Close Mouth, Closed Heavens


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  • 7/25/2019 Close Mouth, Closed Heavens





    Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be taken

    up and thrown into the sea and . believes that what he

    says will come to pass, it will be done for him.Therefore I

    tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have

    received it, and it will be yours.Mark 11:23 - 34

    From these verse we can see that:1. Or !"r#$ a%# &ra'(r$ ar( &"!(r)*

    Jesus speaking on the potency of the Word said..the words

    that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.+"%

    :3 E/(k0(* 2:22. ( a% a( !a((r !( $a'. Or 5" 0$ ( r##(r

    ") "r *0($.And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have

    faith.Ma(! 21:22

    +"6 22:27 $ays[e! will decide on a matter, and it will beestablished for ., and li"ht will shine on your ways.

    3. ( #0r( "r *0($ a%# r(a( !a !( !a% r"8

    ( !"r#$ ") "r 5". Or #($0%' r("*($ ar"%#

    ( "%8(.#eath and life [are! in the power of the ton"ue$ and they

    that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Pr"(r6$ 17:21

    As it is written, %I have made you the father of many

    nations&'in the presence of the (od in whom he believed,who "ives life to the dead and calls into e)istence the thin"s

    that do not e)ist. R"5a%$ 4:19

    *ow faith is the assurance of thin"s hoped for, the conviction

    of thin"s not seen. +or by it the people of old received their

    commendation. By faith we understand that the universe

  • 7/25/2019 Close Mouth, Closed Heavens


    was created by the word of (od, so that what is seen was

    not made out of thin"s that are visible.H(6r(!$ 11:1-3

    4. O6$a*($, a**(%8($ a%# "(r r(&r($$0( )"r($

    r($&"%#$ " G"#$ !"r# 0% "r 5"Mark 11:23 says..whoever says to this mountain, Be

    taken up and thrown into the sea and . believes that whathe says will come to pass, it will be done for him.

    ;. ( #((r50%( ( )a( ") "r a**(%8($ 6' #(*ar0%8

    (0r (%#ho are you, "reat -ountain Before /erubbabel you shall

    become a plain.ELIND >ARTIMAEUS

    )lind )artimaeus would have died blind if he did not open hismouth and cry unto Jesus. Mark 1:4-;2


    +a5($ ;:13 says ..Is anyone amon" you su2erin" Then he

    must pray.

    &re you:

    I% Da%8(r ") DEATH*eclare I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds

    of the Lord.P$a*5 117:19 I $a** 8" " ( 8ra( 0% )** 08"r

    3ou will come to the "rave in full vi"or, 4ike the stackin"

    of "rain in its season.+"6 ;:2 I $a** )** ( %56(r ") 5' #a'$

  • 7/25/2019 Close Mouth, Closed Heavens


    But you shall serve the 45# your (od, and 6e will

    bless your bread and your water1 and I will remove

    sickness from your midst. 789There shall be no one

    miscarryin" or barren in your land1 I will ful:ll the

    number of your days.E="#$ 23:2; B 2 I "%"r ( L"r#, I )(ar ( L"r# (r()"r( 5'

    #a'$ ar( &r"*"%8(#3ou shall walk in all the way which the 45# your (od

    has commanded you, that you may live and that it may

    be well with you, and that you may prolon" your days

    in the land which you will possess.D((r"%"5' ;:33

    Ar( '" SIC

    )y his stripes % am healed.I$a0a ;3:;

    Jesus bears upon him my sickness, my disease.I$a0a ;3:4

    Ma(! 7:19 Jesus has paid the price for my healing. 'herefore, % am

    healed, % am free.


    'he lords shall supply my needs according to his riches in

    glory. P0*0&&0a%$ 4:1@ % will lack nothing good in mighty name of Jesus.P$a*5

    34:1 NIV 'he +ord shall $ll our mouth. P$a*5 71:1


    *eclare: M( a%# 5' $&"$( ar( 0%$(&ara6*( 6(a$( !( ar(

    "%( ($%and [;esus! said, Therefore a man shall leave his father

    and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall

    become one

  • 7/25/2019 Close Mouth, Closed Heavens


    0($ $a' I r((0(# &"!(r " $650 " 5'

    $6a%# ( r((0(# k%"!*(#8( a%# !0$#"5 " *0( &(a()**'

    !0 (a "(r4ikewise, ye husbands, dwell with [them! accordin" to

    knowled"e, "ivin" honour unto the wife.1 P((r 3:9

    I% %((# ") DIRECTION

    *eclare: M' $(&$ ar( "r#(r(# 6' G"#

    The steps of a ["ood! man are ordered by the 45#$ and

    he deli"hteth in his way.P$a*5$ 39:23 I a5 0%$r(# a%# 80#(# 6' G"# (r()"r( I k%"!

