€¦ · (Comcor) and Walker Environmental Group Inc. (WEG) that builds on the working relationship...


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8/21/2018 2014/2015 PROJECT DOCUMENT

Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Gas Capture and Destruction Project 2014/2015 ISO 14064-2 Project Document

8/3/2018 Page i Revision 1.0

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents: ................................................................................................................................................. ii

List of Figures ...................................................................................................................................................... iii

List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................................ iii

List of Appendices ................................................................................................................................................ iii

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Project and Proponent Identification ............................................................................................................ 3

2.1 Project ................................................................................................................................................. 3

2.2 Project Proponent ............................................................................................................................... 3

3. Project Description ........................................................................................................................................ 4

3.1 Project Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 4

3.2 Project Site Description ...................................................................................................................... 4

3.3 Baseline Conditions............................................................................................................................. 6

3.4 Justification of Baseline Conditions .................................................................................................... 6

3.5 Project Condition ................................................................................................................................ 6

3.6 Actions Taken...................................................................................................................................... 7

3.7 Project Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................... 8

3.8 Identification of Risks ....................................................................................................................... 10

3.9 Other Project Information................................................................................................................. 10

3.9.1 Other Ownership Info ....................................................................................................... 10

3.9.2 Environmental Impact Assessment .................................................................................. 10

3.9.3 Stakeholder Consultations ................................................................................................ 10

4. Identification and Justification of Baseline .................................................................................................. 11

4.1.1 GHG Assessment Boundaries ............................................................................................ 11

4.1.2 Sources Sinks and Reservoirs ........................................................................................... 12

5. Quantification of Emission Reductions ........................................................................................................ 14

5.1 Relevant Equations and Calculations ................................................................................................ 14

5.2 Data Management ............................................................................................................................. 19

5.3 Monitoring and Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QAQC) Plan .................................................. 22

5.3.1 Equipment List and Inspection/Maintenance Schedule ................................................... 22

5.4 Emission Reduction Inventory Management .................................................................................... 22

Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Gas Capture and Destruction Project 2014/2015 ISO 14064-2 Project Document

8/3/2018 Page i Revision 1.0

List of Figures

Figure 1: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - Process Flow Diagram ......................................................................... 5

Figure 2: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - Project Geographic Location ............................................................. 5

Figure 3: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - Voluntary Early Action Area ........................................................... 11

Figure 4: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - ERC Claim Data Flow Summary ..................................................... 20

List of Tables

Table 1: Baseline Scenarios and Associated Barriers ..................................................................................................................... 6

Table 2: Project Timeline ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Table 3: Project Eligibility Criteria .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

Table 4: Risks to Annual Emission Reductions ................................................................................................................................ 10

Table 5: Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Table 6: Equipment List ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22

List of Appendices

Appendix A LFG Rights - Lease Agreement with the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority

Appendix B 2014 – 2015 Emission Reduction Claim Summary

Appendix C IGRS Verification Methodology

Appendix D Calibration Report

Appendix E Exemption and Design Report

Appendix F IGRS Methodology: Emission Reduction Inventory Management

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1. Introduction

This Project Document for the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Gas Capture and Destruction Projecthas been developed in accordance with the ISO 14064-2: Specification with guidance at the projectlevel for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removalenhancements.

IGRS implemented an ISO 14064 approach to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission management at theproject level in 2009, with the expectation that the system and methodology provided by theInternational Standards Organization will benefit the project, project stake-holders and emissionreduction beneficiaries. Benefits include additional clarity and consistency for quantifying,monitoring, reporting and validating or verifying GHG inventories and projects.

Specifically, ISO 14064 provides for:

- Enhanced environmental integrity of the GHG quantification;

- Enhanced credibility, consistency, and transparency of GHG quantification, monitoring andreporting, including GHG project emission reductions and removal enhancements;

- The ability to track performance and progress in the reduction of GHG emissions and/orincrease in GHG removals; and,

- More transparent crediting and trade of GHG emission reductions.

The project is also generally consistent with the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion, 2007, developed as part of the Specified Gas Emitters Regulation (SGER) by Alberta Environment (ABENV).

As per the Alberta Environment’s Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion, 2007, the baseline condition represents the emissions of GHGs from waste decomposition in a landfill that would have been released to the atmosphere without landfill gas (LFG) capture and combustion under controlled conditions. The baseline condition is thus dependent on the volume of LFG captured and combusted, and not on the size, waste composition, operational method or other characteristics of the project landfill.

This protocol does not attempt to estimate or quantify the total GHG emissions from a landfill. The GHG reduction calculation is based on the measurement of the volume of LFG collected and the assumption that all of the LFG collected would have been released in the absence of an LFG collection system. Thus the calculation of the total volume of methane generated in the landfill, using modeling or other calculation methods, is not required under this protocol.

As per typical landfill gas recovery projects, methane is the only GHG that is of material significance. Other GHGs that are required to be quantified for emission reduction projects such as nitrous oxides and refrigerants are considered immaterial when quantifying the GHG impact of a landfill gas project.

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Evidence is provided to support that:

1. Combustion is carried out under controlled conditions as demonstrated by a description ofthe LFG end use and specifications of the combustion device in use;

2. LFG is not vented directly to atmosphere under the project condition once it is gathered asdemonstrated by operational records and/or an affirmation by IGRS;

3. Metering of gas volumes takes place upstream of collection within a reasonable distance ofeither the combustion device or point of inclusion in the off-site pipeline network such thatthe meter will account for the potential for fugitive emissions as demonstrated by a projectschematics;

4. The quantification of reductions achieved by the project is based on actual measurement andmonitoring; and,

5. The project meets other identified requirements as detailed in section 3.6.

Overall IGRS and its GHG Management Program are committed to the following principles:

- Relevance: Selecting the GHG sources, GHG sinks, GHG reservoirs, data and methodologies appropriate to the needs of the intended user.

- Completeness: Including and/or addressing all relevant GHG emissions and removals. Include all relevant information to support criteria and procedures.

- Consistency: Enabling meaningful comparisons in GHG-related information.

- Accuracy: Reducing bias and uncertainties as far as is practical.

- Transparency: Disclosing sufficient and appropriate GHG-related information to allow intended users to make decisions with reasonable confidence.

- Conservativeness: Using conservative assumptions, values and procedures to ensure thatGHG emission reductions or removal enhancements are not over-estimated.

The Project Document is updated annually and issued with the relevant emission reduction claim summaries for the project. It is within the emission reduction claim summary (located in Appendix B: Emission Reduction Claim Summary) that the annual volume of emission reductions is documented. The Verification Methodology utilized by IGRS can be found in Appendix C: IGRS

Verification Methodology.

This is the Seventh edition of the Project Document listed on the CSA CleanProjects Registry; the expectation is that this project will continue to produce similar volumes of emissions reductions on an annual basis until the project completion date of December 31st 2016.

The Project Document provides context for the claim summary and background to explain the use of certain approaches or decisions taken. Explanation will generally include documentation of the following:

- How approaches were used or decisions taken.

- Why approaches were chosen or decisions made.

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2. Project and Proponent Identification2.1 Project

The project facilities are located at the Essex Windsor Regional Landfill in Essex County, Ontario and are developed in agreement with and on behalf of the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority.

2.2 Project Proponent

Integrated Gas Recovery Services Inc. (IGRS) is a partnership between Comcor Environmental Limited (Comcor) and Walker Environmental Group Inc. (WEG) that builds on the working relationship developed between the two companies over the last ten years. Integrated Gas Recovery Services Inc. (IGRS) is a full-service, landfill gas utilization company offering complete design, build, own and operating solutions for landfill gas utilization, control and emission reduction projects.

Primary Carbon Contact:

Darren Fry Project Director Telephone: 905.680.3783 E-mail: dfry@walkerind.com

IGRS Management/Executive Contacts:

Walter Graziani Director Telephone: 519.621.6669 (Ext. 225) Fax: 519.621.9944 E-mail: graziani@comcor.com

IGRS has engaged Brightspot Climate Inc. (Brightspot) to provide a third-party verification of the emission reductions asserted by IGRS related to the project activities discussed herein.

Brightspot Contact:

Aaron Schroeder, P. Eng. Lead Verifier 225 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300 Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3 (604) 353-0264E-mail: aaron.schroeder@brightspot.co

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3. Project Description3.1 Project Scope

During the claim period, Integrated Gas Recovery Services Inc. (IGRS) operated the IGRS Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Gas Capture and Destruction Project, a facility designed for the collection and flaring of landfill gas (LFG) originating at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill.

Landfill gas is collected from twenty-three vertical wells. The four inch diameter wells are individually valved and connected to six inch diameter above ground pipes, which then connect to an eighteen inch header pipe. The header pipe is buried approximately three feet below grade and conveys the gas to the plant area adjacent to the landfill.

