Circular [35] 9 Muharram 1441 9 September 2019 DEVIATED ... · Pg. 1 of 5 Circular [35] 9 Muharram...


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Circular [35] 9 Muharram 1441 – 9 September 2019 DEVIATED SERIES (5)





Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur’aan Majeed: “And who can be more

oppressive (a greater Zaalim) than him who prevents (others) from

remembering the Name of Allah in the Musaajid and attempts to ruin/destroy

it (the Masaajid)?” (Qur’aan)

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Verily, the Houses of Allah

on earth are the Musaajid.”

By way of example, a discussion on the Shaitaaniyyat, Fisq and Haraam activities

which are organized (or even took place in the past) at the Lakefield Masjid in Benoni

will give one an idea why their Masjid is undoubtedly the ‘best managed’ Masjid

and why their Imaam is the ‘most impactful’ Imaam according to the Shayaateen

known as Radio Shaytaan and ‘JamiatSA’ (Ebrahim Bham’s Jamiatush Shaytaan

syndicate which operates in Fordsburg, Lenasia, Pretoria, Azaadville, Middelburg,

Klerksdorp and obviously Benoni).

Whilst this article refers specifically to Lakefield’s Masjidul Ansaar (actually the

‘Masjid’ of Ansaarush Shaytaan – the helpers of the Devil), it is applicable to every

other Masjid which allows such Haraam acts to take place at the Masaajid.

Now, take note of the following:

1. They promote evil Zindeeq so-called Ulama at their Masaajid. Bilal Moola,

Suliman Moola, Suliman Ravat, Salafi Menk, Dawood Sampson, Habib Bobat,

Taahir Salloo, etc. are all Mudhilleen Zindeeqs. Their infamous participation and

advocation of Haraam renders all these Fussaaq to be amongst the vocal Shayaateen.

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For example, the participation of Suliman Ravat at the 2018 Beacon Mosque Awards

makes us doubt if such a donkey even spent one day studying in Darul Uloom

Azaadville. The Haraam and shamelessness which took place at the 2018 Beacon

Mosque Awards will pique the Ustaads of Darul Uloom Azaadville and every single

genuine Aalim in the world. In fact, innumerable non-Ulama who are real Muslims

will be annoyed at the Shaitaaniyyat of the 2018 Beacon Mosque Awards. Had it not

been satanically dubbed as ‘Mosque Awards’, one will regard such Beacon Awards

to be a function of the Kuffaar. The Beacon Mosque Awards was a Kaafir-style

awards function only befitting Fussaaq, Zindeeqs, Murtads and Munaafiqs to attend.

Despite Suliman Ravat openly being a Shaytaan, we find the Lakefield Masjid and

other Masjids promoting such Ulama-e-Soo Mudhilleen like Ravat, Moola, Menk,

etc. etc. Are the Masjid trustees, the Imaams and associated Scholars so dead in their

hearts and so corrupt that they don’t have any fear whatsoever for Allah by promoting

such evil deviates at their Masaajid who flagrantly, brazenly and openly violate the

Laws of Allah without any shame or remorse whatsoever? In fact, these deviates and

Zindeeqs even defend all the Haraam in which they are drowning.

Their flagrant sins such as intermingling with women, being on Radio Shaytaan,

appearing on TV, violating the laws of Hijaab, participating in functions where the

laws of Allah are flouted, animate photography, being in favour of women at the

Masaajid, etc. are sufficient to condemn the Shayaateen, who are misleading the


The Marriage Conferences, the RIS Conventions, the so-called Unity Conventions,

Interfaith, etc. are all shameless gatherings and functions where a multitude of Shar’i

violations occur, yet Muslims don’t seem to understand the immorality and the evil

of all such Shaitaani events which is the gateway to Allah’s Athaab.

