Communication for Sustainability -


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Communication for SustainabilityProjects of communication with traditional and innovative tools to enhance sustainability projects


Stakeholder EngagementCo-Design

Sustainable Competitiveness

CSR Management

Smart City Social Innovation

Green Economy Management

Communication for





Business Associations

Ceramic Tiles Business AssociationGuide to Green Communications for companies in the Ceramic Industry2013

Ceramic Tiles Business AssociationGuide to the Green Supply Chain for companies in the Ceramic Industry2012

Ceramic Tiles Business AssociationRepertoire of CSR Best Practices in Ceramic Industry2011

Various Business Associations2 Surveys on CSR 5 in the Italian industrial districts2006 e 2009

Ceramic Tiles Business AssociationReport – Corporate Social Responsibility in Ceramic Tile District2009

Modena Business AssociationYouth Enterpreneurs GroupGuide on CSR2008

Ceramic Tiles Business AssociationManual Integrated Management Systems in Ceramic Industry2000

Ceramic Tiles Business AssociationIntegrated Report Safety-Environment-Energy-Quality1998

Communication for SustainabilityPortfolio

We deal with environmental communication-Green for 20 years.

We took over 130 projects with public bodies, companies, business associations and non-profit associations with various communication tools to accompany and enhance policies, commitments and results of Green Economy and Sustainability.

We offer products and services through targeted activities of bi-directional communication and stakeholder engagement approaches, channels targeted on the basis of the target audience.

We combine journalistic and editorial activities (enrollment Order of Journalists since 1989), the use of integrated communication tools and media: - Thematic guides - Sustainability Reports / CSR - Promotional videos and reporting - Websites

We favor an interactive communication both off-line and on-line, using various facilitation techniques and animation: - Internal focus groups and multi-stakeholder workshops - Forums - Surveys   (see also Stakeholder Engagement - Co-Design section)

Trade Sector Business AssociationCSR Guide handbook for trade SMEs 2013

Chamber of Commerce of Modena Design and management of Provincial CSR website2009, 2010, 2011

Local Governments

Emilia Romagna RegionVideo and CDAgenda 21 2003

Province of Reggio EmiliaEnvironmental Policies Report2000-2003

Province of Modena CD-Video "21 Best Practices in Sustainability" 2004


Lombardy RegionGuidelines on Participation and LA212005

Emilia Romagna RegionGuide on Agenda 21 Emilia Romagna RegionInsert of ”La Repubblica”2006

Province of Modena DVD-Video "Best Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility"2007

Municipality and Province of Reggio E.Three-year budget "Agenda 21 in Reggio Emilia 250 projects"2004

Various Local GovernmentsBrochures dedicated to specific stakeholders1999-2013


Various Local GovernmentsCampaigns and radio spots on participatory processes2003-2005

Various Local GovernmentsAction Plans of Local Sustainable Development for 40 Public Bodies1998-2007

Various Local GovernmentsOver 900 workshops, Forum, focus groups, facilitated, 28000 stakeholders involved.1997-2013

8 Municipalities of Ceramic Tile DistrictWebsites and web communication for 3 editions of the Festival Green Economy and realization Practices Showcase Green Economy.2011-2013

EmilCeramica SpaReport Eco-Efficiency Support for Eco-Efficiency Award Sole 24 Ore1996

Ervet SpaNewsletterInnovation and Environment1999-2000-2001

Sider Vasto - Acciaierie di RubieraSocial Report2009

Casalgrande Padana Spa 1 Report of CSR Support for 2 National Awards2006

Palm Spa 1st Annual CSR Reportwith GRI criteria, Support for 3 National Awards2007

European Environmental Management Association EEMA Review1996 - 1998

Florim GroupSupport the 2nd and 3rd Sustainability and CSR Report2011 - 2012

AIMAG SpaSupport for activities stakeholder Engagement Sustainability Reporting2011


Emilia Romagna RegionHandbook for Public Participation in Local Governments2011

Municipality of ModenaGuide - Check-up "80 things to do. "Compass about what and how to do" for behavior and sustainable lifestyles, pointing to 150,000 families in Modena.1996

Communication for SustainabilityPortfolio

Local Governments

Italia Lavoro Teaching multimedia module on the topic of ecoinnovation - European Project Green Jobs Lafemme2014

Reclamation Consortium Emilia CentraleCreation of a brochure Brochure-Infographic "The Consortium in figures and numbers"2014

CMS GroupOrganization and coordination of World Café as a form of dialogue with the territory - 2013

Articles and journals

Pulications on national and international journals (more than 80 items) 1990-2013

• Sole 24 Ore

• Environmental Policy

• Local Environment

• Communitas

• EEMA Review (European Environmental Management

Association - Editor)

• Arpa Review

• Arpa Rivista E-R

• Equilibri –Il Mulino

• Repubblica-Kataweb

• Vita No-Profit

• Regioni e Ambiente

• Cer – Confindustria Ceramica

• Appalti Verdi

• Argomenti Sociali

Periodicals of 40 public bodies.

More than 70 speeches in conferences, seminars, in Italy and Europe, on issues and sustainability projects.

Member of the Order of Journalists since 1989


Ideazione struttura contenuti, redazione

Green Economy Festival Ceramic Tile District3 editions - 2011-2012-2013

Factory of IdeasCeramic Tile District2009-2013

Green Eonomy online RepertoirCeramic Tile District2013

Club of Modena Companies on CSR2009-2013Network of companies, Municipality of Modena, business Associations

CSR Website - Province of Modena2006-2010

CSR Section | Regione Emilia-Romagna website2012-2013

GPP Regional WebsiteProcurement Lombardia2005-2006

Regional Website Agenda 21 Lombardy Region2005-2006

Observatory on Sustainability2000-2005 Province of Modena

Observatory on Sustainability2002 Province of Rimini


Edizioni Sole 24 Ore"Environment, Communications, Companies" 2 Chapters1998


National Coordination Board Agenda 21"Charter for Sustainable Communication"2001

Meltemi “Public Deliberation”,1 Chapter2005


Formez"Territorial Social Responsibility", a chapter on Territorial SR2007


Emilia-Romagna RegionGuide to Urban Governance2009


Focus LabVarious research reports on issues of sustainability, CSR, Green Economy, Urban Governance2001-2013

Italian District AssociationItalan Districts Report 2013 1 chapter Published: “Sustainability in the Ceramic District”2013

Communication for SustainabilityPortfolio
