CMP Family Stories - Part 2



Families who have participated in the Collaborative Managment Program in the State of Colorado share their experiences. Original stories pulished in the CMP Coordinator's Handbook, June, 2012. For more information, visit the CMP blog at: or the CMP Portal at:

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I have been in and out of the system since I was 12 years old.

I had an extremely rough childhood.

I would like to say a few words about the

Wraparound Program

until I got involved with the Wraparound Process.

I never knew who I was or who I could be

I am 21 years old now, with a four year old son

as a single mother

discover myself

and have helped me realize that I am a good person

My facilitator and team members have helped me

as long as I believe in myself.

throughout my whole life.

and also taught me skills that I can use

Wraparound has given me help through a lot of troubles

that I have had

Thank you.

I am very thankful

and it is most definitely something I would

recommend to anybody! that I do have Wraparound

At that time I was placed on

home detention status

I was referred to

juvenile services in September 2011

During the month of October

I was removed from

home detention


and placed on tracking services due to

outstanding behavior

attending school regularly, reporting to my tracker on time daily, and

remaining drug free.

I have been working with my

mentor consistently

I was in the local

newspaper in October for my interest and efforts in the

boxing program introduced to me by my


I have proven I can take

accountability for

my actions

and am interested in continuing

on a new path I have created for

my life.

To be continued...

Original stories published June, 2012 in the State of Colorado

Collaborative Management Program (CMP) Coordinator Handbook Stories found on page 48

Names and specific CMP counties are withheld to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.

IMAGES used are NOT actual photos of the people or events from these stories,

but are for illustrative purposes only.

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Copyright 2013 Colorado CMP

All rights reserved Norman Kirsch, Director Rhonda Conger, Editor
