CHURCH OF S y o u SAINT PATRICK at M a ss · 2019-11-27 · 4:15 pm Charles J. & Leona M....


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SACRAMENT  OF  BAPTISM:  Parents are required to register and a end a preparatory workshop before Bap sm. Please call Deacon Jack Quirk at 570‐622‐1802, extension 7, to register. Workshops are held bi‐monthly. Parents wishing Bap sm for their children must be prac cing Catholics; meaning regular a endance at Mass, and suppor ng the Parish by the use of envelopes. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:  Couples planning to be married must contact a parish priest at least six months prior to the desired date of the marriage. 


3 1 9 M A H A N T O N G O S T R E E T P O T T S V I L L E , P A

St. Patrick’s Preschool ... 570‐622‐0106  at Assump on BVM  Director: Mrs. Sharon Rossi 

Assump on BVM .......... 570‐622‐0106 Elementary School Principal: Mrs. Teresa Kea ng 

Na vity BVM ................. 570‐622‐8110  High School Principal: Mrs. Lynn Sabol 

St. Joseph’s Center ........ 570‐622‐4638  for Special Learning Program Director: Mr. Robert Giba 

Local Safe Environment Coordinator Lisa Arant, 570‐622‐5566  

Vic m Assistance Coordinator Wendy Krisak, MA, NCC, LPC DIRECT LINE: 800‐791‐9209

Diocesan Safe Environment Coord. Sr. Meg Cole, SSJ, MS, LMFT 610‐332‐0442 (x2019)  

Pastor ........................................................... Rev. Msgr. Edward J. O'Connor

Parochial Vicar/Hospital Chaplain ........................ Rev. Barnabas Shayo, A.J.

Permanent Deacons ........................................................... Mr. John E. Quirk Mr. Lawrence J. Lonergan

DIVINE MERCY  PERPETUAL ADORATION  CHAPEL AT  ST.  PATRICK  RECTORY: Please call Aleece at 570‐449‐7678 for more informa on.

ROSARY AND NOVENA: 7:00 pm ‐ Wednesdays in Our Lady's Chapel

COMMUNION  CALLS  are made monthly. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to be put on the Communion Call list, or would like to receive the Anoin ng of the Sick.

HOSPITAL/NURSING HOME VISITS: The pa ent or a member of the immediate family must no fy the Parish Office of a pa ent's admission so a visit can be made. This is in compliance with the Federal HIPAA Law.

RCIA:  Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults is the process in which adults join the Catholic Church. Please call the Parish Office if interested.

ELIGIBILITY  CERTIFICATE:  Cer ficates to act as a sponsor for Bap sm or Confirma on are available at the Parish Office. You must be a prac cing Catholic, meaning regular a endance at Mass, and suppor ng the Parish by the use of envelopes.

ST.  PATRICK  POTTSVILLE  AREA  KITCHEN:  Please call Terry Alexander at 570‐617‐2957 for hours and dona ons.

SCHEDULE OF MASSES  Saturday ................................. 4:15 pm Sunday .............. 7:30, 9:30 & 11:00 am

WEEKDAY MASSES Weekdays .......... 6:30 and 8:00 am Saturdays ......................... 8:00 am

CONFESSIONS  Saturday ..................... 3:00 to 4:00 pm Wednesday ......... 6:30 to 7:30 pm

Phone ......... 570‐622‐1802 Email ...........

Fax ............. 570‐622‐2593 Web ............ www.stpatrickpo  Business Manager..................................................................Lisa Arant 

Office Administrator ....................................................... Debbie Walker

Office Hours ........................... 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday ‐ Thursday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, Friday

Bulle n Deadline ....................................................... 9:00 am, Mondays

Monthly Parish Events Calendar Deadline ....... First day of prior month

SAINT PATRICK Check out our Facebook page ‐ Church of St. Patrick 

Membership/Registra on All parishioners should be registered  in our files. New parishioners are asked to register as soon as possible. When moving from the parish, no fy the office. Please also report any address change. 




RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (PREP): Grades 1 ‐ 8 • September thru May

Please follow schedule on calendar. When classes are held, please report a er the 9:30 am Mass from 10:45 am to Noon

Director ............................................................. Sr. Mary Jane Dunleavy, S.S.J.

Phone .................... 570‐544‐2464 Email .................... 

Diocesan Policies on the Protec on of Youth can be found at: h p://‐protec on

See you

at Mass!

St. Patrick Parish offers Online Giving  as an electronic tool for contribu ons so  you can contribute via the Internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass. Please go to our Parish website at www.stpatrickpo to get started. 


Monday, December 2 6:30 am Deceased of Will E. Lecher Family (Est) 8:00 am Wayne R. & Ann W. Lehman & William & Anna Whitney (Est) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, December 3 – St. Francis Xavier, Priest 6:30 am Vincent J., Mary T., Carole Lurwick Mullery (Est) 8:00 am James & Clara Moran & Hummel Families (Est) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, December 4 – St. John Damascene, Priest 6:30 am Ruth Morgans (Est) 8:00 am Rita Mortimer (Est) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, December 5 6:30 am Jean Marie O’Connor (Est) 8:00 am Dorothy Murtha (Est) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, December 6 – St. Nicholas, Bishop 6:30 am Teresa C. & Joseph V. Putsavage (Son, Joseph) 8:00 am Francis C. & Catherine O’Brien (Est) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, December 7 – St. Ambrose, Bishop 8:00 am John J. O’Brien Family (Est)

Second Sunday of Advent (Masses of Obligation) Saturday, December 7 4:15 pm Charles J. & Leona M. Taronis (Taronis Family)

Sunday, December 8 7:30 am Members enrolled in the Purgatorial Memorial Society 9:30 am Edward J. McKeown, Jr. (Family)

11:00 am People of the Parish

READINGS FOR TODAY: Is 2:1-5/Rom 13:11-14/Mt 24:37-44

READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY: Is 11:1-10/Rom 15:4-9/Mt 3:1-12

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: - the sick of the parish - our many Benefactors - those recently deceased –

CANDLE INTENTIONS December 1 to December 7

Sanctuary – IMO Mary Butera (Family) Sacred Heart – IMO Marlin E. & Betty Reed (Mary Jane & Marlin) Pieta - Pope St. John Paul II – St. Patrick – IMO Michael J. Brennan (Judy Brennan & Family) Our Lady’s Chapel - Sanctuary - Our Lady’s Chapel – Blessed Virgin Mary – IMO Edward McKeown (Family) Priest Mass Schedule for December 7-8 4:15 pm – Fr. Barnabas 9:30 am – Msgr. O’Connor 7:30 am – Msgr. O’Connor 11:00 am – Fr. Barnabas

reception for Msgr. O’Connor on Saturday, June 15, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the Parish

Center. All are welcome to come and wish Msgr. well!

If you are a visitor to the Church of St. Patrick, we want you to know that you are most welcome, whether

you come from another State or from another Parish. Please feel comfortable in our beautiful house of the

Father. Thank you for worshipping with us!

St. Patrick Parish Upcoming Events!! *November 30-December 1 – Kids bring a shoe to Mass for St. Nicholas (Pick up next weekend) *November 30-December 1 – Religious Items Sale after Masses in Our Lady’s Chapel Meeting Room *December 3 – Activities Committee Meeting – 6 pm *December 3 – Traditional Choir Practice – 7 pm *December 3 – Protecting God’s Children Workshop at St. Patrick – 5:30 pm *December 4 – Confessions - 6:30-7:30 pm; Rosary - 7 pm *December 5 – Parish Office Closing at Noon *December 5 – Contemporary Choir Practice – 7 pm *December 5 – Knights of Columbus Assembly Meeting – 7:30 pm – Pottsville *December 6 – Religious Items Sale after the 6:30 am and 8:00 am Masses *December 6 – First Friday Dunkin’ with Monsignor and Fr. Barnabas – 6 pm *December 7-8 – St. Nicholas Shoe Pick-Up *December 7 – Men’s Spirituality Group – 8:30 am *December 7 – Confessions – 3-4 pm *December 7-8 - Religious Items Sale after Masses in Our Lady’s Chapel Meeting Room *December 7 – Drawing #2 for the Shamrock $10,000 – 5:30 pm *December 8 – Inscription Service at 9:30 am Mass for Children receiving Sacraments in 2020 *December 8 – Spaghetti Dinner – 11:30 am-2:30 pm

Save the Dates!!! Keep Reading the bulletin for more details about these events!


