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.Ot TfcLiu.BArH m rut ""*__¦__*"_,]Renvnt<>n. Penn, <>(.!. "-"¦.. .Mr. Blaine was

-rrentetl wttb by a large crowd upon his ar

rival here la UhTbl He and hts party left Pottsville

Una moron, in the ra n, which continued uesr.y all

day. In spits of the disagreeable weatlier, the lone

.journey of three hundred intlee, an 1 the fatigue of mali-

lac SBB~M *rteeche» yetterdar. Mr. Blaine looked in ex-

.ellem health. He sat th.v. lie felt first-rate. The tram

.reached Tamaqoa at ledi a. rn. A crowd of *ereral

bm tr-l per*rie» awaited Mr. Blstne'* arrival. He

Biade a brief addre**. The train then went on io'

Maueti Chunk, where lt ws» to be transferred to the

\>hl_h Veli-T Railroad. The porty arrived lhere at ha f-

paM nine. Two thousand pe..pis bad gathered in tbe

Concert Hsll. They listened wini attention te tlie re¬

mark* of Mr. Haine, wari BB >h- for IBOOJ ten minute*.

lie s*t i1 believe T »*n now In th»t *_flUlel In rennsvlvinl* win. h

ia known a. the renlti legion rn i .'¦ !>.ui>.» ntic porty wlrrth,

durn.. .eltune ha* ra.

B.ained and fir cv lui.« rat c BBd a-

reS|asl Itu Ire. c ¦!.', the protective sr-le-ii, IB* st «t< tl) Whrl I.

lt i,i. ,. an td is, v ..; -,.,i-i- ! of Which fart 1

¦ent lll.i.'raii.n. f...t ro i,e. m ut ii n 1 I" fiat of the -ern.!.

on*, whick dei are thal " it rolnetk oa tin- eal ami ea um

air um alike Ijiu.liler \\ hemHu- t. .- t nf munt lining a gi*.I ral

lng man lt bi trade country li tii-n mtenipt tn

I,,r r>*l rat* that it

caa sin tiela w ith every lither eoiiBtry Ploin th- .... repreeeated merely bf sud I '.u-

» !.ie<t tn tlie lae un. mtlC pm tv Were lt n-'t fol

the-.. * ti.ere w..ricl be nu Denne rmi partv.Wael it md tm tlii-se Slate* Ihr tii-mecrai!. p.irtv WaoM... i >tates Lave

tabor in the werta* to-i_y. vein »

I do not ittier u. ie ;in,...n i onnrrn a ol cent-**, it

a ig cn './i.i an.l i.r .nan eoontries rn t'... a

deee ant*iM as tarman muna at ern. i-m lab-rer* worklaaal sui ii a low rale of i.;n|,en*..tluii a. in the -uiiltiern Btate*nf tl le Nut.. Il Til au- ***!.* stine tl,i .'Oik of war is

over huvc s. ni int.. thc murki ts nf the world, ma fenntlng.shat bas Brea BB*d for home ct.ii Si. Dil timi mme

thou_and ini'.luinsiif ilollars. wiiith nf ciittuii ,ti SSC M nf iii

Uiej ino .-nt in mr to th- «ar lei inc repeal tta-t. Ttie

valwa el fha i otloa BTp-rtai frem the Beathern vuie. since

the duse nt Hie vt ar di Bast* UM \alut of ul. that i* BVBI rt-

trmn the lime olton wa. '.isl planted ii th* *...nh up

to the tillie o' tin lluiu.nisl nil of i'lesi.lent I_acoUi Ir¬

ene tli.uiKaiid niilutiii* nt dollar* I refer to lin. n> shao lmw

in.Instr.,.os i - il] ttl- cotton raised laiair. liv tie. cla.s w!,t< li cannot a*t a stn.te efTeclive

...I. ii that . .,: i luunlit by Uv* .lues that due*.¦mi. that get. bb Bearlag No. Mr

. lt e-ea duo* nut alon there fm Du repreeeaUUvesin-- .neil thrui uii Heir iiuin'rors arc robbed fr..m tt..m sadtl. y ire in tin- lamer of the wk t< ini-n of that region, who In

use a political powei -ii it doablet nut vi-ari M-rti iu tbe rauks of the

I'nlo-i A' my \p|.',uu*e -

Iii* is. heap luVt ti ihe s-nn'h. They are taevitably a free!. i-nilli* If a man brui-, lui.self lip if in ent,,!- ,., n.

) ..mi.: Itu- | in- Tl..- Boathora as

_*> la ii-atnil. lt they brtag Uiessaelvea op ta tl.c punt of de-

lii unr'ip.i n-pr. s.Mii; ,un an.l ina. lu ailv .'.. n lag tr.m r.vtl

an isily grind bim down le . *. .'¦.¦ uf w-ee*

Hun h. ne u-.ii, .'..i ri', .lilli, ii a.-ii' '.lifl nisi (atpulatiOQstreich rn: tmtc t. s I'otoniac bi the Kio .raii't. ax; roeta eta

thin. » third ol thal pa d tn white ,.,,. .. ti.,. Korthern -tates.

|.\l>pluu«e. lt i« uni ...slide, if tliat lalear become* skilled,and it rapi.llv >!.e- lur, inc .killed In a gnat many of the

BitB-r trade* l it re* t-really lo the iltas-l-

TSnlage of liiu laboring i lasain nibo Nerta I ito not r.-e

lung inge nevereiv I Ihlak, v-hul say that the time * at

I,.m.I tn tins l.antic nnsplrary -ita. list the

milt * conspiracy, which if not arreeied, it not de.

*rmr eil. a il: wo. k Mae in st s. i lajory te every whit*lala-.rer ni itu- United ".late*. Tin. quo-Una I.

..av It wa. before us iu Maine, an.t t la before yoniti Feansylvai av lt Isa questIbm Irani «Indi Urere cs no linne

of eacape. bo npportuuity ofexit tuf say Republiraa. TheNational and "I le sinalal-tretioua ol Ute Dei

p.iiti du nm rut lort ii bbb »o!iia! i effort to relieve Usa .rn lataiinr. amt on *i-iiiiiiit ol Ibo general

in .tit nil,-- we all tee! te Uk* w_al ol aol neighbor when dol¬

lar* sud cent, arc considered. I (tumid net tesl sanguine alr..f . it* - ,-n now. e\c -pi thut lt elrlkea at tbe whiteim n nf tin- Mutti,. Al the hilliest pull ol th. han', of Water

lou. a hen Hu hills were reaching the rinks of ttl*

tnuuiinii aelillersmt sicking 'nar the beaitquarter- uf nie

Iii.ii link one ul thc elili * in hi* stat! i iud mit, ¦. Why. d-it Mi luir-i Duke, they are tiring at us *ppl us-. * n-rv

adi sc- mun finn. »I the cii'nmiui sol-.sai .1 wu u tim i aid-ii.-iu*. iiict i tull vin. laborlag

I li i: toke* in Hu wide field nf toll, the

lal.i part] » .ih .ls Inn-Ir.iilc |mi.ii y is hnnit at tim.

Ihe iraiu ..uin.ed only two minutes at Weatherly, but

Mr. it.ame in response lo lbs call or tbe pinole as.eiu-

bled al the (talion, appeared ou lbs platform s-nd bowe I

his a. of their appian*-. A Baal-ton ino

tran- stoppe- intig euoii.b 'ur mui to make tba follow¬

ing remark.;I run ch irged with the el-BC* of coming into Peiin.y'vanla,

ichtiT aud appia in. .-i Black bi my accuser.

Intending alway* h> treat public men of bot ii parttea a icowie*- i have maa) re-aon* tor tt,at.tig hlai win pen-ma]

u. i.nt I to remark Uie "Ural eveuins 1

addresai'd ."il.Uc meebun In Phi ailetphla fiat in the personic Ml Kia' k nt iu Ile- p. ison ul i;.-inni Beaver unniv teat-ur-sot-I,.ii.-st bola ii, tba principle* rrpre*.Mr itui iiunu'i int thc onucinle* lepreeenteit by AbrahamLincoln sen- mi-Hit-d loplanae. therefor* Mr Black

.--.i I think..f tt,.. m. uaatinn I

ii galil : linn iii tin that ne minuit defend lt ead dare

Hut ll.u mun ca. til ,n ii (.illili- at. ute

svtieic In-. un m tlnT defiant nor deny, he ls tefl un vi., nie

nt..1 ol the peoplool PenDaylvaB a

liimi Mn ls.rn* re;. i Mr Buchanan have loni ISO

m.', the ullin oi of the people of Penney tva '*rrpo.

I iiieiiin ha* not nolyiv tia Applause Au ba

the )e ....!.. ot I'.-iih-i 'raina la this y.ur nf grace1--'. t-. mm iluwii Ihe man Who __._ hi*blood on tbe l.utllein id in itefellOe ot Hie n mi and the

tlie iii,' I n IH) gai'uii'.-cs an.', tn ville

np th. s *. . ..' tlc -illili, v which M i lt I. hui,anrluiib I Biniolls lief* Pi ona) » uni*

I. n dun- |., .lu Applanen, came here tn sar (.. Penaaylva,. the other "statea of Una i iiinu that Mood with her

t.nir disttnawi-hed cu.).'.elute inr novenuat tieik an

I ul worthy par! I cane linn le sty Dial we

your verdict, aul with anxiety only les! tun .ure of

t in nut lu Ott B_n make .t

Milli, ii ii-.. i t m.not il Pennsylvania, see te

li a. vu tc i .iiiiiti t* in roar keeping, see to lt

that mi l,n-i,i neil i.i respond -i you ra

nut ol ."in lietel -lutes nt tin- limn. AppiaOil near u. tV kest.arre ne wa* mel al OleB -".oiimint

l.y a co Huntlee o' pro autieul Keiiumicau* of I.meroe

Co inty wno iccmiiiiauiod linn to lins ci y. On lils ar¬

rival .il tue .tain.n he wa* greeted hy an enthusiastic

cn.w-i amt aaa aaiterted ny a va*i coucour.e to the

Mein, minali Kink, wiier- a public nieetni . wa* held.

rpeecUe* were ma to by lleluBOl Havl*. of Bradford

I oirity, and COioaei lieau:u ni', of I'ula.lelpiia, Mr.

Biala* spoke a >o,it tinny lu.uutes chieily upon lue larifl.

He .anl :

I i .. ;¦¦.',.-a: eoataata of the CBited

Ia*- Into 'ni' .kihi.ler

i.i.oi and thal I* thu ronUnalty ol narties Ilia conti noity otc.*. n * Hut peculiar ti

i .et (laud the

__rtl othi thou*.. t .

ii.cir cl-ar.

¦.¦y ind the onnfront,- U un.let UaeeB Mme amt the tlrsf

Ibero! til.

'. ti.-.un it-ndliig lui thi ri* t* of maa,WU the one th- cruel np

j !.-*.! oi .! ii > .in; lo redrefl* ar arungs,ia. rall.-

ii p niv » '. r

.. nen fighting milln .n hanI* more cnn,,i,.n

lum thal all !.c niil [..rti-s |ast au.l gene. Why,

nilli, the Demi to-day 1* 'u*t _«

il.iiifeii ie e tree lra>t i. it ever waa lt I*.

