Chronicle Books UK Spring 2016 Adult Trade Backlist Catalogue


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  • 8/20/2019 Chronicle Books UK Spring 2016 Adult Trade Backlist Catalogue

    1/37GOOD THROUGH DEC. 31ST 2014


    SPRING 2016

  • 8/20/2019 Chronicle Books UK Spring 2016 Adult Trade Backlist Catalogue


    Art 3–6

    Design 7

    Architecture 7

    Crafts 8–9Weddings, Love & Friendship 10

    Family & Parenting 10

    Food 11–17

    Music 17

    Pets & Animals 18–19

    Style 19–20

    Literature 21

    Nonfiction 22

    Photography 23–24

    Travel 24

    Inspiration & Spirituality 25– 26

    Popular Culture 26– 30

    Film & Theatre 31–33

    Sales Representatives 34

    Index 35–37


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    WATERCOLORPaintings by Contemporary ArtistsPreface by Sujean RimIntroduction by Leslie Dutcher

    £16.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1264-09 3 / 5 x 7∑ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    THE ART OF CLEAN UPLife Made Neat and TidyBy Ursus Wehrli

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1416-38£ x 10∑ in, 48 pp, Rights: WE

    Well-Read WomenPortraits of F iction’sMost Beloved Heroines By Samantha Hahn

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1415-69 x 7£ in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    HELLO NYAn Illustrated Love Letterto the Five Boroughs By Julia Rothman

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0984-88 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    meanWHile in SanFRanCiSCoThe City in its Own Words By Wendy MacNaughton

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1389-08 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    See ameRiCaA Celebration of Our National Parks& Treasured Sites Illustrated by the Artist’sof Creative Action NetworkForeword by the National ParksConservation Association

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4898-48 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    eveRy PeRSon in neW yoRk,volume 1By Jason PolanForeword by Kristen Wiig

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2823-89£ x 7£ in, 408 pp, Rights: W

    THe liTTle PleaSuReSoF PaRiSBy Leslie JonathIllustrations by Lizzy Stewart

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4172-59 x 6 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    THin SliCeS oF anxieTyObservations and Adviceto Ease a Worried Mind By Catherine Lepage

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4579-28 x 6 in, 104 pp, Rights: WE

    SPRinG 2016

    adviCe FRom my80-yeaR-old SelFReal Words of Wisdomfrom People Ages 7 to 88By Susan O’Malley

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3993-710 x 7£ in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    JouRney in ColoR:moRoCCan moTiFSColoRinG BookBy Molly Hatch

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-5150-2

    9 x 11 in, 92 pp, Rights: WSPRinG 2016

    JouRney in ColoR:FRENCH BAROQUEColoRinG BookBy Molly Hatch

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-5122-9

    9 x 11 in, 92 pp, Rights: WSPRinG 2016

    FanTaSTiC STRuCTuReSA Coloring Book of AmazingBuildings Real and ImaginedBy Steve McDonald

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-5323-0

    11∑ x 11∂ in, 60 pp, Rights: WSPRinG 2016

    FliP Book FanA Breezy Little Book By Gui Borchert

    £3.99 PB • 978-1-4521-5128-12∆ x 4∑ in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    FanTaSTiC CiTieSA Coloring Book of Amazing PlacesReal and Imagined By Steve McDonald

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4957-8

    11∑ x 11∂ in, 60 pp, Rights: W

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    THe aRT oF inSTRuCTionVintage Educational Charts fromthe 19th and 20th CenturiesText by Katrien Van der Schueren

    £22.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0111-813 x 11 in, 156 pp, Rights: W

    Sky HiGHBy Germano ZulloIllustrated by Albertine

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1392-014∑ x 6∆ in, 48 pp, Rights: UK

    andy WaRHol dRaWinGS£10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1203-97∆ x 6∞ in, 80 pp, Rights: WE

    BRian eno: viSual muSiCBy Christopher Scoateswith text by Brian Eno

    £35.00 HC • 978-1-4521-0849-010 x 8 in, 416 pp, Rights: W

    aRT oF THe modeRnmovie PoSTeRInternational Postwar Styleand Design By Judith Salavetz, Spencer Drate,

    and Sam SarowitzWith text by Dave Kehr

    £45.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6171-713 x 11 in, 516 pp, Rights: W

    THe Small STakeSMusic PostersBy Jason MunnForeword by Nicolas Harmer,Death Cab for Cutie

    £16.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7230-010 x 7 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    THe WHeRe, THe WHy,and THe HoW75 Artists Illustrate WondrousMysteries of Science By Jenny Volvovski, Julia Rothman,and Matt LamotheForeword by David Macaulay

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0822-310 x 8 in, 168 pp, Rights: W

    REBUSBy James Jean

    £29.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7125-912 x 9 in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    le JaPon aRTiSTiqueJapanese Floral Pattern Designin the Art Nouveau EraFrom the Collection of theMuseum of Fine Arts, BostonIntroduction by Rachel Saunders

    £15.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7276-86∑ x 9∂ in, Rights: W

    RamayanaDivine LoopholeBy Sanjay Patel

    £19.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7107-58 x 8∂ in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    THe undeRWaTeR muSeumThe Submerged Sculpturesof Jason deCaires Taylor By Jason deCaires TaylorEssays by Carlo McCormickand Helen Scales

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1887-18 x 8 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    THe WHo, THe WHaT,and THe WHen65 Artists Illustrate theSecret Sidekicks of History By Jenny Volvovski, Julia Rothman, andMatt Lamothe

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2827-610 x 8 in, 168 pp, Rights: W

    CollaGeContemporary Artists Hunt andGather, Cut and Paste, Mash Upand Transform By Danielle KrysaForeword by Anthony Zinonos

    £17.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2480-39£ x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    Geek-aRT: an anTHoloGyArt, Design, Illustration &Lightsabers By Thomas Olivri

    £25.00 PB • 978-1-4521-4048-39¾ x 7¾ in, 416 pp, Rights: WE

    a ComPendium oFColleCTive nounSFrom an Armory of Aardvarksto a Zeal of Zebras By Woop Studios

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0823-010 x 7£ in, 236 pp, Rights: W

    New YorkTimes


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    aRT, inC.The Essential Guide for BuildingYour Career as an ArtistBy Lisa CongdonEdited by Meg Mateo IlascoForeword by Jonathan Fields

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2826-98 x 5∑ in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    CHina daySA Visual Journal fromChina’s Wild West By Henrik Drescher

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2554-18 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    CReaTive BloCkGet Unstuck, Discover New Ideas:Advice and Projectsfrom 50 Successful Artists By Danielle Krysa

    £18.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1888-88 x 8 in, 288 pp, Rights: W

    PaPeR CuTTinGContemporary Artists, Timeless CraftCompiled by Laura HeyengaPreface by Rob RyanIntroduction by Natalie Avella

    £17.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7452-69£ x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    aRT made FRom BookSAltered, Sculpted, Carved,TransformedEdited by Laura HeyengaPreface by Brian Dettmer

    Introduction by Alyson Kuhn£16.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1710-29£ x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    THe THinG THe BookA Monument to the Book as Object By Jonn Herschend and Will Rogan

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-1720-110 x 8 in, 156 pp, Rights: W

    aRTiSTS and THeiR CaTSBy Alison Nastasi

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3355-38 x 6 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    dRaW youR BiG ideaThe Ultimate Creativity Tool forTurning Thoughts into Actionand Dreams into Reality By Heather Willems and Nora Herting

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-5292-99 x 7∑ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    CREATE NOW!A Systematic Guideto Artistic Audacity By Marlo Johnson

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4602-77 x 5 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    in PRoGReSSSee Inside a Lettering Artist’sSketchbook and Process,from Pencil to Vector By Jessica Hische

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3622-610 x 8 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    illuSTRaToRS annual 2016By the 2016 jury of theBologna Children’s Book Fair

    £25.00 PB • 978-1-4521-5462-611 x 9 in, 192 pp, Rights: UK, AUNZ

    SPRinG 2016

    aRT + FaSHionCollaborations and ConnectionsBetween Icons By E. P. Cutler and Julien Tomasello

    £55.00 HC • 978-1-4521-3869-513 x 11 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    HoW To Be a WildFloWeRA Field Guide By Katie Daisy

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4268-58 x 6 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    THe Joy oF SWimminGA Celebration of Our Lovefor Getting in the Water By Lisa CongdonForeword by Lynne Cox

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4413-98 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    THe CiRCadian TaRoTA Daily Companion forDivination and IlluminationBy Jen AltmanArtwork by Michelle Blade

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4195-47 x 5 in, 168 pp, Rights: W

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    aT laRGeAi Wei Wei on AlcatrazEdited by David Spalding

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-4276-010 x 10 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    RemakeMaster Works of Art ReimaginedBy Jeff Hamada

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2334-98 x 7 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    a TeaCuP ColleCTionPaintings of Porcelain TreasuresBy Molly HatchEssay by Kathleen Morris

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3433-88 x 7 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

    BLUECobalt to Ceruleanin Art and CultureFrom the Collection of theMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston

    £14.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2940-26 x 8 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    unexPeCTed aRTSerendipitous Installations,Site-Specific Works, andSurprising InterventionsEdited by Jenny Moussa SpringPreface by Florentijn HofmanIntroduction by Christian L. Frock

    £16.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3548-99£ x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    eveRyTHinG iS GoinGTo Be ok£8.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7877-77 x 5 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    you aRe So loved£8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1097-47 x 5 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    WHaTeveR you aRe,Be a Good one100 Inspirational QuotationsHand-Lettered by Lisa Congdon

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2483-4

    7 x 7 in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    iF i WeRe a BookBy José Jorge LetriaIllustrated by André Letria

