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The 2016 Presidential Race

Kayla Sturdevant

When America chooses its next President, citizens need to choose responsibly and intelligently. With that in mind, research serves as one of the most valuable resources society offers when it comes to picking the right candidate.

As of right now there remains 12 Republicans and 3 Democrats left in the race for presidency. Some of the most popular names people can probably name off would be Clinton, Sanders, Bush, and Trump. Just because they rest some of the most talked about candidate doesn’t mean they stand the only reasonable people to elect.

Linked at the bottom of this article includes different resources on the country’s presidential candidates. Looking over as much resources as possible and staying up to date on debates will ensure the most educated vote for president.

Not only do these websites include information on their qualifications but they also include where they stand on important issues the country faces. Vote for a candidate that follows the most ethical line of thought.

Most readers of this article probably won’t be able to vote for a few more years but starting research now won’t hurt. It only makes someone more inclined to vote wisely during the next election.

Now, here includes some background information on some of the candidates that continue to run for president:


Hilary Clinton: She served as President Obama’s secretary of state and could possibly reign as the first female president if elected. “She says her climate-change plan would generate enough renewable energy to power every home in America within 10 years of taking office and increase solar capacity by 700 percent by 2020,” according to the New York Times.

Martin O’Malley: Governor of Maryland, O’Malley obtained a position in the Democratic Governors Association for 2 years. O’Malley wants to accept the 65,000 Syrian Refugees through “proper screenings.”


Bernie Sanders: Vermont Senator, Sanders could serve as the first Jewish president. Sanders made a case against the death penalty in October.


Jeb Bush: Former Florida governor, Bush participates in conservative educations causes. “His tone has varied at times, but his position has not: Mr. Bush is vocal in his opposition to the legalization of gay marriage,” the New York Times published.

Ben Carson: In the past a neurosurgeon, Carson became politically famous for rejected the Affordable Health Care Act in 2013. “We don’t want a bunch of bureaucrats dictating to people what they ought to do,” the Times quotes Carson.

Chris Christie: New Jersey Governor, leads the Republican Governors Association. Former gun control advocate, Christie doesn’t show interest in that realm currently.

Ted Cruz: Senator of Texas, Cruz seems to fall as a hero to tea party movement which, “is a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty, or domestic tranquility,” according to

Carly Fiorina: “Former Hewlett-Packard Co. chief executive Carly Fiorina is the only woman running for the Republican presidential nomination,” reports WSJ News Graphics. Fiorina supports the no-fly zone.

Jim Gilmore: Former Virginia Governor, Gilmore leads the Free Congress Foundation. He believes he can pull America out of its “decline.”

Mike Huckabee: Former Governor of Arkansas, Huckabee obtains a history of talk show host and author. “In a 2007 book, Mr. Huckabee recounted carrying out the death penalty during his time in office, calling it “unquestionably the worst part of my job as governor,” the New York Times reports.

John Kasich: The Ohio governor currently holds a position in the House Budget Committee. “Mr. Kasich has spoken of the need to reach a ‘middle ground’ on domestic surveillance,” the Times interprets.

Rand Paul: Kentucky senator, Paul also part times as an ophthalmologist. “Mr. Paul has assailed the idea of a no-fly zone, predicting it could lead to World War III by causing a confrontation between the United States and Russia,” New York Times says.

Marco Rubio: Florida Senator, Rubio falls as the kin of Cuban immigrants. “We can’t background-check them. You can’t pick up the phone and call Syria, and that’s one of the reasons why I’ve said we won’t be able to take more refugees. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s that we can’t,” Rubio explains.

Rick Santorum: Santorum rests as a former Senator on Pennsylvania and won 11 states votes in nomination for the Republican Party in 2012. “Mr. Santorum wants to restore well-paid manufacturing jobs,” the Times post.

Donald Trump: Never holding political office, Trump feels confident in his negotiating skills with his wealthy background. “Mr. Trump advocates going after the Islamic State's oil supplies,” the New York Times reports.

Republicans and Democrats don’t stand as the only parties in the race. America’s Party, Constitution Party, and Green Party also produced a few candidates worth reading about under the Politics1 link below.

Ultimately the choice lays in the hands of the citizens of America to choose the right candidate. All of them show nice qualities but which will shine through in the end?


