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College of Architecture and Environmental Design

School of Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Environmental Design Library provides easy access to more

School of Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

School of Planning and Landscape Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145


The practice of architecture and environmental design is the culturally responsible shaping of our environment—from the scale of the cities in which we live to the buildings and interiors we inhabit and the artifacts and products we use. What we design must be durable, useful, beautiful, appropriate to its context, and not a waste of resources, energy, or materials. Designing our environment is an art, a technology, and a social science that has a history as long as human culture. The goals of the faculty include offering stu-dents an education that becomes the basis for life-long growth and improvement as professionals, advancing the discipline in both theory and practice, and improving the quality of the environment by making the expertise and knowledge of the faculty available to other professionals and to the public.


Academic Organization. The college is composed of three academic units:

School of ArchitectureSchool of DesignSchool of Planning and Landscape Architecture

Administration of the college is the responsibility of the dean, who in turn is responsible to the president of the uni-versity through the senior vice president and provost.

College Facilities. All of the College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s programs are housed in a single complex. Facilities include the Architecture and Environ-mental Design Library; computer laboratories; design stu-dios; the Gallery of Design; lecture and seminar rooms; the Media Center; offices for faculty, the administration, and student organizations; the shop; the slide collection; Materi-als Resource Center; and technology laboratories. The bridge between the original building and the expansion places the college’s review and display space at the heart of the complex.

Architecture and Environmental Design Library. As a branch of the University Libraries, the Architecture and


than 30,000 books, periodicals, and reference materials for students, faculty, and the professional community. The library’s special collections include archives of Blaine Drake, Victor Olgyay, Calvin Straub, Will Bruder, and oth-ers, as well as research materials on Paolo Soleri and Frank Lloyd Wright. The Alternative Energy Collection and the Materials Resource Center provide additional sources for research.

Gallery of Design. The Gallery of Design is one of eight university galleries and museums. It provides space for trav-eling exhibits and exhibitions of student and faculty work.

Special Facilities. College programs are supplemented by several special laboratories, including the computer-aided design and graphics lab; the high-bay research lab; the light-ing lab; the solar research lab; the solar roofdeck work area; an extensive shop equipped to handle wood, plastic, and metal; the Herberger Center for Design Excellence; and the Joint Urban Design Program, which also has a studio at the ASU Downtown Center. The Media Center includes tradi-tional graphics and audiovisual equipment as well as porta-ble gear. The slide collection, with more than 100,000 images, is available for instructional use, and the college maintains an array of materials testing equipment.


Lower-Division Programs. A new or transfer student who has been admitted to the university and has selected a col-lege major is admitted to the lower-division program of his or her choice. A separate application procedure is required for entry to upper-division programs and graduate pro-grams. Acceptance into lower-division programs does not guarantee acceptance to upper-division programs. Accep-tance into lower-division programs requires a TOEFL score of 500 or higher for international students whose native lan-guage is not English.

Transfer Credits. While the university accepts credits transferred from other accredited institutions, transfer cred-its are not applied to specific degree programs until reviewed and accepted by the appropriate academic units. Transfer course work must be equivalent in both content and level of offering. In addition, a review of samples of work (portfolio format) from previous studio classes is required. Students who change majors to transfer into the college or one of its program areas must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50.


College of Architecture and Environmental Design Baccalaureate Degrees and Majors

Major Degree Concentration Administered By

Architectural Studies B.S.D. — School of ArchitectureDesign Science1 B.S.D. — School of DesignGraphic Design B.S.D. — School of DesignHousing and Urban Development B.S.D. — School of Planning and Landscape ArchitectureIndustrial Design B.S.D. — School of DesignInterior Design2 B.S.D. — School of DesignLandscape Architecture B.S.L.A. — School of Planning and Landscape ArchitectureUrban Planning B.S.P. — School of Planning and Landscape Architecture

1 Applications for this program are not being accepted at this time.2 This major requires more than 120 semester hours to complete.

Upper-Division Programs. Admission to upper-division programs is competitive. Consult requirements of each major for details. Students applying to more than one pro-gram must make a separate application to each and must submit separate portfolios. Students not enrolled at ASU when they apply to upper-division programs must also make a separate application to the university. Students not admit-ted to the upper division are not dismissed from the univer-sity and may reapply or transfer to other programs. Students who plan to reapply should contact a college academic advi-sor. Transfers into upper-division programs are considered only if vacancies occur, and such transfers are limited to stu-dents with equivalent course work who are competitive with continuing students. Acceptance into some upper-division programs requires a TOEFL score of 500 or higher for inter-national students whose native language is not English.


While the college and its academic units provide aca-demic advising, it is ultimately the responsibility of each student to fulfill academic and program requirements. Advising and record keeping for lower-division programs are the responsibility of a college academic advisor (located in ARCH 141). Records for upper-division program stu-dents are kept in the appropriate academic units, and advis-ing is by the faculty and the head of the academic unit. Gen-eral career advising is available from all faculty members. Administration of program requirements is the responsibil-ity of the head of the academic unit and the dean.

Appeals Procedures. Academic appeals and requests for variances are typically made first to the student’s advisor and then, if necessary, to the head of the appropriate academic unit, the Governance and Grievance Committee, and, finally, the dean. A student who feels unjustly treated in academic or other matters relating to his or her career as a student may contact a college academic advisor or may take the grievance to the college ombudsperson.


Undergraduate. The college offers curricula for four- or five-year degree programs: the Bachelor of Science in Design (B.S.D.) degree in Architectural Studies, Graphic Design, Housing and Urban Development, Industrial Design, and Interior Design; the Bachelor of Science in

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

Landscape Architecture (B.S.L.A.) degree; and the Bachelor of Science in Planning (B.S.P.) degree in Urban Planning. Applications for the B.S.D. degree in Design Science are not being accepted at this time. For more information, see the “College of Architecture and Environmental Design Baccalaureate Degrees and Majors” table, on this page.

Each undergraduate program is divided into lower-divi-sion and upper-division programs. Completion of a lower-division program does not guarantee advancement to an upper-division program.


The faculty in the School of Architecture offer a minor in Architectural Studies, see “Architectural Studies Minor,” page 130. The faculty in the School of Planning and Land-scape Architecture offer two minors: Landscape Studies and Urban Planning. See “Minors,” page 145, for more informa-tion. The faculty in the School of Design offer minors in Design Studies and Interior Design History, see “Minor,” pages 139 and 141, respectively.


The faculty in the College of Architecture and Environ-mental Design offer the National Architectural Accrediting Board-accredited Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) profes-sional degree; Planning Accreditation Board-accredited Master of Environmental Planning (M.E.P.) professional degree; M.S. degree in Building Design; Master of Science in Design (M.S.D.) degree; and Ph.D. degree in Environ-mental Design and Planning. For more information, see the “College of Architecture and Environmental Design Gradu-ate Degrees and Majors” table, page 124, and the Graduate Catalog.


The College of Extended Education was created in 1990 to extend the resources of ASU throughout Maricopa County, the state, and the region. The College of Extended Education is a university-wide college that oversees the ASU Extended Campus and forms partnerships with other



College of Architecture and Environmental Design Graduate Degrees and Majors

Major Degree Concentration Administered By

Architecture M.Arch. — School of ArchitectureBuilding Design M.S. Design knowledge and computing, energy

performance and climate-responsive architecture, facilities development and management

School of Architecture

Design M.S.D. Graphic design, industrial design, interior design School of DesignEnvironmental Design

and Planning*Ph.D. Design; history, theory, and criticism; planning College of Architecture and

Environmental DesignEnvironmental Planning M.E.P. Landscape ecological planning, urban and regional

development, urban designSchool of Planning and

Landscape Architecture

* Doctoral courses for these interdisciplinary programs administered by ASU Main are also offered at ASU East.

ASU colleges, including the College of Architecture and Environmental Design, to meet the instructional and infor-mational needs of a diverse community.

The ASU Extended Campus goes beyond the boundaries of the university’s three physical campuses to provide access to quality academic credit and degree programs for working adults through flexible schedules; a vast network of off-campus sites; classes scheduled days, evenings, and weekends; and innovative delivery technologies including television, the Internet, and Independent Learning. The Extended Campus also offers a variety of professional con-tinuing education and community outreach programs.

For more information, see “ASU Extended Campus,” page 703, or access the Web site at

Patio courtyard in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design/North building Tim Trumble photo



In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements, students seeking a bachelor’s degree must meet all univer-sity graduation requirements. See “University Graduation Requirements,” page 79.

General Studies RequirementAll students enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program

must satisfy a university requirement of a minimum of 35 semester hours of approved course work in General Studies, as described under “General Studies,” page 83. Note that all three General Studies awareness areas are required. Consult your advisor for an approved list of courses. General Stud-ies courses are listed in the “General Studies Courses” table, page 86, in the course descriptions, in the Schedule of Classes, and in the Summer Sessions Bulletin.


College of Architecture and Environmental Design degree requirements supplement the General Studies requirement. Each curriculum offered by the college includes sufficient approved course work to fulfill the Gen-eral Studies requirement.

To be eligible for the Bachelor of Science in Design (B.S.D.), Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (B.S.L.A.), or Bachelor of Science in Planning (B.S.P.) degrees in the college of Architecture and Environmental Design, a student must have

1. attained a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher for all course work taken at ASU;

2. earned a “C” or higher in each studio course; and3. met all university degree requirements.


Students seeking the Bachelor of Science in Design degree must satisfactorily complete a curriculum of 120 or 150 semester hours, depending on the major. The Bachelor of Science in Planning degree requires 120 semester hours. The Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture degree requires 120 semester hours. Students majoring in Interior Design must take 150 semester hours. All other majors require 120 hours.


Special Honors at Graduation. At the time of graduation, students with academic distinction are awarded the respec-tive designation cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude. For more information, see “Graduation with Academic Recognition,” page 82.


Lower-Division Retention Standards. A student in one of the college’s lower-division programs is placed on probation when he or she fails to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00. Students on probation must observe rules or limitations the college imposes on their probation as a condition of reten-tion. If, after one semester on probation, the overall GPA is not at least 2.00 and the conditions of probation have not been met, the student is disqualified for a minimum of two full academic semesters. Appeals may be made to the col-lege Governance and Grievance Committee. For more infor-mation, see “Retention and Academic Standards,” page 75.

Upper-Division Retention Standards. Students in upper-division programs are placed on probation when any of the following occur:

1. failure, incomplete, or withdrawal from any required course;

2. a semester GPA below 3.00;3. a grade of “D” or “E” in a design studio, a design

laboratory, or a design lecture; or4. violation of the college Code of Student Responsibil-

ities or any admission agreement.

Students on probation must observe rules or limitations that the college or academic unit places on their probation as a condition of continuation. Students may be removed from a program (but not necessarily the university) if

1. the requirements imposed are not met or the proba-tionary semester GPA is below 3.00 after one semes-ter on probation;

2. failures or withdrawals in required courses are not resolved at the next offering of the course;

3. they fail or withdraw from required sequential courses; or

4. incompletes in required sequential courses are not completed before the first day of class of the next semester.

A student removed from a program is not guaranteed reinstatement in the program even if probation requirements or requirements placed on readmission are fulfilled. Appeals may be made first to the appropriate academic unit and, if necessary, to the college Governance and Grievance Com-mittee. For more information, see “Retention and Academic Standards,” page 75.

Incompletes. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor regarding the process of requesting and fulfilling an incomplete. Tardiness in contacting the instructor may result in a failing grade. Students must obtain an official “Request for Grade of Incomplete” form from their aca-demic units. The completed form must include a justifica-tion, a listing of requirements that have not been fulfilled,

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

and a proposed schedule of completion. The instructor reviews the request, proposes modifications if necessary, and submits a copy of the request to the appropriate pro-gram head (for upper-division students) or a college aca-demic advisor (for lower-division students). An incomplete in an upper-division course that is a prerequisite for sequen-tial courses automatically places the student on probation and denies enrollment in subsequent courses. For more information, see “Incomplete,” page 72.

Withdrawals. University withdrawal regulations apply to lower-division courses. In addition, because the college’s upper-division curricula are modular and sequential and because space in the programs is limited, a student is expected to progress through the curriculum with his or her class. Withdrawal from a required upper-division course automatically places a student on probation. Withdrawal from a required upper-division course in a required sequence automatically removes the student from the pro-gram beginning the subsequent semester. For more informa-tion, see “Grading System,” page 72.

Credit/No Credit. The only courses accepted toward grad-uation with a grade of pass/fail or credit/no credit are intern-ships and field studies.

Foreign Study. The College of Architecture and Environmental Design maintains active communications with several foreign institutions offering professional course work similar to the programs of the college. This opportunity is available for students who wish to pursue professional studies at a foreign institution in lieu of resident course work for up to one academic year. Any interested student is encouraged to inform the head of his or her academic unit at the earliest possible date of any intentions for foreign study.

Exchange programs currently exist with the Stuttgart University, Germany; Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands; the University of Valladolid, Spain; the University of British Columbia, Canada; and the Autono-mous University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Foreign study programs in France, Italy, and Spain and summer off-cam-pus courses are offered by the School of Architecture. The School of Planning and Landscape Architecture offers a summer landscape planning course in Europe.

Students are also encouraged to consider foreign travel for either a semester or an entire academic year. A leave of absence must be requested for foreign study and foreign travel. Each academic unit reserves the right to evaluate the content and the student’s competency in each of the courses completed at foreign institutions.

Internship. Upper-division students in the college are required to complete an internship program during the sum-mer, normally between the third and fourth years of study.

Attendance. Attendance is expected at all classes, laborato-ries, and seminars and is a criterion for evaluating



performance. Absences and missing work due to absences may result in failure of a course or academic probation. A student may not be excused from attending a class except for medical reasons or other serious personal conditions beyond his or her control. Requests for special consider-ation must be submitted in writing to the instructor. If accepted, a student may be allowed to take a late or special examination or to submit missing work. Tardiness in con-tacting the instructor is cause for denying acceptance. For university policy regarding religious holidays, see “Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action,” page 21.

Employment. It is difficult for students in professional pro-grams to carry part-time employment while in school. Acceptance to any of the college’s upper-division programs presumes a commitment of a minimum of eight hours a day for professional studies. Prior work experience is not a requirement for admission to upper-division programs.

Retention of Student Work. The college reserves the right to retain any or all projects or work submitted to meet course requirements for the college’s future use in instruc-tion, publication, and exhibition.

Student Leave of Absence. Upper-division students who withdraw from classes or do not continue sequentially in enrollment must request both a leave of absence and read-mission in writing from the head of the appropriate aca-demic unit. Leaves of absence are for one-year increments and may be approved for personal reasons, travel, work, or additional study in other disciplines. A student on leave must make the written request for readmission before May 1 for the fall semester of the year of return or before Novem-ber 1 for the spring semester so that a space may be reserved. Failure to request a leave of absence may result in removal from the program.


The purpose of this code is to promulgate standards of conduct for students of the College of Architecture and Environmental Design and to establish procedures for reviewing violations. Students are expected to support and maintain the highest professional standards with regard to their individual conduct and their personal and common environments in the college. Copies of the Code of Student Responsibilities are available from the Office of the Dean and a college academic advisor.


The college and its academic units regularly sponsor lec-ture series, symposia, and exhibits. In addition, faculty and students attend regional and national meetings of educators and professionals. Academic units sponsor student awards programs and regularly invite professionals and critics to reviews of student projects. The college also participates with the Barrett Honors College, offering courses accepted in that college.


Accreditation. Most states require that an individual intending to become an architect hold an accredited degree.


There are two types of degrees that are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB): (1) the Bachelor of Architecture, which requires a minimum of five years of study, and (2) the Master of Architecture, which requires a minimum of three years of study following an unrelated bachelor’s degree or two years following a related preprofessional bachelor’s degree. These professional degrees are structured to educate those who aspire to regis-tration/licensure as architects.

The four-year preprofessional degree, where offered, is not accredited by NAAB. The preprofessional degree is use-ful for those wishing a foundation in the field of architec-ture, as preparation for either continued education in a pro-fessional degree program or for employment options in architecturally related areas. For more information, see “Accreditation and Affiliation,” page 715.

Dean’s List. Undergraduate students who earn 12 or more graded semester hours (“A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “E”) during a semester in residence at ASU with a GPA of 3.50 or higher are eligible for the Dean’s List. A notation of achieving the distinction of being listed on the Dean’s List appears on the final grade report for that semester.

