Comments O3




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  • English: Instructions in report writing must be followed. You also need to use the linguistic devices, and expressions.

    Math: You lack paper practice and even when you practice, you do not discuss your problems. Must discuss problems.

    Physics: You didnt plan your answers and didnt underline the questions as already instructed. Must follow instructions of

    teachers to score better grades.

    Biology: Details were not learnt from the book as instructed. You have also not underlined and planned your answers, once

    again not following instructions. Please learn to follow instructions.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Good attempt with the comprehensions. But you need to plan stories better and use stronger expressions.


    Math: You need to split complex figures and questions into simpler ones and then apply formula on them.

    Physics: He lost marks due to lack of focus. Even during the papers, he wasnt focused on his work but was rather busy in

    looking around. Hence, he couldnt manage to apply the concepts in his answers.

    Biology: Lack of reading and planning. Although he was told to plan by underlining and writing keywords, he didnt plan his

    answers and thus lost marks.

    Chemistry: You need to concentrate on seeking clarity in concepts instead of finding ways to get rid of things.

    Pakistan Studies: Marking schemes were not read. He also didnt read the questions and wrote very vague answers.

    Islamiat: Good attempt. But he didnt write references regarding the companions of Holy Prophet [P.B.U.H]


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Lost marks in directed writing and story because of not using linguistic devices and expressions that you were

    already taught in class.


    Math: You didnt split complex questions into simpler ones as instructed, and thus lost marks due to confusion.

    Physics: You didnt learn details from book and also didnt plan your answer.

    Biology: Facts not learnt although topics were specified. She also didnt plan as instructed already.

    Chemistry: Answers were not planned in P1 and thus lost most of her marks. She is not following teachers instructions.

    Pakistan Studies: Marking schemes were not read as instructed by the teacher. She needs to follow the instructions.

    Islamiat: Good attempt but couldve been better if she had supported each detail with a reference.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: She didnt use any expression or any linguistic device which she was taught in class. She also didnt follow the

    instructions written on question in directed writing.


    Math: Formulae were not learnt from notes. She had also not practiced past papers at home.

    Physics: Didnt complete the tasks which were assigned in class. She wouldnt do her work but come up with excuses. She

    needs to practice at home also.

    Biology: Readings were not done. Paper was not prepared and not planned.

    Chemistry: She wrote very vague answers which shows her lost focus, and lack of practice.

    Pakistan Studies: Book and marking schemes were not read at all. She has been writing vague answers and that by only


    Islamiat: Details, references and facts were not learnt. She wrote very less of what was taught in class.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Comprehensions were well prepared. But she lacks stronger and more complex structure in her writings.


    Math: Formulae were not learnt from the notes. She also didnt follow the instructions of splitting complex questions into

    simpler ones and then solving them.

    Physics: Answers were not planned as instructed in class. She also lacked facts.

    Biology: Reading was not done and answers were not planned as instructed. P1 needs practice.

    Chemistry: Needs to work on moles. She had also been skipping the reading task which she was assigned in class.

    Pakistan Studies: She lost focus during paper and thus started writing vague answers.

    Islamiat: Very good attempt. You just need to be able to support your each statement with a reference.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: You writing is weak. You lack expressions and use of linguistic devices. Must start reading for better ideas.


    Math: Good attempt. Though, you still not followed the instructions of splitting questions into simpler ones.

    Physics: Paper was not prepared. You didnt know the details.

    Biology: Facts not learnt although topics were specified. She also didnt plan as instructed already.

    Chemistry: You need to write answers which are relevant to question. DO NOT WRITE ALL DETAILS YOU KNOW.

    Pakistan Studies: Good attempt. But you should have read more marking schemes for preparation.

    Islamiat: Good attempt but couldve been better if she had supported each detail with a reference.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Your structure is very weak. You need to read more books and novels.


    Math: Had you followed the instructions of splitting the questions, you wouldve scored more marks.

    Physics: Lack of paper practice. You should plan your answers.

    Biology: You gave up before attempting the paper. Must prepare well in order to get rid of this feeling.

    Chemistry: Lack of preparation and thus no confidence of doing questions. He also missed his homeworks.

    Pakistan Studies: He missed homeworks and thus wasnt prepared well.

    Islamiat: Good attempt but couldve been better if he had supported each detail with a reference.