Low points or sumps in the header pipe collect water that condenses from the saturated gas. Each of the three sumps are equipped with a pneumatic pump that withdraws the condensed moisture and discharges it to the landfill leachate/manhole system via a dedicated three inch forcemain buried alongside the gas header. A three inch compressed air line is also buried beside the forcemain and gas header.

The plant is equipped with a fan blower that provides vacuum to the wellfield in order to draw landfill gas from the waste to the plant. The blower conveys landfill gas to a flare where the gas is ignited and burned continuously. The project uses a fully enclosed flare for methane destruction.

A small utility control building adjacent to the plant houses the following equipment:

• The electrical breaker for the fan blower motor,

• A gas analyzer that measures gas quality real time,

• An air compressor and dryer that together provide dry compressed air to the pneumatic pumps,

• a SCADA computer that continuously records gas flow rate, compressed air pressure in the airline, blower speed and run-time, and flare flame temperature.

This project document reports the emission reductions associated with the operation of the project between January 1st, 2014 and December 31st, 2015.

3.2 Project Site Description

The LFG system is located at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill; 7700 County Road 18, Essex, Ontario, N0R 1B0 (Latitude 42.090833 and Longitude -82.012889). The landfill site is owned and operated by the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority, who contracted with IGRS to design, build and operate the landfill gas project. The project boundary is illustrated in the process flow diagram, FIGURE 1.0, which also indicates the location of the collection, processing, metering and analysis for the Project. Geographic location of the site is provided in FIGURE 2.0.

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Flow Meter

Project Boundary


Figure 1: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - Process Flow Diagram

Figure 2: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - Project Geographic Location

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3.3 Baseline Conditions

Prior to the implementation of the project, there were no collection and destruction facilities at the site. LFG was vented to the atmosphere. The collection, capture and recovery of LFG at the Landfill was not required by law in 2014. Reductions are calculated, therefore, from a baseline of continued natural venting of LFG emissions to the atmosphere at the Landfill.

3.4 Justification of Baseline Conditions

When identifying potential baseline scenarios and their associated barriers to justify how the selected baseline is the most likely to occur in absence of the project, the following barriers were utilized: financial economic, legal requirements and technology available. The following table outlines the barriers that were utilized in assessing each baseline candidate.

Table 1: Baseline Scenarios and Associated Barriers

Barrier Existing Project (capture and flare) Business as usual (venting to atmosphere)

Financial Economic Medium to high costs associated with necessary infrastructure, monitoring and maintenance

No Barrier

Legal Requirements Not required by law N/A

Technology Available No Barrier No Barrier

Based on the comparative assessment of barriers, the business as usual scenario in which there is no capture and flare system in place and landfill gas would be released into the atmosphere was identified as the most appropriate baseline scenario.

3.5 Project Condition

The project condition is defined as LFG collection through the installed wellfield followed by LFG combustion in an enclosed flare, as constructed in 2009.

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3.6 Actions Taken

Table 2: Project Timeline

1997 Landfill Opened

September - December 2008

Construction: Wellfield, Phase 1.

January 2009 Candlestick flare installed and wellfield commissioned.

June 2009 Enclosed flare installed and three additional wells added to wellfield.

October 2009 Submission of application to the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program. A FIT contract will support the utilization of LFG through development of an electricity generation component to the facility. IGRS is awaits a response from the OPA FIT program.

May 7, 2010 Flow meter relocated by Avensys Solutions to ensure gas has necessary length of straight pipe to reach a uniform velocity across the entire cross section of the pipe in the location of the flowmeter sensor. As per manufacturer recommendations, the final position of the flow meter has 20 upstream pipe diameters (161 inches) and 10 downstream pipe diameters (82 inches) from any disturbances such as junctions, elbows, valves, tees etc.

December 2010 OPA Update: Electricity Generation Project currently in FIT Program Production Queue; on hold until further notice from OPA.

January 2011 Parasitic Electricity Meter reconfigured for accurate measure of cumulative electricity use. (January 29, 2011)

Lateral and sub-lateral piping placed below ground and insulated to improve system reliability

2012 Four gravity drain traps were installed in 2012 to improve drainage of condensate

February, 2013 A new flow meter was installed to replace old flow meter.

(Refer to Appendix D: Calibration Report for Flow Meter-Serial No. 166090)

June, 2013 Main pump drain trap excavated and repaired.

Late October – Early November 2013

The refractory inside the flare was replaced.

2014+ Investigating gas utilization options including pipeline quality and direct use.

2016 The expected date for terminating the project is June 30, 2016

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3.7 Project Eligibility Criteria

Table 3: Project Eligibility Criteria

Subject Eligibility Criteria1 Criteria Satisfied

Commencement of methane destruction.

(Start Date)

Projects Must have an effective start date on or after January 1st, 2002. As per Alberta Offset System Guidance, start date is defined as the first period in which Landfill Gas was combusted under controlled conditions.

Yes. Project was installed in 2008-2009, and commissioned January 2009. (Start Date).

Landfill gas collection and control regulation.


LFG collection and control system must not be required under Ontario Regulations, NSPS (New Source Performance Standards), Emission Guidelines (EG), or NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) programs for project to be eligible.

If landfill is, or will be, subject to LFG control requirements or regulations and plans to install LFG collection and control systems in advance of regulatory requirements, the site must provide information demonstrating voluntary installation and anticipated regulatory compliance date.

Yes. The emission reductions created as a result of this project are surplus to any regulation. The collection, capture and recovery of LFG at the Landfill is currently not required by law under Ontario Regulations 232/98 and 347. For more information see Exemption and Design Report in APPENDIX ‘E’

Commencement of Alberta offset program

The Alberta offset program commenced on January 1st, 2002.

Not applicable as this relates specifically to the Alberta system.

Credit Start Date for Landfill Gas Collection and Combustion

Project start dates must begin after January 1st, 2002. Landfill gas collection and combustion projects may begin generating offsets when testing phases have been completed and commercial operations commence. Projects may generate credits on any given date during the calendar year however the project must be created on the registry by December 31st of the calendar year.

The credit start date for this project is January 1st, 2009.

Credit Duration Period

Projects may generate offsets for eight consecutive years with a possible five year extension period. If the project becomes regulated it is eligible to claim credits for the remainder of the eight year period however no extensions will be granted.

Not applicable as this project is not participating the Alberta system.

Reporting Period The reporting period is the duration of time covered by the offset project report and verification report.

The reporting period is January 1st 2014 to December 31st 2015.

Extension Period Various Alberta projects are eligible for a five year extension period.

Not applicable.

Protocol Versioning The AESRD reviews protocols and a minimum of every five years. Existing projects can continue to use the version available when the project was initiated.

The February 2013 Specified Gas Emitters Regulation, Version 4.0 and September 2007 Alberta Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion have been identified and used as guidance for this offset project.

1 Alberta Environment. 2013. Technical Guidance for Offset Project (Version 4): Section 3.1: Offset Eligibility


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Subject Eligibility Criteria1 Criteria Satisfied

Flagged Protocols If errors or inconsistencies are identified in developed protocols the AESRD may flag them on their website. Existing projects may continue to use the protocol, however projects granted an extension period must adhere to changes made in the protocol for that period.

Yes, see above.

Real, Demonstrable, and Quantifiable.

Must demonstrate that the project produces emission reductions which are real, demonstrable, and quantifiable.

All emission reductions quantified in this project are the result of measured volumes and concentrations of methane gas sent to functioning destruction equipment.

Counted Once Emission offset credits can only be counted once for Alberta compliance purposes. Credits must be registered on the Alberta registry, serialized, and retired once they are used for compliance purposes.

This criteria is specific to projects registered on the Alberta registry and is therefore not applicable for this project.

Registered on Registry

Offsets must be serialized and registered on the Alberta registry.

The credits generated from this project will not be registered as compliance offsets in Alberta and therefore this guidance is not applicable to this project.

Offset Credit Transactions

Transactions for the offsets should be done on a contractual basis between the buyer and seller. A schedule D and all applicable fees should be included in the transaction.

Not applicable for this project.

Ownership of landfill gas and any green or environmental attributes of the landfill gas.

Must demonstrate ownership of LFG. Must certify that GHG reductions offered under the Standard of Practice from the collection and control of LFG are not used in other GHG markets. If end-use application of LFG (e.g., electrical generation) is participating in green or alternative energy market, project must demonstrate that reductions offered under the Standard of Practice are not participating in another program.

Contractual arrangements entitle IGRS to all reductions created by methane destruction within the project boundary. Reference: APPENDIX ‘A.’

Verification Offsets must be verified by an independent third party verifier.

Yes. Brightspot Climate Inc. has been retained by the project owner to verify this project.

Government Audit Compliance offsets generated and registered in Alberta are subject to AESRD audits.

Not applicable for this project.

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3.8 Identification of Risks

There are no risks to annual emissions reductions claimed by the IGRS Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Gas and Destruction Project as the documents are created based on empirical data. The emissions reductions have already been generated.

