Code of Practice on Environmental Health (COPEH) 1998


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  • 7/27/2019 Code of Practice on Environmental Health (COPEH) 1998







    1 Refuse Storage and Collection System 1

    2 Public Toilet 5

    3 Food Retail Outlet 7

    4 Food Factory 9

    5 Market 10

    6 Swimming Pool 12


    1 Layout of Bin Centre with Roll-On Roll-Off Refuse Compactor 15

    2 Provision of Sanitary Facilities 16

    3 Plumbing Details for Market 19

    4 Water Quality Standard for Swimming Pool 21

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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)


    The Code of Practice on Environmental Health (COPEH) provides theguidelines that address environmental health concerns in the design of buildings.The Code spells out the objectives that should be met and stipulates only theminimum basic design criteria. In this way, Qualified Persons (QPs: Architects orProfessional Engineers) may exercise flexibility and creativity to meet the statedrequirements. So long as the functionality of the designs can satisfy the desiredobjectives, the building plans will be deemed to have complied with the COPEH.

    Director-General of Public HealthNational Environment Agency


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)


    The Building Plan requirements for environmental health address thefollowing areas of concern:

    (a) Refuse Storage and Collection System,(b) Public Toilet,(c) Food Retail Outlet,(d) Food Factory,(e) Market and(f) Swimming Pool.


    1.1 Objectives

    The refuse storage and collection system shall be mechanised wherepossible and designed such that there will be minimum nuisance tooccupants and neighbouring premises, and no pollution to theenvironment. All facilities provided shall be adequate in size to meet theanticipated refuse output.

    1.2 Refuse Output

    (a) The refuse output for the various categories of premises shall becomputed as follows:

    Category of Premises Refuse Output (litres/day)

    Office 15 per 100 sq m gross floor area

    Hotel / dormitory 10 -ditto-

    Shop / trade premises 30 -ditto-

    Supermarket / market /

    department store

    100 -ditto-

    Restaurant / eating house /food centre / canteen

    200 -ditto-

    Residential premises 20 per dwelling premises

    Petrol station 300 per premises


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    (b) Where a proposed development has a combination of differenttypes of premises (for example, a shopping complex with offices,residential premises and a food centre), the total refuse output shall bethe sum of the outputs for each category of premises.

    1.3 Refuse Chute

    Refuse chutes shall be provided for high-rise buildings so that occupantsneed not have to bring their refuse into lifts or walk down the stairs with it.Refuse chute shall meet the following requirements:

    (a) The cross-sectional area shall be not less than 0.3 sq m.

    (b) It shall be cross-ventilated at the top with at least two openings ofnot less than 0.1 sq m each above roof level.

    (c) There shall be a system to wash and flush the whole length of thechute. The control valve for the flushing system shall be located atthe chamber level.

    1.4 Refuse Chute Chamber

    A refuse chute chamber is located at the bottom of a chute and houses abin. Refuse collected in the bin will be conveyed to a bin centre. Therefuse chute chamber shall meet the following requirements:

    (a) The chamber shall be large enough to house a refuse bin whichcan contain at least one day of refuse output from all the premisesconnected to the chute.

    (b) The walls shall be lined with glazed tiles or other imperviousmaterials.

    (c) The floor shall be recessed at least 100 mm below the apron areaand graded towards a gully connected to a sewer.

    (d) An airtight non-corrosive flap door shall be provided.

    1.5 Refuse Room


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    A refuse room is located at the bottom of a chute and houses a largecontainer or a mechanical refuse handling equipment, e.g. a dust-screw.Refuse collected in the container is conveyed directly into a refusecollection vehicle which backs up to the refuse room. The refuse room

    shall meet the following requirements:

    (a) The refuse room shall be large enough to accommodate two daysof refuse output from all the premises connected or served by thechute.

    (b) The access to the refuse room shall be such that a refusecollection vehicle can make a three-point turn to back up into theentrance of the room.

    (c) The walls shall be lined with glazed tiles or other impervious


    (d) The floor shall be graded towards a gully/floor trap connected tosewer.

    (e) A water tap shall be provided.