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2144-48 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: WE

    aRT BeFoRe BReakFaSTA Zillion Ways to Be More Creative,No Matter How Busy You Are By Danny Gregory

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3547-28 x 6 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    FRom Rain To RainBoWS£7.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3505-26 x 6 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

    WelCome THe dayBy Emma Giuliani

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4269-210£ x 5£ in, 5-foot accordion withflaps, Rights: WE

    HeRe kiTTy kiTTyBy Mallory McInnis

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4244-96 x 6 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

    FORTUNE FAVORS THE BRAVE100 Courageous Quotations By Lisa Congdon

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4410-87 x 7 in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    a CHRiSTmaS CaRolBy Charles DickensIllustrations by Yelena Bryksenkova

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3649-310 x 7£ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] deSiGn • aRCHiTeCTuRe

    CaRToon modeRnStyle and Design inFifties Animation By Amid Amidi

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-4731-58∑ x 11 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    a R C H i T e C T u R e

    THe BldGBloG BookArchitectural Conjecture, UrbanSpeculation, Landscape FuturesBy Geoff Manaugh

    £19.99 PB • 978-0-8118-6644-69∑ x 6∂ in, 272 pp, Rights: W

    PANTONE® The 20th Century in ColorBy Leatrice Eiseman and Keith Recker

    £26.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7756-511 x 9 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    PanTone on FaSHionA Century of Color in Design By Leatrice Eiseman and E. P. Cutler

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1535-111 x 9 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    deSiGn SCHool WiSdomMake First, Stay Awake, and OtherEssential Lessons for Work and LifeEdited by Brooke Johnsonand Jennifer Tolo Pierce

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1531-310 x 7£ in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    maRimekko: in PaTTeRnSBy Marimekko

    £21.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3404-811 x 8≥ in, 248 pp, Rights: WE

    THouGHTS on deSiGnBy Paul RandForeword by Michael Bierut

    £12.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7544-87∂ x 6∑ in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    PiCToRial WeBSTeR’SBy John M. Carrera

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6718-47£ x 5∂ in, 512 pp, Rights: W

    PaRiS in ColoRBy Nichole Robertson

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0594-98 x 8 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    PaRiS in loveBy Nichole Robertson

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3318-87 x 7 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    HeaTH CeRamiCSThe Complexity of Simplicity By Amos KlausnerIntroduction by Catherine Baileyand Robin Petravic

    £21.99 HC • 978-0-8118-5560-010∂ x 8∂ in, 192 pp, Rights: WE

    SEE FOR YOURSELFA Visual Guide to Everyday BeautyBy Rob Forbes

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1714-010 x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    THiS Book iS a PlaneTaRiumAnd Other ExtraordinaryPop-Up Contraptions By Kelli Anderson

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-3621-912 x 9∑ in, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    amy BuTleR’S BloSSomCreate Love• Express BeautyBe KindIssues No. 1 & 2 By Amy Butler

    £18.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4951-612 x 8 in, 420 pp, Rights: W

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    CReaTive, inC.The Ultimate Guide to Runninga Successful Freelance BusinessBy Meg Mateo Ilascoand Joy Deangdeelert Cho

    £10.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7161-78 x 5∑ in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    make a STaTemenT25 Handcrafted Jewelry& Accessory Projects By Janet Crowther & Katie Covington

    £14.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3320-19 x 7∑ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    Fun WiTH WaSHi35 Ways to Instantly RefreshYour Home, Accessories, andPackages with Washi Tape By Jessica Okui

    £9.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2919-86 x 6 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    PReTTy PaCkaGeS45 Creative Gift-Wrapping ProjectsBy Sally J. Shim

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2599-28 x 8 in, 128 pp, Rights: W


    FuRniTuRe makeoveRSSimple Techniques for TransformingFurniture with Paint, Stains, Paper,Stencils, and MoreBy Barb BlairPhotographs by Aaron GreeneForeword by Holly Becker

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0415-79 x 7∑ in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    Handmade WeddinGSMore Than 50 Crafts to Styleand Personalize Your Big Day By Eunice Moyle, Sabrina Moyle,and Shana Faust

    Photographs by Joseph De Leo£16.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7450-29∑ x 7∑ in, 260 pp, Rights: W

    STenCil 101Make Your Mark with25 Reusable Stencils andStep-by-Step Instructions By Ed Roth

    £16.99 PB • 978-0-8118-6472-58 x 8∂ in, 48 pp, Rights: W

    STenCil 20125 New Reusable Stencils withStep-by-Step Project Instructions By Ed Roth

    £17.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7790-98 x 8∂ in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    STenCil STyle 10120 Reusable Fashion Stencils withStep-by-Step Project Instructions By Ed Roth

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0787-58 x 8∂ in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    nailS, nailS, nailS!25 Creative DIY Nail Art ProjectsBy Madeline Poole

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1902-16 x 6 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    THe aRTFul Wooden SPoonHow to Make Exquisite Keepsakesfor the Kitchen By Joshua VogelPhotographs by Seth and Kendra Smoot

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3772-810 x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    FuRniTuRe makeS THe RoomCreate Special Pieces to Stylea Home You Love By Barb BlairPhotographs by Paige French

    £17.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3999-910 x 8 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    Be mine25 Paper Projects to Share the L ove By Sally J. Shim

    £9.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4186-26 x 6 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

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    kyuuTo! JaPaneSe CRaFTS:Woolly emBRoideRy£9.99 PB • 978-0-8118-6086-49 x 8£ in, 80 pp, Rights: XJ

    kyuuTo! JaPaneSe CRaFTS:Fuzzy FelTed FRiendS£9.99 PB • 978-0-8118-6066-69 x 8£ in, 80 pp, Rights: XJ

    WoolBuddieS20 Irresistibly Simple NeedleFelting Projects By Jackie Huang

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1440-8

    8 x 8∂ in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    kniTTinG By deSiGnGather Inspiration, Design Looks,and Knit 15 Fashionable Projects By Emma RobertsonPhotographs by Max Wanger

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1739-39 x 7∑ in, 144 pp. Rights: W

    THe makinG oF a RaG dollDesign and Sew Modern HeirloomsBy Jess BrownPhotographs by Tristan Davison

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1951-9

    10 x 7£ in, 136 pp, Rights: W

    STiTCH enCyCloPedia:CROCHETAn Illustrated Guide to theEssential Crochet Stitches £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2706-49∑ x 7∑ in, 74 pp, Rights: WE

    STiTCH enCyCloPedia:emBRoideRyAn Illustrated Guide to theEssential Embroidery Stitches£10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2707-19∑ x 7∑ in, 74 pp, Rights: WE

    STiTCH enCyCloPedia:kniTTinGAn Illustrated Guide to theEssential Knitting Stitches£10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2705-79∑ x 7∑ in, 74 pp, Rights: WE

    kniT iT!Learn the Basics andKnit 22 Beautiful Projects By Melissa LeapmanPhotographs by Alexandra Grablewski

    £14.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2451-310 x 7£ in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    amy BuTleR’SSTyle STiTCHeS12 Easy Ways to26 Wonderful Bags! By Amy ButlerPhotographs by David Butler

    £19.99 HC • 978-0-8118-6669-99 x 7∑ in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    loTTa JanSdoTTeR’SSimPle SeWinG FoR BaBy24 Easy Projects forNewborns to Toddlers By Lotta JansdotterPhotographs by Meiko Takechi Arquillos

    £16.99 HC • 978-0-8118-6548-79 x 7∑ in, 144 pp, Rights: XJ

    GiRl’S WoRldTwenty-One Sewing Projectsto Make for Little GirlsBy Jennifer PaganelliPhotographs by Tim Geaney

    £17.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7444-19 x 7∑ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    FamouS FRoCkS:THe liTTle BlaCk dReSSPatterns for 20 GarmentsInspired by Fashion IconsBy Dolin Bliss O’Shea

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2365-311 x 8 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    amy BuTleR’S PieCe keePinG20 Stylish Projects thatCelebrate Patchwork By Amy Butler

    £19.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3447-510 x 8 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    Sunday SeWS20 Inspired Weekend Projects By Theresa GonzalezPhotographs by Nicole Hill Gerulat

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3868-810 x 7£ in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

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    [BACKLIST] WeddinGS, love & FRiendSHiP • Family & PaRenTinG

    Handmade WeddinGSMore Than 50 Crafts to Styleand Personalize Your Big Day By Eunice Moyle, Sabrina Moyle,and Shana FaustPhotographs by Joseph De Leo

    £16.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7450-29∑ x 7∑ in, 260 pp, Rights: W

    THe BRideSmaid GuideModern Advice on Etiquette,Parties, and Being FabulousFully Revised and Updated By Kate ChynowethIllustrations by Neryl Walker

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0240-5Previous ISBN: 978-0-8118-3300-4

    8 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    SHakeSPeaRe’SLOVE SONNETSIllustrations by Caitlin Keegan

    £12.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7908-88 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    We WiTHouT youBy Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar

    £5.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2232-86 x 4∑ in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    THe WeddinG oFFiCianT’S

    GuideHow to Write & Conducta Perfect Ceremony By Lisa Francesca

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1901-48ø x 5∞ in, 136 pp, Rights: W

    PRaiRie-STyle WeddinGSRustic and Romantic Farm,Woodland, and Garden Celebrations By Fifi O’Neill

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2796-58∂ x 9∑ in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    BaBy-GamiBaby Wrapping for Beginners By Andrea Sarvady

    £10.99 HC • 978-0-8118-4764-37 x 6 in, 96 pp, Rights: WE

    RoCk, meeT WindoWA Father–Son StoryBy Jason Good

    £14.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2922-88 x 6 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    i WaS an aWeSomeR kidBy Brad Getty

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3653-07 x 5 in, 136 pp, Rights: W

