COAL! COAL! BOUISVIIXE DAILY 7 Jeflrou stirt,...


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COAL! COAL!ATE for tele at all ItM tr th Bar and

?B at th towtwt rtjualHr f PIT 18COAL. A to, feEEOH buTTOrf PUAL at

.Sowar retee. j. a. a.ALAvr.aldtf Third a af Mala.

gujittf Card.JOHN SNYDER &. CO.,


Floir asd fommlssloa Mt re hints,gOf Main treet. between Third and Fourth,

UllWLLE, RV.attention aiveu to th sale of Flour and1)AETICrLAR to ta. ul dtf



XN MAkalLT. have jual received in fasMtf

I y pipe lleaoefcy Brandy, vintage l"i, for medicineaunx.:

S iiipo pare Port Wine;k do do Madeira;3 ao do

e cAi Y saucer' t scotch Ale;Id du Aiaapp Pale Ale;1 4o has A Co. ao;

1 pipe Old Oin;Aiau. fretti rruita. Pickle, flancef. Clear, it., Ae.

fWA(entfur IX fct. Marceaaa A C. CI nianWin jrW. H. EPAREE JOHN T.OALLAGHEE.


AND COnXSUSSZON ZSSZIC1ZAX4TS,Mumtr4t. betux &mw( rUrd,

jrll dtf L0C18VILLE. K.T.


MM U AMI 1 fc. i U, LOl 1st ILLE.(ST All kind of Steamboat Sheet Iroa Work made to or-

der. Mieaiani done at uarteet aouce. All kind wfpruunrfty atlruue to.

AaVu As UoUtkMJb af all aiae atad to rder anterm, let dl

nCSAN & SSCOTT,Llanufacturers and Importers!




PLATE GLASS. At. Itatwreplrt In evwry aeiwrtaaeDt Vila allOUR ia new and desirable.

oorblLT tti'lik will compare favorably with that afan? eoantry a to clieapneae, uralillly, ieaaee (

aod beauty of naea.our iuamese i done ua a broad and Hnara! ecal.jei HM.AN A aXoi'T. Mtiatueot.


AO. S4 WEST fclDE THIRD STREET,gtfwa Jfofa ! ITtUar draU

Ja dtf


iFeed and Produce Dealer,

ko. ti TUrd atreet, between kfaia and tL Eivar.L4JLI9V1IXK, KV.

nrTenonal attrution pven to the ale of ITar. Grain,lined r ruit. Butter, tr. Oulooa. Appiaa. Polaloca. Flour,1umnu. Lard, Ac.

ta7 Order fur Grorerlea, Liquor, and ManufarturadAriM-le- . AiLiciud and tilled on Uiemoal farorable Liberal caah advanceaaoad an oofiinaienia.

14 littM


Groceries, Diy Goods, &c, tkc,goutbeaat Comar Main and Campbell atreeta,

mnixl IX)llsILLK.RT.


M4I!I feTREET, RET. VIRUT A.NB fcECOSD,HAtE for tale aeTeral aia

CliAULLELAIN A O. B CelebratedWauONa which they will tell

kuw rua caaa. wuu


I'orripB and Dometic Wines V Liqaort,"IJOCKKOX. kVE, POOTCrl AND IP.ISH WHISKIES:X IotoACCO. CloAkjj, CAEiii. ANU BAR efokaA,

28 Wail ttreet, LonUrille, Kf.tnTdhf



nATI remored to the new wareneu on the toatawattof Main and Pirvt ttreeta.

T M c will par tlie it.fiint price for all kind of Grain,dn.vered at our Store, or at any rood thippint point on lbOuioriTer- - jddtfj LKA.NDLIS A LKaHIOKD.

XTTTalaTAltl EATS,BELL and Braa Fonnder. Water atreet, between Flret

second. LuuitTiite, Ky.. ia prepared U auafc Balifjr Ciiurcbea. fteamboau. Ta'arnt. Ac., of all titea, andof cuperior tone, of wuich be keep an aatortuient onLand.

Aiaa. Rote and Fait Screws, Oil Globe, Cylinder. Ouare,and Mop C'ouia. of every ie. Copper EjTela, gpeilerfeolor and Krtt CaAtinrv of every drcripuon.

MCAf U paid for Old Copper and braa. dlldtfJOXIN riVECK,

Lard Oil and 3IouId CandleMANUFACTURER,

X. 7 Jeflrou stirt, Nortk side, bet.Clay and Shelby.

And Third atreet. between Rain and Um KlrarLOlltillXE, KV.

0S the eoneenlenr of my ruttotner and th pabOe ia1 ibe aiido.e and lower part of tit city, 1 have, betide

a,r Factory on Jelleraon tireet, opened a a lor on Thirdaireet. between Maiu and the river, where I hope to meetwito a iarce patroiiace in my hue. iauil dU




COR. OF MXTII AD MAI tTti LOCI6VIIXB.f L.T j - Alwayvonhandaeorapleteetoekof Plana

t' iim i 3Fortea. in every tyle of nniah. Dealer.TTS ll Tff r", and head of School are invitedJ IT J Uvo examine oar inatruroenu. They widt ad tbeai eoal in tune, fjnint aoddarahillty.taaiiy ma daad from lo to v per cent cheaper. janM M


Kewt Book, and Colored Papert,ALfO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN



Of Looiavi.le. Ky. f of Carrolwa. Ey.A H. PARC, af Warren. Ohio.

N. S. GLORE & CO.,CWMMiesiO MERCHANTS. Na. V Fotjrth atreet, ba- -

and th Kiver, Looiiville. Ay.tW tiay. Oraiu. and all kind of Produce boufht aad

pot1 on eorumiion.V parti. alar attention jven ta CUInr order.

I V AreiiU fur Inc aaie of Raw Whiaxy. Flour, da.aii (alKdUl





J wood or iron. Carpenter' Work done on Ni.boata. aod locki put under I hem. Track, rkidtfor waant. Hoiftma Whewla, PUut W heel. Captana, aad generaUuini lor Meaoiooata.

I W All work done procpfly and oa reaaonable tu rn.u. we nave Crai aod aUeriuf for tue tarpoat a

Pauline rleamioaU out of CaPt. Dick Ftnith Wharf. Walao hare cbarce of Dick Multh WharL Alan. DrainPlow and Capatan Builder. aplT daa

ffailonng and .furnishing.

A. VT. &0ATH,MERCHANT TAILORLate of the firm of J. L. Deanon k Co.. and principal Cot

ter in that WOrLD retlectfuUy inform hi friend and th

purine raeraiij, ui.i ue uaa iaaen ana rentlea lall No. 101 Fourth atreet. between Market and.AleBeraou. ea.tide. where be would be pirated toaer many of them a would be pleated to favor him witha caM. aud that ae will do Ma DUnoal ta pieaae voa.

U (arinenu cot to tuit the cuatomar. and a f t rut rantM in ail caaet. Tuatdtlul lor pant favor, waiaid reapeat- -

fully aoiu'tla couutau.. ai ti aame.jauil dif A. . ItJAIH, X. 101 Fourth t.


KO. S4 THIRD STREET,w 1 reeelvlne. dlreH from Cew Tork. a freth atoek(4 f CLOTHS. CASMME&Kd, and VEtTINUB allJ A new t) lea of rood'.a tar" Chappeli Report of Faahioa for aala.

. aly

w. 3icirrrKiv,MERCHANT TAILOR,

SV AfreeX. Ixtioam Market ami Jtfftntm.K0. 313,



Jtffertoa treat, between. Third and Fonrtnowreeeivinyhi Sprint aad Reamer Goodt tha areTI ..., i,. .me all eirtea and eualittea. Na one who

axudiet fiU own intereatwill ttay away, but will to witbautde.ay and have th auhacrioer ta beautify hit perton witha aandxime tuit of clothe. Re ha everything that a centwant to beautify hi penon. He will cuarantee a fit lotor aoott deforuied. Order frutn the eoantry prompUyauaulnl U, m7 dtf

CLAY STREETrimis Mill in. LiaWr Tar- -


tUMMm anatf aad (leaeiFramea. Man' et. Kaae. Arrhimrave. Pllaater. Mold;ftraraeta. WhiL. Vii,. iin. aiArin. hnaMIcxia. Dreaad and Coaratttd Wcatherboardinc. -

ta. Ac Ac. Wa ke. mui.iit a.nd larwa alackManufactured Work and Pin Lumber f taperier ality,auitable for tne finlak r h.uu.! n.breatinc. Kippin. Spliuma, rirroli eawinc. and Tnmlns.Ae.. done te rdr at raaaoaeble ravtt fiend for billtoea- uani. diy H. McCLARAN A UO.

ELANCHARD &. SONS'CLOTHING HOUSEfpHKT )att received twwty eatet, eontittlnc of....1 UieiMeetatyleaoftrtotlemm Ciothinc. Alto, theyn awruoeatof roralahinc Croatia.


Sea theaat corner af Becood aad Mai a iir.ruautl eppoaite Oalt Houae"





KOPAj Or. THE PARISIAN GIRL Pr th French4 Prtuatl.oa JOHN f. MORTON A CO.




