Class 3 Religious studies Islam - Threeenglish Islam.pdfMuhammad Nazrul Islam Khan...


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Written and edited by :Professor A. N. M. Abdul Mannan KhanProfessor Muhammad Munsurur Rahman

Professor Muhammad TamijuddinMuhammad Nazrul Islam Khan

Translated by :Naina ShahzadiMd. Al-Amin

National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Dhaka

Religious Studies : Islam

Class Three

Prescribed by the National Curriculum & Textbook Boardas a Textbook from the academic session 2007

Published by National Curriculum and Textbook Board

69-70, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000.

[All rights reserved by the publisher]First Print (Bangla version) : September 2005First Print (English Version) : February 2007

2nd Print (English version) : March 2008

Reprint (English Version) : April 2009

Computer GraphicLaser Scan Limited

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Cover & Illustrations:Domion Neoton Pinaru

Picture Coloured byAhmed Ullah

Printing Supervision Ferial Azad

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Website version developed by Mars Solutions Limited

PrefaceFor improving the existing quality of primary education in Bangladesh, National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) in collaboration with PEDP-2 initiated an extensive program for the development of curriculum and teaching learning materials. In the light of this program the curriculum, textbooks and other learning materials of primary levels have been prepared revised and evaluated.The textbook having the title, Religious Studies : Islam was written on the basis of attainable competencies by the students of Class Three. The writers of the textbook were selected by National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) and approved by the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. With a view to standerising the text materials a task of Rational Evaluation was conducted through a 4-days Long Workshop involving the concerned curriculum-specialists, subject-specialists, teacher-trainers as well as class-teachers. Afterwards the book was carefully examined and scrutinized in the meeting of the Professional Committee and finally approved in the meeting of the National Coordination Committee . The subject matter of the textbook is derived from the basic elements of the social environment familiar to children. This was taken into consideration that children can have knowledge of their environment in which they live in and also how they preserve it for the future.

The Contents of the book have not only been presented in spontaneous language appropriate for children but also analyzed and explained in such a manner with practical examples, illustrations and system of planned activities, so that students are inspired to study the subject with a keen interest. Moreover there is a provision to assess the students with plenty of objective and short-answer questions at the end of each lesson.

The development of curriculum is a continuous process. Therefore, the process of textbook development will continue in the future too.

I would like to say a few words regarding the English version of this Textbook of Religious Studies Islam of Class Three. In this context I would like to emphasize that English is the language of choice in today's globalized world. To facilitated the verbal and written communication skills of our future citizens and better prepared them for international competition, we decided to translate the original Bangla textbooks into English beginning from class one. It is to be noted that a number of schools of Bangladesh have already started translating Bangla textbooks to English to aid their English medium instructions. However, these translations are not standardized and their quality may vary widely. Therefore NCTB and the Govt. of Bangladesh decided to undertake the responsibility of translating the primary level textbooks, so that this is accomplished in a methodological order. Any work related to translation is a complex endeavour. Despite the involvement of various linguistic and other experts, it is not impossible that the completed translation may contain some errors. However in the future editions we expect to correct all errors and discrepancies.Finally, I would like to pay my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those who have made their valuable contributions in writing, editing, evaluating and translating this book. I sincerely hope that the book will be useful to those for whom it has been written.

Prof. Md. Mostafa Kamaluddin Chairman

National Curriculum and Textbook BoardDhaka

Chapter Subject Matter Page







Chapter One

Iman and AqaidIdentity of the Almighty Allah

What do we see in the picture? We see mango trees, jackfruit trees, coconut trees and betel-nut trees. We also find the rivers, the hills, the moon, the stars and the field of corps.

Can you say who has created these all? Allah, the Almighty, has created all these things. He has also created human beings, beasts, birds, insects etc. He is the provider of food and cherisher of all.Allah, the Gracious is One and Only. He has no partners. The great Prophet (Sm) is Allah's Rasul. To believe all these unconditionally is Iman.Allah is our Ma'bud. We are His servants. He is the most Merciful. The most Gracious. He can see us all the time. He sees hears and knows everthing. To believe all these is part of Iman and Aqaid.The Aqida is Aqaid in plural term.

We will believe in Allah and worship Him only.

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Allah is the Creator

Allahu Khaliqun means Allah is the Creator. Allah the Almighty has created everything.How beautiful this country of ours is! How beautiful this world of ours is! There are green fields. There are green fields full of crops. There are forests, trees, fruit orchards, guava trees, jackfruittrees, blackberry trees and many other things.Rivers flow with rippling sound. There is a blue sky above our head. Stars glittering at night. Sometimes it is cold and sometimes it is warm. Sometimes it also rains.Allah, the Almighty has created these all. He has created everything for us.Allah has created us all.

Allah Khaliq Khaliq means the Creator. Allah is the only Creator.

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Allah is the Cherisher

Allahu Rabbun : It means Allah is the Cherisher. The Almighty Allah cherishes us all. Allah gives us light, air, water etc. for cherishing us. He provides us with food. He has given different kinds of fruits and crops for us to eat.He has given varieties of fishes in the rivers, canals and marshy lands. He has also given us cattle, and many other birds and animals. We eat these birds and animals. Cows and goats give us milk. We drink it. Ducks and hens give us eggs. We eat it. Besides all these He has given us different vegetables. He has also given many medicinal plants. We live on all these food.Allah has created all these things to nourish us.Allah is our Rab. Rab means the protector. Allah is the protector and cherisher of the whole world.

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Allah is the Provider

Allah Razzaqun : It means Allah is the provider of food. He provides food to every living being. We eat rice, fish, egg, milk, banana etc. We eat vegetables, too. We eat different types of food. We cannot live without food.

Cows eat grass. Birds eat insects, grains, seeds, fruits etc. Trees live on light, air and water.

Who provides food to all? It is Allah. He is the Provider. Everything remains alive by eating food provided by Allah.One of the names of Allah is Razzaq.

Razzaq means the Provider of food. Allah is the Provider of food for all.

Let us take an oath after taking food provided by Allah today, we shall do good works, and express gratitute to Him.

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Allah is the most Gracious

Allahu Rahman : It means Allah is the most Gracious and the most Merciful. There is no end to His mercy. His mercy is limitless.In the month of Chaitra, the crop fields are parched. The sun is hot and scorching. Everything dries up. Some trees become leafless. The crops look dry and the field crack.The clouds are seen in the sky at this moments and it starts raining. The soil gets soaked. Soon the fields are covered with green grass. Green leaves appear in trees. The trees look beautiful. The trees bear flowers and fruits. Nature looks fresh and full of life.These clouds, the rains, the fruits of the trees, the crops in fields all these are the gifts of the Almighty Allah. We get all these because of Allah's kindness.We need light, air, water and food to remain alive. We cannot make these things. These are all the gifts of Allah.One of the names of Allah is Rahman.Rahman means the most Merciful.

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None can survive without the mercy of Allah. Allah loves everybody. Allah bestows his mercy and kindness upon everybody. He is very much Merciful. He has created us very beautifully. He has given us all the things we need to live on. We are alive because of His mercy.He does not cause sufferings to anybody. If anyone begs for is forgiveness after doing some wrong, He forgives him.

Allah says, ''Call Me. Obey My orders. Worship Me and follow My Rasul. I Shall love you.''

We shall follow his orders. We shall act acordingly. Then He will be more merciful to us.

We shall pray to Allah heart and soul, shall know all His orders in full, shall abide by all His orders, shall worship Him every where.

Prophets and Messengers

Allah The Almighty has created human beings for His Ibadat. But from time to time many people forgot Allah.They disregarded the directives of Allah and chose a wrong path. At times they worshipped the sun or the stars or the fire. They also worshipped different gods and godesses.

Allah, the Almighty has sent prophets and messengers to guide them to the right path, they have shown people what is good and bad. In order to please Allah, they taught people how to lead their lives in the right way.