    FRiendSHiP iS . . .500 Reasons to Appreciate Friends By Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar

    £7.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3657-86 x 6 in, 272 pp, Rights: XIndia,XS.Africa

    F a m i ly & P a R e n T i n G

    THiS iS RidiCulouSTHiS iS amazinGParenthood in 71 Lists By Jason Good

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2921-17 x 5 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    i love you!aRound THe WoRldBy Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3601-16 x 4∑ in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    FOR LOVE25 Heartwarming Celebrationsof Humanity By Alice Yoo and Eugene K imof My Modern Met

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3984-58 x 7 in, 156 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    WeddinGS in ColoR500 Creative Ideas for Designinga Modern Wedding By Vané Broussard and Minhee ChoPhotographs by Jainé M. Kershner

    £19.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3462-89 x 9 in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    WHy BoyS need PaRenTSBy Alex Beckerman

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4734-57 x 5 in, 96 pp, Rights: WE

    SPRinG 2016

    RadiCal loveBy Toni Greaves

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-1940-310 x 8 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

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    TRue Blood: eaTS, dRinkS,and BiTeS FRom Bon TemPSBy Gianna Sobol and Alan BallWith Karen Sommer ShalettRecipes by Marcelle BeinvenuFood photographs by Alex Farnum

    £19.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1086-810 x 8 in, 224 pp, Rights: W, XGermany, X France, X Finland, X Norway

    ulTimaTe BaR BookThe Comprehensive Guideto Over 1,000 Cocktails By Mittie Hellmich

    £12.99 HC • 978-0-8118-4351-56∞ x 5 in, 476 pp, Rights: W

    i’m So HaPPyiT’S HaPPy HouRSinfully Delicious Cocktailsfor Any Occasion By Anne Taintor

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0287-06 x 6 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    dRink moRe WHiSkeyEverything You Need to KnowAbout Your New Favorite Drink! By Daniel Yaffe

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0974-98 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    Hello, WineYour Guidebook to the MostEssential Things You Needto Know about Wine By Melanie Wagner

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1102-58 x 6 in, 228 pp, Rights: W

    THe BaR BookElements of Cocktail Technique By Jeffrey Morgenthaler with MarthaHolmbergPhotographs by Alanna Hale

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1384-59 x 6∑ in, 288 pp, Rights: W

    maSTeRinG HomeBReWThe Complete Guideto Brewing Delicious BeerBy Randy Mosher

    £19.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0551-29 x 7∑ in, 384 pp, Rights: W

    GRill eaTS & dRinkSRecipes for Good Times £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4117-68 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    BeeR BiTeSTasty Recipes and Perfect Pairingsfor Brew Lovers By Christian DeBenedettiand Andrea Slonecker

    Foreword by Eric AsimovPhotographs by John Lee

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3524-310 x 7£ in, 168 pp, Rights: W

    diPS & SPReadS45 Gorgeous and Good-for-YouRecipes By Dawn YanagiharaPhotographs by Angie Cao

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4908-08 x 6 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    CookieS & CoCkTailSRecipes for Good Times £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4837-38 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    dRink like a manThe Only Cocktail GuideAnyone Really Needs Introduction by David GrangerEdited by Ross McCammonand David Wondrich

    £14.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3270-98 x 6 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

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    dRinkinG THe devil’S aCReA Love Letter from San Franciscoand her Cocktails By Duggan McDonnellPhotographs by Luke Abiol

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3525-08 x 6 in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    CideR made SimPleAll About Your New Favorite Drink By Jeff AlworthIllustrations by Lydia Nichols

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3445-18 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    SouTHeRn aPPeTizeRS60 Delectables forGracious Get-Togethers By Denise GeePhotographs by Robert M. Peacock

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3296-98 x 7 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] Food & dRink

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    [BACKLIST] Food

    RuHlman’S TWenTyThe Ideas and Techniques ThatWill Make You a Better Cook By Michael RuhlmanPhotographs by Donna Turner Ruhlman

    £26.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7643-810 x 8 in, 368 pp, Rights: W

    in THe kiTCHenWiTH alain PaSSaRdInside the World (and Mind)of a Master ChefBy Christophe Blain

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1346-39£ x 7£ in, 96 pp, Rights: WE

    THe oFFiCial HiGH TimeSCannaBiS CookBookMore Than 50 Irresistible RecipesThat Will Get You HighBy Elise McDonough and the editorsof High Times magazinePhotographs by Sara Remington

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0133-09 x 7 in, 160 pp, Rights: WE

    WHOLE BEAST BUTCHERYThe Complete Visual Guideto Beef, Lamb, and Pork By Ryan Farr with Brigit BinnsPhotographs by Ed Anderson

    £26.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0059-310 x 8 in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    SloW FiReThe Beginner’s Guide to Barbecue By Ray “Dr. BBQ“ LampePhotographs by Leigh BeischForeword by “Famous Dave” Anderson

    £14.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0303-78 x 8∂ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    SauSaGe makinGThe Definitive Guide with RecipesBy Ryan Farr with Jessica BattilanaPhotographs by Ed Anderson

    £22.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0178-110 x 8 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    PoRkMore than 50 Heavenly Mealsthat Celebrate the Glory of Pig,Delicious Pig By Cree LeFavour

    £17.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0983-19 x 7∑ in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    GRill eaTS & dRinkSRecipes for Good Times £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4117-68 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    FlavoRizeGreat Marinades, Injections,Brines, Rubs, and GlazesBy Ray “Dr BBQ” LampePhotographs by Angie Mosier

    £14.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2530-58 x 7 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    THe eaT like a man GuideTo FeedinG a CRoWdHow to Cook for Family, Friends,and Spontaneous Parties Foreword by Bryan Voltaggio

    Introduction by David Granger£19.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3184-910 x 7∑ in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    Good Food, GReaT BuSineSSHow to Take Your Artisan Food Ideafrom Concept to Marketplace By Susie Wyshak

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0708-08 x 6 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    THe FoodSPoTTinGField GuideBy FoodspottingEdited by April V. Walters

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1987-86 x 4∑ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    SalmonEverything You Need to Know+ 45 Recipes By Diane MorganPhotographs by Leigh Beisch

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4835-99 x 7∑ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

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    THe eveRyday meaT GuideA Neighborhood Butcher’sAdvice Book By Ray Venezia with Chris PetersonPhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4288-38 x 6 in, 184 pp, Rights: W

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    leGendS oF TexaS BaRBeCueCookBookRecipes and Recollectionsfrom the Pitmasters By Robb Walsh

    £14.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3998-29£ x 7£ in, 304 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] Food

    BiG veGanMore than 350 Recipes:No Meat/No Dairy, All Delicious By Robin AsbellPhotographs by Kate Sears

    £19.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7467-09∑ x 6∆ in, 544 pp, Rights: W

    FEASTGenerous Vegetarian Meals forAny Eater and Every Appetite By Sarah CopelandPhotographs by Yunhee Kim

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0973-210∑ x 7∑ in, 288 pp, Rights: W

    STRaiGHT FRom THe eaRTHIrresistible Vegan Recipesfor EveryoneBy Myra Goodman and Marea GoodmanPhotographs by Sara Remington

    £17.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1269-510 x 7£ in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    JuiCe iT!Energizing Blendsfor Today’s JuicersBy Robin AsbellPhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2539-88 x 6 in, 132 pp, Rights: W

    one Pan, TWo PlaTeSMore Than 70 CompleteWeeknight Meals for TwoBy Carla SnyderPhotographs by Jody Horton

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0670-010 x 8 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    GReenS + GRainSRecipes for DeliciouslyHealthful MealsBy Molly Watson

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3159-79 x 7∑ in, 124 pp, Rights: W

    CRÊPES50 Savory and Sweet Recipes By Martha HolmbergPhotographs by James Baigrie

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0534-59 x 7∑ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    WAFFLESSweet, Savory, Simple By Dawn YanagiharaPhotographs by Lucy Schaeffer

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0703-58 x 7 in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    BaR TaRTineTechniques & Recipes By Nick Balla and Cortney BurnsPhotographs by Chad Robertson

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2546-3

    10 x 8∑ in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    modeRn TeaA Fresh Look at anAncient BeverageBy Lisa Boalt Richardson

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1229-98 x 7 in, 164 pp, Rights: W

    WaSTe-FRee kiTCHenHandBookA Guide to Eating Well and SavingMoney by Wasting Less Food By Dana Gunders of the NaturalResources Defense Council

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3354-68 x 6 in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    EAT PRETTYNutrition for Beauty, Inside and Out By Jolene Hart, CHC, AADP

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2366-08 x 6 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    GluTen-FRee WiSH liSTSweet & Savory TreatsYou’ve Missed the Most By Jeanne SauvagePhotographs by Eva Kolenko

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3833-610 x 7£ in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    THe anTi-inFlammaTionCookBookThe Delicious Way to ReduceInflammation and Stay Healthy By Amanda Haas with Dr. Bradly Jacobs

    £16.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3988-39£ x 7£ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    loW-So GoodA Guide to Real Food, Big Flavor,and Less Sodium with70 Amazing Recipes By Jessica Goldman FoungPhotographs by John Lee

    £19.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3508-39 x 7∑ in, 272 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] Food

    THe CHeeSemonGeR’SSEASONSRecipes for Enjoying Cheeses withRipe Fruits and Vegetables By Chester HastingsPhotographs by Joseph De Leo

    £22.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1288-610 x 8 in, 192 pp, Rights: WE

    kiTCHen CReameRyMaking Yogurt, Butter,and Cheese at HomeBy Louella Hill

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1162-910 x 7£ in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    eGGS on ToPRecipes Elevated by an EggBy Andrea SloneckerPhotographs by David L. Reamer

