Citizen Stewardship ELECTION...


Citation preview

Sheila Bean Jeff Judson Joe Straus*

Reduction of Property Taxes SUPPORTS 1 SUPPORTS 10 OPPOSES 19

Rights of Conscience Protection SUPPORTS 2 SUPPORTS 11 OPPOSES 20

Pastor Protection Bill SUPPORTS 3 SUPPORTS 12 SUPPORTS 21

Ethics Reform Legislation SUPPORTS 4 SUPPORTS 13 OPPOSES 22

Legislation Restricting Abortion SUPPORTS 5 SUPPORTS 14 OPPOSES 23

Parental Choice in Education SUPPORTS 6 SUPPORTS 15 OPPOSES 24

Legislation Ending Sanctuary Cities SUPPORTS 7 SUPPORTS 16 OPPOSES 25

Ending Forced Union Dues SUPPORTS 8 SUPPORTS 17 OPPOSES 26

Repealing Obamacare SUPPORTS 9 SUPPORTS 18 OPPOSES 27


* Incumbent. The Incumbent’s responses reflect his leadership as Speaker of the House who determines the committee assignment for every bill. See for footnotes documentation (1–27). This election guide has been approved for use in churches by constitutional attorney specialists licensed to practice before the U. S. Supreme Court. Most of the candidate pictures on this election guide were obtained either from the candidates’ official government website or their campaign website and are being used for educational purposes only. Presented by Salt and Light SA, PO Box 65161, San Antonio, TX 78265, Joshua Initiative and San Antonio Family Association. For information or more election guides contact 210-650-4816.

Citizen StewardshipELECTION GUIDERepublican Party Primary ElectionMarch 1, 2016 (Early Voting February 16-26)TEXAS STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 121

For references and sources:

Sheila Bean Jeff Judson Joe Straus

Texas Right to Life PAC

Texans Uniting for Reform & Freedom

Texas Right to Life PAC

Concerned Women for America PAC

Texas Values Action

Texas Homeschool Coalition

Texans Uniting for Reform & Freedom

Gun Owners of America

Pastors PAC

SA Professional Firefighters Association

Texas Medical Association PAC

Texas Alliance for Life



For documentation, please visit:
