College News · program. This is a major project for Rotary and each year they sponsor 55 students...


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College College College NewsNewsNews

1 Station Street, Mordialloc 3195 Australia Telephone (+613) 9580 1184 Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443 email

Newsletter May 25, 2016

No.15 Principal’s Update

Dear Families, Students and

Community Members,

Rotary Breakfast

On Tuesday of this week I hosted a

breakfast for Aspendale Rotary here

in the Hub at 7.15am. A number of

staff, parents and students attended

to showcase our school. It was an

important opportunity for our Year 9

students to report back on their

experience at Camp Awakenings, a

two and half day youth development

program. This is a major project for

Rotary and each year they sponsor

55 students from the region to attend

the camp, with Aspendale Rotary

sponsoring four of our Year 9

students. Congratulations to Jasmine

Lloyd who was brave enough to

attend the breakfast and speak to the

club members about her many

positive experiences on camp and

how she has applied her key

learnings since her return to school.

Other students also most grateful for

the opportunity to attend such a

fantastic camp and who will write a

thank you letter to Rotary are Renee

Herbert, Thorin Stewart and Jayde



Our School

Captains, Gabrielle

Howes and Jure

Plestina also attended and spoke so

proudly about what it means to them

to be a student of Mordialloc College.

School Service Awards

Last Friday afternoon we held the

inaugural Mordialloc College school

service awards. This will become an

annual event to celebrate and

recognise staff who have spent a

considerable part of their career to

date at Mordialloc College. It was a

most worthwhile event sponsored by

School Council. Thanks to School

Council President Nicky Hersey and

parent member Mary Woolford for

attending to support the event. We

had twenty-one staff receiving

awards for 10, 15 or 20 years of

service to Mordialloc College. All

received a framed certificate, with

any staff serving 25 years or more in

the future eligible for a small gift.

Staff presented include: Robyn

Wilson, Melinda Smith, Kevin

Osborne, Emily Court, Rachael Pierce,

George Tzimourtas, Cory Watters,

Shelley Muir, Diane Douglas, James

Evans, Joe Shanahan and Vicky

Vrettos from the teaching staff. From

the Education Support staff: Yvonne

Aird, Lyndell Thompson, Gloria

Bendit, Lyn Butler, Susan Beckwith,

Adwine Narayan, Edward Roberts,

Joy Roberts and Jennifer Muir.

Continued on page 2

Page 2 2016 Newsletter No.15

1 Station Street, Mordialloc 3195 Australia Telephone (+613) 9580 1184 Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443 email

Year 10 Camp On Monday half of our Year 10 cohort of students headed

to Queensland with staff Joe Shanahan, Diane Douglas,

Courtney Wills, Stuart McIntyre and Li Ping Virgo. They

return on Friday night. Learning to surf and visits to a

number of theme parks are bound to be highlights for our

students. And of course the beautiful 26 degree weather!!

The rest of Year 10 this week have been involved in an

alternative program of activities based in Melbourne, eg.

Melbourne Zoo, Ice Skating in the city, “Maze and things”

etc. Thanks to our Year 10 coordinator, Joe Shanahan, for

his excellent organisation of both programs and all staff

involved in supporting the respective programs!

Homework Guidelines The College believes that to promote student engagement

with their learning, some homework should be set and

done regularly under the coordination of the teacher. The

work completed at home by a student is a vital and

necessary extension of the class lessons to enable them to

consolidate and reinforce the work covered during the

day. This is best done some hours after the lesson and

when the student is alone. Students’ work at home is

divided into two categories:

HOMESTUDY: students should independently follow-up

on class work to ensure that work is understood and

relevant facts are committed to memory as a foundation

for future learning, and

HOMEWORK: which is a task set by the teacher or the

completion of work not finished in class.

Home study should be done each night. Consistent study

through the year is essential for success in the senior

years and the habit of home study must be set in the

middle school years. The student planner (diary) is an

important tool for students to plan their work commitment

and for parents as a means of communication between

teacher and parents.

Time spent in home study will vary with individuals and

the following amounts of time are a guide to the time the

student should spend on home study and homework most

nights of the week.


If parents are worried about too much homework or lack

of it they should contact the relevant Year Level

Coordinator in Years 7-12.

Home-study provides further opportunities for parents to

participate in their child’s education by:

Providing suitable conditions for study. Students

need a quiet place, with adequate equipment (table,

chair) and lighting.

Taking an active interest in the work set. Check the

student planner (helping your children to use it

systematically to record tasks to be done). Use the

student planner as a means of communication

between individual teachers and your home.

Taking note of due dates (put them on your house-

hold calendar too) and see that the work is actually


Getting to know your children’s work habits. Pace

of work varies from person to person. Some

students work better in the morning others at night.

Make allowances for these individual preferences.

Helping your children to find a suitable balance

between the time spent on school work, sport,

entertainment, part-time job, household chores and

other activities.

Encouraging your household to work co-operatively.

Parents and students need to realise each other’s

needs and to work together to achieve family

ambitions and goals.

Students should be aware of the world around them

so they should be encouraged to read widely,

including the daily newspapers.

