Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Brad ·...


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The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman’s

intervieW WithBrad Yates

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Having it all is not about striving for perfection, or about living our lives according to someone else’s standards

or expectations (we’ve done that for far too long).

It’s not about working ourselves to a state of exhaustion, spreading ourselves too thin, or trading inner peace and

contentment for outer trinkets of success.

Been there. Done that too.

Having it all simply means having access to all of yourself, in any moment you choose it, and in every

aspect of life that is important to you.

Go here to learn exactly how you too, can “Have it All”’

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

4 Questions with ChristY whitman

C: how do you define your it and your all in your life?

Brad Yates: to me, it’s about opportunity. About what’s possible. It’s beyond material things the old Stephen Wright joke thing you can’t have everything because where

would you put it all? There is always going to be definitely times where get to a point and I think I have everything I could possibly want and a week later a new iPhone comes out and I think for a moment I had it all. So beyond that it’s the sense of opportunity that anything is possible. If I’m going to go on vacation I can’t go everywhere in one vacation I want to go, but it’s the thought of I can go wherever I want to go. The other places I would like to go I will have the possibility and opportunity to go there some of time. If there is something that I want to do like a program I want to create or an event I would like to make happen it’s the sense of I can do it it’s possible. The resources are there the opportunities are there and the sense of connection to energy that everything is connected to source of everything that is I am connected to it. So it’s all possible.

C: What is your core belief about yourself or the universe that allows you to have the experience of having it all?

Brad Yates: what I just mentioned the sense that everything is energy everything is connected and so therefore I must be connected to everything that is possible. I’d

like to say that I feel that all the time 24 seven. But when we get down to it to get to that place of recognizing it must be true one of the things I have often said to groups is think about your car and the sense that you have it and most people that talk to you say guess I do have a car and I say do you see it right now and well how can you have the sense that you have it? I just know that it’s there. Great. Apply that to anything you could possibly want because it’s already there either materially sitting in your garage or as pure potentiality. There is a Deepak Chopra word. So it’s a sense that it’s already there, there are materials for it whether it’s a material item for a car or a person or some type of event or opportunity that potential is already there and I am part of that same energy. It’s waiting for us to say yes. It’s like the waiter taking your order; I am ready go ahead.

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

C: When you are in a place of having it all what is that bottom line essence feeling for you?

Brad Yates: sometimes it’s a sense of peace that there is nothing to worry about. Other times it’s a lot more vibrant and enthusiastic thinking about I want to do this oh

yeah that’s totally possible or how about this? It’s that energetic vibration that comes from being excited about manifesting something and knowing that this is totally possible. I don’t know if you ever read Richard Bach’s book Illusions it’s a book that got me on the path a lot of people like Joe Vitale and Bob Doyle like that book. He said the exact same thing after I wrote Jonathan I was done, I said what I had to say. Then somebody burst through my wall and said you haven’t written about me yet. It’s like being pregnant its coming. It’s the idea that it’s instructions from God saying here is your next assignment okay. And trusting that God won’t give us an assignment without also giving us the resources. Otherwise that’s believing in a very cruel creator.

C: Can you offer one piece of advice to help them to get into that space of having it all?

Brad Yates: as anyone who knows my work it’s pretty obvious it’s tapping work for me it’s knowing that sense of connection is already inside so what’s been covering

that up what is the doubts beliefs and messages I’ve heard about oh you can’t have that or you are not good enough things like that old that’s a good thing to start tapping away in clearing that out of my energy system. When you come from that standpoint I haven’t talked about my Michelangelo process but he said the David or whatever statue is already there perfect inside the marble he just had to chip away what didn’t belong to reveal the magnificence inside so that the magnificence feeling inside that connection that sense of oh yeah it’s all they are and all possible and connected to all its they are, is already there inside so what do I need to chip away what marble is there that I need to get rid of so I am just in touch with that feeling of all right this is who I am, this is what it’s all about, this is what’s possible. All the information as teachers that we give people it’s all reminding that there is a part of you that already has this and knows this but let me remind you because you seem to be forgetting and there are reasons why we forget that feel safer and it safe being inside all this marble. But there is a part of us that really wants to

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

set free so my particular way of doing it most often is tapping away those doubts and beliefs but why I couldn’t or shouldn’t have it all.

Brad YatesBrad Yates is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Brad is the author of the best-selling children’s book “The Wizard’s Wish,” the co-author of the best-seller “Freedom at Your Fingertips,” and a featured expert in the film “The Tapping Solution,” He has also been a presenter at a number of events, including Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success, has done teleseminars with “The Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale, and has been heard internationally on a number of internet radio talk shows. Brad also has over 400 videos on YouTube, that have been viewed over 7 million times, and is a contributing expert on the Huffington Post. More info is available at

Right at this moment, no matter how you are feeling, no matter how in debt you might be, no matter how old you are or how much you weigh, and no matter what the condition of your relationships might be, you have the power to re-create yourself and your life exactly the way you desire it to be – and quite frankly, the way you deserve it to be.

Regardless of how big a gap exists between what you want and what you currently have, within you is the ability to effortlessly and joyfully bridge that gap in virtually every aspect of your life.

You can have it all, how you define it, how you want it. You do have the power to create it.

Go here to learn exactly how you can start having it all today!