-. a* hu. ) - ti :.-; a and a .,¦ mtuiatraUoa in Um -south-gi-i'.li an t Jnm

u- pert. r-e'i m tarin nf tin. usn nv ..cmg -Tod by * rn 'n..r

Ity aseVi-r. Hi. |u*l a* hool Ile lo I ].r.Uv* tai IT. am! il

.:i. tu day n.e enemy. Ute bilrruelied enemj af immi sfn.e (rmi


' I her- w.Mit.I be we party ett lie- tell allowa Uie head

Bod ll the Mi --t lim Dei.rate pain n

i, then would benn Democratic p rtv lefi lor Uie Ra

ishen yoi desire lo get at Um

i.e ii,-,m.. r .ii. party j u_ biusIni ta..? party ian nd li cn- i,

. Un)lend I lii-v intel)'

i ¦- lb* . ¦¦ ,, u|..m labor in __

-tun world, llief moat nun- coin

1 . mi aim Ino trade. The) demand ih il .is ti,, y hare t»,s.,1 , ..;. - .- ..,-,. averiigc i.iieii.saiii.ii ..* ind moe

i average ..nii.ei,*.., ...n ..: Murilioru Isbmill tl,ci lr

1 thc b sis l» I ..¦ J d ... in

i. ¦ itliern c.. in.-ul uiii.u.s Sal nu

ai ". liiii-'.ii-; le-twiiui tin- m.,.mi I affirm, ultimo.h the charge ma'

i nwelcome ni-s-sge, bul I am -

l.y Ute pruplir. I mah I .' iee* lh. great .tr ,,t ireI capital and OBI it

i bv ii.cir curse nf governmentt ..rglO.onn .iu.-:.._.t people b] etlncatin

in Mug .>_. Uielr Wages, thctheir love i .,u anno) .lr.n

.Hui hui-e a muli un li

...: hal ie t* a a_| and OD Ut*.

a:..i fifty cut* a day fur idi...... and cries f " Sa " Sn -

.- rei Hi ii -ii Tb* Homo, rainI the .-uv coil m ii Iowa to then pie*c

alnsl ei, -i willie labona-.i-.iii Appia*"-** I'-m. win. ti e uf noi

' r hauu*. and la y..Qr hand* an.! tin- f.i

I can |*itv. when they gave the tbmihaiul* of live*Iht." isla ry, w:.i-n liny gai

1 » :¦. _o_ anl shouleil amen lo ll,

1 " :,' 'i ikal pull tunk Oliot ipot Ihcirwmlfl »!>.! uicn theil rniiwteuce*

I i; 'I,a! us the liingi ss ¦!_..!rd. w pmestead tu ;|tb them tali pla

k ITho ti an, w.t* mel al I'-llslou I] J sj cit.zen* of >crat

ton. A iliou.'h tam was failiu., 20,000 people, many i

them coming from town* tw-niy away from tb

luace, »»«-in..ed la lbs tireea Just as Mr. hlaib

wa..od nu a temporary stage lu tue Court House Bq iar

ba.f of the idalfonn. wiilcu wa* a*uut IbreS feet blglWeal down auder ms welgui of lbs crowd tuat surge

npon lt. Mr. li.aloe went down with the restbut neither be nor any body elios* burt. V._en order was restored, he was helped n

t.. tba uart of tua plat-era- tun did not area* dow.He »poke for hair au hour mainly ab.ui nie ue.,-»» iv ,

cootlunlii.- tue protective teriff aud i.varthrow ng Ula "-...ith. Thia county, Lackaw .u ,_. K_-a *iU1lai er main, in mau any older e-.uuiy io .,_» t."utoivtuen UO rsa .'Ul I'lesnl.-ul... ls.4. l_cli"»lug bis speei

i.e *ald:I have mis only the pleasant duty of g-vUig yon w'

f *. .," til vet** ¦ Sf l-ai kaw.iuoa ami the dy ut '*-. raatoBi) ». *:¦ my _C_rttelt lhauk. .0! _M very ge_Bfo_fl ac

¦Mri lui Un inu.'ii.lii en! C-BialllB-Bl »bl. h fa Uie pie-»lBim pu ..... lana ol wy Ute you W-siowed uu nm,

MR BLAINE TO f-PKAK IX NEW-JERSEY.TuisrsaN, uot. St i special i Senator "sewed thia eve

lug received a telegram from Jamel Qt Balun, lo ohli

li.e ia*.,er soya tuat be will apeak lo Camden oo MoodBveuing. Ur. I'.aiuo i* io speak in Newark ou .-alard

evtnlinc. m


Thcui-ruii_._-._te for the riait of Janies Iil aloe at ¦_**_._ io-morruO are nearly complsled. _

maine om ar'tva lu lbs cay late in ihe afternoon s

will be receive- by a num.uer ot Republican elub* a

secorled to tue beu*e ot George A. Hattey,

BroaU-st., where be will tie entertained aa

(Mat At So'eivcs he will deliver aa al.reis at Deon*.Han. lu Ue.iu ini-avs . which ls capable of .rc nun

-aliug ai.oui 3,000 persons, aud will t_-n De 1:1 veu

the Belieftile Anu.ii Hail, which Baa a oapaeilf".ono. omer speakers of national reputatiwin addreas the meenugi. their Bain*, lu bo buuoubcby Ihe State Com ml'tee to-iav. lt le expeeleU tl

these meetings otu be oue of tbe gr.aim Republicdoaieiuuailoa* ever wnaeseed iu Neoar_.


WHAT TO DO IF ONE 13 Tht Editor of The tribune.Sir : In case a voter is chuUengrctl at the

poll* what proceeding* are taken 1 lt la alleged lhat a

rot-tig maa ls not old enough to vote or ha* not realdedin the -"rate ooe year. I* hi* statement siren under

na. accented as timi ! Al>» doe* a man lo** bl* vote

by making a bet nu the result If I make a bet tbat auy

one of tbe candidates will be elected du I 1MB mr vole!Rus.SEV_I.TlT-.

tIf a Toter is c-allen-red. the inspectors under the

instructions issued tn them will a-lmimster to hun

sn oath in which the voter swears that bois a

citizen, that he has resiled in the State. eOUUlfand election district thc rerniireri periods, aud that

he has not voted at thal election. If he is rbtl-

!___¦_, as havinii made n wiger dep«:i.itn_ on the

results of the election, an oath is admininteredcovering that sronnd of c_all<-ii_p. U the re¬

quired oarhs ari* taken and th.* person is a P. -

toted vder the vote ini*t lie received. even thon_hthe Hoard ot Inspectors should immediatelv order

the Toter's arrest for perjurv. Tlie law as to Let

ting is contained in BeeMUU 2 of Article 2 of the

Suire ('(,nstitnft..n, winch provide*:Ne pT*iin who shan make or tmcnme directly or In¬

directly interested la any Let or w.g.*r depending uponthe result of any election shall vote st .nen election.

The pulllabiali'llI for illegal voting is imprison¬ment and a tine.. AJ.]

THOMA"" B A-"TEN"'*" OPINION' OF ROOSEVELT.To fae Editor of The minneSm : Mv opinion of tho qualifications of Mr.

Rooaeve.t for Mayor of thia city haa been sought so

much privately mat I fe*i emu-rained to rive a publicBatt mate of his Hine** for tbat Important ollie*.

While I we* a me in her of tue Board uf ApportionmentI hid iieca*liin .« co oe In contact with Mr.,and lo .nv astnnl.iiaienl and gr.itiiic.ition found that be

bad a most Intimate and correct kiowie iga nf tue wara¬

llie* of alt of tha department* of tue dry government.a knowledge that he succe.tru'iy used In lnaugnratiu ..

important ie-i*!ation for this city'* b-neflt. I r-s .ried to

hitu oo a num'ier of occasion* wti«n I was csrrvtug on

the tight for retrenchment in tue Board of Appo-tton-iri', and I can honr-stiy sar lhat I not only receivedhis earnest and hearty on-operation, hut that be also

furnished tne with data that uelp-d me greatly In my

comest tor r*form.I personally reesrd him by far ths fittest of ttie three

candidate* in the Held aird fervently trust t bat he may be

elected. I deena lt dna to the friend, and supporter* wno

voled fur inc wheu I was a candidate for office that tbl*

.latement should b* male. Thomas U. a__r_U_

Arie-1 ur*. Oot. 29, 1"»8«.

P. II. DUtt-tCra N4ME.To the Editor of The Tribune.

Sm: The " Columbia (iradiiaN","' who in yourpaper of to-day wrnes that 1 wa* nominated for public¦¦'¦i-f In the past bf a name other than I'm.ip HenryI ui ero. .tate, what is untrue. Pnii.ll* llt.Mtr Ul'-Ko.Scut-York. Oct. 28, ls-il.

ALL WOMAN' 9L*FERA'» i l_ ROI FOR GEORGE.Io the. E ft i tor o t The Tribune.

Sir : 'Ihi; wotu:in Biitfragists are by no moans

unsntmousin theiu'lor.etucnt which soma ot our uinuber

have seen Qt to give Mr. George. Many et us remember

witb gratitude .Mr. Rnnserelt's BarTlBOfl to our cause lu

the Le.t*.afire, and will ne plsa*ed .. .se him wlu intbe

present canvass, and to aid lum where we eui. We do

uot B-enerally nod thal, henaiise a man ita tine writer,

be IS the heal ad Y, 0___B ISnUMAcw Turk, Oct _7, 1 .»_.

HOUSEHOLD KELT _T A PRE3IICM.To thc Editor of thc Tribune.Sir: We have the same difficulty in obtain¬

ing serfauls of any kind tbat other o<>rro*,.on leuts cou-

plain ot. Ev-n in Providence there will be from ten to

twenty giri* advertised for, ami fi-e.-uently uot one al-

veritsetneiit auder tbs tiead " sitdatto-is Wanted." We

live founeeu miles from Providence lu a beamy, beau¬

tiful Village, with rr-j. lent trains lo tbe city, pay

$3 .5 per week (giris are nr-d thal way), have a sins,I

fsmi.y. aud every iraprovetusot lu the house thal eau be

conveniently obtained, bul we have uutll now been

m. .;i.e io secure a rairly capable giri, though for six

mouibs we bare advertised, nave visited luteiltgeoc*

uffl'.'ri mil Lured our etty me id* willi repeated -eiiue.t*

lo " loos u* up a sin." Im.ness is complained of. Thisramil.I he helped, hui a .io I, limiest, rapahle wuiuati

will .p.-e.ii,v find ber un.tren wllliu. to anew ber inure

liberty than lu the oliy. While har treatment generallyls far di lerniit from th it usually git en a hired girl.Ke*i .elaine women whoea urila or oeoseeuoa*. Wini.d

seep ineui fruin app.yi.ig tor such a ittualon lu tue

city ruiii't irn among nut of-town people, In«e none ul

then se.f-reapeci or es eem, have a comf ortaiu* boin*

aud soen wairk into a posit,ni mat wou.d eUectua.lybanish any lingering regrei lhere might neat separanu*irom heir mend*. T. V.

n ushiiujtun. iv. /., Oct. 87, issi's

THE eTEPHEX-ONM ANO TUE Sfl'Z CAMEL,To the tditor of I ht Tribunt:

Sir : Is not the ¦tntement made, as re;»ortetin tn- lay'* issue ot I uk 1 itiiit'NK, by Cyrus Vi. Kid I lt

bis speech at the breakfast given by bun lo our i-'reuct

guest*, that even tbe great hu»pben* in was of tba opinluo that tbe comtructlou of the "Nad COBBI »«"i....|

¦ible that ll might be dug, but would soon ri I up wm

tbe drifting saud*, and fur tbe purpose* of cou,un rc

would be useiess, incorrect!I have a.ways ni lhat Robert Stephenson sal tbe construction of lb- Canal was feasible from ai

engineering point nf view, hut that it woad not pey. n

opinion winch malory amply ferine._ In tbl* th.

youuiter Hienhensuu was ibown, like tils fattier, to, soundness nf judgment, so thal they were never Uf

coi ed, hy mere liriliianry of engineering conception, tut

lu-iiitf enterprise. Tht* cn.ir_oteri.ue of me tw

stephenson* puce* them in marked coutra.t la i_

Brunel*, father ant Son. larai.T al.