    Teachers Comments

  • English He didnt prepare his paper. He has very weak sentence structures.


    Math: Didnt learn the formulae from notes and also didnt practice past papers.

    Physics: Very non-serious. Didnt prepare the paper at all.

    Biology: No readings were done. Lack of focus during the paper. Need to practice more.

    Chemistry: He cheated marking schemes during the tasks and thus didnt know anything in paper. You must ask questions

    when confused.

    Pakistan Studies: He didnt complete the tasks he was assigned. And he didnt read the book.

    Islamiat: He didnt write important details which he was already taught before the paper.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Poor structure due to not reading although you are told many times.


    Math: Not at all doing anything at home. He has only been wasting time.

    Physics: Poor preparation of the paper and lost focus during the paper. He needs to start working now.

    Biology: No readings were done. No tasks were completed. He has only been passing time.

    Chemistry: He argues uselessly over small things instead of learning the topic he is taught. He talks uselessly for no reason.

    Must try to be silent and try to learn.

    Pakistan Studies: He didnt complete the tasks and neither did he read. He wrote very vague answers.

    Islamiat: He didnt learn any detail nor any reference that he was told to learn.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Weak structure due to no reading of any novel or any book.


    Math: Nice but you should split complex questions into simpler ones.

    Physics: Lack of reading and past papers.

    Biology: Good try. But you should have practiced more at home to gain more marks.

    Chemistry: You need to practice moles, especially P1.

    Pakistan Studies: Good try. But you need to read more marking schemes.

    Islamiat: Good work. You should learn all details and references.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Good attempt. But do not write a lot of expressions because too much of anything is bad.


    Math: Nice attempt. But you should practice more past papers.

    Physics: Good attempt. But must always plan your answers before writing them.

    Biology: Instructions of reading specific content are not followed. Must work on it.

    Chemistry: Lack of focus. You wrote vague answers.

    Pakistan Studies: No reading of marking scheme was done although you were instructed.

    Islamiat: Good attempt but couldve been better if she had supported each detail with a reference.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Weak structure due to no reading. He also didnt write expressions as he was taught.


    Math: No practice done at home. No formula was learnt.

    Physics: Poor preparation. You also didnt plan answers.

    Biology: Reading not done. Questions were not planned as instructed.

    Chemistry: Poor attempt. You didnt even bother to read the question.

    Pakistan Studies: You didnt even attempt the question properly by underlining and planning it.

    Islamiat: Good attempt but couldve been better if he had supported each detail with a reference.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Very weak structure due to not reading although you had been told many times.


    Math: She didnt learn any formula. She also doesnt ask questions when confused.

    Physics: Paper was not prepared. She lacked reading and past paper practice.

    Biology: No readings were done although topics were specified.

    Chemistry: You have not practiced any past paper and have not discussed any of your problem.

    Pakistan Studies: Details were not written which shows you have not read.

    Islamiat: She didnt read and learn references and facts.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Good attempt. But you must follow all instructions of directed writing and try to write in a formal way.


    Math: Good attempt. But split complex questions into simpler ones and then apply formula.

    Physics: Excellent attempt. Keep practicing.

    Biology: Planning and underlining was not done as instructed.

    Chemistry: P1 needs a lot of practice. P2 was good however.

    Pakistan Studies: Good attempt. More marking scheme should be read to gain more marks.

    Islamiat: Excellent attempt. Learn more references.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: Very good attempt. But you need to follow all instructions in a formal way during directed writing.


    Math: Nice attempt. Practice more to gain more marks.

    Physics: Excellent attempt. Past papers are key to A*.

    Biology: P1 needs practice. She followed all instructions in P2 though.

    Chemistry: P1 needs practice. Try to underline and then plan.

    Pakistan Studies: Good try. You were close to scoring A. You need to read marking schemes.

    Islamiat: Excellent attempt. Keep it up.


    Teachers Comments

  • English: You need to read more and more. Your structure and expressions are weak.


    Math: Nice but you need to split complex questions into simpler ones.

    Physics: Lack of past paper practice. Must plan your answers.

    Biology: Reading wasnt done. You have not planned answers as instructed.

    Chemistry: P1 needs practice. You should learn facts also.

    Pakistan Studies: Decent try. Its good that you are trying but you need to read more marking schemes.

    Islamiat: You need to learn and mention relevant details and references in your answers.


    Teachers Comments