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2368-4

    9£ x 7£ in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    Sunday CaSSeRoleSComplete Comfort in One Dish By Betty Rosbottom

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2120-88 x 8∂ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    done.A Cook’s Guide to Knowing WhenFood Is Perfectly CookedBy James Peterson

    £17.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1963-2

    9£ x 7£ in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    THe eveRyday RiCe CookeRSoups, Sides, Grains, Mains,and MoreBy Diane PhillipsPhotographs by Jennifer Causey

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2781-18 x 8∂ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    quiCk & eaSykoRean CookinGMore than 70 Everyday Recipes By Cecilia Hae-Jin LeePhotographs by Julie Toyand Cecilia Hae-Jin Lee

    £14.99 PB • 978-0-8118-6146-58 x 8∂ in, 168 pp, Rights: W

    a viSual Guide ToSuSHi-makinG aT HomeBy Hiro Sone and Lissa DoumaniPhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £22.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0710-310 x 8 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

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    THe BRead exCHanGeTales and Recipes from a Journeyof Baking and SharingBy Malin Elmlid

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1962-510 x 8 in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    THe Good FoRTune CookieMix-and-Match to CreateYour Own Custom Fortune £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2594-76 x 4£ in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    GRilled CHeeSe kiTCHenBread + Cheese + Everythingin Between By Heidi Gibson with Nate Pollak

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4459-79 x 7∑ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

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    dRied & TRueThe Magic of Your Dehydratorin 80 Delicious Recipesand Inspiring Techniques By Sara Dickerman

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3849-79£ x 7£ in, 168 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] Food

    R e G i o n a l & e T H n i C C o o k i n G

    FRom a PoliSH CounTRyHouSe kiTCHen90 Recipes for theUltimate Comfort Food By Anne Applebaumand Danielle CrittendenPhotographs by Bogdan and Dorota Bialy

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-1055-410 x 8 in, 288 pp, Rights: UK &Commonwealth; XEU

    THe CounTRy CookinGoF GReeCeBy Diane KochilasPhotographs by Vassilis Stenos

    £30.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6453-411 x 9 in, 384 pp, Rights: W

    TReme™Stories and Recipes fromthe Heart of New OrleansBy Lolis Eric ElieWith a Foreword by Anthony Bourdainand Preface by David SimonFood Photography by Ed Anderson

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0969-510 x 8 in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    THe GloRiouS v eGeTaBleSoF iTalyBy Domenica MarchettiPhotographs by Sang An

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0886-5

    10 x 7£ in, 272 pp, Rights: W

    neW GeRman CookinGRecipes for Classics Revisited By Jeremy and Jessica Nolen

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2806-110 x 8 in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    LA PAELLADeliciously Authentic Rice Dishesfrom Spain’s Mediterranean CoastBy Jeff Koehler

    £11.99 HC • 978-0-8118-5251-78 x 7 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    BRoWn SuGaR kiTCHenNew-Style, Down-Home Recipesfrom Sweet West OaklandBy Tanya Holland with Jan Newberry

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2234-210 x 7£ in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    PaSTa By HandA Collection of Italy’s RegionalHand-Shaped PastaBy Jenn LouisForeword by Mario Batali

    Photographs by Ed Anderson£15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2188-89£ x 7£ in, 200 pp, Rights: W

    modeRn JeWiSH CookinGRecipes & Customsfor Today’s KitchenBy Leah KoenigPhotographs by Sang An

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2748-410 x 7£ in, 352 pp, Rights: W

    Ciao BiSCoTTiSweet and Savory RecipesCelebrating Italy’s Favourite CookieBy Domenica MarchettiPhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2495-78 x 7 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    CookinG uP a SToRmRecipes Lost and Found from theTimes-Picayune of New Orleans By Marcelle Bienvenu and Judy Walker

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4400-99ø x 8 in, 368 pp, Rights: W

    SouTHeRn aPPeTizeRS60 Delectables forGracious Get-Togethers By Denise GeePhotographs by Robert M. Peacock

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3296-98 x 7 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

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    SouTHeRn SouPS & STeWSMore Than 75 Recipes from Burgooand Gumbo to Etouffée and Fricasse By Nancie McDermottPhotographs by Leigh Beisch

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2485-88 x 8∂ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    GJelinaCalifornia Cooking fromVenice Beach By Travis LettPhotographs by Michael Graydon

    and Nikole Herriott£21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2809-211 x 7∑ in, 288 pp, Rights: W

    SWeeT middle eaSTClassic Recipes, from Baklavato Fig Ice Cream By Anissa HelouPhotographs by Linda Pugliese

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1439-29 x 7∑ in, 188 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] Food

    lolliPoP loveSweet Indulgence with Chocolate,Caramel, and SugarBy Anita ChuPhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2593-08 x 7 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    Ciao BiSCoTTiSweet and Savory RecipesCelebrating Italy’s Favourite Cookie

    By Domenica MarchettiPhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2495-78 x 7 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    THe Good FoRTune CookieMix-and-Match to CreateYour Own Custom Fortune £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2594-76 x 4£ in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    SWeeT alCHemyDessert Magic By Yigit Pura

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0888-910 x 7£ in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    FLOURLESS.Recipes for NaturallyGluten-Free DessertsBy Nicole Spiridakis

    £17.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1955-79£ x 7£ in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    FLOURSpectacular Recipes fromBoston’s Flour Bakery + Cafe By Joanne Changwith Christie MathesonPhotographs by Keller + Keller

    £22.95 HC • 978-0-8118-6944-710 x 7∑ in, 320 pp, Rights: W

    We love madeleineSBy Miss MadeleinePhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0290-08 x 7 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    CRème BRûléeBy Lou Seibert PappasPhotographs by Alison Miksch

    £9.99 HC • 978-0-8118-6682-88 x 7 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    d e S S e R T S & B a k i n G

    BakinG WiTH leSS SuGaRRecipes for Desserts UsingNatural Sweeteners andLittle-to-No White SugarBy Joanne ChangPhotographs by Joseph De Leo

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3300-39 x 7∑ in, 200 pp, Rights: W

    JoSey BakeR BReadGet Baking • Make Great BreadBe Happy!

    By Josey BakerPhotographs by Erin Kunkel

    £17.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1368-59 x 7∑ in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    TaRTine BReadBy Chad RobertsonPhotographs by Eric Wolfinger

    £24.95 HC • 978-0-8118-7041-210 x 8∑ in, 304 pp, Rights: W

    TaRTine Book no. 3Ancient • Modern • Classic • Whole By Chad Robertson

    £24.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1430-910 x 8∑ in, 304 pp, Rights: W

    THe BRead exCHanGeTales and Recipes from a Journeyof Baking and Sharing

    By Malin Elmlid£21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1962-510 x 8 in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    SWeeT middle eaSTClassic Recipes, from Baklavato Fig Ice Cream By Anissa HelouPhotographs by Linda Pugliese

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1439-29 x 7∑ in, 188 pp, Rights: W

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    Cake & iCe CReamRecipes for Good Times £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4116-98 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    iCeBox CakeSRecipes for the Coolest Cakesin TownBy Jean Sagendorphand Jessie SheehanPhotographs by Tara Donne

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1221-38 x 7 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    Hand made BakinGRecipes to Warm the Heart By Kamran Siddiqi

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1230-510 x 7£ in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    HuCkleBeRRyStories, Secrets, and Recipesfrom Our KitchenBy Zoe Nathan and Josh Loeb

    £22.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2352-310 x 8 in, 288 pp, Rights: W

    Cake STenCilSRecipes and How-To DecoratingIdeas for Cakes and Cupcakes Stencil Designs by Jessica HischeRecipes by Tara DugganPhotographs by Angie Cao

    £13.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7661-28∂ x 8∂ in, 12 pp, Rights: W



    CAKE Stencils

    Cake PoPS By BakeRellaTips, Tricks, and Recipes for MoreThan 40 Irresistible Mini Treats By Angie Dudley

    £15.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7637-78 x 8¾ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

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    d e S S e R T S & B a k i n G

    THe ulTimaTe meTalliCaBy Ross HalfinForeword by Lars Ulrich

    £22.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7505-911 x 9 in, 232 pp, Rights: W

    GReeTinGS FRom e STReeTThe Story of Bruce Springsteenand the E Street Band By Robert Santelli

    £22.50 HC • 978-0-8118-5348-411 x 9 in, 98 pp, Rights: W

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    GuiTaRmakinG: TRadiTion and TeCHnoloGyBy William R. Cumpianoand Jonathan D. Natelson

    £24.99 PB • 978-0-8118-0640-410∂ x 8∑ in, 392 pp, Rights: W

    BRian eno: viSual muSiCBy Christopher Scoateswith text by Brian Eno

    £35.00 HC • 978-1-4521-0849-010 x 8 in, 416 pp, Rights: W

    THe BeaTleS anTHoloGy£25.00 PB • 978-0-8118-3636-413ß x 9∆ in, 368 pp, Rights: WE

    m u S i C

    GuiTTaRd CHoColaTeCookBookDecadent Recipes fromSan Francisco’s PremiumBean-to-Bar Chocolate Company By Amy GuittardForeword by Alice MedrichPhotographs by Antonis Achilleos

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3533-510 x 8 in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    SWeeT and TaRT70 Irresistible Recipes with Citrus By Carla SnyderPhotographs by Nicole Franzen

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3479-69£ x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    mon CHeR éClaiRAnd Other Beautiful Pastries,Including Cream Puffs,Profiteroles, and Gougères By Charity FerreiraPhotographs by Joseph De Leo

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4566-29 x 7∑ in, 112 pp, Rights: W

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    CookieS & CoCkTailSRecipes for Good Times £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4837-38 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] PeTS & animalS

