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  • Collocations 3 (verb/adjective+noun)

    Choose the best verb or adjective from the table below to go with the nouns and complete the sentences.

    abandon burned out






    utter overcome



    broke out



    1. I got a letter off a _________ admirer! I have no idea who it is, but I would like to!

    2. This decision will be by _________ ballot. Everyone will know how everyone else voted.

    3. I think we should _________ caution and get married straight away!

    4. The Ebola epidemic _________ in parts of Africa.

    5. I had to _________ a lot of hardships before the company finally succeeded.

    6. Why did John say he was seeing Julie this evening? That was a _________ lie - I have just seen Julie out with her mother.

    7. The lawnmower motor has _________. I guess the grass was just too long!

    8. Two new prisons are being built in the south of the area to _________ overcrowding at the existing ones.

    9. I have asked you three times where you were yesterday evening. Are you _________ the question?

    10. Because this is a private party and we all know each other, I think we should _________ the rule about having to smoke outside. What does everyone else think?

    11. I want absolute silence during this exam. Nobody _________ a single sound!

    12. The famous singer moved to an island in Africa to _________ taxes.

    13. You said you would invest in the company and I think you should _________ that undertaking.

    14. The Prime Minister was in the capital today, _________ for votes in the upcoming election.

  • KEY

    1. I got a letter off a __SECRET__ admirer! I have no idea who it is, but I would like to!

    2. This decision will be by __OPEN__ ballot. Everyone will know how everyone else voted.

    3. I think we should __ABANDON__ caution and get married straight away!

    4. The Ebola epidemic __BROKE OUT__ in parts of Africa.

    5. I had to __OVERCOME__ a lot of hardships before the company finally succeeded.

    6. Why did John say he was seeing Julie this evening? That was a __BLATANT__ lie - I have just seen Julie out with her mother.

    7. The lawnmower motor has __BURNED OUT__. I guess the grass was just too long!

    8. Two new prisons are being built in the south of the area to __ALLEVIATE__ overcrowding at the existing ones.

    9. I have asked you three times where you were yesterday evening. Are you __DUCKING__ the question?

    10. Because this is a private party and we all know each other, I think we should __WAIVE__ the rule about having to smoke outside. What does everyone else think?

    11. I want absolute silence during this exam. Nobody __UTTER__ a single sound!

    12. The famous singer moved to an island in Africa to __EVADE__ taxes.

    13. You said you would invest in the company and I think you should __HONOUR__ that undertaking.

    14. The Prime Minister was in the capital today, __CANVASSING__ for votes in the upcoming election.

    Teacher: Mara Soler