Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of ... · financial donation, please make checks...


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Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

“O Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish”

Matt 15:21-28

My dear parishioners, A foreign woman pursues Jesus for him to heal her daughter. The woman argues that “even a dog gets the scraps if it begs enough.” Jesus could have run away and avoided having to deal with her. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus doesn’t take the easy way out. He rewards her great faith. He makes the “outsider” an “insider.” The Gospel asks us to act differently toward foreigners. It says ”don’t take the easy way out, instead be ready to live your faith.” Live your faith that calls you to be compassionate and loving. Live your faith that calls you to welcome the stranger. We are all Brothers and Sisters and we are responsible for each other. St. Paul tells us we are surrounded by a “cloud of witnesses.” He is referring to people past and present whose witness to living faith calls us to act differently. For those who believe in the power of Jesus Christ we understand that we are called to walk with each other, to take care of each other and to be part of that “cloud of witnesses” that calls us to live life differently. Enjoy the last week of summer before school begins. Love and Summer Blessings,

Fr. Bob Cilinski, Pastor

A Message from our Pastor Fr. Bob Cilinski

Banica Mission Cooperative Plan Appeal

Next weekend, our second collection supports the annual Mission Cooperative Plan Appeal for our diocese. Our parish mission organization is Banica.

This appeal helps our brothers and sisters who do not have access to basic pastoral services that support and grow their faith, like Mass, the sacraments, religious education as well as basic needs – like food, shelter and healthcare.

In 1991, the Diocese of Arlington, VA, and the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic, began a missionary partnership. The Diocese of Arlington adopted the parishes of Bánica and Pedro Santana with the welcome and support of the Bishop of San Juan de la Maguana. Since then, the Diocese of Arlington has provided priests, volunteers, financial and material support to the more than 13,000 faithful people living in the towns and surrounding rural communities.

Currently, Rev. Jason Weber and Rev. Stephen McGraw are serving at the Banica mission. Their responsibilities include evangelizing of the community, administering sacraments, providing basic needs of food, shelter and clothing, training and supporting catechists, educating the youth, running the day-to-day operations of their parish, and managing several family and student focused programs. The Banica Mission’s goal is to provide the opportunity for individuals to become independent and responsible members of the community and parish. The funding for the Mission comes from private donations from parishioners within the Diocese of Arlington.

Some examples of programs administered by the Banica Mission are:

• Banica Parochial School equipped with computer lab and library for students in grades K-8.

• Jovenes Misioneros Scholarship Program: Provides full tuition scholarships to students attending college in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic.

• Sponsor a Family Program: Assists selected families with food and medical expenses.

• Sponsor a Seminarian Program: Assists students at the seminary with living and educational expenses as they study and prepare for the priesthood.

• The Bánica Mission also provides opportunities for dioce-san parishioners to share their time, talent, and treasure by attending a mission trip. Most mission trips complete short-term projects that will aid and support the people living in the mission. Some projects include:

Construction of homes for individual families;

Installation of cement floors in existing family houses; and

Repairs to buildings and mission infrastructure.

Your support of the 2020 Mission Cooperative Appeal will provide the necessary funding to transform the lives of the people of Banica and Pedro Santana. If you would like to learn more and support the Banica Mission, please visit:

If donating by check, please make your check payable to our parish and put “MCP” in the memo line. Through your support, the MCP Appeal helps these mission organizations form vibrant faith communities and strengthens the global Church. Please be generous, thank you!


The Women of Nativity (WON) wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to the parishioners who donated so generously to the Women of Nativity’s Back to School Supplies Collection

last weekend.

We were overwhelmed with the donation of so many supplies, especially during these difficult times. Through your generosity,

we were able to fill backpacks for Appalachian families and Nativity parish school children. Four carts were also filled with

over 50 backpacks and supplies which were donated to the Catholic Charities Office of Migration and Refugee Services.

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Nativity Catholic Women’s Bible Study

Jesus is our savior, our redeemer, our Lord and our God. Do we really know him as we should? Is Jesus the center of your life? We invite all ladies to join us for a 10-week video study program, entitled Jesus: The Way, the Truth and the Life that explores the entirety of Jesus’ life and what it means for us as Catholics today. Jeff Cavins, Edward Sri and Marcellino D’Ambrosio are the presenters. We can walk in the footsteps of Our Lord as the program is filmed in the Holy Land.