A'ewler*, oct. 2s, 188-.

A FEW QIESTION- ABOUT MR. HEWITT.To the E tl ito r o T Thc I'r i "> ant.

Bat Wis Abr;ini S. Hewitt nomi'iated _r*

his friend, tor Maror. If so. ate the** to assist him 1

the admtu st ration of the sflulrs of tt.,* city If bel

If not. dare be say tu before election dayHave md his friends administered the aflalr. of this cit

for years past I If so, can the people re-ts.niiblv hopfor any change for tlie t>etter with him for Mayor I If h

could detect thc forged al.nature of l.l* Mend Gai

tiela tn the Minor leter (with which be said bews

(an Ll sri ts he uow, wheu years older, capsule of judglufr.tuds geuoialiylWoulil uot Roiisovflt, if elected M ayor, tie more cert-i

lo use new material to 'iring snout needed reforms i

city artair*, ead won, ,t uot L!.- e.ectinii rd.eve Governe

Blt tbe ubitiei ni'lce-s, anil tbe private eecreiaiit* i jiu letics I'oui'eruliig city _t..,ii and leave Ihei

much mure lime tu attend tn duties tor which they ai

paid hy lue pennie', u.oi.e IIs lioremor Uni fttvoi.inie to Hewitt's election! If st

woy did l.c | ar loo t ie b.yootte.1 Ul vote for oeorge Bu

t ateb) disturb ins friend's repose au i anselb y al i in

rei..1 .luiu tba: mig il distort) tue Adad-Mtrottoa of cit

adair, during Uta enUre lerui of otticu and to the denin.enl ni nee '.ml reforms!

ls uni Ai.ian. -. Hewitt BO pnlltlcaliy blind tuatOBUM tie iiiiimasline fir him te detect In a lieux.ruin a tiiilnislr.itiuut Why ls mit tho wticry oftnli. nm. i it. uno M .» .i amp. ol Ir's* (.ive n* a ohahgi*' Oiloabl* lo tel. imiiiirlpal oiucUoul Inh.isitiv_.

Eiuijklyn, Oct. _7, 1-sl,

A THEORY AND A YEAcT CAKE.t o t h e Editor ot the TrtPmme.Sui: Smut* time *ii|.o there was a scientifi

ii- ,**iou an le Ibe comparative vitality of vegetal,and amma! .-erin., a .tl.ttuguisbt ol gentleman of yoi

city Louting thal the former were the weaker, and af)ing thal whereas camera and yellow fever are tran

I ort.iliie, vogel*.ale germs cannot be carried alive aoroi

soil* .md luto other Climates. No* Lila I have|rovilaih-Nsea. a eaaapfeaaei yeast cake pur-baaed m m

ol > our .-meerie* was. during my tecent trip, carneit

Japan via ( apo Hom, sn I uu our arrival Iheie was us.

tu ma..- MOM lir___, wu cb wes perfect lu r-rery wa

Now II Hie Imitate (ea-rrinnre the yeast plano <"aii travi

why cairn.l malarial .erma do the came! Why du sou

say thai the roi cannot nc carried in potatoes fmAmerica to Lumire! t am bot a scientist, but I knowfact wueu I make it myself. Joh* C. Rkkvk.

Arie-lori.-, Oct. .7, "_..*_.


To I he Editor pt Thu FrilSSI,Bin : Had your correspondent, " A Frier

to n.e Nurses," iu your issue al the -Otb Inst not writ:

until after reading your i*»ue ol the _"ith duubtle** t

reflection upon the Boi'iitou " fuflerer " would have be

omi'ted. Noone will j resume tbat all trained our.

are inofllolent, lioart.css sud cruel, bat ths writer koo

from observation that soire are indiderent to ths suft"..-.* >'f tu* patient, aad lt ls pa'nful to Isarn that lliLd-flerrnce ha*, lu some cases, entered luto the *j sitot luviiuctlon. It I* Just le ibe public and tn tuoie a

are the guardians of these lustituiiou* tn know tlHose u-itavorabte exceptions ba.-a exist*-. To hidecover ineui would ouiy penult au avtl to grow.hoboken. Oct 20, lb.ti. Jisin t



Chicago, Oct. 28 'Special).-Martin Kyilon, tbe uii.iioD-tre, Absolutely refused to appear bef

Maater-iu-Cbaucery Cutter to-day to ____a a iiaUm

of bia tounectlou with tbe Arm of h. 8. Gara A (

whieh failed for t>l,0O0,(j<j.,U-O two week* ago.

Newman, counsel for ths piaiaU-". Will move bet

Judge *-o*p*r: to-morrow morning fora rale tosh

cease oby Mr. Jtyertou should sot be commitie*

ennieuipt lu io appear on a sabprena br.

Oian reported to Judge Treuiii-r_**t this afurnoou I

A. f. tris* oaa loo alcit to be examlaad ta eourk

'.urti y Mayer aald bo would tile sffldeTUS ta *boo t

_a_Vs inaads luieuded te take -lu. sat el Um olia/.



His opporsrHT.

The rKihtiral sens .Mon in Brooklyn Tester-day w»s the editorial nm.Mincemeat ol Ihe V.rtglc that it

supports! (tenor*! Tracy, the Rei ni.Hean candidate for

DUH let-Attorney. Although a sUucb Iieiuocralicuew.paper, the Eogl' has not hesitated in the past te

l_f___atO unworthy cant il ne* nf its party, and 't hai

now taken the aaice course ia rec int to I),.ri.'t- Attor¬

ney Ridgway. |t ba* qualified it* BMBpsftOf him staBO

ld. reooininifloa If "ms.-titi- that *tlie District-Attorneymust suppress pool-it»iiitiiiii_ tu Knurs Conny. I___es

tui receive any satisfee-tnry ass ir mes that Mr. ltd-way

would ito any belier than he Has in ti.e psst. Ih'Eaglenow declare* In farnr"*of hi. or-wiieat It says in a

dint le leaded editnrt.d, n ro um:; |ar_ t

"If iiotb candi lates codi I lie equally relied on to end

pool selling, IA' marnte, as an |_depae4_-l Demo ratio

PBper. *v.ii!id -np ort Mr. Klt.wey ; lt ha. *up <>r:a l

him it mped te ba BSBjS to support him. Th-t hope ba*

tie _____ 1 hy tne dovelor meal, nf the eanv.i** sire tty.The fact is a. id on aa that bets.-BBB ara a-ndfae.

th n Mr. Hld. way I* I e cain!al .te »iiprtort«d by tile po ¦¦¦

»rt «r* .md thai OaaacBl Tn*Jf I. the cundA ite oppo-e-Ila them snd opnosed hy them. Tn- datv of Ihe'e to

this community and to itself In evident in lh sse circum¬

stances, -te Ente. benanee of O.ese fact*, advises Its

readers to vote for Oeueial B. F. Triny for District At¬

torney, and lo vate *gain« Mr. .Ians* W. Rll.w if for

I)ntrtct-At orney. ... A change, of officer In til*

odie* I* needed. All Rmo. Ivn knows tuat ('..itera,

Tracy's promise to stop toe evil, punish tbe evi -dosri

mil to root out tue svstein will te kept. If be 1. elected.I'nr re m m the pool sellers, tue political flneculatiirs

and ail tue ainlisted crrtdnal cl is.-s in this county are

working a.aiiisthl.ii at d ter Mr lit Igway. Por t_alr-asoii the Isw-aoi lin* eirr.'n* w io resent giver.imentby hrl'iery, oho hate tue pistioe thu can pa sold an 1 'Ate

lav. iri that can oe b rn, it in tie name ot aw. an I who

ar- i.t a sy.tctn thal tenn t« !ti ni ;o 'nnral and oion-

etary desiru-f ion. that leaU the yn'ith of iii* to wu into

crime, mat ruins bunne**. untermnei ouaract-r andpaUpsrlBfla hom»#. inauH ai't as a unit. As a amt ttieyshould vote tor General i racy and vms against Mr.

Itidfwav for the well-heln-t of th- city nf th ir Iaaat

an t of their love, in tue present and *n the years that are

lo come."Ihe Emjle also esJls noon Ms'or W C. r.eecber. who-e lacy on the Prohibition ticket eau on-y help Mr.

Rld.way. to withdraw in favor of Oeneral Truer.

The action of the mmmta is au indication of a wi.le-

spr.-nl and deep flSad_d opposition to Mr. Rldewav

aumin* Democrat, in Broo.lvn. lar.'e numncra of whom

have assured ( Tracy of their support at the pellaHe la dilly beroinn-' str ing'T before ttie people, »nd ul. speedie* are making votes for him tn all parts of

the rltv. (iener i. Tracy ti tw has the n tilted SHy, ort of

the tewspapers ol Brooklyn, with tlie sin-fls except nu ol

the recently established ring politicians.' pou, se ler*',alni iiquor-.le-iler.' o-_ m.

Tin- tiro-peet, of ml the Repa ni lenn .andidate* on th*

citv iud eouuty UafcetS are grit,', lac, an<1 there is fl ami-round for honing that Hie adverse Dem.>cruUe m.iioritywill be overcome. *

Colonel J. \V. Jon-*, of ths Ninet->eoth Ward, hw

a,-....[ ced ac Intepeudent Kepuhli'-aa noinitisfiun in lat

lill i'oQ.ressioual Dis net, BflBH-Bt **. V. White. A

Democrat is to tn rnave his canvass, although thete is i

Democratic c tn.llil.ite in tue Held. Tue two Will no

aflect Mr. Whtte's electtoo.X e Republican, of tue Twenty-third Ward In Rrnok-

lrn -tMiered In lar.-e force at their BeadeeartelB li

Gates-are., near Marey-iv« lett ev-tung aol li*ten"ilto convincing speeches hy General Tracy."*. V. WhileJustice Naen-r, Major I'm lon, and otner*. A tu t*»

lui-efin. w.sai.o hel 1 at Hrookifn an.l A'lantle BTSO.

in tim Twnuiy-fourth Ward, where a large audieuo-i.e,led til ttl" apeeche..