2. They promote Fussaaq at their Masaajid. Whilst Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam

said that “When a Faasiq is praised, the Arsh of Allah shudders”, we find that

Fussaaq like the Faasiq Wahaj Tarin, Faasiq Hoblos, and others are promoted,

praised, and honoured at those Masaajid which are bereft of guiding people towards

the Haqq (the Deen). People openly betraying the Deen are given the Mimbar to

propagate their Shaitaaniyyat and this is an abuse of Amaanat which is a sign of

Qiyaamah – amongst the precursors to earthquakes and other natural disasters.

3. They promote Salafis at their Masaajid. Ismail Menk and the Miftaahul Khair

Benoni chaps are all deviated Salafis. Mufti Bhana of another Masjid in Benoni and

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Darul Uloom Azaadville are well aware of their Salafi (anti-Taqleed) status!

Abandonment of Taqleed is clear deviation. Salafis are undoubtedly deviated.

4. They promote Fussaaq-Munaafiq Qurraa at their Masaajid. Rajai, Naaina,

Faheem Pihanvi, Shahat, Umar Ba Sheikh, Harak, Arkaani, Falaahi, Zaheer Zardad,

Ayyub Essack, Basheer Patel, etc. Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said:

“The majority of the munaafiqeen of my Ummah are its qaaris.”

Aggravating their crime, is the beardless or less than fist-length beards of some

Qurraa who betray Islam by shamelessly shaving away the Sunnah or trimming the

beard less than a fist-length. Such a Faasiq has no care for the Shariah of Allah Ta’ala.

He has no love for the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). As far as

the faasiq is concerned, he is mal’oon (accursed) and mabgoodh (hated/abhorred).

He is accursed and abhorrent to Allah Azza Wa Jal.

It is not permissible to attend a gathering where a faasiq qaari recites. Shaving the

beard is a kabeerah (major) sin which renders the man a faasiq. The ghadab (wrath)

and la’nat (curse) of Allah Ta’ala descends every moment on a person who is

beardless as a result of shaving his beard.

The beard is more important than the breath-power and Nafsaani stunts of the Qurraa

who treat the Qur’aan like a ‘soccer ball’. On the Day of Qiyaamah, the complaint

of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam in Allah's Court will be’, “O my Rabb!

These people have taken this Qur'aan as a mahjoor." (Qur'aan). He will complain

to Allah that his people had made the Qur'aan Majeed into an object to buffet about

and to shun. They will kick it as a football is being kicked, hither and thither. The

Qur'aan Majeed is manipulated under Deeni guise to entertain the immoral crowd. Is

the Qur’aan an object of entertainment? Is the Masjid a place of entertainment? For

more detail, read: Fussaaq Qaaris, jalsahs & futility

5. They promote professional singers, Naat, nasheed and nazm Jalsahs at the

Masaajid. A whole article is available at the following link: Naat & Nazm tours

6. They have made the Masaajid like entertainment centres with all the singing and

the show-off Qurraa and silly singers! This is sacrilege of the Masaajid.

7. They are linked to evil Ulama like Ebrahim Bham's Jamiat, Radio Shaytaan, and

the bogus Middelburg-Cape Town Uucsa whose president attends Haraam

weddings and even defends the Shias. Their president is a Muslim only by name!

Read the following three articles for a better understanding: Uucsa’s reality

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8. They promote SANHA and the carrion halaalizers. Every so-called ‘Halaal’ outfit

is a Baatil entity. Insha Allah more to come on this.

9. They violate the laws of Hijaab. Consider the immoral Bid’ah of mass Iftaar which

took place at the BMJ hall, and them promoting Girls Hifz Jalsahs. They even

mention the name of the girl. Did they learn such immorality from the Darul Ulooms

in which they studied or 'qualified'? (As donkeys in Qur'aanic terms and swines in

terms of the Hadeeth) Kindly read: Girls Hifz jalsah - Lakefied Benoni

10. They are in favour of Qur'aan competitions. A detailed article will Insha Allah

soon be available on our website on this topic.