    1.6 Refuse Bin Centre

    A bin centre shall be provided when the amount of refuse output exceeds

    1,000 litres/day. The bin centre shall meet the following requirements:

    (a) The bin centre shall be so sited as to minimise nuisance toneighbouring premises, and be accessible to a refuse collectionvehicle, with an adequate turning area where necessary.

    (b) The bin centre shall be large enough to house the daily output ofrefuse from the proposed development.

    (c) Where the daily refuse is 4,000 litres or more, a roll-off compactorshall be provided. An example of the layout of a bin centre with a

    roll-off compactor is shown in Appendix 1.

    (d) The walls shall be lined with glazed tiles or other imperviousmaterials.

    (e) The floor shall be graded towards a gully/floor-trap connected tosewer.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    (f) A roof shall be provided.

    (g) The bin centre must be adequately ventilated but shall not haveopenings large enough to allow birds and rodents to enter into it.

    1.7 Pneumatic Refuse Conveyance System

    Where a pneumatic refuse conveyance system is adopted, whether it is avacuum station system or a vacuum truck system, the followingrequirements shall be complied with:

    (a) The ventilation, air intake and air outlet units shall be so sited as tominimise nuisance to neighbouring premises.

    (b) The refuse storage capacity shall be two days of refuse output.

    (c) Refuse collection and storage facilities shall be accessible to refusecollection vehicle, and be so sited as to minimise nuisance toneighbouring premises.

    (d) Adequate measures shall be taken to minimise noise nuisanceresulting from the operation of the system.

    (e) Adequate measures shall be provided to remove dust and smellbefore the air used for refuse conveyance is discharged into the

    atmosphere. The discharge point shall be away from theneighbouring premises.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)


    2.1 Objectives

    For a building where the general public is expected to walk in, there shall

    be adequate provision of toilets for their use. The public toilets shall bedesigned to withstand heavy usage. Ventilation is therefore important.The design shall also take into consideration ease of maintenance.

    2.2 Number of Public Toilets/Sanitary Fittings to be Provided

    The number of public toilets and sanitary fittings to be provided in abuilding where the general public is expected to walk in is given inAppendix 2. For a building where the general public is not expected towalk in, e.g. an office building, a terraced workshop, a place of worship,

    a condominium, etc., the QP is free to decide on the number of toiletsand sanitary fittings required.

    2.3 Design Criteria

    The requirements for public toilet shall be as follows:

    (a) The walls shall be lined with glazed tiles or other imperviousmaterials.

    (b) The toilet shall preferably be naturally ventilated. If mechanically

    ventilated, the air exchange rate shall have a minimum of 15 airchanges per hour. Service access ducts, if fully enclosed, shall beconnected to the mechanical ventilation system, and suitable freshair inlet grilles shall be provided to ensure an air exchange rate of5 air changes per hour.

    (c) Ceiling or wall fans shall be provided within the toilet to aid in thecirculation of air.

    (d) The minimum lighting level shall be 300 lux.

    (e) Where sanitary provisions are to be made for wheelchair users,such provisions shall be in accordance with the requirementsstipulated in PWDs Code on Barrier-Free Accessibility inBuildings.

    (f) Sanitary appliances and fittings installed in public toilets shall be ofheavy duty classification and quality.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    (g) The following accessories shall be provided in the proportion asstated below:

    Accessories Quantity

    (a) Soap dispenser

    (b) Hand-dryer bloweror towel dispenser

    (c) Litter bin

    (d) Toilet paper holder

    One for every two wash-hand basinssubject to a minimum of one.

    Minimum of one.

    Minimum of one.

    Minimum of one in each water closet

    compartment. Each holder shall beable to accommodate a minimum of2 small rolls or 1 large roll of toiletpaper.

    (h) Water closet pans can be either the pedestal or squatting type or amixture of both.

    (i) Urinals shall be individual wall-hung units, more than 300 mm wide

    and projecting from the wall by at least 300 mm. Each urinal shallbe fitted with a flush valve and an automatic flushing device. Theflush valve shall be adjusted to give a flush of not less than 1.5litres and not more than 2.5 litres. The provision of modestybarriers between urinals is encouraged but not compulsory.

    (j) Each water closet shall be fitted with a flush valve and anautomatic flushing device. The flush valve shall be adjusted to givea flush of not more than 6 litres of water.

    (k) Wash-hand basins shall preferably be under-counter. All taps

    shall be fitted with PUB-approved aerators to soften the water flowto minimise splashing.

    (l) Comply with the Mandatory Requirements for Public Toiletswhich was published in NEA webpage under


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)


    3.1 Objectives

    Food retail outlets, such as restaurants, food courts, etc. (also known as

    foodshops) shall be designed to ensure that the layout can support anefficient work-flow. The size of the kitchen and store to be provided shallbe sufficient to meet the operators needs. The floors shall be gradedand drained to ensure that a dry kitchen is achievable. A good layout willhelp the operator attain a high standard of food hygiene.

    3.2 Design Criteria

    The design criteria for a food retail outlet (also referred to as foodshopshall be as follows:

    (a) The minimum kitchen area shall be 8 sq metres (excluding theservery area). If the operator wishes to do outdoor food catering,the minimum kitchen area shall be 16 sq metres.

    (b) The floor of the kitchen shall be graded and washings drained tofloor traps.

    (c) No grease interceptor or inspection chamber shall be sited insidethe kitchen.

    (d) The walls of the kitchen shall be lined with glazed tiles or otherimpervious materials to facilitate cleaning.

    (e) Fumes, smoke, oil mist, grease, steam and odour from thecooking range shall be exhausted either by an air cleaningsystem or a hood and flue system. The air cleaning system shallbe fitted with a fire retardant filter media that is able towithstand high cooking heat and have high adsorption capacityeven under humid conditions. In the case of the hood and fluesystem, it shall be fitted with a grease filter that is able towithstand high cooking heat, and extractor fan. The flue shalldischarge at a point above roof and away from neighbouringpremises.

    (f) No overhead drain pipes shall be sited in the area where food isprepared or cooked.

    (g) At least one sink with a draining board shall be provided in thekitchen or food preparation area. For a large kitchen, additional


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    sinks may be required for the washing of soiled crockery. Thenumbers to be provided shall be according to the operators needs.

    (h) At least one wash hand basin shall be provided for workers in thekitchen. The tap of the wash hand basin shall preferably be


    (i) All stores and storage cabinets provided shall be pest- and rodent-proof.

    (j) A storage cabinet shall be provided for cleaning tools, brooms,cleaning materials, etc.

    (k) A storage room or cabinet shall be provided where necessary forthe workers personal belongings.

    (l) Where there are public toilets within the building where thefoodshop is located, the provision of a toilet within the foodshop isnot necessary. Otherwise, the number of toilets shall be inaccordance with the requirements stated in Appendix 2.

    (m) For a foodshop with individual foodstalls, each individual foodstallsshall have a minimum kitchen area of 8 sq m and a servery area of5 sq m. A wall or partition shall be provided between the kitchenand servery area.

    (n) Every foodshop with individual foodstalls shall have a centralisedwash area for the washing of soiled crockery. The centralisedwash area shall be located in a room or an enclosure, and thewalls shall be lined with glazed tiles or other suitable imperviousmaterials. The provision of a commercial dishwashing machine inthe centralised wash area is encouraged.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    4 Food Factory

    4.1 Objectives

    A food factory shall be designed to ensure that the layout can support an

    efficient work-flow with minimal criss-crossing. This is to reduce the riskof cross-contamination during the manufacturing process. Separatestorage areas shall be provided for raw materials, final products, chilledor frozen products, packing materials and cleaning equipment, etc. Agood layout will enhance hygiene in the production process.

    4.2 Design Criteria

    The design criteria for a food factory shall be as follows:

    (a) The floors shall be graded towards the floor traps or internal drains

    to prevent ponding of water.

    (b) The walls shall be painted or lined with glazed tiles to facilitatecleaning. All internal wall partitions separating the work areasshall be erected up to the height of the ceiling to eliminate cross-contamination of food products.

    (c) Ventilation shall be adequately provided to prevent excessive heatand steam condensation within the food factory.

    (d) Adequate lighting shall be provided at all working areas.