LOUISVILLE COURIER PRINTING COMFY,Vmdtt AO Act of IucorforatUn franted bj tht Keotuckr




Or, ive cornea to a club one year i pi)iviwKT. wuen acuvereaoycarriert, lisu per woe.

eecur nw. eu year. 3 Wcopie H eekly one year I w

oar ooIV ou

wenty " " Hi uosauiay Courier, per year 1 M

M no paper ever tent unlet paid for In advance.CASH KATEk FOR AD ERTIblU.WkbL. 1 Winii R....1I... V, aad

Raauovaia. will be charaed tiflyceiiU oer half tauareofnvlinra r lata, for firat inaerUou. and twauly-- ceuta for

" akLiiunal one, without alteration.tivetouare llo line aautej ar lea, ona luaertloa II Mtin touar each aduiuiHial inaertlon h

Oti tuuar oa montii. without alteration I u(imeaauare two awuiht. 00

one tuuare three month 1" tIOne tuuar til month 90 00'tluetouare twelve mouth 10 00

irOiie4Uare chancabie weekly A40: twice a week to.tTOii aouare rhauaaolc weekly, aii montht tiO; fir

nree monuu wjm.IaTEditorialnotica.1ntendad t draw attention t pri

vate en terprue or buamrta. to inveritioiis, improvement,and article far aaie, willbe charcrdat th raMaf twentyetni. a Line.

itocietv. Charitable, and Political Notice.Inaorted for toe th knit, and xac for each tuitaequeot

will not b pubiiahed unlca paid for in ad- -

nre.rMarriairea and Death notice 2V for vara Insertion.

t aTB rearlv aontrata tltila br which advertlaer kaathe privUc of oaaugioc matter or ttlt of card wlthoataddriiotial chante.

EaVAll advrtiement reenlred t b kept an aecondpeitacaBB a n aaua and ea third pa( an a- -

aauaover ttaua rataa.-tTAdvrtiaementt directed t b BurLAfiP, or lei ia

charted double rate.(VAdvertitemcnU in Vi kthLT COURIER ten eerrtt a

or each tnaaruon, aud a abatement lor leutla r



lrpart are of Train.LOriiTTLLE, NBW AL1ANT AND C'HICAOOA. Af.. lJlj K AL. 1M t. M.JirFsaaohvu.Lt and Indianapolis 6:00 A., 3:05 V. U.; 7:10 Y. AC

LocuTimi ajid Nash villi 5:10 A. 11.,M V. M. LeLiaDua Briaicli (i;A) A. M.,2:40 P. il.LOtUVILLB, (RAbKPOBT AND LKXINOTOb 0

ii. '.35 r. 3A. Laurauire Aceounuoiuuvn5 P.

Arrival ol Trains.LorisTiLLB, New Albamt and Chicago25 A. M., 1:45 P. M., 7:60 P. M.

AND lNIIANAPOCIS Uoo A.' P. M., a P. M.LotiSTiLL. audNasbtillb 2 P. M., 2 A.M


10.2o A. M.. 6:2i P. M. LAjrauc Accomiuocit- -

lion 8:15A. M.

CiTTor Lateit Telegraph L)ipatchet,River anr steamboat Aeivi, Comuier- -cial ltatters, etc., see Fourth ta:e.

Public Speaking.The candidate for Elector in thU Dintrict,

vie IL F. Simrall, W. C. Bcllock, and Ma-

rios Tatlor, will address the people of theDistrict at the following times and places:

Sbelbyvillc, Shelby county, on tha secondMonday in September.

Lagrange, Oldham county, on the third Monday in September.

Apologetic. The synopsis of Mr. Breckinridge's speech came over the wires in such adisconnected way, that oar printers were to de-

layed as to cause as to miss all the early morn-ing mails. Indeed, we did not receive the lastportion of it from the telegraph office until after6 o'clock, yesterday morning, and oar city edition was necessarily delayed several hour be--

ond the accustomed time in delivery.

Steam Printing Presses, Machinery. Engiae, Holier, Ac, t or aie.

BARGAINS FOR PRINTERS.Ia a few weeVs more the cpaciou new building on

Green street, next to the Custom House andballt and designed expressly for the Cocaiaa

OmcB, will be ready far oar ecespancy. As we havecontracted for new machinery, preeaea, etc., to beplaced in onr new quarters, we will sell at low prices

quantity of material in the building wa now occupy, as follows :

One Hoe Small Cylinder Printing machine oawhich the Daily and Weekly Courier is now printed.Size of bed 81 by 50 inchea; in excellent order. Price

.400.On Hoe Large Cylinder Job Pre. Size of bedby 31 inches; in first rate order. Cost (1.500; price


One Hoe's "Little Jobber.1 Size 00 by 00 inches;almoet as good a new. Coat 750; price $500.

One Hoe Card Pre a good machine. Coet $173price $100.

One Wells Job Press aear'y new aod good asaew. Price $i50.

Two Good Proof Presses.One Steam Engine vertical ten horse power.

Price $J00.One Steam Boiler double flue sixteen test long

and thirty-eig- inches in diameter; good and strong.Price $.Also a number of type cases, stands, and severs!font of job and other type.

The above are all offered at low figure for cash oracceptable paper, and afford an excellent opportunityto printers whe wish to mak additions to their offices.

Applications must be made during the next four orflv week. Letters of inquiry may be addratted tothe ' LOUISVILLE COCKIER PRINTING CO."

j"IIeller has demonstrated that an entertainment at once graceful and amusing needs

o pandering to vitiated tastes to secure theupport of the tnaetts.

Thermometer at Fletcher A Bennett's.

18B0. , A M j, M j , p M 6 P.M.' Average.A- -

1 78 Ml 86 81 flWI 88 Hj ill V0 Hrtli

kh vi v ih w-4

'US V4 VI m MUai

6 Hi M V5 i S94ft V V8 Ml M VU1

?! M j W U5 W nxH twj Vi Vi VO a.lHV M; VO W to Hr,V

1(1 77 j b3 bi H 8111 It 78 b Ml 781J 73 MS H5 77 HO

13 tlfi 7 75 73 71 i

14 06 71 ' 75 75 71

15 70 78 84 J 78lb 75 j 80 85 8i17 75 84 88 85 8318 78 85 87 ti 84IV 7 81 85 77 80

) 78 81 KI HO 81)iII 78 85 81 81 8114

78 8 M K5 KiVt 81 M 81 81 Wit

94 78 HI 85 Hi 81 V78 77 7 78 7Si

aai 7i 78 81 80 n17 77 W 88 81 Slikl

75 78 80 ! 78 77VV 16 tfi 83 80 80)4

l 81 85 88 M 8581 78 80 81 , 78 7V)i

Roaa everage for month (H.

PicruBBCiiOtE A Ccbiosity. Most curiousof all things in Floral Hall at the Fair Grounds,is a picture clock invented by Capt. J. J.Hirsch- -

buhl of the firm of Hirtchbuhl and Dolflnger ofthis city. The back ground represents a mountain in the distance whose base is washed bythe sea. On this rides a small ship, rising andfalling with the motion of the wave. To theleft of the vessel two men are fishing In a boat,rresentinr a most nataral scene. Then thereare two wind mills and a grist mill in operation.Ia front, two railroad cars are passing to and fro,

while every few minutes a miniature balloonemerges from its resting plaee and moves slowly aeroa the entire picture. To complete thewhole, there I a beautiful little clock whichran three week. The painting, the machinery, and every part of this great curiosity was

executed bv our friend Uirsehbuhl in hisielsarehours. We always knew be had Inventive genius. We know now it is of the very highestorder. We doubt that such a pieee of median'ism waaever before constructed in this eoantry.

IraTThe attention of our readers is called toMr. C. C. Spencer's sale, this morning at 10

o'clock, of a fine family horse, rock away andharness, rosewood piano aud household funilure,and would advise them to attend the sale.

jfOur esteemed friend aud popular Jeweler,M. C. Ramsey, ia again at home from the East-

ern cities with a large stock of new and beautiful goods. His reputation for fair dealing hasentitled him to th confidence oi a numerousr.atronaff-e- - dtf

jw-- T W. Bullock has transferred his beau

tiful horaeetead, oinprislBg.aixty-frm- r acres of

land, ona mile from Mayilick, to Miehael Miller

for $7,000 cash.

Blaad's advertisement. Money

loaned on diamonds, ic. Office on Market

treat, between Third and Fourth.

lonelier had a magnificent house lat night.

' ErfSee J. n. Gamble' advertisement,money loaned oa diamonds, Ac recurrent moneybought and sold. Fourth street, pear the river.



Great Speech.We will, in a day or two, publish in pamphlet

form a vtrMim report of Brrceimkidoi'sgreat speoch, carefully revised and corrected.Ia order that it msy hare the widen publicity A

possible, the price for it will be put at one dol-

lar per hundred copies a sum barely sulTVlenl

to pay the eoit of printing. Thoee who a iflh itforwarded by mall, most lend enough In addi-

tion to pay the postage, which willbe one centpereopy.

Hon. James B. Clay and Hon. JohnYoung Brown.