Education Excellence Awards Teachers make a vital contribution to the lives of young

people and help shape the future of our country. Yet there

are few opportunities to recognise and acknowledge their

outstanding commitment to the community. Nominations

are now open for the 2016 Education Excellence Awards

and close on June 26. Nominations can be made by

teachers, parents or students online at:


Year 7 1 hour Year 10 2 hours

Year 8 1 hour Year 11 2½ hours

Year 9 1½ hours Year 12 3 hours

Continued from page 1

Important DatesImportant DatesImportant Dates

Page 3 2016 Newsletter No.15

1 Station Street, Mordialloc 3195 Australia Telephone (+613) 9580 1184 Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443 email

May 2016

Thursday 26 VCAL Mock Group Interviews Monday 30 Y8 Philip Island Camp to 1/6 Y11 Exams Tuesday 31 VCAL Melbourne Zoo Y10 RMIT Big Day in IT

June 2016 Thursday 2 Y9 MEX City Week to 16/6 Friday 3 Y7 & Y7 SEAL Chinese Museum Incursion Monday 6 Y10 Exams Finance Meeting 4:00pm Wednesday 8

Student Free Day - Report Writing Thursday 9 Y7–10 Berthe Mouchette French Poetry Friday 10 Facilities & OHS Meeting 8:00am Y8 Round Robin Monday 13 Queens Birthday (Public Holiday) Tuesday 14 Y10 Work Experience Week Y11 Geography Field study Thursday 16 Y11 Media - Top Designs

School Council 5:00pm Friday 17 Y8 SEAL Sovereign Hill Y9 and Y9 SEAL Words of War Poetry Tuesday 21 Y7 Round Robin Thursday 23 District Cross Country MEX Expo Day/Night 1:00pm Friday 24 Last Day of Term 2:30pm early dismissal Senior Formal 6:30pm Southern Golf Club

Celebration Weeks During Term 2 and 3 all of our Learning Areas will stage a

celebration week to include a range of activities for all to get

involved in at lunchtime and a daily quiz. Thanks to English

Learning Area Leader, Joanne Greenhalgh, and all of the English

team for organising a range of activities last week to celebrate

English Week; and to Health/Physical Education Learning Area

leaders, Tim Wischusen and Katie Loynes and the PE team for a

host of activities a couple of weeks ago to celebrate Health and

Physical Education Week.

Michelle Roberts


C ongratulations

to all 120

students who

competed at the

Kingston Division Cross

Country on Wednesday

18 May and all the best

to the students who

qualified for SMR Cross

Country on Thursday 23


Southern Metropolitan Cross Country Qualifiers

17-20 Boys Joel Davis

17-20 Girls Serena Sykes

Bailey Liu Jamie Lee

16 Boys Alex Bailey

Bailey Bocksette (3rd place)

Rivon Clarke Lucas Brooks

16 Girls Camille Nightingale

Anastasia King

15 Boys Lochlann Kilkenny

15 Girls Charlotte Davis

14 Girls Jemma Gawith (5th


14 Boys Jack Alacqua

12-13 Girls Emily Jowett (5th

place) Bianca Davidson

Malak Ababneh

Cory Watters

Sport Co-ordinator

Page 4 2016 Newsletter No.15

Trivia Night Ticket Order Thursday 16 June, 2016





Cardholder’s PHONE NO: AMOUNT: $

Please complete this order form and return it to the payment window

with the correct amount of money for your tickets.

Family Name

Contact Phone:

Student Name

No. of tickets @ $20 each

1 Station Street, Mordialloc 3195 Australia Telephone (+613) 9580 1184 Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443 email




What was the first capital city of the United States? In which Star Wars film did the Ewoks first appear?

How many paintings did Van Gogh sell in his lifetime?

One of the biggest and most exciting events to feature on

the Performing Arts Calendar this year is our upcoming

school production of Hairspray. Rehearsals are well under-

way and the show is really taking shape.

In order to make this production the best the College has

seen yet, we are raising some much-needed funds to help

transform our beloved school sports hall into a theatre for

the duration of the performance season. In order to do so,

the cast and crew are hosting a FUNdraising Trivia Night,

and we want you to come along and get amongst the


Date: Thursday 16 June, 2016

Time: 7pm kick off, arrive from 6:30pm

Location: Learning Centre, Mordialloc

College, 1 Station st, Mordialloc

Cost: $20 per ticket, purchased from

the school payment window using

the form below, or on the door

There will be some light refreshments provided on the

night, but if you would like to bring a plate of food to share

with your team, you are more than welcome to do so

(please note that this is an alcohol-free event). Aside from

a great night of trivia, there will be bonus games, great

music, and a silent auction. In addition to all of this, you

will be privy to a sneak peek of the show!

Teams will be organised on the night, but if you would like

to bring your own team of no more than 10, please feel

free to do so. Parents, students, teachers and staff will all

be competing to take out the title of The Smartest Table.

Questions will be appropriate to challenge people of all

ages and areas of interests, so feel free to bring along the

History Buff, the Movie Buff as well as the Random Fact


If you have any questions, or would like to donate some

prizes for the event, please contact Ms McConville on 9580


TRiViA NigHt


Personal Best - Work to the best of your ability. Pursue excellence, try hard and constantly seek to improve.