This fall, the program will be totally online. We begin on Friday, September 11th from 9:30AM to 11:30AM. Each participant orders their own study set from Ascension Press. Cost is $23.96 and includes a book by Marcellino D’Ambro-sio, a workbook, a Jesus timeline chart and online video access to the presentations for up to one year. For online orders only use the discount code "LUCY" to receive the discounted price of $23.96 on the Ascension Press web site. Order soon to allow at least 2 weeks for delivery.] Registration via Sign Up Genius - For more information contact Lucy McCaughey at, 703-866-0689 or visit: Hope you can join us!

Mass for Marriage Jubilarians Mass Celebrating Golden & Silver Jubilarians

(Married in 1970 and 1995)

The Mass for those celebrating 25 and 50 years of marriage will be held at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington on Sunday, October 4, at 2:30pm.

Bishop Michael Burbidge will be the principal celebrant and homilist. A light reception of cake and punch with an opportunity for a photograph with Bishop Burbidge will follow in Burke Hall.

Please register through our parish no later than September 18. Register even if you cannot attend and the Office of Marriage, Family and Respect Life will send you a certificate commemorat-ing your 25 or 50 years of marriage. To register, please call or stop by the parish office or go online to: If you have questions, please contact the diocese at 703-841-2550.

Just download the App, register with

‘Nativity of our Lord’ and begin.

Thank you!

Respect Life Conference

What do respect life outreach and advocacy look like in the “New Dominion” now that the laws passed in the Virginia General Assembly 2020 session have taken effect?

Join us on Saturday, September 12 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Annandale for an assessment of current and potential threats to human life and dignity and suggestions for effective practical grassroots response.

Mass will be offered in the church at 8:00am. The program will be held in the gymnasium from 8:45am-12:30pm. Bishop Michael Burbidge will offer opening prayer and comments before the program.

Keynote speaker is Victoria Cobb, President, Family Founda-tion; Guest speakers are Olivia Turner Gans, President Virginia Society for Human Life and Jeff Caruso, J.D., Executive Director, Virginia Catholic Conference.

Register at Cost is $10.

St. Lucy Food Drive at St. Bernadette

CATHOLIC CHARITIES St. Lucy Project is in GREAT NEED OF FOOD! On Friday, 21 August, Saint Bernadette Catholic

Church will once again host “No crowd - drop and go - no contact - Drive-Thru Food Drive.” A St. Lucy Food truck will be parked in their parish parking lot from 10:00am to 2:00pm to receive food donations. We hope you can drive-thru and

help so many who are in desperate need during this time. For those who want to support the program with a

financial donation, please make checks payable to CCDA with St. Lucy Project in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to Catholic Charities, 8426 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110.

Many thanks and blessings.

Donate Your Car to Catholic Charities! If you are thinking of replacing your car with something new, please consider donating your old car to Catholic Charities.

Proceeds from the sale of working and non-working cars provide critical funds for our volunteer programs. It's easy--we handle all

the paperwork and you receive an IRS donation receipt. To donate, email or call (703) 841-3898.

Run, Walk, Bike, Swim, even Kayak & Support Seminarians

Looking for a motivation for your workouts, or a fun way to make a difference? Now there are even more ways to support our future priests during these times of COVID restrictions through our Race for Seminarians campaign. Pick your sport: Walk, run, bike, hike, swim, kayak -- the sky's the limit! Pick your route: Join an existing race, map your own, or do a virtual one. Pick your sponsors: Get them on board to help you support our future priests. Build your team: Encourage each other. Not an athlete? You can still join the cause by support-ing our team (and future priests) with funds and prayers. Visit to learn about all these options and start building your team today!

