Chrysalis July 2012


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De Colores

Hi-Sky Chrysalis, Midland, TX

Dear Community: As the Chrysalis Flights draw near, please take a moment each day to intentionally pray for these Flights. I am including specific prayers below and I’m so excited to see how God will be revealed through the caterpillars, the team and the community! Flight With Christ, Debbie Baxter 2012 Community Lay Director

Please pray for the talks that will be given: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Ideals Comm. Through Prayer Christian Action God Designed You Growth Through Study Single Life Faith God’s Gift to You God Empowers You God Loves You Marriage Talk Priesthood of All Believers Prodigal God Sustains You Next Steps

Pray for the musicians, that their music may bring God’s message and soothe troubled souls. Pray for the Pilgrims: The ones who cannot leave their thoughts behind. The ones uneasy in the setting. The ones who cannot sleep. The ones forced to come. The ones looking for magic, not miracles. The ones who are open and receiving. For all the conditions known to God. Pray for those who minister in unrecognized ways. Pray for the fun and fellowship that will warm hearts and keep the focus on God. Pray for the team, that they do not tire; pray for their renewed strength. Pray for all the agape gifts, for the hands that made them and the blessings they’ll bring. Pray for the special times such as chapel, dinner, candlelight, agape feast, closing. And lastly, give it all to our Lord and Friend, who sees and knows, asking for His blessing and presence with everyone connected - not only those mentioned, but families, and the change for the church and community. End by praising and thanking God for the opportunity he has given you to talk to him on behalf of his children.

Why Chrysalis

Before it becomes a butterfly, a caterpillar goes

through a growth stage during which it is called

a "chrysalis." On the surface it may not look like

much is happening, but the delicate chrysalis

process changes the fuzzy caterpillar into an

awesome butterfly with wings of intricate de-

signs and intense colors. The chrysalis process

symbolizes how Christ can transform you into

something beyond your dreams. It happens

when you grow beyond yourself, opening your

life to Jesus' power and love.

"Chrysalis" is the name chosen for the youth

version of The Walk to Emmaus, its parent

movement, because it symbolizes the spiritual

growth that is essential between adolescence and

adulthood. That growth is as crucial for youth as

the cocoon is for the caterpillar. It is that pre-

cious time of nurturing a person's faith for disci-


Chrysalis "Flights" is a three-day spiritual re-

newal time providing an opportunity for them to

learn more about faith, to experience Christian

love and support, and to make new faith com-

mitments. The point is to inspire, challenge and

equip them for a closer friendship with Christ

and for Christian action at home, church, school,

and community.

Chrysalis lifts up a way for them to enjoy

Christ's friendship and love and to be Christ's

friend and partner in the world. The three days

focus on God's grace, to experience Christ as a

friend, what it means to be the body of Christ,

and giving love to a needy world.

What Happens on a Chrysalis

Youth will spend three days with other people

their age in worship, prayer, fellowship, creative

expression, recreation, singing, and discussion.

They'll experience the love of God through pray-

ers and the acts of service from a loving support

community. Think of it as three days for them to

discover or re-discover their spiritual self, to an-

alyze and realize who they are in Christ.

Who should go

Chrysalis is for the development of Christian

youth who:

– wish to strengthen their friendship with Christ;

– understand that being a friend of Christ, or

Christian, involves responsibility;

– are open to dedicating their everyday life to

God in an on going manner.

Chrysalis is open to young people of any Chris-

tian denomination. The ages include upper high

school students (ages 15-19 and completed 9th


My name is Kyle Groves and I have been called to serve as the Lay Director for the Guy's Chrysalis Flight #48 this summer. The Chrysalis will be July 12-15th at Howard College, in Big Spring. God has called a great team for Flight #48 and we are all anxious for the Chrysalis to arrive. In the meantime, have just finished our last weekend of team meetings. The talks were moving and full of the Holy Spirit. The worship was sweet and brought us to the foot of the cross. And the food was off the charts (or very delicious if that doesn't com-pute). We laughed - we cried - and we experienced God as we fellowshipped. I would like to extend an invitation for you to be a part of the Guy's Chrysalis this summer. First, we need your prayers. Please pray for each team member, caterpillar, the talks that will be given, the chapel services, etc. Second, we need caterpil-lars. Please be thinking of teenagers that you know - a neighbor, family member, someone from church, a co-worker's kid. Please remember that a youth must be at least 15 years old, or have

