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What is excise duty?

Excise duty is duty on manufactured levied it following 4

condition must be satisfied

duty on goods

goods must be manufactured in india

goods must be excisable

The rate of excise duty was 16.48% before 1 apr.'08. From

1 apr.'08 the rate of excise duty has been changed to


SAP CIN Installation related Q&A

These below given question are very helpful for you, how to install SAP CIN in lower version of

SAP, because in Lower version of SAP CIN was an addon component.

1) How do I know whether CIN is installed ?

Run the function module test j_1bsa_component_check with component as 'IN' and you should

get a return code '0' and no exceptions. Before you can check this you should have applied SAP

note 411079 fr CIN 40A

2) How do I invoke CIN transactions?

Best way to invoke CIN transactions is to attach the pre-delivered CIN roles.

3) What are the roles available in CIN?

Please see the section 'Roles' of the knowledge bank. Alternatively in an R3 system with CIN

you can use the transaction PFCG (Profile Generator) and look for entries SAP_CIN*

4) Where can I get the CIN user manual?

CIN user manual is now available as a CD and can be installed centrally and accessed by any

user. It is also available in SAP's help portal at -

For 46C release:-

For R/3 470 release:-

Under the Documentation in the left navigation menu, click on 'SAP R/3 and R/3 Enterprise'.

Select the language as English.

From the left navigation menu choose 'SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components' -> Cross

Application Components -> Financials -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> India

5) What will the country install program do ?

The country install program (invoked using O035 transaction code) does pre-customization of

company code '0001', so that you have default customization available for you to model further

6) Is there any pre customization available for CIN ?

There is some customization available for CIN as a part of country install. Additional

customization is mentioned in the related notes. There is no pre configured client for CIN

7) Must I always run country install program after an upgrade ?

You should run Country install program only if it is a fresh installation with no customization. If

you have already started building the org. structure and other process mapping then you must not

run country install program.

8) Is there an area menu for CIN ?

From R3 46B the concept of area menus are not much used in SAP. So it is preferable to use

roles for accessing the CIN transactions. You can also use the area menu J1ILN if you need.

(Older versions of CIN had area menu J1IL)

9)Where can I get all the transaction codes for CIN ?

There is no need to know all the transaction codes with in CIN. What is more important is to

look at the CIN roles and how this can be used.

10) How do I know all the authorizations given with CIN ?

Using Profile generator you can generate an authorization profile for a given role. You can use

existing roles or build new roles based on individual requirements.

11) How do I upload the CIN related legacy data at the time of initial upload ?

No standard tool or methodology for uploading CIN master or transaction data has been

delivered so far.

12) When should I install CIN?

You can install CIN after the R3 upgrade is over at any time. It is recommended that you do it

along with the R3 upgrade.

13) How do I restrict access to the various options under j1id ot j1it?

CIN has pre delivered authorization groups j1it and j1id. You can attach this group to the table

using transaction SUCU.

14) How do I create new authorization groups?

You have to run a report RKSCUS09. Enter the authorization objects as S_TABU_DIS and then

you can maintain new authorization groups under this.

15) Multiple users are not able to use j1id at the same time. How do I resolve this ?

Master data in CIN is maintained using default table maintenance views. This poses a restriction

that only one user can change the data at any given time. This is because of the table level lock.

16) Can I run Internet sales with excise taxes?

You need to have separate pricing procedure to make this possible. It would be best to contact

SAP product management group on this.

These Q&A will help you where and when to Instal SAP CIN.

17. CIN Details are not seen in Customer, Vendor and error during material master change.

A. Ensure that the screen sequence IN with number 99 is only used. Anything else will give error

in material master imports/export data screen.

A. For Customer/Vendor master ensure that the user ID is maintained in the user screen


SPRO > LG > Tax on goods movement > India > Master data > Assign users to material

screen sequence.

18. One material to be treated as both Cenvatable and Non Cenvatable in TAXINN.

A. Recommendation is to create two different material. Same applies to vendors.

Purchase order

19. No provision for manual condition for non deductible Excise.

A. Use own Z conditions in pricing to load the manual value to inventory or change duty value

during EI capture.

