Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


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  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


    EOCT Review Question-Example of social mobility

    -inventor, writer, diplomat

    -helped convince France to send aid

    during American Revolution

    Which of the following is described by thelist?

    a. Thomas Jefferson

    b. Marquis de Lafayette

    c. Benjamin Franklin

    d. John Adams

  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


    Unit 4: A Nation Divided

    Lesson 4: Civil War Leaders and

    Battles part 1

  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx



    c. Describe the roles of Ulysses Grant,

    Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson,

    William T. Sherman, and Jefferson Davis.

    f. Explain the importance of the growing

    economic disparity between the North and

    the South through an examination of

    population, functioning railroads, andindustrial output.

  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


    New Political Parties

    As tensions heighten, in 1854 Northern

    Democrats (who opposed slavery) and

    Free Soilers ( a party opposing slaveryin the new territories) unite

    They call their new party the Republican

    Party Abraham Lincoln (from Illinois) will

    emerge as the parties leader

  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


    1860: Abraham Lincoln is elected

    In the 1860 Presidential election, Abraham Lincolnwas considered a"dark horse" candidate. Lincoln

    ran on the Republican platform of opposition to

    the extension of slavery in the westernterritories.

    He was elected with only 40% of the popular vote.Several Southern states declared they wouldsecede from the Union if Abraham Lincoln

    became President.

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  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx



    Secession: The act of separating from theUnion.

    South Carolina ceded December 20, 1860

    By February 1, 1861 seven states had

    seceded from the United States.(South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia,

    Louisiana and Texas)

    These seven states formed the ConfederateStates of Americaand elected Jefferson Davis

    as their President.

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    Fort Sumter, Charleston, SC Fort Sumter, a Union fort in Charleston Harbor, is

    surrounded after South Carolina secedes in December1860

    The Union refused tosurrender the fort and

    Jefferson Davis ordersSouthern troops to

    attack the fort with


    After 33 hours, Unionsoldiers surrendered,starting the Civil War

  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


    Americans Expect a Short

    War Both the North and South thought they were

    right in the war.

    2 sides were unevenly matched how??

    Union: More fighting power, more factories,

    greater food production, better RR

    system, weaker military leaders Confederacy:

    Had a lot of money (off of cotton), great

    military leadership, motivated soldiers

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  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx


    Jefferson Davis (Confederacy-South)

    Was the first and onlyPresident of the

    Confederate States of

    America (1861-1865)

    Appointed Robert E. Lee

    commander of Army of

    Northern Virginia in 1862

    Believed theConfederacy should stay

    on the defense

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    Robert E. Lee (Confederacy-South)

    Resigned from the US Army tofight for the Confederacy: was

    against slavery but didnt want tofight against the South

    Named commander of the Armyof Northern Virginia in 1862

    Lee believed that theConfederacy should use theirmilitary expertise on go on theoffensive

    Led the Confederacy to manyvictories; however, his offensive

    attempts to invade the North failed(Battle of Antietam and Battle ofGettysburg)

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    Thomas Stonewall Jackson(Confederacy-

    South)-Played a major role in defeating the

    Union Army at the first major battleof the war (Bull Run-1861), the

    loss at Bull Run made the Union

    realize that it would be a

    prolonged war

    -Fought with Lee at Antietam

    -Helped defeat the Union Army at

    Fredericksburg (1862) and

    Chancellorsville (1863)-Was accidently shot at night by his

    own men at Chancellorsville and

    died 8 days later

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    Ulysses Grant (Union-North)

    Had early success fightingin the west (TN, LA, MS)

    Captured Vicksburg, MSgiving the Union control of

    the Mississippi River Lincoln promoted him to

    commander of the entireUnion Army in 1864

    Fights Lee in a series ofbattles ending inLeessurrender at Appomattox in1865

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    William Sherman (Union-


    Fought with Grant atVicksburg

    Named Union Commander

    of the West (1864)

    Attacked and destroyed the

    city of Atlanta, a major

    southern railroad center, in

    the fall of 1864 (Shermans

    March) & captured

    Savannah (Major port)

  • 7/27/2019 Civil War Leaders and Battles part 1.pptx



    1. What happened as a result of

    the Abraham Lincolns election

    in 1860?

    2. Why were shots fired at Fort
