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© Acadsoc Ltd. powered by NationalGeographic Learning. All rights reserved.Volume 2

Read On Your Own

Unit 3

Water for Everyone

Part 1 Lesson 18

Crow and the Pitcher

- Reading (3)


Warm-up Look and say.Do you remember

the story from the

last two lessons?

Crow must have water.

He spots a pitcher.


Warm-up Look and say.Do you remember

the story from the

last two lessons?

He cannot get the

water in the pitcher.


Warm-up Look and say.Do you remember

the story from the

last two lessons?

He spots some stones.


He drops the stones

into the pitcher.

Warm-up Look and say.Do you remember

the story from the

last two lessons?


What must Crow have?

He must have water.


Warm-up Look and choose.


What must Crow have?

He must have water.


Warm-up Key


Warm-up Look and choose.


What does Crow use to get the water?


Warm-up Key


What does Crow use to get the water?

He uses stones to get the water.


Before long, the

water in the pitcher

rises. It rises up and

up. Crow stops and

admires his trick.

Look and read.Reading


Look and read.Reading

At last, he can put

his bill in the pitcher

and get a big drink.

The water gives him

a good feeling. He



Crow glides away

in the sunshine. He

has gotten a fine

lesson in life:

Little by little does

the trick.

Look and read.Reading


Look and circle.

Before long, the water in the pitcher rises. It

rises up and up. Crow stops and admires his

trick. At last, he can put his bill in the pitcher

and get a big drink. The water gives him a

good feeling. He smiles. Crow glides away in

the sunshine. He has gotten a fine lesson in life:

Little by little does the trick.

Practice 1



Before long, the water in the pitcher rises. It

rises up and up. Crow stops and admires his

trick. At last, he can put his bill in the pitcher

and get a big drink. The water gives him a

good feeling. He smiles. Crow glides away in

the sunshine. He has gotten a fine lesson in life:

Little by little does the trick.

Practice 1


He tips the

pitcher over.

What trick does Crow

do to get the water?

He cracks the


He drops stones

in the pitcher.

Look and choose.Practice 2


What trick does Crow

do to get the water?

He drops stones

in the pitcher.

KeyPractice 2

He tips the

pitcher over.

He cracks the



The water gets

less and less.

What happens after

Crow drops stones

in the pitcher?

The water rises

up and up.

The water does

not change.

Look and choose.Practice 2


What happens after

Crow drops stones

in the pitcher?

The water rises

up and up.

KeyPractice 2

The water gets

less and less.

The water does

not change.


He feels good.

How does Crow

feel after he gets a

big drink?

He feels sad.

He feels angry.

Look and choose.Practice 2


He feels good.

How does Crow

feel after he gets a

big drink?

KeyPractice 2

He feels sad.

He feels angry.


Stones are very

useful in life.

Crow has learned a

fine lesson in life:

Drinking water is

a healthy habit.

Little by little

does the trick.

Look and choose.Practice 2


Crow has learned a

fine lesson in life:

Little by little

does the trick.

KeyPractice 2

Stones are very

useful in life.

Drinking water is

a healthy habit.


Activity 1 Look and answer.

How does Crow drink the

water in the pitcher?

What lesson has Crow

gotten in life?


KeyActivity 1

How does Crow drink the

water in the pitcher?

What lesson has Crow

gotten in life?

He drops stones in the

pitcher and the water rises.

Little by little does the trick.


Crow is thirsty. He must have

water. He sees a pitcher, but

he can’t get the water in it.

Activity 2 Look and say.


Crow strikes it and bites it.

The pitcher will not tip over

nor crack.

Activity 2 Look and say.


Crow sees some stones. He

carries the stones and drops

them into the pitcher.

Activity 2 Look and say.


The water rises up and up.

Crow can get a big drink.

Activity 2 Look and say.


Crow must have water. He

sees a pitcher, but he can’t

get the water in it. He strikes

it and bites it. The pitcher will

not tip over nor crack. Crow

sees some stones. He drops

them into the pitcher. The

water rises up and up. Crow

can get a big drink.

Can you fill the


chart for this story?

Ready Go

Activity 2 Look and say.


Crow must have water. He

sees a pitcher, but he can’t

get the water in it. He strikes

it and bites it. The pitcher will

not tip over nor crack. Crow

sees some stones. He drops

them into the pitcher. The

water rises up and up. Crow

can get a big drink.

Activity 2 Look and say.


Crow must have water. He

sees a pitcher, but he can’t

get the water in it.

Crow can’t get the

water in the pitcher.

Crow strikes it and

bites it.

He strikes

it and bites it. The pitcher will

not tip over nor crack. Crow

sees some stones. He drops

them into the pitcher. The

water rises up and up. Crow

can get a big drink.

Crow drops stones

in it.

The water rises up.

Crow can get a drink.

Activity 2 Key


Crow has gotten a fine lesson in life:

Little by little does the trick.“ ”How do you understand this sentence?

Have you done anything little by little in your life?

Hints: ① Do you believe it’s true? ② What did you do?

③ How did you do it? Example: I plant a small tree. I water it every day.

Finally it becomes big and tall!

Activity 3 Look and say.


Before long, the water in the

pitcher rises. It rises up and up.

Crow stops and admires his trick.

At last, he can put his bill in the

pitcher and get a big drink.

Crow and

the Pitcher

words with long i!

Review Recall and read.


The water gives him a good

feeling. He smiles. Crow glides

away in the sunshine. He has

gotten a fine lesson in life:

Little by little does the trick.

Crow and

the Pitcher

words with long i!

Review Recall and read.


© Acadsoc Ltd. powered by NationalGeographic Learning. All rights reserved.Volume 2 © Acadsoc Ltd. powered by NationalGeographic Learning. All rights reserved.Volume 2

See you

next time!