College of Architecture and Environmental Design Alumni Association. The College of Architecture and Envi-ronmental Design Alumni Association encourages gradu-ates to contribute to the college by acting as liaisons among the college community, students, and practicing profession-als. The college also calls on the members of the Architec-ture Guild of Arizona State, the Arizona Design Institute, the Council for Design Excellence, and the Planning Advi-sory Committee for advice and to promote the goals of the college.

Council for Design Excellence. The Council for Design Excellence has been created to consolidate a partnership between the College of Architecture and Environmental Design and key community leaders who share a vital interest in the development of high quality in the built envi-ronment of the Phoenix metropolitan area. By joining together professionals, business and civic leaders, students, and faculty in a common pursuit of design excellence, the council seeks to make a profound difference in the quality of life.

Affiliations. For information on affiliations maintained by the college, see “Accreditation and Affiliation,” page 715.

Student Professional Associations. The purpose of the stu-dent associations is to assist students with the transition into professional life and to acquaint them with the profession relating to their program of study. These include the follow-ing associations:

American Institute of Architecture StudentsCollege of Architecture and Environmental Design

Pre-Studies OrganizationSigma Phi ZetaStudent Association of the College of Architecture and

Environmental DesignStudent Association of Interior Designers (ASID,



Student Chapter/American Center for DesignStudent Chapter/American Planning AssociationStudent Chapter/American Society of Landscape

ArchitectsStudent Chapter/Industrial Designers Society of

AmericaStudent Chapter/Society of Environmental Graphic

DesignersStudent Chapter/Society for Range ManagementStudent Chapter/Soil and Water Conservation Society

School of Architecture


AED 162D

Ron McCoy, Director

Regents’ Professor: Cook

Professors: Hoffman, McCoy, Meunier, Ozel, Rotondi, Underhill, Underwood

Associate Professors: Bryan, Ellin, Hartman, Kroloff, Kupper, Loope, Spellman, Van Duzer, Zygas

Assistant Professors: Burnette, Caicco, Hahn, Hejduk, Innes, Kobayashi, Lerum, Murff, Petrucci, Soroka


The architecture program at ASU offers an integrated cur-riculum of professional courses and focuses on the design laboratory. The program reflects an awareness of the com-plex factors affecting the quality of the built environment. The program seeks through scholarship, teaching, research, design, and community service to develop the discipline and the knowledge necessary to address the important environ-mental and design issues faced by society.

In addition to developing knowledge and skills in archi-tectural design, building technology, and professional prac-tice, students are encouraged to select electives from a broad range of approved courses both within the college and across the university. These electives may be selected to devise a minor, to further professional study, or in some other fashion to enrich the student’s academic experience.


The School of Architecture’s program is organized by the faculty under the direction and administration of the direc-tor and standing committees of the faculty.


The faculty in the School of Architecture offer the Bache-lor of Science in Design degree with a major in Architec-tural Studies.

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

The program in architecture culminates with the profes-sional degree Master of Architecture, which is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). Completion of the program is intended to take six years.

In the United States, most state registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree pro-gram as a prerequisite for licensure. The NAAB, which is the sole agency authorized to accredit U.S. professional degree programs in architecture, recognizes two types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture and the Master of Architecture. A program may be granted a five-year, three-year, or two-year term of accreditation, depending on its degree of conformance with established educational stan-dards.

Master’s degree programs may consist of a preprofes-sional undergraduate degree and a professional graduate degree, which, when earned sequentially, compose an accredited professional education. However, the preprofes-sional degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.

Admission to the professional program in architecture is competitive and begins after completion of lower-division requirements, as described in “Admission,” on this page and “Degree Requirements,” page 129. The professional pro-gram includes two years of upper-division study leading to the Bachelor of Science in Design (B.S.D.) and two years of graduate study leading to the Master of Architecture, as described in “Upper-Division Professional Program,” page 128.

Applicants who already hold a bachelor’s degree in another field should apply to the 3+ year Master of Archi-tecture degree program. See the Graduate Catalog for more information.

In cooperation with the Barrett Honors College, the school offers a special honors curriculum for students with Barrett Honors College standing. Consult the advising offic-ers in the school for information.


Lower-Division Program. New and transfer students who have been admitted to the university and who have selected Architectural Studies as their major are admitted to the lower-division architecture program without separate appli-cation to the School of Architecture. Completion of lower-division requirements does not ensure acceptance to the upper-division professional program.

Transfer credits for the lower-division program are reviewed by the college faculty. To be admissible to this cur-riculum, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering. A review of samples of work is required for studio classes. Consult a college academic advisor for an appointment.

Entering lower-division students who are not prepared to enroll in some of the required courses are required to com-plete additional university course work. These additional



prerequisite courses do not apply to the Bachelor of Science in Design degree requirements.

Upper-Division Professional Program. Admission to the upper-division professional program is competitive and lim-ited by available resources. Admission is awarded to those applicants demonstrating the highest promise for profes-sional success.

Transfer students who have completed the equivalent required lower-division course work may apply to the upper-division program. Prior attendance at ASU is not required for application to the upper-division program.

To be eligible for admission to the upper-division pro-gram, the following requirements must be met:

1. admission to ASU (note that application and admis-sion to ASU are separate from application and admission to the upper-division program);

2. completion of lower-division requirements or equiv-alents as approved by a college academic advisor and the faculty of the school;

3. a minimum university cumulative GPA of 3.00 as well as a 3.00 GPA based only on the required lower-division courses or equivalents; and

4. submission of a portfolio (for detailed information about this requirement, see “Portfolio Format Requirements,” on this page).

In an unusual circumstance, when the admission standard deficiency is slight, written evidence of extenuating circum-stances is convincing, and promise for success is evident, a student may be granted admission to the upper division on a provisional basis.

Students not admitted to the upper-division program are not dismissed from the school and may reapply or may transfer to other programs. Students who intend to reapply should meet with a college academic advisor.

Applications for transfer into the upper-division profes-sional program are considered only if vacancies occur. Transfer applicants must demonstrate that equivalent course work has been completed, and applicants must be academi-cally competitive with continuing students.

Students who successfully complete the upper-division requirements receive the Bachelor of Science in Design degree in Architectural Studies. This is not a professional degree. To complete the professional architecture program, students must attain the NAAB-accredited Master of Archi-tecture degree. Students who receive the B.S.D. are eligible to apply for the graduate program and should see the Grad-uate Catalog for proper application procedures. This appli-cation process is competitive and based on a thorough review of a student’s undergraduate preparation and perfor-mance.

Students with the four-year Bachelor of Science in Design degree (with a major in Architectural Studies or an equivalent degree from another school that offers an accred-ited professional degree in architecture) should apply directly to the graduate program.



Upper-Division Application Procedures. Students should write to a college academic advisor for the application form well in advance of the application deadline. The following dates and procedures are for students applying to 2003–2004 upper-division programs.

Upper-Division Application Deadlines. April 25, 2003. Portfolio and application documents are due in the school office by 5 P.M.June 3, 2003. If the spring 2003 semester includes transfer course work (i.e., course work taken at an institution other than ASU), a student must submit his or her transcripts to the school no later than June 3. These transcripts may be unofficial copies. A second set of official transcripts must be sent to the university Undergraduate Admissions office. Application is not complete until the university receives official transcripts for transfer course work. For those trans-fer students whose academic term ends in June rather than May, this deadline may be extended upon the written request of the applicant.July 1, 2003. Acceptance notices are mailed no later than July 1.Return of Letter of Acceptance. A signed receipt of accep-tance of admission must be received by the school by the date indicated on the Notice of Acceptance. Alternates may be accepted at a later date if space becomes available.Matriculation. An accepted student is expected to begin his or her upper-division professional program at the beginning of the immediate fall term. There is no spring admission to the upper division.

Portfolio Format Requirements. Each applicant is respon-sible for obtaining the following documents and including them in the portfolio. Application materials are submitted at one time in a presentation binder (portfolio) with plastic sleeves (8.5" x 11" format only). Items must appear in the following order:Page 1. The application form should be completely filled out with the first page visible. Application forms are avail-able from the college Academic Advising Office.Page 2. The second page of the application should be visi-ble.Page 3. Application Essay. The student’s name should not appear on the essay.Page 4. All college transcripts for both ASU and transfer work should be included through the fall 2002 semester. Copies are acceptable. An academic advisor forwards 2003 ASU transcripts. (Applicants wishing to transfer work are responsible for submitting these transcripts by June 3 so that they may be added to their portfolios. The student is also responsible for getting an official transfer transcript sent directly to the Office of the Registrar.)Page 5. A certificate of admission is necessary only for those students who have been newly admitted for fall 2003 and who are applying directly into an upper-division pro-gram. The certificate is not required for students currently attending ASU.


Following Pages (Usually from 10 to 20 Sheets). Students should present work sufficient to demonstrate the depth and breadth of their creative activity. This work should include (but is not limited to) examples of two- and three-dimen-sional design and graphics. Each project should be clearly identified (course, length of project, etc.), with a concise accompanying description of the assignment.

Students should obtain a portfolio requirements adden-dum for their major from the college’s Academic Advising Office, ARCH 141, at the beginning of the academic year in which they intend to apply to the upper-division program. Requirements or instructions indicated in the addendum for that academic year take precedence over any other printed material.

Students are encouraged to include additional materials, written or pictorial, that provide additional evidence of skills and abilities and of the aptitude and commitment to the major. When any work submitted is not completely orig-inal, the source must be given. When work is of a team nature, the applicant’s role should be clearly indicated. Original examples or slides must not be submitted. All examples must be photographs or other reproduction graphic media.

Return of Portfolios. Application documents (pages 1–5) remain the property of the College of Architecture and Envi-ronmental Design. However, the remaining portfolio is returned after the admissions review, provided the applicant encloses a self-addressed return mailer with sufficient pre-paid postage. Portfolios may be claimed in person after July 1, 2003. If the applicant provides written permission, another person may claim the portfolio. After one year, unclaimed portfolios are discarded. While care is taken in handling the portfolios, no liability for lost or damaged materials is assumed by the college or school.


Advising for the lower-division curriculum is through the college Academic Advising Office. Advising for upper-divi-sion students is by assigned faculty advisors and administra-tive personnel from the School of Architecture.


The Bachelor of Science in Design degree in Architec-tural Studies requires a minimum of 120 hours of course work. Most lower-division students pursue option A; how-ever, those who intend eventually to seek an advanced degree in either engineering or building science are encour-aged to fulfill the requirements outlined in option B. See an advisor in the Academic Advising/Student Services Office (ARCH 141) for further information about option B.

Option B students who intend to pursue graduate degrees in an engineering discipline should also consult with the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences advising office for any additional requirements.

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.


The following curriculum includes sufficient approved course work to fulfill the General Studies requirement. See “General Studies,” page 83, for requirements and a list of approved courses. Note that all three General Studies aware-ness areas are required. Consult an advisor for an approved list of courses.


In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements, students must meet all university graduation and college degree requirements. See “University Graduation Require-ments,” page 79, and “College Degree Requirements,” page 124.

The accredited professional degree Master of Architec-ture requires an additional 56 hours of approved graduate-level course work. For more information, see the Graduate Catalog.

Architectural Studies—B.S.D.Lower-Division Requirements

Option A1

First Year

FallAPH 100 Introduction to Environmental Design HU, G, H ..........3

or ADE 120 Design Fundamentals I2 (3)ENG 101 First-Year Composition..................................................3Elective.............................................................................................3Elective (MAT 170 Precalculus may be needed) .............................3SB elective .......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringADE 120 Design Fundamentals I2 .................................................3

or APH 100 Introduction to Environmental Design HU, G, H (3)

ENG 102 First-Year Composition..................................................3MAT 210 Brief Calculus MA..........................................................3Elective.............................................................................................3C elective..........................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

Second Year

FallADE 221 Design Fundamentals II2................................................3ADE 223 Design Fundamentals II Lecture....................................1APH 200 Introduction to Architecture HU, G ...............................3PHY 111 General Physics SQ3 ......................................................3PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory SQ3....................................1L elective..........................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringADE 222 Design Fundamentals III2 ..............................................3ADE 224 Design Fundamentals III Lecture...................................1ANP 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling CS ........................3SB elective .......................................................................................3



SG or SQ elective.............................................................................4__Total ...............................................................................................14Option A lower-division total.........................................................58

1 Transfer credits are reviewed by the college and evaluated for applicability to this curriculum. To be applicable, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering.

2 Portfolio review is required for transfer studio work. Submit the portfolio to the Academic Advising Office, ARCH 141.

3 Both PHY 111 and 113 must be taken to secure SQ credit.

Architectural Studies—B.S.D.Upper-Division Requirements

Option A

Third Year

FallADE 321 Architectural Studio I.....................................................5APH 313 History of Western Architecture I L/HU* ......................3ATE 353 Architectural Construction.............................................3Elective*...........................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringADE 322 Architectural Studio II ...................................................5ANP 331 Programming for Design................................................3APH 314 History of Western Architecture II L/HU*.....................3ATE 361 Building Structures I ......................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SummerARP 484 Clinical Internship..........................................................3_Total .................................................................................................3

Fourth Year

FallADE 421 Architectural Studio III ..................................................5ATE 451 Building Systems I.........................................................3ATE 462 Building Structures II.....................................................3Elective*...........................................................................................3Professional elective* ......................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................17

SpringADE 422 Architectural Studio IV..................................................5ATE 452 Building Systems II .......................................................3Architectural history elective ...........................................................3Elective*...........................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14Option A upper-division total ........................................................62B.S.D. option A minimum total ...................................................120

* These courses may be completed before admission into the upper division.

Master of ArchitectureGraduate-Level Professional Program Requirements

Fifth Year

FallADE 521 Advanced Architectural Studio I....................................5APH 505 Foundation Theory Seminar...........................................3ATE 553 Building Systems III ......................................................3ATE 563 Building Structures III ...................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14



The Architectural Studies minor is available to non-archi-tecture majors interested in this field, but who are pursuing another major. A minimum of 18 semester hours are required for the minor. The courses are designed to provide an overview of architecture throughout history while focus-ing on architectural design with the intention to explore the process of design thinking.

Six additional semester hours of electives in the architec-tural history and theory concentration, with a course prefix of APH or approved PUP/PLA prefix, must be selected from the following list for a total of 18 semester hours:

A minimum GPA of 3.00 is required to pursue the minor in Architectural Studies.

SpringADE 522 Advanced Architectural Studio II ..................................5APH 515 Current Issues and Topics ..............................................3ATE 556 Building Development ...................................................3Professional elective* ......................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

Sixth Year

FallAAD 551 Architectural Management I ..........................................3ADE 621 Advanced Architectural Studio III .................................5ANP 681 Project Development......................................................3Professional elective* ......................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringAAD 552 Architectural Management II .........................................3ADE 622 Advanced Architectural Studio IV.................................5Approved elective ............................................................................3Professional elective* ......................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14Graduate division total ...................................................................56

* At least one professional elective must be a CAD course.

Required CoursesAPH 200 Introduction to Architecture HU, G ...............................3APH 300 World Architecture I/Western Cultures HU, G, H .........3APH 313 History of Architecture I L/HU, G .................................3APH 314 History of Architecture II L/HU, G ................................3__Total ...............................................................................................12

ANP 331 Programming for Design*..............................................3APH 394 Special Topics ................................................................3APH 411 History of Landscape Architecture H ............................3APH 414 History of the City H......................................................3APH 446 20th-Century Architecture I HU ....................................3APH 447 20th-Century Architecture II HU ...................................3APH 494 Special Topics ................................................................3APH 499 Individualized Instruction* ............................................3APH 511 Energy Environmental Theory .......................................3PLA 420 Theory of Urban Design HU..........................................3

or PUP 420 Theory of Urban Design HU (3) __Total ...............................................................................................30

* These courses require a petition to the School of Architecture.



Subject matter within the school is categorized in the fol-lowing instructional areas.

Architectural Administration and Management. AAD courses focus on the organizational and management aspects of architectural practice, including management coordination, administrative procedures, ethics, legal con-straints, and the economics of practice.

Architectural Design and Technology Studios. ADE courses require the synthesis of knowledge and understand-ing gained from other course work and develop an under-standing of design theory and design skill through a series of comprehensive design projects. Students apply analytical methods, compare alternative solutions, and develop sophis-ticated technical and conceptual results.