Table 4: Risks to Annual Emission Reductions

Risk Mitigation or Management Process

Force Majeure – Events that involve damage to installed infrastructure

In the event of damage, the project would reflect the changes in landfill gas utilization and flaring.

Significant changes in landfill waste mix, specifically substantial reduction in/diversion of organic waste

Landfill waste mix has not manifested any changed in landfill gas generation.

Construction projects that change project fundamentals and/or require taking the project offline to allow for development

The project has already been constructed and emission reductions have already been generated.

3.9 Other Project Information

3.9.1 Other Ownership Info

The Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill is owned by the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority, a municipal agency created by the County of Essex and the City of Windsor to provide waste management Programs and facilities for the residents and businesses in the County and the City. As specified under the agreement with the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority, IGRS holds title to all environmental attributes related to LFG capture, destruction and utilization. There are no other elements of these projects that affect the validity of the reductions or IGRS’ ability to claim ownership.

3.9.2 Environmental Impact Assessment

An environmental impact assessment was not required by the IGRS Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Gas Capture and Destruction Project.

3.9.3 Stakeholder Consultations

IGRS is not required by legislation or regulation to carry out public and/or other stakeholder consultations. Stakeholders are made aware, however, of the project through obligatory and voluntary consultative activities carried out by related project partners and interested parties including Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority.

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4. Identification and Justification of Baseline

Prior to the implementation of the project, there were no collection and destruction facilities at thesite. LFG naturally vented to the atmosphere.

The Phase 1 installation of the landfill gas collection system at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill isvoluntary as set out in the June 11, 2009 report filed with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.Reductions are calculated, therefore, from a baseline of emissions emitted from continuous naturalventing of LFG to atmosphere.

The layout and extents of the voluntary early action area of the landfill gas collection system arehighlighted below in Fig 3.0.

Figure 3: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - Voluntary Early Action Area

4.1.1 GHG Assessment Boundaries

The GHG assessment boundary for the project includes all relevant emission sources from the operation of the landfill gas collection system to the ultimate destruction of the landfill gas. CO2 emissions associated with the generation and destruction of landfill gas are considered biogenic emissions (as opposed to anthropogenic) and will not be included in the GHG reduction calculation. This is consistent with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) guidelines for captured landfill gas.

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4.1.2 Sources Sinks and Reservoirs

The following are identified as relevant sources, sinks and reservoirs to be included in the quantification of a project’s net GHG emissions in CO2e:

• Destruction of methane via flare/flaring system.

• Emissions resulting from grid derived electrical energy used by compressors, blowers andother fossil fuel powered equipment at the LFG processing plant/stage. (Plant parasitic loademissions.)

The following is a comprehensive list of sources, sinks and reservoirs controlled by, affected by or related to the project, and how they relate to the baseline condition. Emission sources, sinks and reservoirs are classified as either being included in the baseline condition or additional to the baseline condition as a result of project implementation and ongoing operations.

Note that all sources, sinks and reservoirs related to waste collection and landfill operations are considered to be outside of the project boundary as they would have occurred in the absence of the project activity, and, therefore, are not considered in this project-specific list of GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs. This is consistent with the detailed treatment of Sources, Sinks, and Reservoirs detailed in tables 2.1 and 2.2 of Alberta Environment’s Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion, 2007.

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Table 5: Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs

GHG Source Category

GHG Source, Sink or Reservoir


Included in Project Boundary

Included in Baseline


Controlled Related Affected


1. Landfill Source: Fugitive emissions from landfill surface.

CO2 Yes Yes Related Emissions would have occurred absent of the project. 2 CH4 Yes Yes Related

Reservoir: Temporary methane storage.

CH4 No No Related Temporary, net zero storage. Consideration, therefore, not required.

2. LandfillGasCollectionSystem

Source: Fugitive emissions from well heads and collection headers.

CO2 Yes Yes Related Emissions would have occurred absent of the project.1 CH4 Yes Yes Related

Source: Emissions resulting from grid derived electrical energy used by compressors, blowers and other fossil fuel powered equipment.

CO2 Yes No Related Emissions considered based on total kWh consumed by the facility multiplied by the grid factor for the province of Ontario as stated by Environment Canada. A minor amount of propane is consumed by the project for flare starts; this is quantified on a volume basis and the propane emission factor provided by Environment Canada. Refer to Quantification section for calculation method.

CH4 Yes No Related

N2O Yes No Related

Source: Fugitive emissions from conduit to destruction device.

CO2 Yes Yes Related Emissions would have occurred absent of the project. 1 CH4 Yes Yes Related

3. Flare Source: Emissions of Methane

CH4 Yes Yes Controlled The reduction of this emission source forms the basis of emission reductions achieved by this project.

Source: Emissions resulting from the destruction of landfill gas in flare.

CO2 No No Controlled Biogenic emissions are excluded.3

CH4 Yes Yes Controlled Emissions due to incomplete destruction would have occurred absent of the project. 1

2 Refer to project baseline scenario as described herein. 3 IPCC, Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 5, Waste, 2006.

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5. Quantification of Emission Reductions

The Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Gas Capture and Destruction Project creates a net reduction inGHG emissions that is real and not the result of a shutdown or cessation of an activity. The emissionreductions related to the facility’s operations are quantifiable based on metered and measured data.Where assumptions or estimates must be made in lieu of empirical data, IGRS chooses the mostprecise factor or calculation approach available. Then, in the event of equal precision, IGRS choosesthe most conservative factor or approach.

The calculation of the emission reductions from this project takes guidance from the followingdocuments:

• Specified Gas Emitters Regulation, Alberta Environment, Quantification Protocol for LandfillGas Capture And Combustion, 2007

• ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level forquantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removalenhancements, 2006

5.1 Relevant Equations and Calculations

Consistent with the protocol approach as defined by Alberta Environment and summarized in Section 1, the following equation represents the project emission reduction calculation methodology.

Baseline Emissions The baseline condition is defined as the volume of methane captured that would otherwise have been released to the atmosphere. The baseline condition is dynamic as the volume of methane would be expected to change relative to factors such as the age of the landfill and the landfill waste mix.

Baseline Emissions

= VLFG-cap x ρCH4 x CCH4 x GWPCH4

VLFG-cap = Volume of Landfill Gas captured in the collection system (m3)

➔ The units of measure for the data produced by the flowmeters is standard cubic

feet per minute (scfm) which is then converted into volume (ie. cubic feet/cubic


➔ Empirical value as measured and recorded by the flow meter and discussed in

the data management section of this Project Document

ρCH4 = 0.665 kg/m3

At IGRS flow meter reference temperature and pressure, where (TIGRS-FM, PIGRS-FM) = (21.1ºC, 14.7 PSIA).

For methane density calculation break-down, please see below.

CCH4 = Methane Concentration (%, mass basis)

➔ Empirical value as measured and recorded by the gas analyzer and discussed in

the data management section of this Project Document

GWPCH4 =25 ➔ Radiative potential of CH4 as identified by the IPCC.

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Total Emission Reductions

Emission Reductions

= Baseline Emissions – Project Emissions

Total ERC claim = ERFlare - PEParasitic


ERFlare = GHG Emission Reductions Resulting from LFG Collection and CH4 Destruction at the Flare

PEParasitic = Total Parasitic Emissions Resulting from Project Operations and Activities

Plant Parasitic Emissions

PEParasitic = Emissions related to consumed grid electrical at LFG processing stage in CO2e + Emissions from propane combustion

PEParasitic = PEParasitic Elec (Jan1-Dec31) + PE Parasitic Propane (Jan1-Dec31)

PEParasitic Elec = [kWh(Jan1-Dec31) x EFelec]

PEParasitic Propane (Jan1-


= [VC3H8 x EFC3H8]

PEParasitic = [BH(Jan1-Dec31) x FkW x EFelec] + [VC3H8 x EFC3H8]


EFelec = Greenhouse Gas Intensity Factor for Ontario Grid Sourced Electricity

= 40 g CO2e/kWh (2014) and 43 g CO2e/kWh (2015)

kWh(Jan1-Dec31) = Plant Electrical Consumption, as metered by Siemens 9200 power meter

➔ As of January 30th 2011, electrical consumption data is calculated by the Siemens9200 power meter. The power meter is a cumulative kWh meter and daily electricityusage is calculated by taking the meter value at day’s end and subtracting the entireprevious day’s meter value.

Electricity Emission Factor: National Inventory Report 1990-2011: GHG Sources and Sinks in Canada (Part 3, pg 99) Table A13-7 Electricity Generation and GHG Emission Details for Ontario

VC3H8 = Plant Propane Consumption, as metered and invoiced by supplier (Superior and Aabco).