Integrity - Be true to yourself by doing what is right. Be honest and trustworthy.

Respect - Treat everyone with equal consideration. Be accepting of others and their differences.

Responsibility - Be accountable for your actions. Contribute positively to the school and

Page 5 2016 Newsletter No.15

1 Station Street, Mordialloc 3195 Australia Telephone (+613) 9580 1184 Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443 email

Following on from a busy

and successful Term 1,

we are now exactly half

way into Term 2 and the House Cup

competition is heating up! In Term 1

we saw the annual Swimming and

Athletics carnivals draw plenty of

attention and House rivalry.

In a new addition to the sporting

calendar we saw the first annual

Mordial loc Col lege Dodgebal l

Competition. A round robin

competition between all four houses

took place throughout week 8 at

lunch time. In a fiercely competitive

event, it was Iwala House who came

out victorious at the end of the


There were also numerous events

where students could earn points for

their house and some of these were

Round Robins, Open Day events and

Music performances just to name a

few. Term 2 continued with the PE/

Health Week attracting more student

participation at lunch times in the

various daily activities for students to

continue earning points for their


There was also the first of many

contests this year between the Year

12 students and staff in what is

called the Mordialloc College World

Series of Student vs Staff Sports, the

MCWSSSS. The first contest was

Volleyball where the Year 12s tried

their best to break the staff’s four

year volleyball winning streak.

Unfortunately, the Year 12s fell just

short in a tight 3 set match and

extended the staff’s streak to five

years in row.

Last week was English/Literacy Week

and points were accumulated daily

from the entries in the daily quiz.

There w i l l be many more

opportunities throughout the term

and year to earn more points for

each House. On Thursday 26 May at

lunchtime, game two of the

Mordialloc College World Series of

Student vs Staff Sports was played.

This time it was the game of Netball

which was highly contested. At the

time of printing the result had not

come through but the staff were well

prepared and have tapered their

fitness workloads to be at their peak

for the game. Stay tuned to the next

House update for the result and

summary of the much anticipated


The current points tally:

Matt Brooks

Iwala - 1990

Yerlonga - 2425

Kalura - 1907

Bunurong - 1447

Who dares to participate wins…


Uniform Shop at Mordialloc College

Trading Hours

Monday 8.30 - 11.30

Wednesday 12.30 - 4.00

Situated off the foyer of the

School Hall

Telephone: 9587 0738





Page 6 2016 Newsletter No.15

1 Station Street, Mordialloc 3195 Australia Telephone (+613) 9580 1184 Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443 email

Year 11



Day Arrive at

venue Exam Time Subject Venue

Monday 30 May

8.40 8.55 am- 10.35 am English Hall

11.50 12.00pm- 1.40 pm General Maths Hall Foundation Maths

Tuesday 31 May

8.45 8.55am- 10.35am Drama

Hall Maths Methods

11.40 11.50pm- 1.30pm

(French finishing 2 pm)

Business Management

Hall Food



Wednesday 1 June

8.45 8.55am- 10.35am


Hall Studio Art


11.40 11.50am - 1.30pm


Hall History


Thursday 2 June

8.45 8.55am- 10.35am


Hall Product Design


Legal Studies

11.40 11.50am - 1.30pm Literature Hall

Friday 3 June

8.45 8.55am - 10.35am Geography

Hall Specialist Maths

11.40 11.50pm - 1.30pm Catch-up Exams Hall

ADULTS: $20*

Children: $15* (13yrs and under)

All tickets pre-sale ONLY

Complimentary raffle ticket

with each movie ticket sold

(Extra RAFFLE tickets

available AT the door)



DENDY CINEMA BRIGHTON 26 Church Street Brighton VIC 3186

Tickets are pre-sale only (tickets can be purchased from World Challenge team members, the general office or by email:

Purchase your tickets now! – Tommy, Laura, Holly (Year 10), Jeremy, Ana, Laird, Lauren, Hannah, Imogen (Year 11) & Miss Leppin.

Respect & Integrity - for being very supportive

to a friend in need

Sam Bloxham - Year 7

Personal Best - in their studies

Daisy Johnstone Year 7

Page 7 2016 Newsletter No.15

1 Station Street, Mordialloc 3195 Australia Telephone (+613) 9580 1184 Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443 email

Day Exam Time Subject Venue

Monday 6 June

8.50 - 10.00 am

Studio Art



10.40 - 11.50 am English

1.50-3.00 pm History

Tuesday 7 June

8.50- 10.00 am French


10.50 – 12.30 pm Maths HUB

1.15 – 2.25 pm Psychology

Wednesday 8 June Report writing day – no exams

Thursday 9 June

8.50 - 10.00 am PE

HUB 11.50 - 1.00 pm Product Design & Tech


1.50 – 3.00 pm Science

Friday 10 June 8.50 - 10.00 am Food

HUB Catch-up Exams

Year 10 Exam Timetable

Student News

College Value Awards

Abi Claypole Year 8

Andrew Edwards Year 8

Darren Wong Year 8

Community Notice BoardCommunity Notice Board