Environmental Analysis and Programming. ANP courses develop the ability to analyze and program environmental and human factors as preconditions for architectural design using existing and emerging methods of evaluation and analysis.

Architectural Philosophy and History. APH courses develop an understanding of architecture as both a determi-nant and a consequence of culture, technology, needs, and behavior in the past and present. Studies are concerned with the theory as well as the rationale behind methods and results of design and construction. Case studies are both domestic and international.

Architecture Professional Studies. ARP courses provide students with off-campus opportunities, educational experi-ence in group and individual studies relative to specific stu-dent interests, and faculty expertise, including summer internships and field trips.

Architectural Technology. ATE courses develop knowl-edge of the technical determinants, resources, and processes of architecture. These studies focus on the science and tech-nology of design and construction, including materials, building systems, acoustics, lighting, structural systems, environmental control systems, computer applications to design and technology, and both passive and active solar systems. Emphasis is on measurable and quantifiable aspects.

Architectural Communication. AVC courses develop the student’s understanding of communication theory as it applies to architectural design and practice as well as skills in drawing, graphics, photography, presentation design, and the design process.

The courses required in the upper-division and graduate levels of the professional program are not open to nonma-jors and students not admitted to the upper-division pro-gram.


The faculty of the School of Architecture offer a Master of Architecture and a M.S. degree in Building Design. Con-current application to both degree programs is possible, and each application is evaluated by the respective admission

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

committees separately. Also, a dual career program, Master of Architecture/Master of Business Administration, has been established in cooperation with the College of Busi-ness. Also offered is a collegewide, interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree in Environmental Design and Planning with concen-trations in design; history, theory, and criticism; and plan-ning. For more information, see the Graduate Catalog.


AAD 494 Special Topics. (1–4) selected semestersAAD 551 Architectural Management I. (3) fallDesign delivery, coordination of construction documents, cost estimat-ing, bidding and negotiations, construction observation, and post con-struction services. Lecture, discussion, case studies. Prerequisite: graduate-level standing. Corequisites: ADE 621; ANP 681.AAD 552 Architectural Management II. (3) springOrganizational, human performance, and market influences on archi-tecture firms and projects. Readings, case studies, and analysis of managerial problems and solutions. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: AAD 551. Corequisite: ADE 622.AAD 555 Architect as Developer. (3) once a yearDevelopment building, real estate, construction funding, land acquisi-tion, and the sources for capital. Prerequisite: instructor approval.AAD 598 Special Topics. (1–4) selected semestersAAD 599 Thesis. (1–12)fall or springFee. AAD 681 Professional Seminar: Capstone. (3) selected semestersExamines ethical, political, social, economic, ecological, and cultural issues confronting the practice of architecture. Seminar, readings, case studies.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.


ADE 120 Design Fundamentals I. (3)fall, spring, summerDevelopment of visual literacy. Introduces drawing and graphic repre-sentation as methods of seeing and problem solving. Studio. Prerequi-site: major in College of Architecture and Environmental Design. ADE 221 Design Fundamentals II. (3)fallExercises in basic design, stressing creative problem-solving meth-ods, principles of composition, and aesthetic evaluation. Development of vocabulary for environmental design. Lecture, studio. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 120. Corequisite: ADE 223.ADE 222 Design Fundamentals III. (3)springApplies design fundamentals with an emphasis on architectural issues. Lecture, studio. Prerequisite: APH 200. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 221. Corequisite: ADE 224.ADE 223 Design Fundamentals II Lecture. (1)fallTheory and applications of basic design principles, history and theory of how architecture design is impacted by basic design. Lecture, dis-cussion. Corequisite: ADE 221.



ADE 224 Design Fundamentals III Lecture. (1)springHistory and theory of design fundamentals with an emphasis on archi-tectural issues. Lecture, discussion. Corequisite: ADE 222.ADE 321 Architectural Studio I. (5)fallIntroductory building design problems. Emphasizes design process, communication methods, aesthetics, construction, and technology. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: admission to upper divi-sion. Corequisite: ATE 353.ADE 322 Architectural Studio II. (5)springSite and building design problems. Emphasizes programmatic and environmental determinants and building in natural and urban con-texts. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 321. Corequisite: ANP 331. ADE 421 Architectural Studio III. (5)fallTopical design problems of intermediate complexity, including interdis-ciplinary problems. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 322. Corequisite: ARP 484. ADE 422 Architectural Studio IV. (5)springTopical design problems of advanced complexity, including interdisci-plinary problems. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 421.ADE 510 Foundation Architectural Studio. (6)summerFundamentals of architectural design, methodology, visualization, and representation. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite: admis-sion to Master of Architecture degree program. Corequisite: APH 509.ADE 511 Core Architectural Studio I. (6)fallApplies design fundamentals in architectural problems, including con-struction, technology, programmatic and environmental determinants. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 510. Corequisite: ATE 353.ADE 512 Core Architectural Studio II. (6)springApplies architectural design fundamentals to increasingly complex problems, including specific sites and activities. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 511.ADE 521 Advanced Architectural Studio I. (5)fallDesign problems emphasizing theory, aesthetics, and tectonics as influences on architectural form. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Pre-requisite: admission to Master of Architecture degree program. Coreq-uisite: APH 505.ADE 522 Advanced Architectural Studio II. (5)springDesign problems emphasizing the comprehensive integration of build-ing systems and technologies as influences on architectural form. Lecture, studio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 521. Corequisites: APH 515; ATE 556.ADE 621 Advanced Architectural Studio III. (5)fallDesign problems emphasizing the urban context, planning issues, and urban design theory as influences on architectural form. Lecture, stu-dio, field trips. Fee. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 522. Corequisites: AAD 551; ANP 681.ADE 622 Advanced Architectural Studio IV. (5)springIndividual, student-initiated project reflecting a culminating synthesis of architectural ideas. Studio. Fee. Prerequisites with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 621; ANP 681. Corequisite: AAD 552.ADE 631 Building Systems Simulation Studio. (5)fallDesign of energy-efficient medium and large commercial complexes; synthesis to optimize performance using new and advanced algo-rithms. Lecture, lab, studio. Prerequisite: admission to graduate pro-gram.


ADE 661 Bioclimatic Design Studio. (6)once a yearSustainable architectural and site synthesis at a variety of scales emphasizing bioclimatic criteria and the use of passive and low-energy systems. Prerequisite: admission to graduate program.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.


ANP 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling. (3)fall and springFundamentals of computer operation, geographic information sys-tems, geometric modeling of three-dimensional forms and rendering of light, mathematical modeling of processes using spreadsheets. Lab. Prerequisite: major in the School of Architecture. General Studies: CSANP 331 Programming for Design. (3)springTheory and methods for refracting “constraints” into opportunities for design excellence. Corequisite: ADE 322.ANP 475 Computer Programming in Architecture. (3)fall and springComputer programming for architectural problems and applications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CSE 183 (or its equivalent).ANP 477 Computer Applications to Design Problems. (3)fallExamines generic microcomputer software in solving architectural design problems. Emphasizes the logic of problem formulation. Lec-ture, lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.ANP 494 Special Topics. (1–4) fall, spring, summerANP 500 Research Methods. (1–12)fallFee. Prerequisite: admission to graduate program. Corequisite: ANP 561.ANP 530 Computer Graphics in Architecture. (3)springFundamentals of computer graphics programming in architecture, including graphics hardware, device-independent packages, 2- and 3- dimensional transformations, and data structures. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval. Corequisite: ANP 563.ANP 561 Architectural Information Processing Systems. (3)fallApplies information processing systems to architectural problems. Analyzes computing tools with respect to assumptions and theories. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: admission to graduate program. Corequi-site: ANP 500.ANP 563 Methods in Architectural Design Computation. (3)springConcepts and models for research in computer-aided architectural design with an emphasis on computational methods and a system framework. Discussion, lab. Prerequisite: ANP 500 or instructor approval. Corequisite: ANP 530.ANP 590 RC: Computer Programming and Architecture. (1–12)fallANP 598 Special Topics. (1–4)fall or springANP 599 Thesis. (1–12)fall or springFee. ANP 681 Project Development. (3)fallDefines and elaborates on major ideas for implementation in ADE 622 in relation to contemporary theory and practice. Seminar. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: ADE 522. Corequisites: AAD 551; ADE 621.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.


ARCHITECTURAL PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY (APH)APH 100 Introduction to Environmental Design. (3)fall and springSurvey of environmental design: includes historic examples and the theoretical, social, technical, and environmental forces that shape them. Cross-listed as DSC100/PUP 100. Credit is allowed for only APH 100 or DSC 100 or PUP 100. General Studies: HU, G, HAPH 200 Introduction to Architecture. (3)fall and summerSurvey of issues and polemics affecting current architectural theory and practice. Lecture, discussion. General Studies: HU, GAPH 300 World Architecture I/Western Cultures. (3)fallHistorical and contemporary built environments of Western civiliza-tions: Mediterranean, Europe, and the Americas as manifestations of cultural history and responses to environmental determinants. Prereq-uisite: nonmajor. General Studies: HU, G, HAPH 304 American Architecture. (3)selected semestersArchitecture in the United States from earliest colonial times to present. Prerequisite: nonmajor. General Studies: HUAPH 305 Contemporary Architecture. (3)selected semestersEurope and America from the foundations of the modern movement to the present. Prerequisite: nonmajor. General Studies: HUAPH 313 History of Architecture I. (3)fallSurvey of the monuments, buildings, and cities of Europe and Africa from the earliest human settlements to the present day. Prerequisite: junior standing or instructor approval.General Studies: L/HU, GAPH 314 History of Architecture II. (3)springSurvey of the monuments, buildings, and cities of Asia and the Ameri-cas from the earliest human settlements to the present day. Prerequi-site: APH 313.General Studies: L/HU, GAPH 394 Special Topics. (1–4)selected semestersAPH 411 History of Landscape Architecture. (3)fallPhysical record of human attitudes toward the land. Ancient through contemporary landscape planning and design. Cross-listed as PLA 310. Credit is allowed for only APH 411 or PLA 310. General Studies: HAPH 414 History of the City. (3)fallThe city from its ancient origins to the present day. Emphasizes Euro-pean and American cities during the last five centuries. Cross-listed as PUP 412. Credit is allowed for only APH 414 or PUP 412. General Studies: HAPH 441 Ancient Architecture. (3)selected semestersArchitecture of the ancient Mediterranean world with selective empha-sis on major historical complexes and monumental sites. Prerequisite: APH 313. General Studies: HUAPH 442 Preservation Planning. (3)selected semestersPrinciples and practices in planning for preservation, conservation and neighborhood redevelopment. Emphasizes evaluation of historic resources. Requires off-campus field practicum. Prerequisite: instruc-tor approval.

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

APH 444 Baroque Architecture. (3)selected semestersSelected examples of Baroque architecture and urbanism with emphasis on relationships between architecture and other arts. Pre-requisite: APH 314. General Studies: HUAPH 446 20th-Century Architecture I. (3)fallArchitecture in Europe and America from the foundations of the mod-ern movement to the culmination of the international style. Prerequi-site: instructor approval. General Studies: HUAPH 447 20th-Century Architecture II. (3)springDevelopments in architecture since the international style. Prerequi-site: APH 446. General Studies: HUAPH 494 Special Topics. (1–4) once a yearAPH 499 Individualized Instruction. (1–3)selected semestersAPH 505 Foundation Theory Seminar. (3)fallFoundation of conceptual architectural inquiry, stressing the reciprocal and interdependent relationship between design and theory. Lecture, seminar. Corequisite: ADE 521.APH 509 Foundation Seminar. (3)summerHistorical, technical, theoretical, environmental, and professional issues in architecture. Lecture, seminar, field trips. Corequisite: ADE 510.APH 511 Energy Environment Theory. (3)fallSolar and other energy sources in designed and natural environ-ments; architectural, urban, and regional implications of strategies using other renewable resources.APH 515 Current Issues and Topics. (3)springCritical examination of current architectural issues, topics, and dis-course. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: APH 505. Corequi-sites: ADE 522; ATE 556.APH 581 Contemporary Urban Design. (3)springExplores contemporary city and urban design issues related to con-temporary cities. Seminar, lecture, discussion.APH 598 Special Topics. (1–4) fall or springAPH 681 Architectural Theory. (3)selected semestersExamines architectural theory. Emphasizes application of theory to practice. Seminar. Prerequisite: instructor approval.APH 683 Critical Regionalism. (3)springCritical inquiry in cultural grounding; the definition of place in architec-tural theory and practice. Lecture, field studies.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (ARP)ARP 451 Architecture Field Studies. (1–6)selected semestersOrganized field study of architecture in specified national and interna-tional locations. Credit/no credit. May be repeated with approval of director.



ARP 484 Clinical Internship. (1–3)fallFull-time internship under the supervision of practitioners in the Phoe-nix area or other locales. Credit/no credit. Corequisite: ADE 421.ARP 584 Clinical Internship. (1)fallStructured practical experience following a contract or plan, super-vised by faculty and practitioners. Prerequisite: admission to graduate program.ARP 684 Professional Internship. (2–6)fallField experience in an architectural firm specializing in an area directly related to the student’s advanced study. Integrates theory and state-of-the-art practices. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: admission to gradu-ate program.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY (ATE)ATE 353 Architectural Construction. (3)fallMaterials and methods of construction. Aesthetic, code, and cost con-siderations. Lecture, lab. Corequisite: ADE 321 or 511.ATE 361 Building Structures I. (3)springIntroduces load distribution on structures. Static analysis of determi-nant beams, trusses, arches, and rigid frames. Computer applications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: admission to upper division or Master of Architecture program.ATE 451 Building Systems I. (3)fallPrinciples of solar radiation, heat and moisture transfer, and environ-mental control systems as form influences. Energy-conscious design. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: admission to upper division or Master of Architecture program.ATE 452 Building Systems II. (3)springArchitectural design implications of heating, ventilation, and air condi-tioning systems. Principles of lighting, daylighting, and acoustics, and their applications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ATE 451.ATE 462 Building Structures II. (3)fallStrength of materials. Stresses in beams and columns. Thermal effects on structures. Analysis, design, and detailing of wood struc-tural systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ATE 361.ATE 494 Special Topics. (1–4) selected semestersATE 521 Building Environmental Science. (3)fallScientific principles relating to comfort and environmental control. Heat and moisture transfer. Solar/natural energies for heating, cooling, and lighting. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: admission to graduate pro-gram. Corequisite: ATE 562.ATE 530 Daylighting Design. (3)selected semestersDaylight analysis, availability, design sky measurements, modeling and simulation. Integration with passive heating, cooling, building design, and energy considerations. Lecture, lab.ATE 550 Passive Cooling and Heating I. (3)springTheory, analysis, and application of passive and low-energy systems for thermal comfort in buildings emphasizing heating. Prerequisite: instructor approval.ATE 551 Passive Cooling and Heating II. (3)fallTheory, analysis, and application of passive and low-energy heating systems for thermal comfort in buildings emphasizing cooling. Prereq-uisite: ATE 550.


ATE 553 Building Systems III. (3)fallDesign and integration of building systems, including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, security, communications, fire protection, and transportation. Prerequisite: admission to Master of Architecture pro-gram.ATE 554 Building Energy Efficiency. (3)selected semestersImpact of building design on energy performance. Climate responsive-ness, operations dynamics, and subsystems integration in thermal comfort and efficiency. Prerequisite: instructor approval.ATE 556 Building Development. (3)springComprehensive design development through the understanding and integration of building materials and systems. Lecture, seminar. Pre-requisite: admission to graduate program. Corequisites: ADE 522; APH 515.ATE 557 Construction Documents. (3)selected semestersProduction of architectural working drawings; legal status, organiza-tion, layout, site survey plans, sections, elevations, details, schedules, and coordination. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: admission to upper divi-sion or graduate program.ATE 560 Building Energy Analysis. (3)selected semestersComputer simulation of building thermal behavior. Software review. Detailed study of selected simulation models using case study projects. Lab. Prerequisites: ANP 475 (or 477); ATE 582.ATE 562 Experimental Evaluation. (3)selected semestersInstrumentation, measurement and computational techniques for analysis of building components, and assessment of thermal and luminous performance. Fee. Corequisite: ATE 521.ATE 563 Building Structures III. (3)fallAnalysis, design, and detailing of steel buildings and frames. Lateral analysis of small rigid and braced frame systems. Lecture, lab. Pre-requisites: ATE 462 (or its equivalent); admission to graduate pro-gram.ATE 564 Advanced Structures: Concrete. (3)selected semestersAnalysis, design, and detailing of concrete systems, considering conti-nuity, multistory frames and shear walls, and lateral analysis. Com-puter application. Prerequisite: ATE 563 or instructor approval.ATE 565 Advanced Structures: High Rise. (3)selected semestersDevelopments in high-rise construction. Effects of wind and seismic forces. Preliminary analysis, design, and detailing considering code requirements. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ATE 563 or instructor approval.ATE 582 Environmental Control Systems. (3)springHeating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems. Loads, psychromet-rics, refrigeration cycle, air/water distribution, controls, energy perfor-mance standards, and utility rates. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, field trips. Prerequisite: ATE 451 or 521. ATE 599 Thesis. (1–12)fall or springFee.