    CaTS aRe WeiRdAnd More Observations By Jeffrey Brown

    £8.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7480-96∑ x 6∑ in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    CaT GeTTinG ouT oF a BaGand oTHeR oBSeRvaTionSBy Jeffrey Brown

    £8.99 HC • 978-0-8118-5822-96∑ x 6∑ in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    eRnieA Photographer’s Memoir By Tony Mendoza

    £8.99 HC • 978-0-8118-2963-26 x 8 in, 80 pp, Rights: W

    GRumPy CaTA Grumpy Book By Grumpy Cat

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2657-98 x 6 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    CaTmaS CaRolSBy Laurie LoughlinIllustrated by Gemma Correll

    £5.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1542-96 x 4∑ in, 48 pp, Rights: W

    danCinG WiTH CaTSBy Burton Silver and Heather Busch

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2833-76∑ x 6∑ in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    THe GRumPy Guide To liFeObservations by Grumpy Cat By Grumpy Cat

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3423-96 x 4∑ in in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    aRTiSTS and THeiR CaTSBy Alison Nastasi

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3355-38 x 6 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    CaTS & lionSBy Mitsuaki Iwago

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4049-09∞ x 10 in, 144 pp, Rights: WE

    CaT HiGHThe YearbookBy Terry deRoy Gruber

    £9.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4023-011 x 8∑ in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    aRe you diSSinG me?What Animals Really ThinkBy Simon Winheld

    £7.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3844-26 x 6 in, 80 pp, Rights: W

    CaTS oF 1986:THe Book£8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4445-07 x 5 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

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    GRumPy CaT®: no-iT-allEverything You Need to No By Grumpy Cat

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4968-47 x 5 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    CaT zodiaCAn Astrological Guideto the Feline Mystique By Maeva ConsidineIllustrations by Vikki Chu

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4828-17 x 5 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

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    HeRe kiTTy kiTTyBy Mallory McInnis

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4244-96 x 6 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

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    maddie on THinGSA Super Serious Projectabout Dogs and PhysicsBy Theron Humphrey

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1556-6

    8 x 7 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    Wilma’S WoRldGood Advice from a Good DogBy Rae Dunn

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4022-38 x 6 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    i Could Pee on THiSAnd Other Poems by Cats By Francesco Marciuliano

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1058-56 x 4∑ in, 112 pp, Rights: WE

    i Could CHeW on THiSAnd Other Poems by DogsBy Francesco Marciuliano

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1903-86 x 4∑ in, 112 pp, Rights: WE

    i knead my mommyAnd Other Poems by Kittens By Francesco Marciuliano

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3291-46 x 4∑ in, 112 pp, Rights: XUKC,XIreland

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    ALLUREBy Diana Vreelandwith Christopher HemphillForeword by Marc Jacobs

    £22.95 HC • 978-0-8118-7043-69∆ x 6∆ in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    THe FoRGeTFul GenTlemanThirty Ways to Turn GoodIntentions into ActionBy Nathan Tan

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1352-48 x 5 in, 220 pp, Rights: W

    EAT PRETTYNutrition for Beauty, Inside and Out By Jolene Hart, CHC, AADP

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2366-08 x 6 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    50 WayS To WeaR a SCaRFBy Lauren Friedman

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2597-86 x 8 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    FamouS FRoCkS:THe liTTle BlaCk dReSSPatterns for 20 GarmentsInspired by Fashion IconsBy Dolin Bliss O’Shea

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2365-311 x 8 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    you need moRe SleePAdvice from Cats By Francesco Marciuliano

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3891-66 x 4∑ in, 112 pp, Rights: WE

    don’T FaRT WHen youSnuGGle.Lessons on How to Makea Human Smile.By Frank the Dog

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4177-06 x 6 in, 136 pp, Rights: W

    Copyright © From Frank, LLC and TM.All rights reserved.

    doG yeaRSFaithful Friends, Then & Now By Amanda Jones

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3745-28∂ x 9∑ in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    Tiny CaTBy Yoneo Morita

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4975-26 x 4∑ in, 72 pp, Rights: W

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    Tiny doGBy Yoneo Morita

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4974-56 x 4∑ in, 72 pp, Rights: W

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    eveRyTHinG eyeSBy Bobbi Brown

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1961-88 x 6 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

    BoBBi BRoWn BeauTy RuleSFabulous Looks + Beauty Essentials+ Life Lessons for Loving YourTeens and Twenties By Bobbi Brown with Rebecca PaleyForeword by Hilary Duff

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1275-610 x 8 in, 288 pp, Rights: W

    THe daily FaCe25 Makeup Looks for Day, Night,and Everything In Between!By Annamarie TendlerPhotographs by Justin Ouellette

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2810-88 x 6 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    H o m e

    Home STyle By CiTyIdeas and Inspiration from Paris,London, New York, Los Angeles,and Copenhagen By Ida Magntorn

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3717-910£ x 7∑ in, 160 pp, Rights: WE

    PaPeR BloSSomS,BuTTeRFlieS & BiRdSA Book of Beautiful Bouquetsfor the Table By Ray Marshall

    £28.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1391-312 x 10 in, 10 pp, Rights: W

    a ColoRFul HomeCreate Lively Palettesfor Every RoomBy Susan HablePhotographs by Rinne Allen

    £19.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3740-710 x 8 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    SaGe livinGDecorate for the Life You Want By Anne SagePhotographs by Emily Johnston

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4006-310 x 8 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    meaninGFul BouqueTSCreate Special Messageswith Flowers By Leigh Okies and Lisa McGuinnessPhotographs by Annabelle Breakey

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4007-09 x 7∑ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

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    THE JOY OF LESSA Minimalist Guide to Declutter,Organize, and SimplifyBy Francine Jay, Miss Minimalist

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-5518-0

    8 x 6 in, 288 pp, Rights: WESPRinG 2016

    FuRniTuRe makeS THe RoomCreate Special Pieces to Stylea Home You Love By Barb BlairPhotographs by Paige French

    £17.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3999-910 x 8 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    WHy dRaG?By Magnus HastingsForeword by Boy George

    £35.00 HC • 978-1-4521-4897-712 x 10 in, 224 pp, Rights: WE

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    THe diva RuleSDitch the Drama, Find Your Strength,and Sparkle Your Way to the Top By Michelle VisageForeword by RuPaul

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4232-68 x 5∑ in, 216 pp, Rights: W

    vinTaGe HaiRSTyleSSimple Steps for Retro Hairwith a Modern Twist By Emma Sundh and Sarah WingPhotographs by Martina Ankarfyr

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4308-88∞ x 6∂ in, 128 pp, Rights: WE

    amy BuTleR’S BloSSomCreate Love• Express BeautyBe KindIssues No. 1 & 2 By Amy Butler

    £18.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4951-612 x 8 in, 420 pp, Rights: W

    FuRniTuRe makeoveRSSimple Techniques for TransformingFurniture with Paint, Stains, Paper,Stencils, and MoreBy Barb Blair

    Photographs by Aaron GreeneForeword by Holly Becker

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0415-79 x 7∑ in, 192 pp, Rights: W

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    SHakeSPeaRe’SLOVE SONNETSIllustrations by Caitlin Keegan

    £12.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7908-88 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    THe amazinG SToRyGeneRaToRBy Jason Sacher

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1100-17 x 5 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

    in THe kiTCHenWiTH alain PaSSaRdInside the World (and Mind)of a Master ChefBy Christophe Blain

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1346-39£ x 7£ in, 96 pp, Rights: WE

    TendeR BuTTonSObjectsBy Gertrude SteinIllustrations by Lisa Congdon

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1209-1

    8 x 6 in, 64 pages, Rights: W

    Well-Read WomenPortraits of F iction’sMost Beloved Heroines By Samantha Hahn

    £11.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1415-69 x 7£ in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    SHakeSPeaRe inSulTGeneRaToRBy Barry Kraft

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2775-06 x 4£ in, 118 pp, Rights: WE

    no PloT? no PRoBlem!A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guideto Writing a Novel in 30 DaysRevised, Updated, and Expanded By Chris Baty

    £9.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2477-3 8ø x 5∞ in, 200 pp Rights: W

    HoPe and oTHeR luxuRieSA Mother’s Life witha Daughter’s Anorexia By Clare B. Dunkle

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2156-79 x 6 in, 568 pp, Rights: W

    Th G mIn Which the ExtraordinaryCorrespondence ofGrifn & Sabine Concludes By Nick Bantock£14.99 HC • 978-0-8118-0298-77∂ x 7∂ in, 48 pp, Rights: W

    New York

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    S b ’s n t bIn Which the ExtraordinaryCorrespondence ofGrifn & Sabine Continues By Nick Bantock

    £14.99 HC • 978-0-8118-0180-5

    7∂ x 7∂ in, 48 pp, Rights: W

    New York

    Times Bestseller

    [BACKLIST] liTeRaTuRe

    GRiFFin & SaBine:25TH anniveRSaRylimiTed ediTionBy Nick Bantock

    £14.99 HC • 978-1-4521-5595-17∂ x 7∂ in, 48 pp, Rights: W

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    THe PHaRoS GaTeGriffin & Sabine’sLost Correspondence By Nick Bantock

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-5125-07∂ x 7∂ in, 60 pp, Rights: W

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    you kiSS By TH’ BookNew Poems from Shakespeare’s Line By Gary Soto

    £9.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4829-89 x 6 in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    a CHRiSTmaS CaRolBy Charles DickensIllustrations by Yelena Bryksenkova

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3649-310 x 7£ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    deaR SanTaChildren’s Christmas Letters andWish Lists, 1870–1920 Compiled by Mary Harrell-SesniakCommentary by J. Harmon Flagstone

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4018-67 x 5 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] non-FiCTion

    BloG, inC.Blogging for Passion, Profit,and to Create CommunityBy Joy Deangdeelert ChoEdited by Meg Mateo IlascoForeword by Grace Bonney

