Cloning A clone is an organism or piece of genetic material that is genetically identical to one...


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Cloning A clone is an organism or piece of

genetic material that is genetically identical to one that was preexisting

Making a clone in a lab is called cloning, but the process does also occur in nature.

1997 Dolly a cloned sheep was created

1. A donor cell is taken from a sheep’s udder. The nucleus of the cell will provide the genetic material for the cloned lamb

2. An egg cell is taken from a second sheep. The nucleus of the cell is removed. This cell does not supply any genetic material for the cloned lamb

3. The donor cell (with the nucleus) and the egg cell (without a nucleus) are fused using an electric shock

4. The fused cell begins dividing normally, forming an embryo. The embryo is placed in the uterus of a foster mother

5. The embryo develops normally into a lamb, Dolly. Dolly is a clone of the sheep that donated the udder cell

6. Dolly then went on to have a lamb of her own (the natural way)

7. Not a very reliable way - It took 246 failures before Dolly was created

Is Dolly considered a transgenic animal?◦No, she does not have any DNA sequences from a different organism