ARCHITECTURAL COMMUNICATION (AVC)AVC 161 Advanced Freehand Perspective Drawing. (2)selected semestersIntroduces color media and analytical and design drawing exercises. 4 hours studio. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.AVC 494 Special Topics. (1–4) once a yearAVC 598 Special Topics. (1–4) fall or spring



See the Graduate Catalog for the EPD courses.

School of Design


AED 154B

Jacques Giard, Director

Professors: Brandt, Giard, Kroelinger

Associate Professors: Bernardi, Cutler, Johnson, McDermott, Patel, Ratner, Sanft, Witt

Assistant Professors: Boradkar, Herring, McCoy, Niederhelman, Rothstein, Thibeau Catsis, Weed

Faculty Associates: Fife, Johannes, Kelly, Kroeger, Montgomery, Sentinery, Sneed, Sola, Verch, White


The School of Design educates individuals for the profes-sional worlds of graphic design, industrial design, and inte-rior design. The curricula focuses on the skills and knowl-edge that are necessary in these design professions and are undertaken in a learning environment that bridges the aca-demic milieu to the professional world. This direction is fur-ther conditioned by the belief that designers have a respon-sibility to the public and communities they serve. Consequently, students are exposed to a full breadth of learning experiences, from courses in design history, human factors, and the theories of the profession, to the rigors and demands of the design studio. Students learn to integrate aesthetic values into their designs while considering contex-tual issues. The goal of the school’s academic program is to graduate designers who are accomplished and visually sophisticated and who will continue to evolve in their cho-sen profession. To this end, the school provides an environ-ment that is conducive to design excellence. It has a faculty of active professionals, excellent facilities and resources, and a network that is international in scope.

More information about the School of Design may be obtained via the Web address provided or by sending elec-tronic mail to


Programs in the School of Design are organized by the faculty of the school under the direction and administration of the director, and standing committees of the faculty.


The faculty in the School of Design offer the Bachelor of Science in Design degree with three majors: Graphic

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

Design, Industrial Design, and Interior Design. Applications are not being accepted to the major in Design Science.

Graphic Design. The Graphic Design program not only prepares individuals for the graphic design profession, but also for graduate work as well. The goal of the faculty is to offer the best graphic design education, allowing the gradu-ating student every option available. Studio classroom projects are planned to strengthen and refine students’ profi-ciency in the language, process, and technical aspects of the profession. Projects are intended to help students think criti-cally, both as individuals and as members of a group. Stu-dents opting for the profession can expect to work in the areas of advertising design, brand identity, broadcast graph-ics, corporate identity, environmental graphics, informa-tional graphics, in-house corporate design, museum infor-mational design, publication design, and Web site design. Students pursuing graduate studies can expect to be equally well prepared with critical and analytical thinking skills coupled with a diversified portfolio. The program is dedi-cated to a comprehensive education in graphic design as it relates to the changing communication standards of today and in the future.

Industrial Design. The program in Industrial Design pre-pares creative individuals to design manufactured objects used by people on a daily basis. The industrial design pro-fession serves the needs of consumers and manufacturers by developing products that are attractive, useful, safe, conve-nient, and comfortable to use. The designer’s special talents and skills include a sense of the aesthetic, knowledge of materials and processes, and an understanding of the physi-cal and psychological needs of the user. Industrial designers often serve as a catalyst among management, marketing, and engineering.

By way of studio projects, students learn to visualize ideas, to communicate them to others, and to refine their skills in freehand sketching, computer-aided design, and model making. Assignments are a balance of conceptual aspects and practical techniques. Typical projects include electronics, toys, furniture, sports equipment, and packag-ing. Focus is placed on the role of the industrial designer as a member of a team. Third-year students perform intern-ships in a large corporation or in a consulting design agency.

Interior Design. The program in Interior Design is accred-ited by the Foundation for Interior Design Education Research, the national accrediting agency. The five-year curriculum emphasizes design process, technical skill devel-opment, problem solving, and the management skills needed to work in collaboration with the allied design pro-fessions. The goal of interior design is to create high-quality environments for human use.

Significant changes in the interior design profession over the last two decades are reflected in the program. The school is committed to integrating computer technology into each level of the curriculum. In doing so, the program offers an



excellent environment for experimenting with and testing innovative applications of computer-aided design and simu-lation to interior design.


Lower-Division Program. New and transfer students who have been admitted to the university and who have selected Graphic Design, Industrial Design, or Interior Design as a major are admitted to the appropriate lower-division pro-gram. Transfer credits for the lower-division program are reviewed by the college and evaluated for applicability to this curriculum. To be applicable, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering. A review of samples of work is required for studio classes; consult a col-lege academic advisor for further information.

Lower-division students entering the program who are not prepared for certain courses in the curriculum (for example, algebra and trigonometry or a second course in computer programming) are required to take additional courses that do not apply to the Bachelor of Science in Design degree. If such courses are required, an additional year of study may be necessary to complete the lower-divi-sion program.

Completion of lower-division requirements does not ensure acceptance to an upper-division professional pro-gram.

Upper-Division Program. When students have completed the lower-division curriculum requirements, they may apply for acceptance to upper-division programs in Graphic Design, Industrial Design, or Interior Design. The limited spaces available each year are awarded to applicants with the highest promise for professional success, as determined by each program. The faculty of the School of Design retain the right to admit any meritorious student who may be deficient in a published school criterion. Such admission requires an extraordinary review of the applicant by the school’s admissions committee. Should the faculty choose to admit such an applicant, the student is placed automatically on a provisional admission status with stipulations as to what is required to be removed from probation. See “Application to Upper-Division Programs,” below.

Students not admitted to upper-division programs are not dismissed from the university and may reapply or transfer to other programs. Students who intend to reapply should meet with a college academic advisor.


The School of Design offers a Master of Science in Design (M.S.D.) degree with concentrations in graphic design, industrial design, and interior design. Additionally, a distance learning M.S.D. degree with an area of study in design analysis is offered. The faculty also participates in a collegewide, interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree in Environmen-tal Design and Planning with concentrations in design; his-tory, theory, and criticism; and planning. For more informa-tion, see the Graduate Catalog.



Upper-Division Application Procedures. Students should write to a college academic advisor for the application form well in advance of the application deadline. For more infor-mation on portfolios, ask for a copy of the Portfolio Seminar brochure from a college academic advisor. The following dates and procedures are for students applying to 2003–2004 upper-division programs.

Upper-Division Application Deadlines. The following dates and procedures apply to Industrial and Interior Design portfolio submission only. Information regarding portfolio submission for Graphic Design is listed separately. April 15, 2003. Portfolio and application documents are due in the school office by 5 P.M.June 3, 2003. If the spring 2003 semester includes transfer course work (i.e., course work taken at an institution other than ASU), a student must submit his or her transcripts to the school no later than June 3. These transcripts may be unofficial copies. A second set of official transcripts must be sent to the university Undergraduate Admissions office. Application is not complete until the university receives official transcripts for transfer course work. For those trans-fer students whose academic term ends in June rather than May, this deadline may be extended upon the written request of the applicant.July 1, 2003. Acceptance notices are mailed no later than July 1.March 17, 2003. The application deadline for Graphic Design is March 17, 2003. In addition to the portfolio sub-mittal, Graphic Design requires an aptitude test, which is part of the application packet. Application packets can be obtained from the Academic Advising Office one month before the due date. Students may obtain their application results by contacting the academic coordinator for Graphic Design at the end of the first week of April. Acceptance notices are mailed to admitted students.Return of Letter of Acceptance. A signed receipt of accep-tance of admission must be received by the school by the date indicated on the Notice of Acceptance. Alternates may be accepted at a later date if space becomes available.Matriculation. An accepted student is expected to begin his or her upper-division professional program at the beginning of the immediate fall term. There is no spring admission to the upper division.

Graphic Design Application Requirements. Individual applicants are responsible for obtaining the Graphic Design Application Packet by visiting the College of Architecture and Environmental Design Academic Advising Office in ARCH 141. Application materials are submitted in a portfo-lio organized by the individual applicant. The student’s name must be affixed to the outside, with completed materi-als appearing in the following order:

1. application to the Graphic Design upper-division program;

2. “Commonly Asked Questions” form; and3. the Graphic Design Aptitude Test.


The packet contains complete instructions for completing the standard test. This test requires the completion of five problems that are reviewed by the faculty and that become the portfolio of materials considered for admission to the upper-division program.

Industrial and Interior Design Portfolio Format Requirements. Each applicant is responsible for obtaining the following documents and including them in the portfo-lio. Application materials are submitted at one time in a pre-sentation binder (portfolio) with plastic sleeves (8.5" x 11" format only). The student’s name must be affixed to the out-side. Items must appear in the following order:Page 1. The application form should be completely filled out with the first page visible. Application forms are avail-able from the college Academic Advising Office.Page 2. The second page of the application should be visi-ble.Page 3. Application Essay or Letter of Intent.Page 4. All college transcripts for both ASU and transfer work should be included through the fall 2002 semester. Copies are acceptable. An academic advisor forwards 2003 ASU transcripts. (Applicants wishing to transfer spring semester 2003 work are responsible for submitting these transcripts by June 3 so that they may be added to their port-folios. The student is also responsible for getting an official transfer transcript sent directly to the Office of the Regis-trar.)Page 5. A certificate of admission to ASU is necessary only for those students who have been newly admitted for fall 2003 and who are applying directly into an upper-division program. The certificate is not required for students cur-rently attending ASU.Following Pages (Usually from 10 to 20 Sheets). Students should present work sufficient to demonstrate the depth and breadth of their creative activity. This work should include (but is not limited to) examples of two- and three-dimen-sional design and graphics. Each project should be clearly identified (course, length of project, etc.), with a concise accompanying description of the assignment.

Students should obtain a portfolio requirements adden-dum for their major from the college’s Academic Advising Office, ARCH 141, at the beginning of the academic year in which they intend to apply to the upper-division program. Requirements or instructions indicated in the addendum for that academic year take precedence over any other printed material.

Students are encouraged to include additional materials, written or pictorial, that provide further evidence of skills and abilities and of the aptitude and commitment to the major. When any work submitted is not completely original, the source must be given. When work is of a team nature, the applicant’s role should be clearly indicated. Original examples or slides must not be submitted. All examples must be photographs or other reproduction graphic media.

Return of Portfolios. Application documents (pages 1–5) remain the property of the College of Architecture and Envi-ronmental Design. However, the remainder of the portfolio is returned after the admissions review, provided the appli-

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

cant encloses a self-addressed return mailer with sufficient prepaid postage. Portfolios may be claimed in person after July 2, 2003. If the applicant provides written permission, another person may claim the portfolio. After one year, unclaimed portfolios are discarded. While care is taken in handling the portfolios, no liability for lost or damaged materials is assumed by the college or school.


Advising for the lower- and upper-division curricula is through a college academic advisor (ARCH 141).


The Bachelor of Science in Design degree requires a min-imum of 120 semester hours for a major in Graphic Design and Industrial Design and a minimum of 150 semester hours for a major in Interior Design. The program includes required field trips. Students are responsible for these addi-tional costs. Foreign study opportunities are available for students. An internship is a required part of the program.

Graphic DesignThe curriculum in Graphic Design is divided into a pre-

professional (first year) and a professional program (second, third, and fourth years):

The lower-division curriculum balances a foundation in academic subjects such as English, numeracy, and computer technology with design courses that include history and the-ory, as well as studio courses in drawing and design funda-mentals as they relate to conceptual design. Students apply for entry into the professional program after fulfilling the first year School of Design core foundation courses. The upper-division curriculum includes studio work in graphic design and its relationship to problem solving at multiple scales. Projects are intended to educate students to think critically as individuals and as team participants in small and large corporate facilities. A formal eight-week summer internship is required in the professional program. The internship is coordinated by the faculty. Students intern in a variety of settings, including in-house corporate design, publication design, and advertising design agencies.

General Studies Requirement. The following curriculum includes sufficient approved course work to fulfill the Gen-eral Studies requirement. See “General Studies,” page 83, for requirements and a list of approved courses. Note that all three General Studies awareness areas are required. Consult an advisor for an approved list of courses.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements for this professional degree, stu-dents must meet all university graduation and college degree

Preprofessional program ................................................................30Professional program .....................................................................90___Total .............................................................................................120



requirements. See “University Graduation Requirements,” page 79, and “College Degree Requirements,” page 124.

Graphic Design—B.S.D.Preprofessional Program Requirements1

First Year

FallDSC 101 Design Awareness HU, G...............................................3DSC 121 Design Principles I1 .......................................................3ENG 101 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3) if qualified

Elective2 ...........................................................................................3MA elective2 ....................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringARS 102 Art of the Western World II HU, H ................................3DSC 120 Design Drawing1............................................................3DSC 122 Design Principles II1 ......................................................3ENG 102 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or elective if ENG 105 is taken (3)PGS 101 Introduction to Psychology SB.......................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15Preprofessional program total ........................................................30

1 Transfer credits for the lower-division program must be equiva-lent in both content and level of offering. Samples of studio work to be accepted for credit must be submitted for evaluation through the college’s Academic Advising Office, ARCH 141. Most studio courses and some lecture courses are sequential. They must be taken in, and may be offered only during, the semester noted.

2 A list of courses that fulfill design electives, general studies, and other electives is available from the college academic advisor.

Graphic Design—B.S.D.Professional Program Requirements

Second Year

FallDSC 494 ST: Finding Purpose: Survival in Design.......................3GRA 283 Letterform I1 ..................................................................3GRA 284 Visual Communication I1...............................................3L elective2 ........................................................................................3SB elective2......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringGRA 286 Visual Communication II1 .............................................3GRA 287 Letterform II1 .................................................................3Design elective2 ...............................................................................3CS elective2......................................................................................3SQ, SG elective with laboratory I2...................................................4__Total ...............................................................................................16

Third Year

FallGRA 345 Design Rhetoric L ..........................................................3GRA 383 Typography I ..................................................................3GRA 386 Visual Communication III1 ............................................3


Industrial DesignThe curriculum in Industrial Design is divided into a pre-

professional (first and second years) and a professional pro-gram (third and fourth years):

The preprofessional curriculum balances a foundation in academic subjects such as English, algebra and trigonome-try, computing, and physics with departmental courses that include history as well as studio courses in drawing, design fundamentals, human factors, and materials and processes.

The professional curriculum includes studio and labora-tory work in industrial design, graphics, project develop-ment, and professional practice. Students also take a num-ber of approved program electives. A supervised summer internship is part of the curriculum.

Upper-division studios emphasize projects that promote an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems and that

Electives2..........................................................................................6__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringDSC 483 Preinternship Seminar....................................................1GRA 318 History of Graphic Design HU ......................................3GRA 385 Typography II1 ...............................................................3GRA 387 Visual Communication IV1............................................3C elective2 ........................................................................................3Upper-division design elective2 .......................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16

SummerDSC 484 Internship1......................................................................3_Total .................................................................................................3

Fourth Year

FallGRA 481 Visual Communication V1 .............................................3GRA 494 ST: Graphic Design........................................................3SQ, SG elective with laboratory II2 .................................................4Upper-division design elective2 .......................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................13

SpringGRA 482 Visual Communication VI1............................................3GRA 494 ST: Graphic Design........................................................3Elective2 ...........................................................................................3Upper-division elective2...................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................12Professional program total .............................................................90B.S.D. minimum total ..................................................................120

1 Transfer credits for the lower-division program must be equiva-lent in both content and level of offering. Samples of studio work to be accepted for credit must be submitted for evaluation through the college’s Academic Advising Office, ARCH 141. Most studio courses and some lecture courses are sequential. They must be taken in, and may be offered only during, the semester noted.