I wo nnports'i. meeting* will be addressed bv thican'ttdate* tii's eventn. in the Eastern one li

Hie I'aiace Ila i, at (.rand and Second st*., aud ihe otho

lu lum Hali, in Me*erole-*_



Tho Caiiipaiirn Committee of tho Hear;Oe«t_*a party are busy tn iknu* prspareilaaa for electioi

day. I hov profess the created con fl.lenee, and teem t

he afraid only of the use of money at the poll.. They ar

raking every P.salas* precaution against this, aud th

following document In this connection was prepare,ve.terday :

fa Ihr ___»fl«l__ Iisviii n. Him OiiTernor of the State t

.\e.i Vork.The petition of the nnder'tirned citizens of the estate (

Net* -i ur* re- irs

ral 1'. it a .eneral'ele lion under the !»¦-* of HMWill he lui.! un tie j-t day ni N-VtBlbOf ixlt.

..*..iii. tiai ii is cm niit ly rn.orari sn your petitionerv. ni. ballers thai lara* suma ef mamu* have _e_e -Mleetari f<tin- luirpu-e nf ci.riuptlv i'litueniiii* Hie vote* ol elector* a

«.l . Il'-i Of. i se. y,.iai.Th,rd. (hal petitioner, loo* to run as the ( h el Mart'

Irate uf ike (stat* » hoe* ¦... i ii et otBce renoire* hon t «.-.- th*U-b tawa ei the H-tteare r_ farren, to take each at.un n ttl

i* tn .¦ .¦ rc oin., ib --S * i_i eal and a. preeetlent*i. in-- State ot Hew-Janey, wai

runtWherefore, vour petitioner* pr-r thal RrceiieB."us.-iu lie i.*uro. un i.-r vmir aiB-Binre ann n.e seal of thClil. i pl.i'i,ats.mi tr.r-i.lni all

it. .|. nf the law .e.Inst ihedens ut fl,Blerl un traaehlsa BB

ca l dr atteuttofl to the pint ision ol tin r*i teed statute* pr,un ng su. h nilen..-. .,* *et terth In part 1, article 7, title <

a, ot Uro Kavtaad aialaiaa. aad your pet.i.o_er* wdevei pr .i

ler nf the Executive Cumrr "e.-,,K ill ii K. JiullS McMai'Kll.

bc reur v. l.airman.

Amee'in.of ibe Kx>cuttve Coramittee nf Um BealGeera- Trades Ino..* ¦. e- last Report* wei

rei-e veil which promued 6".ism) votes for the parade ti

morrow Bloat, A »ecoi>il ii.Hot of the Tea and ('racer

i tarka* l'.,ion at a meeiin- ian mcht cave .'107 f.

loenr.e, 3 fur l'.ooievr.. i tor Hewm aud 2 for Warwell.

Mr. (Janrra took a day of par'lat rest, speakin. only I

three weetlBBO He fl--t ,i|re..e,l a in'etin w' .

Jewish wi.rltnien »t Nu lo flfanton-st. He then w-nt tn S

IS! ll sun BL, and theu mute his Last s nee. li fur tlie evenliBl I * i BBB lo* Ball, Bl Plfly hf h rt. sud Third ave.

A aa_acrtpt_*_ Baa baaa ataitaS for UM bUBllj of th* rrn

dflflorl .corur mau, Ju'n M.kc.riev. The Hr*t contrlhntii8BBM fru'ii M. W. Il i/eit.ns. sud 1* fur J... lu the ielt*.. um pun. mr the ninney he»;iyi

Ai.ierir.n wnrkmen have heen |oM for mmr f»«r*> thur BOln*the lia.,..t thev hui nu u.e fur the tiu leL But tt seem* thHie tmllet. ur the knife, ur the firm knuckle. I* to be ei

pl.ired a_ain*t Hiern when they tari* at *t mir word in t trri * their irniiti.e. I au. t.r, . r frnm be<ii_ a ru-h ma

but I will a.k yon in h .nd the eaetaeed check for ri^ tn t

family of the oaidere. Irishman who remem'-errit rniir in

mate reUtion. to M InhsBl Davitt and your lealoat flail lue*the linnie r'.n',« cause. I know the irishmen ot New ihey know me. Let nie tel. yen thn every drop of nu

Mr Kenney . hlisel wi.i ..¦ worth a Uiouaand voles lo hi* Ilow-worknieu aud


COLOKKD T'.TRR ilTB,Anion ur the callers at the Republican Sra

Coraiuttiee rouin* yesterday were ('ourrvaaiuau B.,, or Waihtn.ton i (general J. N. Knapp, of Auhun

-eoator Raine* »nd ex-Collector Robertson. MBurlei.h said that wmle the -tmiu tn the country w

noi lively y«t thn outlook waa _osl for the RepublicenTtie Democrats, he said, were makin, a Hfely eaur¦

fnr the A.semoly, but he did not deem lt possible t

them to (iiceeed.J nd.e Robertson said that tbe outlook for the electl.

of Mr. Wood to Congress from the Westchester Dtrtct was bright. There waa general di.sit..:,t-.o'i with the Democrat* and particularwith Mr. Mahlnecker. their nominee for Conirre**. G.

eral Knapp (aid tnat the Republicans would return t«

Anaeiutilyn en in Cayuse, though the Democrat* h

.Bade special rffnrta to capture oue district. Ano

the letter* reoelred was one from a prominent color,u au ¦» n. of efforts bein*- made hy tne use ot moneycapture tne c..lined «___, The writer said:The onri-d vuters, so far as I know, will *npport ths 1

nu lin an . aiiitidaiee. lt wonM be bsae lnirratltuiie fern*du am tlnii. cse ha iienincmtlc partv has *ecured p"*»-.lough ih,. snppreflainn ot tlie colored vole in lh* iou

« | lr»u ,. on the hallot-box which i.iiuine. seiv he -Ire, amt yet there il nnt a Den

ci»t wh.. will raise hu voice In denn cunnii nf them.Hr Hewitt has never had one word to say asaiust these o

rit». e* amt lu. .1. nt ilevslanl ha* appointee men to of!I .i. re -tis_((e.| tn committing outrage. i,u Cnlnreil niCD.

a .* w il W a lona nm* heim-e an Intelligent coloicl ni vote lor tbe .miniate* of such a party.

AN ENTHUSIASTIC RKPUBLICAN MEETINC-uatniacj r.K howey and ke_.\ at nuw-naoi

wick.v ic i.iht iMTjatnThe Musoiiic O-jt-ra House, of N.-w-Brun

wick, K. J., waa crowded laat night wita enihusiaa

Republican* eager to ratify tbe uomtaailoa of II.

Howey for ("oreruor and John Kean, Jr.. for Coner.from tue Hld Dutriot. Among ihota aaatad upon)stace were ex-Judge Woodbridge dirong. ProfenMabou. th* Raf. W. H. Teueyok. ti B. Stouu L*'

.tom, Jame* Wood, John F. Babcock. W. 8. BufdJohn ll. Russell, rtorroga a B. F. Howell, Henry Rtmond, ...denoan J. C. -.soil, o.luia*ter Ko..erl i'm

H*nry ll. l'almer, Winar. P. Voorhee*. ('serge Berdn1'rulenur Sehuewi**, Oenerel J. B. McIntosh, MajorM. '*¦*./. Aldermen i.ti.rni li. HerberL Ex-Ju.:Aoedhridse-Uan.. chairman of tue meeting, in latdui-lu* William 1_ Dayton, tba Ont »|leaker, eald tl

people were already tired of the short DeiaoeriBd-iihistratlon, sui also stated thal a mange i

needed bb4 wa* entirely probable. He adduced ar

nant* to *bow that Howey's and Kean's iS.aeUoflabsolutely vertalu.Mr. Dayton i* tbe son of the first Republican candid

for the Vee i'i. si..eic, of the t ulled states, wheuls..., ih* llckai was Frtuiom and Dayton. Ha .

thal there waa ueed nf a speedy Republican firleTbe ani'.jue edicy preeentea before the peope byDemocrat* during ia* iaat two year* I* bound tu

thrust saide tau fall, and the old lore, the hepubllbride. I* bound lo be again riabraoad. Tbe uubllsony thal ll ever ouarreiied w, hine fait*fal wife

gave way lo lbs wile* af ihe preload*-.Mr. Kean usliCed io hi* alieciaace lo tb* eetabll*

piaifurw* of th* party. He prom.soo te earry out

oisbe* of lb* prop* in lb* ce** of bl* .Iboiioq. Un

followed by ( banes a. Boutelie. of Malua, whe spBait aa bear. The laoeUng broke up amid obeera.


AT THE DEMOCRATIC HEAD".!' ARTI RAThere wsa little golag on ia thc headquarter* nf the ls

eratic tstate committee yesterday and butt evening tune

Bill looked lu fur a ilu-rl time and Wiged v. ,m < lian

Wataer and Meaatatr Mu., a. The ). ;«__*_i . o

lhat .n_i ehotrlem *h*H not Interfere tn polltlee doe*nut *|)pareni!y affect hts own household. * lianLnniont i-a.bil ve.rer.lay at the healrjuarters and wa* for.onie time In earnest convent itlon wit. Hie members nf Diestat-t-cnnice It I* understood that the President and"e. returv Mnn.iln. ire n.S at jil pleased st the outlook TorJudge ivckha u'» eii.-tiuii. anti aak that .trouser effort* Demade rh... if I* sllr..ed, IS the message ttial Mr l-uimnth. ri. md ibe committee are pauling tliemselve* how toachieve lui possibilities.

THK BTSUGOLI IN THK XXVIIITH DISTRICT.l__r*_-_____"_ B___ur__, or tuomas m. ruiou's

KLKCTIOH.E; mira, Oct. SS (Special).-In most of the

interior oountlei of tbe .-"tate the politleal coolest i» an

utiusu illy quiet one, but thi* cannot be .aid of Chemung.ounty. A.l tbe poiltioian* of th* enanty. Republicansud Democratic, are working with all their *tren_th andtbe poiiiioa! excltrsmeor. prounse* io continue to electiosday. When Jo a Arnot decllneul to tap hi* banal of

money f ,r th. Dem KT.tle party and refused to aecepta renominatlun for Congress, the Republican* began to

hive hoon of carrrlng Hie disriet. i"he Democrat*,aniopatia-no coolest, hal determined to nominateJohn H. -ia ictifl ll, . former law partner or GovernorHUI. in Mr. brWX-fl pise*. Toe R-pimlicaas. however,

by plckin.- sot lu ni- d, IMaed ** their oandtdal*.canis., t change In the oe.n.roratie Bro.rnnme.They nprntUM I the fact that thtv had a powerful op¬ponent in dr. r_*-*_ ni. rainer. Dr. IL P. Fl.-ol, h»<llinen elected vi tyor of E ulr* bf the Republican* bf a

mt)urry of dr j \->7i ant bia brother. Dr. H-nryFlood, hat boaa eleota I *f,y »r of Bliuira in Hit >r tbs

R.-putiheais hy tne still rna er nnortf of ""6">. Tal*profeiihtt me family was reranled With great alTsothin by tue petan of E t* a Dioo.raileeily. The D.nuocritic auaoeaaa *aw tuat mood wouldneat Stanciifisi.L Aocor lin-ny lacy c.unp.i el hm toieelme t ie an lunation ui ler a pie* tuat hi* bu*.ne*»wnul i n ii per nit una o tan* tbe nomination. Thenthey no.nm net J.r.ona 1 Mn i re, ex-.ip. iksr of the

Assembly, who la a,ss a rt* loni of Eimlra. Mr. Mo-(lulre's nnmi itio'i ls still unaccounted for, at-tboiigh it |. he.ievet that he la put up to

catch. If pasflBB e, tbs Insh-A nerlcau fote thatwoul natur il. y gi to Pb io I. r ie In* i-A norie* is show

noiii,;uo#sfsr, to dese-t Mr. KiooL Mureover,tbel-aiers nf tie De ua.'.riiio party are Inti.nant at

M.-f.'iire'* nomination. He has repestetly bolted theDeinocrilto notuisations ao I uss mais attack* uponthe pirty write p rllTITSl o*ifii"S" w-r* in pro.ri-which n iv* d i a igs I lt Hs .na ls »u *tt*o k the pre* -nt

year ap*a Ju Iga Pscktiam at tue Oilsey House in Ssw-York on tm- day of hs u i u. nation for J) i.e or thsCourt of Appeal* Inl-O'ne atlao.el 8» noel J. Ti.-

<1.n. cal.t ig bim " tue greatest fraud of ihe age" and

"the L'riaQ Heep of mo lani pontina." Thi* attack wai

made when ii w is en lent, trial Til ten wa* going to be

nominated for President by the Deiiiocratio Nailno.ilConvention. Ia 1870, he attacked Luous Ro >in*on.

*ui>porteil John Rely in hi* bolt aud presided at a

ine-eiing la r.Iuiira wuu-b was adilreesed by Mr.

Kelly. In ISS. ns worts I h tr I to d*fe*t Davit

B. Hill for (ioveruor. Noiwithstan Hie tb* repsateibolls tb* Democratic leader* h*ve nominated Mo-(lulre fer Cou.ri-ss nan. Maay D-inocrrttU! rot rs *aytu*', they w ll no*, vote for one who has beeu *o disloyallo nt* porty.Tue R publican leaders suspect that M (mire la nomi¬

nated by i levera ir Ilia with thettitention.if lt I* ptof tn-TIng vue. for nun or votes fur Democratic c* ii

.late. ...r Assemoly.neu. It ia well known tuat OnvernoiHill woui.i willingly saciulce ev-ry Democrat.c cen n

dais tor Congress ll he cii'tlil gain euough A.semblvmettoeleethuii a Ltilte.l f-tates Bs-nitor. He I* .peciail]dawln.ii* of capturing the .-taouyier au I'snpkin* WOOty A*s moly (eau wmcti are In tm* Congressional Di*tr.ct. He teems to be court lent of retaining fur un

Democratic party the A**emi.lytnen from C_e"_B_|.ni -eneoa Cnn-ie- The llepu1.Heans hav.m.-le _oiel noiiilnarlons In schuyler au<

Toiiipkln* Conntie*. renominating AsseinhlyniaiCole and nominating Walter U*. a-i-ltnand they will not penult them to be traded off. nor wu

Mr. Flood give bl* eaBfl.BI to anv sueti an arrangeiiieotAu th- etudldates Indeed ar- pilling to

g.-ther. Di Henry Finnfl i* u*tBg all hie great influeui-iin Kiiiur. tn i.isnr.ituer'* favor. Tu_r is eQ uv.lent t.

several Hundred vote*. Tn.naas S. Flood 1* also inaUiuia oiuipiuti with gisat. en-rgy.Mr. UeOoIrs will nntget tue Democratic vote tn Tomp

kin* ("ouutv. In lonsuiuenoe of hi. attack wnile ai

A*«ein.lyman In l_*T_ up-m the oharactar of bri cor

nei the foun ter or Ck-rnoU L"uifer*ny. Moo.utr.accused Mr. Cornell o linking an enormous sum o

money hy .ell ng the rttate laud* deed«d to the uiver

snr. A commission of the Legislature oun«i*tlug .>

II ratio sevinoiir. Joiin D. Van Biron and William AV. hen er 1 vest lasted Mciinre'* cnarges aud comp eiei;rt.iieisied Mr. Corueii. Naturally tue ruters 8

loinpk'ii* County still remember the atucupon their l*__IB_ attiBBB and ihe r great omega. TtlRepublican candidate tor the Assembly ls Jame* h.. ana farmer, of Higtlal*. He was a brave enldier in tn.

war of the Rel.e inin. fl' i-nll.ted asa private in tb.Kimi Regi neut, of N-w-York Volunteer*, and esim

ho ne *c.ptain afer three year*' service. Ht* Democrado opponent ls D'. K >hert P Bust), th- present A.-

.e-iihly.nan. Hush hat a ma|oniy of 791 a year agu

hut wa* aided liv tue pAO,000 po ired into the county b;the Democrat Iel are uraasltte* to roll up* urgent*

lurity in lh« r un f for (inferior HI1L The (.overnoiof course, baa put th- Deinoeratlo " machine lo wor

o ei-et Hush. Tue Proiili.lttonlst* hav* nominateThoma* 8. li-nfleld, of iinroeueada.

- ?

A LIVELY CANVASS IN STEUBEN COUNT!rwoeFUCt of -cphlamino a i> t_KX hat wini


Hath, Od. 28..The 1st As-semb'.y District.bteutien (ounty* al tue nortaeru towns of Hi

("i.aii'v. ut. on-of the noa.tful districts of the _t_«

A fear ago the [teuiocra'ti* candidate hal only 4*1 n.i

lotlty and ta 1883 aad 1884 the Democrats A-»eaib;

man received 103 and li'-) respectirely. Th

.niau Democratic naionty hu lsd ths Republicans 1

put up oue of meir *irouge»t men. Ar iriau C. Brundah

of L'ri.ant, wno carried ihe district In lfT

aud In 187*3. when the Republican candidate f.

A.semhlymaiL Tile Dcui.>craU hire responl-1 to IC

BbOllaoa* by nominating Martin Piuner, of Prattflbur,

a man of larg* weal h. good reputation, and a "reatlaiVb-aaaaadldata forot-.'e. The contest between M

Breadaaa aad Mr. Piaaey i* of tue iireiiest d*aanattoiMr. Brun.lace ha* oue great advantage over Mr. 1'ino*

aud thal ls his popularity witu ttie farmers ana wttu ti

soldier*. Iiein* *ecretary of the Grange of -*teuben Com

ty and a reieran af the war. When a meiuuer of li

Legi.latur- lu 1878 sud i-T. he gare as o ireful aile:

imo lo In. dune* as he wmnd to his own farm, aud l

was luown us a iu..r..u/hiy luc.rrupttuie man Heffort* tu amend the lela-iou law* and llguten the tai

linn ot tue farmers af the State bring bim ihelr .upponow. Mr. Piun-y win nave to ooiaiu til* uiijortty, it I

due* o.ian H. in me town* of th-county. Two.three Democrat* of influen.*e who expected to gel lt

As.eiu., y norBiiiaUon aud were dUappotnte.l are ii

laboring mgm aud day tor ulm. MUl. tue ma** of ti

puny *upuort* bini, aud the election will*o one. ( ongre*«in*:i Davenport liv

in Bain. Tue Democrats mauag.-r* ihougut lt go.policy out to oppo.e ui* re-electlo... fearing that If lh«did »o they wood nive no chalice of carrying tn* A

.em .ly diaiticL Mr. Davenport accordingly ha* )

oppoh'n:. but he i* loiugaa much work for Brmidai*. though ha hlm*elf had »n opponeut and th* Deucrat«. therefore, are disappointed. Fre»ld*nt American Aflncultural and Dalry Aasoelat.ou. bwrtitsu an open letter to ihe farmer* anl dairymenthe XXiX n congressional Di.tnet, commending M

D.tvai.p.rt'. e.>ur«o on the oleouiarganne law. Mr. u*

en port also plea*ed the manufacturer* of bia dlitnolbl* opposition lo tb* Uurrtaou Tariff bllL

FUIT FOR A FLACK OS A TK KET.8t. Louis, Mo., Oct. "_8..Tlie twenty-ei«

meruher* of the City RepubUoan Central Coniinitlwere to-.tay defendant* In a ¦BB.BBBBS petition brougbefore the -upreme Court of ihe State by J. P. Va*tea candidate fur Ju lge o' the Cnmlual Court, asking t

eourt to coiupei ma emu nee to place on Ibe Rep.ncan eily ticket* the pmuummmtft name ln*tead of tt

of J. O. Lodge, nomluated in plat* Of t

petitioner. Mr. Vaeieln reoeived the nomlnatlfmui tbe regular Republican couveutlon, but oerti

marge* were Brought agnlusi him, and a »eoond conn

non wa* called, whica removed ol* natue from th* list.andidates end *ui>*ll tuted tuat ot Mr. Lodge. Mr. V

leiu claim* that me nomination of Mr. Lodge wa* H.*and damaad* from tna "supreme Court hi* own reinnament. A deciduu In th* ea** *annot be re*ob*U bet.

the end of th* wee_. an I if the defendant* care to de^it* eon»:d*ratiou lt will sot eome to trial until altere.eciion.

-? -

TnE 8TRCO 'LE FOR THE ASSEMBLY.Ood-nsblro, N. Y.. Oct. 28.-0. F. BtsM-fl

tbe Democr-Ue uommee a tue Hld Asflsmbly DUtrlhe* decilued the nomination aad tendered bia re*lgnon a* a mambsr of tne County Committee. Winl'r*orb, or Madrid, haa ooeu chosen to Hi tba vaoau

ou tko Demooratlc A»**mbiy ticket tn the district.Ro-ii-STBB, iiou 28 {Special)..Democrats of the

Aseemluy Di*trlot of Monroe tait night nomlnajacob J Hart, a tailor, tor AMemoly.


MAYOR HARRISON WILL NOT RISK DEKEATChicauo, Oct. 28..Mayor Iiarriaoo t:

afternoon lani a latter to tbe (..airman of tbe IIDi*inct Demooratio ommlttee. deellnlo be a eandidate for . lo thal duirict.


PROHIHITIO.MST8 IN CHICKERINO HAM-The s.t weather and probably a gr«wlB«-*o*vuUoa "-

U criuilnal al a lime Ilk* thc present to throw *w»y i-o

BBBHIHIII Oka ainiot be el.-eted. (_*.!. theprobilull'-n BB

_,c-ting"at.hi..k.rlngllaU anytJ""" >".. "'""'''ay i

U..r 1* of the teals unoccupied. John » u '.