Image from

Barack Obama’s Historic Presidency

Sarah Halprin

The nation’s 44th President, Barack Obama, has had a historic presidency in many different ways. His administration has changed not only our country, but also the world. As the first African American president, President Obama faced many charges about the origin of his birth. Even though he was born in America, there were accusations that he had really been born in Kenya, leading to the release of his official birth certificate. President Obama is also only the 17th president to have been re-elected after his first term. His main platforms are climate change, immigration reform, fixing the economy, expanding equality, gun control, health care, and gender inequality. He has done something for every issue on this list, starting with an equal pay act within his first 100 days of office.

The very first bill that President Obama signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009, which dealt with unequal pay (as you may have guessed by the title) and allows an equal pay lawsuit to be filed with every paycheck that is affected by discrimination.

Possibly the most widely known accomplishment of President Obama and his administration is the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Under this act, hospitals and doctors are required to lower their costs, making their services more accessible. It also requires insurance companies to cover all of their clients with a minimum standard and set the same rates for everyone, regardless of any pre-existing conditions the client may have. This lowers costs while increasing the quality of healthcare for everyone.

The biggest economic act accomplished by the Obama administration was the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. It was passed to protect the economy from having another recession after the one that happened in 2008. This act created higher standards for Wall Street and mandated much more supervision. It also produced a warning system for the economy and eliminated some of the loopholes that caused the 2008 recession. Every agency involved with the act is required to give Congress a yearly update on their current actions and future plans.

President Obama’s time in office is coming to a close this year after eight years of action. His last State of the Union speech has been given and new Presidential elections are coming up in November. Although he is almost finished, no one can deny that Barack Obama had a presidency that will be written into textbooks for many years to come.

Sean Penn’s Encounter with El Chapo

Kayla Sturdevant

Actor Sean Penn interviewed Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, drug lord of the Sinaloa Cartel, to discuss the issues of drug trafficking and its effect on mortality caused by drug rivalry.

“I have a regret that the entire discussion about this article ignores its purpose, which was to try to contribute to this discussion about the policy on the war on drugs,” Penn claimed.

With the flashy arrest of El Chapo, Penn believes his article failed his original intent.

“’There is this myth about the visit that we made, my colleagues and I with El Chapo, that it was... 'essential' to his capture,’" Penn explained.

The relation of Penn and the drug lord has also strike some attention by unwanted parties. Penn confirmed some disturbing information during an interview with Charlie Rose.

“In Penn's first major television interview about the meeting, Rose asked the actor whether he believed Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto's government had deliberately sought to credit him with Guzman's capture to put him at risk from the Sinaloa Cartel. ‘Yes,’ Penn replied,” Laila Kearney reported.

Interestingly, Mexican government possibly pinned the blame of the arrest of the drug lord on Penn to steer away the drug cartel from lashing out on the government. In addition, El Chapo’s lawyer claims Penn lied in the article he wrote.

“Guzman's lawyer on Wednesday accused Penn of lying, and said he should be called to give evidence. ‘He (Guzman) could not have made these claims... Mr Guzman is a very serious man, very intelligent,’ Juan Pablo Badillo said. ‘Where's the proof?’” Reuters documented.

Perhaps the interview between Penn and El Chapo was a complete hoax that never meant to serve the purpose Penn claimed. The unveiling of the true may occur during El Chapo’s trial.

Information from: Image from:

2015 Texas Renaissance Festival

Kayla Sturdevant

The Texas Renaissance Festival comes to Texas

once a year from October to November in Todd

Mission, Texas. Only open on the weekends, the

Ren Fest remains a family fun experience that

everyone should go to at least once in their


Though I’ve attended this event three times, this

was the first time I went and needed to bundle up

in order to keep warm. I may look silly in those

pictures but the blanket made my experience so

much more enjoyable.

Each weekend contains a theme. The weekend my friends and I went included the Celtic Christmas weekend

where everyone basically dresses and decorates in a Christmas theme. Nothing else really changes.

Personally, my favorite part of the festival entails simply walking around and enjoying the scenery. Sure, the

food tastes delicious and the shops look neat, but I’d much rather spend time with the people I came with and


Images courtesy of Nida and Safi Syed

watch the events.

Remember: Ren Fest includes a festival. The experience should not feel stressful or boring. Find what you like

there because there’s something for everyone. If you go in a group, make sure to create as many compromises to

ensure everyone enjoys themselves.

Unfortunately, I won’t be attending this year since I’ll somewhere else for college when my family makes a trip

to the festival. However, I can’t wait to go again next time our paths meet.