2 A list of courses that fulfill design electives, general studies, and other electives is available from the college academic advisor.

Preprofessional program ................................................................61Professional program .....................................................................59___Total .............................................................................................120


develop the student’s intellectual understanding of the phi-losophy, methodology, and theories related to industrial design. Problems proceed from small consumer products with simple task functions to larger and more complex prob-lems and systems. Studio projects also emphasize the design processes: problem resolution through concept ideation, dialogue with specialists in related areas, and product devel-opment, presentation, and marketing.

Graduates of the program accept positions in industry and with firms involved in industrial design. Designers may focus on consumer products, transportation, electronics, medical devices, health products, or recreational products, among others. Designers may also choose to continue their education with graduate studies to enrich their design knowledge, to specialize, or to prepare for college-level teaching.

General Studies Requirement. The following curriculum includes sufficient approved course work to fulfill the Gen-eral Studies requirement. See “General Studies,” page 83, for requirements and a list of approved courses. Note that all three General Studies awareness areas are required. Consult an advisor for an approved list of courses.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements, students must meet all university graduation and college degree requirements. See “Univer-sity Graduation Requirements” page 79, and “College Degree Requirements,” page 124.

Industrial Design—B.S.D.Preprofessional Program Requirements1

First Year

FallDSC 101 Design Awareness HU, G...............................................3DSC 121 Design Principles I1 .......................................................3ENG 101 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3) if qualified

MAT 170 Precalculus MA ..............................................................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringDSC 120 Design Drawing1............................................................3DSC 122 Design Principles II1 ......................................................3ENG 102 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or elective if ENG 105 is taken (3)PGS 101 Introduction to Psychology SB.......................................3PHY 111 General Physics SQ2 ......................................................3PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory SQ2 ...................................1__Total ...............................................................................................16

Second Year

FallDSC 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling CS ........................3IND 227 Visual Methods for Problem Solving.............................3IND 242 Materials and Design .....................................................3IND 260 Industrial Design I..........................................................3IND 316 20th-Century Design I HU, H ........................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringECN 112 Microeconomic Principles SB........................................3

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.


Design StudiesThe minor in Design Studies is available to students inter-

ested in design courses but who do not wish to major in graphic, industrial, or interior design. The courses are designed to appeal especially to students who have not been accepted to the upper-division of graphic, industrial, or

IND 228 Imaging and Visualization..............................................3IND 243 Process and Design ........................................................3IND 261 Industrial Design II ........................................................3IND 317 20th-Century Design II HU, H.......................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15Preprofessional program total ........................................................61

1 Transfer credits for the lower-division program must be equiva-lent in both content and level of offering. Samples of studio work must be provided for evaluation. See a college academic advisor for an appointment.

2 Both PHY 111 and 113 must be taken to secure SQ credit.

Industrial Design—B.S.D.Professional Program Requirements

Third Year

FallDSC 344 Human Factors in Design...............................................3IND 327 Presentation Graphics ....................................................3IND 354 Principles of Product Design .........................................3IND 360 Industrial Design III.......................................................5__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringIND 328 Graphics for Industrial Design.......................................3IND 361 Industrial Design IV.......................................................5MKT 300 Principles of Marketing..................................................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SummerDSC 484 Internship .......................................................................2_Total .................................................................................................2

Fourth Year

FallENG 301 Writing for the Professions L .........................................3IND 460 Design Project I..............................................................5IND 470 Professional Practice for Industrial Design L ................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringIND 461 Design Project II ............................................................5Elective.............................................................................................3C elective..........................................................................................3SQ, SG elective with approved laboratory.......................................4__Total ...............................................................................................15Professional program total .............................................................59B.S.D. minimum total ..................................................................120



interior design but who wish to pursue the study of design within the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree.

The selected courses satisfy the minimum requirement (18 semester hours) for the minor. Furthermore, 12 semester hours must be taken in upper-division course work. To enhance understanding of the subject matter, some of the selected courses are sequential in nature and require certain prerequisites; consequently, students should carefully note the semester in which these particular courses are offered. All courses are non-studio courses.

The minor in Design Studies is open to all students of the university. It is especially suited to students pursuing the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree. To pursue the minor in Design Studies, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50.

Interior DesignThe curriculum in Interior Design is divided into a pre-

professional program (first and second year) and a profes-sional program (third, fourth, and fifth years):

The preprofessional curriculum balances a foundation in academic subjects such as English, algebra and trigonome-try, computer technology, and physics with departmental courses that include history and theory, as well as studio courses in drawing, design fundamentals, and conceptual design.

The professional curriculum includes studio work in inte-rior design, furniture design, construction methods/struc-tures, codes as related to materials and finishes, human fac-tors, environmental control systems, as well as lecture courses in the history of interior design, decorative arts, and

Designated Courses for the Minor

Graphic DesignDSC 344 Human Factors in Design...............................................3GRA 318 History of Graphic Design HU ......................................3

Industrial DesignIND 242 Materials and Design .....................................................3IND 243 Process and Design ........................................................3IND 316 20th-Century Design I HU, H ........................................3IND 317 20th-Century Design II HU, H.......................................3IND 354 Principles of Product Design .........................................3IND 470 Professional Practice for Industrial Design L ................3IND 474 Design Seminar..............................................................3

Interior DesignINT 223 Interior Design Issues and Theories HU ........................3INT 235 User Needs and Behavior in Interior Design .................3INT 310 History of Interior Design I HU, H ................................3INT 311 History of Interior Design II HU, H...............................3INT 341 Interior Materials and Finishes ......................................3INT 366 Construction Methods in Interior Design ......................3INT 412 History of Decorative Arts in Interiors HU....................3INT 413 History of Textiles in Interior Design ............................3INT 442 Specifications and Documents for Interiors L................3INT 455 Environmental Control Systems ....................................3INT 457 Acoustics for Interior Design.........................................3INT 458 Lighting for Interior Design...........................................3INT 472 Professional Practice for Interior Design.......................3

Preprofessional program ................................................................55Professional program .....................................................................95___Total .............................................................................................150


textiles. An eight-week supervised summer internship is part of the curriculum. The fifth year is an interdisciplinary year in which students address real-life environmental prob-lems. This final year is a capstone experience that utilizes all previous learning within and outside the professional pro-gram. The student’s final design project is completed in con-sultation with a member of the local professional commu-nity.

Graduates from the program accept entry-level profes-sional positions in a variety of settings, including interior design firms, departments of space planning, architectural firms, public institutions, and industry. Students may also choose to continue their education through graduate studies, which offer greater enrichment in studio disciplines and which contribute to the possibility for postsecondary-level academic appointments, giving the recipients highly sought-after academic credentials.

General Studies Requirement. The following curriculum includes sufficient approved course work to fulfill the Gen-eral Studies requirement. See “General Studies,” page 83, for requirements and a list of approved courses. Note that all three General Studies awareness areas are required. Consult with your advisor for an approved list of courses.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements, students must meet all university graduation and college degree requirements. See “Univer-sity Graduation Requirements,” page 79, and “College Degree Requirements,” page 124.

Interior Design—B.S.D.Preprofessional Program Requirements1

First Year

FallDSC 101 Design Awareness HU, G...............................................3DSC 121 Design Principles I1........................................................3ENG 101 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3) if qualified

MAT 170 Precalculus MA ..............................................................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringDSC 120 Design Drawing1 ............................................................3DSC 122 Design Principles II1 ......................................................3ENG 102 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or elective if ENG 105 is taken (3)PHY 111 General Physics SQ2 ......................................................3PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory SQ2....................................1SB elective .......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16

Second Year

FallDSC 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling CS ........................3INT 194 ST: Drafting for Interior Design1...................................3INT 223 Interior Design Issues and Theories HU1 ......................3INT 235 User Needs and Behavior in Interior Design1................3__Total ...............................................................................................12


SpringARS 102 Art of the Western World II HU, H ................................3INT 220 Media for Design Development1....................................3INT 231 Concepts for Interior Design1 ........................................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................12Preprofessional program total ........................................................55

1 Transfer credits for the lower-division program must be equiva-lent in both content and level of offering. Samples of studio work must be provided for evaluation. See a college academic advisor for an appointment.

2 Both PHY 111 and 113 must be taken to secure SQ credit.

Interior Design—B.S.D.Professional Program Requirements

Third Year

FallDSC 344 Human Factors in Design...............................................3INT 310 History of Interior Design I HU, H ................................3INT 340 Interior Codes: Public Welfare and Safety.....................3INT 364 Interior Design Studio I .................................................5INT 366 Construction Methods in Interior Design ......................3__Total ...............................................................................................17

SpringDSC 483 Preinternship Seminar....................................................1INT 311 History of Interior Design II HU, H...............................3INT 341 Interior Materials and Finishes ......................................3INT 365 Interior Design Studio II ................................................5INT 455 Environmental Control Systems ....................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SummerDSC 484 Internship .......................................................................3_Total .................................................................................................3

Fourth Year

FallINT 412 History of Decorative Arts in Interiors HU....................3INT 442 Specifications and Documents for Interiors L................3INT 457 Acoustics for Interior Design.........................................3INT 464 Interior Design Studio III...............................................5L elective..........................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................17

SpringINT 413 History of Textiles in Interior Design ............................3INT 458 Lighting for Interior Design...........................................3INT 465 Interior Design Studio IV...............................................5Natural science elective with laboratory..........................................4__Total ...............................................................................................15

Fifth Year*

FallINT 422 Facilities Planning and Management I...........................3INT 446 Furniture Design and Production ...................................3INT 466 Interior Design Studio V ................................................5SB and C elective.............................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringINT 423 Facilities Planning and Management II .........................3INT 467 Interior Design Studio VI...............................................5

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

Fifth Year. During the fifth year, the student concentrates on research and application of that research related to the development of a comprehensive project. This year is self-directed in nature and prepares the student for independent thinking and creative problem solving. The fifth-year expe-rience promotes high expectations for producing profes-sional work that represents the culmination of the major’s academic experience. It should be noted that the fifth-year studio sequence is designed to draw majors from the upper-division programs of industrial design, graphic design, and architecture, thus furthering a real-life interdisciplinary problem-solving experience.


Interior Design HistoryThe minor in Interior Design History is available to stu-

dents interested in design and culture. The courses desig-nated for the minor are part of the professional studies in interior design within the School of Design. Moreover, the courses serve to inform the students about the importance of the global community, especially sociocultural groups, and the impact of the global community on the design of the interior environment.

The selected courses satisfy the minimum requirement (18 semester hours) for the minor. To enhance the under-standing of the subject matter, the selected courses are sequential in nature and require certain prerequisites. Con-sequently, students should carefully note the semester in which any of these courses is offered.

The minor in Interior Design History is open to students majoring in Architectural Studies, Art, Communication, Psychology, or Sociology and students in any College of Business major or the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies program. All other majors are considered on an individual basis and approved by the coordinators of the Interior Design program within the School of Design. To pursue the minor in Interior Design History, students must have a mini-mum cumulative GPA of 2.50.

INT 472 Professional Practice for Interior Design.......................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14Professional program total .............................................................95B.S.D. minimum total ..................................................................150

* See “Fifth Year,” below.

Required CoursesDSC 101 Design Awareness HU, G...............................................3INT 223 Interior Design Issues and Theories HU ........................3INT 310 History of Interior Design I HU, H ................................3INT 311 History of Interior Design II HU, H...............................3INT 412 History of Decorative Arts in Interiors HU....................3INT 413 History of Textiles in Interior Design ............................3__Total ...............................................................................................18



DESIGN (DSC)DSC 100 Introduction to Environmental Design. (3)fall and springSurvey of environmental design: includes historic examples and the theoretical, social, technical, and environmental forces that shape them. Cross-listed as APH 100/PUP 100. Credit is allowed for only APH 100 or DSC 100 or PUP 100. General Studies: HU, G, HDSC 101 Design Awareness. (3)fallSurvey of cultural, global, and historical context for the design profes-sions. General Studies: HU, GDSC 120 Design Drawing. (3)springDrawing as language to explore and communicate ideas. Develop-ment of drawing aptitude as language and process for design thinking. 1 hour lecture, 5 hours studio.DSC 121 Design Principles I. (3)fallDesign as a language and process for creative thinking and realiza-tion. 1 hour lecture, 5 hours studio. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.DSC 122 Design Principles II. (3)springContinued exploration of design as a language and process for cre-ative thinking and realization. 1 hour lecture, 5 hours studio. Prerequi-site: DSC 121.DSC 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling. (3)fall and springComputers in design, including software concepts, specific packages, and problem solving, illustration, typography, modeling, and anima-tion. Lab. Prerequisite: Design major. General Studies: CSDSC 344 Human Factors in Design. (3)fallMan-machine environment systems; human characteristics and behavior applied to design of products, systems, and their operating environment.DSC 483 Preinternship Seminar. (1)springPreparation of internship materials that produce and enhance a suc-cessful internship experience. Seminar. Prerequisite: 3rd-year major in the School of Design.DSC 484 Internship. (1–3)summerFull-time summer internship under supervision of practitioners in the Phoenix area or other locales. Prerequisite: instructor approval.DSC 494 Special Topics. (1–4)fall and springTopics may include the following:• Finding Purpose: Survival in Design. (3)DSC 500 Research Methods. (1–12)selected semestersFee. DSC 520 Contemporary Design Issues. (3)fall and springProjected applications in design production, planning, and decision-making processes. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisites: INT 310 and 311 (or their equivalents). DSC 524 Illumination and Acoustics. (3)selected semestersResearch and laboratory investigation of advanced illumination and acoustics issues of facility design. Emphasizes human factors and performance aspects. Prerequisites: INT 457 and 458 (or their equiva-lents).DSC 525 Design Methodologies. (3)fallPractical exercises and studies in problem-solving strategies; problem definition and supporting theory for the designer. Lecture, seminar, lab. Fee. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.


DSC 527 Modern Design Theory. (3)springAesthetic, political, economic, and social theories that have shaped modern design; theory as the basis for design philosophies. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: DSC 525 (or its equivalent).DSC 529 Design Criticism. (3)fallCritical methods applied to design as material culture and human expression; evaluation of achievement versus intention. Lecture, sem-inar. Prerequisite: DSC 527 (or its equivalent).DSC 544 Human Factors Systems and Documentation. (3)fallAdvanced topics associated with theory and methods of human fac-tors in design. Individual projects stressing problem organization, eval-uation, and documentation. Lecture, seminar, lab. Prerequisite: DSC 344 (or its equivalent).DSC 552 Computer Simulation in Design. (3)fallUse of computer graphics as a medium to develop and present images of the environment for analysis and perception. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.DSC 553 Computer Imaging and Visual Perception. (3)springIssues and applications of computer simulation as a tool for describing and testing human interface with the environment. Lecture, lab. Pre-requisite: senior or graduate standing.DSC 558 Daylighting. (3)selected semestersDaylighting as a design determinant; concepts, techniques, methodol-ogy, experiments, and case studies. Lecture, studio. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.DSC 580 Practicum: Methods of Teaching Design. (3)fallBackground and development of design education theories. Concepts of studio teaching methods. Comprehensive student project develop-ment and evaluation methods. Prerequisite: graduate standing.DSC 592 Research. (1–12)selected semestersDSC 593 Applied Project. (1–12)selected semestersFee. DSC 598 Special Topics. (1–4)selected semestersTopics may include the following:• Facilities Planning II

Fee. DSC 599 Thesis. (1–12)selected semestersFee.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.


See the Graduate Catalog for the EPD courses.

GRAPHIC DESIGN (GRA)GRA 283 Letterform I. (3)fallDrawing of letterforms with focus on proportion and structure. Intro-duces letterform nomenclature and classifications. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: DSC 122; acceptance into Graphic Design profes-sional program.GRA 284 Visual Communication I. (3)fallTheoretical and applied studies in shape, drawing, and color. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisite: GRA 283.


