Circular Motion. Which horse on a merry-go-round moves faster… One on the outside rail One near...


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Circular Motion

Which horse on a merry-go-round moves faster…

One on the outside rail

One near the inside rail?

Or…how about a turntable?

More than one kind of speed…

Linear speed (velocity) Distance time Greater for outside horse AKA tangential speed

Rotational speed (velocity) # of rotations per unit of time Same for all horses AKA angular speed

Interesting application…

Rims of train wheels are tapered

Washer on a string…

The washer’s speed does not change, but its velocity does Centripetal acceleration

What would Isaac say?

Newton’s 1st Law Newton’s 2nd Law

Force needed to cause an acceleration

A new force…

Centripetal force – force that causes an object to follow a circular path

What’s wrong with this picture?

Be careful…

Centripetal force sometimes called “centrifugal” force A “fictitious” force

Centripetal Acceleration

ac = v2/r

Circular Motion Problems

#1 a - d

Back to Isaac...

F = ma

Fc = m (v2/r)

Fc = mv2


Circular Motion Practice

#1 e #2

Centripetal Force Lab

Fill in the blank…

A ____________ causes acceleration.

A ____________ causes rotation.



Let’s pretend...

You need to loosen a stuck bolt with a wrench...

You aren’t strong enough...what do you do?

When opening a door...

Is it easier to open if you push close to or far away from the hinges?


Produces rotation

= Fr Long arm, less force More force, shorter arm

Ex. wrench, screwdriver, doorknob

Circular Motion Practice


Rotational Inertia

Resistance to change in rotational motion

Greater distance from center of mass to rotation point = greater inertia

Why do baseball players “choke up” on the bat?

“Choking up” on a baseball bat will increase speed of swing

Why do giraffes have a slower gait than


Why do longer pendulums swing more

slowly than shorter ones?

Angular Momentum

mvr Ice skater pulls in arms – r decreases Momentum is conserved

mvr = mvr

Quiz Next Class!