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0720-28 x 5∑ in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    CReaTive, inC.The Ultimate Guide to Runninga Successful Freelance BusinessBy Meg Mateo Ilascoand Joy Deangdeelert Cho

    £10.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7161-78 x 5∑ in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    WHaT To Talk aBouTOn a Plane, at a Cocktail Party, in aTiny Elevator with Your Boss’s Boss By Chris Colin and Rob BaedekerIllustrations by Tony Millionaire

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1450-77 x 5 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    THE RooFToP BeekeePeRA Scrappy Guide toKeeping Urban HoneybeesBy Megan Paska

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0758-5

    9£ x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    dead mounTainThe Untold True Story ofthe Dyatlov Pass Incident By Donnie Eichar9 x 6 in, 288 pp, Rights: W

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1274-9

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4003-2

    aRT, inC.The Essential Guide for BuildingYour Career as an ArtistBy Lisa CongdonEdited by Meg Mateo IlascoForeword by Jonathan Fields

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2826-98 x 5∑ in, 184 pp, Rights: W

    THiS iS a Book FoR PaRenTSoF Gay kidSA Question & Answer Guideto Everyday Life By Dannielle Owens-Reid

    and Kristin RussoForeword by Linda Stone Fish,MSW, PhD

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2753-88ø x 5∞ in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    Good Food, GReaT BuSineSSHow to Take Your Artisan Food Ideafrom Concept to Marketplace By Susie Wyshak

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0708-08 x 6 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    WaSTe-FRee kiTCHenHandBookA Guide to Eating Well and SavingMoney by Wasting Less Food By Dana Gunders of the NaturalResources Defense Council

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3354-68 x 6 in, 256 pp, Rights: W

    SEE FOR YOURSELFA Visual Guide to Everyday BeautyBy Rob Forbes

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1714-010 x 7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    7 minuTeS To FiT50 Anytime, AnywhereInterval WorkoutsBy Brett Klika

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3847-35 x 7 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    THe eGyPTian BookoF THe deadRevised Edition:The Book of Going Forth By DayTranslated by Raymond FaulknerCommentary by Dr. Ogden Goelet, Jr.Preface by Carol A.R. AndrewsSurvey by J. Daniel Gunther

    £21.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4438-214 x 9∑ in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    RoadmaPThe Get-It-Together Guidefor Figuring Out What to Dowith Your Life By Roadtrip Nation

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2845-09£ x 7£ in, 368 pp, Rights: W

    HiGHeR100 Years of BoeingBy Russ Banham

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4053-79 3 / 5 x 12 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    WHaT’S iT like in SPaCe?Stories from AstronautsWho’ve Been There By Ariel Waldman

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4476-46 x 6 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

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    THiS iS HaPPeninGLife Through the Lens of Instagram Edited by Bridget Watson Payne

    £7.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2335-66 x 6 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    maddie on THinGSA Super Serious Projectabout Dogs and PhysicsBy Theron Humphrey

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1556-6

    8 x 7 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    SummeRTimeEdited by Joanne Dugan

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2479-78∂ x 9∑ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    PlayBoy: THe ComPleTeCenTeRFoldSForeword by Hugh M. HefnerIntroduction by Dave HickeyText by Robert Coover, Maureen Gibbon,Jay McInerney, Daphne Merkin,Robert Stone, and Paul Theroux

    £35.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6091-812∑ x 6 in, 736 pp, Rights: W

    inSTanT loveHow to Make Magic and Memorieswith PolaroidsBy Jenifer Altman, Susannah Conway,and Amanda Gilligan

    £11.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7926-28 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    neW yoRk JaCkiePictures from Her Life in the CityEdited by Bridget Watson PayneIntroduction by Nan A. Talese

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1406-4

    9 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    Tiny TokyoThe Big City Made Mini By Ben Thomas

    £9.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1738-64∑ x 6 in, 260 pp, Rights: W

    See San FRanCiSCoThrough the Lens of SFGirlbyBay By Victoria Smith

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3820-69£ x 7£ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    aiRSTReamThe History of the Land YachtBy Bryan Burkhartand David Hunt£13.99 PB • 978-0-8118-2471-2

    9∑ x 10∂ in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    FOR LOVE25 Heartwarming Celebrationsof Humanity By Alice Yoo and Eugene Kimof My Modern Met

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3984-58 x 7 in, 156 pp, Rights: W

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    RadiCal loveBy Toni Greaves

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-1940-310 x 8 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    londonToWnA Photographic Tour ofthe City’s DelightsBy Susannah ConwayForeword by Helen Storey MBE

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3726-16 x 6 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    eaRTH and SPaCePhotographs fromthe Archives of NASAPreface by Bill NyeText by Nirmala Nataraj

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-3435-29 x 11 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    WHy dRaG?By Magnus HastingsForeword by Boy George

    £35.00 HC • 978-1-4521-4897-712 x 10 in, 224 pp, Rights: WE

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    CaTS & lionSBy Mitsuaki Iwago

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4049-09∞ x 10 in, 144 pp, Rights: WE

    FLOWERBy Andrew Zuckerman

    £45.00 HC • 978-1-4521-1216-912 x 12 in, 300 pp, Rights: X Germany,X Austria, X Switzerland, X South Africa

    BiRdBy Andrew Zuckerman

    £35.00 HC • 978-0-8118-7098-612 x 12 in, 300 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    Wilma’S WoRldGood Advice from a Good DogBy Rae Dunn

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4022-38 x 6 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    [BACKLIST] PHoToGRaPHy • TRavel

    THe WoRST-CaSe SCenaRioSuRvival HandBook: TRavelBy Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht

    £9.99 PB • 978-0-8118-3131-47 x 5 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    FoReveR PaRiS25 Walks in the Footsteps ofChanel, Hemingway, Picasso,Molière, and More By Christina Henry de Tessan

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0488-17 x 5 in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    PaRiS in ColoRBy Nichole Robertson

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0594-98 x 8 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    HELLO NYAn Illustrated Love Letterto the Five Boroughs By Julia Rothman

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0984-88 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    meanWHile in SanFRanCiSCoThe City in its Own Words By Wendy MacNaughton

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1389-08 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    See San FRanCiSCoThrough the Lens of SFGirlbyBay By Victoria Smith

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3820-69£ x 7£ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    T R A V E L

    PaRiS in loveBy Nichole Robertson

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3318-87 x 7 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    FEATHERSDisplays of Brilliant Plumage By Robert ClarkPreface by Carl Zimmer

    £19.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3989-09£ x7£ in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    eveRy PeRSon in neW yoRk,volume 1By Jason PolanForeword by Kristen Wiig

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2823-89£ x 7£ in, 408 pp, Rights: W

    THe liTTle PleaSuReSoF PaRiSBy Leslie JonathIllustrations by Lizzy Stewart

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4172-59 x 6 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    See ameRiCaA Celebration of Our National Parks& Treasured Sites Illustrated by the Artist’sof Creative Action Network£12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4898-48 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

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    THe liTTle Book oF anGelS£12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1441-55∆ x 3∆ in, 176 pp, Rights: WE

    THe liTTle Book oF maRy£12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3107-85∆ x 3∆ in, 176 pp, Rights: WE

    THe liTTle Book oF JeWiSH CeleBRaTionSBy Ronald Tauber

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3141-27 x 5 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    THe liTTle Book oF yoGaBy Nora Isaacs

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2920-46 x 4∑ in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    [BACKLIST] inSPiRaTion & SPiRiTualiTy

    THe eGyPTian BookoF THe deadRevised Edition:The Book of Going Forth By DayTranslated by Raymond FaulknerCommentary by Dr. Ogden Goelet, Jr.Preface by Carol A.R. AndrewsSurvey by J. Daniel Gunther

    £21.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4438-214 x 9∑ in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    RamayanaDivine LoopholeBy Sanjay Patel

    £19.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7107-58 x 8∂ in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    HaPPineSS iS. . .500 Things to Be Happy About By Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling

    £6.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3600-46 x 6 in, 272 pp, Rights: XIndia,Pakistan, South Africa

    GeT HiGH noWBy James Nestor£9.99 PB • 978-0-8118-6713-97 x 5 in, 240 pp, Rights: W

    HaPPineSS iS. .. 500 WayS To Bein THe momenTBy Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-5201-16 x 6 in, 272 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    adviCe FRom my80-yeaR-old SelFReal Words of Wisdomfrom People Ages 7 to 88By Susan O’Malley

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3993-710 x 7£ in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    52 Small CHanGeSFoR THe mindImprove Memory• Minimize StressIncrease ProductivityBoost Happiness By Brett Blumenthal

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3167-28 x 6 in, 320 pp, Rights: W

    inviTaTion To mediTaTionHow to Find PeaceWherever You AreBy Howard CohnForeword by Jack Kornfield

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4434-47 x 5 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    THe Joy oF SWimminGA Celebration of Our Lovefor Getting in the Water By Lisa CongdonForeword by Lynne Cox£12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4413-98 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    HoW To Be a WildFloWeRA Field Guide By Katie Daisy

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4268-58 x 6 in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    THe CiRCadian TaRoTA Daily Companion forDivination and IlluminationBy Jen AltmanArtwork by Michelle Blade£10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4195-47 x 5 in, 168 pp, Rights: W

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    inSide HBo’SGame oF THRoneS ™Seasons 3 & 4By C. A. TaylorForeword by David Benioffand D. B. Weiss

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2218-211 x 9 in, 192 pp, Rights: XUKC,XGermany, XFrance

    ©2016 Home Box Office, Inc.

    Homeland RevealedBy Matt Hurwitz

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2840-510 x 7£ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    Homeland TM & © 2016 TwentiethCentury Fox Film Corporation.