GRA 286 Visual Communication II. (3)springTransition from theoretical to applied problems. Emphasizes refine-ment of visual skills. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 284; acceptance into Graphic Design professional program. Corequisite: GRA 287.GRA 287 Letterform II. (3)springContinuation of GRA 283 with emphasis on lowercase letters; basics of pen writing and font design. 6 hours per week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 284; acceptance into Graphic Design professional program. Corequisite: GRA 286.GRA 318 History of Graphic Design. (3)fallSurveys development in the graphic arts, innovative printing methods, aesthetic values, and social and cultural environments that shape them. General Studies: HUGRA 345 Design Rhetoric. (3)fall and springDevelops critical thinking and expression of ideas in concise and per-suasive written and spoken form. Prerequisites: ENG 101, 102. General Studies: LGRA 382 Graphic Representation. (3)fallStudio practice in drawing with an application toward graphic commu-nication. 6 hours a week. May be repeated once for credit. Fee. Pre-requisite: GRA 284.GRA 383 Typography I. (3)fallTheoretical exercises in spatial and textural qualities of type. Problems in tension, activation, and balance. Exercises in simple typographical applications. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 286, 287. Corequisite: GRA 386.GRA 385 Typography II. (3)springProblems in composition, choice, and combinations of typefaces, for-mats, and their application to a variety of design projects. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisite: GRA 383. Corequisite: GRA 387.GRA 386 Visual Communication III. (3)fallProblems in specific design applications such as poster, packaging, publications. Emphasizes development of concepts in visual commu-nications. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 286, 287. Coreq-uisite: GRA 383.GRA 387 Visual Communication IV. (3)springClient-oriented projects. Multifaceted problems with emphases on continuity of design in more than one medium and format. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 383, 386. Corequisite: GRA 385.GRA 481 Visual Communication V. (3)fallStudio problems with emphasis on analysis, problem solving, and pro-fessional portfolio preparation. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisites: GRA 385, 387.GRA 482 Visual Communication VI. (3)springIndividual and group projects with outside clients. All projects culmi-nate in an exhibit. 6 hours a week. Fee. Prerequisite: GRA 481.GRA 485 Graphic Design Workshop. (3)selected semestersPreprofessional client/designer situations from concept to printed work. Studio workshop and internships for selected students. 6 hours a week. May be repeated once for credit. Fee. Prerequisite: instructor approval.GRA 494 Special Topics. (1–4)fall and springTopics may include the following:• Graphic Design. (3)

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (IND)IND 194 Special Topics. (1–4)springTopics may include the following:• Drafting for Industrial Design. (3)

Applies mechanical drafting knowledge and skills. Manual drafting principles and techniques with transition to computer-aided indus-trial design.

IND 227 Visual Methods for Problem Solving. (3)fallIntroduces conceptual design activity based on the mind-eye-media feedback loop. Graphic language used to represent conjecture, analy-sis, synthesis of objects, and their contexts. Seminar, studio. Prerequi-site: DSC 122.IND 228 Imaging and Visualization. (3)springDesign activities stressing graphic language abstraction practiced for presentation. Discusses structure of criticism, including description, interpretation, and evaluation. Seminar, studio. Prerequisite: IND 227.IND 242 Materials and Design. (3)fallMaterials application in design. Introduces characteristics and proper-ties of metals and organic materials, including plastics, and inorganic materials.IND 243 Process and Design. (3)springInfluences of industrial processing on design. Introduces basic materi-als processing and post-forming processes. Emphasizes appearance enhancement and design constraints of material processing. Prereq-uisite: IND 242.IND 260 Industrial Design I. (3)fallIntroduces the method and process of the industrial designer. Deter-minants necessary in small product design. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours studio. Prerequisite: DSC 122.IND 261 Industrial Design II. (3)springIssues of physical form development related to product and design; form development properties of paper, fibers, wood, metal, and plas-tics. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours studio. Prerequisite: IND 260 (or its equiv-alent).IND 316 20th-Century Design I. (3)fallModern European and American design from 1900 to 1940. Empha-sizes transportation, product, furniture, exhibition, and graphic design. General Studies: HU, HIND 317 20th-Century Design II. (3)springModern European, Asian, and American design since 1940. Empha-sizes transportation, product, furniture, exhibition, and graphic design. General Studies: HU, HIND 327 Presentation Graphics. (3)fallStudies methods for portfolio and professional product presentation using graphic media for information transfer. Stresses aesthetic judg-ment, organization, and craftsmanship. Seminar, studio. Prerequisite: IND 228.IND 328 Graphics for Industrial Design. (3)springInvestigates and applies packaging applications and planning to the development of an identity for a product line structured as a system. Lab. Prerequisite: IND 327.



IND 354 Principles of Product Design. (3)fallInfluences of physical and mechanical concepts in product design; mechanisms, kinematics, and fastening systems. Concepts of analysis for product design. Influences of concepts on aesthetics. Pre-requisite: PHY 111.IND 360 Industrial Design III. (5)fallMethods of visual thinking, conceptualization, and ideation related to building skill levels in professional design presentation techniques. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: school approval.IND 361 Industrial Design IV. (5)springEmphasizes developing ideas into a complete functional product, including survey and application of aesthetics, human factors, materi-als, and manufacturing. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: IND 360.IND 460 Design Project I. (5)fallComplete analysis of the product unit as an element of mass produc-tion, featuring marketing, technology, human factors, and visual design. Emphasizes professional standards. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisites: DSC 484; IND 361.IND 461 Design Project II. (5)springProduct design, with emphasis in systems interaction. Culmination of design process and technique. Encourages individual project direc-tion. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: IND 361.IND 470 Professional Practice for Industrial Design. (3)fallBusiness procedures, management techniques, accounting systems, ethics, and legal responsibilities of the design professions. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: senior standing. General Studies: LIND 474 Design Seminar. (3)springManufacturer’s liability, statutes, regulations, and common law rules; role of expert witnesses; insurance and product safety programs. Seminar. Prerequisite: senior standing.IND 494 Special Topics. (3)selected semestersApplies mechanical drafting knowledge and skills. Manual drafting principles and techniques with transition to computer-aided industrial design.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

INTERIOR DESIGN (INT)INT 194 Special Topics. (1–4)fallTopics may include the following:• Drafting for Interior Design. (3)INT 220 Media for Design Development. (3)springGraphic representation methods used to describe and analyze space; emphasizes quick presentation techniques. 6 hours studio. Prerequi-site: DSC 122.INT 223 Interior Design Issues and Theories. (3)fallInteriors issues, theories, and philosophies. Emphasizes unique social and cultural factors that shape 20th-century design concepts. General Studies: HUINT 231 Concepts for Interior Design. (3)springConceptual design development, including scale and proportion, light, texture, form, volume, and spatial hierarchy; passage and repose. 1 hour lecture, 4 hours lab. Prerequisite: DSC 236.INT 235 User Needs and Behavior in Interior Design. (3)fallApplies conceptual design to issues of programming and space plan-ning, user needs, and behavior. 1 hour lecture, 4 hours lab. Prerequi-site: DSC 122.


INT 310 History of Interior Design I. (3)fallDesign of interior spaces as an expression of cultural influences to 1835. General Studies: HU, HINT 311 History of Interior Design II. (3)springDesign of interiors as an expression of cultural influences from 1835 to the present. Prerequisite: INT 310 or instructor approval. General Studies: HU, HINT 340 Interior Codes: Public Welfare and Safety. (3)fallCodes and regulations as performance criteria for interior design. Corequisite: INT 366.INT 341 Interior Materials and Finishes. (3)springGeneral analysis of quality control measures relating to interior design materials, finishes, and performance criteria. Prerequisites: INT 340, 366.INT 364 Interior Design Studio I. (5)fallStudio problems in interior design related to behavioral response in personal and small group spaces. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: school approval.INT 365 Interior Design Studio II. (5)springStudio problems in interior design, with emphasis on issues of public and private use of interior places of assembly. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: INT 364.INT 366 Construction Methods in Interior Design. (3)fallDesign theory related to analysis, materials, and building techniques of horizontal and vertical construction in interior design. Lecture, field trips. Corequisite: INT 340.INT 412 History of Decorative Arts in Interiors. (3)fallDesign of decorative arts as an expression of cultural influences and as an extension of interior spaces. Prerequisite: INT 311 or instructor approval. General Studies: HUINT 413 History of Textiles in Interior Design. (3)springCultural and historical expression of textiles as related to interiors. Possible field trips. Prerequisite: INT 412 or instructor approval.INT 422 Facilities Planning and Management I. (3)fallFacility management process in large-scale organizations. Planning, long-range forecasting, and productivity. Project management meth-odologies using micro-based software programs. Prerequisite: senior standing.INT 423 Facilities Planning and Management II. (3)springFormation of facilities policies, procedures, and standards. Facilities database, space allocations, and management process. Evaluation of programming criteria. Prerequisites: INT 422; senior standing.INT 442 Specifications and Documents for Interiors. (3)fallContract specifications, documents, schedules, and bidding proce-dures for interior design. Prerequisites: INT 341, 365. General Studies: LINT 446 Furniture Design and Production. (3)fallDesign, construction, cost estimating, and installation in interior furni-ture and millwork. 1 hour lecture, 4 hours studio.INT 455 Environmental Control Systems. (3)springSurvey of environmental control systems and their application in the design of building interiors. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisites: MAT 117, 170; PHY 111, 113; junior standing.


INT 457 Acoustics for Interior Design. (3)fallPhysical properties of sound. Studies pertaining to sound-absorbing materials, constructions, and room acoustics. Prerequisites: MAT 170; PHY 111, 113.INT 458 Lighting for Interior Design. (3)springLight as an aspect of interior design. Evaluation of light sources for distribution, color, and cost.INT 464 Interior Design Studio III. (5)fallStudio problems in interior design related to commercial spaces. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisites: DSC 484; INT 365.INT 465 Interior Design Studio IV. (5)springStudio problems in interior design related to health and educational facilities. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: INT 464.INT 466 Interior Design Studio V. (5)fallAdvanced interior design problem solving, design theory, and criti-cism. Thesis project development based upon the major’s concentra-tion. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: school approval.INT 467 Interior Design Studio VI. (5)springAdvanced series of specialized projects or continuation of thesis project based upon the major’s concentration. 10 hours studio. Fee. Prerequisite: school approval.INT 472 Professional Practice for Interior Design. (3)springBusiness procedures, project control, fee structures, and professional product liabilities.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

School of Planning and Landscape Architecture


AED 158A

Professors: Kihl, Lai, Mushkatel, Pijawka

Associate Professors: Cameron, Cook, Guhathakurta, Kim, McSherry, Yabes

Assistant Professors: Crewe, Ewan, Fish Ewan, Larsen, Musacchio

Faculty Associates: Abele, Cafarella, Dollin, Fry, Gammage, Holway


The faculty in the School of Planning and Landscape Architecture offer curricula that provide an education for careers in environmental planning, housing and urban development, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, and urban design. The goal of the faculty is to advance the professions of planning and landscape architec-ture through scholarship, teaching, research, and commu-nity service.

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

Planners and landscape architects work on projects that range in scale from site and landscape development to the design of entire communities and the formulation of poli-cies that shape urban and regional growth. Planning and landscape architecture graduates work for private firms and government agencies. Their work typically involves fields such as land-use planning, housing, natural resource man-agement, urban transportation, development controls, and environmental impact assessment.


The programs are organized by the faculty of the school under the direction and administration of the program coor-dinators and the school director.


The faculty in the School of Planning and Landscape Architecture offer the Bachelor of Science in Planning degree in Urban Planning, Bachelor of Science in Land-scape Architecture degree, and Bachelor of Science in Design degree in Housing and Urban Development.

Bachelor of Science in Planning (B.S.P.)The B.S.P. degree prepares students for careers in urban

planning. Students take courses that include comprehensive planning, socioeconomic and environmental analysis, com-puter and analytical methods, planning law, site planning, landscape architecture, urban design, and public-policy for-mulation and administration. An internship or an approved elective is required between the third and fourth years. Many students continue to specialize in planning at the graduate level. Students in planning are exposed to the theo-ries, methods, and practices of the profession of planning.

Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (B.S.L.A.)

The B.S.L.A. prepares students to be professional land-scape architects. Students explore the reasons for and the techniques involved in the analysis, planning, and design of the environment, both natural and built. The B.S.L.A. is an accredited program.

Bachelor of Science in Design (B.S.D.)A B.S.D. degree with a major in Housing and Urban

Development (HUD) educates and trains professionals to lead in the production of high-quality affordable housing, in the development of creatively designed and soundly planned neighborhoods and communities, in the revitalization of communities, and in the exemplification of social inclusive-ness and environmental sensitivity in responsible land development. HUD graduates may pursue careers in the pri-vate home development industry, in publicly sponsored housing and community redevelopment, with nonprofit housing agencies, or in postgraduate housing and urban development research and education. The B.S.D. degree with a major in Housing and Urban Development is offered in conjunction with the College of Extended Education.




Landscape StudiesThe minor in Landscape Studies is designed for students

who have an interest in landscape aesthetics, but are pursu-ing a major in another field. The course selection is intended to provide greater understanding of landscape issues that may be relevant in related professional disciplines and to broaden knowledge about the landscape in which we live.

Students must complete a minimum of 18 semester hours from the following list of courses. Students may petition to have other PLA special topics courses considered as part of the 18 semester hours required.

The minor is open to students of all majors. Students must however, have an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher and achieve a minimum 3.00 GPA in minor classes to be awarded the minor. Students seeking admission to the minor in Landscape Studies must submit a minor verification form to the landscape architecture coordinator in the School of Planning and Landscape Architecture.

Urban PlanningThe minor in Urban Planning is designed for students

who are interested in the field but who wish to pursue other majors. The course selection is designed to provide an over-view of the field and offer information of broad appeal.

All students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours from the following courses:

The minor is automatically open to students from the fol-lowing majors: Architectural Studies, Civil Engineering, Environmental Resources, Geography, Housing and Urban Development, Landscape Architecture, and Real Estate. Students pursuing other majors will be considered on an individual basis. To pursue a minor in Urban Planning, stu-

PLA 101 Landscape and Society HU, G .......................................3PLA 310 History of Landscape Architecture ................................3PLA 311 Contemporary Landscape Architecture..........................3PLA 410 Social Factors in Landscape and Urban Planning..........3PLA 411 Landscape Architecture Theory and Criticism L ...........3PLA 412 Landscape Ecology and Planning ..................................3PLA 413 Southwest Landscape Interpretation ..............................3PLA 420 Theory of Urban Design HU..........................................3PLA 485 International Field Studies in Landscape

Architecture G................................................................6

PUP 200 The Planned Environment HU, H ..................................3PUP 301 Introduction to Urban Planning L* ................................3PUP 412 History of the City H......................................................3PUP 420 Theory of Urban Design HU..........................................3PUP 425 Urban Housing Analysis ................................................3PUP 430 Transportation Planning and the Environment ..............3PUP 432 Planning and Development Control Law.......................3PUP 433 Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations, and

Building Codes ..............................................................3PUP 442 Environmental Planning.................................................3PUP 444 Preservation Planning ....................................................3PUP 475 Environmental Impact Assessment ................................3PUP 494 Special Topics ................................................................3PUP 510 Citizen Participation.......................................................3

* PUP 301 Introduction to Urban Planning is required. Landscape Architecture students must choose another class with an advi-sor’s approval since PUP 301 is already required for the B.S.L.A.


dents must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00. These students must submit a letter of application to the School of Planning and Landscape Architecture seeking approval to enter the minor program.


The faculty in the School of Planning and Landscape Architecture offer concentrations in landscape ecological planning, urban and regional development, and urban design under the Master of Environmental Planning (M.E.P.) degree and a collegewide, interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree in Environmental Design and Planning with concen-trations in design; history, theory, and criticism; and plan-ning. For more information, see the Graduate Catalog.


Lower-Division Program. New and transfer students who have been admitted to the university and who have selected a program in the School of Planning and Landscape Archi-tecture are admitted to the lower-division program. Transfer credits for the lower-division program are reviewed by the college and evaluated for applicability to this curriculum. To be applicable, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering. A review of samples of work is required for studio classes. See a college academic advisor for an appointment.

Completion of lower-division requirements does not ensure acceptance to the upper-division professional pro-gram. Admission to the upper division is competitive and limited to the space available. Admission requires formal application and acceptance.

Upper-Division Program. Admission to the upper-division programs of the School of Planning and Landscape Archi-tecture is limited to applicants who have completed the lower-division program requirements and who are deter-mined by the admissions committee to have the best poten-tial for academic success. Spaces in the program are limited by available facilities, faculty, and qualified applicants. A minimum lower-division program GPA of 3.00 may be required. See “Application to Upper-Division Programs,” on this page.

