Classification of fungal chitin synthases · Schizophyllum commune ScCHSI Candidaalbicans* Fungi...


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Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 89, pp. 519-523, January 1992Biochemistry

Classification of fungal chitin synthases(phylogeny/multiple sequence alignment)

A. R. BOWEN*t, J. L. CHEN-WU*t, M. MOMANY§, R. YOUNG¶, P. J. SZANISZLO§, AND P. W. ROBBINS*II*Center for Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139; §Department of Microbiology, University of Texas, Austin, TX78712; and lWhitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 02139

Contributed by P. W. Robbins, September 16, 1991

ABSTRACT Comparison of the chitin synthase genes ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae CHSI and CHS2 with the Candidaalbicans CHSI gene (UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine:chitin 4-j3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, EC revealed twosmall regions of complete amino acid sequence conservationthat were used to design PCR primers. Fragments homologousto chitin synthase (=600 base pairs) were amplified from thegenomic DNA of 14 fungal species. These fragments weresequenced, and their deduced amino acid sequences werealigned. With the exception of S. cerevisiae CHSI, the se-quences fell into three distinct classes, which could representseparate functional groups. Within each class phylogeneticanalysis was performed. Although not the major purpose of theinvestigation, this analysis tends to confirm some relationshipsconsistent with current taxonomic groupings.

Chitin, the ,/1-4-linked polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, is afibrous cellulose-like polysaccharide that serves as the majorcell wall/exoskeleton scaffolding in many species of fungi,arthropods, insects, and crustacea. In many yeasts chitin isused to maintain the structure of the mother-bud junction,whereas in filamentous fungi chitin is often the major sup-porting component of the cell wall.

Early enzymatic studies in yeast and filamentous fungishowed that much of the chitin synthase activity was latent,requiring protease activation (1). Recent genetic and molec-ular studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggest that thisorganism has at least two protease-activated chitin synthasezymogens as well as a more complex chitin synthase systemthat may not require protease activation (2).When the derived amino acid sequences of the two Sa.

cerevisiae chitin synthase zymogens (from CHSJ and CHS2)were compared with the sequence of a closely related Can-dida albicans gene (for UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine:chitin4-f3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, EC, it be-came clear that the enzymes contained a highly conservedsequence that possibly represents the catalytic region of theenzymes. We decided to use degenerate PCR primers thatencoded short, completely conserved sequences within thethree genes to probe genomic DNA from a variety offungi.**PCR-derived fragments were cloned into M13, and singlenucleotide sequencing runs were used to classify the clones.Representative clones were then completely sequenced, andthe deduced amino acid sequences were put into groups bythe CLUSTAL program. The aligned DNA sequences withinthese groups, or classes, were analyzed further with theFITCH program.

MATERIALS AND METHODSFungal genomic DNA was provided by the following labo-ratories: Blastomyces dermatitidis and Histoplasma capsu-

latum, G. Kobayashi (Washington University MedicalSchool); Aspergillus nidulans, S. Osmani (Baylor College ofMedicine); Aspergillus niger, D. Archer (Agricultural andFood Research Council Institute of Food Research, Nor-wich, U.K.); Schizophyllum commune, C. Novotny (Univer-sity ofVermont College ofMedicine); Ustilago maydis, J. W.Kronstad (University of British Columbia); Neurosporacrassa, C. Yanofsky (Stanford University). Gene fragmentswere cloned into M13 and were grown in DH5aF' cells.PCR amplification was performed by using the Perkin-

Elmer/Cetus DNA thermal cycler and GeneAmp kit. Theprimers used were as follows:





The conserved sequences encoded by the primers are notincluded in the analyzed sequences. Thirty to forty cycleswere run consisting of a 94TC, 1-min melting step, a 50TC,1-min annealing step, and a 720C, 3-min extension. PCRproducts were digested by HindIII and Xho I, isolated bylow-melting-point agarose gel electrophoresis, and insertedinto the HindIII and Sal I sites of M13. The chitin synthasegene fragments were sequenced by the method of Sanger etal. (3). The reactions were done by using the United StatesBiochemical Sequenase kit, according to the manufacturer'sinstructions, with the universal sequencing primer and[a-355]dATP (New England Nuclear). Several other se-quence-specific primers were constructed by the BiopolymerLaboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.The DNA sequences have been deposited in GenBank.Computer analysis of the sequence was done by using the

programs developed by Roger Staden at the Laboratory ofMolecular Biology (Cambridge, U.K.). The amino acid align-ment and dendrogram were derived by CLUSTAL (4). Thephylogenetic trees were constructed by programs in JosephFelsenstein's phylogeny inference package PHYLIP 3.2 (5).All programs were run on the VAX/VMS computer through