    (e) Washing facilities shall be provided in the processing area.Hands-free taps for wash-hand basins/sinks complete with liquidsoap dispensers and hand dryers shall be provided.

    (f) Toilets, if provided, shall be located away from the food processingarea.

    (g) Cold stores, if provided, shall be designed to take into account theintended food products, storage time and the optimal temperaturerequirements. The walls of the stores shall be effectively insulated

    to prevent condensation on the other side of the walls. Theloading and unloading bays shall be designed to allow transfer ofproducts between the cold store and the refrigerated vehicle withthe least exposure to ambient temperature and with the leastpossible handling.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    5 MARKET

    5.1 Objectives

    A market shall be designed such that the premises can be kept dry andclean at all times with an effective built-in internal drainage system foreach stall. The market shall be well ventilated.

    5.2 Design Criteria

    The design criteria for a market shall be as follows:

    (a) The floors shall be recessed at least 60 mm below the surroundingapron area and graded towards open scupper drains.

    (b) A common service corridor shall be provided for access into theback of each stalls.

    (c) A scupper drain covered with a grating shall run along the edge ofthe service corridor.

    (d) Tap points shall be provided at strategic locations for the washingof the market.

    (e) Market stalls shall preferably be designed with a service counterthat stretches across the width of the stall. A low wall shall be

    provided to segregate the stalls.

    (f) The area of each stall shall be at least 8 sq metres.

    (g) The floor level of the stall shall be elevated at least 50 mm abovethe level of the common passageway in front of the stall. This is toprevent floor washings from the common passageways fromentering the stall.

    (h) Each stall shall be provided with a tap point and a commercialsink.

    (i) The floor of each stall shall be graded and drained into an openscupper drain covered with a grating. The width of the scupperdrain shall be at least 150 mm and the depth shall be at least 75mm at the shallowest end.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    (j) Common passageways for customers shall have a width of at least2.5 m. Other connecting passageways shall have a width of atleast 1.5 m.

    (k) A scupper drain covered with a grating shall run alongside the

    common passageway.

    (l) All scupper drains within the stalls and at the service corridors andthe common passageways shall be provided with floor sumps.

    (m) The floor sumps within the stalls and at the service corridors shallbe connected by drain-lines to waste sumps located in the servicecorridors.

    (n) The sanitary piping and details of floor sumps, waste sumps, etc.,shall be in accordance with the requirements stated in Appendix 3.

    (o) A loading/unloading bay shall be provided.

    (p) A common storage and sorting area shall be considered, ifneeded.

    (q) Public toilets in accordance with Appendix 2 shall be provided.


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    6.1 Objectives

    The design criteria for swimming pools address only public health

    concerns. The pool shall be so designed that the water quality willalways remain safe for the public. Whilst landscaping to enhance theappearance of the pool is encouraged, it shall not be done in such a wayor to such an extent that it can contaminate the water in the pool orcreate a problem for the maintenance of the pool.

    A good pool design shall also take into consideration the physical safetyof swimmers. Some aspects of these safety features are given below butthey do not form part of the design criteria considered for building planprocessing.

    6.2 Design Criteria

    The design criteria for swimming pool shall be as follows:

    (a) A water-circulation system consisting of pumps, piping, perimeteroverflow system, return inlets, filters and other necessaryequipment shall be provided for complete circulation of the waterthrough all parts of the pool. The water-circulation pumps andmotors shall be of adequate sizes to turn over the entire pool watercapacity at least once every 6 hours for the main pool and notmore than 2 hours for wading pool.

    (b) Overflow weirs shall be provided for at least 50% of the perimeterof the pool.

    (c) There shall be at least one standby pump unit and motor tosupplement the duty pump provided in the filtration system.

    (d) Flow meters shall be installed on all re-circulation systems andshall be capable of measuring water flows of 1.5 times thedesigned flow rate.

    (e) The filtration plant shall be the rapid sand, diatomaceous earth orany other acceptable filtration system.

    (f) Sampling taps shall be provided at the inlet and outlet pipes of thefilter.

    (g) Filter backwash water shall be discharged into the sewer via abackwash water holding tank.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    (h) The swimming pool shall be equipped with automatic disinfectantand chemical feeders to maintain the bacteriological and chemicalcharacteristics of the water within the water quality limits stipulatedin Appendix 4.