The prophets and the messengers were sinless. They used to speak in a polite manner. They always spoke the truth. They behaved

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well with everybody, young or old, rich or poor. They used to tell people to do good deeds, and forbade them from doing bad ones.

The first prophet is Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salam.

A number of prophets appeared on this earth after him. Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam is the last Prophet. We have to say Alaihis Salam whenever we utter the name of any prophet or messenger. When we utter the name of our great Prophet, we have to utter Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.

We shall love the prophets and the messengers. We shall also

lead our life on the path shown by them.

Heavenly Books

Hazrat Jibrail (A) is Allah's angel. He used to bring the messages of Allah to the prophets and the messengers.

The collection of these messages is called Kitab. This Kitab is also called a heavenly book. The Qur'an Majid is a Heavenly Book. The Qur'an Majid contains the messages of Allah. In the Qur'an Majid, we will find the messages of Allah. The messages tell us and guide us how to lead our life and what to do. The

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Qur'an Majid has been written in the Arabic language. We shall learn to read and understand the language of the Qur'an Majid. We shall recite the Qur'an Majid correctly. We shall lead our life according to its teachings.

There are one hundred and four (104) heavenly books. Among these books four are big in size. And the remaining one Hundred are small in size. These small sized books are called Sahifa. The four great Kitabs are:

The Taurat The Jabur The Injeel The Qur'an Majid

The Taurat was revealed upon Hazrat Musa (A).The Jabur was revealed upon Hazrat Daud (A). The Injeel was revealed upon Hazrat Isa (A). The Qur'an was revealed upon Hazrat Muhammad (Sm).


Human beings are born on this earth. They lead a life here. This life is called worldly life. After a period of time human beings die. Some people die at a very young age, some die when they are grown up and some die when they are old. The life after death is called 'Akhirat'. Akhirat means hereafter. In Akhirat good and bad deeds will be accurately measured on a scale.

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Allah loves those who obey His commands, lead a life shown by the great Prophet (Sm) and do good deeds. They are happy in their worldly life. They will get peace and happiness in Akhirat too.

They will get Jannat. Jannat is a place of unbounded peace and happiness.

Those who do not obey the commands of Allah, do not do good deeds and do not lead their life according to the path shown by the great Prophet (Sm), are unhappy in the worldly life. They will not get peace in Akhirat. They will enter into Jahannam. Jahannam is a place of everlasting pains and sufferings.

We shallobey the commands of Allah, believe in Akhirat, lead our life in the path shown by the Prophet (Sm) and

make our life beautiful.

Kalima Tayyiba

La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah.

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Look at the picture. Can you say what is written in the flag? Kalima Tayyiba is written in the flag. Kalima Tayyiba means a sacred message. It has two parts:

The first part :

Meaning : There is no Ma'bud except Allah. We worship only Allah. Allah is worthy of our worship

The second part :

Meaning : Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is Allah's Rasul. Rasul means great man sent by Allah as a messenger.

The Almighty Allah has created us for His Ibadat. The prophets and messengers have taught us how to perform His Ibadat.

Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is the graetest and the last prophet. No other prophet or messenger will come after him. We are his 'Ummat'. Ummat means followers.

Those who bring faith upon these two parts of the Kalima and do good deeds following it, are the true Mumins and Muslims.

We believe that there is no Ma'bud except Allah and,

Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is Allah's Rasul.

Exercise1. Write the names of ten creations of Allah.2. Write four attributes of Allah.3. What does 'Khaliq' mean?4. Who has created this beautiful earth?5. What does 'Razzaq' mean?6. How does Allah cherish us?

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7. What does 'Rab" mean?

8. What does 'Rahman' mean?

9. What are the things we get because of the mercy of Allah?

10. Whom will we call heart and soul?

11. How did the Prophets and Messengers behave with other people?

12. What kind of people were the Prophets and the Messengers?

13. Write the names of the first and the last Prophets.

14. What do we say when we utter the names of Prophets?

15. What do we say when we utter the name of our great Prophet?

16. What is a Heavenly Book?

17. How many Sahifas are there?

18. What is Akhirat?

19. Who will gain peace and happiness in Akhirat?

20. Who will not gain peace and happiness in Akhirat?

21. Write 'Kalima Tayyiba' in English.

22. Write the meaning of 'La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah'.

23. Who are Mumins?

24. What do we believe?

25. Put atick mark( ✓ ) against the correct answer.

A. Who has created the trees, the moon and the stars? 1. Man 2. The angels 3. Allah 4. Parents

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B. What does 'Razzaq' mean? 1. Craetor 2. Holy 3. Merciful. 4. Provider.

C. Who cherishes us? 1. Allah 2. The prophets 3. The angels. 3. People.

D. Who is our first prophet? 1. Hazrat Musa (A). 2. Hazrat Adam (A). 3. Hazrat Ibrahim (A) 4. Hazrat Noah (A)

E. Who is our last prophet? 1. Hazrat Isa (A) 2. Hazrat Harun (A). 3. Hazrat Daud (A). 4. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm).

F. Who is Hazrat Jibrail (A)? 1. An angel. 2. A Messenger. 3. A man. 4. A Prophet.

G. How many great Heavenly Books are there? 1. Two 2. Three 3. Four 4. Five

H. Upon whom was the Qur'an Majid revealed? 1. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm). 2. Hazrat Musa (A). 3. Hazrat Isa (A). 4. Hazrat Daud (A).

I. What does 'Akhirat' mean? 1. Worldly life. 2. Tomorrow. 3. Hereafter. 4. Yesterday.

Chapter Two


The Almighty Allah has created us for His 'Ibadat'. We are His servants. He is pleased if we abide by his orders and follow the path of His Rasul (Sm). Allah is pleased if we do His Ibadat.What is Ibadat?To abide by the Commands of Allah and to take the path shown by Him and His Rasul is known as Ibadat.

Ibadat includes: ● Salat (Namaz)● Zakat● Saum (Roza)● HajjSalat and Saum are Farz on all rich and poor people. Farz means compulsary, obligatory. Zakat and Hajj are Farz on rich people

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only. The Prophet (Sm) said, " There are five pillars of Islam" i,e. Iman, (Kalima), Salat, Zakat, Saum and Hajj".

Besides these, there are some other Ibadats too. For example, greeting people with Salam, obedience to parents, showing mercy to all living things, taking care of the people who are ill, giving food to the hungry, helping the orphans and the distressed, speaking the truth, giving advice to do good deeds, and forbidding from doing wrong etc.

To abide by the commands of Allah and to lead life in the path shown by His Rasul is our duty.

We shall abide by the commands of Allah,and worship Him.

Cleanliness and PurityIt is mentioned in the Qur'an Majid: ''Surely Allah loves those who remain clean and pure.'' Our Prophet (Sm) said, '' The cleanliness and purity is a part of Iman.''

To remain clean from urine and stool, dirt and dust, other dirty things and impurities is called cleanliness and purity.

We need to keep our body and clothes clean and pure. A person does not feel good if his body and clothes are not clean and pure. A man who is not clean and pure suffers from various diseases.

Before performing Salat we must be clean and pure. We should take a bath and do Wadu (ablution). We should clean our teeth. We should perform Salat in a clean place. Without being clean and pure we cannot touch the Qu'an Majid. Allah loves those who keep themselves pure, neat and clean. They are loved by all. They are protected from many diseases.

Body and clothes become impure if they are soiled by urine and

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stool. Body and clothes can be cleaned and made pure by washing them with water.

We will abide by the rules of Allah, and keep ourselves clean and pure.

Cleanliness of Hands and FeetSharif is a good boy. He always keeps himself neat and clean. He takes bath everyday. He keeps his clothes pure and clean. He washes his hands properly before and after taking meals.

He does not keep the nails of his fingers and toes long. He clips his nails whenever they become long. He cleans himself with water after going to the toilet. He washes his hands with soap. Everybody loves him.