tPresent address: Department of Dermatology, University of Mich-igan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.tPresent address: VICAM, 29 Mystic Avenue, Somerville, MA02145.I"To whom reprint requests should be addressed.**The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in theGenBank data base [accession nos. M82938-9, Emericella (As-pergillus) nidulans; M82940-1, Aspergillis niger; M82942-3, Bias-tomyces dermatitidis; M82944-6, Exophiala jeanselmei;M82947-9, Histoplasma capsulatum; M82950-1, Neurosporacrassa; M82952-3, Phaeococcus exophialae; M82954-5, Rhinocla-diella atrovirens; M82956, Schizophyllum commune; M82957,Schizosaccharomyces pombe; M82958-9, Ustilago maydis;M82960-1, Xylohypha bantiana; M81905-7, Wangiella dermati-tidis; M82937, Candida albicans].


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the computing facility of the Whitaker College of HealthSciences and Technology.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe deduced amino acid sequences for the fragments ob-tained by PCR amplification are shown in Fig. 1, and a list oftheir taxonomic affinities and gene designations is presentedin Table 1. The amino acid sequences were aligned by theprogram CLUSTAL (4), which first derives a dendrogram froma matrix of all pairwise sequence similarity scores and thenprogressively aligns the most similar sequences. The den-drogram (Fig. 2) produced in the first step of the CLUSTALprogram was calculated by the unweighted pair group methodusing arithmetic averages (UPGMA) (10). Although UPGMAdendrograms usually cluster in the appropriate manner, theyare not intended to be used as phylogenetic trees (4). There-fore, after the sequence alignment had been obtained, addi-tional methods were consulted to deduce possible phyloge-netic relationships.As pointed out by Valencia et aL (11) in their study of ras

protein sequences, closeness in sequences such as thoseconsidered here "can be interpreted in terms of similarity offunction and/or in terms of similarity of species." As is clearfrom inspection of the tree in Fig. 2, both types of similarityare suggested for the chitin synthase gene fragments chosenfor analysis. Except for the Sa. cerevisiae CHSI fragment,which is left as an "outlying" sequence, the other genefragments fall into three classes, which could represent threeseparate functional groups. Although the classification wasdone by computer, the groups can be found on inspection ofFig. 1 by characteristic gaps and by residues, such as theproline that occurs after the first gap in class III. Within eachCLUSTAL class some expected close relationships are seen.For example, similarities are apparent between A. niger andA. nidulans, which are known or suspected Ascomycetes ofthe genus Emericella, between H. capsulatum and B. der-matitidis, which are both Ascomycetes of the genus Ajello-myces, and among the opportunistic pathogens E. jeansel-mei W dermatitidis, P. exophialae, and X. bantiana, whichare all members of the same form family (Dematiaciae) of theFungi Imperfecti, but most likely represent loculomycetousAscomycetes (7, 9, 12).To gain a more detailed picture of possible evolutionary

relationships, the DNA sequences within each class werecompared by programs available in Joseph Felsenstein'sphylogeny inference package. The distance matrix programsDNADIST and FITCH were used to produce the class I and classII trees (Figs. 3 and 4). Similarity scores were obtained for allpairwise comparisons of the aligned DNA sequences andwere transformed into a distance matrix by the programDNADIST. This program allows for different substitution ratesbetween transitions and transversions, according to the 2-pa-rameter model of Kimura (13). In turn, the distance matrixwas used as input to the program FITCH, which calculatedbranching order and length. Sa. cerevisiae CHSJ, shown byCLUSTAL to be an outlying species, was used to root the trees.

In addition to confirming the close relationships suggestedby the cLusTAL program, the FITCH tree for class II places thesequences for the two Basidiomycetes Sp. commune and U.maydis together and separates the single Ss. pombe genefragment into a class by itself (cLusTAL had grouped Ss.pombe and Sp. commune together, a result totally inconsis-tent with modern fungal taxonomic concepts). The moststriking aspect of the FITCH analysis, however, is the largeevolutionary separation suggested between Sa. cerevisiae(and possiblyC albicans and Ss. pombe) and the other fungi.On morphological grounds, both Sa. cerevisiae and Ss.pombe are traditionally classified in the same Ascomyceteorder, Endomycetales (14). Based on a variety of results, C.