Please Note: The Parish Office will be closed on December 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, and 31, and January 1, 2020, for the Christmas/New Year’s Holidays!

Also, the Office will close at Noon on December 5 and 23.

PARISH STEWARDSHIP Thank You for your generosity to Your Parish!

The bulletin had to go to press early due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will publish the Parish Stewardship for two weeks in the next bulletin.

The next second collection will be held December 7-8 for Retired Religious Fund. Please be generous! The next Baptismal Workshop will be held on Tuesday, December 10, at 7 pm, in the Rectory Conference Room. Please call Deacon Jack Quirk at 570-622-1802, ext. 7, to register. Parents are required to register and attend a preparatory workshop before Baptism.

Knights Korner COUNCIL #431 What a great Thanksgiving project! Many volunteers, from Team Captains, servers, deliverers, and those that filled the meals… The Knights of Columbus give our heartfelt thanks. We were able to deliver an excess of 1,200 to 1,400 meals Countywide. We are truly blessed to live in a Nation that cares about their fellow citizens. This is truly the meaning of Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving Day! Please don’t forget our sub and pizza sale (available in the Parish Office). They help support our charitable causes.

Please join Monsignor and Fr. Barnabas for our next First Friday at Dunkin’ Donuts (Claude A Lord Boulevard) at 6 pm on Friday, December 6 for St. Nicholas Day!

Doughnuts, coffee, lattes, coolattas are on your own, but the education is free! All are welcome! Don’t be shy! Bring your Catholic questions!

The Intercessor’s Corner: St. Maria di Rosa

Born “Paula” in Brescia, Italy, Maria di Rosa was the daughter of a mill owner and a countess. Coming from a wealthy family didn’t spare her from difficulty. She lost her mother when young. At seventeen years old, she left school to work with her father at the mill. During the cholera epidemic of 1836, she cared for the sick. In 1840, she founded the Handmaids of Charity to care for the wounded during the wars.

Commercial: COAL REGION ETHNIC DINNER - St. Clare of Assisi - Dec. 7, 5-7PM. (Inclement Weather: Dec. 8). Meal will include: Smoked Kowalonek’s Kielbasy, Halupki, Haluskie, Kugel (a baked bleenie), Tickets $12; Advance Orders Only!


Within the next few weeks, you will receive a Summary Report detailing the results of our Increased Offertory Program. Several weeks ago, we began this program and we soon hope to see signs that our Sunday offertory collections are growing through your increased commitments. Thank you so very much to all who have chosen to participate in this very important program. Your generosity shows your willingness as faithful stewards to be a part of the ongoing Mission of the Church of St. Patrick!

Assumption BVM will be holding a Gift Card Calendar Raffle for the month of December. This fundraiser will directly benefit the School and its students. The calendars are $10, and are good for all 31 drawings during the month. Calendars can be purchased from any Assumption BVM family or from the School (Phone: 570-622-0106).

RELIGIOUS ITEMS SALE!! St. Patrick Parish, in collaboration with Abundant Graces, a Catholic bookstore located in Bethlehem, PA, will be selling religious items in the Lower Chapel Meeting Room after all of the weekend Masses, the weekend of November 30 and December 1 and the weekend of December 7 and 8. Purchases can also be made after the 6:30 am and 8:00 am Masses on First Friday (December 6). Items include: Missals, rosaries, prayer cards, Christmas cards, Catholic books, music CDs, Advent calendars, Advent wreaths, gifts, etc.