The letter from Hon. James B. Clat, pub-

lished in the Courier Wednesday morning, in-

formed the public that this distinguished gen-

tleman accepted the challenge to a public dis-

cussion of political questions, publicly madea short time previously, by Hon. Joiln YocitoBrown. As the challenged party, Mr. Clatnam.ilLouievillo as the plaee, and the 8th Inst.(Saturday next) as the time, for the first discus-sion; the subsequent meetings to be held in theFifth District, with interval of one day be-


each, at such times and places as may beagreed upon.

Young Mr. Bbowm happened to be in the citythe morning Mr. Clat' letter appeared, but hehas not since let himself be heard from. Wehope be is not seeking for some plausible pre-

text to decline the eueountcr he a short timesince seemed so anxious for. Let the discus-sion be had by all means. Come out, Mr.Torno Johm Bhowk!

Barbecue in Carroll.The Democracy of Carroll County will glre a

grand Free Barbecue in Mill Creek Preeiuct,near Prestonville, on Saturday next, September8th, to which the people of the world generallyare invited. Gen. W. O. Butler, Hob. HumphreyMarshall, CoL Ben. M. Ilitt, and CoL Ben. Selbywill certainly be there and address the people. J.Other distinguished speakers have been Invited,andare expected to attend. Carroll and Trimbleare wild with enthusiasm lor the Bracklnridgecause, and our fritudt art diennitud to kerp Uiebail rolling.

IJ" We are authorized, by Got. Powell, to D.

say that he will address the citisen of Shelby,on Monday neit, at Shelbyville.

Th Mirchants' Bank op Kbntccit. Wenotice the organization of the Merchants' Bankof Kentucky, located in this city, with a capitalof $ 00,009, the stock of which wa readily


taken, and a great many capitalists were disap-pointed in not getting stock, as the applicationswere largely over the amount wanted.

The following gentlemen, well known in S.

business circles, were elected Directors:H. C.Carrcth, A. P. Cochban,"- -J. B. Smith, T. J. Amos,


W. V. Babrbtt, J. M. ISrtant,B. F. Githbib, J. B. Wilder,

J. H. Thomas.H. C. Cabbuth, President. H.

The list of Stockholders are composed of ourleading business men, and we look for the Mer-

chants' Bank of Kentucky to rank high amongour banking institutions.

A Splendid Booj;et. One of the most elegantand beautiful boqaets we have ever seen waspresented us yesterday by Messrs. F.i L Mo-ra- t,

of the Woodland Garden Nursery.Il was composed of the rarest flowers, and wasarranged with the most exquisite taste and skill. toIf It can be regarded a a fair specimen of whatthey are in the habit of getting up, it is not amatter of wonder that they were so fortunate Ina to bear off the premium orer strong compe-tition allat the Fair of the Southwestern Associa-tion on Tuesday. Th Meter. Moral are


unequalled artists in their delight-ful vocation.

ifttfllsller offers a beautiful programme to-


Mat hanical Exhibition at the Faib. Thisdepartment was not so well suppled yesterday, toas we hope to see it In the seed de-partment premiums were awarded to Carter &Buchanan on white wheat, orchard, blue grass,and hemp seed. Their More, No. 414 Mainstreet, is well supplied with everything in theagricultural line of trade. or

H7 The Russollville Herald vs: "The track ofthe branch railroad is steadily approaching townon both ends, and the cars are now so near athand as to be easily heard by our eitisens. It isexpected that the Clarksville end of the road

ill be completed to town and theBowling Green section will only be a few daybehind. We think through trip will be madenext week from Clarksville to Louisville."

He will Rclb or Rub. Mr. Douglas declares that he does not want the Presidency him.self. He is a candidate merely to defeat a Democrat and elect a g or a Black

Furthermore, Le indicates that hemean to support Lincoln against the South, ifthat candidate should be elected. And he ask aDemocratic npport on thse grounds!

Descent on Gamblers. The pollc of StLouis made a descent on three gambling houseson Thursday night and secured the gamingparaphernalia They also took in custody thefollowing named personnges: John Hunter,William Bowen, Wall English, James Scott,John Vf. Lawler, O. W. Goodlet, W. D. Rider,R. F. Dalton, Jos. Deming, Edward Dowling.and Charles Chamberlain.

Mr. Brbceinbidgb'bdeclarations in his Lexington speech, we doubtnot there will yet be found among the Bell andDouglas Oppositionists men base and unprinci-pled enough to still refer to him as a disunion- -

ibt. A lie so willful andmallguaDt oueht to besufficient to blister th tongue that utters il.

Ho. L. W. Powbll. W take plsasure inannouncing to our friends In Shelby, that theHon. L. W. Powell, will be present in Shelbyville, on Monday next, aud, in conjunction withMr. Simrall, will maintain th lists In behalf ofour noble candidates against all comers. Letthere be a big turn-ou- t.

RoiiBiNO an OrriCBR. A sheriff, in charge ofsome prisoners, tn route for Frankfort, stoppedat the Louisville Hotel, on Wednesday night.Inthc morning, his watch and some money weregone. Several persons lodged in the sameroom, and some one of them may know something about it.

3J. C. Elrod, formerly of Lexington, whoseGallery is on Main street below Fourth, is doingsome of the best ambrotyping,

&c, ever done in this country. If you want the worth of your money, goand have your picture taken by Elrod.

Tub Marion Rifles. The Rock City Guardsentertained our Marion Rifles with a banquet inNashville. The people of that city justly praiseMajor Woodruff and his command in the highest terms. The Rifles return

Cascaltt. A little boy, whose name wewere unable to learn, fell from a railroad earyesterday, on Jefferson street, between Jacksonand Hancock, and the wheels passing over Lisarm crushed it horribly. Dr. Pyle amputatedthe injured member.

speech is pronounced byall who heard it as the noblest, grandest, mosteloquent and powerful effort they ever listenedto. We have even heard prominent Oppositionists pronounce it the best and ablest speech theyever heard.

Salb of Mason Cocntt Land. Faul T. Best,a few day since, sold his farm of lOOaeresofland, lying near Washington, at ninety dollarspar acre. Mr. B. intends to rstuoreto Lafayetteeounty, Missouri.

Firb. A new house, the property of Mr. BenCummins, in Lecsburg, was destroyed by fire onThursday night last. Supposed to have been anIncendiary aet. Loss about $1,000.

Stealing. A thief entered the room ofboarder in the St. Louis House, on Fourth street,near the levee, yesterday morning, and stole hisgold watch.

t7"There were gentlemen present from nearly every Southern State, at Lexington, to hearBrickinbidgb speak on Wednesday.

Hob. Jno. Y. Browh was united In marriagea few days since to the daughter ofArch in Dixoa.

tyB. Mock, G. Washington, and Wm. Wil-

liams, horse thieves, passed through the cityyesterday for the penitentiary.

fyOfflcer Treanor took an old maa namedBartelle to the lunatie asylum yesterday.

lfHave 70a seen Heller's tecond light?

The Fair Third Day.The fair yesterday wa worthy of the highest

praise. The amphitheater wa thronged withspectators, and the fair sex perfectly charm-ing, with their bright smiles and gay attire.

better displsy of stock was never seen in anyState, comprising the enormous number of twohundred and twenty entries. Every ring waswari well contented, and by superior horses.Iu the stallion ring there were seventeen entries, Co.,

many of them superb stallions. Eighteen liar-ne-

mares showed in another, and we venturemore style and better speed was never exhibitedby the same number. All, in tact, were so good,that with one exception we will not particular-ize.


This was the best pair of buggy horses for''size and speed." There were aix entries forthis, and all good. The judges after a long time co..awarded the premium to Capt. Megowan and thecertificate to John Burks, of Jefferson county.The former had the sise and apparently the Co.,

greatest speed. The admirable manner in which CO.,their driver handled his ribbons also contribu-ted to their success. Capt. Megowan has inthese horses a pair any gentleman may be proud

own.The mule raee, In which seven of those useful

and ugly quadrupeds appeared, created greatsport. Four of the riders were white and threedarkies, regular corn field niggers, and one ofthem rode bare back and with a blind bridle.Two of the mules were fast of the kind, but theothers showed In the wrong ring; they shouldhave gone iu the slow race. A description of 3d

the race would not doit justice. Suffice it tossy the mule that John Burkt loaned to a boywas the fastest, aud won the race in ease, goingaround the track twice in i miiutcs 43 seconds.The charge of foul riding was preferred; but the eo.,

judge disposed of it summarily, remarking that"nobody ever hoard of such s thing as foulriding in a mule race." We aniex

LIST or PKKMILMi OKNIBa- -. CTILITT.Stallion, four rears old aad nnvard. lTtntrieL. Kev ea, Kaycttu, prcm ; W. P. Joaes, Woodford,

cartiOcai.Mailian. tnrre y tars old aad aider four, 15 ntris idf. Minor, laon, prcm.; tu. jjorsey,

certificate.SLallioiia. two ysars old and uadtv three. 13 entries

. H. tallowa;-- . liury, preni.; J. H. Moore, Clark,certificate.

Siallioa. one year old and undertwo. 10 entriesMartin, r aieLle, prcui.; J. f. iliior. kelson, cer

tificate. co..Stallion, nudar on yearold, 16 entries John Hall.