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Table 1. Taxonomic affinities of fungal species and chitinsynthase gene designations

Species Affinity Gene designationsSaccharomyces cerevisiae Ascomycetes CHSI, CHS2Schizosaccharomyces pombe SpCHSIEmericella (Aspergillus) nidulans AdCHSI, AdCHS2Aspergillus niger AnCHSJ, AnCHS2Ajellomyces (Blastomyces) dermatitidis BdCHSI, BdCHS2Ajellomyces (Histoplasma) capsulatas HcCHSI, HcCHS2, HcCHS3Neurospora crassa NcCHSI, NcCHS2, NcCHS3Ustilago maydis Basidiomycetes UmCHSI, UmCHS2Schizophyllum commune ScCHSICandida albicans* Fungi Imperfecti CaCHSI, CaCHS2Exophiala jeanselmeit EjCHSI, EjCHS2, EjCHS3Phaeococcomyces exophialaet PeCHSI, PeCHS2Rhinocladiella atrovirenst RaCHSI, RaCHS2Wangiella dermatitidist WdCHSI, WdCHS2, WdCHS3Xylohypha bantianat XbCHSI, XbCHS2Taxonomic affinities are modified from Dixon and Fromtling (6).

*Although asexual, this species has many counterparts in the Hemiascomycetidae (7, 8).tThese species are considered to be asexual species of Loculomycetidae or, less often, the Pyreno-mycetidae (9).

albicans is also generally thought to be a member of the sameorder (7, 8). Should C. albicans, in fact, be an ascosporicyeast like Sa. cerevisiae and Ss. pombe, then it might not besurprising that these three fungi exhibit large separationsfrom the remaining fungi investigated. This point, at least asrelated to Sa. cerevisiae, is of interest in the light of theanalysis of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate genes by Smith (15),who postulates enormous evolutionary separation of Sac-charomyces and related organisms from the filamentousfungi. Numerous other studies with Sa. cerevisiae and Ss.pombe suggest considerable evolutionary separation be-tween these two hemiascomycetous species, which may be asgreat as that between Sa. cerevisiae and animals (16).The amplification of a chitin synthase fragment from Ss.

pombe DNA was unexpected because members of the genusSchizosaccharomyces are generally thought to have no chitinin their cell walls. However, a recent paper by Sietsma andWessels (17) reports the presence of glucosaminoglycan inSs. pombe.

A second aspect of the FITCH analysis, which is quiteremarkable is the clustering of fungi, in both the class I andclass II analysis, which are traditionally recognized as re-lated. For the class I tree, all the hyphomycetous andmelanized Fungi Imperfecti are included in one branch,reflective of their possible loculoascomycetous affinities,whereas the remaining ascomycetous, ascocarpic fungi areincluded in another branch consisting of only the cleistothe-cial and the one perithecial species (9, 17). While the exclu-sive clustering of the two ascocarpic ascomycetous groups isnot apparent in the class II analysis, the clustering togetherof these same fungi with the hyphomycetous, melanizedorganisms in a single main branch that diverges from a secondbranch with the two Basidiomycetes and a third branch thatencompasses the known or suspected ascosporic yeasts isstill compatible with traditional fungal evolutionary schemes(18). The trees presented here also are compatible withstudies by Walker (19), who proposes similar groupings oftheAscomycete species based on 5S ribosomal RNA sequences,

x * m > > I m c z x E m m m > > I=C) Q-CD a Q nCE L w C Cr C- P)0D D O

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............................/ SS // /} // //

FIG. 2. Unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) dendrogram showing three distinct chitin synthase classes. Thetree was calculated by the program CLUSTAL from deduced amino acid sequences. Except for Sa. cerevisiae CHSI, the gene fragments fall intothree groups. Branch lengths do not indicate a rigorous calculation ofevolutionary distances, nor can phylogenetic relationships be inferred withconfidence from this tree. Except for CHSI, the first two letters represent the species (see Table 1).

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FIG. 3. Tree showing phylogenetic relationships of class I chitin synthase fragments. The DNA sequences were compared by distance matrixmethods using the FITCH program. Sa. cerevisiae CHSJ was included in the analysis as an outgroup to root the tree. Branch lengths reflect relativeevolutionary distance and are defined by Felsenstein (5). Except for CHSJ, the first two letters represent the species (see Table 1).

and with the more extensive tree determined by Hendriks etal. (20) by comparison of the small ribosomal subunit RNA





sequence. However, it is important to note that the interrup-tion of the Ascomycetes by the Basidiomycete branch in the

___________ ___ ___NCCHS2



FIG. 4. Tree showing phylogenetic relationships of class II chitin synthase fragments. The DNA sequences were compared by distance matrixmethods using the FITCH program. Sa. cerevisiae CHSJ was included in the analysis as an outgroup to root the tree. Branch lengths reflect relativeevolutionary distance and are defined by Felsenstein (5). Except for CHSJ and CHS2, the first two letters represent the species (see Table 1).

