CIS 251 – Lesson 8 Creating a Multiple-Page Report Rod Rodrigues


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CIS 251 – Lesson 8

Creating a Multiple-Page Report

Rod Rodrigues

Tutorial 3

Positioning text by using spaces or hard-returnsNever

Tab StopsShould you ever have Tab-Tab?

Page BreaksSection BreakAdd a HeaderCreate a Table

Columnar work

Two types of columns that are handled in entirely different ways.Parallel columns, where the word flow goes

from left to right, slipping over some white space (like a telephone directory) - Tabs

Newspaper style columns, where word flows down and wraps to the top of the next column automatically. Section columns

Tab Stops

Section Columns

For newspaper style columns, start by using a Section break (continuous)

Then change to columns (Format > Columns )

At end of column, use Section break (continuous) to return to a single column.

Paragraph Styles

Maximum flexibility by using stylesFormat > StylesThe Paragraph properties Dialog Box.

Has the advantage of controlling MANY paragraphs at the same time – even a whole document

Page Break and Section Break

Center a Page Vertically

Add a Header

This figure illustrates a document with the header area active. The main text area is dimmed, indicating that it is not currently active, and the cursor is in the header area.

The Header and Footer toolbar is also displayed while the header or footer area is active.

Create a Table

This figure shows the common elements of a Word table. Tables divide data into rows and columns. Table borders help to identify the various cells of the table.

Table Navigation

A Sorted Table

The figure below illustrates a Word table with the rows sorted in ascending, alphabetical order.

Insert and delete rows

This chart shows several methods for inserting and deleting rows and columns in a table.

Align Cell Data

The Table Properties Dialog Box

A Table with Shaded Headers

Convert Tables to Tabbed Text

Click upper left corner of a table.Then use Tables, ConvertNote that the process is reverssoble.

