Common SR 2014-15.pdf


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CommonSchedule of Rates 2014-15 (Effectivefrom20.11.2014)*****ScheduleofRates(SR)areasetofinformationindicatingRatesofVarious Materials and Labour to beadopted for preparation of Estimates and DPRs.Aftertheformationof ESCOMsseparateESCOMwiseSRswerebeingprepared andissued.Inthemonthlymeetingheldon04.05.2009Chairedbythe PrincipalSecretarytoEnergyDept,GovernmentofKarnatakawhereinMD KPTCLandMD'sofallESCOM'swerepresent,itwasdirectedtoexplorethe possibility of preparing a Common SR applicable toall theESCOMs.Accordingly Common SR across all ESCOM's have been adopted as undera.1stCommon SR -with effect from01.08.2009b.2nd Common SR -with effect from01.07.2010c.3rd Common SR -With effect from01.05.2012Procedureadoptedfor Preparing Common SR 2014-15TheGovernmentofKarnatakavideletternumberEN68VSC2014Dt: 20.08.2014 has constituted theCommon SR committee comprising of :I SriPankajKumar Pandey,Managing Director,BESCOM,Blore: Chairman2.SriNagesh H,Director (Technical),BESCOM,Bangalore: Member3SriLakshmana N,Director (Technical),MESCOM,Mangalore: Member4SriBhagya Naik B,Director (Technical),CESC,Mysore: Member5SriAngadi Ashoka,Director (Technical),HESCOM,Hubli: MembergSriNeelya Naik,Director (Technical),GESCOM,Gulbarga: Member7_ SriNarayana Naik H,CGM(Ele), T&P,KPTCL: MembergSriU R Subramanyam,Director of Economic & Statistics: MembergSriDebashishChakarborty,GM,IEEMA: Member10.Smt.G Sheela,GM(Ele),QS&S,BESCOM: ConvenerTheCommitteemet on18.09.2014 and issued guidelines to befollowed for revisingmaterialpricesandlabourcharges.Thecommitteedirectedtoinclude newmaterialsintheproposedCommonSR2014-15andalsotogetratesfrom neighboring states such as Andhra Pradesh,Maharashtra,Kerala & Tamil Nadu.TheCommitteefurtherdirectedthatthedraftCommonSRshallbe preparedinaccordancewiththeguidelinesissuedandbecirculatedamongall the members toobtain thecomments and suggestions before thesecond meeting.Page1 of 85.0ThedraftCommonSR2014-15preparedinaccordancewiththedirections issuedinthemeetingheldon18.09.2014wascirculatedbeforethesecond meeting and was tabled for discussions in the meeting held on18.10.2014.6.0Thecommitteedeliberatedanddiscussedonthedraftproposalplacedinthe meetingandaccordedconcurrencetoadoptthedraftproposal.Thecommittee issued further guidelines to includeGalvanizedLineStructural Materials,Cable EntryTypeTransformers,NewTypeUndergroundLTFeederPillarBox,Safety MaterialsandtodeleteLTWiringKit.Thecommitteealsodirectedtoinclude Testing,PreCommissioningCharges for11KV CTs & PTs,LTCTs,Meters RMUs, LBSand HT/LT UG Cableand Transformers Repair Charges for major repairs.7.0Theabovesuggestionswereincorporatedandthemodifieddraftproposalwas placedbeforeChairmanSRCommitteeinthemeetingsheldon04.11.2014and 12.11.2014,in themeeting it wasdirectedtoincludetransformer repair charges forminorrepairsalsowith20%increaseovertheprevailingrepaircharges which areapplicable in BESCOM.8.0Inaccordancewiththedirectionsissued,thematerialandlabourchargeshave been revised.9.0Methodology adoptedfor revising materialprices>WeightedAverage&5%onweightedaverageonprocurementcostof materialsprocuredbyESCOMshavebeenconsidered.Eg.:Poles&Transformers.>Forsomematerial,prevailingSRrateshavebeenupdatedusingIEEMAprice variationformulae.Eg.HT/LTUGCables&Insulators.AverageofIEEMA indices for June, July & August-2014 have been consider or updating the prices.>Forsomematerial,proratepricesof similarmaterialshavebeenadopted,for whichratesarenotavailable,inanyof theaboveprocess.Eg.:RMUs&some Line Materials.>Forsomematerials,rateshavebeenworkedoutconsideringtherawmaterial 8s conversion cost.Eg:LineMaterials andConductors.>MarketRateshavebeenconsideredforsomeof thematerials.Eg:ABCable, Dry 85 Amorphous core transformers,Compact SubStation,RMUs.>KPWD Electrical SR Rates for some materials like-have been adopted.>KPWD Rates have beenadoptedfor civil works.>Inrespectof 33KVsystemworks,thematerialrateshavebeenworkout basedontheweightedaverageofprocurementratesofallESCOMsand IEEMA updatedof rates.Page 2 of 8>Existingrateshavebeencontinuedforsomeofthematerials.Eg:Epoxy Termination Kits,Conventional RMU.>Rates of neighboring Rates have been taken for comparison purpose.>Forscrapmaterials,weightedaverageofE-auctionratesofBESCOMduring 2014 has been considered.NOTE:1.Theprevailing excisedutiesandtaxesasapplicablefor materials havebeen considered in arriving the material cost.2.THESCHUDULEOF RATESFOR MATERIALSISFORDINCLUSIVEOF ALL APPLICABLEDUTIES, TAXES ANDFREIGHT & INSURANCECHARGES.10.0Methodology adoptedfor revising Labour25%increaseisconsideredonLabourindexof5780aspercircularno DES/01/PWX/2014Dtd:14.02.2014,issuedbyDirectorateofEconomicsand Statistics,Bangaloreas compared to 4644 considered for Common SR 2012-13.Labour charges areincludedfor thefollowing:>Special Labour Charges for:1to 2Poles Works &3 to5 Poles Works in respect of Gangakalyana & Drinking Works1to 4 Poles works in respect of ServiceConnection,EM Works>New design & remodification of GOS.>ChargesforFixing&Releasingof insulatorsapplicabletoinsulator replacement works only.>Fixing 8s releasing of meters.Thefollowing arecontinued:Speciallocalityallowance:TheprevailingspeciallocalityallowancesarecontinuedforMESCOM,GESCOM,HESOMandCESC.ExistingSpecial Locality Allowance for BESCOM is revised and adopted.Additionallabourcharges:10%AdditionallabourchargesforworksinHazardous Locations is continued.BreakDownWorks:ForattendingtotheBREAKDOWNworksforspeedy restorationofPowerSupply,paymentof25%additionalLabourcharges specified is continued.NOTE:TheaboveadditionallabourchargesshallbepaidwiththespecificapprovalfortheExecutiveEngineerbywayof O.Mandshallnotbepaidmerely because it is provisioned in the estimate.Page 3 of 8PurchaseofSmallItems:TheLECscarryingoutworksonlabourcontract basisisauthorizedtopurchasesmallitemsotherthanpoles.Conductors, Transformers,LightingArrestors,H.T.Insulators,MetersandGOSatSRRates wherevertheexecutionof theworkisheldupduetononavailabilityofsuch materialsprovidedthecostofsuchpurchaseislimitedto10%ofthetotal estimatecostandafterthespecificapprovalof theExecutiveEngineerbythe way of anOM.EmployeesCost:Employeescosttobeprovidedintheestimatesat20%of the total labour charges is continued.11.0Statutory Payments:a.Theprevailingratesof inspectionof worksrevised videNo:E.N.71EBS2007, dated:28.08.08byEnergyDepartment,GovernmentofKarnatakaandare dulyenclosedinSRandinstructedtoincludetherelevantratesof Electrical inspectoratecharges inall estimatesandDPRStobeprepared.Whenever the inspectoratecharges are revised thesameshall be followed.b.Roadcutting,footpathcuttingchargesetc.,payabletocivicbodiesshallbe included in theestimateas applicable.12.0General Guidelines:a.TheSquirrelACSRconductorshallnotbeusedforanynewworks(B.O.No. B19/6723/95-96/21.06.2000of KEB.b.The Averagespanfor new11KV lines inUrbanareasshall be40Mtrs.InRural areastheaveragespanlengthshallbe50Mtrs.Howevertheaveragespanwill be60 respect of lines drawn to IP Sets.Minimum size of theconductor to be used: (a)1 lkV lines:Minimumsizeof theconductor tobe used for all new11KV lines shall be Rabbit ACSR only.(b)LT lines:a)Urbanareas:Minimumsizeof conductor to be used for phases and neutral shall beRabbit ACSR conductor.b)Rural areas: The minimumsizeof conductor to be used shall be Weasel for phases and neutral.c)Only Weasel Conductor shall be used for Street Light Control, Gangakalyana and water works.Page 4 of 8(c) Usage of Poles:OnlyRCCpolesshallbeusedfordeadends,DPstructures,Transformer Centers and Anchor Points.PSC/PCC poles shall be used as intermediate poles.SquarePolesshallbeusedforerectingof 25KVATransformersonsingle pole.(d)Life Time Guarantee:Whereever Dry Type Transformers,CableEntry Type Transformers,Compact Sub-Stationsareprovisionedintheestimate/usedinthefieldprocuredbythe prospectiveconsumerforselfexecutionworks,theequipmentsshallbe maintained for the entire life timeby theconsumer.InallSelfExecutionworksprovisionshallbemadeforBEE3Staror HigherRatedTransformersonlyupto100KVA.ProvisionforConventional Transformers may be made for 250kVA and abovecapacity.Materialcodenumberfor allmaterialshavebeenprovidedintheSRandthesamehastobeused whilepreparationof theestimateandintheindents.AllthefieldofficersandinspectingofficersshouldensurethatthematerialsusedshallconfirmtotherelevantISspecificationsandthe worksexecutedarein accordancewiththeapproveddrawings/stipulatednorms.TheUGcable/PVCwiresusedfortheworkshallcarry ISI markings.GuysetincludesAnchorRod,Turnbuckle,Guywire,StrainInsulator, Guy clamp with Bolts,Nuts and Washers.AsperGovernmentElectricalInspectorateorderNo.CEG/D/T/13306/86-87dated: 17.12.1986,E.G.Stirrupsshallbeusedinthefollowing locations:Within the town/village limits.In the factory premises.13.Provisionfor ACSR Conductor:a.ACSRconductorinthecostdatasheetincludesanadditionalquantityof 1.5%oftherequirementtocoverthesag,bindingwireforbinding conductor on the insulators and jumper connections.Page 5 of 8b.Whileworkingoutthecostdatasheet,provisionhasbeen madeforallthematerialsincludinggeneralconductoraccessories.Incase ofrequirementof anyspecialaccessorieslikewedgeclamp,strainclamp etc.,separate provision has to be made for such materials.c.All thenecessary materials required for executionof work areincluded inthe costdatasheet.Hencecontingenciesat2%ontheestimatecostis provisionedonly to takecareof unforeseen materials and labour andshall be paidasperactualifincurred,withthespecificapprovaloftheExecutive Engineer,by way of issueof O.M.14.Provisionfor inspectoratechargeshall bemadeasa separateitemintheestimate aspertheapplicablerates.Thecurrentapplicablerateof inspectoratechargesis provided in theCommonSR.15.Forshortlineslessthan1KM,theestimatesshallbepreparedasperactual requirement of the materials.16.Concreting:a.Concretingof polesshallbetakenupdependingonsoilconditions.Separate provision has to be made in the estimate,at the rates provided in the SR.b.1:4:8Cement Concrete has to be provided for baseconcreting.c.1:2:4cementconcretehastobeprovidedforpoleconcreting coping etc,.17.All transformersaboveandinclusiveof 25KVA capacitiesaretobeprovided with GOSand HG fuse units.18.AsperBoardorderNo.KEB/308/3/(82-83)dated:25.02.1993of KEBandas per thedecisionofTechnicalCommitteemeetingheldon25.06.1993,25/63/100 KVA transformershall beprovided withLTProtectionKit.Transformers with250 KVA capacitiesandaboveshall beprovided withLTDistributionBox withMCCB. Incitylimitstransformerswith100KVAcapacityshallbeprovidedwithLT Distribution Box with MCCB,the rate has been furnished in theCommon SR.19.Costdatasheetsforworksof providingHT&LTOverHeadLines,AerialBunched Cables,DistributionTransformersCentersfor25/63/100KVAonsingle9Mtr. RCCpolesofSquareSection&DPSets,RLMunitfor25/63/100KVA TransformerCenters,CompactRMUs&PackagedSubStations,HTUGCables havebeenworkedoutandincludedintheCommonSRforeasyreference. Howeverany modificationoraddition/deletionmay beconsidereddependingon the field conditions.Page 6 of 8NOTE:1.AspertheCEAguidelines,Transformersof capacitymorethan25kVAhaveto be erected on DP structures/Plinth only.2.CorrespondencehasbeenmadewithCEA regarding erectionof Transformerson11Mtrs.SpunPolesandtillsuchtimethefinaldirectionsarereceivedthe prevailing instructions in force in respective ESCOMs shall be followed.3.If thedepreciated valueof thecableproposed to bereleased is less than thesum of estimatedlabourforsuchrelease,roadcuttingchargespayabletoBMPand other civic bodies,then the releasing of thecable need not be resorted to.4.Labourchargesfor releasingof materialsshall beat90% of thecostof erection. (PleaseseeCorporateOfficecircularNo.BESCOM/BC-35/07-08/CYS-86/DT: 23.10.07)5.Whileexecutingthere-conductoringworkthereleasedconductorshallbereturnedtostoresascreditinaccordancewithcircularNo.BESCOM/GM(T)/ BC-20/F-664/05-06/CYS-174,Dt:10.01.06.