    (i) Positive displacement type of chemical feeders shall be installedfor the addition of chemicals for pH adjustment and disinfectingagents such as calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite or otherapproved bactericidal agents.

    (j) Rocks and other materials used for the pool edge as part of thelandscaping shall be of smooth surface to facilitate cleaning.

    (k) Plantings may come close to the pool edge but care shall be takento ensure that the roots do not clog up the piping, or substances

    used for plant care do not contaminate the water in the pool.

    (l) Linkways or bridges across the pool are allowed but planting stripswill not be allowed on such linkways and bridges.

    (m) If a submerged bar is provided in the pool, a sink connected to asewer shall be provided.

    (n) At least two showers shall be provided around the swimming pool.

    6.3 Suggested Guidelines for Safety Features in Pool Design

    The guidelines given below are recommended for QPs to consider. Theydo not form part of the design criteria for building plan processing.

    (a) The pool bottom of the shallow area of the swimming pool shallhave a non-slip finish.

    (b) The slope of the floor of any portion of the swimming pool having awater depth of less than 1.5 m shall be uniform and shall not besteeper than 1:12.

    (c) The pool shall have at least two means of exit located so as toserve both ends of the pool. The distance from any point in thepool to an exit shall not be more than 15 m.

    (d) The depth of water in metres shall be marked plainly in numeralsof at least 100 mm in height embedded into the edge of the poolwall and the corresponding pool deck. Depth markings shall be


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    provided at the shallow and deep ends of the pool and thetransition point.

    (e) The depth of water in the wading pool shall not exceed 500 mm.

    (f) At least 5 m of unobstructed headroom above the diving boardshall be provided.

    (g) The diving board shall not be placed more than 1 m above thesurface of the water for a depth of 2.5 m of water in the swimmingpool.

    (h) A horizontal separation of 3 m shall be provided between adjacentdiving boards and between any diving board and the side wall.


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    Sanitary facilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements listedbelow. The floor area refers to the gross f loor area.

    Categories of Places Number of Sanitary Facilities

    Female Male

    Wc Wb Wc Ur Wb


    WET MARKET (each floor)Not more than 350 sq m 1* 1* - - -351 sq m to 700 sq m 1 1 1 1 1701 sq m to 1,000 sq m 2 1 1 2 11,001 sq m to 1,500 sq m 3 2 1 3 21,501 sq m to 3,000 sq m 4 3 2 3 33,001 sq m to 5,000 sq m 6 4 3 4 4Every additional 2,000 sq m orless in excess of 5,000 sq m 1 1 1 1 1


    Not more than 250 sq m 1* 1* - - -251 sq m to 500 sq m 2 1 1 1 1501 sq m to 750 sq m 3 2 1 2 2751 sq m to 1,000 sq m 4 2 2 3 21,001 sq m to 1,500 sq m 5 3 2 4 31,501 sq m to 2,000 sq m 6 4 3 5 42,001 sq m to 3,000 sq m 7 4 3 6 43,001 sq m to 4,500 sq m 8 5 4 7 5

    Every additional 1,500 sq m orless in excess of 4,500 sq m 1 1 1 1 1

    * To be used by both male and female


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    Categories of Places Number of Sanitary Facilities

    Female Male

    Wc Wb Wc Ur Wb


    / THEATREBased on seating capacity asfollows:

    Not more than 150 persons 2 1 1 2 1151 to 300 persons 4 2 2 3 2301 to 450 persons 5 3 2 4 3451 to 600 persons 6 4 3 5 4601 to 900 persons 8 5 3 7 5

    Every additional 300 persons orless in excess of 900 persons 1 1 1 1 1


    (5) BUS TERMINALNot more than 20 bus bays 2 1 1 2 121 to 50 4 2 2 4 251 to 100 7 3 3 6 3More than 100 8 4 4 7 4

    (6) STADIUM(a) Spectators

    Not more than 2,000 persons 8 4 3 7 62,001 to 5,000 persons 12 6 5 10 85,001 to 10,000 persons 20 12 8 18 1410,001 to 20,000 persons 30 18 12 28 2020,001 to 50,000 persons 46 30 18 42 3250,001 to 100,000 persons 76 42 30 70 46

    Sanitary facilities within the stadium shallbe uniformly distributed.


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    Code of Practice on Environmental Health (1998 Edition)

    Categories of Places Number of Sanitary Facil ities

    Female Male

    Wc Wb Br Bh Wc Wb Ur Br Bh(7) PUBLIC SWIMMING

    POOLUp to 250 sq m 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2251 sq m to 500 sq m 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3501 sq m to 1,000 sq m 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 31,001 sq m to 1,500 sq m 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 5 4Exceeding 1,500 sq m 6 5 8 6 4 5 5 8 6


    Every 25 male workers orless - - - - 1 1 1 1 -

    Every 25 female workersor less

    1 1 1 - - - - - -

    (9) PETROL STATION 1 1 - - 1 1 1 - -


    * : To be used by both male and female

    Wc : Water closet Ur : Urinal (1 Ur = 600 mm)Wb : Wash-Hand Basin Br : Bathroom with showerBh : Bench and Hanger - 600 mm


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    Plumbing Details for Market

    (a) An example of the layout of the drainlines for the stalls, the commonservice corridor and the common passageway is shown in Drawing 1.

    (b) The floor sumps from an upper storey shall be connected to a verticaldischarge stack of cast iron or UPVC of at least 250 mm in diameter.The discharge stack shall be connected to a waste sump.

    (c) The floor sump shall be at least 225 mm in diameter.

    (d) The waste sump shall measure 600 mm x 600 mm in dimensions.

    (e) The inspection chamber shall measure 900 mm x 700 mm in dimensions.

    (f) The last inspection chamber before the sewer manhole shall be providedwith an overflow pipe of at least 225 mm in diameter. The overflow pipeshall have a flap valve.

    (g) The main drain-lines shall be at least 225 mm in diameter with a minimumgradient of 1:150 but not exceeding 1:40. The main drain-line connectedto the last inspection chamber shall have a gully trap.

    (h) The branch drain-lines connecting the floor sumps within the stalls and at

    the service corridors to the waste sumps shall be at least 225 mm indiameter. The other branch drain-lines shall be at least 150 mm indiameter. All branch drain-lines shall have a minimum gradient of 1:90but not exceeding 1:30.


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    APPENDIX 3Drawing 1

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    Water Quality Standard for Swimming Pool

    The water in swimming pools shall be maintained at the following quality at all


    (a) Physical Quality

    The pool water shall be clear and clean. No scum or floating impuritiesshall be allowed to accumulate. The colour of the water shall not exceed5 Hazen units and the turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU.

    (b) Bacteriological Quality

    (i) E. Coli shall not be present in any 100 ml sample of water taken

    from the pool.

    (ii) Not more than 10 coliform organisms shall be present in any 100ml of water taken from the pool.

    (iii) Not more than one out of five consecutive samples of the watershall contain any coliform organisms in 100 ml of the watersample.

    (iv) No sample shall contain more than 200 bacteria per ml as

    determined by the 24-hour plate count at 37C or by the

    membrane filter method.

    (c) Chemical

    (i) A chlorine residual of not less than 1.0 mg per litre and not morethan 3.0 mg per litre shall be maintained in the pool.

    (ii) If copper sulphate is used as an algicidal agent, it shall not raisethe copper concentration of the water by more than 0.2 mg perlitre.

    (iii) The pool water shall have a pH value of between 7.2 to 7.8.


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    a) Central Regional Office4545 J alan Bukit MerahSingapore 159466Tel: 62724266

    b) North East Regional Office174 Sin Ming DriveSingapore 575715

    Tel: 64553177

    c) North West Regional Office18 Attap Valley RoadSingapore 759910Tel: 67567678

    d) South East Regional Office70 Tannery LaneSingapore 347810

    Tel: 67474811

    e) South West Regional Office335 Clementi Road 14.5KMSingapore 129786Tel: 64660544

    f) Environmental Health Department21st Storey Environment Building40 Scotts RoadSingapore 228231
