Colleen Power Point Final Yess


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  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Underage Drinking

    at UNCC

    Colleen Curran

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Underage Drinking in NorthCarolina Statistics

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Approximately 351,000 youths in North

    Carolina drink each year (grades9-12) 20% Had their first drink before the age of 13(Center for Disease Control)

    38% Had at least one drink in the past 30 days(Center for Disease control)

    21% had five or more drinks in a row in the past 30 days(Center for DiseaseControl)

    5% had at least one drink on school property in the past 30 days (Centerfor Disease Control)

    In 2007 underage drinkers consumed 10.4% of all alcohol bought in NorthCarolina. These sales helped the alcohol industry profit $187 million .( Miller)

    In conclusion chances that these patterns will continue in a collegeenvironment are very likely

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    Why is under age

    drinking a Problem? People that are affected by underage drinking at UNCC

    Maintenance staff-

    must clean up after students who have made messes in the bathroom,common rooms, and elevators, whether it be they got sick, or destroyedproperty.

    must go through the process of finding replacements for all damaged and orbroken objects on campus

    most of the time it is impossible to find who did the damage somaintenance must charge the entire floor

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  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Whys is Underage Drinking aProblem?

    -Dorm mates of drinker continued

    if the drinker destroyed any property in the halls, bathrooms, orcommon rooms the entire floor will be charged for repairs.

    Under age drinking also directly affects the drinkers RAs in whichthe RA needs to stop what they are doing, whether it be school orwork or personal work in order to investigate noise complaints, andor write up citations for drinking in the residents rooms.

    In conclusion drinking takes a toll on those that are partaking, and

    not partaking in the actual action of drinking. Those around theenvironment are just as affected as those who are dong the actualactions. The grades of students who are put into a situation inwhich drinking is in their environment generally lose trackacademically because they are distracted. They also lose sleepbecause of the disturbances of alcohol, which can cause them to fallbehind in classes and lose points on their grades.

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Why In under age

    drinking a Problem?How under age drinking affects theUniversity.

    It makes the University look irresponsible/ not able to

    enforce rules on campus

    Being known as a drinking school makes the Universityget a bad reputation, which may cause it to looseincoming students

    Makes the appearance of the UNCC go down( manytimes while intoxicated students will litter/ destroyproperty/get sick) example: Sandford and Moore HallsCourtyard

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Possible Solution Number

    One Lower the drinking age

    Amethyst Initiative

    1. Chancellors and Presidents of 135 Universities across the United Stateshave come together to try to get congress to reconsider the drinking age

    2. They believe that the problem of irresponsible drinking by young peoplecontinues despite the minimum legal drinking age of 21. (AmethystInitiative Mission Statement)

    3. They want congress to weigh all the consequences of current alcohol

    policies and invite new ideas on how to best prepare young adults to makeresponsible decisions about alcohol use. ( Amethyst Initiative MissionStatement)

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Possible Solution

    Number One Cont4. Amethyst Initiative support their idea by saying, Adults under 21 aredeemed capable of voting, signing contracts, serving on juries, andenlisting in the military, but are told they are not mature enough to have abeer. (Amethyst Initiative Mission Statement)

    5. This would allow for Universities to set rules and regulations such as

    appropriate times and or places in which drinking would be allowed.

    Although what The Amethyst Initiative is setting out to do makes sense tomany, it is just not feasible. Ever since the drinking age was raised to 21people all around the country have been trying to get it dropped back downto 18, None of which have been successful. There are too many laws andregulations that need to be passed in order for this idea to be successful.

    Also it will be met with much protest by those who believe 18 year olds aretoo irresponsible to control themselves with alcohol in their system.

    ibl l i

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Possible SolutionNumber


    Create 24 hour quiet dorms

    These dorms would allow for students to be in a 24 houra day environment in which they would not be in contactwith distractions while doing school work or getting rest

    Because it will be quiet hours at all hours of the day, it

    would make it almost impossible to have drinking inthese dorms, seeing as the noise would be noticeable toall

    P ibl S l i

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Possible SolutionNumber

    Two ContWhy it wont work

    The university is already spending millions of dollars on construction projects

    around campus (EPIC - $55 million, New Football Stadium - $45 million, Phase xdorms- unknown). With more and more incoming students each year theUniversity would have to either use existing dorms and turn them into a 24hour quiet dorm, or build new ones, but either way the building of new dormswould be necessary in order to fit all students And with the current projectsalready in action, it seems unfeasible to start new projects with the schoolsbudget

    If this idea were put into place the issue of finding students who would want tobe in a 24 hour silent environment would also come into play.

    This idea would help solve the idea of drinking in this dorm only. It would nothelp campus wide with the issue of drinking, which means it would not solve

    theentire problem.

  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess


    Possible Solution

    Number ThreeHave a one and done policy inresidence halls

    If a student is caught with alcohol in their possession or if they are underthe influence they will immediately be asked to leave on campus housing

    This idea will not solve the individuals drinking problem, but it will causethe drinking to be moved off campus

    If the drinking is moved off campus then those students who are on

    campus will not have to deal with the consequences of drunk students inresidence halls

    Although this solution may seem harsh it is an efficient way to get thealcohol off of campus and to stop the distraction of innocent studentsand faculty members

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  • 8/8/2019 Colleen Power Point Final Yess