A Tribute to Alan Rickman and David Bowie

Ayah Albustami

2016 is off to a tragic start with the passing of the two amazing artists, Alan Rickman and David Bowie, who

both lost a brave battle with cancer at the age of sixty-nine years. Both stars were, of course, talented and

charming, but more importantly, they were incredibly kind and devoted. They were devoted to their fans,

devoted to their works, and devoted to the people around them. They generously spent time and attention, gave

love and respect, and earned it in return.

Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter, wrote on social media about Rickman's devotion and kindness, not

only throughout the filming of the Harry Potter films in which Rickman played Professor Severus Snape, but

also in the years since. He posted, "I'm pretty sure he came and saw everything I ever did on stage both in

London and New York. He didn't have to do that", in a heartfelt description of Rickman`s loyalty and

commitment to their friendship.

Journalist Katharine Viner, who worked with Rickman on a

play, also expressed his thoughtful nature, writing that "He

was devoted to a large number of people and would

somehow always manage to visit their obscure art

exhibition, or phone them at 2 a.m. when he heard they

were in deep trouble, or attend their opening night."

The same goes for David Bowie. While most performers

keep a safe distance from reporters and critics, Bowie was

especially enthusiastic, and devoted to his work and fans. He

allowed nearly everyone physical access, and gave his fans

Alan Rickman (NBCNews)

an open flow of information. Cameron Crowe, a prodigal reporter, spoke of Bowie, "He was the most generous

and exciting interview subject that I was ever allowed a lot of time with." Crowe also affectionately recognized

that Bowie`s "impact is so huge in that he presents himself now as a role model to artists that may need to

remember that it's not about branding, it's about a restless need to

be creative and continue to be creative." And this is exactly one

of the greatest and most wonderful gifts one artist can give to an

other, or one person can give to the world, the advantage of


Rickman and Bowie were both gifted and influential artists,

devoted to making the most out of their lives and spreading their

humanity and enthusiasm to those around them. They are forever

commemorated in their splendid works of art, their compassionate actions, and our fond memories.

Rebecca’s Tips to Save Money

Rebecca Nguyen

Buy your favorite snacks in bulk- While you may be tempted by the yummy snacks in the vending machines,

they are greatly overpriced. Even though spending a dollar here or there doesn’t seem like much, it will add up.

Instead, buy your snacks at places like Sam’s Club or Costco, where they sell in mass quantities. This way

you’ll save your money.

Bring your lunch to school- If you have free/reduced lunch, paying for lunch should not be a big problem.

However, if you do not qualify for this, bringing your lunch will save you and your parents’ money. This way,

you can bring the food that you love and pay much less for it.

Go shopping now!- Most people do all of their shopping before Christmas. While there are some sales, these

sales are nothing compared to what’s happening now. All of the stores are trying to get of their stuff so that

they can prepare for the new season. So if you go shopping now, you are more likely to get good deals from all

of the end-of-season sales.

Upcoming Events:

January 20-21: Snack Attack February 9: Mardi Gras Mambo

March 14: Pie Day April 21: Earth Day May 2-5: BLAST

Mural of David Bowie in Brixton, London. (The Australian)


Kayla Sturdevant

Because I’m familiar with the musical, the story Wicked caught my eye in the shelves of Barnes & Noble.

As I picked up the book, I saw behind it rested a sequel and then a third and fourth book. My heart raced with

admiration and excitement as I picked up the first and second book of the series and placed them in my

shopping basket.

Personally, I loved the musical and saw it 3 times, twice in Houston and once on Broadway. I couldn’t wait to

dig into my new find. The book in no way qualifies as a “new” book since it originally

published in 1995. Nevertheless, the book feels new to me and hardly anyone I know read it, so I took on the

inclination of sharing my feelings with everyone.

Saying that I didn’t enjoy the book wouldn’t be right. However, I do feel quite confused after finishing the last

page of the book. The ending leaves the reader with a cliff hanger, which always makes an enjoyable

experience especially since I know now the story continues with “Son of a Witch,” but I feel cheated in the end.

Many fans of books complain after seeing the stories made into

movies because of the failure of following storylines and changing

too much from the original story. It can happen to musicals too.

I don’t know who to feel most betrayed from: either the author

Gregory Maguire or playwright Winnie Holzman. Of course, blaming

Maguire only comes natural to me since my introduction of the book

occurred after seeing the musical which first appeared in 2003. The

real person to blame is Holzman.