Shelby, prein.; C. O. Smith iliilly Milton), Usury,certificate.

Mar, four year eld and upwards. entries C.W. Reuucdy, Nask ille, pre.; E. K Smith. Payette.eertdcate. CO..

Marea. three years old and under fiur. 12 entriesVtumir, Clark, prim.; P. Calloway, lieiirv, cer

tificate.Marex, two year old and under three. 8 entries

John Wilkersuu, Nelaon, pre.; J. 7. Gay, Woodford, certificate.

Mare, one year old and under two. 10 entries X.Sagerser, layette, prcm.; J. S. Kaius, Jctiersuu,

ccrtiDcatc. Co.,Mares, under one 3'ar old. It entriei G. Huglev,

Ilanry, prenr.; And. lioke, JeU'crson, certificate.Galiliiiif. any aire, 18 eutries J. C. Irelaud. Uenry.

prtm.; h. Vanuitr, Clark, certificate.1'air bug 'j none, mr nyie am spea, o entnet

W. S. I. Jefferson, prcm.; John bark.Jefferson, certificate.

Pa ir bueiry mares, for atvle and ped, 4 entriesb. Keley, Louisiana, pram.; J. W. Shockeucy,

Lauiivllle, certificate.busey horses; for style and sped, 12 entries I.. I). Co.,

McOaiacy, Jefferson, prein.; C. V. Kennedy, Narh- -

ville, certificate.Ha, ire mare, for atvla and priced. 15 entries II. co.,

Ormthy, Jtil'erion, preiu.; C. W.ktanedy, Nashville,certificate.


We give below a full and torreet report ofthe Premiums awarded at Floral HalL Theexhibition iu this department, throaghont, co..

was gratifying to the spectator, and creditablethe Association and th exhibitors. Iu

needle work, in domestic maaufactures, in

pantry aud dairy articles, and nt especially,flowers, fruits and vegetables, the show was

co..that could have been asked by the Directors,

T3Bdesired by the public. Kentucky has not

been mentioned heretofore- in the annual re andports of the American Pomological Sosiety, bu

there had been any Eastern gentlemen pres-


at the Southwestern Fair grounds the pastof

two or three days, as, unfortunately, there was

not, at least to oar knowledge, the injustice ofthis omission would have been so apparent as

hav amounted to tha ridiculous. Suc h

fruits were on exhibition, and that in the great andest abundance, as would have satisfied any

pomologist in the world that Kentucky Is

behind no Slate in the Union as a rruit State,whether in regard to siie, qua!ity, or varieties

all three. Apples, Pears atd Peaches, of thbut kinds now in season, or toon to be in sea- -

eon, were on the table in th greatest abun- -

dauoe; and although the exhibition of Grapeswas not large, th varieties shown were quite ednumerous, and their qnality first rate, as will beunderstood when we name, as tmong the kinds,the Delaware, the Elsinborough, the Diana, theBlack Hamburg, ic, etc.

The two leading floral designs, lu the natureof tableaux vivant, exhibited respectively byMessrs. Moore and Serb and the Uorat Brothers,were exceedingly beautiful, and ieserved all theencomiums bestowed upon then. The juniorexhibitions won the first premium ($100), leaving the second (io0), to their competitors.M. and S.; but against so exquisitely beautiful

design and arrangement as thtt of the Broth-ers Morat, it is no disgrace, and ought to be nohumiliation for any competitor to fail.

Floral Hall will be almost as leautiful and attractive y as it was yesterday, and everylady in the city or country, who makes any pretentions to taste, should make it a vi sit. MrThatcher, the has done exceed-ingly well, as w hare already mentioned; butshould he accept on a future occasion the la.boriousand thankless office whica he ha filled

on this, w are satisfied that h will do evenis

better.In speaking of floral designs, it will not do to

omit mentioning the tasty and Ideal"Byron' Dream," by Mn. J. O. Ross, of

Jefferson, to whom a blue ribbon was awarded, her design not coming, ac-

cording to the judgment of the Judges, exactlywithin the language and provisions of the premium list. Mrs. Ross, we take the liberty ofssy in g, "oujour own hook" entirely, is the ladywho is always on hand at the SouthwesternFairs, doing all that a lady can do ti add to theirattractiveness.

voaawTic MAKcraCTrRis.Teu vards rag carpet, Mrs. A. J. Beard, Nelaou,

premium.Ten yards woolen earpet, Mrs. Gibson Taylor,

Ilenrv. bremlum.Ten vara jeau, jar ueo. ftuuy, enrou, pre

mium.Woolen note. Mrs. ur. Mills. Jefferson, nremlnm.Woolen half hose, Mrs. Dr. Mill, Jefferson, pre

mium.Pair cottoa hose, Mrs. Joun liarr, Jefferson, pre

mium. .Pair cotton b air Hose, Airs. T. J. ttucker, Jer- -

ferann. nramium.One pound wooien, r.. ctutauu, viuuam, pre-lum.Ten yards flannel, Mrs. John Heir, Jefferson, pre

mium.Pair Blanket, Mr, jona iierr,jenron, premium


Silk embroidery, Mr. W. Thompson, Jefferson,nreniium.

BUK quilt, paituwuia, ail. vji'j.uia jii, muij,first premium.

Blla qm 11, patcuwora, mr. v. m. xuueu,wcuarou.second premium.

Cotton patenwora quill, Mrs. v. u. v omaca, jei- -

fertou, flrt premium.Cotton patchwork quilt, Mrs. Eliza Walker,

aecoad nreniium.Cotton crochet quilt, Mrs. js. A. xjie, jenenon,

premium.Worsted patch quilt, Mrs. W.Thompson, Jeffer-an-

flrat and aecond orauiiuma.Wormed comfort, Mrs. W m. U. iiaroison, oneiDy,

Worked slippers Mrs. Dr. J. A. Moore, Jefferson,premium.

r ancy cnair uuy, init mary uiamn,

Kmbroldered mantilla cape, Mrs. T. S. Kennedy.

rant, miaeiancui vj lauj, an n,Shelby, premium.

Vest, made and cut dv laar, mr. rruett.

cottoa vet, mail auu cut uj uj,Shelby, premium.

Artificial. Ml U. A. Uiu. Jnron, premium.Needle work, by machine, K. K. bishop, Jefferson,


Two bushels. Carter A Buchanan, Jefferson, premium.

Two bushels corn for Oread, irr. w . k. o. aiurray.jenvraou, premium.

t orn for atora:. J. I.. Ktrru. jeneraon. nranium.One bushel barley, Henry Ayr, Jefferson, pre

mium.One barrel Irish potatoes, K. v . liorr, jenersou,

preminm.tne oarrei sweet potato, . vf. iwa., utm iiuii, ouanei ciover teea, vsnor oa diijiuii, mw

arm ro.. nremlnm.One buthel timothy seed, Henry Ayers, Jenerson

n . nremium.One bushel blue era seed. Carter & Buchanan,

jenvrtMin eo., premium.Oue busuel orchard grass seed, Carter s. oucnanan,

Ji'tleraon Co.. Dremium.One Bushel hemp ed. Carter A Buchanan, Jeffer

son Co., premium.Ten pounds flax, C. K. Stoddard, Oldhsm Co., pre- -


One doz. beets, long blus, J. C. Rudy, Jefferson o.Dremium.

One doz. turnip beets, Mrs. E. Hite, Jefferson conremium.

One doz. parsutps, W. C. Wlnchestsr, Jefferson to.,preminm.

One dos. plat turnips, Dr. J. O. Ross, Jefferson co.premium.

One doz. celery, T. 8. Robard, Jefferson co., premium.

Half dos. egg plants. Dr. J. O. Ross, Jefferson co.,premium.

Half doz. cabbage, Dr. J. O. Ross, Jefferson ro.,premium.

Half doz. stalk plckad pimi, Mrs. E. Hite, Jefferson co., premium,

naif bushel white onious. J. C. Oldham, Jeffersonco., premium.

Half bushel yellow onions, Henry Ayers, Jeffersonco.. premium.

One puck tomatoes, Dr. J. O. Ross, Jefferson eo.,premium.

One quart Lima beans.Mrs. L. L. Dorsey, Jeffersonco., premium.

Tlirae watermelons. Dr. J. O. Ross, Jefferson co.,premium.

Half doz. salsify, Dr. J. O. Host, Jiiucrsou co.,premium.

Half doz. Uash. squashes. Dr. J. O. Itoaa, Jafier&onpremium.

bert collection of vegetables. Dr. J. O. Rovs, Jeffer-son co., first premium.

best collect ion of ve?etable, Geo. Steely, Jeffer-son eo., cotid premium.

PHcm.Best twenty-fiv- varieties apple, Hobba Walker,

Jefferson co., premium.Fifteen varieties apples, Cary, Peter A Cary, Jeffer-

son eo., premium.Ten varieties apples, Cary, Peter A Cary, Jeffer-

son eo., premium.Five varieties apples, Cary, Peter A Cary, Jefferson

premium.Best plate apples, Hobbs Walker, Jefferson co.,

premium.Twenty five varieties pears. L. Young, Jfferon

premium.fifteen varieties pears, Hobbs Walker, Jefferson

premium.Ten varieties pears, Ormsby II He, Jefferson CO., piste pears, Cary, Tetar A Cary, JeflVrion co., plate peaches, John Thatcher, Jefferson eo.,

premium.Five varieties plums, Geo. Herr, Jefferson CO.,

premium.Best dozen quince?, C. S. Stoddard, Oldham to., collect ion of grape grow n under g'ast.Snm.

