CoffeeTable Presents at Under the Radar


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Catalog Shopping on Touch Devices

Ben ChoiCEO & Catalog Shopper

“Brad and I were on for the first time a week ago. But we got lost.

I’ll stick to catalogs.”-Angelina Jolie, 2011

$270B of purchases.

Retailers mail a lot of catalogs.

15B catalogs


In paper, postage & data

Most go in the trash.

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

& Postmaster General

- John Wanamaker,Retail entrepreneur

Multi-channel retailers pay up front and can’t measure results.



Retailers need a Catalog 2.0

Digital Audience

Catalog Analytics

How do we attract shoppers?

By making a great app that shoppers love

Retailers love us too.All 170 of them.

Chris (Chairman)

Why will we #win?We’ve done this before


Ben (CEO)