(See pageNo_____ )6.Thefollowingadditionalcomponentshavetobeincludedwhilepreparing estimatesforDistributionworkswhichareexecutedonturnkey/partial turnkey basis:a.Service tax@12.36% on labour cost.b.Works contract tax. (if applicable)c.Transportation cost fromStores to site @ 2% on materials cost.d.Watch and ward cost @1% on material cost.e.Insurance charges @1% on material cost against theft 8s accidents.f.PerformanceguaranteeandlossofinterestonmarginmoneyforBank Guarantee(BG) @ 2.5% of the value of BG.g.Statutory charges as per actual (For Inspectorate,Civic body etc.,)h.Compensation cost as per approved norms for tree cutting,crop insurance etc.7.Inestimatestobeexecutedonlabourcontractbasis,provisionfor ProvidentFundchargesat13.61%andESIat4.75%(orasapplicable)onTotal Labour Charges shall bemade in theestimate.20.Important Points>Materials:The rates in respect of items both material & labour,whicharenot found in thisscheduleof rates,but needtobeprovidedinestimatemay beobtainedfromthe officeofQuality,Standard8aSafety,CorporateOffice,BESCOMorfromthe concernedCorporateofficeof ESCOMs.Page 7 of 8Thescheduleof ratesformaterialsis"FORD"inclusiveof allapplicableduties, taxes and freight 85 insurancecharges.>Labour charges:Componentoflabourcharges:Thelabourchargedoesnotincludeany additional components.Theadditionallabourchargestowardsspeciallocalityallowancebreakdown chargesandworksinhazardousinstallationsshallbeincludedintheestimates as applicable.Thespeciallocalityallowanceisallowableonlyonbasiclabourchargesandnot onadditionallabourchargesforworksathazardousinstallationandbreak down charges.Ganga Kalyana and water works:a.Speciallabourchargesfor1to2poleand3to5poleworkshavebeen separately proposed exclusively for Ganga Kalyana and water works.b.This is not applicable for any other type of work including E&I works.c.Theseratesareapplicableonlywhen1to2poleand3to5polesare involved and no other associated works.d.Estimates shall not besplit to show the pole works and Transformers works etc.,separately to claim thesespecial labour charges.e.Certificatehastobefurnishedbythesectionofficerwhopreparesthe estimate that the estimates are not split to claim theabove labour charges.(G.SHBBLA)CONVENOR SR COMMITTEE 8s GENERAL MANAGER (ELE.),Q,S&S, BESCOM.Page 8 of 8A.Typical CostData Sheetfor preparation of estimates onLABOUR CONTRACTSl.No.Particulars Amount (inRs.)1 Materials Cost2 Labour Charges3Special Locality Allowance @ ........ % on labour charges onSl.No.2above(applicable for areas mentioned in page no. ............... Part-6)4BreakDownChargesat25%onlabourforspeedy restorationofpoweronSl.No.2asabove.(Tobe incorporated after competent approval).5Additional labour chargesat10% onSl.No.(2)for working onHazardousinstallations.(Tobeincorporatedafter competent approval).6 Service Tax @12.36.% on Total labour charges.7Contribution towards employees provident fund charge @ 13.61% & ESI @ 4.75% (wherever applicable)on Total labour charges8**Transportation cost from stores tosite(wherever applicableat 2% on material cost)9 Contingencies @ 2% on Total material & labour10. Employees cost @20%on total labour Charges(2+3+4+5)11Statutory charges as per actuals(Inspectoratecharges,civic body charges etc.,)12Compensation cost for treecutting etc.,as per approved norms.13 Total Cost of EstimateinRs.Note:-1)Allthematerialsrequiredforexecutionof worksareincludedinthecostdatasheet.The contingencyat2%provisionedisonlytotakecareof unforeseenmaterialandlabourand whenapplicableshall bepaidafter thespecificapprovalof theExecutiveEngineer by wayof issueof an O.M.2)**Thisistocovertheadmissibletransportationcharges,Labourforloadingandunloadingand for carrying the materials by head load, which shall be paid as per actuals.4)Itshallnot beconstruedthatalltheaboveamountsmentionedintheestimateshasto bepaid to thecontractor.Thepayment shall bearrangedas per actuals.5) TheLECs carrying out works on labour contract basis areauthorized to purchasesmall itemsother thanpoles,Conductors,Transformers,Lightning ArrestorsH.T.Insulators,Metersand GOS at SR rates wherever theexecutionof the work is heldupduetononavailability of such materialsprovidedthecostof suchpurchaseislimitedto10%of thetotalestimatecostand after thespecific approval of theExecutiveEngineer by the way of an OM.B.Typical CostData Sheetfor preparation of Estimates forTOTAL TURNKEYSl.No.Particulars AmountinRs.1 Materials cost2 Labour charges3 Service Tax @ .......... %on Total labour charges.4Contribution towards employees provident fund charge @ 13.61% & ESI @ 4.75% (wherever applicable)on Total labour charges5Transportation cost from stores tosite @ 2% on material cost6 Contingencies @ 2% on material + labour cost7 Watch and ward cost @1% on material cost8Insurancecost against theft & accident @1% on material cost9Performance guaranteeand loss of interest on margin money for BG @ 2.5% of the valueof BG10Statutory charges as per actual(Inspectorate charges, civic body charges etc.,)11Compensation cost for treecutting etc.,as per approved norms12 Total CostinRs.Note:-1)Whilepreparingtheestimateprovisionhastobemadespecificallyforthe conductoraccessoriessuchasWedge/PGclamps,AlkatheneTube,etc.,duly assessing thequantity.2)Thecontingencyat2% provisionedisonly totakecareof unforeseenmaterialand labour.Thishastobepaidonlyforanyadditionalworkcarriedoutandasper actual.3)ThematerialstobeprocuredbytheagencyshallconformtoESCOMs specificationsandgotinspectedbeforeexecutionofwork.Thematerialshallbe procured by theagencies from theapproved vendors.Sl.No123456789101112C.Typical Cost Data Sheetfor preparation of Estimates forPARTIAL TURNKEYParticularsMaterials costa.ESCOMs portionb.Agency portion______________Labour chargesAmount inRs.Service Tax @ ....... %on Total labour charges.Contribution towards employees provident fund charge @ 13.61% & ESI @ 4.75% (wherever applicable)on Total labour charges______________________________________________Transportation cost from stores tosite @ 2% on material costContingencies @ 2% on material+ labour costWatch and ward cost @1% on material costInsurancecost against theft & accident @1% on material costPerformance guaranteeand loss of interest on margin money of BG @ 2.5% of the valueof BGStatutory charges as per actuals(Inspectoratecharges, civic body charges etc.,)Compensation cost for treecutting etc.,as per approved normsTotal CostinRs.1)Whilepreparingtheestimateprovisionhastobemadespecificallyforthe conductoraccessoriessuchasWedge/PGclamps,AlkatheneTube,etc.,duly assessing thequantity.2)Thecontingencyat2%provisionedisonlytotakecareof unforeseenmaterial and labour and is not payable to thecontractor at 2% but payable at actuals.3)ThematerialstobeprocuredbytheagencyshallconformtoESCOMs specificationsandgotinspectedbeforeexecutionof work.Thematerialshallbe procured by theagencies from theapproved vendors.D.TypicalCost Data Sheetfor preparationof estimates on Deposit Contribution work______________Sl.No. Particulars Amount (inRs.)1 Materials Cost2 Labour Charges3Locality allowanceat ....%on labour charges (applicable for areas mentioned in pageNo........ Part-6)4 Service Tax @12.36%on Total labour charges.5Contributiontowardsemployeesprovidentfundcharge @13.61% & ESI @ 4.75%(wherever applicable)on Total labour charges6Transportation cost from stores tosite@ 2% on material cost wherever applicable7 %Contingencies @ 2% on Total material & labour8Employees cost @ 20% on total material+ labour Charges(1+2+3)9Statutory charges such as Road cutting charges payable to BBMP or local authorities as per actuals10Government electrical inspectoratecharges as per actuals11Compensation cost for treecutting etc.,as per approved norms12 Total Cost of Estimate in Rs.Note:1)The estimate is only provisional.2)Thefinalcostof theworkshallbeworkedoutaftercompletionof thework anddifferenceamounthastobecollectedfromtheapplicantbefore commissioning.E.TypicalCost Data Sheetfor preparationof estimates onSel f execution workSl.No.Particulars Amount (inRs.)1 Materials Cost2 Labour Charges3Locality Allowance @ ....% on Labour Charges(Applicable for areas mentioned in PageNo............Part-6)4 *Contingencies @ 2% on Total material & labour5 Employees cost @10% on total labour Charges(2+3)6Statutory charges such as Road cutting charges payable to BBMP or local authorities as per actuals.7 Government electrical inspectoratecharges as per actuals.8Compensation cost for treecutting etc.,as per approved norms9. Total Cost of Estimate in Rs.Supervision charges shall becollected at10% on all the oe:items from1to 4.1) All the materials required for execution of works have to bearranged by theagencies.2)No material shall be supplied by ESCOMs.3)ThematerialsshallconformtoESCOMsspecificationsandshallbegotinspectedbefore executionofwork.ThematerialshallbeprocuredbytheagenciesfromtheBESCOM approvedvendors.BillsandTestCertificateinrespectof thematerialsprocuredshallbe furnishedtoBESCOM(PleaseseecircularNo.BESCOM/BC-20/F-1111/2008-09/Dated 24.06.2010).F.Typical CostData Sheetfor preparation of Estimates for_______________ TOTAL TURNKEY (33kV System)_______________Sl.No.Particulars AmountinRs.1 Materials cost2 Labour charges3 Civil Engineering Charges4LocalityAllowance@....%onLabourCharges+30%of CivilEngineeringCharges(Applicableforareas mentioned in PageNo............Part-6)5TotalMaterialCost=Materialcost+70%ofcivil Engineering Charges.6TotalLabourCharges=Labourcharges+30%Civil Engineering charges+ locality allowance.7 Employees cost at 20% of the labour charges.8 Service Tax @ .......... %on Total labour charges.9Work Contract Tax @12.5% on 70% of Civil Engineering Charges.10Contribution towards EmployeeProvident FundCharges & ESI @ 4.75% (wherever applicable)on Total labour charges at13.61%11Transportation cost from stores tosite @ 2% on material cost12 Contingencies @ 2% on material+ labour cost13 Watch and ward cost @1% on material cost14Insurancecost against theft & accident @1% on material cost15Performance guaranteeand loss of interest on margin money for BG @ 2.5% of the valueof BG [Value of theBG=Sumof itemNos.(5)to(14)]16 CESSat the rate of 1% on thecost of construction.17Statutory charges as per actual(Inspectoratecharges, civic body charges etc.,)18Compensation cost for treecutting etc.,as per approved norms19 Total CostinRs.(Sum of item N.