EFC3H8 = 1507 g CO2/L x 1 + 0.024 g CH4/L x 21 + 0.108 g N20/L x 310

= 1540.984 gCO2e/L

National Inventory Report 1990-2015: GHG Sources and Sinks in Canada (Part 2, pg 234) Table A6-3: Emission Factors for Natural Gas Liquids

➔ Each large tank of propane used at the Essex Project holds 100lbs or 112.2L ofpropane. During the 2014-2015 claim period, IGRS was unable to confirm if any deliveries/refill of propane occurred. Therefore, it is conservatively assumed that 2 tanks or propane per year, for a total of 448.8L were consumed during the claim period.

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Destruction of Methane: Flare (FL)

ERFlare = CCH4 x ρCH4 x [(VLFG-FL-ENCL) Jan 1 – Dec 31 x (100%) x EffFF.ENCL x GWPCH4


CCH4 = Methane Concentration (%, mass basis)

➔ Empirical value as measured and recorded by the gas analyzer and discussed in the datamanagement section of this Project Document.

ρCH4 = 0.665 kg/m3

➔ At IGRS flow meter reference temperature and pressure, where(TIGRS-FM, PIGRS-FM) = (21.1ºC, 14.7 PSIA).

For methane density calculation break-down, please see below.

VLFG-FL-ENCL = Volume of Landfill Gas Flared in 2013 in the enclosed flare in cubic meters asmeasured by the IGRS flow meter

➔ Empirical value as measured by the flow and discussed in the data management section ofthis Project Document.

EffFL-ENCL = 97.7%

➔ As per AP-42, Volume I, Fifth Addition, Table 2.4-3 Control Efficiencies for LFG NMOC andVOC (October 2009).

➔ In addition, the enclosed flare is designed and operated to maximize destruction efficiencies(i.e. fully automated temperature logic controls ensure required combustion temperaturesand flows).

GWPCH4 = 25

➔ Radiative potential of CH4 as identified by the UNFCC.

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Density of methane at the reference temperature and pressure

ρCH4 = P / (R * T) * MW CH4


ρCH4 = Density of methane (kg/m3)

P = Pressure in atmospheres

R = Gas constant (8.314472 m3 Pa / mol ºK)

T = Temperature (ºK)

MWCH4 = Molecular weight of methane

Steel-Mass Model 640S – IGRS Flow Meter

Standard Temperature (STT) 21.1ºC = 294.1ºK

Standard Pressure (STP) 14.7 PSIA = 101.325 kPa

Molar Mass of Methane 16.0425 g/mol

Ideal Gas Constant 8.314472 m3Pa/molºK

Ideal Gas Law PV = n R T ρ = Density = (PM) / (RT)

= ((101325Pa) * (0.0160425 kg/mol)) / ((8.314472 m3Pa/molºK) * 294.1 ºK)

ρ = Density 0.664748702 kg/ m3

ρ @ 3 Significant Figures 0.665 kg/ m3

Page 18 of 21

5.2 Data Management

IGRS has established data collection practices to ensure the capture sufficient to rigorously support mass and energy balance calculations. The intent is to minimize the need for assumptions and use of contingency procedures when tabulating project-related GHG emission reductions. The data accumulation process for the project is detailed below, followed by an overview of record management practices used to preserve data integrity. Thereafter, an explanation is provided detailing data quality assessment practices and data control tests and checks that are used to ensure accuracy and precision.

IGRS collects data in support of emission reductions during the normal course of business operations. The quantities to be monitored include LFG flow rate to the flare and composition of LFG. In addition, temperatures and pressures are measured to normalize flow data and to support flaring efficiency factors.

Data Sources

IGRS maintains a gas flow meter onsite, which serves as the primary metering station for emission reduction claims related to the flaring of LFG. The flow meter equipment is a Sierra Instruments’ Steel-Mass Model 640S meter. IGRS monitors methane content of the landfill gas at the gas plant using a Siemens Ultramat23 analyzer. IGRS monitors energy usage at the gas plant using a Siemens 6900 kWh power meter. Details of the maintenance of these meters are indicated in 5.3.1 in Table 4: Equipment List.

The landfill gas flow meter data is corrected for temperature and pressure. The gross heating value of the processed LFG flowing through the LFG plant meter is determined based on the continuous cycle composition determined by gas infrared analysis.

Equipment and data acquisition points are indicated in the process flow diagram (FIGURE 1.0) and ERC Claim Data Flow Summary diagram (FIGURE 4.0).

Page 19 of 21

Figure 4: IGRS - Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill - ERC Claim Data Flow Summary

Record Keeping and Manual Data Review

Record keeping practises include:

a. Primary or raw data is stored in two locations, on an onsite server as well as on a server at theIGRS/Comcor Cambridge office. Data is also processed through an algorithm to create areduced data set, which is available online.

b. To create the reduced data set, Algorithm 1 pulls instantaneous data every 120 seconds fromthe project monitoring system including the following information: interval start time inseconds, instantaneous methane concentration measured in % methane, and instantaneousLFG flow rate. Secondary data representing physical variables that may affect the primarydata is also logged and stored.

c. Algorithm 2 serves to improve the overcome limitations for metering equipment andimproved the overall accuracy of the reduced data set. Each piece of equipment thatmonitors and measures the variables identified in (b) reports measurements on a uniquefrequency. There can be instances where a particular piece of monitoring equipment is notreporting a value at a particular 120 second sampling event. In such instances where a pieceof equipment is out of sync with the 120 second imposed sampling frequency, Algorithm 1records a blank. These blanks are not a function of what is happening in the process, but arecorded due to standard and characteristic limitations of the metering and monitoring

Raw Data Set

from PLC Data

(RSView Data


Reduced Data Set


Daily IGRS

Created Summary


Flaring Claim



Total GHG


Reductions Claim


Raw Data

Back-up at


Raw Data

Back-up at



Data Set






Alg. 2

“Fill in the Blanks”

(Daily at Midnight)

Alg. 1 Response

“Supplies Data”

(If available)

Alg. 1

“Data Sample”

(Every 2 min)

Alg. 2 Response

“Gaps Filled”

(Past 36 Days)

Alg. 3

“Data Export” Alg. 4 Alg. 5

“Conversion to




Essex LFG

ERC Claim Data Flow Summary


Alg. Algorithm

Back-up Data

Page 20 of 21

equipment. In order to correct for this limitation, IGRS uses Algorithm 2 to backfill missing data with the instantaneous data recorded in the immediately preceding second. If that value is not available, instantaneous data from the immediately proceeding second is used. The algorithm alternates back and forth searching for the closest available instantaneous data until a value is found. Given process characteristics, gas flow and methane concentration does not vary significantly from second to second, and this is a standard approach to creating a complete data set. Algorithm 2 reconciles the reduced data set with the raw data set on a daily basis at midnight for a total of 36 days. Other reasons for data unavailability include internet connection interruptions or electricity outages. This data reconciliation mechanism allows for data set correction in these instances as well.

d. The PLC database also runs confirmation calculations alongside data accumulation and raiseswarnings in the event that a check does not reconcile with the standard data set.

e. Data is reviewed manually on a month-by-month basis and summarized into daily andmonthly data sets.

f. The reduced data set is reviewed to ensure that data collection is not interrupted for morethan 2 intervals in a row.

g. Records are maintained electronically and in print for auditing purposes.

h. An annual claim summary is produced at year end to summarize the total emission reductionimpact of the project.

Page 21 of 21

5.3 Monitoring and Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QAQC) Plan

5.3.1 Equipment List and Inspection/Maintenance Schedule

Table 6: Equipment List

Gas Analyzer Siemens Ultramat23

Range: 0 – 100% Methane

Tag: ESSEX (Gas analyzer) – 0806-028

Serial No: N1W7195

➔ Auto-calibrates every 2 hours

➔Cleaned and inspected semi-annually as per manufacturer’srecommendations.

➔Calibrated by the manufacturer or an external certified third-partycalibration service every five years or as per manufacturer’s guidelines,whichever is more frequent. If a field check on the piece of equipmentreveals accuracy outside of a +/- 5% threshold, calibration by themanufacturer or a certified service provider is required.

➔Continually field checked for accuracy using a portable instrument.

IGRS Flow Meter Sierra Instruments: Steel-Mass Model 640S

Serial No: 166090

➔Cleaned and inspected annually as per manufacturer’srecommendations.

➔Calibrated by the manufacturer or an external certified third-partycalibration service every five years or as per manufacturer’s guidelines,whichever is more frequent. If a field check on the piece of equipmentreveals accuracy outside of a +/- 5% threshold, calibration by themanufacturer or a certified service provider is required.

➔Continually field checked for accuracy using a portable instrument.

Power Meter Siemens 9200

Serial No: SX-03080036-03

➔Inspected as per manufacturer’s recommendations.

5.4 Emission Reduction Inventory Management

Consistent with the ISO 14064-2 principles, IGRS follows strict methodologies to manage emission reduction inventory, insuring that each unit of emission reductions claimed by the project is unique. IGRS sets out firm and conservative projects boundaries to ensure that all emission reductions created within the project boundary contractually belong to IGRS.