Kabil is very dirty. He does not keep clothes clean. He does not take a bath and do wadu regularly. He keeps the nails of his fingers and toes long. Dirts cling to his nails. He does not wash his hands before eating food. All the dirts from his hands and nails enter into his stomach. As a result he suffers from diarrhoea and dysentery all the time. He smells horribly. Nobody loves him.

Our Prophet (Sm) always used to keep himself neat and clean. He kept his hands and feet clean and pure. He used to clip his nails at least once a week. Allah loves those who keep themselves neat and clean.We shall keep ourselves neat and clean,dip cut our nails regularly,keep our hands and feet clean,keep our clothes clean,andAllah will love us.

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Cleanliness of Eyes

The greatest gift of Allah is our two eyes. We see our father and mother, brothers and sisters with these eyes. We also see our teachers, class and playmates with these eyes.

We see the beautiful flowers in the garden with our eyes. We see different kinds of trees like mango, jackfruit, blackberry, lichie, banana, etc. We see the green crop - fields too. We see hills and mountains and many more things with our eyes.

With these our eyes we read the Holy Quran, other books, see the food we eat and the road we walk on.

Those who are blind cannot see anything. They cannot even see their parents, brothers and sisters. How miserable they are!

We will take care of our eyes. Our eyes will be lost if we do not take care of them. We would not be able to see anything. We would not be able to study.

We should wash the eyes with water after getting up from sleep. We have to clean our eyes properly. In order to keep our eyes healthy we have to eat a lot of green and leafy vegetables.

The cust and dirt goes into our eyes during the day. By doing Wadu and performing Salat regularly we keep our eyes free from different diseases.

We shall

do Wadu regularly, eat green and leafy vegetables,and keep our face, mouth and eyes clean.


We know that one of the most important Ibadats of Allah is Salat (Namaz). Before saying Salat one needs to be clean and pure. One of the ways of cleanliness and purity is Wadu. We have to do Wadu at least five times a day. We can protect ourselves from dust and diseases by wadu. More over 'Sagirah Gunah' is forgiven through Wadu. 'Sagirah Gunah' means lesser sins. The Prophet(Sm) said, " Salat is not accepted without Wadu. The Holy Quran cannot be touched without Wadu".

Our Prophet has emphasised on doing Wadu in performing Namaz. He says, ''Namaz is the key to Jannat and purity is the key to Namaz.''

We can also save ourselves from various diseases by regularly doing Wadu in order to perform Namaz.

Rules of WaduEvery work has some rules. We will get good result if we abide by those rules. There are some rules of performing Wadu. We should do Wadu according to its rules. We have to follow seven steps accordingly while performing Wadu. They are:

1. To wash both the hands up to the wrist.

2. To gargle.

3. To clean the nose with water.

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4. To wash the face.

5. To wash the hands upto elbow. First wash the right hand and then the left.

6. To rub the head, ears and neck with two hands.

7. To wash the feet upto ankle. First wash the right foot and then the left.

Farz in WaduThere are four important steps in Wadu. If any of these is left out Wadu will be incorrect. These are known as Farz of Wadu. They are:

1. To wash the face.

2. To wash both the hands and arms upto elbow.

3. To rub one fourth of the head.

4. To wash the feet upto ankle.

We have to be very careful regarding the Farz of Wadu.

We have to make sure that all the parts of the body that needs to be washed to perform Wadu do not remain dry. If any part of the body remains dry, Wadu will be imperfect. One cannot pray if Wadu is not performed perpectly. Our parents perform Wadu at home. Our teachers and Imams of the mosques perform Wadu properly. We shall learn to perform Wadu properly and by following them.

We shalllearn how to perform Wadu properly and perfectly and remain clean and pure.

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Salat (Namaz)

We have learnt that Namaz is the most important among all the Ibadats of Allah, during a day and a night. A person has to perform Namaz five times.

Time waqts are: Fazar, Zuhor, Asar, Magrib and Isha.

The Prophet (Sm) said, " Perform Salat properly five times a day."

Now listen to an incident that happened one day. It was a winter morning. Our Prophet (Sm) was walking on a road. He had a few of his sahabis. Sahabi means companion. It was winter and the trees were shedding leaves.

The Prophet(Sm) went to a tree. He shook one of the branches of a tree. Many leaves fell from the tree. The sahabis were astonished to see this.

The Prophet (Sm) said, ''See how the leaves of the tree have fallen down! If a person performs Namaz five times regularly, his

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sins too will shed like the leaves of the trees.'' We have to perform Namaz in time perfectly. Therefore we have to know the timing or Waqt of Namaz.

Waqt of Salat

To perform Namaz in time is the command of Allah. Namaz is not acceptable if performed untimely. The Almighty Allah says, ''It is Farz or bounded duty of the Mumins to perform Namaz in time.'' Look at the time table of Namaz.

Name of Namaz Waqt/Timing

Fazar begins when light is seen at the end of the night. The time or Waqt ends before sunrise.

Zuhor begins when the sun inclines towards the west at noon. It ends when the shadow of a thing becomes two times longer of its actual length.

Asar begins immediately after Zuhor timing. It ends just before sunset.

Magrib begins with sunset. It ends when the last rays of red colour disappaer from the western sky.

Isha begins immediately after Magrib. The time of Isha is longer. It lasts till the beginning of Fazr. It is better to perform Isha Namaz before midnight.

We shall abide by the commands of Allah and perform Namaz in time.

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Takveer Tahreema

Namz is a great Ibadat of the Almighty Allah. There are certain rules of performing Namaz. Namaz is imperfect if is not performed according to the rules. The Prophet (Sm) taught us the rules of Namaz.

The Prophet (Sm) said, ''Follow my ways and perform Namaz.''

At first we shall perform Wadu and make ourselves clean and pure. Next we shall stand at a clean and pure place facing the holy Kaba Sharif. Then we shall say the Niyat. Niyat means "wish". It is not necessary to say Niyat in Arabic.

After that we will raise both of our hands upto our earlobe or shoulders and say-

Allahu Akbar : Allah is The Greatest.

Then we shall put our right hand on our left hand. Men place the hands just beneath the navel. Women place the hands on their chest.

Saying Allahu Akbar at the begining of Namaz is called Takveer Tahreema. One cannot speak, look here and there or laugh after Takveer Tahreema.

Namaz is not complete or correct without Takveer Tahreema. Takveer Tahreema is Farz for Namaz.


We praise the Almighty Allah in our Namaz. We call it reciting

Sana. Sana means praise. Saying Sana in Namaz is sunnat.

After Takveer Tahreema men will place the hands just beneath the navel and say the Sana. Women will place the hands on their chest and say the Sana.

The Doah of Sanas that the Prophet (Sm) has taught us are:

Subhanaka Allahuma Wabihamdika

Wa Tabarakas Muka Wa Taala Jadduka-

Wa La Ilaha Gairuka-

Allah is pleased if Sana is recited in Namaz.

We shall----

learn Sana,

say Sana in Namaz,and

gain Allah's blessings.


Ta'awuz is Aa'uzubillah. Aa'uzubillah means I seek shelter to Allah.

The complete Aa'uzubillah is-

Aa'uzubillahi Minash Saitanir Rajim

Meaning- I seek shelter to Allah from the Saitan, who has been expelled.

Saitan allures people to do bad things. He stops people from doing good. Human beings cannot save themselves from the

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Saitan without the help of Allah. To protect themselves from Saitan, the human beings have to seek shelter to Allah. Allah provides us with shelter if we ask for it. Ta'awuz is the Doah for seeking Allah's shelter from the evil counsel of Saitan.

Namaz is the greatest Ibadat of the Almighty Allah. Saitan obstructs us in performing Namaz. For this reason we have to say Aa'uzubillah after reciting Sana.

Saitan obstruct, a person from reciting the Holy Qur'an too. For this reason we have to say Aa'uzubillah before the recitation the holy Qur'an Majid.

We Shalllearn Aa'uzubillah, andwe shall read and say it correctly.