(5) to(18)Note:-1)Whilepreparingtheestimateprovisionhastobemadespecificallyforthe conductoraccessoriessuchasWedge/PGclamps,AlkatheneTube,etc.,duly assessing the quantity.2)Thecontingencyat2% provisionedisonly totakecareof unforeseenmaterialand labour.Thishastobepaidonlyforanyadditionalworkcarriedoutandasper actual.3)ThematerialstobeprocuredbytheagencyshallconformtoESCOMs specificationsandgotinspectedbeforeexecutionofwork.Thematerialshallbe procured by theagencies from theapproved vendors.ABSTRACT OF COMMON SR 2014-15 COST DATA SHEETSCSR 2014-15Cost Data Sheet No.PARTICULARS UnitTotal cost of Estimate (In Rs.)Labour Charges only casual (In Rs.)Material + Labour (Both casual and Regular)Labour111kV 3-PhSC line with40 mtrsspanon 9mtr supports using Rabbit conductorKm 304439 40639211kV 3-PhSC line with50 mtrsspanon 9mtr supports using Rabbit conductorKm 273522 34729311kV 3-PhSC line with50 mtrsspanon 8 mtr supports using Rabbit conductorKm 246544 31065411kV 3-PhSC line with40 mtrsspanon 9mtr supports using coyote conductorKm 513125 47804511kV 3Ph.SCLine and 3 phase -4 wireLT line on 9.0 mtr supports withanaverage spanof 50mtrsusing Rabbit Conductor for H.T.and WEASEL for L.TLinesKm 466124 60975611kV 3Ph.SCLine and 3 phase -4 wireLT line on 9.0 mtr supports withanaverage spanof 40mtrsusing Rabbit Conductor for H.T.andL.TLinesKm 555933 6397573 Ph.4 wireLT line on8 mtr supports with 60 mtrs span using Rabbit Conductor (IPSet installations)Km 184786 2567683Ph.4 wireLT line on8 mtrSupports with 40 mtrs span using Rabbit ConductorKm 277643 3450793Ph.4 wireLT line on 9mtrSupports with 40 mtrs span using Rabbit ConductorKm 308845 39232103Ph.5 wireLT line on 9.0 mtr supportsUsing Rabbit conductor with a spanof 40mtrs (For Cities, Townsand Residential layouts)Km 367363 44406113Ph.5 wireLT line with 8.0 mtr Supports Using Rabbit conductor with a spanof 50 mtrsKm 308138 34751123Ph.5 wireLT line with 8.0 mtr Supports Using Weasel witha span of 40 mtrsKm 192233 2839213L.T3 Ph.5 wire LT line with continuousearth wire on 9.0 mtr supportsusing RABBITfor phase, neutral and street light control and 8SWGG.I.wire for continuous ground wire with 40 mtrsspan in vertical configurationKm 389288 489321411kV 3 ph.SC line on 9mtr supports using Rabbit conductor with 40 mtrs span with verticalconfiguration incongested areaKm 330921 4550915Providing 2 pole structrue at the tapping point using RCC polea)8 mtr RCC Per unit 47724 4725b)9mtr RCC Per unit 51114 485516 Providing 3PoleStructure using 9MtrsRCCPoles Per unit 43299 678317Providing Metering toIP Set installations usingSMC BoxNos 6992 70018Layingof1km lengthof 11kV 3 core XLPE UG Cable using Horizontal drilling methoda.Flat armourb.Round ArmourKm16177401743990 86280919Layingof1km lengthof 11kV 3 core XLPE UG Cable using Conventional laying involving excavation of soil a.Flat armour b.Round ArmourKm9741651100415 18354720Layingof1km lengthof 11kV 3core XLPE UG Cable using Horizontal drilling methoda.Flat armourb.Round ArmourKm21132552354315 86289721Layingof1km lengthof 11kV 3core XLPE UG Cable using Conventional laying involving excavation of soila.Flatarmourb.Round ArmourKm14716871712747 18530722Layingof1km lengthof 11kV 3 core XLPE UG Cable using Horizontal drilling methoda.Flat armourb.Round ArmourKm27115243094244 86298523Layingof1km lengthof 11kV 3core XLPE UG Cable using Conventional laying involving excavation of soil a.Flat armour b.Round ArmourKm20719612454681 187066a)Erection of 3-ph,11kV/433V Distribution Transformer center using 8mtr DPTs(For BEE3Star Rated T ransformers)24 i)25 kVA Per unit 130632 931225 ii)63kVA Per unit 179813 952326iii)100 kVA(withDistribution Box) Per unit 235218 9993iv)100kVA (with LT protection kit) Per unit 221822 9952b)Erection of 3-ph,11kV/433V Distribution Transformer center using 9mtr DPTs(For BEEStar Rated T ransformers)24a i)25 kVA Per unit 134455 980325a ii)63kVA Per unit 183816 1001426aiii)100 kVA(withDistribution Box) Per unit 238898 10365iv)100kVA (with LT protection kit) Per unit 225502 1032427Erectionof 3-ph,11kV/433V 250 kVA Distribution Transformer center using 8mtrDPTsPer unit 332490 983327aErectionof 3-ph,11kV/433V 250 kVA Distribution Transformer center using 9mtrDPTsPer unit 336079 1012928Erectionof 25 kVA ,BEE3Star Rated11kV/433V, Single pole mounted transformer centre on 9mtr RCC pole Square sectionPer unit 119240 703629Erectionof 63 kVA,BEE3Star Rated11kV/433V, Single pole mounted transformer centre on 9 mtr RCC pole Square sectionPer unit 168422 724730Erectionof100 kVA,BEE3Star Rated11kV/433V, Single pole mounted transformer centre on 9mtr RCC pole Square sectiona) With LT Distribution Box Per unit 223479 7427b)WithLT Protection Kit Per unit 210082 738631Erectionof 250kVA,11kV/433V,Single pole mounted Distribution Transformer on11mtrs spun pole with 3 GOS systemPer unit 401262 1183332Providing Compact RMU11kV class VCB/SF6 Type (1Incomer+2Breakers+1Outgoing)a Schenider Make Per unit 1075936 10222b ABBMake Per unit 1078975 10510c SeimensMake Per unit 1076285 10411d MEI Per unit 1075752 1084733Providing Compact RMU11kV class VCB/SF6 Type(1 Incomer+1Breakers+1Outgoing)a Schenider Make Per unit 759135 7632b ABBMake Per unit 762141 7883c SeimensMake Per unit 760278 7812d MEI Per unit 759766 814334Providing Compact RMU11kV class VCB/SF6 Type (1OD)a Schenider Make Per unit 276582 2590b ABBMake Per unit 276581 2627c SeimensMake Per unit 275788 2599d MEI Per unit 275767 270335Providing Compact RMU11kV class VCB/SF6 Type (1VL)a Schenider Make Per unit 321429 2590b ABBMake Per unit 321428 2627c SeimensMake Per unit 320635 2599d MEI Per unit 320614 270336RunningSingle Circuit11kV 3Phase Power line on 9 mtr RCC supports with average spanof 30 mtrsusing 3x95Sqmm+1x70Sqmm Aerial BunchedCables(ABC)Km 1017179 7198937RunningSingle Circuit1. 1 kV 3Phase 5 wirePower line on 9 mtrRCC supports withaverage spanof 40mtrs using 3x95+1x16+1x70Sqmm Aerial Bunched Cables (ABC)Km 641515 6455938Installing RLMU for the existing15/25KVA Distribution Transformer CenterPer unit 53459 246639Installing RLMU for the existing 63KVA Distribution Transformer CenterPer unit 57959 246640Installing RLMU for the existing100 KVA Distribution Transformer CenterPer unit 65559 2466Erectionof Compact Pre-fabricatedPackagedSubstation11kV/433 Va) With100 kVA oil cooled transformer Per unit 1132904b)With 250 kVA oil cooled transformer Per unit 1491923c)With500kVA oil cooled transformer Per unit 157916341d) With750 kVA oil cooled transformer Per unit 1824000e) With 990 kVA oilcooled transformer Per unit 228000010580f)With100 kVA dry type transformer Per unit 1182768g)With 250 kVA dry type transformer Per unit 1611596h)With500kVA dry type transformer Per unit 1997538i)With 750 kVA dry type transformer Per unit 2507446j)With 990 kVA dry type transformer Per unit 290894942providing Electronic TrivectorMeters with associated CT'sMetering Box etc.,on LTside of Distribution Transformer Centera)i)15/25 kVA (with meter)Per unit9390 1014ii)15/25 kVA (without meter) 6390 456b)i)50/63 kVA (with meter)Per unit8907 1014ii)50/63kVA (without meter) 5907 456c)i)100 kVA(with meter)Per unit8568 1014ii)100 kVA(without meter) 5568 456d)i)250 kVA(with meter)Per unit8745 1014ii)250 kVA (without meter) 5745 456e)i)500 kVA(with meter)Per unit8895 1014ii)500 kVA(without meter) 5895 456providing LTCapacitors to the Distribution Transformersa)3 kVAr for15/25KVA DTCs Per unit 1063 33843 b)9kVAr for 63KVA DTCs Per unit 1469 338c)18 kVAr for100KVA DTCs Per unit 2331 398d)27 kVAr for 250KVA DTCs Per unit 3423 465e)54 kVAr for 300/500KVA DTCs Per unit 5569 48644For carrying out1 to 2poles works in respect of Ganga Kalyana and Drinking WaterSupply Worksonly.Per Work 781345For carrying out 3 to5 poles works in respect of Ganga Kalyana and Drinking WaterSupply Worksonly.Per Work 1234446For carrying out1 to 4(One tofour)poles works in respect of service main connection and E& I worksonlyMaterialcost asper site requirement a Works involving ONE pole Per Work 3750b Worksinvolving TWO poles Per Work 5000c Worksinvolving THREE poles Per Work 6250d Worksinvolving FOUR poles Per Work 750047Standard Requirement of Materialsfor providing LT Wiring for Distribution Transformer Centersof various capacitiesPer Work QuantitiesasPer site RequirementCOST DATA SHEET -1Running SingleCircuitllkV,3 PhasePower LineOn9.0 Mtr Supports With An AverageSpanOf 40 Mtrs Using Rabbit ACSRConductorSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CctRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCCPole- 9Mtrs Long,145 kg WL Nos 1 5941 5941 937 9372 PSCPole- 9MtrsLong,200 kg WL Nos 23 3278 75394 937 215513Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers for RCCpolesSet 1 449 449 88 884Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers for PSC polesSet 23 443 10189 88 20245 DP Structure with 9MtrsRCCPoles Set 1 16671 16671 2877 28776 11kV Pin Insulators with GI pins Nos 72 103 7416 0 07 45 kN Disc Insulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 08 GuySet Complete Sets 6 855 5130 314 18849 Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 3.045 36810 112086 230-8 702810 PG Clamps for Rabbit Conductor Nos 6 89 534 0 011 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 26 238 6188 49 127412 EGStirrups with GI wirelacingSet of 2 Nos24 424 10176 88 211213 Concreting materialsfor guy sets without cement Nos 6 140 840 0 014Caution/ Danger Board asper DrawingNo. BESCC>M/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07Nos 8 120 960 43 34415Anti Climbing Device(lOmtrs/ 1 Kg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumNos 26 73 1898 20 520Total 255672 4063916 Labour chargesa)Casual 40639b)Regular 8128Total Cost/Km inRs. 304439Note: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 2Running SingleCircuit11kV,3-PhasePower Lineon9.0 Mtr Supports with an AverageSpanof 50 Mtrs Using Rabbit ACSRConductorSL.NoParticulars UnitQtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCCPole- 9MtrsLong,145 kg WL Nos l 5941 5941 937 9372 PSC Pole- 9MtrsLong,2GCkg WL Nos 18 3278 59004 937 168663Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Set 1 449 449 88 884Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers(for PSCpoles)Set 18 443 7974 88 15845 DPStructure with 9MtrsRCCPoles Set 1 16671 16671 2877 28776 1lkV Pin Insulators withGI pins Nos 57 103 5871 0 07 45kN DiscInsulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 08 GuySet Complete Sets 6 855 5130 314 18849 Rabbit ACSRConductor Kms 3.045 36810 112086 2308 702810 PG Clamps for Rabbit conductor Nos 6 89 534 0 011 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 21 238 4998 49 102912 EGStirrups with GI wire lacingSet of 2 Nos19 424 8056 88 167213 Concreting materials for guy sets without cement Nos 6 140 840 0 014Caution/Danger Board as per Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07Nos 8 120 960 43 34415Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKg 21 73 1533 20 420Total 231847 3472916 Labour chargesa)Casual 34729b)Regular 6946Total Cost/Km inRs. 273522Note: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSC poles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 3Running SingleCircuit11kV,3-PhasePower Lineon8.0 Mtr Supports with an AverageSpanof 50 Mtrs Using RABBIT ACSRConductorSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labo ur CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCCPole- 8.0M Long,145 kg WL Nos 1 4324 4324 751 7512 PCCPole- 8.0M Long,200kg WL Nos 18 2297 41346 751 135183Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Set 1 449 449 88 884Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers(for PCC poles)Sets 18 439 7902 88 15845 DP Structure with 8Mtrs RCCPoles Set 1 13437 13437 2747 27476 1lkV Pin Insulators with GIpins Nos 57 103 5871 