lundbeck, Abigail Findling, Elizabeth Findling, David Brugman, Nelson Findling, Hallie Fletcher, Pamela Santage, Thomas Johnson, Dana Huberg, Hunter Larsen, Steven Santage, Alecia Tolzin, Mary Venema, Dylan Santage, Marjorie Mortensen, Dorothy Brons, Charles Woodall, Roger Kruse, Douglas Johnson, Beth Johnson, Cody Vogel, Chloe Jenkins, Gus Rasmussen, Caden Houston, Hunter Houston, Jessob Steffen, Kal Swanson, Emily Joenks, Eli Mugge, Jack Mugge, Carter Goyette, Mathew Goyette


Pam & Jim Virelli, 41 years; Jim & Dee Johnson, 9 years; Nat & Lezly Boblit, 9 years; Travis & Ashley Dillinger, 13 years; Cynthia & Ron Behrends, 53 years; Jason & Kristina Maaland, 23 years; Calvin & Tami Diekmann, 1 year


The Monthly Men’s Breakfast

Meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 AM

at the Royal Café (September 13th


to come together in prayer and to study God’s word.

Youth Ministry --- Well everybody, this has been a wild and wonderful summer! I have missed all of you at Bethlehem Lutheran and am very excited to get back into the swing of things again. That being said I have a few announcements for you. As you know, fellow youth leader Chris Baugh and I took a group of youth on a mission trip to Huntington, West Virginia in July. It was a fantastic trip and it was super exciting to watch the youth branch out and live out their faith! That being said, I'm sure you are all wanting to hear all about the trip. We are planning to find a Sunday in September that works for our team to come, show pictures, and share about what we did and learned throughout the week! There will be further announcements when we settle on a date that works for most or all of the team, so stay tuned. Another announcement is that senior high youth group will be starting the first Wednesday in October woo hoo!!! During September I am hoping to get a chance to visit with the new senior high youth and their families and get their input on their visions for the youth group this year. Last, but certainly not least, I am currently working alongside a few other youth leaders in the local area to plan a totally awesome youth event that will be taking place in October. We are still developing all the details, but I would like to put this information on your radar. The event (currently being called 'So what?') is scheduled for Saturday October 13 and will be hosted by Bethany Lutheran Church in Spencer. Youth from surrounding churches will get a chance to hang out for an entire day and learn more about why we, as Christians, serve others and why it is important to have fellowship and community with other Christians. The youth will get the chance to meet and play games with youth from other local churches, take part in local service projects, and hear from two different speakers. Like I said, details are still in formation process, so I will let you know as more information becomes available! That's all I have for you folks! Enjoy the rest of your summer. I will be seeing you again soon. God bless :) ---

Kendra Schmidt

During Worship on October 7st, Third Grade

Bibles will be presented to 3rd graders as a

milestone in their personal journey of faith. This is

a special day for our congregation, when along

with their parents, we have the opportunity to

publicly keep the promise made at baptism-to

place in their hands the Holy Scripture. Please

plan to celebrate this special milestone with our

3rd graders and their families.

Oct. 7

st, the Milestone Ministry Team will kick off the

2017-18 Prayer Partner Program by hosting the Prayer

Partner Breakfast, starting at 8:15a.m., in the Fellowship

Hall of the church. Confirmation students, their families,

and prayer partners will gather to learn about each other,

share get acquainted activities, as well as a light breakfast.

We are thankful for the adults who have accepted this very

special task. They have made a commitment to pray regularly for their confirmation student,

pray for the parents as they nurture the faith of their child, and to maintain contact with them

through occasional calls, cards, emails. As Christian adults, we know the power of prayer;

through the Prayer Partner Program, we will share that knowledge with our young people.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council Meeting The August 15th, 2018 meeting of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council was called to order by President Keith Kruse at 7:04 P.M. Council members in attendance were Keith Kruse, Nick Toft, Roland Mortensen, Jennifer Findling, Amy Holtz, Paul Wick, Pastor Mark Wilms and Sarah Dehrkoop. Council members Dana Huberg, Lisa Swanson and Betsy Schoelerman were absent. Secretary’s Report: No changes were made to the July report. A motion was made by Jennifer to approve the report. The motion was seconded by Roland and carried by council. Treasurer’s Report: No changes were made to the July Treasurer’s report. A motion was made by Paul to approve the report. The motion was seconded by Roland and carried by council. Pastor’s Report: - August 26th will be Blessings of the Backpack Sunday all children and adults are encouraged to bring their back pack and attend worship for a blessing. - New member orientation is coming up soon anyone thinking about joining can reach out to Pastor. -Pastor’s home visits are wrapping up only a few homes left to visit. Education Report: Nothing new to report. Stewardship Report: Nothing new to report. Outreach Report: Events coming up: Harvest Festival and Up and Comers. Property Report: The time capsule is sealed up and that project is completed. A big thank you to Keith Bohr for his help with the brick work.

