Circle Book




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Written and illustrated by Eleanor Jameson

Prototype No. 1

This is circle

Circle lives in Shape Town

There are A LOT of shapes in Shape Town

There are the triangles... Who are the sharp characters in town.

Everyone knew how silly the squares are. And seeing as there is so many of them... There is a lot of silliness.

There are also other shapes that look just like circle! And they were just as well-rounded as circle is.

Overall, Circle is a very happy shape...

Circle can bounce so high...

And roll so fast...

Everyone was in awe of circle...


...One day, a new shape came to shape town.

It was so SHARP and EDGY! Everyone loved it.

Suddenly all of circles’s friends were following this new shape. They called it a ‘Star’.

This made Circle sad...

This made Circle sad...

Circle tried as hard as it could to be more edgy like star.

But when he couldn’t change his shape he became sad and confused

One day star noticed Circle on his own looking sad. Star asked what was wrong and circle said he wanted to be edgy like star but couldn’t.

But star said, why would you want to be like me?! I can’t do what you can... like bounce so high...

And roll so fast!

And in this way both shapes learnt that it was good to be different. You should always be happy with your shape no matter what.

The End.