0 07 45kN Disc Insulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 08 GuySet Complete Sets 6 855 5130 314 18849 Rabbit ACSRConductor Kms 3.045 36810 112086 2308 702810 PG Clamps for Rabbit Conductor Nos 6 89 534 0 011 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 21 238 4998 49 102912 EGStirrups with GI wire lacingSet of 2 Nos19 424 8056 88 167213 Concreting materialsfor guy sets without cement Nos 6 140 840 C 014Caution/ Danger Board asper Drawing No. BESCC>M/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07Nos 8 120 960 43 34415Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 21 73 1533 20 420Total 209266 3106516 Labour chargesa)Casual 31065b)Regular 6213Total Cost/Km inRs. 246544Note: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 4Running SingleCircuit11kV,3-PhasePower Lineon9.0 Mtr Supports with an AverageSpanof 40 Mtrs Using COYOTE ACSRconductorSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCC Pole-9MtrsLong,145kg WL Nos 1 5941 5941 937 9372 PSCPole- 9MtrsLong,20C- kg WL Nos 22 3278 72116 937 206143Horizontal crossarms with clamps,HTSTsupports, bolts, nuts and washers(for RCC poles)Set 1 449 449 88 884Horizontal crossarms with clamps,HTSTsupports, bolts, nuts and washers(for PSC poles)Sets 22 443 9746 88 19365 DP Structure with 9MtrsRCCPoles Sets 2 16671 33342 2877 57546 1lkV Pin Insulators with GI pins Nos 69 103 7107 0 07 70/90kN Disc Insulators Nos 12 506 6072 0 08 Strain Clamp 3bolt typefor Disc Insulator Nos 12 546 6552 0 09 Guy Set Complete Sets 6 855 5130 314 188410 Coyote ACSRConductor Kms 3.C-45 93860 28580-4 4031 1227411 PGClamps for CoyoteConductor Nos 12 276 3312 0 012 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 27 238 6426 49 132313 EGStirrups with GI wire lacingSet of 2 Nos23 424 9752 88 202414 Concreting materials for guy sets without cement Nos 6 140 840 0 015Caution/Danger Board as per Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07Nos 10 120 1200 43 43016Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GIBarbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 27 73 1971 20 540Total 455760 4780417 Labour chargesa)Casual 47804b)Regular 9561Total Cost/Km inRs. 513125Note: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSC poles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 5Running SingleCircuit11kV 3 PhasePower Lineand3 Phase- 4 WireSecondary Lineon9 Mtr Supports with an AverageSpanof50 Mtrs using RABBIT Conductor for HT and WEASELfor LT LinesSlParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostNoRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCC Pole- 9Mtrs Long,145 kg WL Nos 1 5941 5941 937 9372 PSC Pole- 9MtrsLong,200 kg WL Nos 18 3278 59004 937 1686631lkV Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST Supports,bolts,nutsand washers(for RCC poles)Set 1 449 449 88 8841lkV Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST Supports,bolts,nutsand washers(for PSC poles)Sets 18 443 7974 88 15845LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCC poles)Set 1 318 318 85 856LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PSC poles)Sets 19 312 5928 85 16157 DP Structure with 9mtr RCCPoles Set 1 16671 16671 2877 28778 1lkV Pin Insulators with GI pins Nos 57 95 5415 0 09 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 76 41 3116 0 010 45kN Disc Insulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 011 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 8 14 112 0 012 GuySet Complete Sets 8 855 6840 314 251213 Rabbit ACSR for HT Lines Kms 3.045 36810 112086 2308 702814 Weasel ACSRfor LT lines Kms 4.06 21900 88914 1693 687415 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 21 238 4998 49 102916 Guarding between HT & LT Linesa)Guarding Materials Span 20 3150 63000 938 18760b)4Pin cross arms with clamps,bolts, nuts and washers.Sets 20 318 6360 0 017 PG Clamps for Rabbit conductor Nos 6 89 534 0 018 Concreting Materials for guy sets Nos 8 140 1120 0 019Caution/ Danger Board asper DrawingNo. BESCC>M/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07Nos 7 120 840 43 30120Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 21 73 1533 20 420Total 392953 6097521 Labour chargesa)casual 60975b)Regular * 12195Total Cost/Kmin Rs 466124Note: 1)RCC Poles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSC poles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 6Running SingleCircuit11kV,3-PhasePower Line& 3 Phase4 WireSecondary Lineon 9.0 Mtr Supports withan AverageSpanof40 Mtrs Using RABBIT ACSR conductor for HT & LT LinesSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCC Pole- 9Mtrs Long,145 kg WL Nos 1 5941 5941 937 9372 PSC Pole- 9MtrsLong,200 kg WL No's 23 3278 75394 937 215513Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers(for RCC poles)Set 1 449 449 88 884Horizontal cross arms with clamps,HTST supports, bolts,nuts and washers(for PSC poles)Sets 23 443 10189 88 20245LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCC poles)Set 1 318 318 85 856LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PSC poles)Sets 24 312 7488 85 20407 DP Structure with 9mtr RCCPoles Set 1 16671 16671 2877 28778 1lkV Pin Insulators with GI pins Nos 72 95 6840 0 09 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 96 41 3936 0 010 45kN Disc Insulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 011 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 8 14 112 0 012 GuySet Complete Sets 8 855 6840 314 251213 Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 7.105 36810 261535 2308 1639814 PG Clamps for Rabbit conductor Nos 6 89 534 0 015 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 26 238 6188 49 127416 Guarding between HT & LT Linesa)Guarding Materials Span 25 2520 63000 533 13325b)4Pin cross arms with clamps,bolts, nuts and washers.Sets 25 318 7950 0 017 Concreting materialsfor guy sets without cement Nos 8 140 1120 0 018Caution/ Danger Board asper DrawingNo. BESCC>M/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07Nos 8 120 960 43 34419Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 26 73 1898 20 520Total 479163 6397520 Labour chargesa)Casual 63975b)Regular 12795Total Cost/Km inRs. 555933Note: 1)RCC Poles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSC poles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 7Running LT,3-Phase4 WirePower Lineon8.0 Mtr Supports Using WEASEL ACSR Conductor withanAverageSpanof 60 Mtrs(IP Installations)SL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CoetRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCCPole- 8Mtrs Long,145 kg WL Nos 1 4324 4324 751 7512 PCCPole- 8MtrsLong,2C-C kg WL Nos 17 2297 39049 751 127673LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Set 1 318 318 85 854LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PCC poles)Sets 17 308 5236 85 14455 1.1kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 64 41 2624 0 06 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 8 14 112 0 07 GuySet Complete Sets 8 835 6680 314 25128 Weasel ACSRConductor Kms 4.06 21900 88914 1693 68749 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 18 238 4284 49 88210 Concreting materialsfor guy sets without cement Nos 8 140 1120 0 011Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 18 73 1314 20 360Total 153975 2567612 Labour chargesa)Casual 25676b)Regular 5135Total Cost/Km inRs. 184786No te: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 8Running LT,3-Phase4 WirePower Lineon 8.0 Mtr Supports Using RABBIT ACSR Conductor with anAverageSpanof 40 MtrsSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCCPole- 8Mtrs Long,145 kg WL Nos 1 4324 4324 751 7512 PCCPole- 8MtrsLong,200 kg WL Nos 24 2297 55128 751 180243LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Set 1 318 318 85 854LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PCC poles)Sets 24 308 7392 85 20405 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 96 41 3936 0 06 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 8 14 112 0 07 GuySet Complete Sets 8 835 6680 314 25128 Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 4.06 36810 149449 2308 93709 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 25 238 5950 49 122510 Concreting materialsfor guy sets without cement Nos 8 140 1120 0 011Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 25 73 1825 20 500Total 236234 3450712 Labour chargesa)Casual 34507b)Regular 6901Total Cost/Km inRs. 277643No te: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET - 9Running LT,3-Phase4 WirePower Lineon9.0 Mtr Supports Using RABBIT ACSR Conductor withanAverageSpan of 40 MtrsSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CoetRate Amt Rate Amt1 RCCPole- 9Mtrs Long,145 kg WL Nos 1 5941 5941 937 9372 PSCPole- 9MtrsLong,2GC- kg WL Nos 24 3278 78672 937 224883LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Set 1 449 449 88 884LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PSCpoles)Sets 24 318 7632 88 21125 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 96 41 3936 0 06 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 8 14 112 0 07 GuySet Complete Sets 8 835 6680 314 25128 Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 4.06 36810 149449 2308 93709 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 25 238 5950 49 122510 Concreting materialsfor guy sets without cement Nos 8 140 1120 0 011Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 25 73 1825 20 500Total 261766 3923212 Labour chargesa)Casual 39232b)Regular 7846Total Cost/Km inRs. 308845Note: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -10Running LT,3-Phase5 Wirefor Power Lineon 9.0 Mtr Supports Using RABBIT ACSR Conductor for PhaseandNeutral,andWEASEL Conductor or Street Light with an AverageSpanof 40 Mtrs (For Cities, Towns andResidential Layouts)SL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cst Labour CoetRate Amt Rate Amt1RCCPole- 9Mtrs Long,145 kg WL(for Deadend, Anchor points)Nos 6 5941 35646 931 55862PSCPole- 9MtrsLong,200 kg WL (for Intermediate Poles)Nos 19 3278 62282 931 176893LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Sets 7 449 3143 88 6164LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PSCpoles)Sets 22 318 6996 88 19365LT 2Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts(for RCC poles)Sets 7 200 140-0 85 5956LT 2Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts(for PSC poles)Sets 18 194 3492 85 15307 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 95 41 3895 0 08 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 50 14 700 0 09 GuySet Complete Sets 10 835 8350 314 314010 Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 4.06 36810 149449 2308 937011 Weasel ACSRConductor Kms 1.C15 21900 22229 1693 171812 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 25 238 5950 49 122513 Concreting Materials for guy sets(without Cement) No's 8 140 1120 0 014SMCStreet Lighting Metering Box with Automatic Control Swith,Contactors withSinglePhase5-30 Amps meter & 50/ 5ACT including wiringNo's 1 6500 65C-C 500 50015 PVCPipe 4Cmm Dia Mtrs 6 50 300 0 016 PVC Insulated wire25Sqmm SingleCoreMulti stranded Mtrs 25 32 800 0 017Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 25 73 1825 20 500Total 314076 4440618 Labour chargesa)Casual 44406b)Regular 8881Total Cost/Km inRs. 367363Note:1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -11Running LT,3 Phase5 Wirefor Power Lineon 8.0 Mtr Supports Using RABBIT ACSR Conductor for PhaseandNeutral,andWEASELConductor for Street Light withan AverageSpan of 50 mtrsSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1RCCPole- 8Mtrs Long,115 kg WL (for Deadend, Anchor points.)Nos 5 4324 21620 751 37552PCCPole- 8MtrsLong,200 kg WL(for Intermediate Poles)Nos 15 2297 34455 751 112653LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Set 1 318 318 85 854LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PCC poles)Sets 24 308 7392 85 20405LT 2Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts(for RCC poles)Set 1 200 200 85 856LT 2Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts(for PCC poles)Sets 24 190 4560 85 20407 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 95 41 3895 0 08 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 50 14 700 0 09 GuySet Complete Sets 8 835 6680 314 25121C Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 4.0-6 36810 149449 2308 937011 Weasel ACSRConductor Kms 1.015 21900 22229 1693 171812 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 20 238 4760 49 98013 Concreting Materials for guy sets(Without Cement) Nos 8 140 1120 C- 014SMCStreet Lighting Metering Box with Automatic Control Swith,Contactors withSinglePhase5-30 Amps meter & 50/ 5ACT including wiringNos 1 650-0 650-0' 500 50015 PVCPipe 40- mm Dia Mtrs 6 50 300 0 016PVC Insulated wire25Sqmm SingleCoreMulti StrandedMtrs 25 32 800 0 017Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 20 73 1460 20 400Total 266437 34751Note: The no.of RCC poles andPCCpoles haveto be used as per field conditions and henceestimates have to be prepared accordingly.18 Labour chargesa)Casual 34751b)Regular 6950Total Cost/Km inRs. 308138Note:1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -12Running LT,SinglePhase3 WirePower Lineon 8.0 Mtr Supports with an AverageSpanof 40 MtrsUsing WEASEL ACSR ConductorSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1RCCPole- 8Mtrs Long,115 kg WL (for Deadend, Anchor points)Nos 5 4324 21620 751 37552PCCPole- 8MtrsLong,200 kg WL(for Intermediate Poles)Nos 15 2297 34455 751 112653LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for RCCpoles)Set 1 318 318 85 854LT 4Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts and washers(for PCC poles)Sets 24 308 7392 85 20405LT 2Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts(for RCC poles)Set 1 2 CO 2CC 85 856LT 2Pin cross arms, with poleclamps,bolts,nuts(for PCC poles)Sets 19 190 3610 85 16157 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 48 41 1968 0 08 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 21 14 294 0 09 GuySet Complete Sets 8 835 6680 314 25121C Weasel ACSRConductor Kms 3.045 21900 66686 1693 515511 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 20 238 4760 49 98012 Concreting Materials for guy sets(without cement) Nos 8 140 1120 0 013SMCStreet Lighting Metering Box with Automatic Control Swith,Contactors withSinglePhase5-30 Amps meter & 50/ 5ACT including wiringNos 1 6500 6500 500 50014 PVCPipe 40- mm Dia Mtrs 6 50 300 0 015PVC Insulated wire25Sqmm SingleCoreMulti StrandedMtrs 25 32 800 0 016Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 20- 73 1460 2C- 400Total 158163 2839217 Labour chargesa)Casual 28392b)Regular 5678Total Cost/Km inRs. 192233No te: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -13Running LT,3-Phase5 WirePower Line with Continuous Earth Wireon9.0 Mtr Supports Using RABBIT ACSR for PhaseandNeutral, andWEASEL Conductor for StreetLight and8SWG GI Wirefor Continuous Earth Wire with an AverageSpanof 40 Mtrs in VerticalConfigurationSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CoetRate Amt Rate Amt1RCCPole- 9Mtrs Long,145 kg WL(for Deadend, Anchor points)Nos 6 5941 35646 931 55862PSCPole-9MtrsLong,200kg WL (for Intermediate Poles)Nos 19 3278 62282 931 176893Fabricated Vertical Cross Arms with pole,clamps,bolts, nuts and washersSets 30 720 21600 254 7612.54 1.1 kV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos ICO 41 4100 0 05 No.8Strain Insulators Nos 50 14 700 0 06 GuySet Complete Sets 12 835 10020 251 30127 Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 4.C6 36810 149449 2308 93708 Weasel ACSRConductor Kms 1.015 21900 22229 1693 17189 No.8SWG GI wire for continuous earth wire Kms1.015 (103kgs)62.8 6417 1693 17181C 8SWG GI wire for guard loops Kgs 26 62.8 1633 0 011 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 25 238 5950 49 122512 Concreting Materials for guy sets(Without Cement) Nos 8 140 1120 0 013SMCStreet Lighting Metering Box with Automatic Control Swith,Contactors withSinglePhase5-30 Amps meter & 50/ 5ACT including wiringNos 1 65CO 65CO 500 50014 PVCPipe 4Cmm Dia Mtrs 6 50 300 0 015PVC Insulated wire25Sqmm SingleCoreMulti StrandedMtrs 25 32 800 0 016Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 25 73 1825 20 500Total 330570 4893217 Labour chargesa)Casual 48932b)Regular 9786Total Cost/Km inRs. 389288Note:1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -14Running SingleCircuit11kV,3-phasePower Lineon 9.0 Mtr Supports Using RABBIT ACSRConductor With an AverageSpanof 40Mtrs in Vertical Configuration inCongestedAreasSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial cest Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1RCCPole- 9Mtrs Long,145 kg WL (for Deadend, Anchor points)Nos 1 5941 5941 931 9312PSCPole-9MtrsLong,2GCkg WL (for Intermediate Poles)Nos 23 3278 75394 931 214133 DP Structure using 9MtrsRCCpoles Set 1 16671 16671 2877 28774Special cross arm with cross arm for EGStirrups, braces,clamps,bolts nutsand washers completeSets 23 1290 29670 280 64405 1lkV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 69 103 7107 C- 06 45kN Disc Insulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 07 GuySet Complete Sets 9 855 7695 314 28268 Rabbit ACSR Conductor Kms 3.C-45 36810 112086 2308 70289 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 26 238 6188 49 127410 EGStirrups with GI wirelacing Set of 2No's 25 424 10600 88 220011 Concreting Materials for guy sets(Without Cement) Nos 9 140 1260 0 012Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 26 73 1898 20 520Total 276310 4550913 Labour chargesa)Casual 4550-9b)Regular 9102Total Cost/Km inRs. 330921Note: Item 4 includes, thefollowinga) Special cross arms 50x50x6 mmMS 0.715 mtr long 3-Nosb)Support piecefor fixing EG stirrup50x50x6 mmMS Angle0.865 mtr long -1 Noc) Brace50x50x6 mmMS Angle0.850mtr long -1 Nod)50x6 mm Flat1.8mtr,long -INoe) RCC PoleClamps -5 Nosf)Cross Armfor fixing EG Stirrup-1No1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -15Providing 2 PoleStructrueat the Tapping Point Using RCC PolesSL.NoParitculars Unit Qty Material cost Labour CostPart-A:LINES Rate Amt Rate Amt1RCCDP Structure using 9MtrsRCCPole withWL 145kgSet 1 16671 16671 2877 28772RCCDP Structure using 8MtrsRCCPole withWL 115kgSet 1 13437 13437 2747 27473 45kN Disc Insulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 04 GuySet Complete Sets 2 855 1710 314 6285 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 2 238 476 49 986 Concretefor GuySet (without Cement) Nos 2 140 280 0 07Caution/ Danger Board asper DrawingNo. BESCC>M/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 438Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 2 73 146 20 40Total Part AUsing 8Mtrs RCCPole 17969 3556Using 9Mtrs RCCPole 21203 3686Part-B:SWITCH GEAR10 1lkV 400A D/BGOS Set 1 16467 16467 625 62511 H-Framefor mounting GOS No 1 3330 3330 169 16912 DOLOCut Out Set/3Nos 1 4288 4288 375 375Total PartB 24085 116913 Material Cost using 8Mtrs RCC Pole(A+B) 42054Labour Chargesa)Casual 4725b)Regular 94514 Material cost using 9 Mtrs RCCPole(A+B) 45288Labour Chargesa)Casual 4855b)Regular 97115 Total Costof Estimateusing 8Mtrs RCC Pole 47724 5670Total Costof Estimateusing 9 Mtrs RCC Pole 51114 5826Note: 1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchas servicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -16Erectionof 3 PoleStructure With9 Mtr RCCPoleSL.NoParitculars Unit Qty Material cost Labour CostPart-A:LINES Rate Amt Rate Amt1 3PoleStructure complete using 9Mtrs RCCPoles Set 1 28892 28892 5548 55482 Spiral Earth Electrode Nos 3 238 714 49 1473 GuySet Complete Sets 3 855 2565 314 9424 45kN Disc Insulators Nos 6 300 1800 0 05 1lkV Pin Insulators with GIPins Nos 3 103 309 0 06 Concretefor Guy set (without cement) Nos 3 140 420 0 07Caution/ Danger Board asper DrawingNo. BESCC>M/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07Nos 2 120 240 43 868Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKgs 3 73 219 20 609 Labour Chargesa)Casual 6783b)Regular 1357Total Cost/Unit inRs. 43299Note:1)RCCPoles shall beusedfor deadends,DP structureandPSCpoles for intermediate supports2)Other charges suchasservicetax,ESI,PF andother applicablecharges shall beloadedas per typical cost data sheetCOST DATA SHEET -17Estimatefor Providing Metering to IP Set Installations Using SMC BoxSL.NoParitculars UnitQtyMaterial costRate Amt1WholeCurrent Meter10-60A 3Phase(Static Meter) Class-1 AccuracyNos l 3000 30002 SMCMeter Housing box with 6mm hylam sheet Nos l 2100 2100416Sqmm Alluminium SingleCore/Multi Core of Grade 650/1100V (16Mts)Set l 368 3685 PVC Pipe of 2mm Thick 40mm Dia Mtrs 4 50 2006 3NosPorcelain Cutouts 60A with Wooden Plank Set 1 474 4747Misc materialssuch as water tight bends and aluminium pins/bulletsLS LS - 1508 Labour Charges(Lump sum) LS LS-700Total 6992COST DATA SHEET -18For laying of 1 KmLengthof ll k V ,3 Core95 Sqmm XLPE UG Cable Using Horizontal DrillingSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial costRate AmtMaterial Cost1 1lkV Class 3x95Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Flat Armoured) Km 1 548860 54886021lkV Class 3x95Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Round Armoured)Km 1 675110 6751103Straight Through JointingKitsHS Typesuitable for 95 Sqmm CableNos 3 5375 161254Cable Termination Kit Outdoor/Indoor HS Typesuitable for 95Sqmm CablePer Kit 2 2990 59805 RCC HumePipe,2000 mm Long,150mm Dia Nos 3 300 9006 Collars for RCC HumePipe Nos 2 80 1607GIPipe,100mm Dia for drain crossing,cable raising etc.,Mtrs 8 1143 91448 Route and Joint Indicating Stones Nos 10 120 1200Total (Flat Armoured) 582369Total (RoundArmoured) 7086199 Labour chargesa)Laying of cable in trench in wherever necessary Mtrs 50 31679 1584b)Labour chargers for horizontal drilling with 6inches boresizei)Without HD PEPipe Rmtr 50 625 31250ii)WithHDPEpipe Rmtr 900 913 821700c)Making of straight through joints Nos 3 1500 4500d)Making of cable terminations Nos 2 1375 2750e)Laying of RCC Hume pipes Nos 3 35 105f)Laying of GIPipe Mtrs 8 40 320g)Laying of Route and Joint indicatingstones Nos 10 60 600Total Labour Charges 862809a)Casual 862809b)Regular 172562Total Cost/Km inRs.(Flat Armoured) 1617740Total Cost/Km inRs.