Committee Members Recruitment pack - Campbell Tickell · 2019-02-20 · related support to...


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Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019 1

Committee Members

Recruitment pack February 2019

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019 2

Committee Members

Your application

Thank you very much for your interest in this post. On the following pages, you will find details of the role and the selection process to assist you in completing and tailoring your application. In order to apply you should submit:

• An up-to-date CV which shows your full career history – we recommend that this is no longer than three pages;

• A supporting statement explaining why you are interested in this role, detailing how you are a good candidate for this post and how you fulfil the person specification – we recommend that this is no longer than three pages;

• The declaration form (completion of the equalities section is not mandatory, but is requested for monitoring purposes in line with our commitment to equality and diversity); and

• Indicate on the declaration form if you cannot attend any of the interview dates.

Please note that applications can only be considered if all the documentation is complete. Please send your application, preferably in MS Word format by email to:

Applications must be received by Thursday 7th March 2018 at 12 noon.

Please ensure we receive your application in good time. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt within 24 hours of sending, please call the team on 020 3434 0990. To help avoid your submission being treated as spam, please use a secure email address from which to send your application and refer to the role and organisation in the header.

Please do call me if you wish to have an informal discussion about the role and organisation, or if you have any other questions to help you decide whether to apply.

Kind regards

Denise Kirkham Denise Kirkham Senior Associate Consultant 07833 475 669

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members


Welcome to saha 4

About saha 5

The Board 7

Role profile – Audit and Risk Committee 9

Person specification – Audit and Risk Committee 12

Role profile – Governance and HR Committee 14

Person specification – Governance and HR Committee 17

Group structure 19

Group structure 20

Key terms and conditions 21

Key dates and the selection process 22

The media advertisement 23

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Welcome to saha

Dear Candidate

Thank you for your interest in saha.

Established for almost 60 years, we are an organisation with a rich heritage, as well as a record of constantly evolving and modernising to better meet the ‘whole needs’ of the people we serve. We have built a strong reputation as a provider of quality social housing and support services, and our customers include homeless people, young mothers, ex-offenders, the elderly and those with mental health issues, as well as other vulnerable groups.

Although we operate as an independent organisation, and serve and employ people of all faiths and none, we are proud to be part of The Salvation Army Group and our strong values and servant leadership ethos remain a strong feature of the organisation. Stemming from these values is saha’s holistic approach and distinctive focus on delivering accommodation and support services which not only meet immediate and urgent need, but also genuinely transform lives.

saha is run by the Group Board, which is supported by the Audit and Risk Committee and the Governance and HR Committee. Following consideration of our succession plan, we are looking to recruit three Board Members, one of which will also be the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee. Also, our Committees have a vacancy each for an Independent Committee Member.

We are now looking to recruit individuals with the right skills and ambition to help us continue our commitment to Transform Lives.

Thank you for reading more about saha and this important role in the Appointment Brief which follows, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

John Matear

John Matear, Commissioner Chair, saha Group Board

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

About saha

saha is a highly distinctive charity and registered provider of social housing, dedicated to transforming lives. Established in 1959, we provide accommodation for a range of different people, young and old. Our support services help people to develop their personal talents, flourish and live independently.

A wholly controlled subsidiary of The Salvation Army, saha operates independently as a Registered Provider of Social Housing. Over a period of almost 60 years, we have grown into a specialist provider of support and accommodation, with approximately 4,500 units of accommodation located across England and we come into contact with over 6,000 service users across 64 local authority areas annually. saha both directly manages its accommodation and also works with managing agents, a demonstration of saha’s commitment to partnership working for the benefit of local communities. Our residents and service users are hugely diverse and include homeless people and families, people recovering from drugs/alcohol issues, young mothers, elderly requiring care, families fleeing domestic violence, ex-offenders and people with learning disabilities or mental health issues.

Following the merger with Chapter 1 in 2017, our services have grown and the organisation now offers an even wider range of support.

Our business activities are spread across three main areas:

• Within our directly managed supported housing, we provide accommodation and support in foyers, sheltered schemes plus projects for young people, young mothers and those with mental health needs and generic floating support services.

• Within our agency managed supported housing, we work with a variety of partners (The Salvation Army, Richmond Fellowship, Change Grow Live (CGL), St Mungo’s Broadway and New Hope) to provide accommodation and support to homeless people and families, people recovering from drugs/alcohol issues, elderly requiring care, families fleeing domestic violence, ex-offenders and people with learning disabilities.

