Civil Rights Part 3


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Section 2The Triumphs of a Crusade

1954 – Brown v. Board of Education

1955 – Emmett Till is killed in Mississippi

1955 – Rosa Parks helps spark Montgomery Bus Boycott

1957 – Little Rock 9 integrates Central High School in Arkansas

1960 – Sit-ins take place in Greensboro, NC and around the country

August 1955

Emitt Till, 14 yr. old African American boy killed in Money, Mississippi

Killed for at a white woman.

Both killers were found for the crime.

Till’s death sparked more interest in the Civil Rights movement.

Short Answer Topics Impact of TV on the Civil Rights


Jesus, Thoreau, Randolph, Gandhi

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee


The 14th Amendment

James Meredith

1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott (Rosa Parks)

No, because the Supreme Court ruled segregated seating on interstate buses unconstitutional.

To test the federal government to see if they would back up the law.

Anniston, Alabama

Compare & Contrast Martin Luther King Jr. Stokely Carmichael Malcolm X