Post-Abortion Healing Retreats for Women An Entering Canaan Day of Prayer & Healing for women who

have experienced abortion will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020 in both English and Spanish. Come begin your healing

journey and experience God's hope and mercy. You are not alone. There is hope. There is healing. For more information and

confidential registration, please contact Project Rachel Ministry at 888-456-HOPE (4673) or

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

The 2020 Altar Flower Book still has dates available. This is a thoughtful way to honor a loved one, living or deceased. Openings

are still available for August. If you are interested, please call 703-455-2400 or

stop by the parish office to sign up. Facebook: Knights of Columbus Father Sikora 7992

Twitter: @kofc7992

Join the Knights! Do you want to make a difference as a Catholic Gentleman? Then join the Knights of Columbus! Please contact DGK Br. Adrian Santillan-Lecaside or GK Barry Bassel-gia with any questions or if you need a form. If you want a quick easy alternative way to join the Knights, try Online Membership. It only takes 5-10 minutes. Just go to : and click “Join” and put Council 7992 as your preferred Council. We’ll do the rest for you to make you a member of our Order and our Nativity Council! Council Meeting: Our next regular business meeting will be Tuesday, August 4th. This will be a VIRTUAL meeting via GoToMeeting. Name Tag Assistance: If you have not received a name tag, please provide your name so the Worthy Warden Tom Siepmann can place the order at: Handy Knights Ministry: Need a hand with minor home repairs or know someone who needs help? If you are unable to perform basic maintenance tasks or small repairs in your home due to health or other factors, there is a ministry within the Knights of Columbus that may be able to assist, the “Handy Knights.” You can reach us at the following email: Join Nativity’s Usher Ministry: Several weekend Masses at Nativity are in need of additional ushers. The greatest need is at the 9:00am, 12:45pm, and 5:30pm Masses on Sundays. Nativity offers an usher training program sponsored jointly by the Diocese and Nativity. If you are interested in joining the Usher Ministry, please contact Br. Tom Wilder at Prison Ministry: Fr. Vaccaro is asking brother knights help in writing letters to those incarcerated. He has a list of names whose lives might be impacted for the better with your correspondence. Please contact him if interested. Stephen Ministry: Brothers, Father Bob has enlisted the parish council to assess the possibility of establishing a Stephen Ministry in Nativity. This will be a parish program, and they are looking for volunteers from across the parish to join in this ministry. As Knights, our reputation for service precedes us, so Jim has asked that we canvass the council to see who can support as individual volun-teers to serve as leaders and/or ministers. Contact parishioner Jim Crawford at for more info or to volunteer.

Knights of Columbus Blood Drive

On 22 August the Knights of Columbus in coordination with Inova Blood Service will be hosting a blood drive

from 7:00AM to 12:00PM in the Nativity School Cafeteria. CV-19 has challenged all the blood banks,

and we need your help! You can sign-up multiple ways: online at: email, or visit us outside in the pop-up tent. Please stop by the donor sign-up table in the Narthex after Mass on 15-16 August. The blood banks need our help during this pandemic—please consider

giving the gift of life!

A message from The Nativity Creation Care Ministry

Laudato Si’ reminds us that “the ecological crisis is . . . a summons to profound interior conversion . . . which entails the recognition of our errors, sins, faults and failures, and leads to heartfelt repentance and desire to change.” (217- 218) At the recent Synod on the Amazon, ecological sin was defined “as an action or omission against God, against one's neighbor, the community and the environment.” The seven deadly sins (pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, sloth) can be a way to examine where we have turned away from our Creator and creation. In the next weeks, leading up to the Season of Crea-tion, we will examine each sin through the lens of creation and pair it with an ecological virtue that can help us to restore our relationships and to live in sublime communion. (89) We in-vite you to reflect on one of these sins and virtues each week.

Ecological Sin: LUST is the inability to appreciate someone or something beyond its appearances, and to wish to obtain it because of its appearance. This sin cuts us off from forming deeper relationships with creation, and, through it, with God.

Ecological Virtue: SELF-CONTROL invites us to let creation be what it is, rather than trying to shape it for our own wants. This virtue can help us form a deeper relationship with creation to learn from its wisdom and appreciate our intimate connection.

Healing Action: PRAY OUTSIDE Spend time praying outside to appreciate creation as a gift from God, sacred in its own right. Say a rosary or listen to how God is speaking to you through creation. (excerpted from The Global Catholic Climate Covenant)

Re-Entry Mentors needed for Returning Citizens

Catholic Charities' Prison Ministry seeks volunteer mentors to serve in the Welcome Home Re-Entry Program as role models and guides to recently released individuals. Help to welcome

them home, connect them to available resources (housing, work, food), avoid recidivism, and provide positive, caring

support so that they can successfully re-enter the community. Background check and training, and ongoing education

required. If you would like to learn more about the challenges facing those leaving jail and how you can offer lifesaving help

to an individual in transition, please contact

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Below please find the updated schedule for the upcoming Confirmation Masses.