• Within our general needs housing we provide good quality social rented accommodation across the country. Often our stock has developed around our supported housing services providing accessible move on opportunities. We also operate a number of floating support contracts providing housing related support to encourage residents to sustain independent living.

Our accommodation and support services are complemented by a full range of internal services. The association has an established network of offices across the country, comprehensive staffing and an effective governance structure.

Strategic priorities

Our strategic agenda is an ambitious and exciting one. We are currently involved in:

• Taking forward post-merger work around the operational and cultural integration of services, assets and people, and embed an enterprise-wide focus on service-users and on ‘transforming lives’

• Helping shape the future vision for saha and a clear plan for realising it

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

• Ensuring a consistent approach to quality and performance across the organisation

• Maintaining and nurturing the strong relationships built with key stakeholders, especially The Salvation Army and the Regulator of Social Housing

For more information

For more information, please visit

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

The Board

Alistair Heron – Board Member

Alistair is a partner in West Country firm of solicitors and specialises in commercial property. He has been involved in several homeless charities for a number of years and is also a musician and an active member of a large church in Exeter. He was appointed to the saha Board in March 2017.

Peter Taylor – Board Member

Peter has worked in construction since leaving school, gaining experience with John Laing Construction, and rising to senior management positions with Laing Homes and Lovell Partnership. He has a Salvation Army background and is passionate about the work and ministry of the Army. He was appointed to the saha Board in December 2015.

Nigel Parrington – Chief Executive and Board Member

Nigel is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing. He has been involved in a variety of NHF and CIH working groups and as a board member of other housing associations. He is a Company Director of Kingsown. He was appointed to the saha Board in September 2006.

Commissioner John Matear – Board Member

Commissioner John Matear is a retired Salvation Army Officer. He served for 34 years in a variety of appointments, latterly as Territorial Commander in the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland. He joined the saha Board in July 2012 and was subsequently appointed as Chair of the saha Board in September 2012.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Andrew Taylor – Board Member

Andrew Taylor is a proven leader with a broad experience in the social housing sector and an extensive finance background. He was formerly Chief Executive of Sutton Housing Trust. He was appointed to the saha Board in 2010 and is Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.

Maggie Cameron – Ratchford – Board Member

Maggie worked for a local council in the east end of London for over 20 years, mainly managing housing services - homelessness, housing advice, management of council housing and managing large projects. She joined the saha Board in 2011.

Jennifer Laurent – Smart – Board Member

Jennifer has been working as an equality and diversity practitioner for over 15 years and has experience of working in both the private and public sector. She joined the saha Board in May 2014.

You can read profiles of our full non-executive and executive teams here.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Role profile – Audit and Risk Committee

Overall purpose of the role

The role of an Independent Co-opted Member of the Group Audit and Risk Committee is:

• To oversee the systems of internal control, including the internal and external audit function for the Group.

• To ensure that these functions are effective, robust and that risk is effectively managed by the Group.

• To effectively participate in overseeing the financial reporting, risk management, audit and internal governance arrangements of the saha Group.

• To ensure that the Group Audit and Risk Committee provides assurance to the Group and its stakeholders that resources are properly managed and high standards of governance and financial probity are in evidence.

• To provide external challenge, support and advice.

• To have a good understanding of the objectives and priorities of the saha Group and the role of the Audit and Risk Committee in supporting the Board in discharging its duties.

Principal responsibilities

The key responsibilities for all Independent Committee Members, are:

• To act in good faith with care, diligence and skill ensuring that decisions are taken in the best interests of saha and in accordance with the law.

• To act within the powers of saha as set out in its Rules and Governance Handbook.

• To exercise independent judgement and to act only in the interests of the Association and the Group as a whole and not on behalf of any individual or entity.

• To declare any conflicts of interests and where practicable, to avoid, and in any event robustly manage, a situation where there is or may be a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the Association.

• To ensure that systems of risk management and control are robust and effective.

• To maintain the highest standards of governance and conduct.

• To foster good working relationships and shared understandings with Board and Committee members, the executive and the leadership of The Salvation Army and Salvation Army Trustee Company (SATCo).

Main responsibilities

Strategic leadership

• To help develop, agree and share in the Group’s mission and vision.

• To uphold and demonstrate the Group’s values and the principles for which it stands.

• To participate in the development of strategies and policies.

• To contribute to the evaluation of opportunities, threats and risks across the external environment and strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

• To keep up to date with issues within the sectors that the business operates.

Good governance

• To be focused on ensuring that the Association is managed efficiently, effectively and in compliance with the requirements of the law, the constitution, regulation, adopted codes and best practice.

