C&M Systems Developed by Local MICE Community



C&M Systems Developed by Local MICE Community. J. Leaver 03/06/2009. Community C&M Systems Overview. In MICE, pions produced by inserting titanium target into halo of ISIS proton beam. Target driven into/out of beam by linear motor, consisting of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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C&M Systems Developed by Local MICE Community

J. Leaver


04/21/23 Imperial College 2

Community C&M Systems OverviewSystem Owner EPICS Developer EPICS Status

Target: Drive Paul Smith; Paul Hodgeson; Chris Booth (UOS) Adrian Oates; Graham Cox (DL) Complete for current Target, but additions required for upgraded system.

Target: Controller Paul Smith (UOS); James Leaver (IC) James Leaver (IC) Not yet commenced.Target: Beam Loss Paul Smith; Paul Hodgeson (UOS); James Leaver (IC) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Functionally complete.Beamline Magnets Martin Hughes (RAL) Peter Owens (DL) Complete, with support requirements.Pion Decay Solenoid Mike Courthold (RAL) Adrian Oates; Graham Cox (DL) Complete, with support requirements.FNAL BPMs Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC) Complete.TOF Maurizio Bonesini (INFN) Unknown Unallocated.CKOV Lucien Cremaldi; David Sanders (OLEMISS) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Not yet commenced.Diffuser Wing Lau (OU) Unknown Unallocated.Tracker: Spectrometer Solenoids Steve Virostek (LBNL) Adrian Oates; Graham Cox (DL) DL have completed most of the design drawings,

require ~£18K of capital and 0.4 man years of effort to finish the project. Currently finalising allocation of funds.

Tracker: B-Field Probes Frank Filthaut (RUN) Frank Filthaut (RUN) Functionally complete.Tracker: AFEIIts Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien

Graulich (UNIGE)Complete, but integration with DATE to be finalised.

Tracker: AFEIIt Infrastructure Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC) Thus far, only Wiener PSUs have been identified. Not yet commenced. May have additional requirements.

Calorimeter: KL Calorimeter Virgilio Chimenti (INFN) Unknown Unallocated.Calorimeter: Electron Muon Ranger A. Blondel; J-S Graulich; V. Verguilov; F. Masciocchi;

L. Nicola; R. Bloch; P. Béné; F. Cadoux (UNIGE)Unknown Unallocated.

H2 Absorbers: Focus Coils Wing Lau (OU) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Not yet commenced, manpower unconfirmed.H2 Absorbers: Hydrogen System Yury Ivanyushenkov; Tom Bradshaw (RAL) Adrian Oates; Graham Cox (DL) DL have acquired necessary safety training and have

started evaluating PLC systems. Early stages of development, but fully budgeted for by Tom Bradshaw.

RF Cavities: Coupling Coils Derun Li; Steve Virostek (LBNL) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Not yet commenced, manpower unconfirmed.RF Cavities: RF System Andy Moss (ASTeC) Dimity Tettyleman (LBNL); Adrian

Oates; Graham Cox (DL)Early stages of development, but fully budgeted/accounted for by Andy Moss.

DATE Status Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE)

EPICS server + client GUI complete, but client-side integration with DATE required.

Network Status Anyone with a PC/IOC in the MLCR/Hall James Leaver (IC) Prototype complete, requires increased functionality.

04/21/23 Imperial College 3

Target: Controller

• In MICE, pions produced by inserting titanium target into halo of ISIS proton beam

• Target driven into/out of beam by linear motor, consisting of

– Shuttle: Moving magnet assembly attached to shaft (carries target)

– Stator: Series of solenoid coils

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Paul Smith (UOS); James Leaver (IC) James Leaver (IC) July 2009; Dec 2009



Water Cooling



04/21/23 Imperial College 4

Target: Controller

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Paul Smith (UOS); James Leaver (IC) James Leaver (IC) July 2009; Dec 2009

• Target Controller electronics actuates target by modulating Stator coil currents

– Required motion profiles achieved with position monitoring + feedback algorithm

• In terms of ‘user-level’ controls, need to

– Enable actuation

– Specify target dip depth (relative to beamline)

– Specify timing delays for synchronisation with ISIS

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Target: Controller• Target Controller system in place, but only has ‘push button’


• Currently undergoing complete redesign to increase functionality and enable PC control

• Based on USBDAQ

– Contains 1M gate FPGA

– USB interface for PC communication

• Will be integrated with EPICS using portable CA server framework

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Paul Smith (UOS); James Leaver (IC) James Leaver (IC) July 2009; Dec 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 6

