Comments of spokesman of Islamic Emirate for consideration by media outlets


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  • 7/31/2019 Comments of spokesman of Islamic Emirate for consideration by media outlets


    Thursday, 14 Ramadan 1433

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    Comments of spokesman of Islamic Emirate for considerationby media outlets

    Thursday, 02 August 2012 10:35

    The intelligence organ of Kabul regime claimed that they have thwarted a Mujahideen assault in Kabul

    today and in the process have killed several assailants. We reject such reports and state that such a

    subject has no bases. Rather, we believe this is yet another maneuver of the intelligence apparatus

    which is trying to

    portray itself as acve, aware and vigilant. Since the intelligence agency is under queson from the

    parliament and other departments in Kabul hence its wants to have something to draw upon in the hearings.

    The Islamic Emirate had no plans for an operaon in Kabul today and neither are those people which they reportedly eliminated

    Mujahi deen. We beli eve this whole process was s taged to keep the media busy for today. This whol e charade is a n enemy

    propaganda p loy which we strongly reject and de em it as nothing more than a stunt and a lle gory. We must state that if we ever wanted

    to carry out an operaon, it would be done with the help of Allah and with all precauonary measures and will be executed

    successful ly in its al located me, Alla h will ing, without it bei ng detected or foiled by the enemy.

    Zabihullah Mujahid



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