The 2020 celebrations are for immediate family members only but will be live streamed on our YouTube channel.



Group Session Assigned Date and Time

Group 1 Session 6 (Tuesday 4:30-5:45pm)

Nativity School

Tuesday, August 18th

at 7:00pm-Church

Group 2 Session 2 (Sunday 3:45-5:00pm)

Session 3 (Sunday 7:00-8:15pm)

Wednesday, August 19th

at 7:00pm-Church

Group 3 Session 1 (Sunday 2:00-3:15pm)

Session 4 (Monday 4:30-5:45pm)

Thursday, August 20th

at 7:00pm-Church

Group 4 Session 5 (Monday 7:00-8:15pm)

Session 7 (Tuesday 7:00-8:15pm)

Saturday, August 22nd

at 11:30am- Church

At Nativity, School Begins in 10 Days! Wednesday, August 26 -- 12 NOON Dismissal

Virtual Meetings Scheduled, Monday, August 24

Kindergarten Parent’s Meeting 11:30am

New Family Orientation 1:00pm

Sneak-a-Peek (All Students) 2:00-3:00pm

Extended Care Meeting 3:00pm

PTO Welcome 3:30pm

Love working with children? Want flexibility?

Consider subbing for us ...

We are in need of substitute teachers with the following minimum qualifications:

2-plus years of college

Ability to follow a lesson plan and give effective instructions in the absence of the teacher

Proficiency in maintaining effective classroom management skills

Successful completion of Virtus training

Successful background check

Adherence to COVID-19 Safety Protocols

To apply, email Rich Godwin at, or call him at (703) 455-2300, ext.146. Thank you!

NATIVITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

“Never tire of firmly speaking out in defense of life from its conception and do not be deterred from the commitment to defend the dignity of every human

person with courageous determination. Christ is with you: be not afraid!” Address of Pope Saint John Paul

II to the Bishops and Apostolic Administrators of Albania on their “Ad Limina” Visit, February 3, 2001 © 2001

Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Choose Life Today. Choose Life Tomorrow. Pray Always. We Must Do No Less.

Please support the TEPEYAC FAMILY CENTER, 4001 Fair Ridge Drive Suite 304, Fairfax, VA 22033-2917, 703-273-9440, with your prayers and financial resources. Info on this pregnancy resource center can be found at


"We are God's People" 1 Peter 2:10

Monday, August 17

7:30am † Carol Lavin

Tuesday, August 18 7:30am † Madeline Casazza 12:00pm † Ann Albaneze

Wednesday, August 19 7:30am † Lance Whitesel (BHC) 3:00pm Special Int. from the Sisters

Thursday, August 20 7:30am † Charles Litzelman 12:00pm Special Int. for Hank Sterbenz

Friday, August 21 7:30am † Kathleen Davis

Saturday, August 22 9:00am † Kathleen Davis 5:00pm Parishioners

7:30pm † James Price

Sunday, August 23 7:00am † Dominador Mascardo † Ronald Rabatin 11:00am † Nancy C. Ressler † Carlos Emilio Reátegui 5:30pm † Carolyn Rossanese

The priest schedule for Masses is found on our webpage: In prayer, let us remember

the sick and deceased of the parish.

Prayer Warriors Needed for Opioid Crisis Response Catholic Charities needs Prayer Warriors to privately offer petitions of concerns for those who are struggling with the

effects of addiction to opioids and other substances. You can pray anytime, anywhere for so many who are

struggling. To become a Prayer Warrior and to receive our monthly newsletter containing encouraging advice, helpful

resources and prayer requests, please visit:

Nativity’s “That Man is You” program will start September 19th – VIRTUALLY!

That Man Is You! (TMIY) is an interactive, multimedia men’s program focused on the development of authentic male leader-ship. This year’s program will be “The Revelation of the Father.”

Please come participate in this Men’s fellowship and faith formation ministry. TMIY combines research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the Saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. This program will make you a better dad, a better husband, a better man.

We will begin this year’s program, meeting virtually, on Septem-ber 19th, 2020. Contact Tim Yeager at for more details or visit


Ouzana & Randy Morgan In Loving Memory of Parents Baltazar and Gertrudes Nascimento


Soledad Olivera In Loving Memory of

Julia Tepe

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Angel Moreno - Viernes, 14 de julio de 2017 XV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “A”: La fecundidad de la Palabra, Fuerza creadora Dijo Dios: «Produzca la tierra vegetación: hierbas que den semillas y árboles frutales que den fruto, de su especie, con su semilla dentro, sobre la tierra». Y así fue. La tierra produjo vege-tación: hierbas que dan semilla, por sus especies, y árboles que dan fruto con la semilla dentro, por sus especies; y vio Dios que estaban bien (Gn 1, 11-12). Canto agradecido Tú cuidas la tierra, la riegas y la enriqueces sin media. La acequia de Dios va llena de agua, preparas los trigales… (Sal 65) Visión profética “Como bajan la lluvia y la nieve desde el cielo, y no vuelven allá, sino después de empapar la tierra, de fecundarla y hacerla germinar, para que dé semilla al sembrador y pan al que come, así será mi palabra que sale de mi boca: no volverá a mí vacía” (Is 55, 10). Parábola evangélica “Salió el sembrador a sembrar. Al sembrar, un poco cayó al borde del camino; vinieron los pájaros y se lo comieron. Otro poco cayó en terreno pedregoso, donde apenas tenía tierra, y como la tierra no era profunda brotó en seguida; pero en cuanto salió el sol, se abrasó y por falta de raíz se secó. Otro poco cayó entre zarzas, que crecieron y lo ahogaron. El resto cayó en tierra buena y dio grano: unos, ciento; otros, sesenta; otros, treinta” (Mt 13, 2ss). Texto místico “Paréceme a mí que se puede regar de cuatro maneras: o con sacar el agua de un pozo, que es a nuestro gran trabajo; o con noria y arcaduces, que se saca con un torno; yo lo he sacado al-gunas veces: es a menos trabajo que estotro y sácase más agua; o de un río o arroyo: esto se riega muy mejor, que queda más harta la tierra de agua y no se ha menester regar tan a menudo y es a menos trabajo mucho del hortelano; o con llover mucho, que lo riega el Señor sin trabajo ninguno nuestro, y es muy sin comparación mejor que todo lo que queda dicho. Ahora, pues, aplicadas estas cuatro maneras de agua de que se ha de sustentar este huerto -porque sin ella perderse ha-, es lo que a mí me hace al caso y ha parecido que se podrá declarar algo de cuatro grados de oración, en que el Señor, por su bondad, ha puesto algunas veces mi alma” (Santa Teresa, Vida 11, 7). Consideración ¿Cómo es tu tierra, con qué la riegas? ¿Cómo es tu cosecha? ¿La riegas con la escucha de la Palabra, con la oración? O ¿dejas secar la semilla que el Labrador ha plantado en ti?

La fecundidad de la Palabra.