Tasmiah is Bismillah. Tasmiah means I begin in the name of Allah. Complete Bismillah is

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Meaning : I begin in the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful.

To perform Namaz is Allah's command. In Namaz we have to say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim after Aa'uzubillah. Besides this, we have to say Bismillah before starting anything good. We need the help of Allah before starting anything good. A person cannot do anything good without the help of Allah. Allah

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helps those who begin their work with bismillah. He can gain good result. Allah bestows His mercy upon him. Allah loves him.

We shallsay Bis millah before we start to study,say Bismillah before eating,say Bismillah before going out of the house,say Bismillah before every good work.Allah bestows His blessings if we begin a work with Bismillah. Allah is pleased and the work becomes easy.

Ruku and Sijdah

We have learnt that at the begining of Namaz we have to say Niyat. We have to fix up Tahreema by saying Allahu Akbar. After this we will say Sana, Aa'uzubillah, Bismillah, Sura Al Fatiha and any other Sura or part of a Sura.

Then we have to perform Ruku. We have to stand straight from Ruku saying Samiallahu liman hamida. Next we have to go to Sijdah. Performing Ruku and Sijda is Farz. Namaz is incomplete without Ruku and Sijda.

Rules of Ruku

We shall say Sura Fatiha and any other Sura or Ayat in Namaz. After this we say Allahu Akbar and perform Ruku.We shall bend forward and hold our knees firmly. The back of our body should be tightly stretched. This is called Ruku.

One has to say Tasbeeh in Ruku. Tasbeeh means describing the holiness of Allah.

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Tasbeeh of Ruku is

Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem

Meaning : I declare the holiness and purity of my lord, the Cherisher.

Rules of performing Sijdah :We shall stand straight from Ruku saying,

Samiallahu liman hamida Then we shall stand straight.

Then we will say Rabbana lakal hamd while standing.

Then we shall go to Sijdah saying Allahu Akbar. Both of our knees will be on the praying mat. Then we shall put our hands apart on the mat. We shall touch the mat with our forehead and nose in between the spread hands. It is Sunnat to say Tasbeeh in Sijda.

The Tasbeeh is

Subhana Rabbial Aa'la

Meaning : I declare the holiness and purity of my lord,the Cherisher.

We see our parents performing Ruku and Sijdah at home.We also see our teachers, Imam of mosques performing Ruku and Sijda. We shall learn how to perform Ruku and Sijda by following them. To perform Namaz correctly, Ruku and Sijda have to be correct. We can make our life beautiful by performing Namaz properly.

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We shallperform Ruku and Sijda correctly,perform our Namaz properly,andlead a beautiful life.

The last sittingWe have to finish our Namaz with Salam. Salam is the last step of Namaz. There are two Raqats in some Namaz, some Namaz have three Raqats, again some have four Raqats. It is Farz to sit after Sijda in the last Raqat of a Namaz. This is called the last sitting.

In this sitting we have to recite Attahiyyatu, Darood and Doah Masura. Then we have to turn our face to our right shoulder and say Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Then we have to turn our face to the left shoulder and say Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.

Meaning of Salam: Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you. Namaz is completed with this Salam.


1. What is Ibadat?

2. What do we have to do before the begining of Namaz?

3. Who are loved by the Almighty Allah?

4. Why do we have to take care of our eyes?

5. What has the Prophet (Sm) said about Wadu?

6. How many Farz are there in Wadu? What are those?

7. How many times we have to perform Namaz in twenty four hours? Write the names of Namaz.

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8. What do you understand by Takveer Tahreema?9. What has the Prophet (Sm) said about Namaz?10. When will we say Sana?11. Write in English the Doah, which we say to seek shelter to

Allah.12. What do we have to say before beginning something good?13. What pleases Allah most?14. Write the rules of performing Ruku.15. Write in English the meaning of Tasbeeh in Ruku.

16. Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct answer.

A. What is the best way to become clean and pure? 1. To wash hands and face. 2. To perform Wadu. 3. To wipe our hands and face. 4. To take a bath regularly.

B. What is Namaz to heaven? 1. Lock. 2. An instrument 3. Key. 4. Pen.

C. Which Namaz we have to perform after sunset? 1. Esha. 2. Magrib. 3. Fazar. 4. Asar.

D. Who has ordered us to perform Namaz on time? 1. Mother. 2. Father. 3. Allah. 4. Prophet (Sm)

E. Which direction do we have to face while performing Namaz? 1. Towards Ka'ba Sharif. 2. Towards the south. 3. Towards the East. 4. Towards the north.

28 Religious Studies : Islam

F. Where will women place their hands while performing Namaz? 1. Below their chest. 2. On their naval. 3. Below their Naval. 4. On their chest.

G. When do we have to say Sana?

1. At the end of Namaz. 2. At the beginning of Namaz.

3. At the middle of Namaz. 4. After fixing Tahreema.

H. What does Allah do when we praise Him?

1. Allah is displeased. 2. Allah is pleased. 3. Allah becomes angry. 4. Allah rebukes us.

I. To whom do we seek shelter from the expelled Saitan?

1. To the angels 2. To mankind. 3. To Allah. 4. To the Prophet(Sm).

J. What do we have to say before beginning anything good?

1. Bismillah. 2. Subhanallah. 3. MashAllah. 4. Innalillah.

K. Which one of the following is Tasbeeh of Sijdah?

1. Allahu Akbar. 2. Subhanallah. 3. Subhana Rabbial Aa'la. 4. Subhana Rabbial Azeem.

Chapter Three

Akhlakh-CharacterObedience to Parents

The Almighty Allah Says- ''You should behave nicely with your parents.'' Our beloved Prophet (Sm) said- ''You can please Allah by making your parents happy."

Parents are our most dear ones. They look after us with love and care. For this, we have to be nice to them. We should respect them and greet them with 'Salam'. We should obey them. We should not do such things that our parents tell us not to do. We should speak politely with them. In their need we should look after them and make them happy. If we do all the above things Allah will be happy with us too.

Allah is pleased if we listen to our parents. As a result all our tasks become easier. We can attain heaven. Heaven is a place of great bliss and happiness.

The Prophet (Sm) has said, ''A child's heaven is under the feet of his/her mother''

Hazrat Bayejid Bostami's (R) mother was very ill. One night she asked her son for a glass of water. When Baiyejid brought water he saw that his mother had fallen asleep again. He stood at his mother's bedside with the glass of water. He did not wake her up. His mother woke up in the last of night and saw her son with the glass of water. His mother was very pleased when she heard that he was waiting the whole night with the glass of water for

30 Religious Studies : Islam

her. She prayed with all her heart to Allah for her son. Hazrat Bayejid Bostami (R) has become world famous 'Wali,' because his mother prayed for him.

We should pray for our father and mother. Allah has told us what we should say in our prayer-

Rabbir hamhuma kama rabbaiyani sageera.We shouldlisten to our parents,answer them, respond politely when they call,not misbehave with them and,pray to the Almighty Allah for them.

To Speak the TruthWe talk to our parents, brothers and sisters. We also talk to our classmates, friends and neighbours. We talk to many people. We have to remember that whenever we are talking, we should speak the truth. We should not tell a lie.

He who speaks the truth is known as a truthful person. Speaking the truth is a great virtue. Every one loves a truthful person. They trust and love him. Everyone comes forward to help him when he is in trouble. Allah loves a truthful person.

To tell a lie is a great sin. A man who lells a lie is known as liar. Nobody trusts him. He is neither loved nor respected. When such a man is in trouble, nobody wants to help him. Everybody hates him. He is hated by all. He is a loser. Allah does not love a liar. The Prophet (Sm) said,

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"Truthfulness saves a man.Lies destroy a man."

Our beloved Prophet (Sm) always spoke the truth. For this reason He was called 'Al-Amin'. 'Al-Amin' means, a person who is very trustworthy and truthful. He has never told a lie. He hated lies. He used to forbade people from telling lies.

One day a man came to Prophet (Sm). He said, 'Listen O Rasul of Allah, I steal things from others. I tell lies. I have committed many other sins. Now I do not want to do all these bad things. But which one of these will I stop first'?

Prophet said, 'Stop telling lies'.

From the next day the man stopped telling lies. Gradually he stopped doing all sinful things.WeShould always speak the truth,Should choose the right pathShould not tell a lieShould not go and choose the path of sins.

SalamIn a house father and mother, brothers and sisters, grandfather and grand mother and many other people live together. We have to greet them with a 'Salam' when we enter the house. The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran "You will greet your near and dear ones with 'salam' when you enter the house".

The Holy Prophet (Sm) has said, ''You have to greet a person known to you with a 'Salam'. You will greet a stranger with a 'Salam' too''.

32 Religious Studies : Islam

Greeting a person with a 'Salam' is 'Sunnat'. Whenever you meet a Muslim, you have to greet him with a 'Salam'.

Salam- Ass- sala-mu-alaikum

Meaning : Peace be upon youIf someone greets you with a 'Salam', you have to reply to his greetings. Replying to a person's 'salam' is 'Wajib'.

Reply of salam- Wa/Oa alaikumus salam'

Meaning : Peace be upon you too.

'Salam' means peace. Allah is pleased if you greet people with a 'Salam'. He bestows His kindness. You can live in peace. You give each other 'doah' by exchanging 'Salam'. You pray for each other's peace, too. A strong bond is developed when you exchange 'Salam'. You also become friends. Holy Prophet (Sm) was always the first one to greet people with a 'Salam'. Nobody could ever greet Prophet (Sm) with a 'Salam' before he did.

The holy Prophet (Sm) said,

''The person who will greet others with a 'Salam' first will gain more Sowab''.

One day Holy Prophet (Sm) went to visit his dauther Fatema (R). Fatema (R) had two sons. Hasan (R) and Hussain (R). They came running to their grandfather. They greeted the Holy Prophet (Sm). They said, 'Ass- sala-mu-alaikum'. Prophet said, 'Wa alaikumus salam' in reply.

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Our grandfather and grandmother, uncle and aunt, and many other guests come to visit us. At first we shall say, 'Ass- sala-mu-alaikum' to all. Then we shall politely ask them to be seated. We shall take care of them.

We go to school. Before going to school we have to give 'Salam' to our parents. We will greet our classmates with a 'Salam' when we enter the classroom. We will Stand up and give 'salam' when the teacher enters the classroom. We come home after the school breaks. We will say 'Ass- sala-mu-alaikum' when we enter the house.

We shall

give salam to our parentsgive salam to our teachersgive salam to our friends andgive salam to all elder or younger people.

To Behave Nicely with Guests

Our great prophet (Sm) said 'He who has faith in Almighty Allah and Akhirat will respect and honour guests".

We are followers of our Prophet(Sm). We will follow his advice. Many guests come to visit us. Our grandparents, uncles and aunts and many relatives visit us. All of them are our guests. A guest could be a relative or a friend or a person known to you.

We shall greet the guests who come to visit us with a 'Salam'. We shall ask about their welfare. We shall be polite to them and

34 Religious Studies : Islam

speak to them nicely. We shall serve them food. We shall walk them to the door as they leave.

The great Prophet (Sm) used to behave very nicely with his guests. He used to take care of his guests and eat with them.

One night a Jew came as a guest to our Prophet's (Sm) house. He took care of the Jew and served him food. He gave him clean bed to lay down and rest. The man had taken too much food. His stomach was upset. He soiled the bed. He was ashamed of his deed and also frightened. He fled from the Prophet's (Sm) house early in the morning. But he forgot to take his sword. In the morning Prophet (Sm) went to see his guest. But he could not find him. He saw that the bed was soiled. Prophet (Sm) thought, 'my guest have suffered'. He was very sad. He cleaned the bed with his own hands. The Jew remembered that he had left his sword at the Prophet's (Sm) house. He came to the prophet's house for his sword.

He saw Prophet (Sm) was cleaning the bed. He was surprised. He was frightened too. He thought, 'Prophet (Sm) is angry with me. He will beat me'.

The kindhearted Prophet (Sm) was happy to see his guest. He said,

'Brother, Forgive me. I could not take good care of you. You have suffered a lot at night'.

The Jew was astonished. He has never seen such politeness before. He was very pleased and became a muslim.

We shall greet our guests with a 'Salam'. We shall honour them and look after them. We shall speak to them nicely. We shall ask about their welfare. We shall be polite to them. We shall walk them to the door as they leave.

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To Behave Nicely with Classmates

Children studying in the same school and class are called classmates.

Classmates love and help each other. They come forward at the time of other's need. One does feels sad and lonely if one stays alone. Then he or she faces different types of problems.

One day the teacher was to take a test. Salim forgot to bring his pen. He did not know how he was going to write the answers. He was sad. He was frightened that the teacher would punish him for not bringing the pen. Noman was Salim's classmate. He had two pens. He gave one to Salim. Salim was very happy. He could write the answers.

Ashique is your classmate. He has fever. He could not come to school. He has headache. He does not feel good. You should all visit him. Give him moral support. You will take care of him. To boost him up tell him Inshallah you will be well soon, brother.

You will look after him. If needed you should bring medicine for him and help him to take the medicine. You may also wash his head with cold water. It will help the fever to come down. By the grace of Allah he will be well soon.

All of you should behave well with your classmates. You should help each other with lessons and studies. If one of your classmates is poor, help him with whatever way you can. Look after them when they are ill. Stand beside them when they are in trouble. Allah will be pleased if all of you live in harmony.

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Never quarrel, fight or call names. Never envy others. To envy is sin. You displease Allah with all these.

We shall

be nice with our classmates, we shall help them with studies, we shall look after them when they are ill, we shall play together and live in harmony.

To Serve People

Human being is 'Ashraful makhlukat'. 'Ashraful makhlukat' means the best of all creations. All the people are the children of Hazrat Adam (A) and Hazrat Howa. All men are like brothers. They will help each other at the time of need. They will provide food to the hungry and water to the thirsty. Give alms to the poor and distressed. If they fall ill we should look after them and treat them.

We should give our hand to the blind to help him cross the road. We should come forward and help the poor, destitute, and orphans. We shall never hate these people. Allah will be pleased with you.

The greatest 'Ibadat' is to serve people. The holy Prophet (Sm) has said,------

"Allah will ask the human beings on the final day of judgment,---- 'I was hungry, you did not give me food. I was thirsty, you did not give me water. I was suffering from disease, you did not look after of me".

At that time the human beings will say,------ 'Oh Allah', my Lord, how was it possible?

Allah will say,--- ''There were many people around you who

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were hungry, you did not feed them. There were many thirsty people, you did not give them water. Many people were suffering from different diseases, you did not take care of them and look after them. If you would have given the hungry food, water to the thirsty, taken care of the sick, then it would have been like serving Me. I would be pleased''.

The great Prophet (Sm) used to look after the destitute and helpless people. He used to help them.

One day our beloved Prophet (Sm) was going through a road. Suddenly a blind man stumbled on the road. There were many people around but nobody came forward to help the poor man; rather some of them burst into laughter.

The kind hearted Prophet (Sm) was very hurt. He went to the man quickly and helped him to stand on his feet. He took the man's hand and led him to his house. The man prayed to Allah for Prophet Muhammad (Sm) with all his heart.We shallprovide food to the hungry, give water to the thirsty,take care of the helpless and abide by the rules of Allah.

Show Mercy to the Living BeingsAllah the most Gracious, the most Merciful has created all living beings. He has created all the animals. All living things and animal live at His mercy. Allah has told human beings to show mercy to all creatures. Allah is pleased with the person who shows mercy to all creatures. He also gains the mercy of Allah. Allah is displeased with those who do not show mercy His creation.