Commercial: Starting your Christmas shopping this weekend? The gift of a WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend to each other – PRICELESS! For information call 610-449-1859 or

The bulletin had to go to press early due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will publish the Lottery

Calendar Winners for two weeks in the next bulletin. Our monthly lottery calendars are a great fundraiser for our Parish! Please consider being a seller, or buying one in the back of Church or at the Parish Office! We appreciate all you sell and buy our lotto calendars! They make Great Gifts!

Thank you to our December Sponsor for Volunteers, Heartland Hospice Care! The next volunteer drawing will be held on December 3. Congratulations to Kris Herbst, who was the October Volunteer of the Month! Kris won a gift certificate to the Crimson House donated by Tara Grochowski, Realtor. If you would like to be a Business Sponsor or would like to highlight an upcoming event or memorable occasion, please contact the Parish Office for more information. All you would have to do is provide a gift for our Volunteer of the Month of at least $25 (gift card, cash, or prize), & then your business/event would be highlighted in our bulletin for the whole month & on our Parish Events calendar! Our next LORICA Teen Event will be our annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 28, at 5:30 pm, in the Parish Center. The cost is $5 per person for the dinner. Please contact the Parish Office to RSVP, for more information about LORICA, or to let us know if you are a teen who would like to join!! It’s the Shamrock $10,000!! Guess what happened on November 2? The very first drawing of the Shamrock $10,000 took place, and the winner was Michael T. McFadden from Pottsville. Congratulations Mike!! As you know, Mike’s ticket was put right back in the barrel so he has the potential to win in December, January, February, and the $10,000 in March! This is an awesome ticket!! Just a reminder that if you didn’t get your tickets in, you still can and you will have a chance to win up to $12,500 over the next few months! The next prize ($500) will be drawn on Saturday, December 7, after the 4:15 pm Mass! All are welcome to attend the drawing! Each winning ticket will then be placed back into the chance barrel for the opportunity to win again and again and again, and the grand prize of $10,000! Where else can you buy a ticket for $5 with a chance to win $12,500???


IS OUR BIGGEST FUNDRAISER!! These tickets make EXCELLENT Stocking Stuffers

or St. Nicholas Day surprises (PS: St. Nicholas Day is on December 6)!!! Tickets are available from our Lotto sellers at Church or from the Parish Office! If

you already sold your tickets, would you please think about selling more to family, friends,

co-workers?? Our Goal is to fill the chance barrel!!

Please join this team, who are duded up in

their St. Patrick aprons, for the best spaghetti

and meatballs (last one before Christmas) at our

Next Spaghetti Dinner

DECEMBER 8, 2019 ( Different week this month)

From 11:30 am to 2:30 pm In our Parish Center

Adults: $8.00 - Children: $3.50 All You Can Eat *** Take-outs available

Baked Goods are always needed and appreciated! Congratulations to Bill D. who was the 50/50 winner

at the November Spaghetti Dinner!

The Divine Mercy Perpetual Adoration Chapel St. Patrick Rectory

Open Holy Hours - SUNDAY 12am, 4am, 12pm; WEDNESDAY 12am, 1am, 10am; THURSDAY 3am, 4am; Friday 5pm; SATURDAY 4am - "It is no little thing for a poor human creature of Mine to prefer My Eucharistic love to an hour of sleep in the night. Only in heaven will you know the worth of an hour so spent. Come to me, then, Visit Me, and remain with Me by night, and I will work for you, and with you, and through you by day. Words of Christ from "IN SINU JESU" - Please call or text Aleece @ 570-449-7678.