Furthermore, to ensure that the same unit of emissions reductions is not counted by more than one entity, IGRS has strict administrative methodologies to prevent double counting as outlined in Appendix F, IGRS Methodology: Emission Reduction Inventory Management.




G:\WEG\IGRS\Projects\20528 - GHG Management System\112 - Essex\Verification Docs\2014 REC Information\Claim Summary\20512- Jan-Dec 2014 ISO

Claim SummaryR1

A. Reporting Period


1-Jan-14 31-Dec-14

B. Gross GHGs Reduced due to Combustion of GHGs

Mass of Methane Gross GHGs

Volume of LFG Methane Reduced Weighted

Metered LFG (SCM) at 1atm (kg) (Tonnes CO2e) Average %

(scf) (note 1) (note 2) (note 3) Methane Content

Gross Reductions Due to Flaring 204,351,675 5,788,874 1,899,060 46,385 49.33%

Compliance Baseline 0 0 0 0 0.00%

Gross Project Emissions Due to Electrical Consumption - - - (3.7) -

Gross Project Emissions Due to Propane Consumption - - - (0.3) -

Total Net GHGs Reduced 204,351,675 5,788,874 1,899,060 46,380

C. Type of Meter System Measuring LFG Flow - FLARING

IGRS Meter

Manufacturer / Type Steel-Mass Model 640S

Date of Installation 2013

Inspection / Test Frequency Annually

Test Results on File Yes

Date of Most Recent Calibration 4-Feb-13

This Meter Corrects To (Degrees Centigrade) 21.1

D. Instrument Employed to Monitor Methane Content

Manufacturer / Type Siemens Ultramat 23

Date of Installation Jan-09

Date of Most Recent Calibration Sep-13

E. Instrument Employed to Monitor Electricity Usage

Manufacturer/Type Siemens 9200

Date of Installation Aug-10

Date of Configuration Jan-11

F. Landfill Gas Characteristics for Billing Period

Lowest Methane Content Revealed Over Reporting Period 41.9%

Highest Methane Content Revealed Over Reporting Period 54.1%

Weighted Average Methane Content 49.3%

Methane Content Estimation Error (+/-) immaterial

Total Landfill Gas Combusted (SCM at 1 atm) 5,788,874

Total GHG Reduction due to Methane Combustion (tonnes Co2e) 46,385

Global Warming Potential used in this report 25.0

Net GHGs Reduced (tonnes CO2e) 46,380


1 Conversion scf to SCM = scf x 0.028328 SCM/scf

2 Conversion from SCM LFG to kg methane= SCM LFG x weighted average % methane content x 0.665 kg/scm methane

3 Conversion from kg methane to tonnes CO2e: kg methane x Gross Warming Potential methand x 0.001tonnes/kg

4 GWP methane = 25

2014 Emission Reduction Claim Summary

IGRS - Essex Landfill Gas Recovery and Destruction Project


G:\WEG\IGRS\Projects\20528 - GHG Management System\112 - Essex\Verification Docs\2015 REC Information\Claim Summary\20512- Jan-Dec 2015 ISO

Claim SummaryR1

A. Reporting Period


1-Jan-15 31-Dec-15

B. Gross GHGs Reduced due to Combustion of GHGs

Mass of Methane Gross GHGs

Volume of LFG Methane Reduced Weighted

Metered LFG (SCM) at 1atm (kg) (Tonnes CO2e) Average %

(scf) (note 1) (note 2) (note 3) Methane Content

Gross Reductions Due to Flaring 228,520,709 6,473,535 2,056,200 50,223 47.76%

Compliance Baseline 0 0 0 0 0.00%

Gross Project Emissions Due to Electrical Consumption - - - (4.5) -

Gross Project Emissions Due to Propane Consumption - - - (0.3) -

Total Net GHGs Reduced 228,520,709 6,473,535 2,056,200 50,218

C. Type of Meter System Measuring LFG Flow - FLARING

IGRS Meter

Manufacturer / Type Steel-Mass Model 640S

Date of Installation 2013

Inspection / Test Frequency Annually

Test Results on File Yes

Date of Most Recent Calibration 4-Feb-13

This Meter Corrects To (Degrees Centigrade) 21.1

D. Instrument Employed to Monitor Methane Content

Manufacturer / Type Siemens Ultramat 23

Date of Installation Jan-09

Date of Most Recent Calibration Sep-13

E. Instrument Employed to Monitor Electricity Usage

Manufacturer/Type Siemens 9200

Date of Installation Aug-10

Date of Configuration Jan-11

F. Landfill Gas Characteristics for Billing Period

Lowest Methane Content Revealed Over Reporting Period 42.6%

Highest Methane Content Revealed Over Reporting Period 52.3%

Weighted Average Methane Content 47.8%

Methane Content Estimation Error (+/-) immaterial

Total Landfill Gas Combusted (SCM at 1 atm) 6,473,535

Total GHG Reduction due to Methane Combustion (tonnes Co2e) 50,223

Global Warming Potential used in this report 25.0

Net GHGs Reduced (tonnes CO2e) 50,218


1 Conversion scf to SCM = scf x 0.028328 SCM/scf

2 Conversion from SCM LFG to kg methane= SCM LFG x weighted average % methane content x 0.665 kg/scm methane

3 Conversion from kg methane to tonnes CO2e: kg methane x Gross Warming Potential methand x 0.001tonnes/kg

4 GWP methane = 25

2015 Emission Reduction Claim Summary

IGRS - Essex Landfill Gas Recovery and Destruction Project


IGRS Greenhouse Gas Management System    Verification Methodology  

15/03/2010  Page 1 of 2  Revision 1.0 

IGRS Verification Methodology  

1. Introduction 

The emission  reduction assertion made by  IGRS  related  to a particular project  is a  result of  the avoided  emissions  of methane  produced  by  the  anaerobic  decomposition  of waste, when  it  is placed  in  a  landfill. As  the  system  that  collects  the  landfill  gas  (LFG)  and  the  associated  system control  and monitoring  equipment  require  the  use  of  some  electrical  energy  and  propane,  the realized emission reductions are the net of the avoided methane emissions less associated project emissions from electricity and fossil fuel use.  

Integrated  Gas  Recovery  Services  Inc.  (IGRS)  develops  the  necessary  documentation  detailing project activities  to support  their annual claim  for emission  reductions. Annually  IGRS engages a third party verifier to provide an objective verification of the emission reductions asserted by IGRS related to project activities.   


The quantification of the emission reductions associated with a Landfill Gas Capture and Utilization operation is defined by the Project Document.  


Verifications  are  performed  annually  and  each  verification  engagement  pertains  to  a  single calendar year vintage. 


2. The Verification Objective 

The primary  objective of  the  verification  is  to determine  if  the  project described  in  the  Project Document  resulted  in  the  greenhouse  gas  (“GHG”)  emission  reduction  reported  in  the  Claim Summary (“GHG Assertion”). This assessment will be based on the verification criteria defined by the  scope of  the  project  and  the Audit  Plan or Verification  Plan  as provided by  the  third party verifier. 


3. Scope 

3.1. Boundaries 

During  the  initial verification planning,  the organizational boundaries and  the  sources,  sinks and reservoirs (“SSRs”) defined in the Project Document are reviewed for conformity with the available guidance  for  projects  of  this  type.  The  procedures  utilized  to  review  the  emission  reductions reported  in  the GHG Assertion  are  designed  to  support  a  reasonable  level  of  assurance.  These procedures systematically review: 

•  the relevant contracts between IGRS, its project partners, and landlords; 

•  the project activity covered by the quantification; 

•  the equipment covered by the quantification; 

•  the facility(ies) covered by the quantification; 

•  the  systems  utilized  for  recording,  tracking  and  safeguarding  the  data  associated  with  the quantification; 

IGRS Greenhouse Gas Management System    Verification Methodology  

15/03/2010  Page 2 of 2  Revision 1.0 

•  the methodology applied for the quantification; 

•  the Project Document; and 

•  the GHG Assertion. 


3.2. Verification Criteria 

The verification criteria employed in the development of the review procedures documented in the verification plan include: 

• Assertions made in the Annual Project Document. 

• The verification is conducted in accordance with ISO 14064‐3:2006. 


3.3. Gases 

The  emission  reduction  accounts  for  three  greenhouse  gases:  Carbon  Dioxide,  Methane  and Nitrous Oxide.  


3.4. Reporting Period 

The  GHG  Assertion  includes  emission  reductions  realized  for  the  year  specified  in  the  Project Document and Emission Reduction Claim Summary, Januray 1 through December 31 inclusive. 