    99 WAYS TO OPENA BEER BOTTLEWithout a Bottle Opener By Brett Stern

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3259-44∑ x 6 in, 108 pp, Rights: XGermany,XJapan

    THe BaR HoPPeR HandBookScam a Drink, Score a Date,and Rule the NightBy Ben Applebaum and Dan DiSorbo

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1886-46 x 4∑ in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    GReenA Field Guide to MarijuanaBy Dan MichaelsPhotographs by Erik Christiansen

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3405-5

    9 x 7∑ in, 408 pp, Rights: W

    FARTSA Spotter’s Guide By Crai S. BowerIllustrations By Travis Millard

    £10.99 HC • 978-0-8118-6609-58 x 6 in, 24 pp, Rights: W

    FaRTS aRound THe WoRldA Spotter’s GuideBy August O’PhwinnIllustrations by Lisa Hanawalt

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0281-88 x 6∑ in, 24 pp, built-insound module, Rights: W

    BeaRdPhotographs by Matthew Rainwaters

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0165-17 x 5 in, 120 pp, Rights: W

    maRiJuana FoR eveRyBody!The Definitive Guide to Getting High,Feeling Good, and Having Fun By Elise McDonough

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2888-78 x 6 in, 176 pp, Rights: WE

    F*Ck! i’m in my TWenTieSBy Emma Koenig

    £6.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1053-07 x 5 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    a HiSToRy oF WeaPonSCrossbows, Caltrops, Catapults,& Lots of Other Things thatCan Seriously Mess You UpBy John O’Bryan

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1054-78 x 6 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    dadS aRe THe oRiGinalHiPSTeRSBy Brad Getty

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-0885-87 x 5 in, 136 pp, Rights: W

    THe WoRld oF vikinGS ™By Justin PollardForeword by Michael Hirst

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4545-711 x 9 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    Tom ClanCy’S THe diviSion:neW yoRk CollaPSeA Survival Guide to Urban Disaster By Alex Irvine

    £15.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4827-48∑ x 5∑ in, 176 pp, Rights: WE

    SPRinG 2016

    © 2016 Ubisoft ® Entertainment.

    dRoll PRankSFoR RiCH BoySThe Wealthy Young Gentleman’sGuide to Horseplay By Dan BullaIllustrations by Ethan Rilly

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4305-74∑ x 6 in, 108 pp, Rights: W

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    GRumPy CaTA Grumpy Book By Grumpy Cat

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2657-98 x 6 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    THe GRumPy Guide To liFeObservations by Grumpy Cat By Grumpy Cat

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3423-96 x 4∑ in in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    i’m So HaPPyiT’S HaPPy HouRSinfully Delicious Cocktailsfor Any Occasion By Anne Taintor

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0287-06 x 6 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    BuSineSS BaByGetting Things Done,One Tantrum at a TimeBy Alex Beckerman

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4259-36 x 6 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    zomBieS HaTe STuFFBy Greg Stones

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0740-05 x 7 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    zomBieS Have iSSueSBy Greg Stones

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3290-75 x 7 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    SoCk monkeyS Have iSSueSBy Greg Stones

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4005-65 x 7 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    all my FRiendS aRe deadBy Avery Monsen and Jory John

    £6.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7455-76 x 4∑ in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    all my FRiendSaRe STill dead.By Avery Monsen and Jory John

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0696-06 x 4∑ in, 108 pp, Rights: W

    aRe you diSSinG me?What Animals Really ThinkBy Simon Winheld

    £7.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3844-26 x 6 in, 80 pp, Rights: W

    CaT zodiaCAn Astrological Guideto the Feline Mystique By Maeva ConsidineIllustrations by Vikki Chu

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4828-17 x 5 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

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    CaTS oF 1986:THe Book£8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4445-07 x 5 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

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    GRumPy CaT®: no-iT-allEverything You Need to No By Grumpy Cat

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4968-47 x 5 in, 96 pp, Rights: W

    GaRden GnomeSHave iSSueSBy Greg Stones

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4475-75 x 7 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

    SPRinG 2016

    ninJaS Have iSSueSBy Greg Stones

    £6.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4474-05 x 7 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

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    no land’S manBy Aasif Mandvi

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0791-29 x 6 in, 160 pp, Rights: WE

    £9.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4532-78 x 5∆ in, 192 pp, Rights: WE

    aRTiSTS, WRiTeRS,THinkeRS, dReameRSPortraits of 50 Famous Folks& All Their Weird StuffBy James Gulliver Hancock

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1456-99£ x 7£ in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    FUNNY ON PURPOSEThe Definitive Guide to anUnpredictable Career in ComedyStandup + Improv + Sketch +TV + Writing + Directing + YouTube By Joe RandazzoForeword by John Hodgman

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2839-98 x 6 in, 320 pp, Rights: W

    i WaS an aWeSomeR kidBy Brad Getty

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3653-07 x 5 in, 136 pp, Rights: W

    ConveRSaTion SPaRkSTrivia Worth Talking AboutBy Ryan Chapman

    £7.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4002-55 x 5 in, 376 pp, Rights: WE

    HoW To SPeak zomBieA Guide for the LivingBy Steve MockusIllustrations by Travis Millard

    £9.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7488-58 x 6∑ in, 24 pp, Rights: W

    THe WoRST-CaSe SCenaRioSuRvival HandBook: TRavelBy Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht

    £9.99 PB • 978-0-8118-3131-47 x 5 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

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    £14.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1695-2(7 x 5∑ in, 420 pp, Rights: WE

    THe WoRST-CaSe SCenaRioSuRvival HandBookBy Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht

    £9.99 PB • 978-0-8118-2555-97 x 5 in, 176 pp, Rights: W

    THe ComPleTe WoRST-CaSeSCenaRio SuRvivalHandBookBy Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht

    £15.99 HC • 978-0-8118-6136-67 x 5∑ in, 512 pp, Rights: WE

    THe ComPleTe WoRST-CaSeSCenaRio SuRvivalHandBook: man SkillSBy Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht,and Ben H. Winters

    £15.99 HC • 978-0-8118-7483-07 x 5∑ in, 512 pp, CD, Rights: WE

    o r 10 c p s s th s r s w r wWORST-CASE SCENARIOTr s

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    THin SliCeS oF anxieTyObservations and Adviceto Ease a Worried Mind By Catherine Lepage

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4579-28 x 6 in, 104 pp, Rights: WE

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    THe aBCS oF adulTHoodBy Deborah Copakenand Randy Polumbo

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-5191-58 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: W

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    Have a liTTle PunAn Illustrated Play on Words By Frida Clements

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4416-08 x 6 in, 80 pp, Rights: W

    WHy BoyS need PaRenTSBy Alex Beckerman

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4734-57 x 5 in, 96 pp, Rights: WE

    SPRinG 2016

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    SH*T RouGH dRaFTSPop Culture’s Favorite Books,Movies, and TV Showsas They Might Have Been By Paul Laudiero

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3130-68 x 6 in, 136 pp, Rights: WE



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    by Romana Lefevre photographs by Daniel Castro


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    £7.99 PB • 978-0-8118-7807-47 x 5 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

    HoW To SWeaR aRoundTHe WoRldBy Jason SacherIllustrations by Toby Triumph

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-1087-5

    7 x 5 in, 128 pp, Rights: W

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    THe HiSToRy oF SuRFinGBy Matt Warshaw

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    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0500-07 x 5 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

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    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-2639-57 x 5 in, 128 pp, Rights: WE

    TWiTTeR: THe ComiC(THe Book)Comics Based on the GreatestTweets of Our GenerationBy Mike Rosenthal (@VectorBelly)

    £8.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3513-76 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: WE

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    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3850-39£ x 7£ in, 240 pp, Rights: W

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    THe Joy oF SWimminGA Celebration of Our Lovefor Getting in the Water By Lisa CongdonForeword by Lynne Cox

    £12.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4413-98 x 6 in, 144 pp, Rights: W

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    ulTimaTe Book oF TRiviaThe Essential Collection of over1,000 Curious Facts to ImpressYour Friends and Expand Your Mind By Scott McNeely

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3661-56∞ x 5 in, 352 pp, Rights: W

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    [BACKLIST] Film & THeaTRe

    HoW To SPeak WookieeA Manual for IntergalacticCommunication By Wu Kee SmithIllustrations by JAke

    £12.50 HC • 978-1-4521-0255-98 x 6∑ in, 24 pp, built-insound module, Rights: WE

    HoW To SPeak klinGon ™ Essential Phrases for theIntergalactic Traveler By Ben GrossblattIllustrations by Alex Fine

    £12.50 HC • 978-1-4521-1814-78 x 6∑ in, 24 pp, Rights: WE

    eiJi TSuBuRaya:maSTeR oF monSTeRSDefending the Earth with Ultraman,Godzilla, and Friends in theGolden Age of Japanese ScienceFiction Film By August Ragone

    £18.95 PB • 978-1-4521-3539-710∑ x 8∑ in, 208 pp, Rights: W

    daRTH vadeR ™ and SonBy Jeffrey Brown

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0655-76 x 6 in, 64 pp, Rights: WE

    © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.

    vadeR’S ™ liTTle PRinCeSSBy Jeffrey Brown

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1869-76½ x 6½ in, 64 pp, Rights: WE

    © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.

    GoodniGHT daRTH vadeR ™By Jeffrey Brown

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2830-66∑ x 6∑ in, 64 pp, Rights: WE

    © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.

    daRTH vadeR ™ and FRiendSBy Jeffrey Brown

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3810-76∑ x 6∑ in, 64 pp, Rights: UK

    © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.