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class II chitin synthase phylogenetic tree contradicts at leastone current sequence analysis of small subunit ribosomalRNAs, which did not suggest that Basidiomycetes are de-rived from Ascomycetes (21). Possibly this contradictionrelates only to the CHS2 tree being rooted to CHS1 of Sa.cerevisiae. Future analyses using different roots or no rootsand additional sequences from other fungi with better estab-lished phylogenies should clarify this situation.

Bootstrap analysis was performed by the DNABOOT pro-

gram (5) as a further means of validating interrelationshipsinferred by the FITCH analysis. Bootstrapping is a statisticalmethod used to evaluate the confidence level of the phylo-genetic estimate by random resampling of the data. Onehundred bootstrap replicates were performed on each class,and the resulting consensus confirmed our taxonomic inter-pretation of the CLUSTAL and FITCH analyses. E. jeanselmei,P. exophialae, and R. atrovirens were grouped together in 95of the 100 trials, giving them a 95% bootstrap confidence limitas a phylogenetic group. H. capsulatum and B. dermatitidisappear with a >99% confidence limit as a group. C. albicansand Sa. cerevisiae appeared as outgroups from the otherfungal species in 100%o of the bootstrap replicates. Althoughnot showing >95% confidence limits, other close relation-ships between U. maydis and Sp. commune, and between thetwo Aspergillis species were predicted by the DNABOOTprogram, which constructs trees using parsimony methodsrather than distance matrix as FITCH does.Although the sequence analysis reported here suggests the

presence ofthree classes of "zymogen type" chitin synthasesin fungi, the results are considered only suggestive and are

presented only to serve as a guide for further investigations.Several factors limit the value of our conclusions. In the firstplace, the analysis was limited to only one very highlyconserved region ofthe genes in question. It will be necessaryto extend the analysis to the complete sequences of as manyof the genes as possible to determine whether the class andevolutionary relationships suggested here are maintained inthe light of complete sequence information. A related pointconcerns the general function of the protein domain beinganalyzed. If, as expected, this domain is part of the catalyticregion ofthe enzyme, different classes might differ somewhatin catalytic mechanism, pH optimum, etc. However, thistype of variation may or may not be correlated with thebiological functions of the enzymes-i.e., catalytic mecha-nism variants may or may not have different functions indifferent species.A second limitation of the data is that all fragments were

recovered with a single set of PCR primers. An incompleteset of gene fragments may well bias the analysis toward a

subgroup of genes, although we do know that Sa. cerevisiaeCHSJ and CHS2, which can be recovered from the genomewith our primers, have quite different functions in vivo (22).We know that we would almost certainly not recover DNAfragments for the "non-zymogen" chitin synthase III class ofenzyme because the Sa. cerevisiae CSD2 (CALI) gene lacksthe sequences used to design our primers (C. Bulawa, per-sonal communication).A final limitation ofour analysis is in the interpretation that

can be made of evolutionary relationships. Because, proba-bly for functional reasons, the sequences are all very similar,the apparent evolutionary distances and relationships may bedifferent from those derived by other methods. On the otherhand, all chitin synthases may catalyze the same reaction,

using the same key residues. The variation seen in thesegment examined may, in fact, reflect the accumulation ofneutral amino acid changes; therefore, the greater the evo-lutionary separation, the greater the number of such changes.

In spite of these limitations, we feel that the analysispresented here will be valuable in planning and interpretinggene disruption experiments designed to unravel the func-tions of the multiple chitin synthase genes in fungi. Theyshould also be useful in conjunction with more extensivesequence data in the analysis of evolutionary relationshipsamong fungi.

We thank the following Massachusetts Institute of Technologyundergraduates for PCR fragment isolation and preliminary sequenc-ing results: Monica McConnell, Susan Pauwels, Elly Bulboaca, BanuRamachandran, Doug Jeffery, Jason Salter, Linda Sun, Wendy Wai,Daniel Wambold, Jork Zwicker, Richard Cheng, Cindy Hummel,Harry Hwang, Rachel McCarthy, and Tracy Kinkaid. This work wassupported by Grants GM31318 (to P.W.R.) and CA14051 (to P.Sharp) from the National Institutes of Health. M.M. was supportedby grants to P.J.S. from the Texas Applied Technology Program(TATP-4493) and University of Texas Research Institute ProgramGrant RR07091.

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