20. How to print taxes in PO?

A. Any condition (standard JEXS) defined as tax in pricing will copy the total taxes into pricing.

21. Tax element to be calculated on a differential base.

A. Passing alternate base for Tax calculation. For E.g. –VAT to be calculated on Base + Excise +

Freight. Use subtotals 4 or 6 against the Freight condition in PO. Assign alternate base value

routine 362 or 363 against the condition whose base value is to be altered.

22. How to pass manual ADC for procurement from dealer of imported goods

A. Use condition JADC in pricing and assign subtotal 2 to it. Maintain 0% for AED tax


23. Condition record exist but is not called in PO for TAXINN.

A. Please check if the structure assigned to fields in access sequence are correct.

A. If the tax code is assigned to company code in customizing.

A. Check of conditions are classified correctly in table J_1iexcdefn.

24. Want to use a non standard field in access sequence.

A. Update the field in view, For e.g. REGIO

View: V_T681F

Usage: A

Application : TX

And use the exit J_1I7_USEREXIT_FILL_KOMK_KOMP

25. Routine 361 for Octroi does not work correctly.

A. Insert the condition JEXS for total taxes & let Octroi be calculated on value of JEXS and

Gross price.


26. Error issued when tax conditions are deactivated in FTXP.

A. This is because not all tax conditions have the same access sequence. Set deletion indicator

through FV12.

27. Tax condition record maintained through FTXP but not showing in display.

A. Rate will be saved & displayed ONLY when the access sequence used is MWST with

condition table 003. For everything else use FV11.


28. Material is procured with different rates from different vendors.

A. Use exceptional excise functionality, or different final excise indicators.

29. Changes made in J1ID are not recorded.

A. Functionality enabled now. Changed by date and name of last change are recorded.

30. Vendor excise details not known error in MIGO for not maintaining vendor excise details.

A. Maintain dummy values such as (–) or (*) for the excise details to avoid error in MIGO


31. Excise tab is not seen during GR

A. Check for

-Valid tax code.

-IF movement type made relevant for excise in table J_1IMVMT

-Material is maintained for excise

31. Excise tab is not visible during display

A. Excise tab is visible only when the options „Capture & Post‟ or “Only post option”, not

when the EI only referred during MIGO.

32. Excise rate is not picked up based on GR posting/document date.

33. “Refer subcontracting challan” option is not seen in MIGO excise tab

A. Ensure that the output material is made relevant for subcontracting in J1ID. Check valid zero

tax code in PO.

34. System updates incorrect vendor for excise invoice created through MIGO

A. Use the exit –„J_1I7_MIGO_SAVE‟ to put in a validation.

35. GR valuation goes wrong sometimes

A. The most common cause has been identified as because of use of subtotal 2 to non ADC

conditions. Caution to be used for use of subtotal 4 or 6 also.

36. Excise invoice does not exist in supplying plant

A. Ensure that the supplying plant‟s official document number and date are given as reference

and not the internal document number.

37.Delivery with Batch split gives error during receipt in MIGO.

A. Ensure that the lines items are in the same sequence as delivery. Also apply note 1225318.

38. Inventories imports duty for Depot.


39. Want to Inventories duty in Depot through STO.

A. Create delivery cost conditions in STO pricing and use this to pass on the value to receiving


40. Excise base does not flow from EI of supplying Factory invoice.


41. Error “Challan material is different from material document”

A. Ensure PO is referred during transfer posting.

A.8I 572 is now a configurable message. Refer note 1475783.

42. Forgot to assign challan during MIGO?

A. Challan can always be assigned in J1IFQ directly.

43. 101 movement is also shown in the details screen

A. Remove 101 movement from movement type groups 0002. 101 is not necessary for


44. Do not want all the GR qty to be assigned to one challan.

A. Refer all relevant challans to be reconciled. Reconciliation Qty cannot be less than the GR



45. System does not default the excise duty values.

A. Check

-If the material is Cenvatable

-If a valid condition record exists in PO

-If Vendor is relevant for excise

-If the duty conditions are assigned in

the appropriate columns in the excise

Default table (J_1IEXCDEF)

-If the duty conditions are classified correctly

in table J_1iexcdefn.

