Columnar Barnacle research sheet.docx


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Task: you need to research the adaptations of at least 6 species on the rocky shore. Choose at least one limpet, mussel,barnacle, chitons, tube worms, anemone, whelk or periwinkle and sea lettuceName of Organism Columnar Barnacle

Species Name: Chamaesipho columna



Structural:Each animal lives in a tent-like shell that is permanently fixed to the rocks. When the tide is out the animal retreats and two plates move across the top of the shell, forming a tight lid. This prevents the animal from drying out. When the tide comes in the plates open and the barnacle waves its feathery legs into the water, brushing tiny pieces of food into its mouth.Physiological:They employ two strategies to overwhelm their competitors: "swamping" and fast growth. In the swamping strategy, vast numbers of barnacles settle in the same place at once, covering a large patch of substrate, allowing at least some to survive in the balance of probabilities

Describe the abiotic factors that affect the organisms habitat: Columnar Barnacles live in the high tide area meaning they dry out a lot. The salt spray can dry them out. Columnar Barnacles have adapted to this by having plates that move to stop them from drying out. When the tide goes out the rock pools that the Barnacles live in become hot because the temperature changes.

What food does it eat and what methods does it use to obtain this food.Columnar Barnacles are filler feeders meaning they get food from opening their mouths and getting pholtployic

Describe how you think the organism avoids being eaten. Columnar Barnacles group together to stay alive. This means that at least some of them will survive AND THEY HAVE strength in numbers