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Our beloved Prophet (Sm) has said,

''Show mercy to all that you see in this world, you will be blessed with the mercy of Allah.''

In many of your houses you raise cows and goats, hens and ducks. You have dogs and cats as pet. These animals have life just as we do. These animals also have happiness and pains. They expect love and care. We should love them. Take care of them. We should not beat them or hurt them. We should provide them with food and water regularly.We see sparrows and robins in our houses and yards. Birds make their nests in trees in our yard. Birds lay eggs in their nest and chicks come out of the eggs. We should not throw stone at the birds. We should not kill the birds. We should not take the eggs from the bird's nests. We should not take the chicks from the nest. We should not keep them in a cage. The chicks will be hurt if we lock them in a cage. Mother bird will weep for her babies. We should not tear the wings of the dragon flies. We should not play by tying a string at the dragon fly's leg. He will be in pain. He will be hurt.We buy chickens and ducks from the market. We hold them upside down. These animals are in pain when we hold them by their legs and their heads remain hanging. They weep because they are in pain. Allah is displeased to see this. Allah will put us in pain if we hurt these animals. We will not hurt these animals. We will hold their wings softly when we bring them home.One day a 'Sahabi' came to the Prophet (Sm). 'Sahabi' means companion. The companions of Prophet (Sm) are called 'Sahabi'. That Sahabi had a bird' chick with him. The mother bird followed the Sahabi. She flew around the Sahabi and was chirping loudly. She began to cry. Prophet felt pity when he saw the mother bird's love and concern for her baby.

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He told his sahabi, ''See how the mother is crying and lamenting for her baby. You have done wrong. Go, take back the baby chick and put it back from where you have brought it''. Sahabi took the baby bird back. The mother was too happy to get her baby back.We shallshow pity to all living things. We shall love them and take care of them. We shall give them food, water and look after them. We shall not hurt them. We shall not destroy a bird's nest. We shall not take the eggs or chicks. We shall not hurt any living things.

Exercise :1. What would be our behaviour towards our parents?2. What would we pray for our parents?3. Who is a truthful man?4. What has The Prophet(Sm) said about speaking the truth? 5. Write the meaning of 'Assala-mu-alaikum'.6. Write the answer to Salam.7. What has the Prophet (Sm) said about Salam?8. What should we do when guests come to visit us?9. What has the Prophet (Sm) said about looking after the guest?10. Write in brief, how did the Prophet(Sm) looked after his guest.11. What is a classmate? What do you understand by it?12. How would we behave with our classmates?13. How would we serve people?14. Did the Prophet (Sm) take care of other people? Mention a

story regarding this.15. What has the Prophet (Sm) said about showing mercy to living

things?16. How should we bring ducks and chicken from the market?

40 Religious Studies : Islam

17. Write in your own words the incident regarding showing mercy to living beings.

18. Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct answer.A. What have we to say first when we meet anybody? 1. Bismillah 2. Allah Hafiz 3. Assalamualaikum 4. Inna lillah

B. What does Salam mean? 1. Mercy 2. Peace 3. Affection 4. Welfare

C. Wht is the name of the prophet (Sm)'s daughter? 1. Fatema 2. Amena 3. Rabeya 4. Tahmeena

D. With the care of whom we grow up? 1. Parents 2. Granndparents 3. Grandmothers 4. Brothers and Sisters

E. What will we pray to Allah for our parents? 1. Wealth 2. Health 3. Study 4. Doah

F. What can we gain if we abide by our parents? 1. Pain and hurt 2. Taka and Paisa 3. Jannat 4. Jahannam

G. What will we do first when any guest comes to our house? 1. Talk 2. Say Salam 3. Give them to eat 4. Give water

H. How the Prophet (Sm) used to behave with the guest? 1. Behaved well 2. Misbehaved 3. Quarreled 4. Scolded

Religious Studies : Islam 41

I. How should we bring ducks and chicken from the market? 1. Holding its leg 2. Holding its wing 3. Holding its neck 4. Holding its tail

J. What does Sahabi mean? 1. People 2. Poet 3. Companion 4. Guest

K. Who is the best of all crcatios of Allah? 1. Fire 2. Water 3. Man 4. Jinn

L. What is to serve human beings? 1. Wish of Allah 2. Ibadat of Allah 2. Wish of mankind 4. Ibadat of mankind

M. What should we do if anybody feels hungry? 1. Punish 2. Give food 3. Keep 4. Classmate

O. What should we do if any classmate is ill? 1. Force them to go far 2. Quarrel 3. Take care 4. Give food

P. What is called the man who speaks the truth? 1. Truthful 2. Liar 3. Cheat 4. Muslim

Q. What is called the man who tells a lie? 1. Truthful 2. Liar 3. Great sinner 4. Cheat

R. What did the Prophet (Sm) ask the man to give up first? 1. Speaking the Truth 2. Telling lies 3. Cheating 4. Stealing

Chapter Four

Study of the Quran Majid The Quran Majid is the message of Allah. The Quran Majid gives us a guide line to do our work. The work that will bring happiness to us, and the work that is dangerous have also been described in the Quran Majid. The language in which Quran Majid has been written is Arabic. There are twenty nine letters in Arabic. By knowing these letters we will be able to read the Quran Majid.

The Prophet(Sm) said, ''The best person amongst you is he, who learns Quran Majid and teaches others''.We shalllearn to recite the Quran Majid andrecite the Quran Majid every day.

Arabic AlphabetsBangla is our mother tongue. There are fifty letters in Bangla language. Bangla is read from left side to the right. Arabic is the language of the Quran Majid. There are twenty nine letters in Arabic. Arabic language is read from the right to the left. In order to recognise Arabic letters easily English pronunciation of each alphabet has been given. We shall learns the correct pronunciation of each arabic alphabet from our teacher.

Religious Studies : Islam 43



Sa Ta Ba Alif

Dal Kha Ha Jiem


Seen Jha Ra Zal

44 Religious Studies : Islam


Twa Dwuad Chwad Sheen


Fa Gaain A'yin Jwa

Religious Studies : Islam 45


Mem Lam Kaf Qwaf


Yia Hamjah Ha Wao Nun

46 Religious Studies : Islam

Twenty nine letters of Arabic language

Say the names of the following letters

Religious Studies : Islam 47

One Nuqta under the letter 2

One Nuqta on the letter 8

Two Nuqtas under the letter 1

Two Nuqtas on the letter 2

Three Nuqtas on the letter 2

There are one or more dots on or under Arabic letters. These dots are called Nuqta.

There are fifteen Nuqtas in twenty nine letters. They are :


Fourteen Arabic letters have no Nuqta. They are:

48 Religious Studies : Islam

Different Shapes of Arbic Letters

The chart below shows the differences that occur if the letters are plced at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word.

Together At the end In the middle At the begeining Letter

Religious Studies : Islam 49

Together At the end In the middle At the begeining Letter

50 Religious Studies : Islam


In Arabic language some signs are used with letters. These signs are known as Harkat or pronouncing signs. There are three kinds of Harkat.

For example-

Jabor Ba Jabor Baa

Jer Ba Jer Bee

Pesh Ba Pesh Bu

(1) When Jabor is given on any letter, it is pronounced as 'aa'.

= Ba Jabor Baa







Jabor , Jer , Pesh ,

Naa Maa Haa Laa Qaa Faa Aaa Soa Saa Raa Daa Zaa Taa Aaa

Read and write the following chart of Jabor

Religious Studies : Islam 51

(2) When Jer is given under any letter, it is pronounced as 'ee'. = Ba Jer Bee.

(3) When Pesh is given on any letter, it is pronounced as 'u'. = Ba Pesh Bu.

Nee Mee Hee Lee Qee Fee Aee See See Ree Dee Zee Tee Aee

Read and write the following chart of Jer.

Nu Mu Hu Lu Qu Fu Au Su Su Ru Du Zu Tu Au

Read and write the following chart of Pesh.