    !a " #"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which

    thou shalt "o$ I will "uide thee with mine eye.P$a*5$ 32:7

    T( !"r# ") ( L"r# 0$ a *08 %" 5' &a (r()"r(

    5' &a $0%($ ((r 6r08(r3our word is a lamp to my feet And a li"ht to my path.

    P$a*5 11@:1;

    But the path of the ri"hteous is like the li"ht of dawn,

    which shines bri"hter and bri"hter until full day.Pr"(r6$

    4:1 I a5 a8 6' ( S&0r0 ") G"#, I a5 *(# 6' G"#

    (r()"r( I a% %((r )a0*I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you

    should "o1 I will counsel you with -y eye upon you. #o not

    be as the horse or as the mule which have no

    understandin", hose trappin"s include bit and bridle to

    hold them in check, therwise they will not come near to

    you.P$a*5 32:7-@ Ar( '" >ARREN

    *eclare: I $a** 6( )r0)*, I $a** 5*0&*(

    I $a** %" 50$arr0a8(, %(0(r !0** I 6( 6arr(%

    But you shall serve the 45# your (od, and 6e will

    bless your bread and your water ..there shall be no

  • 7/25/2019 Close Mouth, Closed Heavens


    one miscarryin" or barren in your landE="#$ 23:2; B

    2 O(r 05&"$$06*( $0a0"%$

    % can do all thing through hrist who strengthens me.

    P0*0&&0a%$ 4:13 &ll things are working for my good. R"5a%$ 7:27

    -othing is impossible for my !od. Ma(! 1@:2


    'here too many people living under closed heavens

    'here are too many destinies heading for the grave

    +isten, there is no pride in allowing your destiny to go to the

    grave as intact as it was assigned to you from heaven'ake possession of it now with your mouth.

    ommand a release of your destiny

    ommand the things that have been failing in your life to

    begin to work ommand everything that has gone wrong in your life to

    return to its original position ommand a restoration of your business, life, marriage or


    !od said inN56(r$ 14: 27%I will do to you the very

    thing I heard you say


    'oday, % shall have everything % declare.

    'oday, % shall be satis$ed with the fruits of my mouth.

    Pr"(r6$ 17:2 'oday, so shall my words go out from my mouth/ it shall not

    return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which %

    purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which % sent it.

    I$a0a ;;:11 'oday, % receive because % ask in the name of Jesus.

    Ma(! 9:9

    !od says %until now you have asked for nothin" in -y name1 ask

    [today!you will receive [and! your ?oy may be made full.&

    +"% 1:24

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    1. Father, turn the economic situation of -igeria around2. Father, restore the glory of our country, -igeria3. Father, grant our leaders uncommon wisdom to make our

    country great4. Father, let our country begin to prosper

    Then they cried out to the 45# in their trouble1 6e delivered

    them out of their distresses.P$a*5 19:


    And the hand of the 4ord was with them, and a lar"e number

    who believed turned to the 4ord. A$ 11:21

    .I will build my church, and the "ates of hell shall not

    prevail a"ainst it.Ma(! 1:171. Father, let your glory and power be evident in your church2. Father, remove every hindrance to the spreading of your

    word3. Farther, build your church4. Father, e(uip your church and enlarge our territory;. Father, send us helpers of destiny

    A$ 2:497 @raisin" (od, and havin" favour with all the

    people. And the 4ord added to the church daily such as

    should be saved.

    . Father, grant us favour and add to us daily9. Father, multiple our strength and numbers7. Father, make obedient stewards of your word


    1. Father, turn my .. arounda. +ifeb. Financesc. arriaged. areere. )usinessf. 6elationship

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    2. Father, increase mea. 8hysicallyb. Financiallyc. 9motionallyd. "piritually

    3. Father, address . %ssue in my life and turn things around for

    my good4. Father, let me $nd favour with you and with man;. Father, let the line fall unto me in pleasant places

    %n Jesus name, &men.