Bni,lded, *a|_ lhat nearly *U U- clergymen la the

S b-en umtali to _tt a* -r_»>tadllBfl» Wnn.y persui.. on tho stage were th- orat-,-. ot Um.-vsibiiu

the member, of a bra*, hand which niarol.*! into thetisUlCliiriaa-ilill tUIHIii-i'i- . ^jthe beet ot the ", ..ung Men . £***_»* «". the uulf 1*.. laking n.e, hair, said thal r'',h' V"".., i.,ree candid.ll. ¦maineul that B*U___ J** »*i'1 "" lf* _lt ,,,a'e!fur Mayr .,i. thi. toMeet, .nd prwln ted '"^ . ZmptUMol lbs cause f.r whli b Iboae ..-.cul wer* ob-u"*. -(

I... Uer K tl. Tr*\»i. '".._,- __.._]mmtvma tmrtiistAt EbsSm pr.-iaim*! Hiiiaf w tu* p-opi_j. aaUaaa shu _r**aodaa ta un* uu.i bid .? V" 7.Jtviid iuey feunn* Us» many w.loo.ulB| tum ts ^JfT1J

__.^^iSri__Mc luhn J-tiu. sui.) that. ** * ^*$M£\"'

Itaaal Lo u-..r twenty on* y.-r». h* would \ut* for

.. T Wardw*Ut_«-_»__atotoel«Wor.*-rii *"r. il. he was a Prubibllloulst, of Ommool"', pu . und Lt i ..I- a sun w-i barf '<"" <';""-" bM .' fSc Whait now inn lt.* Dcmofraiic party never te rut

ll, waa-ol lu flay * word tn lu* l'«m.>-raia., ^lt mu.a.. tn. r,. Ill Uie De!.,.. ,..ll.-parlyret.>...irp*ai.»,..Iiuii_l. ...ultiKil Hu- t'l-bibit'ooi___. i>_iu.._i about ia. " faa v"' laauHl l*U

."-rea- of logic, lt will bear ros away out late the ocean ofProhibition."


Addresses were alto made hy *"!. Wtrd Cady, Charles Maulerre and others.


Allen Thorndike Rice was nominiite*i by theXth Congressional Irving Hilt Convention at No. 237Third.*-*, last night. Ile was nominates! on We.tue.

day evening bv the Ranubllevi*. eod 1* thong nt to.tend a good oh m.-e of election on aooount of General".pinela1 . unpopularity ant hi* owu .ireugth a* acandidate.

NOTF.8 OK . hK CANVA""-.The Rspnblirsn < inbof the City of *>ew Vork, the organ!-

sation winch sprang from the Young Men's llepuhllcan Clnti,hare arrsiigtvit for a mas* meering to tte held In Kteinway Hall

on Baturday evening. There will be .vt tresses hy Durman H. ______ (ieurral Henry L Burnett, the Rev. Dr. How.tnt r-thy and Wi.lian ll. Willam., the president of UieBrooklyn Young Republican (' i .. In favor of the eleaton of

Theodor* Ihe Republican candidate will himselfbe present an >. iddf fl* US* Joint i'om-nitteemi (on.ti tnt ona! Cnne«nthin sent ott

U«t nigh I the __t .: _%a pa- bam* <>t balled which PIM a-VM

_-l_la_ ll t.-, hanman o. mv county committeeha. not received ballot* ho should telegraph ut nine ta( liane* B. l/r.t.fker Chairman Ballot 'ouiuuttee. So. '_UNassau .t stew York.

I large .md enthusiastic merlin? OBS held last evening stNo (41 Weal iiiriy seventh sf un.ler the BB-fSM* of the\\ I Uh Assembly Matriel K publican AMm latlnii I'tv-iiDemurest ,.ie.ide.t and William J Matthew, was *ivret*ryThe Kepiihlican ticket was lno.)r*e.l amil mn li titliimo. n

tail ep-ecbeswere R__|e by Charl *A. Hammer. B--i>Btmon*en. candidate for vddcrnian, and Howard a. McLalu.candidate foi the Assembly

Th- Priihtl-itiiiniats of Unsiklvn bel I a mass mcettn. tn theClenaoat Aveana Kink .asr v n ng A out haf ttie seat,were oe. opted. E. i' Ide ed sud .__*__.. were, m.ut-by Ha), r tv, Iiee.ii.-r t_e nar. m "leona V Pea( nlonel lt. s. her is. of Keniniky, and other*. MajorFee her.aid ttiat he would hot w th raw a* a ran lillie forDiairii.l Allin BB) and un one .¦.¦ult mai..- willi .raw.




A full nuctiii'*'of the .New-York Y.iclir Hubwa* held at tbe-cluia house. No. WI M*dl*ou-ave., laat

night, j-lbrtdg* T. Gerry, commodore of the eluo.

presided. The Important bu.tue** before the

> aclniii. -n wa* tli . cuiisiderarlou of tue

challenge for tbe America's Cup, which was made In

.September by cable, through William Yortr, aecreiary of

the Royal Clyde Yaeht Club, for Jame* Roll, hmoe the

receipt of the dtapatoii. Mr. Bird, secretary of th' New-

York Yacht Club, received ihe io..owing formal olia.-

ieuge:flUKiow, Sept. ll. 1888.

J. fl. Bird. Serr,t<xr\i Sew-Yurie Yacht clubBIB In i iiiitlnni.t.iiii of un-i aide nf tn day. ! now, a* toe-

r-Ury. Bra i/.e.t nv t.'ie Beyal ly,!.. ", adit. mn formallyto dial.Bilge your dill) for the i.o**e»*...u nf thc A mern a'-

Cnp. ni the name of Jame* Bell, a member and lutely reui

admiral of thia .duh. The. cii.nleuger tn

ten s building a yacht for .he race, snd I

am unable at present to give ur tonnuga Sliotili-vo'it duh decide tu ra. e ihe HaV-OWer, the lnlHOgej ls prepared t. build ayacm or al.out tier Its* if. however, you iletermine to budd a new vessel, it be, as satisfactory au.

less tasty were .niau, r veSacl. built, nay Irom »ixiy Ove tu

in veil tv ii rc feet long.In any ca»e. it weald he well that the competing yachts bi

shout tue .ame lei,_tli. sn a* tu BUk* the trial as much as pim..hie a test of model. Th* univ oilier snggeniiiii that tlc

niter desires to make at 'iie-t-ut 1*, in ordeilo ci innate as far as may he th* element u

chance, the < oiliest should be net-lded by the hes! or riviU"tala l d" not IB tlie meant me name any 'luy or day* folthe itropo.ed race, as Mr. flsefgi) I. Hchiiyier1* letter af Jan

Bary 4 l**-)-, icviite. thar tlie dav namco shall not ne latei

than s-yen nu,nth. from the daw of the B tlce; but lt li

propose- that Hie race t'.ould take place net

Bi ptamber, amt due nota, e ol not .ess than .li mont ii* aud no titan seven months will he sent tn oufortnity with Mi

""cliuyler's letter. Awaiting the tavor of au eaily reply,-avu thu lo reuia.u, your*, etc.

Wu.i ivm YOBS,Bet rotary Koyal i lydc YachtCln..

The oluh. In considering tun cu.illeng-, found tbat 1

would he lii'pn.sli.le to accent lt oil account of the con

dillon* made lu the deed nf gift of the cup t o tbe cidny dr. Ben ny ler. which uri tbat, "aco-iuip-tuvlng tnsix moan.*' nolle. mere must 'nc a Custom H >use cor

tiUcaie of tue measurement and a staiem- tu ot tbe dimention., rig and name of the vessel." Thu, ot winni

throws out c'lalleii.e*. The following re....inion I

reference to lt, offered l>y Johu I_ 1'iatt. wa* uuan

monsly adopted:Bemired, Tb.t the secretary forward to the ''oval rivd

Yacht Club the document asking for tho tull terms of iii

challenge fur the America's Cup. at the rame tune (latinthat the coiuiiieiuialiuii aireatly received from laid club cai

bur uiider deed of gilt, les considered aa a suiMcleihallen... When smili challenge coins* lu prop.

form, lt will reoatvfl do* caoa__tfB.wa_1 he oiuti also adopted a rein mon thanking Genera

Paine, the owner of the Mayfl iwcr. for hi* gallant difeuoe of thn A iit'.i.m"s Cap, iud .* a mark of esteem an

griiitU'le a siiuaii'S pieen of sliver oil. b<- preieuted t

bim. Ihefoliooing new ute ia ber* wera elecied in thcino:D S. Fyleston. Edward M. Field, Albert W. NlckersoiJsmes Kenwick, iluiman lleekuisn. nuchannau WintiuoiPreder k Unnnell, William Wall, John M. 1 oomiiThoma. Manning, Jouu H. Kio.-ler. J. i W. p. Hln.ler. Jr.. W. It. Thoi a*, t'lari'nce V. M.

Kim, r.C. (inmtti, ll. P. H. Durkee. Thorndike Mouin*, I), i

Lindley, L-dvi lg "dam and Thom-* i- Martin.

a\0 5 URST1T Ul E l'OR O. ___\ ISE.



IM( i




. rta!....1lin...Aliii 1|e«-Ida

dr. ¦awari'i i__mit_t.o discovkby kxixmbd iiKNGLAND.

Although quinine is at pro-tent comparativel;eiioiii and wubin the ieach ot every one yet the ai

no lucciiiriiit reaaatlf uia lo bf Or. Cresswell Hifa/rtti

of Lincoln'* tun Melds. Lon.Inn, that be had Jiuoovert

'.he arti,lela, or motliod of making i:lu#

was read w,ttl . great deilof Interest by tie medici

prof ssl,rn aud wholesale druggts's. If true lt woul

revoiiitioulie till* brsuch of tue dru. trade. The-oi

sumption of quinine ls enormous in every land and ti

sggregtte vila* ot tho drug amount* to milDonsd

doi.ars. If rue _r__h___ tata us weis e>i<ual iu medii

lea* pr iperties to tho genuine, lt eo.nd Iw lurnisuod i

a niueh lesa cost, which would represent a Urge tarin

to tne onusumers. Tue present quint ie supply is ot

tatned 'rmu the cl.iciioua tree. Tu.-re ia a great wast*

extracting the drug treas the kerk,aa tue yield will _,

raga ivar t'vo per cent, tue rem-iluin;* uluety -eig

per ceut taring vaiunleas. The Eu^nsa (ioverumei

spends annually about 460,000 la MbaaaltlTartsa af tre.* lu In.Ila slntie, aud a su.nfi.-ut* for ipnun baaaao-dhtby theOereraaaaadL ot. Hewe

claim tatt'ae li* overed tue a,ninnie by tl

accidental breaking Of a bottle o-.titatulng a Jrug wuk

funned a co-nniuatinn with another drug wita wuii

lt came In couUct. Tuls suDSiiruto for guiulue. Di

Hewett anuouueed, oo lld be furnish, d to the trade f<

about *ix oent-i an ounce, which would drive .pi.nine o

of Hie mamet. The process Hr. Hewett kept to i.iuisi-,

bat rep- s tited that he recently sirnuitted a saiuplsIns preparation to Howard A Mous.of -trationl, one ot t

largest lu.iuulacturcrs of .'Ultiiue iu the worl!, who,

wac claimed by the friend* ot Ur. Hewitt, analysed tl

*uuiple and pronounced ll the eptal ot auy qumluothe marketa.Mr. \\ lckham, of the Arm or McKesson & Robblr

tbe weli-kuowu drug dealers lu tula our, **

has lust returne.1 from Europe, beard of tbl* u«w dr

w.ile li* was lu Um lou and investigated Ibo ci tims

Ur. Hewett a view of liitmlaonjg tue. dru,' lu ti

country. He said y.-sierlay to a 1 ann;m-. raporte" I lime is uno word wbiob ui[ resso* all tuat tuero ls

the syuthelical iiiiIuidd of Ur. Hewett, aud lhat is.hui

bii_. The alleged diBcnvniy of I)r Hewett ililli t fl,

ciiiue out .11,1 make a little excitement IQ tue lu

LiciuUsi) lu luudon, but tue marget wis not * Hefted

the fllUbtest degree, aud never will tie. <o my opiuiiin,luis drug. 1 ende iv ired to gel te, u.ino. nf ll, o

cuid ud. Looion or nu.stu and sever ii fruin otu

tiiaces have 'ried also to get some of Ur. Hewet

ijiiiniue, but have fa.led. He was always ready to gisoma away to oe tesioil, but __for did. lt lt said

support of the drug that a sample of it was testedHoward _. Anus, nut I had our local agent tnteri li