52 Religious Studies : Islam


Meem double Jabor = Man

Meem double Jer = Min

Meem double Pesh = Mun

Read and write the following chart of double Jabor

Double Jabor, Double Jer, Double Pesh called Tanbeen. They are -

Read and write the following chart of double Jer.

Religious Studies : Islam 53


There are many letters in Arabic which does not have Jabor, Jer or Pesh. But the previous letters have them. A sign ( ) is used to pronounce the letter. This sign is called Jazam. Another name of Jazam is Sakin.

For example :

Meem Nun Jabor = Man

Meem Nun Jer = Min

Meem Nun Pesh = Mun

There are three differnt shapes of Jazam. They are

Read and write the following chart of double Pesh.

54 Religious Studies : Islam

Read the following chart with Jazam.


Many letters in Arabic language are pronounced twice. A special sign is used for that purpose. This sign is called Tashdeed. The sign looks like this (W). Tashdeed looks like the head of the letter (Seen). A letter with Tashdeed is pronounced twice.

For example:

Alif meem Jabor 'Am', Meem Jabor Ma = Amma

Hence, on the letter 'Meem' of Arabic word 'Amma' there is a Tashdeed.

Alif Ba Jabor 'Ab', Ba Jabor 'Ba' = Abba

Religious Studies : Islam 55

Hence, on the letter 'Ba' of Arabic word 'Abba' there is a Tahsdeed.

Read and write the following chart with Tashdeed.

Formation of Word

'Book' is a word. There are four letters in this word, B+o+o+k. 'Pen' is a word. There are three letters in this word, P+e+n. 'Makka' is a word. There are five letters in this word, M+a+k+k+a. Thus a word is formed by adding many letters together. Similarly in Arabic language a word is formed by adding letters together.

For example:

In this word there are three letters.

In this word there are four letters.

56 Religious Studies : Islam

Read and write the following chart:

Read and write the following chart of Jabor.

Religious Studies : Islam 57

Read and write the following chart of Jer.

Read and write the following chart of Pesh

Harafs of Madd

There are some Haraf or letters in Arabic language, which are to be read in short breath. On the other hand many letters are to be read in long breath. To read in long breath is called Madd. There are three Madd letters.

They are :

58 Religious Studies : Islam

Signs of Madd are used with these three letters. If there is

only- (without Jabor, Jer, pesh etc.) and there is jabor on the

right hand letter of Alif, if there is Pesh on the right hand side

of- (Wao Sakin), and Jer on the right hand side letter of -

(Yea Sakin), Madd is applied.

Signs of Madd are :

As for example :

If the signs of madd are there on any Arabic letter, it should be read in a long breath.

For example :

Religious Studies : Islam 59

Sura Al-Fatiha

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Al-hamdu Lillahi Rabbil A'alameen. Ar Rahmanir Rahim. Maliki Yeaw middin. YeaakanaÕbudu Wa Yeaaka nastayeen. Ehdinas siratal mustaqeem. Siratallazina Anamta Alaihim. Gairil magdubi alaihim Waladdaleen.

Sura Al Falaq

60 Religious Studies : Islam

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Qul Au'zubi Rabbil Falaq. Min Sharri Maa Khalaq. Wa Min Sharri Gasiqin Eza Waqab. Wa Min Sharrin Naffasaati fil uqad. Wa Min Sharri Haasidin Eza Hasad.

Sura An-Nas

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Qul Au'zubi Rabbin Naas. Malikin Naas. Elahin Naas. Min Sharril Was'wasil Khannaas.Allazi Uwaswesu Fee Sudurin Naas. Minal Jinnati Wan Naas.

Religious Studies : Islam 61


1. Read out the words in the following chart :

2. How many Arabic letters are there?

3. What is Nuqta? Write five letters with Nuqta.

4. What is Harkat? Give three examples of Harkat.

5. What has Prophet (Sm) said about reading of Quran Majid?

6. What is Jazam? Give example.

7. What is Tanbeen? Give example.

8. What is Tashdeed? Give example.

9. What is a word'? Describe with example the formation of word.

10. Recite Sura Al-Fatiha from your memory.

11. Recite Sura An Naas from your memory.

12. What is Madd? Write the letters of Madd.

13. Recite Sura Al Falaq from your memory.

62 Religious Studies : Islam

14. Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct answer.

A. What is the language of Quan Majid? 1. Bangla. 2. Hebrew. 3. English. 4. Arabic.

B. How many letters are there in Arabic? 1. 25. 2. 29. 3. 30. 4. 50.

C. How many words without Nuqta are there in Arabic language?

1. 12. 2. 14. 3. 17. 4. 18.

D. Which one of the following is the sign of Jer? 1. __ 2. __

3. __ 4. __

E. How many Harkats are there? 1. 4. 2. 6. 3. 5. 4. 3.

F. How many letters (Harfs) of Madd are there? 1. 4. 2. 6. 3. 5. 4. 3.

Chapter Five

Prophets and Messengersthe Great Prophet (Sm)

Our great Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was most favourite to Allah. As a man he was the best in this world.

His name was Muhammad (Sm). He was born in a Quraish family. His father was Abdullah and his mother was Amina. His grandfather's name was Muttalib.

The land of Arabia is to our west. It is far away from our country. It is a country of deserts. All of you can see sands and dunes. One of the famous cities of Arabia is Makkah Muazzama. The holy Kaba is situated in this city.

Our dear Prophet(Sm) was born on Rabiul Awal 12, 570 A.D. in the city of Makkah. He was very gentle and well behaved

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from his childhood.

He never fought with others. He never called others names or said bad things. For this reason everybody loved him. He also loved people very much. He used to help people with their miseries. He was very truthful and always kept his promise. Everybody used to call him Al-Amin. Al-Amin means very trustworthy.

The people of Arabia were very bad and evil at time when our dear Prophet (Sm) was born. They used to fight one another. They used to steal and rob others. They used to hurt the orphans and poor people. They had no faith in one Allah. They used to think that Allah has parents, children and partners, and brothers and sisters. They worshipped idols. The holy Prophet(Sm) asked them to be good people. He told them to believe in one Allah. He also asked the people of Arabia to stop torturing the poor and weak. Some of the good people listened to him. They became Muslims. But the bad and evil people became angry. They refused to listen to him. They liked to hurt the Prophet(Sm). But our beloved Phrophet (Sm) never took revenge.

The leaders of the bad and evil people was named Abu Jahal. These people plotted to kill the Prophet(Sm). Allah commanded the Prophet to leave Makkah and go to Madina. The Prophet left for Madina. This is known as 'Hijrat'. 'Hijrat' means to leave ones country in order to please Allah.

Most of the citizens of Madina were good people. They listened to the Prophet(Sm). They came forward to help him. The people of Makkah who had listened to the Prophet(Sm) came to Madina. The people of Madina helped them too. For this reason they are called 'Ansar'. 'Ansar' means one who is helpful.

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The people who went to Madina from Makkah are called 'Muhajir'. 'Muhajir' means a person who performs 'Hijrat'.

The great Prophet (Sm), along with the Ansars and Muhajirs formed an Islamic community. In that community stealing and robbing was unknown there was no stealing or robbing. Many were converted into Muslim. The bad and evil people were defeated. The weak and the poor were no more tortured. Allah was pleased with the Mumins.

The great Prophet(Sm) died on Monday, Rabiul Awal 12, Hijri 11. It was the same day and date of his birth.

Our Prophet had four sons and four daughters.They are :Hazrat Kasim (R)Hazrat Abdullah (R)Hazrat Taiyeb (R)Hazrat Ibrahim (R) Hazrat Jainab (R)Hazrat Ruqaiya (R)Hazrat Umme Qulsum (R)Hazrat Fatima (R)

The sons of the great Prophet died in childhood.We are the great Prophet's 'Ummat'. Ummat means follwers.

Attaining Nabuat by the Great Prophet (Sm) and Preaching Islam

Almighty Allah has created us to worship Him. From time to time many people forgot Allah and went to a wrong path. Allah the Gracious, has sent many Prophets and Rasuls to show them the right path.