Students not admitted to upper-division programs are not dismissed from the university and may reapply later or may transfer to other programs. Students who plan to reapply should meet with a college academic advisor.


Upper-Division Application Procedures. Students should write to a college academic advisor for the application form well in advance of the application deadline. For more infor-mation on portfolios, ask for a copy of the portfolio guide-lines from a college academic advisor.

Landscape Architecture students in good standing who will complete all required lower-division courses by the end of the fall semester of their sophomore year may apply for admission to the upper-division in November of their sopho-more year. Urban Planning and Housing, and Urban Devel-opment students in good standing who will complete all required lower-division courses by the end of the spring


semester of their sophomore year may apply for admission to the upper-division in April of their sophomore year.

Upper-Division Application Deadlines. November 15, 2002. Landscape Architecture portfolio and application doc-uments are due in the school office by 5 P.M.December 16, 2002. Acceptance notices are mailed to Landscape Architecture students no later than December 16.January 3, 2003. Landscape Architecture students must submit transcripts of non-ASU course work if their spring semester includes course work taken at another institution. These transcripts may be unofficial copies.April 15, 2003. Urban Planning, and Housing and Urban Development portfolio and application documents due in the school office by 5 P.M.June 3, 2003. Urban Planning, and Housing and Urban Development students must submit transcripts of non-ASU course work if their spring semester includes course work taken at another institution. These transcripts may be unoffi-cial copies.Official Transcripts. A second set of official transcripts must be sent to the university’s Office of the Registrar. An appli-cation is not complete until the university receives official transcripts for transfer course work.July 1, 2003. Acceptance notices are mailed no later than July 1.Return of Letter of Acceptance. A signed receipt of accep-tance of admission must be received by the school by the date indicated on the Notice of Acceptance. Alternates may be accepted at a later date if space becomes available.Matriculation. An accepted student is expected to begin his or her upper-division professional program at the beginning of the immediate fall term. There is no spring admission to the upper division.

Portfolio Format Requirements. Each applicant is respon-sible for obtaining the following documents and including them in a presentation binder (portfolio) with plastic sleeves (8.5" x 11" format only) and a label, with the student’s name, affixed to the outside:

1. evidence of graphic and design work shown in 35 mm slides or 3" x 5" or other appropriately sized photographs (20 maximum);

2. a statement of intent describing the applicant’s spe-cific background and interest in the major;

3. latest college-level transcript(s) (no high school transcripts are required);

4. one example of written work (e.g., a class paper); and

5. samples of individual work; team work can be included, but the contribution of the candidate must be clarified.

Students are also strongly encouraged to submit evidence of other endeavors related to the major. The applicant’s GPA based on required courses and cumulative GPA is evaluated. Housing and Urban Development students completing the Phoenix Community College (PCC) articulation program

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

with the B.S.D.-HUD program should submit similar mate-rial from PCC.

Students should obtain a portfolio requirements adden-dum for their major from the college’s Academic Advising Office, ARCH 141, at the beginning of the academic year in which they intend to apply to the upper-division program. Requirements or instructions indicated in the addendum for that academic year take precedence over any other printed material.

Return of Portfolios. Application documents remain the property of the School of Planning and Landscape Architecture. However, the remainder of the portfolio is returned after the admissions review, provided the applicant encloses a self-addressed return mailer with sufficient prepaid postage. Portfolios may be claimed in person after the letter of response is submitted. If the applicant provides written permission, another person may claim the portfolio. After one year, unclaimed portfolios are discarded. While care is taken in handling the portfolios, no liability for lost or damaged materials is assumed by the college or school.


Advising for the lower-division curriculum is provided through a college academic advisor. Advising for the upper-division curriculum is provided by the school director and faculty advisors.


Urban Planning

The Bachelor of Science in Planning degree requires a total of 120 semester hours.

General Studies Requirement. The following curriculum includes sufficient approved course work to fulfill the Gen-eral Studies requirement. See “General Studies,” page 83, for requirements and a list of approved courses. Note that all three General Studies awareness areas are required. Consult your advisor for an approved list of courses.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements, students must meet all university graduation and college degree requirements. See “Univer-sity Graduation Requirements,” page 79, and “College Degree Requirements,” page 124.

Preprofessional program courses ...................................................61Professional program courses core ................................................56Internship .........................................................................................3___Total .............................................................................................120



The first round of admission to the upper-division takes place after the fall semester of the second year. The second round, if needed, takes place after the spring semester.

Bachelor of Science in Planning,Major in Urban Planning

Preprofessional Program Requirements1

First Year

FallENG 101 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3) if qualified

MAT 117 College Algebra MA.......................................................3or approved more advanced MA elective (3)

PUP 100 Introduction to Environmental Design HU, G, H ..........3PUP 161 Graphic Communication2 ..............................................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringENG 102 First-Year Composition..................................................3

HU elective if ENG 105 is taken (3)Elective.............................................................................................3C elective..........................................................................................3SB elective .......................................................................................3SQ or SG elective.............................................................................4__Total ...............................................................................................16

Second Year

FallPLA 101 Landscape and Society HU, G .......................................3

or any HU or SB electivePUP 261 Urban Planning I2 ..........................................................4PUP 301 Introduction to Urban Planning L ..................................3PUP 322 Computers in Planning...................................................3HU elective ......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16

SpringPUP 262 Urban Planning II2 .........................................................4PUP 363 History of Planning ........................................................3Approved statistics or quantitative reasoning elective .....................3Natural science elective with laboratory..........................................4__Total ...............................................................................................14Preprofessional program total ........................................................61

1 Transfer credits are reviewed by the college and evaluated as applicable to this curriculum. To be applicable, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering.

2 Portfolio review is required for transfer studio work. See a col-lege academic advisor for an appointment.

Bachelor of Science in Planning,Major in Urban Planning

Professional Program Requirements

Third Year

FallPUP 361 Urban Planning III .........................................................4PUP 424 Planning Methods ..........................................................4PUP 452 Ethics and Theory in Planning L....................................3Elective.............................................................................................3__Minimum total ...............................................................................14


Landscape ArchitectureThe Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture

degree requires a total of 120 semester hours.

General Studies Requirement. The following curriculum includes sufficient approved course work to fulfill the Gen-eral Studies requirement. See “General Studies,” page 83, for requirements and a list of approved courses. Note that all three General Studies awareness areas are required. Consult your advisor for an approved list of courses.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements, students must meet all university graduation and college degree requirements. See “Univer-sity Graduation Requirements,” page 79, and “College Degree Requirements,” page 124.

SpringPUP 362 Urban Planning IV .........................................................4PUP 436 City Structure and Planning ...........................................3PUP 510 Citizen Participation.......................................................3Approved program elective*............................................................3SB elective .......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16

SummerPUP 484 Internship or Study Abroad (use elective credit) ...........3

or approved elective (3) _Total .................................................................................................3

Fourth Year

FallPUP 432 Planning and Development Control Law.......................3PUP 442 Environmental Planning.................................................3PUP 461 Urban Planning V...........................................................4Approved program elective*............................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................13

SpringPUP 420 Theory of Urban Design HU..........................................3PUP 434 Urban Land Economics..................................................3

or approved program elective* (3)PUP 462 Urban Planning VI .........................................................4Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................13Professional program total .............................................................59B.S.P. minimum total ...................................................................120

* Select a minimum of nine semester hours from approved SPLA elective list.

Preprofessional program courses ...................................................47Professional program courses ........................................................73___Total .............................................................................................120

Bachelor of Science in Landscape ArchitecturePreprofessional Requirements1

First Year

FallENG 101 First-Year Composition..................................................3

or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3)PLA 101 Landscape and Society HU, G .......................................3PLA 161 Graphic Communication2 ..............................................3PUP 100 Introduction to Environmental Design HU, G, H ..........3


Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringADE 120 Design Fundamentals I2 .................................................3ARS 102 Art of the Western World II HU, H ................................3ENG 102 First-Year Composition..................................................3GPH 111 Introduction to Physical Geography SQ ........................4MAT 117 College Algebra MA.......................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16

Second Year

FallPLA 240 Landscape Survey Techniques .......................................3PLA 261 Landscape Architecture I2 ..............................................4PLA 310 History of Landscape Architecture H ............................3PLA 494 ST: Plant Materials.........................................................3PUP 301 Introduction to Urban Planning L ..................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16Preprofessional program total ........................................................47

1 Transfer credits are reviewed by the college and evaluated as applicable to this curriculum. To be applicable, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering.

2 Portfolio review is required for transfer studio work. See a col-lege academic advisor for an appointment.

Bachelor of Science in Landscape ArchitectureProfessional Program Requirements

Second Year

SpringPLA 222 Computers in Landscape Architecture CS .....................3PLA 242 Landscape Construction I ..............................................4PLA 262 Landscape Architecture II ..............................................4SQ or SG elective with laboratory ...................................................4__Total ...............................................................................................15

Third Year

FallPLA 311 Contemporary Landscape Architecture..........................3PLA 344 Landscape Construction II .............................................4PLA 361 Landscape Architecture III.............................................4C elective..........................................................................................3SB elective .......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................17

SpringPLA 345 Professional Practice Seminar........................................1PLA 362 Landscape Architecture IV ............................................4PLA 363 Landscape Planting Design............................................4PUP 420 Theory of Urban Design HU..........................................3Elective.............................................................................................3 __Minimum total ...............................................................................15

SummerPLA 484 Internship (optional).......................................................3

or PLA 485 International Field Studies in Planning and Landscape Architecture (6) (optional)*

Fourth Year

FallPLA 410 Social Factors in Landscape and Urban Planning..........3PLA 461 Landscape Architecture V..............................................4PUP 432 Planning and Development Control Law.......................3

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe Bachelor of Science in Design degree in Housing

and Urban Development requires a total of 120 semester hours.

General Studies RequirementsThe following curriculum includes sufficient approved

course work to fulfill the General Studies requirement. See “General Studies,” page 83, for requirements and a list of approved courses. Note that all three General Studies aware-ness areas are required. Consult your advisor for an approved list of courses.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling college and major requirements, students must meet all university graduation and college degree requirements. See “Univer-sity Graduation Requirements,” page 79, and “College Degree Requirements,” page 124.

Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................13

SpringPLA 411 Landscape Architecture Theory and Criticism L ...........3PLA 462 Landscape Architecture VI.............................................4Electives ...........................................................................................6__Total ...............................................................................................13Professional program total .............................................................73B.S.L.A. minimum total...............................................................120

* PLA 484 or 485 would be used as an elective in the fourth year.

Preprofessional program courses ...................................................61Professional program courses core ................................................59___Total .............................................................................................120

Bachelor of Science in Design,Major in Housing and Urban Development

Preprofessional Program Requirements1

First Year

FallENG 101 First-Year Composition..................................................3HUD 161 Graphic Communication................................................3MAT 117 College Algebra MA.......................................................3

or MAT 170 Precalculus MA (3)or MAT 210 Brief Calculus MA (3)

Elective.............................................................................................3SB elective .......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................15

SpringENG 102 First-Year Composition..................................................3HUD 201 Introduction to Housing and Urban Development .........3HU, H elective..................................................................................3Natural science elective with laboratory SQ ....................................4SB elective .......................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16



CAED History Courses. These CAED history courses also fulfill HU. See the course listings for prerequisites.

Second Year

FallAPH 200 Introduction to Architecture HU, G ...............................3

or any CAED history course listed below (3)2

CON 252 Building Construction Methods, Materials, and Equipment ......................................................................3

PLA 261 Landscape Architecture I ...............................................4or PUP 261 Urban Planning I (4)

C elective..........................................................................................3CS statistics elective.........................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................16

SpringACC 230 Uses of Accounting Information I..................................3CON 294 ST: Working Drawings and Specifications Analysis......1L elective..........................................................................................3Natural science elective with laboratory SQ or SG .........................4Upper-division HU elective .............................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14Preprofessional program total ........................................................61

1 Transfer credits are reviewed by the college and evaluated as admissible to this curriculum. To be admissible, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering.

2 See “CAED History Courses,” on this page. If the selected course does not also satisfy the G requirement, the student must select a course that does satisfy the G requirement either as an elective, or in conjunction with another General Studies course.

APH 300 World Architecture I/Western Cultures HU, G, H .........3APH 305 Contemporary Architecture HU .....................................3APH 313 History of Western Architecture I L/HU/G ....................3APH 446 20th-Century Architecture I HU ....................................3DSC 101 Design Awareness HU, G...............................................3GRA 318 History of Graphic Design HU ......................................3IND 316 20th-Century Design I HU, H ........................................3INT 223 Interior Design Issues and Theories HU ........................3INT 310 History of Interior Design I HU, H ................................3INT 311 History of Interior Design II HU, H...............................3INT 412 History of Decorative Arts in Interiors HU....................3PUP 200 The Planned Environment HU, H ..................................3PUP 420 Theory of Urban Design HU..........................................3

Bachelor of Science in Design,Major in Housing and Urban Development

Professional Program Requirements

Third Year

FallCON 383 Construction Estimating.................................................3HUD 301 Housing and Community Design and Development......3HUD 361 Housing and Urban Development Studio I:

Residential Design and Development ............................2HUD 363 Housing and Urban Development Seminar I:

Residential Design and Development ............................3Any REA course ..............................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringCON 389 Construction Cost Accounting and Control CS .............3HUD 302 Housing Production Process ..........................................3HUD 362 Housing and Urban Development Studio II:

Community Design and Development ...........................2



For more information, contact a college academic advi-sor:




See the Graduate Catalog for EPD courses.

HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD)HUD 161 Graphic Communication. (3)fallDevelops drawing skills and understanding of the graphic communica-tion systems used by planning, homebuilding, and landscape architec-ture professions. Studio. Cross-listed as PLA 161/PUP 161. Credit is allowed for only HUD 161 or PLA 161 or PUP 161.HUD 201 Introduction to Housing and Urban Development. (3)springPerspectives and issues concerning HUD. Guest lectures by interdis-ciplinary faculty and private, public, and nonprofit practitioners.HUD 301 Housing and Community Design and Development. (3)fallSingle- and multi-family housing, residential neighborhoods, and planned communities. Affordability in owner-occupied and rental housing. First-time, move-up, and adult markets.

HUD 364 Housing and Urban Development Seminar II: Community Design and Development ...........................3

HUD 403 Advanced Topics in Housing and Urban Development ..................................................................3

Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................17

Fourth Year

FallCON 495 Construction Planning and Scheduling CS ....................3HUD 401 Assisted Housing ...........................................................3HUD 461 Housing and Urban Development Studio III:

Comprehensive Housing Development Process ............2HUD 463 Housing and Urban Development Seminar III:

Comprehensive Housing Development Process ............3PUP 452 Ethics and Theory in Planning L....................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14

SpringHUD 402 Community Revitalization: Problems and Strategies ....3HUD 462 Housing and Urban Development Studio IV:

Neighborhood Revitalization Process............................2HUD 464 Housing and Urban Development Seminar IV:

Neighborhood Revitalization Process............................3PUP 433 Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations,

and Building Codes........................................................3or PUP 432 Planning and Development Control Law (3)

Elective.............................................................................................3__Total ...............................................................................................14Professional program total .............................................................59B.S.D.-HUD minimum total ........................................................120


HUD 302 Housing Production Process. (3)springDevelopment feasibility analysis, finance, contracts, land acquisition, community and permit presentation and negotiation, scheduling, cost control, marketing, and sales.HUD 361 Housing and Urban Development Studio I: Residential Design and Development. (2)fallAffordable residential design, development, and production process. Studio. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 301, 363; upper-division HUD major.HUD 362 Housing and Urban Development Studio II: Community Design and Development. (2)springNeighborhood and new community design and development process. Studio. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 301, 361, 363, 364; upper-division HUD major.HUD 363 Housing and Urban Development Seminar I: Residential Design and Development. (3)fallAffordable residential design, development, and production process. Seminar. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 301, 361; upper-division HUD major.HUD 364 Housing and Urban Development Seminar II: Commu-nity Design and Development. (3)springNeighborhood and new community design and development process. Seminar. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 301, 361, 362, 363; upper-division HUD major.HUD 401 Assisted Housing. (3)fallPublicly subsidized and nonprofit housing. Policy, implementation, and administration. FHA, Section 8, FmHA, projects and scatter site, and tax considerations.HUD 402 Community Revitalization: Problems and Strategies. (3)springPublic policy and strategies for neighborhood revitalization and com-munity renewal. Preservation and adaptive reuse, gentrification, neighborhood safety, and related socioeconomic concerns.HUD 403 Advanced Topics in Housing and Urban Development. (3)fall and springVarying topics, such as manufactured housing, homelessness, mort-gage and finance in housing, housing abroad, marketing housing, and sustainable community development.HUD 461 Housing and Urban Development Studio III: Compre-hensive Housing Development Process. (2)fallComprehensive development process simulation. Feasibility analysis, finance, design, community and permit presentation, construction, cost management, and marketing. Studio. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 302, 463; upper-division HUD major.HUD 462 Housing and Urban Development Studio IV: Neighbor-hood Revitalization Process. (2)springHousing rehabilitation, neighborhood revitalization, and urban infill. CDBG, empowerment-enterprise zoning, code enforcement, citizen participation, etc. Studio. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 401, 402, 464; upper-division HUD major.HUD 463 Housing and Urban Development Seminar III: Compre-hensive Housing Development Process. (3)fallComprehensive development process simulation. Feasibility analysis, finance, design, community and permit presentation, construction and cost management, and marketing. Seminar. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 302, 461; upper-division HUD major.HUD 464 Housing and Urban Development Seminar IV: Neighbor-hood Revitalization Process. (3)springHousing rehabilitation, neighborhood revitalization, and urban infill. CDBG, empowerment-enterprise zoning, code enforcement, citizen participation, etc. Seminar. Pre- or corequisites: HUD 401, 402, 462; upper-division HUD major.

