Christopher Columbus. Before he was famous! Born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa (Italy), the son...


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Christopher Columbus

Before he was famous!

Born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa (Italy), the son of a weaver.

Sold and drew maps before beginning his own expeditions.

His passion for exploration was founded after he read about Marco Polo’s expeditions.

Many people believed that the world was flat! But Christopher Columbus didn’t, he believed it was round.

The Man – Who was he?

• His first voyage almost cost him his life, after the ship was attacked by pirates. He survived by swimming to shore in Portugal.

• He met Felipa in Portugal, and they had a son named Diego. Felipa died not long after her son was born.

• Columbus moved to Spain and met Beatriz, they had a son named Fernando in 1488.

ALL ABOARD! Columbus travelled to Africa, working out the

currents of the Atlantic ocean moved east and west.

Was on a quest to reach the east, but war in the middle east was not safe. Columbus had the idea to travel west AROUND the globe to get to the east!

First Voyage• Columbus took his idea to the king of Portugal,

hoping to get some sailing ships, but the king rejected his offer. He asked the king of Genoa, then to Venice, but they all said NO!.

• Finally, the King and Queen of Spain gave Columbus three ships. The ships were called the– Santa Maria– Pinta, and– Nina

• In August 1492 Columbus set sail with his three ships.

• On the 36th day of their voyage, he set foot on the Bahama’s, claiming it as Spanish territory.

The Natives• The natives friendly and willing to trade with

Christopher Columbus. They traded glass beads, cotton balls parrots and spears.

• Of interest to Columbus was the gold the natives wore – as he had promised gold to the Queen on his return. He had no idea his obsession with their gold would cause problems later.


• Towards the end of the first journey the Santa Maria was wrecked on a reef near Hispaniola. A settlement of 39 men remained behind and built a village with wood from the ship.

• Columbus believed he had reached Asia at this time. In his mind, he had reached his goal, but he was wrong!! He had only reached the islands near America.

Second Voyage• He set sail, returning to the settlement of 39 men,

Columbus found that it had been destroyed, and all the men killed.

• The Queen of Spain did not like slavery; Columbus did not think about this and forced the native population to work, to rebuild the settlement and explore for gold.

• The native population did not like Columbus forcing them to work, and hatred grew for the new comers.

Third Voyage• On this voyage, Columbus reached what is known

today as Venezuela.

• The poor conditions and treatment of the natives in the settlement was at near mutiny, and Columbus was arrested and striped of his title.

• The charges were eventually dropped, and he convinced the king of a 4th voyage.

4th and final voyage• Conducted final voyage in 1502, travelling

along the eastern coast of Central America.• A large storm hit, wrecking one ship and

leaving Columbus stranded on Cuba.

Troubled Times with Natives

• His past poor treatment of the natives who had once been willing to trade, now turned against Columbus, refusing to give him food!

• Columbus threatened to take the native’s moon away (knowing a lunar eclipse was coming!)... When the eclipse occurred, the natives were frightened and began to trade food again.

• Eventually rescued from their shipwreck in November 1504.

End of Columbus’ life

• Columbus died 20th May 1506... He died – With little money

– Believing himself to be a failure

– Also believed that when he reached Central America he had discovered Asia

Mixed LegacyPOSITIVE

+ Founding a pathway from Europe to the Americas for new colonies to be built.+ Proved the world IS round!!

NEGATIVE- The destruction of the native American people through carrying diseases they had never experienced, and almost wiping out an entire race.

- Failed to find the new path around the world to Asia and all the riches he promised the Queen of Spain

OVERALL* Affected every society on the planet by the transfer of plants, animals, disease and cultures.


• A & E Television Network 2011. Biography Christopher Columbus. Retrieved 11th October 2011 from

• Madeira Tours 2011. Cover image retrieved on the 13th of October 2011 from

• Longgame Software 2005. Globe image retrieved on the 13th October 2011 from