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Once the people of Arabia forgot about One Allah. They began to worship different idols. They used to quarrel and fight all the time. They would get into wars. They also killed and murdered other people. They were very much on to stealing, robbing and looting. There was no peace in the society


The Prophet (Sm) was born at such a time. The bad things of the society would hurt the Prophet(Sm) even when he was a child. He always used to think how he could improve the situation. At the age of forty the Prophet became very worried. During this period he used to go to the cave of Hera in Jabel-e- Noor. He used to remain in deep meditation in the thoughts of Allah.The Almighty Allah sent the holy Qur'an to the Prophet through Hazrat Jibrael (A) . Our Prophet attained the prophedhood at the age of forty. He told the people, " You take Islam as your

Hera Cave, Qur'an Majid was revealed here.

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religion. Bring faith in one Allah Do not worship idols. Accept me as the prophet (Sm) and messenger of Allah. Believe in the life hereafter. You will be accountable for all you do in this world." People, who listen to the Prophet will attain jannat ,those who do not lead their life as the Rasul has said will go to jahannam in the life hereafter.

Many people responded at the Prophet's beckoning. They became Muslim. They took Islam as their religion in response to the Prophet's call. They became mumin Muslims.

But there were many bad people, who did not listen to him. They used to hurt the great Prophet. They wanted to kill him. In spite of all the threats, the Prophet (Sm) did not stop beckoning people to the path of Islam.

The Great Prophet Loved PeopleOur Prophet(Sm) was 'Rahmatullil A'lamin. 'Rahmatullil A'lamin' means having kindness for the entire world.

Almighty Allah has said," Oh My Prophet! I have sent you as the symbol of kindness to this world."

Prophet (Sm) was very kind. He used to feel greatly for the poor and orphans.

Once Prophet (Sm) was going to a place. On his way he saw an old man was watering the plants in an orchard. The source of water was far off from the orchard. The old man was very tired. He bent under the weight of the bucket of water. He had no time to sit and rest for a while because he was a servant in a house. He would be severely punished if he worked a little less.

Prophet (Sm) went to the old man when he saw his suffering

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difficulty. He took the bucket from the old man's hand and watered all the plants. He said to the old man, " Brother, please rest a while. If you ever feel the need of my help please call me. I will come and help you."

The Prophet has said, " The servants who work for you are your brothers and sisters. Never hurt them. Never insult them. Feed them whatever you eat. Buy them clothes that you would buy for yourself. Help them with their work."

One of the famous Sahabis of the Prophet (Sm) is Hazrat Anas (R) has said, " I have been serving the Prophet for ten years. He was never annoyed with me. He has never scolded me for my work.

The Prophet(Sm) used to help his servants with their work. We should also help the people with their work.

The Great Prophet : Protesting TortureOur Prophet always used to tell people to do good things. He used to tell them not to do bad or evil things. He would try to stop a man from torturing others even if he was powerful. He always protested against torture.

In Qur'an Majid it has been said," Of course Allah does not like the torturer."

Prophet(Sm) was once sitting with his Sahabis. At that moment an orphan boy came to him and said," Hujur! there is nothing for me to live."

Our Prophet(Sm) saw that the boy had no clothes. He was very thin. He was almost dead of miseries.

Prophet(Sm) asked him, " What has happened to you? Why do you look like this?" The boy answered criying,'' My father has died. I am an orphan now. My father had a lot of money. But I did not get anything. Leader Abu Jahal has taken every thing

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and turned me out of my house."

Prophet(Sm) knew that Abu Jahal was a famous leader of Makkah. He was the leader of the non-believers. He was the greatest enemy of the Prophet(Sm). But our Prophet(Sm) was not afraid of him. He said to the boy, " Come with me. Let us see what Abu Jahal has to say?"At that time Abu Jahal was with his friends near Kaba Sharif.The Prophet went there with the orphan boy. He said to Abu Jahal, ''Why have you taken all the money of this orphan boy? Why are you tormenting him?''Abu Jahal was a very ill tempered man. He was a very evil man. People feared to speak out what was right in front of him.The friends of Abu Jahal were amazed. They saw that the face of their leader had turned white. He stammered and said" Yes, I have his fathers money. He left the money with me. He was my friend."The Prophet said, ''Please return all his father's money to him right now. It was surprising to see that Abu Jahal could not utter a single word! He returned all the money to the boy. The boy was very happy. Seeing this, the Prophet then left the place.

The friends of Abu Jahal said, ''Oh leader! we are amazed. Why were you so frightened to hear Muhammad's demand command? You have agreed to what Muhammad has said without uttering a single word! You have given away so much money to the boy!"

Abu Jahal said, ''I looked at Muhammads face when He was telling me to return the boy's money. His face looked like a sharp spear, which would pierce me. For this reason without

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hesitating I have returned the boy's money.''

Prophet was the best friend of the tortured. He was very firm to the oppressor. He has said, ''the greatest jihad is to speak the truth in front of an oppressor.''

Names of Some of the Prophets

Hazrat Muhammad(Sm) was the last prophet. He was the best Prophet and Rasul in the whole world. There will no Prophet or Rasul after him. Many Prophets and Rasuls have come before him. Many heavenly books were revealed to these Prophets and Rasuls. Among these Prophets and Rasuls the most well known is:

Hazrat Adam(A). He was the first man and the prophet of this world. He is the forefather of human beings. All people are his children. Many more Prophets and Rasuls have come to this world. The following are some of these Prophets and Rasuls:

Hazrat Nuh (A), Hazrat Ibrahim (A), Hazrat Ismail(A),Hazrat Idris (A), Hazrat Harun (A), Hazrat Yunus (A), Hazrat Sulaiman(A), Hazrat Yahiya (A), Hazrat Yusuf (A).

These Prophets and Rasuls were most dear to Allah. All of them have invited people to the path of Islam.

They have said, ''Almighty Allah is One and Only. He has no parents, children, brothers or sisters. He has no partners. If you follow the path of Allah, you will attain peace in this world as well as in the world here after. You will go to Jannat. There is only peace and happiness in Jannat.''

''If you do not follow the path of Allah, then you will suffer in this world and the world here after. You will go to Jahannam. There is only pain and sufferings in Jahannam.''

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Naat- E-RasulGolam Mustafa

Ya Nabi Salamu Alaika.Ya Rasul Salamu Alaika.Ya Habib Salamu Alaika.Salawa Tullahi Alaika.

You are just like a Sun made of NurYou are the most beloved person of the world.If you didn't come to this earth,Everything would remain in the dark.

Although the sun and the moon appear in the skyIn that light hearts don't smile.And you arrived, oh the bright Sun.In the heart of human beings

By the light of your Nur Renaissance spreads around the earth.Nightingle then sings.Flowers laugh with happiness.

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1. What is the name of our Prophet(Sm)? Write the name of his parents.2. Where and when was Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) born?3. What does Muhazir mean? Who are Muhazirs?4. What does Ansar mean? Who are Ansars?5. What did Prophet (Sm) do for the old man?6. What has Prophet(Sm) said about servants?7. What did the orphan boy say about Abu Jahal?8. What did Prophet(Sm) say to Abu Jahal?9. What has Prophet(Sm) said about protesting against oppression?

10. Put tick mark ( ✓ ) against the correct answer.

A. At what age did Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) become a prophet? 1. 35 years 2. 40 years. 3. 45 years. 4. 50 years.

B. Who was the leader of the evil people in Makkah during Prophet's (Sm) time?

1. Abu Jahal. 2. Abu Lahab. 3. Abu Sufian. 4. Abu Talib

C. Where did Prophet(Sm) performed his Hijrat? 1. Tayef. 2. Jiddah. 3. Madina. 4. Iraq.

D. What does 'Ummat' mean? 1. Sahabi. 2. Pir. 3. Rule. 4. Follower.