• To ensure the integrity of financial information: including considering long term financial plans and annual budgets and annual accounts prior to them being presented to Board for approval.

• To challenge the robustness of frameworks for financial planning, management of risk, health and safety, internal controls and the safeguarding of assets.

• To comply and act within policies, procedures and guidance as set and amended from time to time by a Board, Committee or other authorised body.

• To fully participate in Committee work in support of the overall governance of the Group.

• To uphold the Code of Conduct and the reputation of the Group and not do anything which may bring discredit upon it or the parent organisation.

• To promptly declare any relevant interests, financial or non-financial, for entry in the register.

• To act as a role model for good governance practices and behaviours.

• To hold the Executive Management Team to account.

Effective meetings and decision making

• To prepare for meetings and other events by reading the reports, seeking clarification where necessary and when possible from report authors before meetings.

• To receive and consider reports prepared by employees, agents and advisers and question these to ensure that a range of options are set out (where appropriate) and decisions are well founded.

• To regularly attend meetings, participate fully in discussions and share responsibility within the decision-making process.

• To treat written information labelled as confidential, or oral information provided in confidence, as strictly confidential at all times unless otherwise authorised to release such information.

• To debate in a proper, respectful manner, addressing only matters in hand, keeping contributions relevant, and avoiding operational detail.

• To contribute to, share responsibility for, and uphold decisions irrespective of any individual position taken in debate or voting.

• To ensure all decisions are made in the best interests of the Association and the Group as a whole and support a solution focused approach where these conflict.

Performance, development, communication and relationships:

• To attend appropriate training and other events and represent the Association and Group as required.

• To participate openly and honestly in collective and individual appraisals, skills audits and succession planning.

• To work effectively with all employees, recognising the Board’s duty of care as an employer and the executive’s responsibilities for management and supervision.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

• To be open in communication and maintain good working relationships with all others involved in governance, leadership and partnerships.

• To demonstrate proficiency in the use of information technology in conducting business.

• To act as an ambassador for the Association and the Group as a whole; networking and promoting its achievements and benefits.

• To demonstrate commitment to equality and diversity.

• To demonstrate commitment to robust Health and Safety policies and procedures within the Group.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Person specification – Audit and Risk Committee Knowledge and experience

• Board director level experience or senior level experience in a customer-orientated organisation.

• An understanding of the environment in which saha operates.

• Direct or indirect knowledge and/or experience of the social housing sector (or a closely aligned sector such as health, care or local government).

Skills and abilities


Each Independent Committee member is appointed on the basis that they can contribute strengths to the skills, knowledge and experience required for the relevant Committee.

Independent Committee members will also be required to share the Group’s mission and vision and uphold and demonstrate the Group’s values and the principles for which it stands.

Additional Skills and experience in finance, audit and risk for the Independent Committee Member for the Audit and Risk Committee:

• Extensive experience of corporate financial management, audit and corporate accounting in a substantial organisation.

• Holds a relevant finance professional qualification.

• Experience of developing financial strategy, planning and monitoring against plans.

• Experience of audit and risk governance processes in a regulated organisation.

• An excellent working knowledge of Audit Committee practices and risk management frameworks.

• Appreciation of key issues relating to treasury management and financial markets whilst not essential it could be an advantage.

• High level of numeracy combined with financial awareness, can analyse performance, financial and other information.

• Consciousness of risk and ability to evaluate and manage likely risks, integrating risk assessment into mainstream business, and to ensure that appropriate risk management processes are in place. Positions risk as opportunity and takes into account the risk appetite of saha.

• Understanding of the financial and risk operating environment of saha.

• IT literate, comfortable with handling, analysing and prioritising large amounts of complex data.

Strategic thinking and direction:

• Understands the difference between strategy and operations.

• Is sensitive to the political, economic, social and technological external impacts upon residents and the business.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

• Anticipates and understands risks and consequences at a strategic level for the Association and the Group as a whole.

• Encourages creativity, is open to new ways of working and able to adapt flexibly to change.

Analysis and understanding:

• Demonstrates clear analytical intellect; assimilates and makes sense of complex data, evaluates options and understands different perspectives.

• Focuses on the key issues and makes them clear to others.

• Understands the sensitivities of key assumptions in business propositions.

• Possesses confidence to provide challenge, asks questions appropriately and keeps to an appropriate level of detail.

• Brings an original perspective to discussions.

Decision making:

• Shows independent judgement and original thought.

