Classroom Job Application


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Classroom Job ApplicationApplicant: ___________________ Date: ________

My top 2 job choices are: __________________ & ___________________

My least favorite job is : _____________________

I know that I will be a great classroom employee because: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I promise that if given ANY classroom job, I will work really hard, and I won’t let it distract me from my most important job: LEARNING! I realize that my job performance will help me secure future jobs, so I promise to always do my best!

X ____________________________

© Amanda Nickerson

Line Leader (boy) _____________________________________________________Line Leader (girl) ______________________________________________________Restroom Monitor (boy) __________________________________________Restroom Monitor (girl) __________________________________________Lunch Lugger __________________________________________________________Lunch Lugger __________________________________________________________Whiteboard Technician ___________________________________________Desk Inspector _________________________________________________________Cubby Inspector _______________________________________________________Sanitation Engineer _________________________________________________Sanitation Engineer _________________________________________________Mail Carrier _______________________________________________________________Official Messenger ___________________________________________________Dust Buster ______________________________________________________________Librarian _____________________________________________________________________Desk Sanitizer __________________________________________________________Student Substitute _________________________________________________Planner Checker _______________________________________________________Planner Stamper _______________________________________________________Clipboard Carrier _______________________________________________________Paper Pusher ____________________________________________________________Poster Patrol ___________________________________________________________Caboose ____________________________________________________________________Equipment Manager _________________________________________________Homework Patrol ____________________________________________________

© Amanda Nickerson

CLASSROOM JOBS--------------------------

I used to have 5-7 classroom jobs that rotated on a weekly basis. Then I realized that it was difficult to manage when you’re going to grad school, coaching, planning a wedding, and living a crazy-hectic-sort-of-existence. So, last year, I switched over to a bi-weekly rotation, and I totally thought it would work for me since I was married and no longer coaching. Wrong-OH! I still felt like it wasn’t my cup of tea. So, sometime in the middle of the 2nd nine-weeks, I decided to make a change. I decided to create jobs for every kid in my class so that everyone always had a job to do. I tried to make my life easier by creating jobs that the kids could easily do to free up some of my time for other tasks. The kids applied for a job, which is a great life-skill, and I tried to place them where I thought they would be happy using their top 2 choices, bottom choice, and their responsibility levels/strengths to “hire” them. The kids were all happy to have a job to do, and this freed me up to worry about other things for one whole 9-weeks until we applied for jobs again. This was pure magic, so I HAD to share! :)

© Amanda Nickerson

Explanation of Jobs--------------------------

Librarian: Straightens up the book baskets. Returns books that are left unattended.

Desk Sanitizer: Cleans desktops once a week.

Student Substitute: Fills in for absent students on an as-needed basis, but may also be used as a teacher’s assistant as needed as well.

Planner Checker: Checks for parent signatures in the mornings.

Planner Stamper: Stamps planners for good behavior in the afternoon.

Clipboard Carrier: Carries clipboard to specials (part of our school-wide behavior plan).

Paper Pusher: Helps pass out papers as needed.

Poster Patrol: Hangs up fallen anchor charts, posters, etc. as needed.

© Amanda Nickerson

Explanation of Jobs--------------------------

Caboose: In charge of shutting the door/turning off lights in emergency situations/drills. Otherwise, this person should be someone who doesn’t dawdle to keep the line moving at an appropriate pace.

Equipment Manager: Helps pass out materials or equipment as needed, especially in Math or Science.

Homework Patrol: Removes homework from the homework tub, separates it from notes, and places the paperwork in separate piles for the teacher.

Desk Inspector/Cubby Inspectors: Both of these students politely remind students to clean their spaces (during their arrival time).

Mail Carrier: Delivers mail to students’ mailboxes.

Official Messenger: Takes attendance, notes, & lunch count to the office daily. Runs additional errands.

© Amanda Nickerson

Explanation of Jobs--------------------------

Line Leaders: We always have a boys line and a girls line. These students always lead by example.

Bathroom Monitors: Monitor bathroom behaviors and keep students moving so that time isn’t wasted.

Lunch Luggers: Two students carry a large clothes basket to the cafeteria before lunch.

Whiteboard Technician: Cleans board & updates date.

Dust Buster: Dusts the room!

** As aforementioned, my students apply for jobs every 9-weeks, and they look forward to it. The nice thing is that they can train the new kiddos at their job, and things run really smoothly. Once I assign jobs, I write the students’ names on the job chart on page 2, and I hang it on a cabinet door in our classroom with the following poster. It’s visible, and it doesn’t take up precious bulletin board space! Please let me know if you have any questions! Enjoy!

© Amanda NickersonClip art: Scrappin Doodles & Lettering Delights

© Amanda NickersonClip art: Scrappin Doodles & Lettering Delights