Cloud Computing - PPT


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How many times have you felt that your application requires a higher system profile?

How many times have you have experienced trouble with change in software versions used by you and another person?

How many times have you felt to be stuck with data on a system back home?

Tom Mathews

S8 L

Roll No: 57

What is Cloud Computing ?

No matter if you browse through a PC, PDA or mobile phone ... the important thing is access from any system to the "cloud of information" through the Internet.

The information must be on servers, programs that currently operate and are installed on your computer, operating through the internet, are installed on servers and that implementation of the "Cloud Applications" is completely online and can access the application and information from any terminal with Internet access.

Self Healing

Linearly Scalable




Can quickly launch most applications (ex: Web 2.0 applications)

It makes it possible to scale up applications (tera, peta, and exa bytes of storage as well as MFlops of CPU power)

It can provide security, isolation and other non-functional capabilities also.


Provider supplies the hardware infrastructure and the software product.

Azure Service, Google App.


Set of software and product development tools., GoogleApp.


Provides virtual server instances with unique IP addresses and blocks of storage on demand.

Customer uses provider’s application interfaces.

Amazon, IBM.

Public cloud

Private cloud

Hybrid cloud (virtual private cloud)

Provisioning manager (IBM’s Tivoli) allocates and de-allocates resources, reserves resources for future use; runs on (WebSphere) application server

Provisioning monitor (IBM’s Tivoli) monitors the health of the allocated resources

XEN hypervisor is used for creating virtual machines

Consolidate all the needs of an organization in a systematic and accountable fashion.

Procure computing related resources similar to how you rent a place for living.

Examples from

Storage on demand (S3)

Computation service (EC2)

Cloud based simple workstation.

Sun Microsystem , IBM , Amazon , Google, Microsoft , Yahoo

Amazon Web Services

Cloudo, iCube, EyeOS

Terminals fools

Transparent updates

More Security

The order of licenses

Mobility and synchronicity


Relegation of control on data

Lack of access to the source

Dependence of internet computing in the cloud

No standards for terms of services