46. Excise invoice is posted but duty is still in “credit due” column

A. Occurs when Vendor EI number or date is changed during reference. Apply notes 1285986,

1346926 & 1406505 and copy the values from table J_1iexcdtl to J_1igrxref using Z program or


47. How to post to alternate accounts for excise.

A. Use sub transaction type.

48. No accounts generated for imports of capital goods.

A. Ensure sub transaction IP is also assigned for excise transaction type CAPE in table


49. ADC not updated as100% for Dealer’s purchase of capital goods.

A. Ensure sub-transaction type IP was used.

50. For Account assigned PO more than one part 1 entry is created.

A. „Consumptions” indicator should be off at excise group level.

51. Unable to activate MRP indicator after GR

A. MRP indicator can be activated only during capture of EI and not after.

52. Register type incorrectly maintained & needs to be changed.

A. This can be done in the change mode before

Posting the excise invoice, system will update

Part 1 for the new register automatically.

53. Material defined as finished goods but needs to also be procured.

A. Material type can be changed during EI capture from RG1 to RG23A or C.

54. Unable to cancel excise invoice, Error „ Reverse part 1 before reversing EI‟ issued.

A. GR should not be reversed using MBST. If reversed through MBST update part1 through J1I5

for the 102 document and update part 1 and GRXREF tables with correct values.


55. Error FF713 issued during MIRO

A. Ensure that the tax code is assigned to company code in customizing.

56. System does not bring correct excise duty as posted in the excise invoice.

A. For TAXINN –Check if the conditions are classified correctly without any duplicates. The

same applies for VAT.

For TAXINJ –Check if the appropriate routines such as 354 for BED, 364 for ECS and SECS are


57. System brings only half the excise duty in MIRO

A. Happens when system updates material document not in database into the table

J_1IGRXREF. Mat doc number is generated before saving GR and update terminations results in

such issues. Use the exit –J_1I7_MIGO_SAVE to put in validations.

58. Vendor sends invoice with different value than in PO/GR

A. Use Invoice reduction functionality. Excise is not supported for item level invoice reduction.

59. Additional VAT or Z condition value are not calculated correctly in MIRO.

A. Do not classify Z conditions. Use the exit -J_1I7_USEREXIT_PROCESS_TKOMV


60. No excise default during direct procurement in Depot J1IG

A.Ensure material is maintained in J1ID and for non deductible tax apply note 1429004.

61. Duty values are not prorated as per GR quantity

A.Apply note 1274524

62. One plant has both factory and Depot operations

A. Define two different excise groups. Activate depot functions in one & use that excise group

for posting depot operations.

63. Folio/Depot invoice number is not generated

A. Ensure Folio number generation is activated at excise group level.

64. Issues in J1IG for document with batches.

A. Ensure application of notes

1344687, 1439878 & 1369788


65. Excise value change needs to be passed on Depot

A.Use J1IGA. Increase in duty value will be effective for the total quantity of the mother invoice

in depot and not only for the remaining quantity.


66. Material document not relevant for this function.

A.Ensure movement type is assigned to movement type group 0001 in customizing.

67. Excise base amount/Assessable value does not appear during creation of challan.

A.Check the subcontracting attributes. If assessable value is not maintained, use „Get excise

invoice‟ option.

68. Excise duty values not defaulted

A. Subcontracting is a non taxable transaction and does not need to show duty values.

69. How to handle directly supply to Subcontractor from vendor of components.

A. Assign movement type 101 O to subcontracting movement type group 0001 and create

challan referring this.


70. Error “ Challan material is different from material document”

A.Ensure PO is referred during transfer posting.

A.8I 572 is now a configurable message. Refer note 1475783 .

