Communication English 3



Communication English 3. October 22, 2013. Today. - Practice Task 2 speech and peer feedback. Reminder. Task 2 (pt. 1): October 31 (next Thursday) - Speech Day. Pausing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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October 22, 2013

Today- Practice Task 2 speech and peer feedback

ReminderTask 2 (pt. 1): October 31 (next Thursday)

- Speech Day.

PausingSome speakers speak too fast (and look nervous)

Others may speak too slow (and appear nervous or unprepared).

- Proper pausing can help make your speech more effective.

The two types of pausing are:

- Full stop (i.e., at the end of a sentence). /// - Slow down (a vey brief pause between two words). //

Pausing - ExampleRight now, John’s studying business at the University of Michigan. His major area of interest is managing non profit corporations. Before John went to college, he traveled around the world for two years.

PausingRight now,//

John’s studying business//

at the University of Michigan.///

His major area of interest//

is managing non profit corporations.///

Before John went to college,//

he traveled around the world for two years.///

Linking words

Subject + verb + object

Prepositional phrase

Noun phrase

Noun phrase

Subordinate clause

Main clause

PausingYou can also use pausing for dramatic effect.

i.e., after asking a rhetorical question:

“Ladies and gentlemen, did you know that homework destroys the lives of 99 out of every 100 students each day?”


“Work, at home…”

• // means to slow down /// means to stop.

• Erica got a B.A. in international business //in 2001.///During

college,// she did research on economic growth in India./// After

graduation,// she interned at a consulting firm// that works on

emerging markets in Asia./// Three years later,// she returned to

university //to get her master’s degree in economics./// Right

now, // she works as a consultant // at Capital Economics.

A few notes:Time requirement: 3 – 4 minutes.

- Gestures: Keep them above your waist (so the audience can actually see the gestures)

Try to gesture on important words and action words.

- Posture: Don’t dance. Keep your hands out of your pockets

- Avoid too many ‘speech fillers’ (ummm…err…well…hmm)

A few notes:Remember to use sign-posts (but, furthermore, etc…)

Avoid overly emotional terms: crazy, stupid, foolish, ridiculous.

This is still an academic speech

“This law is completely crazy.”- This law … (completely misses the point is misguided will not be effective)

A few notes:“Thank you for listening” = DO NOT USE


- If you must, you can use small cue cards.

FeedbackIF you want feedback for your speech: - send me a script by Sunday (11:59 p.m.)

If you want feedback on your speaking, as well, send me a recording of your speech (again, by Sunday, 11:59 p.m.).

A Good Speech perfect language skills does not = a good speech.

Non-verbal elements also play a role in making a good speech:

- Appearance

- Posture

- Body language

- Eye contact

- Title of the speech

- Good speech structure

A Good SpeechAppearance:

A professional appearance makes you seem:

- More confident.

- More knowledgeable.

- More reliable

It also draws peoples’ attention…in a good way.

A Good SpeechPosture:


A Good SpeechPosture:

- Stand straight (but not like a robot).

- It shows you are serious and confident.

- Also draws peoples’ attention.

A Good SpeechBody language:

A Good SpeechBody language:

- Use gestures naturally (like you would when talking to your friends).

- Trying to “plan” or “fake” too many gestures will make you appear unnatural.

- Be careful to avoid exaggerated gestures.

- A good way to practice gestures is to speak in front of a mirror.

A Good SpeechEye contact:

- Another sign of confidence.

- Creates a connection to your audience (draws them to you).

- Don’t forget to shift your focus through the various sections of the audience.

A Good SpeechTitle of the speech:

“November 15th Speech” vs. “Homework: A danger to our future”

“Doctors work long hours” vs. “The hard life of a doctor”

“Why we should all buy a puppy” vs. “The joys of a puppy companion”

A Good SpeechTitle of the speech:

- The audience knows the title before the presentation.

Having a catchy or interesting title can build anticipation in the audience BEFORE the speech even begins.

People will look forward to your speech more.

Grabs attention before you speak.

A Good SpeechGood speech structure…of course:

1. Hook.

2. Tell the audience what you’re going to say.

3. Tell them.

4. Tell them what you have said.

A Good SpeechTHE most important element to a good speech?


Task 2: Part 2Part 2 will be a debate.

- Next class we will talk about debate, and start practicing.

- We will be debating some of the topics from your speeches.