Knoch. Jefferson CO., collection of grapes grown in open air, L.

Youmr. Jefferson Co collection of fruit of all kinds, L. Young. Jef-

ferson co., 1st premium; H. S. Duncau, Jefferson Co.,premium.

FLOWERS.Best collection of roses lu bloom, E. Wilson, Jeffer-

son co., premium,best t hirleeu roses, Ell wanger A Fox, J effersoa co. ,

premium.Bert collection of dahlias. Moore A Serb, Jefferson

premium.Bast collection bedding, all plants in bloom.

A Fox, Jefferson Co., premium .

Beet ornamental basket flower, Kmma A AdaThatcher, Jefferson eo., premium.

best table bouquet, F. A S. Morat, Jefferson co.,premium.

best hand bouquet, Edward Wilson, Jefferson co.,premium.

Architectural floral design, Edward Wilson. Jeffer-son co.. 1st premium; Moore A Serb, Jefferson co.,

premium.Collection of green-hous- plants, F. A L. Morat,

Jefferson ro., premium.Floral display, F. A S. Morat, Jefferson CO., 1st

premium; Moore A Serb, Jefferson co., ad premium.PANTKV.

Five pounds butter, Mr. T. G. Rucker, Jeffersonpremium.

Five pouuds honey, F. Lochry, Jefferson co., pre-mium.

Five kinds preserves, Mrs. Marion T. Fielder, Jef-ferson co., premium.

Five kinds pickles, Mr. John Thatcher, Jeffersonpremium.

Five kinds jellies, Mrs. John Eally, Indiana, pre-mium.

Canned fruits, Mrs. John Eally, Indiana, premium.Cider vinegar, Mrs. T. G. Kucker, Jefferson Co., barrel flour, B. F. Cawthon, Jcffuraon co., pre-

mium.Ten pounds lard, Mrs. Wm. Marwlthe, Jefferson

premium.Pound cake, W. Cawein, Jefferson co., premium.White cake. Miss Eliza Davis, Jefferson Co., pre-

mium.Spuuss cake, Mrs. W. X. Ualdeman, Pewee Valley, loaf wheat home made, Mrs. C. Duvall, Jeffer-

son co., loaf common , Mrs. John Thatcher,

Jefferson, premium.Best cooked ham, Mrs. Wm. Marwlthe, Jefferson

premium.Best half dozen native wine, BdwinJ Bryant, Pewee

Valley, premium, $; Mrs. K. A. Wiuate, Jeffersondiploma.

Best half dozen bottles elder, C. E. Stoddard, Old-

ham CO., premium.povltrt.

Best pair turkeys, Mr. L. Young, Jefferson co.,premium.

Best pair ExceUior ducks, Mr. John Herd, Jeffersonpremium.

Ducks in variety, Mr. John Herd, Jefferson co.,premium.

Best pair geese, Wm. Clark, Jefferson CO., pre-mium.

Best (tame chicken, John C. Oldham. Jefferson co..nremium

t hickens in variety, John C. Oldham, Jefferson,premium. forGBASD EXHIBITION $300 PBBMIUM

The exhibition y will be a grand affair,worthy, both in point of attendance and

show of stock, of those days that everybodymad after the Fairs. The grand premium

$300 will be awarded the best thoroughbredStiilliou. We learn that sixteen or eigh-

teen will enter the lists.Among these la Capt. Buford's great weRevenue, himself famous as a raeer,

the sire of the invincible riauti, beFanny Washington, and a host of others, sec-

ond to them only in renown. Keene Richards'Imported Knigut of SL George will also be

there. He waa purchased at a great price by

this noble patron of the turf, in the veins ofthe Knight of St. George courses the purestblood of all Euglaud, aud hi pedigree runback to those Arabians from which has descend

ail of onr best raee horses. There are oth-

ers less distinguished perhaps, but of fine repute, and held In high estimalien by their ofowners. See for yourselves, and compare theirmerits with those more extensively known. The

prize of $100 for three year oldwill also gather a large ring or animals. 1 hen Inwe will have a spirited contest of the buggy

horses and buggy mares aud the carriage horses.The latter will enable the bloods to show off

their equipage and style. The premium listy amounts to a thousand rfoHam a fact which

speaks volumes for the liberality of the Di

rectors.These are not the only attractions. Floral

Hall, with its fountains and plants, and fruitand needle-wor- and pictures will please therefined taste. Power Hall.with Us implements,and the agricultural implements in the fieldwill command the atteation of the mechanicand farmer; and last, but not least, there will

beauother mi lb race. This race is to be a mile

and repeat, which will give a chance to show

the bottom of the long-eare- d animals. Therefun ahead in this. Be there to see it.

rj5TThat's an excellent Usher at the Masonic


Thb New Silvbb Mines in Utah. The flrstconsiderable shipment of silver ore from theWashoe mines was received at New York on

Sunday, by the Northern Light. There were

six huudred bags of this ore, valued at over onehundred thousand dollars a modest sum whencompared with the very large stories whichhave been told about the new mines, but stillenough to show that there is something in them.

If the yield of silver from the Arizona and Ltahmines should equal the expectation whichhave been justified by preliminary discoveries,

re shall have another revolution in the relativevalues of the precious metals. The Californianand Australian gold deposits came Bear tomaking silver the more valuable of the twometals, because of its rarity ; but the newlydiscovered silver deposit will bring value

back to their former condition. Th disceveryof the Uuh and Arizona mines lias been niosifortunate, as it came directly at the time wheu

lupply of silver was neded for the East Indianand China trade.

Tub Tobacco Crop. The tobacco crop ofthe present year will be a small one. In theGreen river district in Kentucky, wnerc welargest amount of shipping tobacco ia raised,the crop will not be more than Hair an averagi

owingto a scarcity or plants in the spring, and

a two month drouth in the summer. Late inthe season as it now is, the plants in the field are

only half grown, small and Immature ; and thelittle that mav be saved will be of an iudinerentaualitv. From Tennessee we have but few ac

counts; but as the drouth has been severely leuin that State, too, the prospect is, perhaps, no

better. In Missouri, the crop has not suffered

much as in Kentucky, but has sufferedenough to lessen the yield materially.

Thb Champ Slandbb Suit. The slander suitof Mrs. Mary Champ against Robert Champ andwife removed by change of venue from Bour

bon county to Fayette, was tried last week atLexineton, and resulted in a hung jury onebeing for the defendant, five for one cent dam-

ages, and the remainder for one to flv thousanddollar damages.

tjfCapt. James Matson and Daniel Shawhan

died suddenly in Bourbon county, a lew aays

since. The latter was tieing a negro, and theresistance of the latter ended iu a struggle,which produced apoplexy of Ihe heart. Mr. S.

dropped dead.

ee nellcr by all means.

Tub Aurora Borealib. The NorthernLights were visible last night, and for a shorttime the heavens were gorgeous with crimsonand pea green colors.

Sudden Dbath of Mr. Stbphbn Lapbw.After durk, Tuesday evening, Mr. StephenLadew. father of Mr. A. 1". Ladew, was returning from a visit to hi Mr. O. Quin-neit-

when, ia order to shorten hi journey, hestarted to cross th unoecupiud ground near thejunction of English street and Clark avenue.This locality abounds in stagnant ponds, whichare a decided nuisance to the nclKhrtornooa.In the darkness, Mr. Ladew bad the mislortanto stumble dow n the declivity into one af thsseoonds. Last eveuinir the drowned Dody wasaccidentally "fished up" by a man who wa en-

deavoring to get a barrel out of th water.ISt. Louis Democrat.








representa-tions.o- f




Theater. We dropped in at the LouisvilleTheater yesterday, and were agreeably sur-prised at the transformation it ha undergoneduring the vacation. Not a vestige of the oldappearance of the interior remains. Mr. Lorton,now the ole lessee and manager of the theater,seems to have spared neither time, skill, norexpense in endeavoring to meet the wishes of thpublic, in thus remodeling the formy, dingytemple of the drama. The firet idea that nowstrike the spectator on entering the buildingIs It apparent increase in size. This is owingiu a great measure to the judicious selection ofcolor and decoration. The lobbies and ceiling on

of the boxes are repainted iu fresco. Theground is a pearly tint, on which a panael indelicate purple is agreeably relieved. These orpannela are surrounded by a border la arabesque, and within the pannei an exquisite design in arabesque Is elaborately painted. The ineffect of this portion of the Interior is light andchaste, and agreeable to the eye, from its delicate and harmonious coloring. The seata of theboxes are covered with damask color, blueand gold an immense improvement, and onethat harmonizes with the prevailing tint of thewhole interior, which are blue, purple, andwhite.