71. Forgot to assign challan during MIGO?

A. Challan can always be assigned in J1IFQ directly.

71. 101 movement is also shown in the details screen

A.Remove 101 movement from movement type

groups 0002. 101 is not necessary for reconciliation.

72. Do not want all the GR qty to be assigned to one challan.

A. Refer all relevant challans to be reconciled. Reconciliation Qty cannot be less than the GR qty


73. No Accounting document is generated no part2 posted during reversal.

A. Ensure sub transaction type 01 is assigned to all the subcontracting related excise transaction

type in subcontracting attributes and J_1itrnacc.

74. Duty values are not calculated for reversal.

A. For TAXINN –ensure condition record has been maintained using table 357 for excise duty


A. For TAXINJ –Ensure rates are maintained for chapter ID.

75. Unable to take re-credit

A. Ensure that reconciliation has been made before re-credit.

76. Want to close challan with pending quantity.

A. Reverse duty for the pending qty and set the status as complete.


77. Duty rates are not defaulted and values not calculated.

A.For TAXINN –Ensure condition records are maintained using 357 table.

A.For TAXINJ –Ensure that the entry for TAXINJ is removed from table J_1iexcdefn.

78. Excise invoice is created but not posted.

A.If „One step create & post‟ is not active at excise group. Use J1IV to post the EI.

79. Excise invoice cancellation does not cancel accounting or part 2.

A.Please use J1IH for part 2 and accounting reversal.

80. RG23A/C register not updated.

A. If the series group used is not activated for immediate utilization, the system will not update A

or C register. Only Despatch register is updated.

81. Not able to select the register type for utilization.

A. The system by default will select RG23A, if you need to change then deactivate “Create &

post in one step” and post the EI through J1IV where changing will be allowed.

82. Error „No account is specified in item 0000000002‟

A-This is because of changing standard settings in table J_1itrnacc. Please use sub transaction

type if you want to affect a different set of G/L a/cs.


83. Excise invoice cannot be created for order based billing

A. It can be done now. Refer note 1498611

84. System does not select export type automatically

A.Maintain the default export type in „Excise/Series group combination‟

85. Excise invoice type always picked as local.

A.System will default excise type based on customer & billing document currency.

86. For export invoice, duty values become zero on going to utilization screen.

A-Set the parameter „suppress_calculation „as X in user exit


87. Excise invoice type needs to be manipulated.


88-Error „"FI/CO Interface: update call without successful check"

A-Set breakpoint at "MESSAGES_COUNT“ in include LSMSGU07). Reason for error is shown

in internal table XMSEG


89. Which options of J1IH are for issues and which are for receipts.

A. In J1IH the option “Additional excise” and “TR6 challan are for incoming entries. The rest are

for outgoing.

90. When posting RG23C through „Additional excise‟ system is giving error „ Balance in


A. Add „Cenvat on hold‟ as debit for excise transaction type DIEX in table J_1itrnacc.

91. How can 100% ADC be availed through J1IH „Additional excise

A. Use sub transaction type IP and activate the CVD indicator.

92. Details entered at item level disappears.

A-Use the + icon to add line item & then enter the details

93. The „Balances‟ tab does not show any balance even though balances exist.

A-Ensure that the current posting period is open


94. Material document is not shown in output.

A-Ensure that the movement type has been made relevant in table J_1imvmt.

95. System updates exports with any classification.

A-System will not be able to validate the classification used. It is up to the user to select the

appropriate one especially for exports. Else use the exit "J_1I7_USEREXIT_J1I5_VALIDATE„

96.Report gives „RED‟ traffic signal when simulating for issues.

A –When qty in cumulative receipts is less than the quantity to be generated this error occurs.

Update receipts first and then issues.

Q97RG1 table is not updated even after J1I5.

A-Refer note 951955 and ensure that the table J_2IRG1BAL is updated for the material before

using J1I5

98. J1IH other adjustment posts to PLA account even when Rg23A or C option has been


A -Ensure that there is sufficient balance in RG23 register before posting. ElseDeactivate

“Automatic adjustment “at company code level.