(RoundArmoured) 174399010 Add Rates for Reinstatements of RoadsAsper prevailing rates prescribed by local bodies (Corporations / Municipalities/VPS as applicable)Note:1 1 11)Whilepreparing estimates for turnkey/total tunkey projects pleaserefer toSl.No........... of GeneralGuidelines videa PageNo.............2)Whenmultiples cables haveto belaidin thecommontrench thefollowing excavationis to befollowed: a)0.75 Mtrs x1Mtrs for 2cables,b)1 Mtr x1Mtr for 3 cables,c)1.25 Mtr x1 Mtr for 4 nos.of cables andso on (As per Ltr No.BESCOM/BC-14/F-453)Wherecables arelaidusing trenchless technology,theremay bea necessity tolay thecablein open trench excavation.Henceprovision shall bemadefor bothintheestimateandthe bills shall bepaidas per actual inventory taken.COST DATA SHEET -19For Laying of 1 Km Lengthof 1lkV,3 Core,95 Sqmm XLPE UG Cable Using Conventional Laying withExcavationof SoilSL.NoParticulars UnitQtyMaterial costRate AmtMaterial Cost1 1lkV Class3x95Sqmm XLPE UG Cable(Flat Armoured) Km l 548860 5488602l l k VClass3x95Sqmm XLPE UG Cable(Round Armoured)Km l 675110 6751103Straight Through Jointing Kits HS Typesuitable for 95 Sqmm CableNos 3 5375 161254Cable Termination Kit Outdoor/Indoor HS Type suitable for 95SqmmCablePer Kit 2 2990 59805Cable covering tiles 250x125x40 mm or125x125x40 mmNos4000/800010/5 400006 Sand Cmt 60 2000 1200007 RCC Hume Pipe,2000mm Long,150 mm Dia Nos 30 300 90008 Collars for RCC Hume Pipe Nos 30 80 24009GI Pipe,100mm Dia for drain crossing,cable raising etc.,Mtrs 8 1143 914410 Route and Joint Indicating Stones Nos 20 120 2400Total (Flat Armoured) 753909Total (Round Armoured) 88015911 Labour chargesa)Cable trench excavation,1000x0.6x1=600,Ordinary soilCmt 600 181 108600b)Laying of cable in trench km 1 31679 31679c)Refilling and consolidation Cmt 550 40 22000d)Making of straight through joints No 3 1500 4500e)Making of cable terminations No 2 1375 2750I)Covering the cable with tiles km 1 2304 2304g)Spreading Sand and forming with Sand round the cablekm 1 8094 8094h)Laying of RCC Hume pipes mtr 60 35 2100i)Laying of GI Pipe mtr 8 40 320j)Laying of Route and Joint indicating stones No 20 60 1200Total Labour Charges 183547a)Casual 183547b)Regular 36709Total Cost/Km inRs. (Flat Armoured) 974165Total Cost/Km inRs. (Round Armoured) 110041512 Add Rates for Reinstatements of RoadsAs per prevailing rates prescribed by local bodies (Corporations /Municipalities /VPS as applicable)NOTE1)While preparing estimates for turnkey/total tunkey projects please refer toSl.No...........of GeneralGuidelines vide a to....inPage No.............2)Whenmultiples cables have to be laid in the common trench thefollowing excavationis to befollowed: a)0.75 Mtrs x1 Mtrs for 2 cables, b)1 Mtr x1 Mtr for 3 cables,c)1.25 Mtr x1 Mtr for 4 nos. of cables and so on(As per Ltr No.BESCOM/BC-14/F-453)Where cables are laid using trenchless technology,theremay bea necessity tolay the cable in open trench excavation.Hence provision shall bemadefor both inthe estimate and the bills shall be paid as per actual inventory taken.COST DATA SHEET - 20For Laying of 1 KmLengthof llkV,3 Core,240 Sqmm XLPE UG Cable Using Horizontal DrillingSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial costRate AmtMaterial Cost11lkV Class 3x240Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Flat Armoured)Km 1 1038890 103889021lkV Class 3x240Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Round Armoured)Km 1 1279950 12799503Straight Through JointingKitsHS Typesuitable for 240 Sqmm CableNos 3 6555 196654Cable Termination Kit Outdoor/Indoor HS TypeSuitable for 240Sqmm CablePer Kit 2 3910 78205 RCC HumePipe,2000 mm Long,150mm Dia Nos 3 300 9006 Collars for RCC Hume pipe Nos 2 80 1607GIPipe,100mm Dia for drain crossing,cable raising etc.,Mtrs 8 1143 91448 Route and Joint Indicating Stones Nos 10 120 1200Total (Flat Armoured) 1077779Total (RoundArmoured) 13188399 Labour chargesa)Laying of cable in trench in wherever necessary Mtrs 50 33439 1672b)Labour chargers for horizontal drilling with 6inches boresizei)Without HD PEPipe Rmtr 50 625 31250ii)WithHDPEpipe Rmtr 900 913 821700c)Making of straight through joints Nos 3 1500 4500d)Making of cable terminations Nos 2 1375 2750e)Laying of RCC Hume pipes Nos 3 35 105f)Laying of GIPipe Mtrs 8 40 320g)Laying of Route and Joint indicatingstones Nos 10 60 600Total Labour Charges 862897a)Casual 862897b)Regular 172579Total Cost/Km inRs.(Flat Armoured) 2113255Total Cost/Km inRs.(RoundArmoured) 235431510 Add Rates for Reinstatements of RoadsAsper prevailing rates prescribed by local bodies (Corporations / Municipalities/VPS as applicable)NOTE1)Whilepreparing estimates for turnkey/total tunkey projects pleaserefer toSl.No........... of GeneralGuidelines videa PageNo.............2)Whenmultiples cables haveto belaidin thecommontrench thefollowing excavationis to befollowed: a)0.75 Mtrs x1Mtrs for 2cables,b)1 Mtr x1Mtr for 3 cables,c)1.25 Mtr x1 Mtr for 4 nos.of cables andso on (As per Ltr No.BESCOM/BC-14/F-453)Wherecables arelaidusing trenchless technology,theremay bea necessity to lay thecableinopen trench excavation.Henceprovision shall bemadefor bothintheestimateandthe bills shall bepaidas per actual inventory taken.COST DATA SHEET - 21For Laying of 1 KmLengthof llkV,3 Core,240 Sqmm XLPE UG Cable Using Conventional Laying with Excavation inSoilSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial costRate Amt11lkV Class 3x240Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Flat Armoured)Km 1 1038890 103889021lkV Class 3x240Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Round Armoured)Km 1 1279950 12799502Straight Through JointingKitsHS Typesuitable for 3x240Sqmm CableNos 3 6555 196653Cable termination kit Outdoor/Indoor HS TypeSuitable for 3x240Sqmm CablePer Kit 2 3910 78204Cable covering tiles 250x125x40mm or125x125x40 mmNos4000/800010/5 400005 Sand Cmt 60 2000 1200006 RCC Humepipe,2000 mm Long,150mm Dia Nos 30 300 90007 Collars for RCC HumePipe Nos 30 80 24008GIPipe,100mm Dia for drain crossing,cable raising etc.,Mtrs 8 1143 91449 Route and Joint Indicating Stones Nos 20 120 2400Total (Flat Armoured) 1249319Total (RoundArmoured) 149037910 Labour chargesa)Cabletrench excavation,1000x0.6x1=600,Ordinary soilCmt 600 181 108600b)Laying of cablein trench Km 1 33439 33439c)Refilling and consolidation Cmt 550 40 22000d)Making of straight through joints Nos 3 1500 4500e)Making of cableterminations Nos 2 1375 2750f)Covering the cable with tiles Km 1 2304 2304g)SpreadingSand and forming withSand round the cableKm 1 8094 8094h)Laying of RCCHumepipes Mtr 60 35 2100i)Laying of GIPipe Mtr 8 40 320j)Laying of Routeand Joint indicating stones Nos 20 60 1200Total Labour Chargesa)Casual 185307b)Regular 37061Total Cost/Km inRs.(Flat Armoured) 1471687Total Cost/Km inRs.(RoundArmoured) 171274711 Add Rates for Reinstatements of RoadsAsper prevailing rates prescribed by local bodies (Corporations/Municipalities/VPS as applicable)NOTE1)Whilepreparing estimates for turnkey/total tunkey projects pleaserefer toSl.No........... of GeneralGuidelines videa PageNo.............2)Whenmultiples cables haveto belaidin thecommontrench thefollowing excavationis to befollowed: a)0.75 Mtrs x1Mtrs for 2cables,b)1 Mtr x1Mtr for 3 cables,c)1.25 Mtr x1 Mtr for 4 nos.of cables andso on (As per Ltr No.BESCOM/BC-14/F-453)Wherecables arelaidusing trenchless technology,theremay bea necessity tolay thecablein open trench excavation.Henceprovisionshall bemadefor bothintheestimateandthe bills shall bepaidas per actual inventory taken.COST DATA SHEET - 22For laying of 1 KmLengthof ll k V ,3 Core, 400 Sqmm XLPE UG Cable Using Horizontal DrillingSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial costRate AmtMaterial Cost11lkV Class 3x400Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Flat Armoured)Km 1 1632500 163250021lkV Class 3x400Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Round Armoured)Km 1 2015220 20152202Straight Through JointingKitsHS Typesuitable for 400 Sqmm CableNos 3 8050 241503Cable Termination Kit Outdoor/Indoor HS TypeSuitable for 400Sqmm CablePer Kit 2 3940 78806 RCC HumePipe,2000 mm Long,150mm Dia Nos 3 300 9007 Collars for RCC Hume pipe Nos 2 80 1608GIPipe,150mm Dia for drain crossing,cable raising etc.,Mtrs 8 1144 91529 Route and Joint Indicating Stones Nos 10 120 1200Total (Flat Armoured) 1675942Total (RoundArmoured) 205866210 Labour chargesa)Laying of cable in trench in wherever necessary Mtrs 50 35198 1760b)Labour chargers for horizontal drilling with 6inches boresizei)Without HD PEPipe Rmtr 50 625 31250ii)WithHDPEpipe Rmtr 900 913 821700c)Making of straight through joints Nos 3 1500 4500d)Making of cable terminations Nos 2 1375 2750e)Laying of RCC Hume pipes Nos 3 35 105f)Laying of GIPipe Mtr 8 40 320gj)Laying of Route and Joint indicatingstones Nos 10 60 600Total Labour Charges 862985a)Casual 862985b)Regular 172597Total Cost/Km inRs.(Flat Armoured) 2711524Total Cost/Km inRs.(RoundArmoured) 309424411 Add ratesforReinstatements of RoadsAsper prevailing rates prescribed by local bodies (Corporations / Municipalities /VPs)NOTE1)Whilepreparing estimates for turnkey/total tunkey projects pleaserefer toSl.No........... of GeneralGuidelines videa PageNo.............2)Whenmultiples cables haveto belaidin thecommontrench thefollowing excavationis to befollowed: a)0.75 Mtrs x1Mtrs for 2cables,b)1 Mtr x1Mtr for 3 cables,c)1.25 Mtr x1 Mtr for 4 nos.of cables andso on (As per Ltr No.BESCOM/BC-14/F-453)Wherecables arelaidusing trenchless technology,theremay bea necessity to lay thecableinopen trench excavation.Henceprovisionshall bemadefor bothintheestimateandthe bills shall bepaidas per actual inventory taken.COST DATA SHEET - 23For laying of 1 KmLengthof ll k V ,3 Core, 400 Sqmm XLPE UG Cable Using Conventional Laying withExcavationinSoilSL.NoParticulars Unit QtyMaterial costRate Amt11lkV Class 3x400Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Flat Armoured)Km 1 1632500 163250021lkV Class 3x400Sqmm XLPEUGCable(Round Armoured)Km 1 2015220 20152202Straight Through JointingKitsHS Typesuitable for 3x400Sqmm CableNos 3 8050 241503Cable Termination Kit Outdoor/Indoor HS TypeSuitable for 3x400Sqmm CablePer Kit 2 3940 78804CableCovering Tiles 250x125x40mm or125x125x40 mmNos4000/ 800010/5 400005 Sand Cmt 60 2000 1200006 RCC HumePipe,2000mm Long,150mm Dia Nos 30 300 90007 Collars for RCC HumePipe Nos 30 80 24008GIPipe,150mm Dia for drain crossing,cable raising etc.,Mtrs 8 1144 91529 Route and Joint indicatingstones Nos 20 120 2400Total (Flat Armoured) 1847482Total (RoundArmoured) 223020210 Labour chargesa)Cabletrench excavation,1000x0.6x1=600,Ordinary soilCmt 600 181 108600b)Laying of cablein trench Km 1 35198 35198c)Refilling and consolidation Cmt 550 40 22000d)Making of straight through joints Nos 3 1500 4500e)Making of cableterminations Nos 2 1375 2750f)Covering the cable with tiles Km 1 2304 2304g)SpreadingSand and forming withSand round the cableKm 1 8094 8094h)Laying of RCCHumepipes Mtrs 60 35 2100i)Laying of GIPipe Mtrs 8 40 320j)Laying of Routeand Joint indicating stones Nos 20 60 1200Total Labour Chargesa)Casual 187066b)Regular 37413Total Cost/Km inRs.(Flat Armoured) 2071961Total Cost/Km inRs.