Signos de Presencia

Bonifacio Fernandez, cmf - Martes, 1 de agosto de 2017 Hay juegos de cartas que admiten las señas. Son gestos, mo-vimientos en rostro que tienen un significado. El compañero de juego sabe interpretar. Cuando leemos un texto escrito nos encontramos también ante una serie de signos. Son letras que hacen sílabas. Les ponemos voz y pronunciamos palabras; las palabras escritas son signos que remiten a la voz; y ambos tienen un significa-do: remiten a cosas, ideas, incluso a imágenes y metáforas de la realidad. Nuestra vida cotidiana está vinculada a los signos; los nece-sitamos para movernos en las calles de las ciudades y en las rutas de las montañas. Los necesitamos para tomar conciencia de la línea del tiempo que atraviesa nuestra existencia desde la cuna al sepulcro. Las historias de amor están marcadas por hechos significativos: conocerse, declararse, comprometerse, pedirse. Evocación Nuestras biografías personales están llenas de realidades significativas: fotos del bautizo o de la boda, libros del colegio, recuerdos de personas, de lugares, de las etapas de nuestro itinerario personal. En un sentido amplio podemos hablar de los sacramentos de la vida. Se trata de objetos de la vida co-tidiana que hacen referencia a momentos, relaciones y experi-encias de nuestra vida. Cuando los contemplamos con atención transparentan secuencias de nuestra historia: naci-miento de los hijos, muerte de los padres, final de la for-mación profesional. La metáfora de la vida Esos mismos recuerdos pueden adquirir nuevos significados. Esto acontece cuando los miramos con ojos de fe en el senti-do humano y cristiano. Los percibimos en la medida en que la fe cristiana entra en simbiosis con la vida humana. La historia personal se convierte en narración creyente; habla por sí mis-ma de otra dimensión. Todas las acciones individuales y las interacciones relacionales forman parte de ese relato de la vida cotidiana. Nuestras historias de vida están entretejidas de acciones e interacciones, pero también de intenciones y finali-dades, de crisis y nuevos comienzos. Se inscriben en una tra-ma que le confiere su unidad, manifiesta su alcance espiritual, la sitúa en el tiempo, tanto en el tiempo humano como en el tiempo cronológico. Provocación Las historias de vida manifiestan la memoria creyente. Y también los olvidos de cómo Dios se ha ido haciendo presente con su palabra creadora. Pueden ser memorias peligrosas, tanto si evocan el dolor como si actualizan la alegría. Desde ambas laderas remueven y conmueven el presente que se aísla sobre sí mismo en forma de identidad cerrada. Los acon-tecimientos no han sido así por casualidad. Podemos descu-brir cómo el Espíritu de Dios ha ido configurando nuestra ex-istencia. Podemos descifrar la presencia escondida de Dios en la historia y en el presente personal, conyugal, familiar. Para ello se necesita afinar la escucha de la Palabra bíblica que hablan también de nosotros. Se necesita agradecer y orar la vida cotidiana en contacto con las grandes historias bíblicos de amor y desamor. Seguros de que ese ejercicio es siempre una buena noticia.

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020


Domingo XX (A) Javier Leoz

Celebrábamos el pasado 15 de Agosto la Solemnidad de la Asun-ción. Lo que la primera lectura de este día proclama, a la fuerza, nos trae de nuevo cierta connotación mariana: nadie como Ella practicó, con sencillez, el derecho, la justicia, sirvió a Dios con locura y, Dios, la llevó hasta su eterna morada. Y es que, cuando uno cumple lo que a Dios agrada, las cosas cam-bian de color. Y, para muestra, un botón: el Evangelio de hoy. ¡Qué se cumpla lo que deseas! Han pasado las jornadas de la Juventud en Sydney. El Papa, con atino, les decía a los jóvenes que “tan importante era la prepara-ción de las jornadas, como el día de después”. En otras palabras, Benedicto XVI, les decía lo mismo que, el Señor, a una madre preocupada por la salud física de su hija: ¡Que se cumpla lo que deseas! Todos, incluido yo, necesitamos que alguien, de vez en cuando, nos abra caminos. Que alguien nos empuje para despojarnos y deshacernos de tantos demonios que no nos dejan ser nosotros mismos. Todos, y vosotros también, necesitamos de un Dios que –por la mañana o por la noche- antes de ir a trabajar o descansar, nos su-surre al oído: “que se cumpla lo que deseas”. La cuestión, como siempre, es mirar en la dirección adecuada. El problema, y muchos lo tenemos, es que nuestros deseos no son precisamente, la mayoría de las veces, anhelos de santidad o de verdad, de salud o de justicia, de felicidad sana o de paz. ¿Qué es lo qué pedimos a Dios? ¿Qué echamos en falta en nuestro cuerpo físico y espiritual? Malo será, queridos amigos, que creyendo estar muy lejos de Dios, tan lejos como se sentía del Señor la mujer cananea, pense-mos que el Señor poco puede hacer por nuestra salvación, por nuestro bienestar personal o comunitario. ¿Es así? ¿Tenemos una fe incondicional a Jesús? ¿O una fe con condiciones? ¿Una fe tapagujeros o una fe comprometida, recia y vigorosa? ¿Qué demonios nos traen de cabeza? ¿Qué es lo que nos impide avanzar por los caminos que el Señor, la Iglesia o el Evangelio mismo nos propone? Hagamos una reflexión. Pongámonos, como el día de la Asunción en los brazos de la Virgen, y pensemos que Ella –en nombre de todos sus hijos- está diciendo al Señor: mis hijos, nuestros hijos, oh Dios, tienen malignos en su interior. *Pidamos al Señor, porque a veces le pedimos muy poco, que nuestra fe sea sólida. Que no haga aguas a pesar de los torpedos que recibimos de un lado y de otro *Pidamos al Señor, a veces somos muy variables, que nuestra fe y nuestra oración sean constantes. Que no sea hoy “sí” y mañana “no”. A un padre se le quiere las 24 horas del día. Y, a Dios, se le gana por donde más se pierde: por el inmenso amor que nos tiene. *Pidamos al Señor que, nuestra oración, sea insistente. Como el rezo del rosario, como los besos de los enamorados, como los piropos de todo un pueblo a su Patrona o a su Patrón que, al lan-zarlos al viento, saben que alcanzan –tarde o temprano- los favo-res implorados. Es Domingo, Día del Señor, y camino de la Iglesia, con las ganas de celebrar la Eucaristía…vemos que el Señor nos detiene una vez más y nos pregunta: ¿Me has escuchado bien? ¿Qué te ocu-rre? …¡Anda, vete y que se cumpla lo que deseas! ¡Gracias, ami go y Señor!

