Click bank guide how to make money with clickbank affiliate programs


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ClickBank Guide How to Make Money With ClickBank Affiliate

Programs So you would like to make some money as a clickbank affiliate?

If you have tried before and not had any luck don't be disheartened, making

money with clickbank affiliate programs are a very genuine possibility 1000's

of affiliates make a good living doing so, and I want to help you get your foot in

the door and point you in the right direction with my useful clickbank guide.

First of all if you don't have a clickbank account search for clickbank in Google

and sign up for one as you will need this if you wish to sell their products, this

will also allow you to sell your own digital products process your payments by

credit card and allow affiliates to sell your products at a later stage if you

decide to go down the product creation root.

Now that you have your clickbank account you will need to go to the market

place and search for some products that you would like to promote, it's not

really worth promoting anything to start with if it makes you less than $20

commission, make sure you check the sales letters if it makes you want to buy

then it is probably a good one to promote.

It may be helpful if you promote a product in a niche, hobby or interest that

you have, that way you will know if the product has a powerful sales letter or

not and whether what they are selling is of interest to the audience that you


Do take some time to select your product as getting the right one is paramount

to your success of getting your first sale

Now that you have your product that you wish to promote, and your happy

with the affiliate commission that it offers you need to find some methods for

marketing your chosen item

Now I would recommend if this is your first time and if you don't have

experience with "Pay Per Click Marketing" then you should follow some of

these steps to get free traffic until you land your first sale and have some

money to invest, as it could otherwise become an expensive lesson which

may put you off before you have even stated.

Right now here it is your 4 steps to free traffic!

Step 1. - Articles & Reviews

Write and submit reviews and articles in relation to the product that you are

promoting. This is made easier if you have chosen first product that you are

interested in, as you will have an idea what people would like to know.

Don't rush these articles its imported to provide valuable and unique content to

the reader, do not copy text from other places on the internet, and don't use

an automated program to generate the articles for you, this will very quickly

see you banned from all the human edited articles sites.

Step 2. - YouTube

A new and valuable source for traffic do not spam the comments, but look

more at making a short video file this can be images and audio if you don't

have a video camera, but don't copy other peoples images form places like

Google images or off websites you have seen as this as you will violate the

copy write legislation

Step 3. Facebook and MySpace

A new emerging source of traffic both these sites have a lot of members now,

your registered with one these too or other social networking sites why not tell

your friends about the offer then setup a Facebook group (or what ever the

MySpace alternative is)

In my experience Facebook groups get a surprising amount of traffic just by

people searching for groups so including the keyword(s) in the name of your

group that people will be looking for could see you getting some new

members fairly quickly.

Step 4. Forum Marketing

This has been around for a long time, first thing I would like to say is DO NOT

SPAM the forums, dropping links with out any purpose or reason not only will

get your account suspended but wont help you either as forum moderators are

quick to remove spam links.

Instead the best method is to go onto the form and have your link included in

your signature, but look for posts where people are asking questions and see

what ones you may be able to help with, you will be much more respected by

the moderators and the forum members if you are providing useful content to

the forum and helping other members and they will be more likely to have a

look at your site from the links based in your signature if it sounds like you

know what your talking about.

After you have made a few sales and you can see that this is working, there is

another method that you can use to get even more out of your traffic and

building a more sustainable income from your efforts

This works best if you choose a product that has a lot complimentary products

surrounding it

What is a complimentary product you ask?

your local supermarket and you see an advert for "cat food" this product goes

very well with the product that you have purchased now you might be

wondering how we are going to able to find the people that have bought the

cat to sell them the food, this is explained below

Rather than sending people to the offer pages

You can get a much longer lifetime customer value out of your traffic by

sending them to a landing page were they can opt in to your mailing list in

order to download a free eBook about the product that they are interested in.

Once you have their email address you can send follow up promotions, but it

is important to understand that you should also provide free, interesting and

useful content as well as your promotions this way they will read your emails

an be happy to be part of your list.

You need to design your messages to build up a customer relationship which

will keep them enthusiastic and interested in what you have to say, now you

can use an auto responder and write a predefined set of messages to send

out on time lapses that you choose, I pay about $20 a month for mine, if you

cant find one or are not sure about which one you should use your welcome to

get in contact with me and ill do my best to try and help you find one that best

fits your situation and budget.

Now I am sure that you can see the value in this, instead of the pervious

method of which was send people through an affiliate link to a sales page that

may get anywhere between a 0.5% conversion rate up to 5.5% you can be

looking at a figures of people converting for your opt in list as high as 30%

providing you have optimized the page.

If you are looking for a free product that you can give them you can write your

own, or buy them from various sites that sell eBooks with re-sell rights,

alternatively I do regularly send out free e-books with re-sell rights to my own

opt in list which if your interested you can find out more information at the end

of this article, but please continue reading for now as I would like you to

benefit from what your about to learn.

What makes this more exciting is that before they may have looked at the

sales page been interested but wanted to look at it later but never went back

or lost it etc, well now you can contact them and you can send more than one

email reminding them about that particular product, and remember what I was

saying about the complimentary products well now you have a warm list of

people to offer them too.

If you build up you clickbank niche this way you will generate a much better

return on your traffic. And if you write you own product, you already have a

warm list of people who want to buy this information.

One other note on this subject would be to only sell products that you believe

in and would buy your self, you don't want to sell people bad products if your

in doubt over a product don't sell it to your list, preferably buy a copy your self

a see if it is something you would be happy paying for.

You can learn how to master Pay Per Click and grow your money making list

even further.

A few bits of home work for you I would recommend reading up on Pay Per

Click especial with Google AdWords also read about copywriting as this will

be a useful skill for you to learn

I hope this articles has made sense and has been of some use to you, I would

like to thank you for your time reading this article and I sincerely wish you the

best of success with your mission on making money on clickbank just like I


If you would like more information

Don't forget to download your 337 Page Clickbank Blueprint eBook For Free &

Your Free 3-Part Email Course when you opt in to my list.

my list is 100% Opt In you details are never shared rented or sold to 3rd

parties and in every email I send out will include a link which you can

unsubscribe with in a few clicks I look forward to being able to supply you with

more information and further help you on your road to success.

Your Faithfully

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