(RoundArmoured) 245468111 Add ratesforReinstatements of RoadsAsper prevailing rates prescribed by local bodies(Corporations/ Municipalities /VPs)NOTE1)Whilepreparing estimates for turnkey/total tunkey projects pleaserefer toSl.No........... of GeneralGuidelines videa PageNo.............2)Whenmultiples cables haveto belaidin thecommontrench thefollowing excavationis to befollowed: a)0.75 Mtrs x1Mtrs for 2cables,b)1 Mtr x1Mtr for 3 cables,c)1.25 Mtr x1 Mtr for 4 nos.of cables andso on (As per Ltr No.BESCOM/BC-14/F-453)Wherecables arelaidusing trenchless technology,theremay bea necessity tolay thecablein open trench excavation.Henceprovisionshall bemadefor bothintheestimateandthe bills shall bepaidas per actual inventory taken.COST DATA SHEET -24Erection of 3 Phase,llkV/433V,25kVA BBB -3 Star Rated Distribution Transformer Centre UsingDPTSSlNoParticulars UnitQty25 KVAMaterial Cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 Part-A:TRANSFORMERa)9Mtr RCCDP TransformerStructure(Using 9 Mtr RCCPoles)No l 24132 24132 3641 3641b)8Mtr RCCDP TransformerStructure(Using 8 Mtr RCCPoles)No l 20898 20898 3150 31502 1lkV Pin Insulators Sets 3 103 309 0 03 45kN Disc Insulators Sets 3 300 900 0 04 GuySet Complete Nos 4 855 3420 314 12565llkV/433V,25KVA,3 Phase,50CysDistribution Transformer BEE-3Star Rated with OilNo 1 64455 64455 603 6036Earthing materials pipe type for grounding asper Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15 &34/Dt: 24.10.07SingleElectrodewithaccessories3 1355 4065 507 15217Caution/Danger Board asper Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 438Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/lKg GIBarbed Wire)LumpsumKgs 2 73 146 20 409 Concreting forGuy sets without cement Nos 4 140 560 0 010 GIWire 8SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 011 Guy wire 7/10SWG Kgs 10 66.72 667 0 0Total using 9 mtr Poles 99088 7104Total using 8mtr Poles 95854 661312 Labour Chargesi) using 9 mtr Polesa)Casual 7104b)Regular 1421ii) using 8mtr Polesa)Casual 6613b)Regular 132313 Total for Part-AI)Using 9 mtrPoles 107613ii)using 8mtr Poles 103790Part-B:141lkV Lightning Arester,Metal oxide, 9kV,5kASet of 3Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6315 Labour Chargesa)Casual 63b)Regular 1316 Total for Part-B 2359Part-C:SWITCH GEAR17a)LTProtectionKit for 25kVA No 1 1679 1679 181 181b)LT Wiring(FromDTCto LTLine Through Metering Box & LTProtection Kit)SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i.A1 Lead Wire-50Sqmm Mtrs 25 44 1100503 503ii.Copper Lugs-50Sqmm Nos 4 34 136iii.PG Clamps-Rabbit to 50Sqmm Nos 4 64 256iv.Spacersfor DTC Wiring Nos 8 24 192v.Fish Plate with necessaryClamps,bolts& nuts etc complete(Galvanised)Nos 2 188 376c)LT Metering box with CTsand necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter (Please see CDS-42)No 1 6390 6390 456 456d)LTElectronic Tri-Vector Meter5A,Class- 0.5/1.0accuracyNo 1 3000 3000 558 55818 1lkVSolid Core Type HGFuse Unit Set/3 Nos 1 871 871 375 37519 1lkV,200Amps,Single Break GOS No 1 7320 7320 563 563Total Cost (Material) for Part-C 2132020 Labour Chargesa)Casual 2636b)Regular 52721 Total for Part-C 2448322 Total (A+B+C)1) Using 9 mtr Poles 134455Labour Charges:a)Casual 9803b)Regular 19612) Using 8mtr Poles 130632Labour Charges:a)Casual 9312b)Regular 1862Note:Provision for actual quantity of additional materials viz 45kNDisc Insulator,1lkV Pin Insulators ACSR/AAA Conductor, Transparent Alkathine Tube,PGClampsand TerminalConnectorsetc.Whenever required may be made in the estimate separately forCOST DATA SHEET -25erection 01s rnase,h k v / m j v , d j k v a 00,0, -star Katea uistriDutioniransiormer centre usingDPTSSlNoParticulars UnitQty63 KVAMaterial Cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 Part-A:TRANSFORMERa)9Mtr RCCDP TransformerStructure(Using 9 Mtr RCCPoles)No l 24312 24312 3641 3641b)8Mtr RCCDP TransformerStructure(Using 8 Mtr RCCPoles)No l 20898 20898 3150 31502 1lkV Pin Insulators Sets 3 103 309 0 03 45kN Disc Insulators Sets 3 300 900 0 04 GuySet Complete Nos 4 855 3420 314 12565llkV/433V,63kVA,3Phase,50CysDistribution Transformer BEE-3StarRated withOilNo 1 109635 109635 603 6036Earthing materials pipe type for grounding asper Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15 &34/Dt: 24.10.07SingleElectrodewithaccessories3 1355 4065 507 15217Caution/Danger Board asper Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 438Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/lKg GIBarbed Wire)LumpsumKgs 2 73 146 20 409 Concreting forGuy sets without cement Nos 4 140 560 0 010 GIWire 8SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 011 Guy wire 7/10SWG Kgs 10 66.72 667 0 0Total using 9 mtr Poles 144448 7104Total using 8mtr Poles 141034 661312 Labour Chargesi)using 9 mtr Polesa)Casual 7104b)Regular 1421ii)using 8mtr Polesa)Casual 6613b)Regular 132313 Total for Part-AI)Using 9 mtrPoles 152973ii)using 8mtr Poles 148970Part-B:141lkV Lightning Ares ter,Metal Oxide 9kV,5kASet of 3Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6315 Labour Chargesa)Casual 63b)Regular 1316 Total for Part-B 2359Part-C:SWITCH GEAR17a)LTProtectionKit for 63kVA Nos 2 1679 3358 181 362b)LT Wiring(FromDTCto LTLine Through Metering Box & LTProtection Kit)SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i.A1 Lead Wire- 95Sqmm Mtrs 40 81 3240503 503ii.Copper Lugs- 95Sqmm Nos 4 79 316iii.PG Clamps-Rabbit to 95Sqmm Nos 4 122 488iv.Spacersfor DTC Wiring Nos 8 24 192v.Fish Plate with necessaryClamps,bolts& nuts etc complete(Galvanised)Nos 2 188 376c)LT Metering box with CTsand necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter(Please see CDS-42)No 1 5907 5907 456 456d)LTElectronic Tri-Vector Meter5A,Class- 0.5/1.0accuracyNo 1 3000 3000 588 58818 1lkVSolid Core Type HGFuse Unit Set/3 nos 1 871 871 375 37519 1lkV,200Amps,Single Break GOS No 1 7320 7320 563 563Total Cost (Material) for Part-C 2506820 Labour Chargesa)Casual 2847b)Regular 56921 Total for Part-C 2848422 Total (A+B+C)1) Using 9 mtr Poles 183816Labour Charges:a)Casual 10014b)Regular 20032) Using 8mtr Poles 179813Labour Charges:a)Casual 9523b)Regular 1905Note:Provision for actual quantity of additional materials viz 45kNDisc Insulator,1lkV Pin Insulators ACSR/AAA Conductor, Transparent Alkathine Tube,PGClampsand TerminalConnectorsetc.Whenever required may be made in the estimate separately forCOST DATA SHEET -26Erection of 3 Phase,llkV/433 V,lOOkVA BBB -3 Star Rated Distribution Transformer Centre UsingDPTSSl No Particulars UnitQty100 KVAMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 Part-A:TRANSFORMERa)9Mtr RCCDP TransformerStructure (Using 9 MtrRCCPoles)No l 26482 26482 3749 3749b)8MtrRCCDP TransformerStructure (Using 8 MtrRCCPoles)No l 23248 23248 3377 33772 1lkV Pin Insulators Sets 3 103 309 0 03 45kN Disc Insulators Sets 3 300 900 0 04 GuySet Complete Nos 4 855 3420 314 12565llkV/433V,lOOkVA,3 Phase50CysDistribution Transformer BEE-3Star Rated with OilNo 1 146408 146408 805 8056Earthing materials pipe type for grounding as per Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15 & 34/Dt: 24.10.07SingleElectrodewithaccessories3 1355 4065 507 15217Caution/Danger Boardas perDrawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 438AntiClimbingDevice(12mtrs/lKg GI Barbed Wire)LumpsumKgs 2 73 146 20 409 Concreting for Guy sets without cement Nos 4 140 560 0 010 GIWire 8SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 011 Guy wire 7/10SWG Kgs 10 66.72 667 0 0Total using 9 mtr Poles 183391 7414Total using 8mtr Poles 180157 704212 Labour ChargesI)using 9 mtr Polesa)Casual 7414b)Regular 1483ii)using 8 mtr polesa)Casual 7042b)Regular 140813 Total for Part-AI)Using 9 mtrPoles 192288ii)using 8 mtr poles 188608Part-B:141lkV Lightning Ares ter,Metal Oxide 9kV,5kASetof 3Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6315 Labour Chargesa)Casual 63b)Regular 1316 Total for Part-B 2359Part-C:SWITCH GEAR17a)LTProtectionKit Nos 2 1679 3358 181 362b)LTDistribution box for100 kVA with MCB No 1 16705 16705 403 403c)LT Wiring (From DTCtoLT Line Through Merering Box &LT Protection Kit/LTDistribution Box)SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i.A1 Lead Wire -120Sqmm Mtrs 45 106 4770503 503ii.Copper lugs-120Sqmm Nos 12 86 1032iii.PGClamps-Rabbit to120Sqmm Nos 4 238 952iv.Spacers forDTC Wiring Nos 8 24 192v.Fish Plate with necessary Clamps,bolts & nuts etc complete (Galvanised)Nos 2 188 376d)LTMetering box with CTsand necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter (Please see CDS-42)No 1 5568 5568 456 456e)LTElectronic Tri-VectorMeter5A,Class- 0.5/1.0 accuracyNos 1 3000 3000 588 58818 1lkV Solid Core Type HG Fuse Unit Set/3 Nos 1 871 871 375 37519 1lkV,200Amps,Single Break GOS No 1 7320 7320 563 563With LT Protection kitWith Distribution BoxTotal Cost(Material) 27439 4078620 Labour Chargesa)Casual 2847 2888b)Regular 569 57821 Total for Part-C 30855 4425222 Total (A+B+C)1) Using 9 mtr Poles 225502 238898Labour Charges:a)Casual 10324 10365b)Regular 2065 20732) Using 8mtr Poles 221822 235218Labour Charges:a)Casual 9952 9993b)Regular 1990 1999Note:Provision for actual quantity of additional materials viz 45kN Disc Insulator,1lkVPin Insulators ACSR/AAA Conductor, Transparent Alkathine Tube,PG Clampsand TerminalConnectorsetc.Whenever required may be made in the estimate separately forCOST DATA SHEET - 27Erection of 3 Phase,llkV/433V, 250kVA Distribution Transformer Centre Using DPTSSl.No Particulars UnitQty250 KVAMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 Part-A:TRANSFORMERa)9Mtr RCCDP Transformer Structure(Using 9 Mtr RCCPoles)No l 26482 26482 3749 2999b)8Mtr RCCDP Transformer Structure(Using 8 Mtr RCCPoles)No l 26482 26482 3377 27032 11 kVPin Insulators Sets 3 103 309 0 03 45kNDisc Insulators Sets 3 300 900 0 04 GuySet Complete Nos 4 855 3420 314 125651lkV/433V,250kVA,3Phase,50 Cys Distribution Transformer with oilNo 1 237696 237696 1208 12086Earthing materialspipe type for grounding asper Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15&34/Dt: 24.10.07SingleElectrodewithaccessories3 1355 4065 507 15217Caution/Danger Board asper Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 438Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GIBarbed Wire)LumpsumKgs 2 73 146 20 409 Concreting for Guy sets without cement Nos 4 140 560 0 010 GI Wire8SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 011 Guy wire7/10SWG Kgs 10 66.72 667 0 0Total using 9 mtr Poles 274679 7067Total using 8mtr Poles 274679 677112 Labour Chargesi)using 9mtr Polesa)Casual 7067b)Regular 1413ii)using 8 mtr polesa)Casual 6771b)Regular 135413 Total for Part-AI)Using 9 mtrPoles 283160ii)using 8 mtr poles 282804Part-B:141lkVLightning Arester,MetalOxide 9kV,5kASet of 3Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6315 Labour Chargesa)Casual 63b)Regular 1316 Total for Part-B 2359Part-C:SWITCH GEARa)LTDistribution box for250kVA withMCCB No 1 16705 16705 403 403b)LT Wiring (From DTC toLTLine via Metering Box &LT Protection Kit)SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i.A1 Lead Wire - 240Sqmm Mtrs 45 194 8730ii.Copper lugs- 240Sqmm Nos 12 207 248417 iii.PG Clamps -Rabbit to240Sqmm Nos 4 357 1428 644 644iv.Spacersfor DTC Wiring Nos 8 24 192v.FishPlate with necessaryClamps,bolts & nuts etc complete(Galvanised)Nos 2 188 376c)LTMetering box withCTsand necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter(Please seeCDS-42)No 1 5895 5895 456 456d)LTElectronic Tri-Vector Meter 5A,Class- 0.5/1.0accuracyNos. 