Perhaps the most startling change Is thatwhich has teen made in the circled or box fronts.The ground work is a pure white, and the orna-ments gold alone. No touch of color is allowedto eut up the effect or to mar the simple beautyof the design. On the front of the gallery and ofover the white ground, the gilt ornament isplaced in th shape of festoons, the center of ateach being a cluster of bell shaped flowers in-

termingled with leaves. A border of jteurcbliigives an appropriate finish lo the top, the bottombeing finished by a gilt bead. in

The front of the second tier is framed at topand bottom by the same style of ornament athat of the gallery, with the exception that the

andformer is rendered more massive by a doublegilt bead. The center of this front is running thevine with leaves, designed by Mr. AVeet, the thescenic artist, and is really the most beautiful andeffective piece of this style of decoration that wawehaveever seen. The proscenium and borders are painted with the prevailing colors,blue and white, ornamented with gold; and as wehave now reached the stage, we can speak ofthe new drop curtain by John Leslie. Thescene is a poetical Italian landscape. In the

theforeground and on the right are the terraces ofa palace, where some half dozen ladies and theirattendant cavaliers are disposed in picturesque ofgroups. Below the terrace, where the roadruns straight intothe middle distance, a lady andher knight are approaching on horseback. Tothe left of the road is a little shrine of the th

before which a little peasant girl is kneel-ing.

theBeyond this, on a cliff, the rnin of on old

Romaa temple catch the light of th settingsun th road, continuing, is lost In the purple theshadow which, in mysterious obscurity, veilthe base of a grove of tree whose top ar stillbathed In sunlight. From this point th eye is

thecarried over a rolling plain studded with villas,to what appears an Interminable distance, wherethe blue sea meets the horizon, excepting on theextreme left, where the far off moaatain peaksare relieved against the warm sky.

This picture is the most creditable effort yetmade by a scenie artist, whose name ha been his

10favorably known both here and in the East forat least a half a eeutury. We lift our bonnet toold John Leslie, and thank him heartily for thepleasant treat he has given us, and not without the

feeling of profound gratification that the butpatchy old drop, curtain, the imbecile view of HeVenice, with its scarecrow of figures, intended

human, encumbering it foreground, hadisappeared forever.

In closing this imperfect notice, we raunotrefrain from testifying to the energy and lib-

erality btdisplayed by the present lessee, in preparing for the coming season. We trust thatwith the excellent stock company he ha engaged, with the popular stars who will appear in aduo succession, and the untiring effort which

know he will display, to please the taste ofthe Louisville pnhlic. that hiscaucer hoio will

as successful a hi deserts. We ran wishhim nothing more.

An Absconding Rascal. A young Prussian,known aa Ludovic Joachim Julius Tod, waarrested in Nw York, on Monday, by Detect to

ives Elder and MeCord,ona charge of havingabsconded from St. Petersburgh, Russia, inAugust, 1S59, with $oo,000, belonging to anEnglish Ann, In whose employment he had been.The accused had been commissioned to dispose

a vessel, and the fuuds in question wcr theproceed of the sale. Upon a search of hiapartments, the officers seized a large amount ofRussian bank bills, equivalent to about $50,000

American currency, and Its recovery willprobably secure them a reward of $3,500, whichthe merchants had offered for it restoration.

A Niooabdlt Tbibutb. It is ome monthince John Bbown, Jr., applied to President

Grpfbard for some account of the enthusias-

tic subscription of the Haytians in behalf of his

father' family. The ubscription having beenclosed, the entire fund is found to be $184 60.

The sum does not, even at flrst sight, impressthe reader with a sense of its magnitude andliberality; but when we add that the dollar In

question are of the Haytian paper currency,each worth no more than six American cents,and that the grand total is actually only tleitndollart and tntn ctntt, the plendor of this na

tional testimonial may be realized.

Flvnktism. It is sickening ta notice thefiunkyism that exhibits itself in the neighbor-

ing province in regard to the Prince. Amongother things it is said that on the occasion ofthe visit of the Prince to the Anglicaa Cathe-

dral at Montreal, the bishop attended by hisclergy, met him at the door and saluted him a

he entered, and conducted him to hi seaL An

exchange very properly says:

Such snobbery on th part of the elergytnenis really disgusting, and argue but a smallamounl of real Christianity iu th parson guiltyof il. A Prince in th lght of God. 1 no betterthan the commonest on toe etreei,and when he attends a place of worship shouldreceive no more attention. It would be niacnmore in accordance with hi duty if th bishophad exercised hi skill in pointing oat to thPrinee the way to heaven in place 01 a seal iuhi gorgeous Cathedral.

tsy-So- remarks having been made In reference to the subjoined challenge of Mr. Jno.Burks, we think it proper to say it was handedto us on Thursday, before hi horse, GreenMountain Morgan, appeared in the stallionring at the Fair Grounds:


LION John Ubnbt. it has been reported thatI declined to match my stallion, Capt. Light-foo- t,

in a race with the stallion, John U untrue: and to settle the lualter, I nowpropose to match Capt. Lightfoot sgalust JohnHenry lor any amount from $100 tomile heats, best three in nve, or two nine nrait,at the option of the challenged party.

I would prater going tor me sniauer amoout,as my object is solely to teal th relative spedof these horse. The race to come off ovrWoodlawn Course, during tne regular arteeungthis falL .won.! utiuw.

Boi rbon Cocnti Stocr Salb. Stock to thamount of $32,000 was sold on Monday in Paris.Here is the range of prices for mules :

24 a vear old mules.. ..$116 25.. .$3,7VO 0038 PM 00.. 4,so4 0045 1M 80.. 5,430 00

9 119 50.. 1,075 5017 10S 00.. l.Kid 00S4 110 00.. 3,740 00r fA SO.. 8'J9 007 1 7S 00.. 46$ 00

24 l7 20.. a,:o 8010 64 00.. 640 0015 6'J "JO.. 1,040 40

75 00. . a, 100 0039 100 00.. 5,000 00

Ma Meeting ia Carroll.Gov. Powell, Gbn. William O. Butlbb, and

others, we are authorized to say, will addressthe people of Carroll, Trimble, and Henry counties, at a Spring on the road from New Castle toCarrollton, about eight mile from tha lttrplace, on

AfTBDAT NBXT, 8TH INtT.Th public ar invited to attend.

Arkansa ElectionThe oOkial returns show Rector's majority to

be 1,55U ; Hindmau a for Congress in the i irstDistrict, 10,;toa ; oanni s, in iu aecona uisirict,8,502.

IIbavt Failctib. --The Martinsburg. Va.' Republican announces that Mr. Jaceb Thomas, anextensive store keeper aod stock and cattle dealer at Summit Point, has failed in business anddisappeared. Ilia liabilities are estimated at$,. nio, and are only partially secured by a deedof trust In favor of preferred er editors.

Franklin gave a dinner party onWednesday evenin g, at Montreal, to which an anyAmericans, including Strakoech aud Paul wereInvited.

rumor waa current in Paris at latestdates thatMaszlnl had besa arreswd Bt Naples.


Later from Mexico.Advices from Mexico slate that the Liberal

gained a victory over Miramon at Lagos on the10th of August, in which Gen. Miramon aud hisecond in command were wounded. Miramouwas surprised by Gen. DoblaUo, iu command ofthe Liberals, and after five days desperate light-ing Miramon had lo retreat, leaving all hi ar-tillery and many prisoner iu the hand of

The forces were greatly disproportion-ed- ,Miramon having only about i.UUO men, while

Doblado had a force variously estimated at from10,000 to l,ooo men. Miramon, with hia caval-ry,

Ifled in the direction of the city of Mexico.

The Liberals are in the higheot slate of excite-ment, and salutes had beeu fired at MaUunorae

the arrival of every courier.Gov. Vldaurrl ha enforced anolher loan on

the foreign merchants of Monterey, and withthe ultimatum thai they could pay iu five day

leave the State, Many have adopted thelatter plan, and are now on the Rio Grandeawaiting some change in event, or in the gov-ernment of the State of Leon. Certain parties andhin authority in the State of Tumaulipa. areM'd to ba furnishing arm and ammunition, andsoliciting men for the purpose of assisting therevolutionists in Nueva Leon iu overthrowing theidaurrL

The threatened war between Mexico andand

Spam is not popular in Matamoras, because thapeople fear the safety of that town. The recentdefeat of Miramon at Lanoe has infused great willconfidence iu the Liberals, and volunteer arehurrying to the fight. In order to have it saidthai ihey assisted ta overthrowing the ChurchPr7- - .

The Rio Grande ia on a big rise, aud fears areentertained that an overflow will result. TheTexas frontier is ail quiet from Mexican disturb-ance.