 4. Principles 

ISO  14064‐3:2006  defines  six  principles  that  should  be  upheld  in  the  development  of  the GHG Assertion.  These  principles  “are  intended  to  ensure  a  fair  representation  and  a  credible  and balanced  account  of  GHG  emission  reductions  and  removal  enhancements  from  projects”  (ISO 14064‐3:2006).  The  verification  procedures  developed  and  executed  during  the  course  of  this verification present evidence such that each of these principles is satisfied. 


a.  Relevance 

b. Completeness 

c.  Consistency 

d. Accuracy 

e.  Transparency 

f.  Conservativeness 


Page 1 of 4

Comcor Environmental Services

Date: June 30 2014 Agent: Shannan McGarr

Facility: Essex Landfill Technician: George Noll

PO: 407-14 Novatech Ref#: WB-0002848

Site Contact: Matthew Lee

Reason for Service? Quarterly PM Emergency Installation Other

Scope of Service

Quarterly PM Service of Gas Analyzer, Ambient Gas Detection and Flow Meter Final report to be submitted to mcgarr@comcor.com.


Siemens Ultramat 23 Serial# W7-195

Readings and Indicators

Parameter (Sample Gas) As Found As Left Comments

% v/v CH4 41.0% 47.3% Flare ON

% O2 6.96% 4.50% Flare ON

Siemens Analyzer Maintenance (Manual Section 6)

Operation Description Completed Messages Section 6.1, Page 6-2 Y

Maintenance requests Section 6.1.1, Page 6-2 Y

Fault messages Section 6.1.2, Page 6-3 Y

O2 Sensor Section 6.2.1, Page 6-7 Y

Safety filter Section 6.2.3, Page 6-8 Y

Condensate trap Section 6.2.4, Page 6-8 Y

Coarse filter Section 6.2.5, Page 6-8 Y

Gas path Section 6.3, Page 6-9 Y

Cleaning analyzer Section 6.4, Page 6-9 Y

Siemens Analyzer Status and Diagnostics

Faults None Maintenance Request None Pressure ADU/Ambient Okay

IR Channel Diagnostics

Lock-in ADU + Temp With 31.5% CH4

X= -32750 Y= -387300

R= 388751 V= 388747

B= 11080 T= 37.9C

O2 Channel Diagnostics

Sensor Sig (Maint @ 6.00mV, Fault @ 5.00mV)

O2 0.00mV

Page 2 of 4

Siemens Analyzer Calibration/Validation Gases

Gas ID Values Lot# Expiration

CH4/O2 Zero 99.999% N2 MAN-114-4 01-18

CH4 Span/Validate 1 82.5% CH4 BAO-135N-82-2 01-18

CH4 Span/Validate 2 50.5% CH4 BAO-135N-50-2 01-18

CH4 Span/Validate 3 29.6% CH4 BAO-135N-30-1 01-18

O2 Span 20.90% O2 BAO-1-14 01-18

Siemens Analyzer Calibration Results

Gas ID As Found As Left +/-

CH4 Zero 1.3 0.0 +1.3

CH4 Span/Validate 1 86.6 82.5 +4.1

CH4 Span/Validate 2 50.8 50.5 +0.3

CH4 Span/Validate 3 31.8 29.6 +2.2

O2 Zero 0.00 0.00 0.0

O2 Span 20.17 20.90 -0.73



Sample outlet pressure >15 >15 PSI

Analyzer regulated Pressure ---- ---- No indication

Bypass Flow 1.5 3 SCFH

Purge Flow 0 3 SCFH

Low Flow Alarm Analyzer P P Tested-Pass/Fail

Low Flow Alarm System P P Tested-Pass/Fail

Coalescing C C Dirty/Clean

Peristaltic Pump Okay Okay No leaks

HSL Heated Line Temp 80.2 80.1 Setpoint = 80.0

CLR-101 Chiller Temperature Okay Okay Cool and Dry

Heated Vent Line ---- ---- None

Sample Pump Okay Okay No leaks

Purge Pump Okay Okay No Leaks

Moisture Slip Pass Pass Tested-Pass/Fai

Comments and Recommendations:

Insulate Vent line

Complete interior service for Siemens U23 analyzer next service

Replace Pressure gauge – reads +13psi with no pressure in sample line

Page 3 of 4


Readings and Indicators

Tag Model# Serial# Location As Found As Left

Flowmeter 1 SteelMass No label Flare 450 350

Comments and Recommendations:

Will need to find manual for this Flowmeter.

Original quote expected Sage Flowmeter SIG-05-18-SV05-DC24


Calibration Gases

Gas ID Values Lot# Expiration

Zero (0% LEL) 20.9% O2 in Air BAO-1-14 01-18

Span (50% LEL) 2.5% CH4 in Air DAN-135A-2.5-9 03-17

Tag Model# Serial# Location As Found As Left

Detector 1 Polytron 2 IR 3810098 Analyzer shed 0.1% 0.1%

Operating Functions (Manual Section 3)

Operation Description Completed Zeroing the sensor Reading 0.0 cap off Y

Span calibration Reading 45.9 Warning and Alarm activated Outside light flashing


Sensor adjustment None Y

Comments and Recommendations:

Purchase Draeger software to enable interfacing with gas detector

Page 4 of 4

Reference Material: Siemens Ultramat 23 Operating Instruction Manual C79000-B5276-C216-03 Draeger Polytron Transmitter Instruction Manual 9023655 4th Edition Manufacturer’s Drawings for LFG analyzer system

George Noll June 30 2014 George Noll

Service Rep Date Signature

Page 1 of 4

Comcor Environmental Services

Date: February 6 2015 Agent: Shannan McGarr

Facility: Essex Landfill Technician: George Noll

PO: 407-14 Novatech Ref#: WB-0003254

Site Contact: Aaron Hallman

Reason for Service? Quarterly PM Emergency Installation Other

Scope of Service

Quarterly PM Service of Gas Analyzer, Ambient Gas Detection and Flow Meter Final report to be submitted to mcgarr@comcor.com.


Siemens Ultramat 23 Serial# W7-195

Readings and Indicators

Parameter (Sample Gas) As Found As Left Comments

% v/v CH4 50.3 51.2 Flare ON

% O2 2.0 1.8 Flare ON

Siemens Analyzer Maintenance (Manual Section 6)

Operation Description Completed Messages Section 6.1, Page 6-2 Y

Maintenance requests Section 6.1.1, Page 6-2 Y

Fault messages Section 6.1.2, Page 6-3 Y

O2 Sensor Section 6.2.1, Page 6-7 Y

Safety filter Section 6.2.3, Page 6-8 Y

Condensate trap Section 6.2.4, Page 6-8 Y

Coarse filter Section 6.2.5, Page 6-8 Y

Gas path Section 6.3, Page 6-9 Y

Cleaning analyzer Section 6.4, Page 6-9 Y

Siemens Analyzer Status and Diagnostics

Faults None Maintenance Request None Pressure ADU/Ambient Okay

IR Channel Diagnostics

Lock-in ADU + Temp With 31.5% CH4

X= -32750 Y= -387300

R= 388751 V= 388747

B= 11080 T= 37.9C

O2 Channel Diagnostics

Sensor Sig (Maint @ 6.00mV, Fault @ 5.00mV)

O2 0.00mV

Page 2 of 4

Siemens Analyzer Calibration/Validation Gases

Gas ID Values Lot# Expiration

CH4/O2 Zero 99.999% N2 MAN-114-4 01-18

CH4 Span/Validate 1 82.5% CH4 BAO-135N-82-2 01-18

CH4 Span/Validate 2 50.5% CH4 BAO-135N-50-2 01-18

CH4 Span/Validate 3 29.6% CH4 BAO-135N-30-1 01-18

O2 Span 20.90% O2 BAO-1-14 01-18

Siemens Analyzer Calibration Results

Gas ID As Found (%) As Left (%) +/- (%)

CH4 Zero 0.2 0.0 0.2

CH4 Span/Validate 1 87.3 82.5 4.8

CH4 Span/Validate 2 48.0 50.0 2.0

CH4 Span/Validate 3 29.6 29.6 0.0

O2 Zero 0.1 0.0 0.1

O2 Span 20.94 20.90 0.04



Sample outlet pressure 15 9 PSI

Analyzer regulated Pressure --- --- No indication

Bypass Flow 1.5 3 SCFH

Purge Flow 0 3 SCFH

Low Flow Alarm Analyzer P P Tested-Pass/Fail

Low Flow Alarm System P P Tested-Pass/Fail

Coalescing C C Dirty/Clean

Peristaltic Pump Okay Okay No leaks

HSL Heated Line Temp 78.3 78.5 Setpoint = 80.0

CLR-101 Chiller Temperature 29.4 4.5 Replaced Chiller

Heated Vent Line ---- ---- None

Sample Pump Okay Okay No leaks

Purge Pump Okay Okay No Leaks

Moisture Slip Pass Pass Tested-Pass/Fail

Comments and Recommendations:

Insulate Vent line

Downloaded Siemens Ultramat 23 configuration data to save in case files are required at a later time

Page 3 of 4


Readings and Indicators

Tag Model# Serial# Location Flow Totalizer

Flowmeter 1 SteelMass No label Flare 440 29800610

Comments and Recommendations:


Calibration Gases

Gas ID Values Lot# Expiration

Zero (0% LEL) 20.9% O2 in Air BAO-1-14 01-18

Span (50% LEL) 2.5% CH4 in Air DAN-135A-2.5-9 03-17

Tag Model# Serial# Location As Found As Left

Detector 1 Polytron 2 IR 3810098 Analyzer shed 0.0% 0.0%

Operating Functions (Manual Section 3)

Operation Description Completed Zeroing the sensor Reading 0.0 cap off Y

Span calibration Reading 45.9 Warning and Alarm activated Outside light flashing


Sensor adjustment None Y

Comments and Recommendations:

Page 4 of 4

Reference Material: Siemens Ultramat 23 Operating Instruction Manual C79000-B5276-C216-03 Draeger Polytron Transmitter Instruction Manual 9023655 4th Edition Manufacturer’s Drawings for LFG analyzer system

George Noll Feb-06-2015 George Noll

Service Rep Date Signature

Page 1 of 3

Comcor Environmental Services

Date: August 11 2015 Agent: Shannan McGarr

Facility: Essex Landfill Technician: George Noll

PO: 407-15 Novatech Ref#: WB-300489

Site Contact: Chris Murdoch

Reason for Service? Quarterly PM Emergency Installation Other

Scope of Service

Quarterly PM Service of Gas Analyzer, Ambient Gas Detection and Flow Meter Final report to be submitted to mcgarr@comcor.com.


Siemens Ultramat 23 Serial# W7-195

Readings and Indicators

Parameter (Sample Gas) As Found As Left Comments

% v/v CH4 53.5 49.0

% O2 1.59 3.16

Siemens Analyzer Maintenance (Manual Section 6)

Operation Description Completed Messages Section 6.1, Page 6-2 Y

Maintenance requests Section 6.1.1, Page 6-2 Y

Fault messages Section 6.1.2, Page 6-3 Y

O2 Sensor Section 6.2.1, Page 6-7 Y

Safety filter Section 6.2.3, Page 6-8 Y

Condensate trap Section 6.2.4, Page 6-8 Y

Coarse filter Section 6.2.5, Page 6-8 Y

Gas path Section 6.3, Page 6-9 Y

Cleaning analyzer Section 6.4, Page 6-9 Y

Siemens Analyzer Status and Diagnostics

Faults None Maintenance Request None Pressure ADU/Ambient Okay

IR Channel Diagnostics

Lock-in ADU + Temp With 0.0% CH4

X= -48855 Y= 531558

R= 533849 V= 533803

B= 11080 T= 38.3 C

O2 Channel


Sensor Sig With Zero Air (Maint @ 6.00mV, Fault @ 5.00mV)

11.60 @ 20.59%

O2 – Inst Voltage with Zero Air 13.60mV

Page 2 of 3

Siemens Analyzer Calibration/Validation Gases

Gas ID Values Lot# Expiration

CH4/O2 Zero 100% Nitrogen MAN-114-4 02-18

CH4 Span 82.5% CH4 BAO-135N-82-2 01-18

CH4 Validate 1 50.5% CH4 BAO-135N-50-2 01-18

CH4 Validate 2 29.6% CH4 BAO-135N-30-1 01-18

O2 Span 20.9% O2 BAO-1-14 01-18

Siemens Analyzer Calibration Results

Gas ID As Found (%) As Left (%) +/- (%)

CH4 Zero 0.1 0.0 0.1

CH4 Span 83.0 82.5 0.5

CH4 Validate 1 47.9 47.9 2.6

CH4 Validate 2 29.6 29.6 0.0

O2 Zero 0.00 0.00 0.00

O2 Span 20.89 20.90 0.01



Sample outlet pressure 3.0 3.0 PSI

Bypass Flow 5.0 5.0 SCFH

Purge Flow 5.0 5.0 SCFH

Low Flow Alarm Analyzer ✓ ✓ Tested-Pass

Low Flow Alarm System ✓ ✓ Tested-Pass

Sample Coalescing Filter ✓ ✓ Clean

Peristaltic Pump ✓ ✓ No leaks

HSL Heated Line Temp 80.2 80.2 Setpoint = 80.0

CLR-101 Chiller Temperature 4.6 4.6 Cool and Dry

Sample Pump ✓ ✓ No leaks

Purge Pump ✓ ✓ No Leaks

Moisture Slip ✓ ✓ Tested-Pass

Purge Coalescing Filter ✓ ✓ Clean

Comments (C) and Recommendations (R):

Page 3 of 3


Readings and Indicators

Tag Model# Serial# Location As Found Totalizer

Flowmeter 1 SteelMass No label Flare 495 SCFM 41575258


Comments and Recommendations:


Calibration Gases

Gas ID Values Lot# Expiration

Zero (0% LEL) 20.9% O2 in Air BAO-1-14 01-18

Span (50% LEL) 2.5% CH4 in Air EAP-135A-2.5-7 07-19

Tag Model# Serial# Location As Found As Left

Detector 1 Polytron 2 IR 3810098 Analyzer shed 0.0 0.0

Operating Functions (Manual Section 3)

Operation Description Completed Zeroing the sensor Reading 0.0 cap off Y

Span calibration Reading 41.6% Warning and Alarm activated

Outside light flashing Y

Sensor adjustment None Y

Comments and Recommendations:

(C) Cleaned inside detector cap

Reference Material: Siemens Ultramat 23 Operating Instruction Manual C79000-B5276-C216-03 Draeger Polytron Transmitter Instruction Manual 9023655 4th Edition Manufacturer’s Drawings for LFG analyzer system

George Noll August 11 2015 George Noll

Service Rep Date Signature





Prepared for

ESSEX-WINDSOR SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY 360 Fairview Avenue West, Suite 211

Essex, Ontario N8M 3G4

Prepared by


Cambridge, Ontario N1T 1Z6

Project No. 9-380 June 11, 2009

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009






1.0  INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 1 

2.0  SECTION 11.2 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 2 

2.1  VOLUNTARY EARLY ACTION AREAS (S. 11.2(1)(A)) ........................................................................................ 2 2.2  DESIGN AND OPERATION OF FACILITIES (S. 11.2(1)(B)) ................................................................................... 3 2.3  DESIGN AND OPERATION OF AREAS OUTSIDE OF VOLUNTARY EARLY ACTION AREAS (S. 11.2(1)(C)) ............ 4 2.4  IMPROVEMENTS TO AREAS OUTSIDE OF VOLUNTARY EARLY ACTION AREAS (S. 11.2(1)(D)) .......................... 5 

3.0  REQUEST........................................................................................................................................................... 6 

LIST OF FIGURES Following Page Figure 2.1 Voluntary Early Action Area 2 Figure 2.2 Process Diagram 3


Appendix A Landfill Gas Collection System Drawing Set Issued for Approval

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009


1.0 INTRODUCTION Comcor Environmental Limited (Comcor) has been retained by Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA) to prepare this Exemption and Design Report for submission to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment by June 30, 2009. In June 2008, amendments were made to Regulation 347 (General-Waste Management) and Ontario Regulation 232/98 (Landfilling Sites) to address greenhouse gas emissions from landfill gas. Under section 11.1 of Regulation 347, a report must be submitted to the Section 39 Director unless the landfill meets the criteria listed in subsection 11.1(6). The Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill, located at 7700 County Road 18 in Essex, Ontario and owned by the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority, is exempt from the section 11.1 reporting requirements set out in Regulation 347 as it meets the following criteria as in subsection 11.1(6) of Regulation 347:

1. The Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill is an operating landfill that operates under Provisional

Certificate of Approval A011101 (CofA) issued under Part V of the Act.

2. The Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill CofA permits the use of facilities for the collection, and for the burning or use, of landfill gas generated by the site during site operation, but does not require that those facilities be used.

3. The site operates facilities that are not required by the CofA for the collection, burning or use of landfill gas generated by the site during site operation.

4. By way of this report, Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority, the owner and operator

of the site, is giving written notice to the Section 39 Director pursuant to subsection 11.1(6) of Regulation 347 and hereby expressly requests that section 11.1 of Regulation 347 not apply to the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill.