¿ME LO CONCEDES, SEÑOR? Un deseo para mi vida: creer sin desfallecer Un deseo para mi gente: que te quieran como yo te quiero Un deseo para mis enemigos: que podamos darnos la mano ¿ME LO CONCEDES, SEÑOR? Un deseo para mi cuerpo, que sea fuerte y con mi voz y mi garganta, con mi corazón y mis manos con mis pies y todo mi ser… te pueda seguir dando gloria. ¿ME LO CONCEDES, SEÑOR? Un deseo para mi alma, que el maligno no habite en ella Un deseo para mis días, que no busque lo que no me corresponda Un deseo para mi Iglesia, que nunca se canse de mirar hacia Ti Un deseo para mis ojos, que sepan descubrirte en todo y sobre todo ¿ME LO CONCEDES, SEÑOR? Un deseo para mi pobre oración, que sea sincera y no interesada Un deseo para mi caridad, que sea grande y no una farsa Un deseo para mi esperanza, que espere y nunca te deje de lado ¿ME LO CONCEDES, S

Ministerio del Rosario de Nativity - ¡Ahora es el tiem-po de aprender a hacer rosarios para las misiones!

Por favor, únase a este increíble ministerio. Los integrantes de este ministerio continúan haciendo rosarios para las misiones

en el extranjero y nuestra parroquia. El año pasado hicimos más de 9000 rosarios. Nuestra misión es fomentar el rezo del rosario

en nuestras familias, comunidad y en el mundo entero. Hoy en día hay una necesidad aún mayor de oración por

nuestras familias y país. Esperamos deseosos tener la oportunidad de poder enseñarte cómo hacer rosarios misioneros. Durante las restricciones del Covid-19 no tendremos clases en grupo, pero nos reuniremos con una o dos personas. Integrantes de nuestro ministerio se

reunirán afuera en un horario que convenga a aquellos que par-ticipen, manteniendo siempre el distanciamiento social, uso de

tapabocas o máscaras, suministros de limpieza y las manos limpias.

Todos los materiales serán proporcionados para la construcción de los rosarios de cordón y/o para los rosarios de nudos. Una vez que haya aprendido a hacer rosarios, puede trabajar a su

propio ritmo desde su hogar. Enseñamos a hombres, mujeres, niños, y especialmente a los que se preparan para el

sacramento de la Confirmación. Por lo general, solo se necesita una clase para aprender a hacer un rosario completo. Para obtener más información, visite el

sitio web de Nativity o comuníquese con Brenda Zepf -, Diane Fields – o Brig-

ida Tuason - Nuestra Santísima Madre se apareció muchas veces para ani-marnos a rezar el rosario. ¡¡Tenemos una misión importante!!

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 16, 2020