Cholera has made il appearance at the townVictoria, one hundred milee above Mla-mor- the

Gen. Pecheco, of th Liberal army, was killedLagos. N. O. Bee. our

atneirro bcloni'iuir tn Raw i

living between this place aud Ho Jgenville, waaarretted oa last Thursday night, and confined

the Larue county jail, upon the charge ofcommitting a rape upon a very respectablewhite widow lady living ncarHodgenvilie. Thnerro wa riding a crooked-loote- d mule,

wa tracked to hie master' farm bysome men, and found 1 silling asleep on all,

gap of the fence, where he had turned thatmule in the pasture. He wa ta-

ken to Hodgeville, and upon hi arrivalthere a great excitement had been raised, and it

with some difficulty that the more peaceable theportion of the citizena could quiet th infuriated themass that had gathered for the purpose of hang-ing the brute upon the nearestWee. We hope justice will be meted out to thescoundrel in due season. Kiizabethtown Deui.

thatThe Prince of Wales at Washington. As

Prince of Wales, like any other youth, Ufond of dancing, il is pretty much determinedthat a bail shall be given him in the east room

the While House. Accordingly that celebratedapartment is being embellished, a are otherparts 01 me rresidential mansion, for the accom-odation of the Priuce and the distinguishedmembers of bis suite. Under the direction of

President and Mis Lane, whe, from a resi-dence at European Courts, are acquainted with the

courtesies and proprieties pertaining to roy-alty,

ofthing will go along smoothly, save aud ua;

except as to the person who may be invited to beball in the east room. Here will be a strug-

gle for place, and what between the desire forreasonable exclusivenese, and the fear of offend-ing the popular sovereigns, there will be abun-dant causes for anxious consideration. Much

largest of the present crop of beauty iaWashington i far from beintr confined to thefirat families. Wash. Cor. N. Y. Tribune.

A Bot Han os Himsblf in a Jbst. A boy,about fourteen years of age, named Loop, com-mitted suicide recently, at Centerville, NewYork, by hanging himself. He had remarked to

sister during the evening thai he intended forhang hiuiselt, but she did not pay much atten-


to hi remark. He wa missed soon after-ward,

byand the sister began to b alarmed and

searched for him. He was soon found in on of cobsuspended by th neck, and im-

mediately cut down. Life was not quite extinct.'all efforts to revive him were unavailing.

had several lit and finally died on Mondaymorning. No cause ia assigped for this singu-lar suicide. The probability is that the boy wa ononly in run, out his sport accidemaily becain asad reality.

A Nobleman Rescued fbom a Cocbtbha! theHis Wife. A German nobleman visitejParis reeently on pleasure. He was wealthyaud lived freely. He became infatuated with anotorious courtesan named Rigolette, andsquandered so much money upon her that, after

short career of pleasure, he found himself abeggar and a debtor in prison. His wife jour-neyed from Germanv. arrived in Paris, saw herb,neband and Uslcued to U1S ColllCSSlon Withoutbetraying anger or reproach. She went to a tri hisbunal, explained the case, atrial took place, andRigolette accused of immorality and swindling, towas compelled to restore the property; the Ger ofman was released from prison, and, with a hand-some residue, thank to his wife, he returned

his country and his krout.

A SoRBOwpfL Sight. A white woman, apprenlly about forty years old, took a large quantity of laudanum, and laid, Herself across ththreshhold of a shoe shop on Main street, nearthe corner of Bank street, about one o clockthis afternoon. She was employed a cook at hathe Depaw Hoose about a year ago, and morerecently in the same capacity at the Asbury

College. She had in her possession a vack--age of vials of laudanum; three full, oue erupt v.and one partially emptied. It is supposed thatshe had taken at least one and a half vials ofthis deadly mixture. The physicians were try-ing to empty her stomach. Il ts not likely thatshe will die. Marshal Akers directed her to behauled to jalL She was very poorly clad, having no shoes, aud presented a moci horrible audBliockidg appearance. 1. a. Ledger.

Rattlbsnaem. These venomous reptilehave been unusaally numerous the past sum-

mer on th mountain in Allegany eoanty, M4.The Froslburg Gazett says:

Mr. Jacob Loar, residing on the western elopeof Dan mountain and four mile from r rostburg, with the aid of the members of his fami-ly, made an atiauk upon an army of rattlesnake, consisting 01 not less than seventy-thre- e

some of them being over live feet luleDeth on Sunday last, wim stone, and thevwere so completely victorious that not one ofthem escaped to tell the story of their rate tothe peraap few that remained in the den.

fifThe Prussian paper narrate a pleasingincident which recently occurred at an exhibition of necromancy iu Kocnigsbnrg. Duringan Interval, a gentleman rose in the body ofthe hall, and, pointing to a lady who sat onanother bench, addressed the conjurer as follows: "Herr Bason, your next Inch, ae I seefrom the show bill, i to make any person die- -

appear that is pointed ont to you. there allsmi runaway spouse with her paramour. Praymake iheia disappear." The lady turned alternately pale and red, and the couple left amidthe roaring laughter 01 the public.

Fatal Cascaltt A Lad AcoidentalltKill Himself with a Pistol. This morula?.Thos. Newell, son of Capt Newc.lL of thesteamer IL K. W. Hill, a lad of about thirteenyears of age, entered the office of Dr. Bailey, forthe purpose of making some arrangerucnle withthe doctor' son for an excursion of pleasnre today. While in the office he happened to opea atable drawer, and seeing a pistol therein, hlifted It out and commenced to examine it.While doing o, by some means, the pistol wa I

discharged just as he wa glancing into the I

muzzle, the Dan entered in ngni eye anancnetrated the braia, causing instantaneousdeath. We deeply sympathize with Capt. Newell in this great affliction, which is rendereddonblv acute from the fact that thi 1 th aecond son he ha lost within a short time by accident. Memphis Argus.

Bcbolabt. The grocery store f McClinteck& Bro. and the tin establishment of Hey A Fox,on Market, just above Pearl street, were

last night by a burglar. The eatraacewa effected through an open window in thesecond story, at the rear of McClintockBro'. grocery, from thence to th top of thebuilding, and down through the hatch of HeyA Fox store to the flri floor. Th moneydrawer of Hey & Fox wa opened, and that ofMcClintock c Bro. attempted, Nothing, how-ever, ha been missed. The Burglar made hiaway out the back door of Hey A Fox's store.and forgot to saui 11 A. Ledger.

Politics in Tbxab. A private dispatch Justreceived from Belknap, Texas, dated August24, m, says:

Editor Xcmphi AuIicAv Returns havebeen received here from thirty counties.riviaz the entire Democratic.ticket, nominated at Galveston, over 2,000 majority. The Democrats will carry the Stale byat least li,0OO or 15,000 majority. Last year'amajority for the Opposition, over 8.000. Apretty considerable change! Breckinridge'majority win be inorrasea to ju.iaaj. ihe op-positionists are generally "down in the mouth."and a great many will support Breckinridge andLane.

Thb Cash of Capt. Mbigs Settled bt tbbPresident. The Meigs case Is at an end. ThePresideut, as Commander-in-Chief- , ha orderedCapL Meigs to obey his superior officer, thesecretary 01 vv ar, and has declined to receiveany communication from him, except throughthe Wa Department, The army and navy re--loice in this decision, otherwise any lieutenantot midshipman might bring his personal griev -

an cat direatiw tn ti. Preai.ient. and make a correspondence wita him, contrary to tne raie wiboth services,

Alleged Abolition Emviabiba, At a recent meeting in Carolina county, a, ienryR. Cronl and John R-- Wiley wcr requsled to

.v ,. n aeaount of their arertedfriendship for n individual by the aarae ofPhelps, who is euppoeeo. o uw m "is --

tiondocament through the county. Among. , .... .1 ti 1 1. ina tut louuwinu waa umku.KtrnMnd That we eiv Henrv R. Clonic, aad John

K. Wiley till boob of th 10th of September, ldflO, tleave the eonety onaronnc.

Hobbiblb Mcbdbb. The Rockvill RepnbU-v-n

of Wednesday, say that Michael McCor--

mlek. an Irishman, wa brutally mnrdared inhi bed, at his residence near Moataa-nma-

, aboutfive o'clock, P. M , on Monday leal, by oin un-

known perton. Hi head was completely cleftasunder with aa ax, which wa left by thlids.

Central Americas Affaire.Correspondence of th rfetttoore 9oa.

Washington, eeptembar 2, 1

British intervention ia Nicaragua ia certaln'ttresuit from Walker's tUlbusteruig raid, no mat-te- r

in what form It may be conducted. Thadocuments laid before tha BriUaa Parliamentin relation to th Wyke treaty of the nth Feb-ruary, l!iO, teem to render lAla certain. Nica-ragua is by that treaty placed under iiriuah pro-tection, though the Moeajueu protectorate iaabandoned, ibe r.ght of Great Br .uJn to inter-vene, in case of emergency, without tite previoucouaent of Ihe Nicarauan overument reuonixed by ibe treaty. Our treaty with Nicaraguawa intended togiv ihesama privilege w iUUnited Mates government, but at - eaiaeca.-le-

by the U. a. Senate.Our government cannot ialerveae, whatever

may be the course of those in Nicaragua, .ineither the power nor the means have beeugranted to it by Coiirs. A league ol tli-- i

Central American atate against Ibe iiivavi.afrom th I niied State ia stated t be certain,and Nicaragua is certain to calf ujM.n the?

nited State for aid in the cxpulsiou of ta.rllJtbusters;aud their elLe. The whole aubjeelwill uccesaarily come before Congress at thenext action, when the body will have anotheropportunity to act upon the President .in-gestion relative to the protection of Aiueri.auinterests in Central America.