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009


2.0 SECTION 11.2 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Section 11.2 of Regulation 347 applies to landfill sites where section 11.1 does not apply because the criteria set out in subsection 11.1(6) are met. Given that the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill is exempt from the section 11.1 reporting requirements pursuant to subsection 11.1(6) of Regulation 347, the section 11.2 reporting requirements and section 2.2.1 of the Landfill Gas Capture Guidelines (Guidelines) apply. This report therefore:

a) identifies the areas of the site where facilities for the collection, and for the burning or use, of landfill gas generated by the site during site operation are in operation and for which there is no requirement under the certificate of approval or provisional certificate of approval under which the site operates (subsection 2.1 and Figure 2.1 of this report);

b) describes the design and operation of the facilities for the collection, and for the burning or use, of landfill gas generated by the site during site operation and following site closure in the areas of the site that are identified in clause (a) (subsection 2.2 and Figure 2.2 of this report);

c) outlines the design, operation, maintenance and monitoring of the facilities for the collection, and for the burning or use, of landfill gas generated by the site during site operation and following site closure in the areas of the site that are not identified in clause (a) (subsection 2.3 of this report); and

d) if any of the facilities referred to in clause (c) already exist, outlines the improvements, if any, that can be made to those facilities to increase the amount of landfill gas generated by the site that can be collected, and burned or used, and the date by which the improvements can be made and implemented (subsection 2.4 of this report).

2.1 Voluntary Early Action Areas (s. 11.2(1)(a))

On a voluntary basis, landfill gas has been collected and burned in a landfill gas collection and flaring system from late 2008 until the present. The current landfill gas collection system in place as of June 30, 2009 covers most of Cell 1 and a portion of Cell 2 of the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill site. Figure 2.1 shows the completed landfill gas collection system in place at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill site. All of this infrastructure at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill forms part of the Voluntary Early Action Area as described in the Guidelines.

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009


2.2 Design and Operation of Facilities (s. 11.2(1)(b))

The existing Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill has a voluntary active landfill gas collection system which was initially installed in late 2008. The process for the overall system is shown schematically in Figure 2.2. The purpose of the voluntary system is to control landfill gas emissions and reduce/eliminate off-site migration of landfill gas. The landfill gas collection system described has significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions over the operating life of the site and will continue to do so during post-closure years. Emission reductions from the system are, and will continue to be, sold to facilitate financing and operation of the voluntary system. The system currently collects as much landfill gas as the wellfield allows. The site regularly optimizes the amount of landfill gas collected and conducts operations and maintenance activities and wellfield enhancements in order to facilitate efficiency and maximize the amount of landfill gas destroyed. These ongoing activities will continue to form part of the voluntary area. Figure 2.2 delineates the portions of the existing system that pertains to the requirements of this report. Landfill Gas Collection System The gas collection system is the portion of the system which collects and transports the landfill gas from the fill area to the mechanical and flaring system. The landfill gas collection system is constructed to meet the requirements stated in section 15 of Ontario Regulation 232/98. The landfill gas collection system currently consists of 27 extraction wells and 5 leachate manhole connections connected to above ground temporary horizontal sub-lateral and lateral pipes, which are connected to a permanent main header pipe installed below ground. The vertical extraction wells are typically 15 m to 20 m deep. The overall wellfield as constructed is shown in Figure 2.1. Each wellhead assembly is equipped with a flow control valve and access port to allow for monitoring pressure/vacuum, gas concentrations, flows and leachate levels. Additionally, each wellhead is constructed with a flexible pipe to allow for differential settlement between the well and the lateral piping. The system currently collects as much landfill gas as the wellfield allows. The site regularly optimizes the amount of landfill gas collected and conducts operations and maintenance activities and wellfield enhancements in order to facilitate efficiency and maximize the amount of landfill gas destroyed. These ongoing activities will continue to form part of the voluntary area. Landfill Gas Mechanical and Flaring System A general schematic representation of the mechanical and flaring system is presented in Figure 2.2. The fully enclosed flaring system is used to combust the landfill gas over and above what may be eventually sent to industrial end users.


CH and CO4 2











Leachate Collection System




Figure 2.2


LT ALandfill

NM EOI R NEngineers and

VE NConsulting


Facilities Subject toJune 30, 2009 Report

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009


The mechanical system is equipped with an automatic fail-safe valve upstream of the mechanical equipment which ensures the landfill gas supply is isolated in case of system shutdown. The mechanical system includes a multistage blower that is used to exert a vacuum on the landfill gas collection system thereby drawing gas to the plant and then pressurizing the gas for the enclosed flare. A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is used for throttling or modulating the flow rates as needed. Residual condensate is removed with a moisture separator upstream of the blowers. All condensate removed from the system is directed back into the leachate collection system at the landfill. Control and Monitoring System The system is designed to continuously operate unmanned and numerous safety systems that are incorporated into the system design to provide for failsafe operation of the mechanical equipment and flare. All operations are controlled on a user friendly program logic control (PLC) panel located in the air compressor building. All system failures and/or alarms are displayed on the flare control PLC panel. Any alarms which shut down the system are also transmitted to notify the system operators via a dedicated telephone link. It is also possible to remotely monitor the system status through the internet. 2.3 Design and Operation of Areas Outside of Voluntary Early Action Areas (s. 11.2(1)(c))

Regulation 347 (s. 11.2(1)(c)) requires that all areas other than the voluntary early action areas be identified and a determination be made whether landfill gas collection must be expanded into these areas. As of the end of June 2009, the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill has installed and operates a landfill gas collection system encompassing the majority of Cell 1 and part of Cell 2 within the entire approved waste disposal area as shown in Figure 2.1. Landfill operations are continuing in the remaining areas of Cell 2 and the final portion of Cell 1 over the next number of years and there will be no additional finished areas before the end of 2010. Therefore, there are no areas on-site that require additional landfill gas collection infrastructure to be built and operating by December 31st, 2010. A conceptual design for the entire landfill gas collection system, covering all areas of the site, was submitted to the Ministry of the Environment in early October 2007 as part of the application that was made by the EWSWA to amend its CofA. That approval was given with the issuance of an amended CofA. Appendix A provides a copy of all of the drawings that were submitted to the Ministry of the Environment as part of that approval process. A plan view of the proposed landfill gas collection

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009


system layout for the entire site is presented in drawing G102. Drawings G111 to G116 present the header layout and profile, while drawings G121 to G123 show the layout and profile for laterals 1-4, 1-5 and 2-1, respectively. Profile drawings for all remaining lateral piping have not been included and will be provided to the Ministry of the Environment closer to when they will actually be constructed. Figure 2.1 shows the areas of future site development beyond Cells 1 and 2. The overall fill schedule at this time is anticipated to be as follows:

• Cells 1&2 – currently being filled – completion anticipated in March 2014 • Cell 3 – completion anticipated in April 2023 • Cell 4 – completion anticipated in September 2032 • Cell 5 – completion anticipated in November 2040

The expansion of the gas collection system will be constructed in phases in conjunction with landfill operations completing areas of the site. All landfill gas infrastructure expansion work will be conducted in as timely as a manner as possible to maximize landfill gas recovery. There are no additional areas on-site that require landfill gas collection infrastructure to be built and operating by December 31st, 2010. 2.4 Improvements to Areas Outside of Voluntary Early Action Areas (s. 11.2(1)(d))

There are no areas in the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill where gas collection occurs outside of the Voluntary Areas of gas collection. As a result, there are no related improvements required.

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009


3.0 REQUEST In light of the foregoing, we hereby request that the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill be exempt from the requirements of section 11.1 of Regulation 347 and operate pursuant to section 11.2 of Regulation 347.

All of which is Respectfully Submitted,


Denise Burgess, P. Eng. Paul S. Bulla, P.Eng. Project Engineering Manager Vice President Operations

Ontario Regulation 347 Exemption and Design Report Project No. 9-380 – June 11, 2009



Landfill Gas Collection System Drawing Set Issued for Approval

IGRS Greenhouse Gas Management System Methodology: Emission Reduction Inventory Management

17/02/2012 Page 1 of 1 Revision 1.0

IGRS Methodology: Emission Reduction Inventory Management

Consistent with the ISO 14064-2 principles, IGRS follows strict methodologies to manage emission reduction inventory, ensuring that each unit of emission reductions claimed by the project is unique. IGRS sets out firm and conservative projects boundaries to ensure that all emission reductions created within the project boundary contractually belong to IGRS.

Furthermore, to ensure that the same unit of emissions reductions is not counted by more than one entity, IGRS has strict administrative methodologies to prevent double counting

Once an annual Emission Reduction Inventory has been verified, each credit is tracked independently to prevent double counting. Inventory reports are reviewed by financial auditors.

Emission reductions may be registered and transferred via a recognized emission reduction registry such as the Canadian Standard Association GHG CleanProjectsTM Registry. Project Document and Verification Report are uploaded annually to the CSA CleanProjectsTM Registry under the project’s assigned unique identification number. Through its serialization engine, the GHG CleanProjects™ Registry tags each listed tonne of verified emission reductions/removal with a unique serial number.

The verification audit is carried out to confirm that the projects meet a 14064-2 reasonable level of assurance. Other registry-specific stipulations and requirements requested by clients are addressed separately and independently from the ISO 14064-2 audit.