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

HUD 484 Internship. (1)summer

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (PLA)PLA 101 Landscape and Society. (3)fallExamines interrelationship between society and the landscape with emphasis on human involvement in shaping the landscape. General Studies: HU, GPLA 161 Graphic Communication. (3)fallDevelops drawing skills and understanding of the graphic communica-tion systems used by planning, homebuilding, and landscape architec-ture professions. Studio. Cross-listed as HUD 161/PUP 161. Credit is allowed for only HUD 161 or PLA 161 or PUP 161.PLA 222 Computers in Landscape Architecture. (3)springComputer applications in landscape architecture including CAD, GIS, graphics, and visualization. Lab. General Studies: CSPLA 240 Landscape Survey Techniques. (3)fallDevelops landscape survey skills including aerial photography, satel-lite images, geo-referencing, landscape surveys, and field data collec-tion. Lecture, lab.PLA 242 Landscape Construction I. (4)springLandscape constructions focusing on landform transformations. Top-ics include landform analysis, grading, and earthwork. Studio. Prereq-uisite: admission to professional program.PLA 261 Landscape Architecture I. (4)fallLandscape communication: communication techniques for urban plan-ning and landscape architecture. Credit is allowed for only PLA 261 or PUP 261. Studio. Prerequisites: ADE 120; GPH 111.PLA 262 Landscape Architecture II. (4)springReading the landscape: observing, experiencing, and graphically expressing the symbolic and aesthetic significance of natural land-scapes. Prerequisites: ADE 120; PLA 261; admission to professional program.PLA 310 History of Landscape Architecture. (3)fallPhysical record of human attitudes toward the land. Ancient through contemporary landscape planning and design. Cross-listed as APH 411. Credit is allowed for only APH 411 or PLA 310. General Studies: HPLA 311 Contemporary Landscape Architecture. (3)fallExplores concerns, projects, and movements in landscape architec-ture of late 20th-century understanding; social, ecological, regional, and historical influences.PLA 344 Landscape Construction II. (4)fallCharacteristics of materials and methods used in landscape architec-tural construction. Studio. Prerequisite: PLA 242 or instructor approval.PLA 345 Professional Practice Seminar. (1)springLandscape architecture practice including contracts, project and office management, liability, licensing, and professional development.



PLA 361 Landscape Architecture III. (4)fallSite planning: analysis of natural and cultural features; site systems and implications for plan making and design. Studio. Fee. Prerequi-site: admission to professional program.PLA 362 Landscape Architecture IV. (4)springSite design: site-specific design of configured space by the creative development of form. Studio. Fee. Prerequisite: admission to profes-sional program.PLA 363 Landscape Planting Design. (4)springFunctional and aesthetic use of plants in arid-region landscape design. Explores design philosophies through planting design prob-lems. Studio. Prerequisite: admission to professional program.PLA 410 Social Factors in Landscape and Urban Planning. (3)fallExamines the influence of social factors in landscape architecture and urban planning.PLA 411 Landscape Architecture Theory and Criticism. (3)springCritically analyzes landscape architecture theories and projects to evaluate validity of design and contribution to society. Prerequisites: PLA 310, 361, 362, 420, 461. General Studies: LPLA 412 Landscape Ecology and Planning. (3)selected semestersReviews the evolution of landscape ecology and landscape planning and examines use and value.PLA 413 Southwest Landscape Interpretation. (3)selected semestersExplores methods and implications of landscape interpretation within the American Southwest.PLA 420 Theory of Urban Design. (3)springAnalyzes the visual and cultural aspects of urban design. Theories and techniques applied to selected study models. Prerequisite: junior standing. General Studies: HUPLA 446 Landscape Construction III. (3)springLandscape construction focusing on low-technology, biotechnical, regional, and experimental techniques or systems. Lecture, studio.PLA 461 Landscape Architecture V. (4)fallLandscape ecological planning: collection and application of ecologi-cal data relevant to planning and design at landscape scale. Studio. Fee. Prerequisite: PLA 362.PLA 462 Landscape Architecture VI. (4)springAdvanced landscape architecture: integrative capstone studio with multifaceted design problems. Fee. Prerequisite: PLA 461.PLA 484 Internship. (3)fall, spring, summer session 1Full-time internship under the supervision of practitioners in the Phoe-nix area or other locales. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: school major or instructor approval.PLA 485 International Field Studies in Planning and Landscape Architecture. (1–12)fall, spring, summerOrganized field study of planning and landscape architecture in speci-fied international locations. May be repeated for credit with school approval. Study abroad. Cross-listed as PUP 485. Credit is allowed for only PLA 485 or PUP 485. General Studies: GPLA 494 Special Topics. (1–4)fall and springTopics may include the following:• Plant Materials. (3)


PLA 498 Pro-Seminar. (1–7)springTopics may include the following:• Professional Senior Seminar. (1)

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING (PUP)PUP 100 Introduction to Environmental Design. (3)fall and springSurvey of environmental design: includes historic examples and the theoretical, social, technical, and environmental forces that shape them. Cross-listed as APH 100/DSC 100. Credit is allowed for only APH 100 or DSC 100 or PUP 100. General Studies: HU, G, HPUP 161 Graphic Communication. (3)fallDevelops drawing skills and understanding of the graphic communica-tion systems used by planning, home building, and landscape archi-tecture professions. Studio. Cross-listed as HUD 161/PLA 161. Credit is allowed for only HUD 161 or PLA 161 or PUP 161.PUP 200 The Planned Environment. (3)fallEnvironmental, aesthetic, social, economic, political, and other factors influencing urban development. General Studies: HU, HPUP 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling. (3)fall and springFundamentals of computer operation, geographic information sys-tems, geometric modeling of three-dimensional forms and rendering of light, mathematical modeling of processes using spreadsheets. Lab. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environ-mental Design. General Studies: CSPUP 261 Urban Planning I. (4)fallPlanning communication: communication techniques for urban plan-ning and landscape architecture communication. Credit is allowed only for PUP 261 or PLA 261. Prerequisite: PUP 161 (or its equiva-lent).PUP 262 Urban Planning II. (4)springReading the landscape: observing, experiencing, and graphically expressing the symbolic and aesthetic significance of natural land-scapes. Studio. Prerequisite: PUP 261.PUP 301 Introduction to Urban Planning. (3)fall, spring, summerTheoretical and practical aspects of city planning. Interrelationships among physical planning, environment, government, and society. General Studies: LPUP 322 Computers in Planning. (3)fallPlanning methods using Geographic Information Systems, database, spreadsheet, image manipulation, and desktop publishing computer software packages. Lecture, lab.PUP 361 Urban Planning III. (4)fallSite planning: analysis of natural and cultural features; site systems and implications for plan making and design. Studio. Fee. Prerequi-site: school major or instructor approval.PUP 362 Urban Planning IV. (4)springNeighborhood planning: local community plan making; urban develop-ment and neighborhood improvement. Studio. Fee. Prerequisite: PUP 361 or instructor approval.PUP 363 History of Planning. (3)springHistorical overview of western urban and regional planning and plan-ning theory, focusing on the 19th and 20th centuries.


PUP 412 History of the City. (3)fallThe city from its ancient origins to the present day. Emphasizes Euro-pean and American cities during the last five centuries. Cross-listed as APH 414. Credit is allowed for only APH 414 or PUP 412. General Studies: HPUP 420 Theory of Urban Design. (3)springAnalyzes the visual and cultural aspects of urban design. Theories and techniques applied to selected study models. Prerequisite: junior standing. General Studies: HUPUP 424 Planning Methods. (4)fallTools useful for urban planning research; emphasizes research design and survey methods. Studio. Prerequisite: PUP 301 or instructor approval.PUP 425 Urban Housing Analysis. (3)fallNature, dimensions, and problems of urban housing, government pol-icy environment, and underlying economics of the housing market.PUP 430 Transportation Planning and the Environment. (3)springOverview of transportation planning from the perspective of land use planning, economic development, environmental planning, and social needs. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: junior standing or instructor approval.PUP 432 Planning and Development Control Law. (3)fallCase studies on police power, eminent domain, zoning, subdivision controls, exclusion, preservation, urban redevelopment, and aesthetic and design regulation. Prerequisite: admission to upper division or Construction major or instructor approval.PUP 433 Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations, and Build-ing Codes. (3)springAnalyzes zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, and other planning implementation techniques relative to local devel-opment. Prerequisite: admission to upper division or instructor approval.PUP 434 Urban Land Economics. (3)springInteraction between space and economic behavior. Examines the use and value of land through economic theories. Prerequisite: admission to upper division or instructor approval.PUP 436 City Structure and Planning. (3)springPolitical structure and organization of government as it relates to plan-ning. Prerequisite: PUP 301.PUP 442 Environmental Planning. (3)fallEnvironmental planning problems, including floodplains, water quality and quantity, solid and hazardous waste, air quality, landslides, and noise. Field trips. Prerequisite: PUP 301 or instructor approval.PUP 444 Preservation Planning. (3)springHistory, theory, and principles of historic preservation. Emphasizes legal framework and methods practiced. Lecture, off-campus field study. Prerequisite: instructor approval.PUP 445 Women and Environments. (3)fallExamines the role women play in shaping the built environment; ways built/natural forms affect women’s lives. Focuses on contemporary U.S. examples. Prerequisite: admission to upper division or graduate standing. General Studies: CPUP 452 Ethics and Theory in Planning. (3)fallEthics and theory of professional planning practice in urban and regional communities. Prerequisite: admission to upper division or instructor approval. General Studies: L

L literacy and critical inquiry / MA mathematics / CS computer/statistics/quantitative applications / HU humanities and fine arts / SB social andbehavioral sciences / SG natural science—general core courses / SQ naturalscience—quantitative / C cultural diversity in the United States / G global /H historical / See “General Studies,” page 83.

PUP 461 Urban Planning V. (4)fallComprehensive planning: collection and analysis of economic, social, and environmental data relevant to urban planning; development of land-use plans. Studio. Fee. Prerequisite: PLA 362 or PUP 362 or instructor approval.PUP 462 Urban Planning VI. (4)springCapstone studio: project focusing on synthesis aspects of plan mak-ing. Studio. Fee. Prerequisite: PUP 461 or instructor approval.PUP 475 Environmental Impact Assessment. (3)springCriteria and methods for compliance with environmental laws; devel-opment of skills and techniques needed to prepare environmental impact statements/assessments.PUP 484 Internship. (1–12)fall, spring, summer session 1Full-time internship under the supervision of practitioners in the Phoe-nix area or other locale. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: school major or instructor approval.PUP 485 International Field Studies in Planning and Landscape Architecture. (1–12)fall, spring, summerOrganized field study of planning and landscape architecture in speci-fied international locations. May be repeated for credit with school approval. Study abroad. Cross-listed as PLA 485. Credit is allowed for only PLA 485 or PUP 485. General Studies: GPUP 494 Special Topics. (1–4)fall and springTopics may include the following:• Environmental Planning Economics. (3)PUP 498 Pro-Seminar. (1–7)fallTopics may include the following:• Senior Pro-Seminar. (1)PUP 501 The Idea of Planning. (3)fallComprehensive review of planning profession within a political, gov-ernmental, multicultural, and gender framework.PUP 510 Citizen Participation. (3)springTheory and practice of citizen participation in planning. Examines and critiques participation techniques and roles of planners. Prerequisite: instructor approval.PUP 520 Planning Theories and Processes. (3)fallReviews past and current theoretical developments related to social change perspectives, the role and ethics of planners. Prerequisite: instructor approval.PUP 524 Planning Methods I: Planning Research Methods. (3)fallTools useful for urban planning research; emphasizes research design and survey methods. Pre- or corequisite: PUP 501 or instructor approval.PUP 525 Urban Housing Analysis. (3)fallNature, dimensions, and problems of urban housing, government pol-icy environment, and underlying economics of the housing market.PUP 531 Planning and Development Control Law. (3)springCase studies on police power, eminent domain, zoning, subdivision controls, exclusion, preservation, urban redevelopment, and aesthetic and design regulation.



PUP 532 Advanced Urban Planning Law. (3)springAdvanced study on selected issues in planning law, such as urban design controls, exclusionary practices, compensable regulation, and tax policy. Prerequisite: PUP 432 or instructor approval.PUP 542 Environmental Administration and Planning. (3)springEnvironmental administration of policies and their relationship to envi-ronmental planning practices. Prerequisite: PUP 442.PUP 544 Urban Land Use Planning. (3)springTheory and methods of urban land use planning, including the rational planning process, comprehensive, functional, and neighborhood plans. Pre- or corequisite: PUP 501 or instructor approval.PUP 546 Urban Design Policy. (3)selected semestersAdvanced study of local, state, and federal urban design policy. Pre-requisite: PLA 420 or PUP 420.PUP 561 Urban Design Studio. (4)selected semestersCurrent urban form and urban landscape design problems within the Phoenix-centered region. Studio.PUP 572 Planning Studio I: Data Inventory and Analysis. (4)fallComprehensive planning workshop dealing with real community prob-lems. Focuses on the data gathering and analysis steps of the plan-ning process. Fee. Prerequisite: Master of Environmental Planning major or instructor approval.PUP 574 Planning Studio II: Options and Implementation. (4)springComprehensive planning workshop dealing with real community prob-lems. Focuses on the development of options, plan making, and plan implementation. Studio. Fee. Prerequisite: PUP 572 or instructor approval.PUP 575 Environmental Impact Assessment. (3)springCriteria and methods for compliance with environmental laws; devel-ops skills and techniques needed to prepare environmental impact statements/assessments.


PUP 576 GIS Studio. (3)springGIS as a tool to address large, multifaceted planning problems. Pre-requisites: a combination of GPH 373 (or 598) and PAF 591 and PUP 322 or only instructor approval.PUP 584 Internship. (3)fall, spring, summer session 1Internship under the supervision of practitioners in the Phoenix area or other locales. Credit/no credit. PUP 591 Seminar. (1–12)fall and springTopics may include the following:• Transportation Systems Pro-SeminarPUP 598 Special Topics. (1–4)selected semestersTopics may include the following:• Air Transportation Regulation• Airport Systems• Transportation Planning and the EnvironmentPUP 599 Thesis. (1–12)fall, spring, summer session 1Fee. PUP 622 Planning Methods II: Quantitative Planning Analysis. (3)springMethods and models used as the basic quantitative techniques of urban, regional, and environmental planning and policy analysis. Pre-requisites: PUP 524; a course in statistics; instructor approval.PUP 642 Land Economics. (3)fallLand use and locational impact of economic activity and the urban real property market. Prerequisite: instructor approval.PUP 644 Public Sector Planning. (3)springUrban fiscal problems and public goods provision in state and local governments. Prerequisites: a course in microeconomics; instructor approval.

Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of courses offered but not specifically listed in this catalog, see “Omnibus Courses,” page 56.

Sandra Mood constructs a model for an Industrial Design course. Tim Trumble photo