Cramming a 500 paged book into a 2 hour play rests impossible, but

changing important plot developments left me feeling baffled and


Characters died in the book that never saw death in the musical.

However, a “death” occurred in the book that didn’t happen in the play that I am hopeful will end up as

someone in hiding rather than an actual end to the character since that ends in the play. I feel extremely anxious

to read the 2nd book to find out what happens.

Some things happen in the book that happen in the musical but occur in different ways. I do understand the

pages on the book offer more imagination than actors on the stage but they could at least try. Also, romances

happen in the play that never occurred at all.

Part of the problem might rest on the more presence of obscene language and inappropriate scenes that the mu-

sical might want to eliminate to create a more family friendly experience. While this is understandable, it’s still

disappointing. I would like to see the version I read on stage.

Part of the reason why I loved Wicked the musical includes the way everything tied together, which the book

ultimately lacks. There are some things where I think,” ah, that’s nice,” but I really want more.

Hopefully the rest of the series with fulfill my expectations.

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Juliette Patterson

On Sunday, January 24th, two different playoff games decided which two of the 32 teams in the National

Football League are going to play in the Super Bowl. In a game with the New England Patriots at the Denver

Broncos, the Broncos won with a score of 20-18. Later, the Carolina Panthers took the game against the

Arizona Cardinals 49-15.

This year’s Super Bowl is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 7th. Though tradition holds that the

Super Bowl numbers are roman numerals, this year’s game is currently being marketed as “Super Bowl 50”.

However, the use of roman numerals will return for next year’s game, Super Bowl LI.

The game will be hosted in the San Francisco Bay Area at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California. Coldplay

will headline the halftime show, with opening acts Beyoncé and Bruno Mars.

Ad time sold for $5 Million per 30-second advertisement. Because the Super Bowl broadcasting rights rotate

annually between NBC, FOX, and CBS, this year’s game will be broadcasted by CBS.



Kaitlyn Raines As each student gets closer and closer to the spring of their junior year they begin to wonder the age old question. SAT or ACT? So what is the difference? Which is best for you? Here are 7 differences between the two to help you decide.

1. The ACT is straightforward while the SAT usually uses critical thinking to figure out the question

you are answering.

2. The ACT has a science section. This is beneficial for anyone who is strongest in science.

3. The new SAT has only two sections. The ACT has four. These are in addition to the optional essay


4. The SAT is aligned with the Common Core. The ACT is content based.

5. The ACT tests a higher math level but the questions are often similar in format compared to the

SAT’s math portion.

6. There are 154 questions on the SAT and 215 on the ACT.

7. The new SAT is scored 400 to 1600 where the ACT is scored 1 to 36.

Are you a critical thinker? Do you lack science skills? Would less questions suit you? If you answered ‘yes’ to

any of these questions the SAT might be for you. Do you like straightforward thinking? Do you excel at science?

Do you comprehend higher-level math? If you answered ‘yes’ then the ACT might be for you.

Now that you’ve hopefully made your decision on one or the other, here are some study tips.

1. Take practice tests for both and pinpoint your weaknesses.

2. Write down your struggle areas and then conquer them.

3. Schedule study time and use it wisely.

4. Memorize the test instructions before the test day in order to save time.

5. For the SAT, study passage based questions.

6. Also for the SAT, study vocabulary AND advanced reading.

7. Use free study resources. There are online sources as well as NHS tutors. To acquire a NHS tutor

contact Mrs. Pate.


Tips for a Successful Semester

Rebecca Nguyen

The great thing with coming back to school is the chance for a new beginning. Let’s make this brand-new semester the best one ever! Here are some tips for being successful this semester. Pay attention in class. It can be quite tempting to zone out when the teacher’s lecturing, especially if students feel like they already

know the information being taught. However, whenever students do zone out, they will miss out on learning the new information the teacher is providing. Therefore, you should do your best to pay attention in class.

Take notes. Scientists have proven that taking notes reinforces the information that the teacher says and shows. Taking notes is a way to learn actively instead of just listening to the teacher talk. Studies have shown that writing out notes by hand helps students learn better than by typing. Writing notes by hand and not on a laptop also limits distractions as well.

Use flashcards/study tools. In order to succeed, students need to use repetition in order to memorize material. One way to do that is to make flashcards. Students can also use websites like where they can input the information in, and then play games with that info so that they will learn it.