During the month of DECEMBER, we send “Best Wishes” to Those: …who are celebrating “over 90” Birthdays: 12/3 Catherine Barton (99 years) 12/3 Helen Fey (94 years) 12/5 Robert McCaffrey (96 years) 12/8 Guy Recla (91 years) 12/14 Barbara Higgins (92 years) 12/15 Gertrude Fanelli (90 years) 12/16 Marilyn Doyle (94 years) 12/19 William DeAngeles (93 years)

…who are celebrating “over 50” Wedding Anniversaries: 12/1 James & Ann Marie Somers (57 years) 12/17 Joseph & Ann Marie Souchak (59 years) 12/23 David & Daryl Holley (57 years)

Protecting God’s Children Workshop *Tuesday, December 3 – 5:30 pm – St. Patrick Parish Center (Register at 570-622-1802)

Mandated Reporter Training *Monday, December 16 – 6 pm – St. Patrick Parish Center (Register at 570-628-0466)

CANTORS! Cantors are the people who make the announcements and sing the psalm, hymns, and responses sung by the congregation during the Liturgy. While reading music is not absolutely necessary, having a pleasant voice and the ability to learn music quickly for weekly rotation in the schedule is necessary. Being comfortable in front of the congregation is a needed skill. Please look for the Music Ministry Table at the Ministry Fair!

During the weekend of January 25 and 26, 2020, St. Patrick Parish is going to do something NEW & EXCITING!! We are going to host our very First Time and Talent Ministry Fair called “YOU are the Branches”. We are going to try to highlight a different ministry/organization/school in each bulletin leading up to the Ministry Fair (and after).


All candidates receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation in 2020 MUST be present on Sunday, December 8, at the 9:30 am Mass. At this Mass, the candidates will sit

together and then after the Homily, will place their Promise Sheet in the basket and return to their seat.

Oplatki, aka Christmas wafers, are available from our Parish Office during business hours. The breaking of “Oplatki” is a Central European Christian tradition celebrated in Poland, Lithuania, and Slovakia during Holy Supper. A requested offering of $5 (or a donation of your choice) is asked for each pack of four wafers. There is a limited supply so get yours early.

We have a few St. Joseph 2020 Sunday Missals in the Parish Office available for purchase.

The cost is $7 each.

SAVE THE DATES!! Parish Retreat: February 14, 15, 16, 2020. Theme: “Blessed are They…” St. Patrick Gala – Saturday, March 7, 2020.

Commercial: *Schuylkill Haven American Legion Auxiliary Post #38 welcomes the Wreaths Across America Convoy at St. Ambrose Church, Schuylkill Haven – December 12 at Noon. All are welcome!

IN HONOR OF THE FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS, CHILDREN AGES NEWBORN THROUGH GRADE 6 WERE ASKED TO BRING AN EXTRA SHOE TO MASS THIS WEEKEND. IF YOU CAME TO MASS, BUT FORGOT YOUR SHOE, PLEASE DROP ONE OFF AT THE PARISH OFFICE BY DECEMBER 4. THEN, DECEMBER 7-8, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR GOODY-FILLED SHOE AT MASS TO RECEIVE A SURPRISE IN HONOR OF THE CHEERFUL GIVER! All Parish children are invited to an evening of storytelling, singing, craft making, games, a light dinner, and snacks! Oh! And don’t forget your Christmas list for Santa! Festivities begin at 6 pm on Friday, December 13, in the Parish Center. Please sign up by calling the Parish Office at 570-622-1802 with child’s name and age. Please RSVP by December 9. All children will receive a special gift! One of our traditions at St. Patrick Church is the Blessing of the “Bambinelli”, which will take place at all masses December 14-15. Everyone is invited to bring your Baby Jesus from your Nativity sets to Mass that weekend. This is a beautiful Italian Catholic tradition!

The Church has a liturgical year with its own seasons that help us to mark events that are important to Catholics. However, the

Church year doesn’t start on January 1, or even on December 25—when we celebrate Christ’s birthday. Instead, it begins on the first Sunday of Advent, the season before Christmas. Advent is the perfect season for new beginnings. It’s a season of preparation: the King of Kings is coming! There are three “arrivals” of Christ to prepare for and celebrate: as an infant at Bethlehem, at Mass in the Eucharist, and as the King of Glory at the end of time. In order to properly greet such a Guest, the Church sets aside this time for us to purify our hearts and souls. Whether that means being with God in prayer, attending Confession, volunteering in the community, cleaning house, Advent is the time for it! The Church wants us to begin the year well by preparing to welcome the King who comes to “make all things new” (Revelation 21:5).


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God Bless