H.nv.ri A Sous, _ud they poi lively dcuv ever lian

_uy ot (tie drug, monga they nave irleol i-upe-teilly lo ,

Some ol lt, *<> tua', the guarantee of -o

wuiCB, of.c<)>ir*s, would he excel! -nt. wa* never glviJre tlrm'sucoeede.1 in getting tome of Ur. BanalpranaraUoB lt wa* givou a '.i. ¦¦.. gu test and t

anal j si* showed lt to contain every property of iiuianand tuere w*s an exielieut rea*..n way it should. .< Ithe . .mpi* w_* being examined tueie wai found In ;

itun,, e.M with the letter " W ' upiiu lt. To the.iu.t.aie-1 thia would u.o_u notlmu, bot to those In

drag in-line.* ll mnuut that ;he p-tcka.-e wa* put up*V,.!_ei,, the druggl.t, w..n-e prepara'toii ot gen.)

quiuinn shares popularity with iinivar'! A -nu.'. **o

ut Wiildeii's uululue had been sent nut by Ur. Hewettsome nu* for h m, aul lt was claimed that lt wa*

.vnthiticul, quinine of Ur. Hewett. Thin s -t -it r

the pretensions nf Ur. Hewett a* a discoverer, and bi

uu* Ute stock nf tin? drug trad* tu" Byntbetle-d quinine ha* been lung smi.hl for

expert chemists lu, where tliern ua ve use

ninut-er of compounds made whioli closely resem

uuintue In eftect. rh.y are all proptletary moiDi.1

and havo only a ltinltei sala Vt'hv auy ot I hose dri

have never beeu used extensively I* thai limydearei tuan tbe u.nulue uf whio.i tiiay are lntnudolUku t.e place. When qulniue was $5 au ounce th

ruigtit have been a shnw for sunn mmtl me*, but af

present price of (1(1 ceut* an ounce by the case, lt

auteuil tn cn. cite ot a drug thal could be _._de i-imi.

and lo a* edeolive."


L(ii.isviix«, Ky., Os t M Ihe housoof William Poe, n

Flat Liek Ky., rau«ht Dre BB Tuesday, and tin- otcupa

ei_tit la number. w_re burned to ilsatb.

NBWBLHii, >' V. n.t. 2n. The four story brick builil

0-rrus.l by John and William l-itlnry, at,

burned leal night. Hie tlr.lHool wa.oiicupio.1 by tile I.u,!

File Work* ans Nichol* J_g_.-r, flaS*BOl mauuf-cturvr..Duli he*s loni (.'ompaiiy aud the Matlaawaii Felling UsSBfie cu;ucit the other portion, ot Did building. Nichols A.

Cul . lU'iU'suu.. 1st....SJ, bit llial amount will noli overtats The M*U saw au Feltuig t oinpany

otin-r losat-t are uuaiiowu. Two bun,lied emplots* arc thnout ot work.Mea-bb11.Oat TO FUahiaba aaa m tho lasBii

toir, about two luiletouttidi the city, «t nunn today Bari

.troyed Uie hug *laugtit«nng house ami thu *lns-*ing hoi eoifl MS) dressed hogi in the latter I

thout li)0 ot which were caved. Tbe buruu- bog* were mo

owned by Drousl A Fiere. Five hu-died batleUol reit

lard were lo.t al aSl.TO) Uuk w*» .._*__S___'*__ _¦tm- Abatloit oinnany lt -alimaied al *a,.'SJ<i, oh »l

io in*.ii .me of fla,issi. 1 b" -d'uui.iis amp la.

of Hail ,.*l wss ila.n-gud u, IBO otlaiul OtaiO.OOO.ui'-it tor f.'.oot).

MO DR. LUST IS,iltli iifhcer Vaaie, of Fhilatlelphla, haa wrltu-n Ut

Hsaltti Departmeat BBBBfaBBBBM llial fe-tee Me.siu.*,

rj', wa* tent lo hi* lumie in l'Iula_e)pli.a when ill

var .oiun! a weak ago on lue ailvue of a Dr I.uot There1)1 tum in Mronklyu but BkflOfl 1* a Dr I.nug wno .leu.e.1

tn- adi isl-the r_niuv_i ol lite boy Hom the illy Ue bim for Ihreaday* and tuiiiiilsieil tho Ase ou

railoionl. iVLin bc svutl-o foul lb day lo Um boil**

bey wa* goa*.


an*' J 1,000 KKPI'BUCA-I- AXE TO BK DISFRA-kClIISa-D-A fl )I.I) PItOCl.AMAriO**.[sr Tn.-iis.rti r» ths r*i3t;*J_.]

\rfi_Mt_MVO_r, Oat, 2H..The Republic*-!«'"i.ress..mal Cnmmiiree has received a copy mt ad*¦ address 'o the voter* sf the md Congressional _t_*4-_*4*of Mississi,ipi, issued - l.y or ter ot the Demoeratle ft_»ec'rive Cuin.nittee." It I* timed by ** W. H. f_r_f*chairman." This ' a-ldreats " to ' tue rotor* ¦ ls pabllsh***]iu a it;.i net which bas an actual Rotuli:lean autt-ftty simoro than Ii OOO fotes, and lt I* a piala, hoi. __e_*r_.lion t.iaf. uialoritv ia to be disfranchised IB tb* Congressional ela. lion. About ou*-mlr_ of lt ladevo'ci to praise of Honeral Catchin .*. tl . Dmmtamntninounir*.jt for HU eflort* to *ecure big »i pro r rialloaofor levee and other impMve.neul* no the lower Ul-tat*..icpt oulch. acoordiug to tho address ¦ signify otto thiadistrict grad tal relief from tai moo. and protectloafrom overflow ny tue shu-danl ree-iureee of the (Jovern-

iuent. in I, taronga tbe saint manus, resit ilng our rivettowus from d sir acilni. " After such distinguish*- sopflee* an 1 - uuaul nous ludor*e.o*ut and r*soial_a»timi by ta* Inleli |eno**aul paaBBWlP iiteresU ot talad, strict," a* emil elie I lu tbe I<e.u., ,- itie Con ve., ta*-,s.i-s tie al Ires*, "no patrlntle aaanaa, although ofn, ii.te polities, would di., tne aaatea ¦ of ueoacal

( ateiiiin-s," Ke.'errlug lo me . uu.r.* mu .1 Cnntest c.

l w j. year* ago. when t .* Ilep .uucao eau Hil.te ossacoiiired man. tue authors of thc ¦ ___aaBa " .ayThat Po rite nave, claimed two year* ago tj rep;.

result lilts district O fl. ffnlu his -t llidleilul, uni IB*u.itur_l. In lea , t-ieie w ts a ceilain kin I of loane iu bali.inu. Tua u-_ro . wer-.ream In tue ni .jo:ity. II*-ta* a nen). It waa proper iurrctore tu,I tue majoritynf the voies .Cuni.I i. represe. te I. hy o..e af tbe_ir-selves. Tun i.eoe preseote. ny In* c md w .* uer-

row an I easily unden-tu-*- lue Leaiu nt -tic party taottie d ni.-ir un len j log its sucees*, li realised tba effortto mass uni- rn e against another, tir -t» .nun .rs aga.oat,i h. i-i t> .ucl mle.ugeiice. au i rmttut, e ,u ii to lue amer.

.'ency, nu.lur (ieiieral Cale, inga'* lead, il piomptiydef. afc.I the eflort.

| The contest,yt appear* wa* between ** brute niuntiers**aud " property aud iiite.lueuce," sud the Uitier voa.

.Soo corns* lbs analysts ot tue ^resent ii nation wa.ctt,with tue co.n a of thc Demo ratic Exeoutife Cons-unttee, ls ciiiuuiendi) l to lbs thoughtful c.iusideraiioa afNurtheru tat payers, of ai. men who b ilteve io fair aadhoi -st eiectious, a.el es.reclaily to .Northern voierc ohohavo mci, ,e i io irrji.uvu tuat t. tere is no *upp etalon afthe Hepiintican votes in tim -outu. Tue autiior* ot thia" u,idros. n the voter*," aay:

In fut.- -sitnrali'* candid tay the tame issue ta aga)apresented tu lui" people of tbe dl*Ut> t. out wituuui Its(orme: In.-.c ol le.ulersnti. if the n grow*, as a raes*.,were to govern the istrlet. und d.ctaie ibe nf it* material Intered* lu ( on.res* it walogical and n.ut lhat nattVS _____! ". on*Bf themselves, .-onie*.at of'.ni;, au Ikiuirautsort o' patrotisrn tboiigti lt inlglit net soiiii-wnai nf rei.