Target: Controller

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Paul Smith (UOS); James Leaver (IC) James Leaver (IC) July 2009; Dec 2009

• In hardware/firmware design stage – EPICS development not yet commenced

• Stage 1 upgrade will be complete end of July 2009– Interfaces USBDAQ with existing analogue electronics

– EPICS C&M system recreating current ‘push button’ controls

• Stage 2 upgrade to be completed end of December 2009– Redesign of analogue electronics

– Enable fine control of subsystems

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Target: Beam Loss

• While actuating, necessary to record beam loss reported by ISIS

– Monitor effect of MICE operations on ISIS

– Ultimately a measure of particle production vs. Target dip depth

• Target depth reported by control electronics

• Beam loss signals provided by ionisation chambers distributed around ISIS synchrotron

• Read using National Instruments PCI6254 DAQ card

– To be replaced by custom DAQ board (early 2010)Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Paul Smith; Paul Hodgeson (UOS); James Leaver (IC) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Now; Sep 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 8

Target: Beam Loss

• Beam loss is an important physics parameter

– Needs to be read directly via DATE, for correct synchronisation and inclusion in DAQ data stream

• However, require capacity to run Target when DATE is inactive (during test & development phases)

– Additional ‘standalone’ Target DAQ software exists

• EPICS-based monitoring system should operate with either DATE or standalone DAQ

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Paul Smith; Paul Hodgeson (UOS); James Leaver (IC) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Now; Sep 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 9

Target: Beam Loss

• Beam loss IOC reads local data archive written by both DAQ systems

• Clients provide virtual scope display, history plots & analysis

• System functionally complete, but requires final selection of algorithm for calculating ‘absolute’ beam loss

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Paul Smith; Paul Hodgeson (UOS); James Leaver (IC) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Now; Sep 2009



04/21/23 Imperial College 10

FNAL Beam Profile Monitors

• Scintillating fibre Beam Profile Monitors developed at Fermilab

• Low mass, high resolution

• Fibres read out via PMTs, using custom electronics

• Also monitor temperature of PMT interface boards (check for cooling system failure)

• Hardware accessed via CAMAC bus

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC) Now

2 layers of 64 x scintillating fibres


04/21/23 Imperial College 11

FNAL Beam Profile Monitors

• C&M system developed using MICE portable CA wrapper framework

• 2 server applications

– Control Server (performs hardware access)

• Start/stop readout thread (external trigger enable)

• Set pedestal levels

• Writes acquired values to Data Server

– Data Server

• Contains most recent fibre data & temperature monitoring values

• Reduces impact of client monitoring load on hardware readout

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC) Now

04/21/23 Imperial College 12

FNAL Beam Profile Monitors

• Server/client applications complete

• Well tested, used for monitor calibration procedures

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC) Now

04/21/23 Imperial College 13

Cherenkov System• MICE has 2 threshold Cherenkov counters upstream of Cooling


– Improve muon/pion separation

– Perform clean selection of electrons

• 2 vessels with aerogel radiator of different refractive indices

– Read out by 8 PMTs with TYVEK reflectors

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Lucien Cremaldi; David Sanders (OLEMISS) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Sep 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 14

Cherenkov System

• C&M components

– Temperature + humidity

• Sensor module read out via SNMP

• IOC will access sensors using existing devSNMP device support (LNAL)

– PMT HV supplies

• CAEN HV modules

• C++ drivers available – use portable CA server

• P. Hanlet currently investigating requirements

– Work on IOC implementation not yet commenced

– Will develop system in September (after completing general infrastructure tasks – AH, CA)Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Lucien Cremaldi; David Sanders (OLEMISS) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT) Sep 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 15

Tracker: Magnetic Field Probes

• Scintillating fibre Trackers enable measurement of muon beam emittance before/after MICE Cooling Channel

• Trackers require 4T uniform field, provided by Spectrometer Solenoid modules

• Necessary to monitor uniformity/stability of field

• NIKHEF Hall probes will be installed

– In homogeneous region of Tracker volume (centre)

– At edges of Tracker volume

– Outside solenoids (backup check of field polarity)

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Frank Filthaut (RUN) Frank Filthaut (RUN) Nov 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 16

Tracker: Magnetic Field Probes

• Hall probes read out via CAN interface using Windows application

– Existing ‘legacy’ software – reduced required development time

• Portable CA server reads parameters from Windows PC via network socket

• Monitor B-field (X, Y, Z components) + probe temperature

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Frank Filthaut (RUN) Frank Filthaut (RUN) Nov 2009

Standalone Probe Interface(Widows PC)

