Coca Cola Happiness Factory




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Coke Cola Happiness FactoryCritical Thinking Skills

Scott StroudTiffany Hendsbee

Chantel MckayJess Coultis

Jordan CorcoranMatt Leblanc

Presented toDr Mark Zlomislic’

April 17th 2007

Coca Cola Happiness Factory

The sound of the music is upbeat, because it’s a happiness factory.The scenery is full of natural beautyEach different environment is unique, and is specific to the Coke Manufacturing experience.


The striped shirt is a symbol of pirates The guys appearance is also pirate like The coke machine is like his treasure chest He inserts his loot, and gets treasure .

Killer Quarter

Castle is symbolic of enclosure, also Castles hold some kind of treasure. Brick Castles also symbolizes no return, Light colored castles symbolize treasure

The mountain symbolizes constancy, and permanence Advertisements consist of three things; death, violence and sex. In this shot the

worker is killed by the rolling quarter The wheel (Quarter) symbolizes fortune, in Tarot Cards Coke uses humor in this commercial, the worker gets smoked

Fuzz Balls Kissing

The colour white represents love (spiritual) The mouth symbolizes consumption, love, romance, and almost the

door to the soul (spiritual) This caption symbolizes sex. (sexual imagery) The fuzz ball on the right looks as if it is going to lick the other fuzz

balls anus. Actually it’s the others mouth.

Fuzz Balls Sucking a Bottle

The white balls attach themselves to the bottle, and they suck it until it fizzes. (sexual Imagery)

The fuzz balls look like sperm with tails This caption depicts sex (sexual imagery) The first slide looks the male genitalia (humor) The bottle is the symbol of a womb, the principle of a bottle is containing

and enclosing

Trojan Soldier

This caption represents violence. The Trojan gets capped. That’s what happened in those days (Humor, Violence)

The catapult is the symbol of war, and death The colour red is an emotionally charged colour. It represents

all gods of war. Also represents blood, lust, and vengeance.

Penis Head Penguins

This caption represents violence Ice represents, coldness, absence of love. eg. killing the snowmen (Humor) Ice represents difficult unexplored territory not conductive of human life. That’s why penguins are present Animals represent an object of sacrifice, and an inferior life form The penguins also have penis’s on their heads. Abnormality (penis heads) is a source of luck, it also contains magic, possibilities, and supernatural powers

(Humor) Holes have two major aspects, The first is biological, ( fertility). The second is an opening into another world on

the spiritual level (spiritual)

Killing Snowmen

This caption symbolizes violence Winter is the season of death The snowmen are sacrificed to cool the bottle of coke Lighting, colour, and editing: Close ups are used to show the importance of an event.

Coke uses close ups to show the importance of killing the snowman. Long shots are also used to show how inhospitable the environment is. The background lightening is dark and meant to be uninviting. The colour of the coke bottle contrasts against the background, so that the product stands out.

Creatures Shot From a Cannon

This caption symbolizes violence Rockets can symbolize exploration or a journey. The coke

bottle is almost at the end of its journey The star on the cannon represents hope, it’s the symbol of

constancy, and the “presence of divinity”

Creature On Fire

This caption symbolizes violence Fire symbolizes a mystic character , desire and love. Fire

surrounds the coke bottle, because it’s irresistible. Hats represent authority and power. The worker with the fire

extinguisher is in charge of the operations of the factory The character is on fire, this represents humor and violence

Skirt Flash

This caption symbolizes sex The cartoon character is dancing in a provocative manner. You can see the underwear on the cartoon character Drink Coke you get loose women (sexual imagery) Drinking Coke makes you more appealing to the opposite sex Horns represent salvation and victory. Horns in a musical sense were blown in

religious ceremonies. ( spiritual)

Blood in a Bottle

Blood represents life, also, having magic power Blood is also the food for supernatural beings Blood also represents the blood of Brotherhood Pirates are a brotherhood. If you drink coke, than you belong to the coke brotherhood Blood is also associated with passion, death, war, and sacrifice. This all fits with the Happy

Factory theme Colour. The red bottle stands out against the white background. This draws your attention to the

bottle of blood.

The Coke Journey This commercial is a journey The bottle takes a journey full of treasure and

danger in an unknown land. Symbolically this is a spiritual adventure, the

desire for discovery and change is inherent when the bottle enters each stage of production.

Journeys are also related with flying, swimming, and running. The flying and running scheme is shown throughout the commercial.

Coke Commercial Narrative Structure: This commercial starts when the quarter enters

the machine. Coke is depicting in a humorous way, the process that goes into every bottle of Coke.

These events are meant to be humorous, and lasting. Humor is effective for selling sodas and other products, because it leaves a lasting impression

Commercials ads also use lots of symbolism. The hole in the ice, the white fuzz balls, the colour white, bottle, horns, all represent a spiritual journey

The story line is a journey the bottle makes from the moment the quarter goes in, to the moment the bottle is ejected from the machine

The actions and events effect viewers in different ways. If you understand symbolism than you understand the spiritual journey. Some viewers may miss the symbolism, and concentrate on the humor side of the commercial, eg the worker being run over by the quarter. Some viewers, may catch the sexual imagery. Coke uses different techniques to give the viewer a lasting impression.

Coke Commercial Actors and Actresses: There are many actors in this commercial. First we

have the workers. There job is maintain the operation of the machine. Yes we empathize with them. We can all relate to the demands of the work place.

Next we have white puff balls. We understand their body language as sexual.

The next character is the Trojan soldier. The setting is interesting because he is strapped to the bottle cap. This reference is about getting his ass capped.

The next character is the penguin. The penguins have penises on their heads. This adds humor to the commercial.

The next character is the man on fire. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the bottle of coke.

The last character is woman dressed in provocative clothing, she is also wearing a short dress, and dancing provocatively.

Coke Commercial Advertising Appeals:

Coke uses repetition throughout the commercial. The Coke label is displayed in each separate environment.

Coke also uses “selling the image” there is so much imagery that buying coke is the right thing to do. Join the coke brotherhood

Coke uses sexual imagery, because drinking Coke makes you appealing to the opposite sex or same sex

Coke uses humor in selling their products, so that you will not forget the commercial when it is over.