.au, liio.uli ol au lu.ertur mn t. m.gut I e predicated otPeirce's candida* y. lin desired ano tl.ought lust ll Waa

rigin (bal he should represeut Ins rare lu Congie**, bo*aii-etmr race was in las msj.irty. He aa* it. mail

Inie. ,.ent rep>e*eu_i. ive and WOtl-t to htsOO- J-isOttUl_*_r_t* Its dlnoes for self gnv .ruin nt. Here wac a wu ch, ar leant. Wa* BBQBB u.ieiupi. Ue Ukisiiiue rea-oii, too, io seopass mat la* u*aa___a_oeeastproperty o. tue dt-tritt eu.bod ed tu t,.e i-eiuocraU*l ,rty, tiiight M.i.iiilesce. It oud .lune sn tu te piecedlBgelectlOU, Wi.CU Jud.* .* ul,lanie I the 'Oat. BulJu cinild.ioy ts on a va-tly lower plan*.ld- lines nut purpose to instr..10 thc rUne** o OuO r .*.ot Me let seir-govetumeut. He is uo. ol that ra-*ewiilOU heed* i,h.Tal,no. au the rue Wbli'L doe* Uoliiee.i if, simp y spurns lil n. Ile hail uo right to soppos*tuat thc liiteliuence aud property la__r*_M a Cu: districtwu .ld uc jii.BHce lu lil* candi lacy, koa i la* if. li td ai.eatlyiiiianlinoii-i'.y _al»-_(_|___«ial C_t_kta_ra He molli nothave heen h. m ito By any natrium* desire tu *-rv» tbamaterial i___r_s_»e( tuad s_ri_t iikii* af uu kuowi-cI.e nf w .at (ieuetal Cittehlo.. .** duna ii hit of ul* hold-US a pus,tin tn du noire in tile future, uue wiilcb Ju lg*-unrall knows e emil 1 Bot st cure, jiid.e .-Imr ill lialona- -t nie n-Meiit of Mlssl.a.ippt. He ts tboou.Ulffaun,lui witn ti.e icculiar a__a_-l_na «f tm.* district.He nas hu - f.tuiiiur ac inii.t iui ¦. w .rn BaSBBl aaal ludua-tittl con.titi, na of the peseta »i Miaaaalpfl*_Jb«aaaaae titan and as one of ifs "upiciue He koowatuat t . se, ur* a wei.-ordered (interim ent it ls necessarythat liit-lllgoeiia. e.iue itiou aud i roflortj intere-t* *buu.di-iiiiti'il. He knows t si ti.e daoJaaoaa of ba Ohahl lac*

l*, al leas', for the Dreset.t, e*is«uti_l. He know* tuatthat race, repr seining as lt docs tuc Intel it uue andwealth ol thi* district, spoke :u wish and desire In tbeUD'i nation ot (lein-riil tatemu irs list summer. Haknow* laat lt uss uo sort of wis.i or cane io be repre¬sented ny ii. n. . Jud.e-loiralt ts fully awar>,uni more so nf liie evil effects nf such a canvass. Ilekn.'* - |__| it ls re.ur led wltu anxiety au 1 apprm.cua.ouby ibo bast att*__« tue district ohtad be ». .-ks to

represeut. He know* tbat so fur ss h.* .n. is'ouct-rued, ll is the insult and nfl.prin. of a e* ^iiarae-

tcrlC'S and U'lHilUorlted go!c, tugellier oy.iiinself ni til* town ot I'ree.iviiie, call'ng Itself aaKxei'Utlve.Coiu lt lee, imlowel ip hy an t IBBllJ eu.irao-

- -- md ui.repp.ent .five cnn .eiition of th* saino w icu h* came forth dubbeil thc Kepubiicuu can-

dldaie tor ' uti_r ss.Pearce coul. not have boen pr..p-:¦ y eu'ected tn ao_a

sider ver> tiiaturely ur o heed uni'ii tue welfare of tuii lute penpie o' till* il's'iic'. Hi* candi,la*y BOd.¦.nn ...ent. tue aepiritlou* ot a il. .n fur Bis rote,desire as one of t. ai race t.) represent it. Jud.-e -Imrhas uo s e sci,Mindil ur as rattan. He des res

l, To gai., it he is wil.lug to antj.iiui'i' the wis ielnf lue I) s- tl liens nf is il* rle.. BB to ,,*e (ne li .puts!aud evil w..rk.ii. las* nu a.oii sm i-l un igi,or..iii pejp e.

As'al .! the lllS.'llO.iS Wiles tOd IliS.liecri. ploeSallollSof suaa a can it lacy, wa oaratha UoaiucraiM r-terealHits dis- ris-t tu be ou their au rd. Mini ap allow Iguetan- Btuabera ami ra.-e pnjoll rn, o!t_-Ot au edon part, to control t_o mtarvota tea deena] af mir Ha*triiti t_o antiaaa m every w*r. hat **pa_ie<lp 1st aaamun rial in'i n-sis. w ts never iingbter than now. Taof iture ts iu o ir own hun la Hut if it ls to oe futurewurtu iv ii'.'fur, mid leaving aa mustbe wron it lout by vi.-il mee, tctivr... aaJ loynlty to 'u*

high iriui'lpli-s wh;. h prumpc trio aud ho urabi*ainaaaa

It a. a fact stiscnpriule at Jisesseatr ___¦ Hani for everyd',- ..ti ss ppi petra tnt", tho N itiotial TreoaUrfic tbe form ot iaaaa. laa-adlM tao aestal Btveooaa oolleetoi iu that "Hate, t..e receives ni tb- form oi appropri¬ation-), mo udiug pedal azeeoditaret aul .-rai'* for

liiterual ituprovemiMits, moro t nu s*t.>. lu other ooritst.ixiayers lu ina Marta par .4 aa tim beaots el UlanlMippi where horowu citizens p.iv |tl a id d Dix) voters

in the ilis-rtct wtiiii) I__*lv_a tho hoik af lue aupropiia*tton tori"vi-e» mid ot er la_ptOf*-*eut« bsddlf icvtheir deieiml mtioii lo'" ilse tue otuer -l.tkhJvoters, l)ccau*o tuey are ltapui.nouns.

if tn*ii it A

e, lb* I-.rall


'fl til* ^


WILL UAOOra AND CBMTRAL IBPARAmPhiladei.phia, Oct. 28 tSp.<-i,ili. Recoivcru

ot the and Jers-f Central lt .1 roatl coiupau alw*r* lu *e**iou all of yesterday au 1 a part of to-day di*-

ea sam a- tbe proapecllv* separation ot those propern- a

The confer-.nee resulted tu au un 1* ra tan ting winch, it ia

believed, will result lu the separation w '.lim six ni .ultu.

Ihe Master wtli make hu report 10 a |f 1 tart upon tua

indebtedness of me BOSBpaaMS lo eacu *t__t aud aflor

tual, lt is » ated, that tho r-colver of ti.e Jcrsef Centralwill appiy to court for permission lo i*.U' cerlitleauoto ra is- lund* to pul me properly iu aa*ratten sadat it*new mau lt lt .tated io-lay nv W'll- ti'

persuii* thal the receiver* of the comiiauy ace meir wap0 nar to a reorganization of the properly. PresidentCori.tu, of ne lidding Con-pauy, las.* up ma dwelling*here on Monday next.


rillLAUELI-HIA, Oct. 2*i Specatt'.-Th? stato-mci.f o nm t-u.siii.** of tue Pbilaloiphta aud He.dintRai o«ul o BUany for ejepteiuher, Ittft as comparedwith ino .ii month lu 1 ss).',, »iio ¦** at mcreaaelu gro**

earumgs ot f-:l,**'29, au increase in expense* of $*>..---,and a il.-cr.-aee In net earning* of ",..'). Tut Ha_B>

ment for the ten months ending BSpt*Ml ter .!>, 1»S8, aa

oo:iip»i'*d ivitti the taine penoat of IMls *uo»* aa ia*

cease In .ro*s earuio.* of pl.0S-_.Jol, an Increaee ia

expenses ot mi.ilIJ.tTJ and a decreaae m nal ea.-unig* of

M--.17-.lhere o is Uik to-day that ths Pennsylranl* Railroad

Company I* lo lie largely intereatod ta lae

of tue Hunting lon ami Broad Top llanr.)_d, which 01U

giv* it perfect dictation lu tb* im* lo lb* 1'iedmoul sett

Baal regiou of West Virgiuia.ll_________kj IU.. Oct. '_S.-l'inte_ .tate* Muter la

Chancery Hluford Wilsou, nuderd*cr-e01 the *ourt. solO

the Hafana, RantoUl and Kaalern Kniwey re*t«r.l*r to **li*fy the ditsBenl* of ta* ered.uira.

Tue road iuo« from Vew-Alb*'.y. Ind.. to Leroy. In., sudi* *ev*iiiy-.x mile* long, lt wt* purcUaaei!, Il ia sanl.for a aew company wnioh will 01 leu me gauge aadoperate the Hue ac a local roast.

t un t-.i). ')ct. _ts. .Tue general managers of the linea

.11 ne --I-. ..wesiei n Paasenger A**ociaiion m-i to-aay

.nd signed the contract for the pOoi, thus puning ll late

effect. A repreteutallva ol the Mu Lou:* aud-au >',a_-

BBBBS road was present, but rerused lo subscrib* to UMa.roeuieut nn.s.s a clause Oas lusei -1 r,av du g rartbe filuui1) uni st tariff ralea of all '... k- l* found lu thoma. kel. 1 lil* tb* oilier nu** refused lo consent lo 00

the (maud that it wa* ai randy prof Idol or lu th* roa-

ll Bc l by'.he proviso winch 1 a ;- . .'.iii* re, u.i iaISOand oilllii*BS at tariff ral**. Th* pool dale* frons Oa*lober 1, and on Norciaocr 1 all raia* isrougboul iboter, dory are lo be restored lo lana Thi* will silvan-*

the prreent rate be'.weeu kau.** City aud C'Bioago freafl

¦..)>:- ¦.'¦

FoBT VeUtm Ool '_. (Special .-Thar* wa* a m_*tla«

held here laat oitut to rai** «h« #40.0.s) tu .ertpnoo te

.e. ure ihe Kori *onb *ad Kb. .fOOBO ra* I. .fill [SIHlad lock tuted me tyudio»le win. u propoeesl lo bu ldmi. r.^ wa. ma-l. up o_f "ffow-Voi k sod PhlladOlpBIacaptt»ii»t*. Tue money wu* votaL


It-sTcN, 0-4 UH. 1'tii.s afternoon Henry Cur-rier, slui-ou Morrl* and Joahua V, Kuowlr*, euipioyoaof s. .'. > t kenon, grocer. No. un Coiumereial-iL.. were

tu me elev alor aud had *iarie*l io reluru from tho QfUb

lloor wheu the machinery i.m.e and ion car fell to the

hotham au! Ona oompletelr sr., ted. Iii* turee maa

wero (anea out crushed aad biaedms. siuewlea'a tkUili*,v frailurolaud ih*r* 1* nii.e bou* of hie ro-

covery. . urrlar waa Injured Internally and ba* *averal

ribs fracturod aud waa alto hurl iiiout tbe baa-. Iliadm ii..0.. U critical. Morn*, who ls a *e*BB*_l man, saa- a fraotur* ut me uaaa of me splue aod ether lo*

juris* ul * *ei iou* aatura.

KILLIS ti DlSAASho CATTLMUmnmMttn, Paaa.. OsiV i_.-Ur. -_au_, ag- at er ta*

Hoar-of ABrlfUlfrUre. today riail*«l iti«f»rUi «« ". .¦>.

in MarUe Town*hip_ a*rdr rikiller) vw

pTeur-'imeumool*. 'l.l.-teeu oUor* Ut BJSlhi r Lents tu th* sauie rl.-tnlty. *U].|>um-__va beea te.-fled W Uie eui* ___***._**.

r* aflKlaO wita¦ narau--**. To*

taloc t*d,