- There is a leak in the steeple area that will be checked out figuring out how to


- Roland is still looking into and obtaining quotes on the possible cement work

to the south side of the church.

Finance Report: Discussed the Loans we currently have out and the dates of repayment. New/Old Business: Discussed the youth leader contract and gave discussion and feedback on the position. Council reached the agreement that we need to see this program grow and would really love to see the kids take part in having a youth program. Jennifer made the motion to renew the contract for Kendra, Nick seconded and motion carried by council. Meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. The next council meeting is set for Wednesday, September 19th at 7 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Sarah Dehrkoop, Secretary

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women Bethlehem Lutheran Women met Friday, August 10

th at the InnSpiration Winery.

Julie Christensen and Alice Roghair enjoyed an evening of fellowship and great food

provided by Connie Huberg and Lisa Swanson.

Dorcas Bible Study is in charge of Bingo at St. Luke’s on Sept. 7.

Thankoffering Sunday will be Sunday, Sept. 23. We had to move it up one week

because our speakers could not come to Bethlehem Sept. 30. Nancy Johnson, Steve Walters,

Doug & Beverly Nagel will give a presentation entitled: “Annual Petal Pushers Mission Trip

to Pasadena, CA.” Chosen scripture for their presentation: “Religion that God our Father

accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to

keep oneself from being polluted by the world” from James 1: 27. They will share their

experience of traveling to Pasadena, California last December and helping assemble “The

Lutheran Hour Float” for the “Rose Bowl Parade”. They will also share their experience

handing out clothes and other goodies to those who live on the streets. There will be two

offerings received that Sunday, the regular offering and “The Women’s Thankoffering”,

which will be used for missions chosen by the Bethlehem Women at their next meeting.

Sunday, Oct. 7, BLCW St. Luke Auxiliary Offering will be received during coffee

hour. Please make checks payable to St. Luke Auxiliary if you wish to support this project.

Task Force for Sept. – Visitation: Esther Bible Study

Esther Bible Study

Change of Location

Beginning in September the Esther Bible Study group will be holding their monthly meetings

at St. Luke Nursing Home in Conference Room A. Everything else will remain the same,

just the change in location.

We’d love to have YOU share your cookies, bars, rolls, or anything. There is a calendar on

the bulletin board outside the pastor’s office where you can put your name on a Sunday this

year. If you (or you with a friend) sign up, you should bring enough pieces and/or cookies

for about 100 people. Coffee and hot chocolate are already prepared. Add to the joy of our

fellowship time after worship!

Volunteers for the month of September.

September 2: Julie Christensen

September 9: Volunteer needed

September 16: Volunteer needed

September 23: Carma Betz

September 30: Volunteer needed

Scripture for September

1 Peter 5:7-9 7 Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.

If you have a favorite verse you would like to see in the Cross Currents, call Cindy at the

church office. 933-2229 or email


Church Office: 712-933-2229 Church email: Pastor’s email: Kitchen & Hallway: 712-933-2244 Secretary Office Hours: 9:30am-3:00pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Pastor’s Hours: Please call and arrange for a time to meet Pastor Wilms’ Cell: 507-251-8993 Lynn Wilms: 507-251-9242 Bethlehem’s website: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


September 2 Abigail Findling Eve Maker September 9 Jarrett McClain Connar Inman September 16 Ethan Huberg Shane Kosters September 23 Adalyn Schoelerman Cody Glackin September 30 Elizabeth Findling Eve Maker


Arlene Wimmer Amy Holtz


September Green


Mike Treinen Roger Kruse Kent Thiesen


Dave & Amy Holtz


Barb Fletcher


Arlene Wimmer Barb Johnson