• Signs up to the collective ownership of decisions once agreed irrespective of position taken in debate.

• Actively participates in the decision making with objective analysis, reasoned and rational judgement of the issues in hand.

• Prepared to take difficult decisions and measured risks; is not easily deflected by obstacles or problems.

• Respects and is open to the views of others in discussions on key issues.

• Focused on the vision, strategic objectives and priorities when making decisions.

Communication and Interpersonal skills:

• Engages effectively with key stakeholders as an ‘ambassador’.

• Builds and maintains good relationships based on personal credibility and integrity; respects and maintains confidentiality.

• Communicates clearly and persuasively; expresses opinions, listens and takes account of the views of others.

• Challenges without appearing aggressive; prepared to say what people may not want to hear.

• Expects constructive feedback; is aware of own strengths, weaknesses and motivations.

Team working and development:

• Supports a strong team spirit; able to work collaboratively.

• Works with senior management in productive working relationships built on mutual respect.

• Works as a part of the team and adds value to Board/Committee work.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Role profile – Governance and HR Committee

Overall purpose of the role

The role of an Independent Co-opted Member of the Group Governance and HR Committee is:

• To ensure that governance across the group, including its subsidiaries, is robust and that saha complies with all regulatory requirements and statutory requirements relevant to the Committee’s remit and has due regard to good practice.

• To ensure appropriate and effective policies are in place in relation to remuneration for staff.

• To provide expertise in the area of Human Resources at a strategic level, including approval of key policies for staff and volunteers.

• To ensure that the functions the Committee is responsible for are effective, robust and that risk is effectively managed by the group.

• To provide external challenge, support and advice.

• To have a good understanding of the objectives and priorities of the saha Group and the role of the Governance and HR Committee in supporting the Board in discharging its duties.

Principal responsibilities

The key responsibilities for all Independent Committee Members, are:

• To act in good faith with care, diligence and skill ensuring that decisions are taken in the best interests of saha and in accordance with the law.

• To act within the powers of saha as set out in its Rules and Governance Handbook.

• To exercise independent judgement and to act only in the interests of the Association and the Group as a whole and not on behalf of any individual or entity.

• To declare any conflicts of interests and where practicable, to avoid, and in any event robustly manage, a situation where there is or may be a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the Association

• To ensure that systems of risk management and control are robust and effective.

• To maintain the highest standards of governance and conduct.

• To foster good working relationships and shared understandings with Board and Committee members, the executive and the leadership of The Salvation Army and Salvation Army Trustee Company (SATCo).

Main responsibilities

Strategic leadership

• To help develop, agree and share in the Group’s mission and vision.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

• To uphold and demonstrate the Group’s values and the principles for which it stands.

• To participate in the development of strategies and policies.

• To contribute to the evaluation of opportunities, threats and risks across the external environment and strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment.

• To keep up to date with issues within the sectors that the business operates.

Good governance

• To be focused on ensuring that the Association is managed efficiently, effectively and in compliance with the requirements of the law, the constitution, regulation, adopted codes and best practice.

• To comply and act within policies, procedures and guidance as set and amended from time to time by a board, Committee or other authorised body.

• To fully participate in Committee work in support of the overall governance of the Group.

• To uphold the Code of Conduct and the reputation of the Group and not do anything which may bring discredit upon it or the parent organisation.

• To promptly declare any relevant interests, financial or non-financial, for entry in the register.

• To act as a role model for good governance practices and behaviours.

• To hold the Executive Management Team to account.

Effective meetings and decision making

• To prepare for meetings and other events by reading the reports, seeking clarification where necessary and when possible from report authors before meetings.

• To receive and consider reports prepared by employees, agents and advisers and question these to ensure that a range of options are set out (where appropriate) and decisions are well founded.

• To regularly attend meetings, participate fully in discussions and share responsibility within the decision-making process.

• To treat written information labelled as confidential, or oral information provided in confidence, as strictly confidential at all times unless otherwise authorised to release such information.

• To debate in a proper, respectful manner, addressing only matters in hand, keeping contributions relevant, and avoiding operational detail.

• To contribute to, share responsibility for, and uphold decisions irrespective of any individual position taken in debate or voting.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

• To ensure all decisions are made in the best interests of the Association and the Group as a whole and support a solution focused approach where these conflict.

Performance, development, communication and relationships:

• To attend appropriate training and other events and represent the Association and Group as required.

• To participate openly and honestly in collective and individual appraisals, skills audits and succession planning.

• To work effectively with all employees, recognising the Board’s duty of care as an employer and the executive’s responsibilities for management and supervision.