Use a planner. Using a planner is very helpful. By writing assignments down, students don’t have to worry about trying to remember all of the assignments that they must complete. Having a planner also organizes students’ lives and allows them to see where the gaps are in their schedule, and what major tests or papers are rapidly approaching.

Have a study partner, or a study group. Learning can be hard. You are not always motivated to do homework or study for tests. Therefore, you should have people who will encourage you and help you to study. It would be best that the study partners you choose are not close friends as that can lead to you being even more distracted than studying alone! I have personally found that having an amiable person to do homework with together makes homework and the class much more enjoyable. Studying became fun instead of a chore and he kept me accountable. If it was not for study partners like him, I would not have been successful in the class. Study groups are also a fantastic way to study. By talking about what you have learned, and listening to others talk about what they have learned, you further connect the new information to the old information in your brain. This helps you to remember the information easier. Also, realize that if you know the information well enough to teach it to someone else clearly, then you have mastery over that topic/subject.

Don’t procrastinate. Procrastinating can be very tempting, especially to those who do their best under stress and pressure. However, there is no need to put this additional stress and pressure on yourself. If you just manage your time well, then you can complete tasks ahead of time and not have to worry about them. Instead of play before work, work before play.

Put away distractions. Today, we live in a world full of distractions. Every few minutes your phone buzzes, alerting you of the text you just received, a new post on Instagram, a new email, etc. There are also plenty of distractions on the internet as well. Just one click away, you can find much more interesting things to read and look at than doing your boring math homework. However, being distracted wastes time. Time that you didn’t realize you needed until after you wasted three hours on YouTube. How do I know this? From experience, duh. So what can we do? You can mute notifications on your phone, and there are certain extensions on browsers like Google Chrome that prevent you from going on to your especially distracting websites.

Exercise! Exercising can be a great way to relieve stress, stay healthy, and be more productive. You don’t need to do what everyone else does to stay healthy. Find something that you love, and stick with it. Before you know it you will be more relaxed, healthier, and have that great feeling of accomplishment.

Reward yourself. Some people keep pushing and try to cram way too much stuff into their schedules and workloads. However, working too hard too long can cause you to burn out. Every once in a while, you need to relax and reward yourself if you have been hard at work. By relaxing, and then working, you will be more productive than working incessantly.

Mentor Breakfast Juliette Patterson

On Friday, December 4th, 2015, the senior class of 2016 hosted a breakfast for their

mentors. Over the course of the fall semester, these students went out in the community and found a mentor in

their academic field of


Through a class called ISM, or Independent Study Mentorship, students spent time every week with a mentor

and learned as much as they could while gaining experience for the future. The breakfast was held to thank the

mentors and demonstrate the students’ appreciation for the effort their mentors put in over months in the fall.

Students were very excited to host a breakfast for their mentors.

“It was nice to honor those who’d given up so much of their time to help us,” one student commented.

This event gave mentors the opportunity to mingle with each other and spend time with their mentees.

At the breakfast, a few people gave speeches on how their time with their mentors affected them positively and a

thank-you video was shown to the mentors.

The National Honor Society is

hosting a winter dance on Friday,

January 29th at 7pm in the banquet

room. The theme is Television &

Movies. There will be a costume

contest, karaoke, a temporary tattoo

station, and more. Tickets will be on

sale the week before the dance for

$5 or for $7 at the door the night of

the event.

Written by: Juliette Patterson

Attention all CHECHS students! Don`t

forget to commemorate these fleeting

years of high school with your very

own yearbook! Yearbooks for the

2015-2016 school year are currently

on sale for $35 and will remain so

until April 1st. After that, they will be

$40 until sold out. Ask Mrs.Hampton

for more details. Remember that

yearbooks are only distributed on the

last day of school, so we ask you all

to be patient until then. Trust me, it

will be worth the wait!

Written by: Ayah Albustami

Valentine’s Day is coming up! Do you have

a special someone to treat to a special

lunch? If not, do you have a group of

friends who would love to hang out and

eat delicious food? Well, if you do, buy

tickets to the Valentine’s Day Luncheon

sponsored by Student Council. A meal

ticket costs $10 and includes the price of

food and a romantic ambiance. Something

new this year is that you can surprise that

someone special with an anonymous

ticket! So go out there, and buy your

tickets! The luncheon will be held on

Friday, February 12th in the Banquet Room.

Tickets will be sold soon by Student


Written by: Rebecca Nguyen
