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Additional materials Literacy Entry 3

Clear handwriting


Sometimes you will need to handwrite. For example, quick messages for people need to be handwritten.

What is your handwriting like? Is it easy to read?

Do you think you could improve it? Do you know how?

You can make some small changes to your handwriting to make it easier for people to read.

Find out more in this activity.

This activity looks at handwriting.

You will learn:l about your own handwriting stylel how to make your handwriting clear and easier to read.

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Additional materials Literacy Entry 3

Clear handwriting

First think about why it is important to write clearly.

Look at this handwritten message:

Can you read the message? What do you think it says?

Now read this typed version. Is this what you thought the message said?

This sentence contains all the letters of the alphabet.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

a. Write this sentence out in your usual handwriting. Do you think it is clear enough to read?

b. Ask two friends to tell you whether they find your handwriting easy or difficult to read.

Had to go out early and won’t be back until late. The dog has been in all day so please let him out as soon as you get in and make sure he is fed.


Imagine what would have happened if you had been left this message and not been able to read it! In this, and in many other situations, clear handwriting is important.

Now think about your own handwriting. Is it easy to read?

Practice 1

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Additional materials Literacy Entry 3

Clear handwriting

Forming letters

Being able to form letters clearly is very important. It stops some letters being confused with other letters.

To form clear letters, try to make sure that:l they are a similar size and recognisable shape (called a ‘regular’ shape)l upstrokes go above the linel tails go below the linel the letters are as upright as possible – not on a slant like this.

main part of the letters = similar size, recognisable shape and upright

upstroke = the part of the letter above the line

tail = the part of the letter below the line

dogWhether you use joined-up writing or print try to make sure that:l your letters do not run into each otherl there is a space between each word.

Practice 2

a. Look at the handwriting examples on the next page. With a partner, discuss the examples. Think about the following questions:

Are the letters a similar size?

Are they very large or too small or about right?

Are there any letters that look like other letters or have unusual shapes?

Are the upstrokes and tails clear?

Are the letters generally upright or slanting slightly?

Is there enough space between letters and words?

b. Which example do you like most and why?

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Additional materials Literacy Entry 3

Clear handwriting

Handwriting examples

This message uses all the letters of the alphabet. The same message is used to show different handwriting examples.






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Additional materials Literacy Entry 3

Clear handwriting

Now think about your own handwriting in a similar way.

Look back at the writing you did for Practice 1. Tick the sentences that describe your handwriting.l My letters are a mixture of sizes.l My letters are very large.l My letters are quite small.l I use some unusual letter shapes. l My letter upstrokes and/or letter tails are not totally clear.l My writing slants quite a lot. l I do not leave enough space between words.

Ask for a friend’s opinion to make sure you’ve been fair to yourself.

To improve your handwriting, you need to change what you have ticked. For example, you might need to work on letter size, letter shape or spacing in your writing.

All changes will need practice, but you might be able to make small changes that make your writing easier for others to read. Try it!

Practice 3

What area of you handwriting do you need to work on? Tick your choice or choices:

a. letter sizes

b. letter shapes

c. spacing

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Additional materials Literacy Entry 3

Clear handwriting

Check your skills

1 This table shows some typical handwriting problems and what you might do to improve the problem.

Tick any problems that you have and use the suggestions as a guide for the next time you write.

Problem Solution

My writing is messy and there is a lot of crossing out

l Slow down and take more time over your writing. l Try different pen types and colours!l Make a rough copy of your work first so that you can

check it and correct it before writing it out neatly.l Use printed writing rather than joined-up writing (or the

other way round).

My pen makes smudges on the paper

l Try a different type of pen.l Put another piece of paper over the one you are writing

on to rest your hand on as you write.

Writing makes my hand or wrist ache after a few minutes

l Use a different shaped pen.l Try using a pen with a grip (you can buy these).

My writing slopes towards the end of a line

l Used lined paper where possible.l Draw pencil lines to help keep your lines of writing

straight. (You can rub out the pencil lines later).

2 Write the message below neatly. Concentrate on improving at least one of the following areas of your handwriting:

l letter sizel letter shapel spacing

Jim asked if you would just collect one dozen boxes of envelopes and bring them straight to the office as quickly as possible.

How do you think your writing has improved?

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Additional materials Literacy Entry 3

Clear handwriting


Practice 1; Practice 2; Practice 3

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Ask two friends to tell you whether they find your handwriting easy or difficult to read.

Check your skills

1 There are no correct answers.

2 There are no correct answers but you can show your writing to a friend. Does he or she think that your handwriting has improved at all?

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