Hall Probes

EPICS Server

(Linux PC)

CAN Bus Network Socket

04/21/23 Imperial College 17

Tracker: Magnetic Field Probes

• C&M system functionally complete

– Required additions: Error handling refinements & definition of alarm limits

– To be finalised during installation at RAL

• Installation schedule depends on availability of Tracker hardware & F. Filthaut

– Expect working system November 2009

• No dedicated client will be written – sufficient to display parameters via Channel Archiver Data Server

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Frank Filthaut (RUN) Frank Filthaut (RUN) Nov 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 18

Tracker: AFEIIts

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009

• Each MICE Tracker contains 5 Stations

• Each Station consists of 3 doublet-layers of scintillating fibres (arranged at 120 rotation intervals)

• Scintillation light output from Stations via clear fibre light guides

1 2 3 4 5

04/21/23 Imperial College 19

Tracker: AFEIIts

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009

• Light detected with Visible Light Photon Counters (VLPCs)

–Low band gap silicon avalanche devices

–Require 9.00 0.02 K operating temperature

• Cryostat @ ~6.8K

• Individual VLPC heaters raise temp. to 9K & maintain stability with feedback loop

• VLPC output digitised using Analogue Front End with Timing (AFEIIt) boards

–1 VLPC requires 2 AFEIIts (an AFEIIt ‘Cassette’)

–1 Tracker requires 4 AFEIIt Cassettes

VLPC VLPC CryostatCryostat


04/21/23 Imperial College 20

Tracker: AFEIIts

• AFEIIts have 2 communication interfaces

– Data

• Output stream of digitised fibre values

• Sent to VME LVDS SERDES Buffer (VLSB) cards

• Read out via DATE(not relevant for C&M)

– Control

• MIL1553 serial bus (communication with PC via SBS VME controller)

• Configuration, run control & monitoring interface

• Accessed via EPICS

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009


VME VME ControllerController

04/21/23 Imperial College 21

Tracker: AFEIIts

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009

• AFEIIt control requirements

– VLPC signal digitisation parameters

• Preamp/opamp gain/drive current, delays, comparator references, etc.

– VLPC bias settings

– VLPC heater/feedback loop configuration

– ~230 parameters per board

• Monitoring requirements

– VLPC temperatures (verify 9K operation)

– VLPC heater values

04/21/23 Imperial College 22

Tracker: AFEIIts

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009

• C&M system developed using MICE portable CA wrapper framework (object orientated, multi-layered software architecture)





AFEIItDevice (R)



AFEIItDevice (R) N

Process Variable


Channel Access Client

Configuration Control Monitoring Application

Channel Access ClientChannel Access Client

Run Control

Each PV corresponds to an AFEIIt C++ library access routine

Process Variable Process Variable

04/21/23 Imperial College 23

Tracker: AFEIIts

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 24

Tracker: AFEIIts

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009

Server(Normally use

‘headless’ daemon version)

Run Control(To be implemented

within DATE)

Temperature/heater value monitoring

Configuration(Top level – additional

GUIs omitted for clarity)

Message Logging

04/21/23 Imperial College 25

Tracker: AFEIIts

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Now; June 2009

• Server/client applications complete

• Functionality verified using Tracker cosmic ray test stand

– Successfully configure/monitor 8 AFEIIts required for single Tracker

• Integration with DATE to be finalised

– Embed very simple client in DATE code

– Essentially enable/disable triggers at start/end of DAQ run

04/21/23 Imperial College 26

Tracker: AFEIIt Infrastructure

• ‘Infrastructure’ corresponds to auxiliary hardware necessary for operation of AFEIIts

– Power supplies, cryo systems - compressors, vacuum pumps, etc.

– Currently not well-defined

• Many items (cryo safety hardware interlocks) integrated with DL Spectrometer Solenoid controls

• Tracker group needs to specify full list of requirements & negotiate additions to DL systems (where appropriate/possible)

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC) Aug 2009; TBD

04/21/23 Imperial College 27

Tracker: AFEIIt Infrastructure

• Known C&M requirements: AFEIIt power supplies

– 4 Wiener PSUs (1 per VLPC cryo)

– CAN Bus or RS232 communication interface

• Intend to use RS232 – standard PC port, no additional interface hardware

– No progress yet – expect manpower to be available for completion in August

• Additional systems to be discussed (with consideration of limited resources/manpower)

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Alan Bross (FNAL) James Leaver (IC) Aug 2009; TBD

04/21/23 Imperial College 28

Hydrogen Absorbers: Focus Coils

• Ionisation cooling achieved by passing muons through low Z absorber to reduce transverse & longitudinal momentum

