Comics Thursday, November 26, 2020 DENNIS THE …


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Muskogee PhoenixThursday, November 26, 2020

Dear Readers: As celebrate Thanksgiving, look into all of the beau-tiful, life-changing ben-efits that gratitude can have for our health and the health of the people and animals around us.

When we practice noticing the big things we’re grateful for, the small things, annoyances and disappointments don’t overwhelm us so easily. We remember how we are blessed to experi-ence every moment and don’t get caught in the joy-sucking pettiness of life, which can make everyone around us mis-erable, too.

Gratitude helps us to not sweat the small stuff and to remember that it’s all small stuff.

Gratitude blesses you. It opens you so that more can come in. It expands the vibrational space around you. When you’re living in that ex-pansive space, more of everything will flow into your life.

And this year, due to COVID-19 and other circumstances, many families and friends will be celebrating separate-ly. In the spirit of mer-riment and gratitude, here are some classic poems to celebrate the holiday as curated by poetry experts Bob Hol-man & Margery Snyder. While your loved ones

might not be physically together, you can have fun reading these to each other.

Known as “Over the River and Through the Wood,” this poem from 1844illustrates a snow-filled New England Thanksgiving journey. In 1897, it was made into the familiar song.

“The New-England Boy’s Song About Thanksgiving Day” by Lydia Maria Child

“Over the river, and through the wood, / To grandfather’s house we go; / The horse knows the way, / To carry the sleigh, / Through the white and drifted snow.”

Know any pumpkin pie lovers? They might enjoy this poem from 1850.

“The Pumpkin” by John Greenleaf Whittier

“And the prayer, which my mouth is too full to express, / Swells my heart that thy shadow may never be less, / That the days of thy lot may be lengthened below, / And the fame of thy worth like a pumpkin-vine grow, / And thy life be as sweet, and its last sunset sky /

Golden-tinted and fair as thy own Pumpkin pie!”

As a reminder that this day means more than just the day itself, this 19th-century poem harkens back to Thanks-giving memories of yore.

“No. 814” by Emily Dickinson

“One day is there of the series / Termed “Thanks-giving Day” / Celebrated part at table / Part in memory-”

This 1918 poem of sur-viving through hardship and still being thankful is very relevant in 2020.

“Fire Dreams” by Carl Sandburg

“I remember here by the fire, / In the flicker-ing reds and saffrons, / They came in a ram-shackle tub, / Pilgrims in tall hats, / Pilgrims of iron jaws, / Drifting by weeks on beaten seas, / And the random chapters say / They were glad and sang to God.”

And, finally, this 1921 verse is perfect to share with children.

“Thanksgiving Time” by Langston Hughes

“When the night winds whistle through the trees and blow the crisp brown leaves a-crackling down, / When the autumn moon is big and yel-low-orange and round, / When old Jack Frost is sparkling on the ground, / It’s Thanksgiving Time!”

Celebrating ThanksgivingComics

Dear AnnieAnnieLane

PEANUTS Charles Schulz


BLONDIE Dean Young & John Marshall NANCY Olivia Jaimes


BIG NATE Lincoln Peirce


BORN LOSER Chip Sansom

PICKLES Brian Crane


BEETLE BAILEY Mort, Greg and Brian Walker

DILBERT Scott Adams

BABY BLUES Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

ZITS Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman


FAMILY CIRCUS Jeff and Bil Keane