Mexican affair wUl demand the atten-tion of our government. Had th McLauc treatybeen ratified, the British government wou.Uhave adopted our policy ia regard to Mexico,

would have recogniaed the Juarez govern-ment. The failure vf that treaty ha been fol-

lowed by a league of European ov eminent.-.- ,

who subjects have interest in Mexico, forrestoration of order in that nnhappy counirj ,

the consequent recognition of claims ouMexico for the redress of such wrongs a arecomplained of When they effect this objectwhich seems to be remote the United state

derive their foil share of the benefits result-ing from it. Our commerce with Mexico cauthen be restored and improved, aadthejuiireclamation of oar cozens complied with.

On the 20tU nit., Chamorro, acting PresidentNicaragua, issued the following

prchtlamatioji.Fernando Chamorro, Senator, charged wita

Executive power of the Republic of Nicaragua, to the inhabitants:

Compatriots: William Walker, the enemy ofrepose, with a party of hi robbers, meuacea

l hi moment our neighbor and sister, the Republic of Honduras; the danger is likewise onr

the question is Central American.the ruin which hia destructive hand Scat

tered Car and near are yet smoking; these con-tinually make us remember what we mav againexpect from these hordes of cannibal. The reli-gion of oar father, onr paternal heart La, ourbeloved families., the very soil uader our feel,

ail wiU be taken from ua by force shouldheartless people intntt whose professed

principles is too destruction of onr race; takepossession of th country.

Our pact dissension were the cause that, ialate invasion, the contest was prolonged andidea of our easy conquest conceived. Now,

united, we have but one standard. Indepen-denceone enemy, tiUibustere. The uuie andoccasion has come for us to prove to the whoUworld that we are able to defend our rights, and

our territory I not to be trodden wiin im-punity.

Clergymen of the Republic! The holy reli-gion ol which you are the ministers is menaced;fulfil your evangelical mission.

Soldiers of the army ! The miserable Vandalwhom yon caused to bite the dust at San Jacin-to, Masaaya, Rivas and Granada, dare again tochallenge your ferocity, (frruritrd.) Pre rareyourselves. At whatever point of CentralAmerica they may appear it is to ns, also, thai

challenge Is extended. There is the dangerour country; there honor and our oatha tail

and there, a heretofore, tn your rank willfound your companion and friend.

b. tt A LM-- CHAMOKKO.

(kaperted Eiprtaaly for the LoaiavilleCouricr J


GXORGS W. JOHNSTON. JUDGe.ThursdaT. Set t. fj. lulO.

Bailed Out. IL Wagoner, committed on lh3dinL in default of Slut) for three months, waabrought in from the workhouse and trave ball.

Pbacb Wabbamt. Commonwealth by .

Wyshen against Adam Meyer, own bond lu $six mouths; same by Adam Meyer agiinst t.

yshen, own bond ia lor six month: sameMr. Swere against Frank Swere, continued

until to-u-i orroi; same by B. Yutziif against -

Moore, own bond of each in K tor twelvemonths; same by T. Bennett against Sailv Neal,continued until by Sally Nealagainst T. Bennett, continued untilmorning.

Assault. C. Au.smi Jer wa before the courtthe charge of making an assault on J. Reed-man- ,

cutting him on the head with a hatchet.Reedman had a cut on top of the head and abruise over the left eye. R. Eealemau, oue of

witnesses for the defense, was put under arrest, also charged with the asaault. There wa ageneral quarrel between them. Keedroan had abutcher knife, Aulsiniiler a hatchet, and Eesic- -

inan had a briek, ail dangerou weapons. Triowitnesses were aii recognized to go before thaGrand Jury.

John LH.nahan wa also UP on the enari ..1assauiliug OcuO Jlcnunuey. Ouiid tlcfl ee waadressed in deep mourning, which wait caused by

resisting the oilicer aud getting atriu k iu theface. Bail in tan) lo answer an assault and f J

be of good behavior for one year, in drlauitwhich he wa sent to the cave.

Ben Connor waa arrested, charged with tveiugdrunk, disorderly, and abusing his wife. He narrested about 2 o'elock this morning. Ben is litthe habit of drinking and abusing his wi:e. Se-

curity in for six months. Bail given.As.sault. Just after AuIsmilUr was iLa- -

oharged, Reedman waa brought Into court,charged with assaulting him. From the evi-dence, it anpeard that he only made threats, aud

wa discharged.Sisj-sctb- 1 blon. Ben f. Joans was brought

Into court a a (uspeeted felon. He ha beenhere abont a week, lying round doing nothing.He Is a professional thief, aad belongs lo a gang

ho live in the aeigUDornoou 01 indianapou.Ind. He stole a diamond pin there last week.Security in $'J0O for six months workhouse.

STBALrNO. . oocraorner wa arrested amibrought into eourt, charged with stealing $1.1

from IL UerouL lac case was continued untilmorning, and the prisoner remanded


Malhw Lane, Thomas Carter, George Parker.Peter Ganatv. Michael Fitzgerald. Jaa. Fitzgerald, Win. Crosby, Hugh Swaney, and HeuryTaylor were all presented to the court ae Deiugdisorderly in their conduct, and aisoasvagranw.For the past four months they have been goinground the wharf druna, annoying me neignoor- -

hood, and doing nothing for a living. George:Parker was discharged, and the naiance wenttothe workhouse in default of $100 for threemonth.

A Journey Under Paris.A correspondent of a Swedish journal furnishes

an Interesting account of a subterranean voyagethrough one of the admirably cousiruciea sew-

ers of Pari. The boat which conveyed the par-

ty wsa reached by desceudiuga flight of steps tothe depth of about lorty-n- leet. lue ooat, aflat bottomed affair, was lighted by four lamp.The sewer is an archway, hiteen feci high, tudof equal breadth, with a ditch or canal abouttenfeet wide, wherein ail the dirt and n;m 01 ranis carried away. On the sides are footpaths,which, together, are about five feet wide. Thewhole hi built ot white sandstone, ana is Reftremarkably neat and clean. No stench or Ladsmell wa perceptible. The dener portion ofthe filth ia carried away through larsre drain beneath the Bidewaiks. I he aidewaia are excel-

lent, and exhibit no lgns of damrness, whilethe walla of the archway are xept wnnewasnea,and are at all time as white as the driven snow.The structure possesae the properties 01 an im-

mense speaking tube, the workmen beiug ablato converse at the utsiance 01 two nines irouteach other. The echo is very laatingandstrorg.The fabric i said to he buiit alter a model ot tncatacomb of Rome, aided by all the latest

4n hotb. aides, at about two huu- -

5 . ....iknre from one another, are owletb the workmen can ascend by ineau ofrrpjnent iron ladders, in case a sudden rainstorm should cause the water to raise over thesidewalks, which U, However, 01 rare occurence.

The content of the sewer flow into the riverSeine, and the curTent Is sufficient to carry theboat used along with considerame velocity.Large reservoir are constructed at intervals,into which the water can be turned for a horttune, in cas il should be necessary to have thacanal dry for a littlo while. The whole workwa completed in two years. Beside the maiucanal, there are many minor ones constraeteitunder the principal streets, aa 01 wntcn ran domade to communicate with one another. Theeadmirable nndergronnd works are eeeeesihlnfrom the Louvre, the Tuilleries, and from all thebarracks, and should the Parisian take a notionto barricade the streets in any part or tne chj.the Imperial Government might, at short notice,and without any person being aware of it, transport troops, and if there is lime to niaae ae tithe reservoirs, so can cavalry be tranoported inthe same wav. There is an end to shootii g oathe soldiers from the windows, and a revolutionin Pari will soon only be remembered amougthe thing that have been, never to occur gaiu.Through these underground passage a priaonercan easily be taken irom tne uouvrr iu uwithout attracting attention, and thence sent on

by railwav, which is near at hand. This splendid.system ol sewerage waa one 01 ui. i -

of the flrst Napoleon.

- A deaDerata fellow named Jap Franklin..1,. kaa lone- - been a terror to the Inhabitantof Owen county, IndU has been arrested by ththrirT, wit th aitance 01 nity

Ha ha been guilty of innumerable ex. iesj, thlat of which wa an attempt to poiaon every,body tn th vicinity of Spencer.

Trim. m m N W YoBB. The f

fore of New York conit of l.sJS men. 1 herare of officer, ona epenntendent, four inspec-tor eight clerks, Ave Burgeon, thirty-thre- e

I and one hundred and fbrty two serI (MnH. The beat t tha New York patrolmen

average one ana lourm uiu we. mere oenita that city 412 K mile of treat, and ll'Vmilraof pier, or a total 01 ns mile to t guaruru.

AMistaeen CaiarvtL. A fellow in Dublincommitted aome small offensw ftr which thaJudge pronounced the following eaieuce:"The sentence or tne court is tnatyou nauflogged from the bank to the euay.' The pris-

oner. Interrupting tha Judge, exclaimed:-- -"Thank you my lord, have yon aone yorworst?" Judge "No; aad beck atfala."

women kiss one another, aa

bed -

Quiip, on coming Into a room, because it ie agraceful custom; they do the tame on goii r

way, because they are delighted to loee alghl t4each other. l Boston rot.

(eT.If you were obliged to swallow a mawhom, would you prefer to swallow A UttLondon ponar.