1 3000 3000 558 55818 1lkVSolidCore Type HGFuse Unit Set/3 nos 1 832 832 375 37519 1lkV,200Amps,Single Break GOS No 1 7320 7320 563 563Total Cost (Material) 4696220 Labour Chargesa)Casual 2999b)Regular 60021 Total for Part-C 5056122 Total (A+B+C)1) Using 9 mtr Poles 336079Labour Charges:a)Casual 10129b)Regular 20262) Using 8mtr Poles 335724Labour Charges:a)Casual 9833b)Regular 1967Note:Provision for actualquantityof additional materials viz 45kN Disc Insulator,11kV Pin Insulators ACSR/AAA Conductor,Transparent Alkathine Tube,PG Clampsand TerminalConnectorsetc.Whenever required may be made in the estimate separately forWhile preparing estimates for turnkey/total tunkey projects please refer toSl.No. a to....inPage No.............of GeneralGuidelines videCOST DATA SHEET -28Erection of 3 Phase,llkV/433V,25kVA BEE 3 Star Rated Single Pole Mounted Transformer Centre on9MtrsRCC Pole(Square SectionSl.NoMaterials UnitQtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 9 Mtr long RCC pole(SquareSection) No l 7210 7210 937 9371lkV Pin Insulators with pins Nos 3 103 309 0 03 45kN Disc Insulator Nos 3 300 900 0 04 Guy Set Complete Set 1 855 855 314 3145Single pole TC set suitable for25 kVA TransformerSet 1 4703 4703 899 8995llkV/433V,25kVA,3 Phase,50 Cys Distribution Transformer BEE-3Star Rated with OilNo 1 64455 64455 603 6037Earthing materials pipe type for grounding as per Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15 & 34/Dt: 24.10.07Single Electrode with accessories3 1355 4065 507 15218 Concreting materials for 9 mtr RCC Polea) Base concreting1:4:8,650x650x150 mm Each 1 252 252 0 0b)Pole concreting1:2:4,500x500x1650 Each 1 2 731 2731 0 0c)Coping1. 2 A(as per actuals) Each 1 403 403 0 09Concreting materials for Guy sets (without cement)No 1 140 140 0 010 GI Wire 8SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 011 Guy Wire7/10SWG Kgs 10 66.7 667 0 0121lkV Lightning Arester,Metal Oxide 9kV,5kASet/3Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6313a) LT Protection Kit for 2 5 kVA No 1 1679 1679 181 181b)LT Wiring (From DTC to LT Line Through Metering Box & LT Protection Kit)SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i.A1 Lead Wire-50Sqmm Mtrs 25 44 1100503 503ii.Copper lugs- 50 Sqmm Nos 4 34 136iii.PG Clamps - Rabbit to 50Sqmm Nos 4 64 256iv.Spacers for DTC Wiring Nos 8 24 192v.Fish Plate with necessary Clamps,bolts & nuts etc complete(Galvanised)Nos 188 376c)LT Metering box with CTs and necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter (PleaseseeCDS-42)No 1 6390 6390 456 456d)LT Electronic Tri-Vector Meter 5A,Class- 0.5 /1.0 accuracyNo 1 3000 3000 558 55814 1lkV Solid Core Type HG Fuse Unit Set/3Nos 1 871 871 375 37515 llkV,200Amps,Single Break GOS Nos 1 7320 7320 563 56316Caution/Danger Board as per Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 4317Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKg 1 70 70 20 2018 Total Material Cost 110797Labour Chargesa)Casual 7036b)Regular 1407Total cost for erection of a single pole mounted 25kVA Transformer in Rs 119240COST DATA SHEET -29Erection of 3 Phase,llkV/433V,63kVA BEE 3 Star Rated Single Pole Mounted Transformer Centreon9 MtrsRCC Pole(Square Section)Sl.NoMaterials UnitQtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 9Mtr long RCC pole(SquareSection) No l 7210 7210 937 9371lkV Pin Insulators with pins Nos 3 103 309 0 03 45kN Disc Insulator Nos 3 300 900 0 04 Guy Set Complete Set 1 855 855 314 3145Single pole TC set suitable for 63 kVA TransformerSet 1 4703 4703 899 89961lkV/433V,63kVA,3 Phase,50 Cys Distribution Transformer BEE-3Star Rated with OilNo 1 109635 109635 603 6037Earthing materials pipe type for grounding as per Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15 & 34/Dt: 24.10.07SingleElectrodewithaccessories3 1355 4065 507 15218 Concreting materials for 9 mtr RCC Polea)Base concreting1:4:8,650x650x150 mm Each 1 252 252 0 0b)Pole concreting1:2:4,500x500x1650 Each 1 2731 2731 0 0c)Coping1:2:4 (as per actuals) Each 1 403 403 0 09Concreting materials for Guy sets (without cement)No 1 140 140 0 010 GI Wire 8SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 011 Guy Wire7/10SWG Kgs 10 66.7 667 0 0121lkV Lightning Arester,Metal Oxide 9kV,5kASet/3Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6313a)LT Protection Kit for 63 kVA Nos 2 1679 3358 181 362b)LT Wiring (From DTC to LT Line Through Merering Box & LT Protection Kit)SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i.A1 Lead Wire- 95Sqmm Mtrs 40 81 3240503 503ii.Copper lugs- 95Sqmm Nos 4 79 316iii.PG Clamps - Rabbit to 95Sqmm Nos 4 122 488iv.Spacers for DTC Wiring Nos 8 24 192v.Fish Plate with necessary Clamps,bolts & nuts etc complete(Galvanised)Nos 2 188 376c)LT Metering box with CTs and necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter (PleaseseeCDS-42)No 1 5907 5907 456 456d)LT Electronic Tri-Vector Meter 5A,Class- 0.5 /1.0 accuracyNo 1 3000 3000 588 58814 1lkV Solid Core Type HG Fuse Unit Set/3Nos 1 871 871 375 37515 llkV,200Amps,Single Break GOS Nos 1 7320 7320 563 56316Caution/Danger Board as per Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 4317Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKg 1 70 70 20 2018 Total material cost 15972519 Labour Chargesa)Casual 7247b)Regular 1449Total cost for Erection of a Single Pole Mounted 63kVA Transformer in Rs 168422COST DATA SHEET - 30Erection of 3 Phase,llkV/433V,lOOkVA BEE 3 Star Rated Single Pole Mounted TransformerCentreon 9 Mtrs RCCPole(SquareSection)Sl.NoMaterials Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 9 Mtr long RCC pole (Square Section) No 1 7210 7210 937 9372 llkV Pin Insulators with pins Nos 3 103 309 0 03 45kN Disc Insulator Nos 3 300 900 0 04 Guy Set Complete Set 1 855 855 251 2515Single pole TC set suitable for 100 kVA TransformerSet 1 7050 7050 899 8996llkV/433V,lOOkVA, 3 Phase, 50 Cys Distribution Transformer BEE-3 Star Rated with OilNo 1 146408 146408 805 8057Earthing materials pipe type for grounding as per Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15 & 34/Dt: 24.10.07.Nos 3 1355 4065 507 15218 Concreting materials for 9mtrRCC Pole 0a)Base concreting 1:4:8, 500x650x150 mm Each 1 252 252 0 0b)Pole concreting 1:2:4, 500x500x1700 Each 1 2731 2731 0 0c) Coping 1:2:4 (as per actuals) Each 1 403 403 0 09Concreting materials for Guy sets (without cement )No 1 140 140 0 010 GI Wire 8 SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 011 Guy Wire 7/10 SWG Kgs 10 66.7 667 0 012llkV Lightning Ares ter, Metal Oxide 9kV, 5kASet/3 Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6313a)LT Protection Kit No 2 1679 3358 181 362b)LT Distribution Box for lOOkVA with MCB No 1 16705 16705 403 403c) LT Wiring (From DTC to LT Line Through Merering Box & LT Protection Kit/LT Distribution Box) SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i. A1 Lead Wire - 120 Sqmm Mtrs 45 106 4770503 503ii.Copper lugs - 120 Sqmm Nos 12 86 1032iii.PG Clamps - Rabbit to 120 Sqmm Nos 4 238 952iv.Spacers for DTC Wiring Nos 8 24 192v.Fish Plate with necessary Clamps, bolts & nuts etc complete (Galvanised)Nos 2 188 376d)LT Metering box with CTs and necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter (Please see CDS-42)No 1 5568 5568 456 456e)LT Electronic Tri-Vector Meter 5A, Class - 0.5/1.0 accuracyNo 1 3000 3000 588 58814 llkV Solid Core Type HG Fuse Unit Set/3 Nos 1 871 871 375 37515 llkV, 200Amps, Single Break GOS Nos 1 7320 7320 563 56316Caution/Danger Board as per Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt: 24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 4317Anti Climbing Device (12mtrs/lKg GI Barbed Wire) LumpsumKg 1 73 73 20 2018 Total Material Costa) With LT Distribution Box 214566b) With LT Protection Kit 20121919 Labour ChargesforLT DistributionBox forLT Protection Kita)Casual 7427 7386b)Regular 1485 1477TotalTotal Cost for Erectionof a Single Pole MountedlOOkVA Transformerwith LT DistributionBox in Rs223479Total Cost for Erectionof a Single Pole MountedlOOkVA Transformerwith LT Protection KIT in Rs210082COST DATA SHEET-31Erection of 3Phase,llkV/433V,250 kVA SinglePole MountedDistribution Transformer on11.0 Mtr Spun Pole With3 GOS SystemSl No Materials Unit QtyMaterial cost Labour CostRate Amt Rate Amt1 Spun pole11.0 Mtr Long No l 15800 15800 2084 20842 Single Pole Transformer Structure Kit for 250kVA Set l 26496 26496 1799 17993 HT Single Top Support with bolts,nuts & washers Sets 9 98 882 56 5044 1lkV Pin Insulator with pins Nos 9 103 927 0 05 Rabbit ACSR Conductor for jumps Mtrs 50 36.81 1841 0 06 Alkathene Tube19mm Dia and in coils of 30Mtrs Coils 2 500 1000 0 07 Concreting materials for11 Mtrs Spun Polea) Base concreting1:4:8,1000x1000x150mm Each 1 596 596 0 0b)Pole concreting1:2:4,1000x1000x2500mm Each 1 9668 9668 0 0c)Coping1:2:4 (as per actuals) Each 1 906 906 0 08 GI Wire10SWG Kgs 5 62.8 314 0 09 Guy Wire 7/10SWG Kgs 10 66.72 667 0 010 GI Pipe100mm Dia Mtrs 10 1143 11430 0 011 PVC Pipe150 mm Dia Mtrs 20 291 5820 0 012 PVC Bend150 mm Dia Nos 8 200 1600 0 013 PVC Pipe 25mm Dia Mtrs 40 27 1080 0 0141lkV/433V,250kVA,3 Phase,50Cys Distribution Transformer with oilNo 1 237696 237696 1208 120815 1lkV SolidCore Type HG Fuse Unit Set/3 Nos 1 871 871 375 37516 1lkV,200Amps,Single Break GOS Nos 3 7320 21960 563 168917Earthing materials pipe type for grounding as per Drawing No.BESCOM/GM/CP/15 & 34/Dt: 24.10.07.SingleElectrodewithaccessories3 1355 4065 507 1521a) LT Distribution Box for 250kVA with MCCB No 1 16705 16705 403 403b)LT Wiring (From DTC to LT Line via Metering Box & LT Protection Kit)SINGLE CIRCUITNo 1i.A1 Lead Wir e -240Sqmm Mtrs 45 194 8730ii.Copper lugs -240Sqmm Nos 12 207 248418iii.PG Clamps - Rabbit to 240Sqmm Nos 4 357 1428644 644iv.Spacers for DTC Wir ing Nos 8 24 192v.Fish Plate with necessary Clamps,bolts & nuts etc complete (Galvanised)Nos 2 188 376c)LT Metering box with CTs and necessary wiring for housing ETV Meter (Please see CDS-42)No 1 5895 5895 456 456d)LT Electronic Tri-Vector Meter 5A,Class- 0.5 /1.0 accuracyNo 1 3000 3000 558 55819 1lkV Lightning Arester,Metal Oxide,9kV,5kA Set/3 Nos 1 2283 2283 63 6320 PVC Insulation Tape in rolls of 10mtrs RoU 3 10 30 0 021 Horizontal Cross Anns nos 4 381 1524 72 28822 MS Fish plate Nos 9 59 531 18 15823Caution/Danger Board as per Drawing No. BESCOM/GM/CP/40/Dt:24.10.07No 1 120 120 43 4324Anti Climbing Device(12mtrs/ lKg GI Barbed Wire)LumpsumKg2 73 146 20 40Total cost of Material 38706325 Labour Chargesa)Casual 11833b)Regular 2367Total Cost in Rs 401262COST DATA SHEET-32Providing Compact RMUl l k VClass SF6/VCBType(1Incomer+ 2 Breaker+1 Outgoing)SI.NoMaterials Unit RateScheniderMake ABBMake SiemensMake MEIQty Amt Qty Amt Qty Amt Qty Amt1RMU (3 Way),OneIncomer + Two Breakers+One out going (20D+ 2VL), 350 MVA,630AmpsNo 1050370 1 1050370 1 1050370 1 1050370 1 10503702Bed Conceting with CC1:2:4 asper Labour ChargesItem No.28.9Cmt 4425 0.15 663.75 0.37 1637.25 0.53 2345.25 0.64 28323Foundation with Reinforcement CC1:2:4 asper Labour ChargesItem No.28.9Cmt 4425 0.65 2876.25 1.44 6372 0.56 2478 0 04Providing Reinforcement asper Labour ChargesItem No.28.1Kgs 68.3 40 2732 14 956.2 23 1570.9 0 05Providing Plinth on theStone Masonary as per Labour ChargesItem No.28.9Cmt 4425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 3546Construction of Stone Masonary wasper labour chargesItem No.28.11Cmt 3776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.57 2152.327Supplying of Frame of MSChannel 100x50mm andMSangle 40x40x5mm welding etc.,complete.Kgs 50 50 2500 50 2500 50 2500 50 25008Rod type earthing with 40 mm Dia,3Mtrs long MSrod asper specification & drawing (enclosed)No 2000 2 4000 2 4000 2 4000 2 40009Lettering the RMU with