• Reaccelerated to original longitudinal momentum via RF Cavities

• MICE (primarily) uses liquid hydrogen absorbers

• Each absorber mounted inside a pair of superconducting solenoids (Focus Coil Module)

– Provides low beam beta region

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Wing Lau (OU) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT); TBD May 2010; TBD

04/21/23 Imperial College 29

Hydrogen Absorbers: Focus Coils

• Focus Coils expected to require C&M systems very similar to Pion Decay Solenoid & Spectrometer Solenoids

– See DL’s talk

• Would be most efficient for DL to take over project (wealth of relevant expertise)

– Unfortunately prevented by MICE funding constraints

– Task assigned to MOG

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Wing Lau (OU) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT); TBD May 2010; TBD

04/21/23 Imperial College 30

Hydrogen Absorbers: Focus Coils

• If possible, will attempt to use DL’s existing magnet designs as template

– DL C&M systems have vxWorks IOCs

• For MICE to develop vxWorks software, expensive (~£15.2K) license required

• Investigate replacement with RTEMS controllers (‘similar’ real-time OS, free to develop)

– DL systems include custom in-house hardware

• Not available for general MICE usage – will check alternatives

• However, will consider possibility of entirely new design (perhaps with Linux PC-based IOCs)

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Wing Lau (OU) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT); TBD May 2010; TBD

04/21/23 Imperial College 31

Hydrogen Absorbers: Focus Coils

• Work on Focus Coil C&M system has not yet commenced

– Need to confirm availability of P. Hanlet

– Assistance from FNAL Controls Group would be highly beneficial – need to discuss

• Expect to start project in September 2009

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Wing Lau (OU) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT); TBD May 2010; TBD

04/21/23 Imperial College 32

RF Cavities: Coupling Coils

• Each RF Cavity (used to reaccelerate muons) also surrounded by a superconducting solenoid (Coupling Coil)

– Confines muon beam within RF Cavity beam windows

• Coupling Coil C&M situation identical to Focus Coils

– Similar to other MICE magnets

– MOG responsibility (need to confirm P. Hanlet’s availability)

– Project should run in parallel with Focus Coil C&M systemResponsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Derun Li; Steve Virostek (LBNL) Pierrick Hanlet (IIT); TBD Sep 2010; TBD

04/21/23 Imperial College 33

DATE Status

• Need mechanism for reporting current DAQ state via EPICS

• Simple (‘dumb’) data server hosts DATE status PV

• Client application reads DATE status from DIIM server, forwards value to EPICS server

• Server & display client complete; DATE-side client to be implemented

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Due

Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) James Leaver (IC); Jean-Sebastien Graulich (UNIGE) Jun 2009

EPICS Data Server

(Single ‘status’ PV)DATE Client

04/21/23 Imperial College 34

Network Status

• Need to verify that all machines on DAQ & control networks are functional throughout MICE operation

• Two types of machine

– Generic PC (Linux, Windows)

– ‘Hard’ IOC (vxWorks, potentially RTEMS)

• EPICS Network Status server contains one status PV for each valid MICE IP address

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Date Due

Anyone with a PC/IOC in the MLCR/Hall James Leaver (IC) Aug 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 35

Network Status

• Read status: PC

– SSH into PC

• Verifies network connectivity & PC identity

– If successful, check list of currently running processes for required services

• Read status: ‘Hard’ IOC

– Check that standard internal status PV is accessible, with valid contents

• e.g. ‘TIME’ PV, served by all MICE ‘hard’ IOCs

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Date Due

Anyone with a PC/IOC in the MLCR/Hall James Leaver (IC) Aug 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 36

Network Status

• Currently have working prototype

– EPICS server connects to PCs via SSH, checks contents of ‘key’ ID file

– Client displays status of all PCs, scans at user-specified period (with ‘check now’ override)

• Need to add service checking & ‘hard’ IOC support

Responsible for System Responsible for EPICS C&M Date Due

Anyone with a PC/IOC in the MLCR/Hall James Leaver (IC) Aug 2009

04/21/23 Imperial College 37

Unassigned Control Systems

• Following systems have no allocated C&M effort

– Time of Flight System

– Diffuser

– Calorimeter: KL Calorimeter

– Calorimeter: Electron Muon Ranger

• Currently investigating system requirements

• Need to find additional resources within the MICE community

– MOG operating at full capacity & no funds for DL to undertake these projects

– Expect those responsible for each system will be required to implement corresponding EPICS controls

– Possibility of assistance from FNAL Controls Group (to be discussed)

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