completed their freshman year of high school, and can be up to 19 years old in order to attend a Chrysalis. Third, sign up for gift and food agape. Please check the website to see if there are any outstanding agape needs. Our youth are important in determining the outcome of future generations and so I would like to leave you with the following challenge. Let's make an investment in the future today by do-ing the three things I mentioned above to support both of the Chrysalis events this summer: (1) pray, (2) get potential caterpil-lars signed up, (3) prepare food/gift agape. I am praying for a full flight of 36 caterpillars. Would you join me in that effort and help us achieve that mark by calling a youth today and telling them about Chrysalis? Fly with Christ, Kyle Groves C: 853-6868

Boy’s Flight #48—July 12-15, 2012

We, the team of Girl's Chrysalis Flight #49 have completed our first team meetings. It was such a blessing to hear the ladies share their hearts to bring glo-ry to God. Remember the flight is July 26-29 at Howard College in Big Spring. If you know of a young woman age 15-19 that you could sponsor there is still room on this flight. You will not regret investing in her life. If you can recall when you went on your walk/flight and the love you felt during those three days I think you will search your heart and mind for that special girl. Be also re-

minded there are several way you can help with the boys/girls chrysalis flights. You can do agape, either food or gift, you can give a gift of money to help sponsor someone, show up for the can-dlelight service and pray pray pray. God honors the prayer of his saints and your are a saint. God bless you and thank you for the precious honor of serving as the Chrysalis lay director this year. Blessings on ya, Patty Schuelke

Girl’s Flight #49—July 26-29, 2012

Chrysalis Flight Drop-off and Candlelight Locations

Things to Remember for Chrysalis

All applications must be completed w/ payment and ALL required sig-natures form the proper legal par-ent or guardian, pastor, and all emergency contact information be filled out before the caterpillar will be allowed to attend the walk. All fees must be paid before the walk begins also. (There are funds avail-able, so if there is someone who needs funding, contact us/Wilma and we’ll get that worked out).

The registrar requests that the cat-erpillars and their guardian both visit them upon arrival to check-in. This will allow the registrar to double check the information and emergency contacts for each cater-pillar before they are left in the community's care.

Come visit us and save a stamp!

If you live are travel to Midland and

have an application to turn in, save

your stamps and simply drop them off

at the Registrar’s house. Our parents,

Rhett and Bailey live and 2302 Storey

Avenue. You may leave your applica-

tions in the mailbox if they are not

here or if our barking scares you!

(Really we are loveable pups, we just

love to have visitors and want to make

sure our parents heard you knock.)




Flight/Walk Date Current Number Signed Up Number of Openings as of 7/1/12

Boy’s #48 July 12-15, 2012 13 23

Girl’s #49 July 26-29, 2012 12 24

Men’s #205 Sept. 20-23, 2012 9 27

Women’s #206 Nov. 1-4, 2012 4 32


Cutoff for registration for all walks are on the Thurs-

day before the walk is scheduled to begin. This gives

those making agape time to personalize things like

nametags and allows for the time needed to order

specialized agape from vendors.

Help Wanted! If you have given a talk on either a men's or women's walk since August, 2008 could you give a copy to Jimmy Smith? Our "example" pool is getting low. You can either email or give a copy to a hard copy to Jimmy. His email address is

Celebrating 25 Years

This August is our 25th anniversary as a community. During the community gathering on August 28th, we will take time to cele-

brate this awesome milestone for the Hi-Sky Emmaus Community.

The board asks that all past lay directors help in this celebration by bringing their walk cross to the gathering.

Make plans to join us in fellowship and celebration of the work God has done through Hi Sky Emmaus in these past 25 years as

well as what He will do in the next 25!