11. They promote deviates like Awqafsa, Sanzaf, etc. These are all deviates of the

‘Cape Accord’-type even if they pulled out of the Cape Accord! Now why were they

in the first place with the Cape Accord? Their hypocrisy is glaring. Hitherto, none of

these Juhala like Sanzaf, etc. have condemned the Shias. Now how can we promote

such people? These Sanzaf-type Fussaaq are also associated with very evil so-called

Ulama and Sheikhs such as MJC and IPSA!

12. They promote Bid'ah like Seerah Jalsahs. A detailed article is here: Seerah jalsahs

13. Misusing the name of the Qur’aan and the Masaajid for Nafsaani entertainment.

The Lakefield Muslim Jamaat, ‘Khuddaamul Quraan’ entity and Madrasah Tarteelul

Quraan should hang their heads in shame at promoting beardless Fussaaq.

14. They promote futility and Kuffaar sport. Soccer, table tennis, pool table and

similar Haraam advertised by such deviates. Many Masjid Jamaats and trustees do

not seem to know simple straightforward laws of the Shariah. The Masjid board is

abused to promote such Haraam activities and to promote Mudhilleen.

15. Allowing Kuffaar into the Masaajid – ‘Mosque’ open days is the term used by

the deviates. The Masjid is treated like some tourist centre. A detailed booklet on this

topic will soon be ready Insha Allah. For now, you may read: Masjid Open Days

16. The sins involved with the Masjid Open Days are many. Intermingling of the

sexes and even Napaak Kuffaar women are allowed into the Masaajid! According

to the Shariah, it is Haraam for women to attend the Masaajid. The following Fatwa

will be some good edification for the Lakefield deviates and all other morons who

are in favour of Kuffaar visiting the Masaajid as well as those who are in favour of

women attending the Masaajid:

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Allamah Ibn Hajar Haitami Rahimahullah states: “And, no one will hesitate in

prohibiting women (from the Musjid, the Eidgah, the shopping malls, and emerging

from the home in general) except a ghabi (moron) who is a jaahil, and who lacks

ability in understanding the subtleties of the Shariah …………The correct verdict is

categorical Tahreem (i.e. haraam for women to come to the Musjid), and this is the

Fatwa. And, this in a nutshell is our Math-hab.”

17. Their Imaams and associates allow such evils to take place at the Masaajid and

Haraam to be promoted from their Masjid. They are dumb Shayaateen who are most

impactful in misleading the masses to Jahannam. Anees Munchi, Azhar Laher,

Hattiani, Hamza Matwad, etc. are deviated Mudhilleen. Rasulullah (sallallahu

alayhi wasallam) said: “Verily, I fear for my Ummah such Aimmah (imaams, muftis,

molvis and sheikhs) who are mudhilleen (men who mislead others).”

The trustees and those in charge of the management of the Masjid are the culprits

ruining the Masaajid as mentioned in the Aayat quoted in the beginning. Thus, the

Qur’aan very appropriately describes them as the worst of Zaalimeen. Thus, the

Zaalimeen definitely deserve an ‘award’ from the Shayaateen for all their satanism.

But the Qur’aan says: “Take Heed! The Curse of Allah is upon the Zaalimeen.”

Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Amr (Radhiyallahu Anhu), narrating a Hadith, said: “There

will dawn over the people an age when they will assemble in their Musaajid and

perform Salaat whilst not a single one of them will be a Mu’min.”

Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Soon will there dawn an age when

nothing of Islam will remain except its name – nothing of the Qur’aan will remain

except its text. The Musaajid will be elaborate (and ornate) structures, but bereft

of guidance. The worst of the people under the canopy of the sky will be the

ulama. From them will emerge fitnah, and the fitnah will rebound on them.”

(May Allah protect us from the Fitnah of the Mudhilleen, the Ulama-e-Soo,

Fussaaq, Munaafiqeen, Murtaddeen and the Zindeeqs. Aameen)


