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Political Parties

Organization, Participation and Nomination

Political Party

Group of People Broad Common Interests Organize to Win Elections Control Government Influence Policy

One Party System

The party is the government Usually founded in nations with Authoritarian

Governments Ex. Communist China, North Korea and Cuba

Also can take form of a Theocracy, govt. dominated by religious leaders Ex. Iran under Muslim control

Multiparty Systems


Many parties with widely different ideologies, beliefs

One party rarely receives a majority of votes

Form coalition governments, parties combine forces

Two-Party Systems

Rare 2 major parties

dominate Minor parties exist,

with little influence

Growth of Am. Political Parties

Origins Federalists=Strong Federal Govt. Democratic Republicans= Strong State Govt.

By 1828, Conflicts over major issues ie., banking, tariffs, and slavery split the Democratic Republicans into two parties. Democrats National Republicans, Whigs

Modern Political Party Control

After the Civil War, Republicans dominated Politics, Democrats held the Presidency for only 4 terms from 1860-1932

Great Depression ended Republican control With FDR's election in 1932, Democrats

held the majority for 50 years

Third parties

The red-headed step child of Political Parties Minor Parties Run against two more powerful parties Almost exclusive to the U.S. 3 Types

Single-Issue=Focus exclusively on one issue Ideological Party=Focus on overall change in society,

not one issue Splinter=Splits away from a major party because of


Third Party Impact/ Obstacles

Can influence elections, pulling votes from major parties

Democrat and Republican names automatically appear on ballots, Third parties must petition

Difficult to raise funds No national, recognizable image

Party Organization and Function

Political Party Organization

• Democrats and Republicans are organized into 50 state parties

• Each party has thousands of local parties as well

• Local, state and national parties work together, but raise their own funds

Party Membership

• In most states voters declare their party affiliation when they register to vote

• You do not have to declare a party affiliation to vote, you may declare your self an independent, not supporting either major party

• People who belong to a particular party support most of the party's platform, or ideology

Local Party Organization

• Basic, most local is the precinct, a voting district ranging from a few to a thousand

• Several adjoined precincts create a ward

• Each ward selects a person to represent the ward at the party's county committee

• The county committee selects a chairperson to handle the party's daily affairs

State Party Organization

• Most important part is the State Central Committee

• Chooses the party's state chairperson

• Main role is to help get party candidates elected for state government offices

National Party Organization

• Two main parts

• National Convention

– Gathering of local and state officials every four years to primarily nominate the party's Presidential and VP candidate

• National committee

– Large group mainly of representatives from the 50 states ' party organizations, run the party

Nominating Candidates for Office

How Candidates are Selected