    CHain SaW ConFidenTialHow We Made the World’sMost Notorious Horror MovieBy Gunnar Hansen

    £10.99 PB • 978-1-4521-4004-99 x 6 in, 240 pp, Rights: WE

    STaR WaRS: THe Jedi PaTHA Manual for Students of the Force By Daniel Wallace

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0227-69 x 6 in, 160 pp, Rights: EU only

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    STaR WaRS: Book oF SiTHSecrets from the Dark SideBy Daniel Wallace

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1815-48∑ x 6ø in, 160 pp, Rights: EU only

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    STaR WaRS:THe BounTy HunTeR CodeBy Daniel Wallace, Ryder Windham,and Jason Fry

    £12.99 HC • 978-1-4521-3321-89 x 6 in, 160 pp, Rights: XUKC

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    STaR WaRS Box SeTThe Jedi Path and Book of Sith By Daniel Wallace

    £30.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2641-82-volume slipcase: 8∂ x 6£ x 1∂ in;The Jedi Path and Book of Sith: 160 ppeach, portfolio 8£ x 6ø in, Rights: XUKC

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    oBSeSSed WiTH ™ STAR WARS ® Test Your Knowledgeof a Galaxy Far, Far AwayBy Benjamin Harper

    £11.99 PB • 978-1-4521-3633-28 x 8 in, 320 pp, Rights: UK

    daRTH vadeR ™ and Son /vadeR’S ™ liTTle PRinCeSSdeluxe Box SeTBy Jeffrey Brown

    £21.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4487-0

    8 x 8 in, 2 hardcover books, 64 ppeach, Rights: US, CAN, UK, AUNZ,China, Hong Kong, Taiwan

    © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.

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    THE ART OF BRAVEBy Jenny LerewPreface by John LasseterForeword by Brenda Chapmanand Mark Andrews

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-0142-2

    9 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THe aRT and makinGoF PaRanoRmanBy Jed AlgerPreface by Travis KnightForewords by Chris Butler and Sam Fell

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-1092-911 x 9∑ in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    THe aRT oF monSTeRSuniveRSiTyBy Karen PaikPreface by John LasseterForeword by Dan Scanlon

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-1207-79 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THE ART OF FROZENBy Charles SolomonForeword by Chris Buckand Jennifer LeePreface by John Lasseter

    £24.99 HC • 978-1-4521-1716-49 x 11 in, 168 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THe aRT oF THe BoxTRollSBy Philip BrothertonPreface by Travis KnightForeword by Tony Stacchi

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2835-19∑ x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: W

    THe aRT oF BiG HeRo 6By Jessica JuliusPreface by John LasseterForewords by Don Halland Chris Williams

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2221-2

    9 x 11 in, 168 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THe aRT oF inSide ouTForeword by Amy PoehlerIntroduction by Pete Docter

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-3518-29 x 11 in, 176 pp, Rights: UKE (XItaly,XFrance)

    [BACKLIST] Film & THeaTRe

    THe aRT oF PixaRThe Complete Color Scriptsand Select Art from25 Years of Animation By Amid AmidiForeword by John Lasseter

    £35.00 HC • 978-0-8118-7963-79 x 11 in, 320 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    SeTTinG THe SCeneThe Art and Evolutionof Animation Layout By Fraser MacLeanForeword by Pete Docter

    £40.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6987-49∑ x 11 in, 270 pp, Rights: WE

    THE NOBLE APPROACHMaurice Noble and theZen of Animation DesignBy Tod Polson

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-0294-89∑ x 11 in, 176 pp, Rights: WE

    THe aRT oF FindinG doRyPreface by John LasseterForeword by Andrew StantonIntroduction by Steve Pilcher

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2224-39 x 11 in, 176 pp, Rights: UK, EU

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    THey dReW aS THey PleaSedThe Lost Art of Disney’s Golden Age:The 1930s By Didier GhezForeword by Pete Docter

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-3743-89 x 11 in, 208 pp, Rights: UK

    Copyright © 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

    FUNNY!Twenty-Five Years of Laughterfrom the Pixar Story Room Foreword by John LasseterIntroduction by Jason Katz

    £18.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2228-18 x 8∂ in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    © Disney/Pixar

    © Disney/Pixar

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    [BACKLIST] Film & THeaTRe

    THe aRT oF RaTaTouilleBy Karen PaikForeword by John LasseterIntroduction by Brad Bird

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-5834-29 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THe aRT oF THe PRinCeSSand THe FRoGBy Jeff KurttiPreface by John LasseterForeword by John Muskerand Ron Clements

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6635-49 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THe aRT oF TanGledBy Jeff KurttiPreface by John LasseterForeword by Nathan Grenoand Byron Howard

    £24.95 HC • 978-0-8118-7555-49 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU; XJ

    THe aRT oF THe inCRediBleSBy Mark Cotta VazForewords by Brad Birdand John Lasseter

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-4433-89 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THE ART OF PLANESBy Tracey Miller-ZarnekePreface by John LasseterForewords by Klay Halland Bobs Gannaway

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2799-69 x 11 in, 176 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THE ART OF WALL• EBy Tim HauserForeword by Andrew Stanton

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6235-69 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THE ART OF UPBy Tim HauserForeword by Pete Docter

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6602-69 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    CaRToon modeRnStyle and Design inFifties Animation By Amid Amidi

    £25.00 HC • 978-0-8118-4731-58∑ x 11 in, 192 pp, Rights: W

    name THaT movie100 Illustrated Movie Puzzles By Paul Rogers

    £9.99 HC • 978-1-4521-0497-34 x 9 in, 224 pp, Rights: W

    movieS R Fun!A Collection of Cinematic Classicsfor the Pre-(Film) School Cinephile By Josh Cooley

    £8.99 HC • 978-1-4521-2233-58 x 6 in, 48 pp, Rights: WE

    aRT oF THe modeRnmovie PoSTeRInternational Postwar Styleand Design By Judith Salavetz, Spencer Drate,and Sam SarowitzWith text by Dave Kehr

    £45.00 HC • 978-0-8118-6171-713 x 11 in, 516 pp, Rights: W

    THe aRT oF SanJay’SSuPeR TeamForeword by John LasseterBy Sanjay Patel

    £15.99 HC • 978-1-4521-5206-68¾ x 8 in, 128 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THE ART OF THEGood dinoSauRForeword by John LasseterIntroduction by Peter Sohn

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2220-59 x 11 in, 168 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    THe aRT oF zooTRoPoliSPreface by John LasseterForeword by Byron Howardand Rich Moore

    £25.00 HC • 978-1-4521-2223-6

    9 x 11 in, 160 pp, Rights: UK, EU

    SPRinG 2016

    movie TiTle TyPoSMaking Movies Better bySubtracting One Letter By Austin Light

    £10.99 HC • 978-1-4521-4956-18 x 6 in, 112 pp, Rights: W

    © Disney/Pixar

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    [BACKLIST] SaleS RePReSenTaTiveS

  • 8/20/2019 Chronicle Books UK Spring 2016 Adult Trade Backlist Catalogue

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    [BACKLIST] index


    ABCs of Adulthood, 29

    Advice from My 80-Year-OldSelf, 3, 25

    Airstream, 23

    Alger, Jed, 32

    All my friends are dead, 28

    All my friends are still dead, 28

    Allure, 19

    Altman, Jen, 5, 23, 25

    Alworth, Jeff, 11

    Amazing Story Generator, 21

    Amidi, Amid, 7, 32, 33

    Amy Butler’s Blossom, 7, 20

    Amy Butler’s Piece Keeping, 9

    Amy Butler’s Style Stitches, 9

    Anderson, Kelli, 7

    Andy Warhol Drawings, 4

    Anti-Inflammation Cookbook, 13

    Applebaum, Anne, 15

    Applebaum, Ben, 27, 30

    Are You Dissing Me?, 18, 28

    Art and Making ofParaNorman, 32

    Art Before Breakfast, 6

    Artful Wooden Spoon, 8

    Art, Inc., 5, 22

    Artists and Their Cats, 5, 18

    Artists, Writers, Thinkers,Dreamers, 29

    Art Made from Books, 5

    Art of Big Hero 6, 32

    Art of Brave, 32

    Art of Clean Up, 3

    Art of Finding Dory, 32

    Art of Frozen, 32

    Art of Inside Out, 32

    Art of Instruction, 4

    Art of Monsters University, 32

    Art of Pixar, 32

    Art of Planes, 33

    Art of Ratatouille, 33

    Art of Sanjay’s Super Team, 33

    Art of Tangled, 33

    Art of The Boxtrolls, 32

    Art of The Good Dinosaur, 33

    Art of The Incredibles, 33

    Art of the Modern MoviePoster, 4, 33

    Art of The Princess and theFrog, 33

    Art of UP, 33

    Art of WALL•E, 33

    Art of Zootropolis, 33

    Art + Fashion, 5

    Asbell, Robin, 13

    At Large, 6


    Baby-Gami, 10

    Baedeker, Rob, 22

    Baker, Josey, 16

    Baking with Less Sugar, 16

    Ball, Alan, 11

    Balla, Nick, 13

    Balls on the Lawn, 30Banham, Russ, 22

    Bantock, Nick, 21

    Bar Book, 11

    Bar Hopper Handbook, 27

    Bar Tartine, 13

    Battilana, Jessica, 12

    Baty, Chris, 21

    Beard, 27

    Beatles Anthology, 17

    Beauty Rules, 20

    Beckerman, Alex, 10, 28, 29

    Beer Bites, 11

    Be Mine, 8

    Bienvenu, Marcelle, 15

    Big Vegan, 13

    BikeSnobNYC, 30

    Binns, Brigit, 12

    Bird, 24

    Blain, Christophe, 12, 21

    Blair, Barb, 8, 20

    BLDGBLOG Book, 7

    Blog, Inc., 22

    Blossom, 7, 20

    Blue, 6