• To be open in communication and maintain good working relationships with all others involved in governance, leadership and partnerships.

• To demonstrate proficiency in the use of information technology in conducting business.

• To act as an ambassador for the Association and the Group as a whole; networking and promoting its achievements and benefits.

• To demonstrate commitment to equality and diversity.

• To demonstrate commitment to robust Health and Safety policies and procedures within the Group.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Person specification – Governance and HR Committee

Knowledge and experience

• Board director level experience or senior level experience in a customer-orientated organisation.

• An understanding of the environment in which saha operates.

• Direct or indirect knowledge and/or experience of the social housing sector (or a closely aligned sector such as health, care or local government).

Skills and abilities


Each Independent Committee member is appointed on the basis that they can contribute strengths to the skills, knowledge and experience required for the relevant Committee.

Independent Committee members will also be required to share the Group’s mission and vision and uphold and demonstrate the Group’s values and the principles for which it stands.

Additional skills and experience in governance and human resources for the Independent Committee Member for the Governance and HR Committee:

• Extensive experience of corporate governance within a regulated organisation.

• Ideally holds a relevant HR professional qualification (CIPD).

• Experience of developing HR strategy, planning and monitoring against plans.

• An excellent working knowledge of Health and Safety management for HR and/or properties

• Appreciation and championing of key issues relating to equality and diversity.

• Awareness of safeguarding in relation to adults and children.

• Understanding of the regulatory operating environment of saha.

• IT literate, comfortable with handling, analysing and prioritising large amounts of complex data.

Strategic thinking and direction:

• Understands the difference between strategy and operations

• Is sensitive to the political, economic, social and technological external impacts upon residents and the business.

• Anticipates and understands risks and consequences at a strategic level for the Association and the Group as a whole.

• Encourages creativity, is open to new ways of working and able to adapt flexibly to change.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Analysis and understanding:

• Demonstrates clear analytical intellect; assimilates and makes sense of complex data, evaluates options and understands different perspectives.

• Focuses on the key issues and makes them clear to others.

• Understands the sensitivities of key assumptions in business propositions.

• Possesses confidence to provide challenge, asks questions appropriately and keeps to an appropriate level of detail.

• Brings an original perspective to discussions.

Decision making:

• Shows independent judgement and original thought.

• Signs up to the collective ownership of decisions once agreed irrespective of position taken in debate.

• Actively participates in the decision making with objective analysis, reasoned and rational judgement of the issues in hand.

• Prepared to take difficult decisions and measured risks; is not easily deflected by obstacles or problems.

• Respects and is open to the views of others in discussions on key issues.

• Focused on the vision, strategic objectives and priorities when making decisions.

Communication and Interpersonal skills:

• Engages effectively with key stakeholders as an ‘ambassador’.

• Builds and maintains good relationships based on personal credibility and integrity; respects and maintains confidentiality.

• Communicates clearly and persuasively; expresses opinions, listens and takes account of the views of others.

• Challenges without appearing aggressive; prepared to say what people may not want to hear.

• Expects constructive feedback; is aware of own strengths, weaknesses and motivations

Team working and development:

• Supports a strong team spirit; able to work collaboratively.

• Works with senior management in productive working relationships built on mutual respect.

• Works as a part of the team and adds value to Board/Committee work.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019 19

Committee Members

Group structure

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019 20

Committee Members

Group structure

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019 21

Committee Members

Key terms and conditions

The role

Committee Members – Audit and Risk & Governance and HR


£1.5k per annum

Meeting schedule

(All meetings start at 09.30)

Audit and Risk Governance and HR

6th February 2019 24th January 2019

17th April 2019 2nd May 2019

10th July 2019 24th July 2019

24th July 2019 12th September 2019

23rd October 2019 28th November 2019

5th February 2020 27th February 2020

Time commitment

9 days


Reasonable expenses will be reimbursed

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Key dates and the selection process

Closing date: Thursday 7th March 2019 at 12 noon

We will be in touch with candidates on Tuesday 12th March to advise on outcome of application.

Interviews: Thursday 4th April 2019

The final stage of the process will be a panel interview and presentation. The panel will comprise of saha, and a CT Representative. This will take place at the saha office in London.

If you are unable to attend on any of the identified dates for interview, please do speak to Campbell Tickell before making an application.

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Media advertisement

Salvation Army Housing Association February 2019


Committee Members

Telephone 020 8830 6777 Recruitment 020 3434 0990 @CampbellTickel1
